Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, August 19, 1898, Image 1

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    r,ii Library
16th YEAR.
UUU - , Wff
Must be strictly pure WHITE, ful1 grown, and
have painted in neat two inch black letters on
either side the following words: "Have your fire
insurance written by an agent who has had years
of experience in writing policies and who represents
only the largest and best companies in the world."
...Bicycles With Wings...
The nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect
ed and the makers who produced the Chainless Bicycle are public bene
factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving
parts. No attention necessary. "You buy the whuel the Columbia
Chainless does the rest." Not an hour of time taken to keep the Chainless
in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appearance. Less
expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of
use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of
America's oldest and most modern and complete bicycle factory. "You
see them everywhere." They are
Columbia Chain 'Wheels $ 75.00
Columbia Tandems 195.00
HartfnrtU B0.00
35.b6 iO.OO
Manager Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurancs Co.
Died 11 months
after passing the
Dear Sir: On
this place, took out
I wish to thank you
$2000.00 Policy
6.12 Dividend
$2000 being the full
dividend added by
of sharing its profits
$2000.12 Total paid been pai(1 sixteen
of Springfield, Massachusetts.
(Incorporated 185 1)
H. C. COLTON.nager
Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of Commerce
Do not crowd your guests on a 'J?
small unsightly dinner table.
Dinner tast better on a large table,
besides your friends will go away
with the impression that you are a
well to do and refined man. We
sell Ash Extension Tables for j
$4.50 and Ladies Folding Sewing J
Tables for $i.oov
The House Furnishers
.1111 Womens ..
. 32. GO
Seconrt-haiiil Wheels.
30.00 to $30.00
Cut-rate Druggists, Agents.
Fossil, Okeqox, June 2, 1898
July 13th, 1897, Mr. W. R. Popplewell, of
$2000 insurance through special agent II
T. Booth. Mr Popplewell died suddenly of appendieits, and
for company's draft for $2006.12 th
amount insured fur, and the $0.12 being
the Company in accordance with its polie;
with all policy holders. The claim has
days from the time proofs were filed, an
your promptness in the matter proves that it is best to insure
in a first-class company, and I shall be pleased to endorse the
Massachusetts Mutual whenever opportunity offers.
Yours very truly, W. V. IIoovEit,
"Executor of the estate of W. K. Popplewell.
August Term T. F. Ryan, Judge.
S. F. Harks and R. Morton,
(Continued from last week.)
L Stout, assessor 104 00
62 00
36 00
Noblitt's stables......' 4 00
Peter Nehren, meals for prisoners 75 00
Coast Agency Co 2 15
Geo B Kate & Co, powder 81 30
red Wyder, road and bridge.. . . 25 00
Sun Insurance Co 45 00
W Grout, sheriff acet 50 00
L II Feaster, sheriff acct. . . ... . . 18 00
& L Bagsby. election acct 2 00
COT Williams, insurance 22 50
h L Charman, insurance. . ...... 36 00
In the matter of the report of viewers
f damages on the Linn road. Came
p on Wednesday, August 3rd, and laid
ver-until Wednesday. August 10th.
Tlie tetition was denied, and viewers of
amages ordered paid as follows : A. L.
Jones, U; J. M. Tracy, $4 60; W. P.
Kirehem, $3 20.
In the matter of the petition of John
Weismandle, et al, for a county read;
came up on August 3rd, and laid over
one week. Denied on account of an in
definite description in the notice of lo
cation of proposed new road and that
portion ol tlie old road to be relocated.
In the matter of the petition of W. H.
Smith, et a!, against the remission of
taxes on the Clayson estate, the same
was laid over until the September
In the matter of the warranty deed
for the Deep creed bridge site, the same
was accepted and ordered recorded.
In the matter of the bond of M. C-
Strickland, coroner-elect, the same was
accepted and approved.
In the matter of the affidavit of Theo
dore Wygant for tax rebate, Ihe peti
tion was denied.
In the ma petitiou of
Phoebe F. Sharp for a road of public
easement, the viewers, James Wilson,
Frank Bates and David Binger, ap
pointed to view said road and assess
damages, reported that the petitioners
should pay damages to the ex-adrainis-
trator of estate, anu notined to meet
August 27th, 1898.
In the matter nf the claim of J.L.
Waldron for a horse killed, while work
ing on road, it was ordered that he be
allowed $15 to aid in paying for the Iobs
of said horse.
In the matter of the petition of W. H.
Burghardt, agent, for a franchise for an
electric railway over and upon certain
roads of Clackamas county, the follow-
ng ordei wa3 considered, but laid over
,ntil the September term, on the first
clay ol said term September 7th, at 11
o clock a. m., to give tlie property own
ers along the proposed line an oppsr
tunity to present their views in the mat
ter. "This matter coming on regularly to
be heard, and it appearing to the court
that said petition should be granted,
and all things being by the court con
It is ordered that there be and there
is hereby granted unto W. H. Burg
hardt, agent, and his assigns, the right
and pnyilege to lay down, maintain
and operate iron and steel railway
tracks, and to erect poles and appli
ances and stretch wires thereon for the
purposo of transmitting power, to be
used in operating said railway and for
railway purposes and to operate a rail
way by electric power upon the roads of
Clackamas county as follows:
"Beginning at the intersection of Sev
-enth street. Oregon City, with Molalla
avenue; thence along the West side oE
Molalla avenue to junction ol Molalla
and Highland roads; thence along the
West side of said Highland road to
point 1800 feet South of South pier of
what is known as tlie Latourette bridge
"The track of said railway shall be a
single one with necessary turnouts and
turntiibles and shall be laid and the
poles erected for the purposes tierein-
before specified along the Westerly side
of said roads and within a line 10 feet
from the westerly side of said roads ac
cording to the surveys thereof, which
space is hereby granted to said W, H
Burghardt, agent, and to his assigns as
a right of way for the purposes of said
railway; said road to be placed upon
adopted grades, excepting where t,pec
ially agreed upon between this court and
'the said Bnrkhardt, agent, or his as'
signs from road abutting property.
"iSo right is granted to use any
county bridge or culverts
'The track over said right of way shall
be completed within two years from the
date of this order, and work shall be
commenced upon the said righ
of way for the purpose of preparing it
for the said tracks and poles wijhiu one
year from the (late hereof.
"The right is reserved bv the county
court to make necessary orders or rules
to regulate the limning of the railroad
over the roads of Clackamas Co that ma
he necessary for the convenience au
safely of the public.
"All rights and privileges hereby con
ferred shall expire at the end of 5!) years
from the dale of this order, or upon
failure to comply wnh any ol the pro
vicious of this fianchise.
"Said W. H. Burghardt, agent, or hi
assigns, shall within two years from tl
date of this order and thereafter during
the term of this franchise, operate car
npon fraid railway at least once each
dny in each direction, over the entire
right of way hereby granted, and a fail
ure to operate said cars for more than
100 oa) s in any one year shall work a
forfeiture of this franchise.
"A failure on the part of said W. II.
Burghardt, agent, or his assigns, to
comply with any of the provisions of the
franchise shall work a forfeiture of all
rights and privilege hereby conferred."
Also, utidcr same conditions :
, "Beginning at a point on West side of
Ilighlani road, 1800 feet South of the
south pier of what is known as Latour
ette bridge; thence along the West
side of Highland road where the north
and south one-halt section line of sec
tion 22, township 3 south, range 2 East,
intersects said Highland road."
In the matter of the petition of Philip
B. Haste and others for work on Mount
Angel road, the same was referred to
Supervisor Young.
In the matter of filling road in dis
trict No. 29, the petition was granted.
In the matter of the application of
Mr. Wyland for county aid, he was
granted $8 per month, to be paid to Mrs
In the matter of the bond of Jacob
Shade, treasurer-elect, the same was ac
cepted and approved.
In the matter of the bond of J. J.
Cooke, sheriff-elect, accepted and ap
proved. 1
The road supervisors' renoits on
bridges for July was accepted.
In the matter of county aid for Mrs.
Fleming and family, she was granted
$8 per mouth to begin September 1st,
In the matter of thehill in district No.
referred to Commissioner Morton
ith power to act.
It was ordered that the monthly al-
lawance of Samuel Forsythe be discon-
nued from this date.
In the matter of bids for wood for
court house, bids were received as fol
lows; E. M. Hames, $2 25; George
azelle, $2 40. Contract awarded to
Homes, to be delivered according to no
tice. In the matter of work in road district
No. 2, $125 allowed on Sunnyaide road
and also to brace Scott's creek bridge.
In the matter of the report of the clerk
and recorder for the month of August
1898.. The court having examined same
they are hereby approved and show
collections as follows, to-wit: Clerk,
$75 90; recorder, $125 55.
In the matter of mileage and per diem
ot tne county commissioners for the
month of August, 1898. S F Marks 11
days, 26 miles, $36 60; J R Morton, 11
days, -'(i miles, $35 00.
M L Moore, back pay, treas acct.. $50 00
W Jones, road and bridge acct.. 53 93
C W Vonderahe, road and bridge. 53 75
R Miller, road and bridge acct. . . 3 00
Lvman Herrich. state vs Wilhelm
btonele, Uusan acct 10 60
Thomas Bechill, state vs Wilhelm
Ktoheler, insane acct 10 60
Adolf Aschoff, state vs Wilhelm
Stoffeler, insane acct 10 60
R reytag, pauper acct 4 00
OO Hospital, pauper acct 73 13
C Schuebel, state vs L Hemler. . . 3 9o
M F McCown " " " .... 5 30
F W Sulliuan, witness 1 70
Himler, 'witness 1 50
C Schuebel, state vs L Locy 3 20
LShaw " " ..... 1 70
O Schuebel, state vs 9 Adler 4 95
M F McCown " " " 3 00
Herald, printing 38 90
Geo 3ronghton, lumber 538 99
Harry freeman, coroners acct.... 1 70
O C Press, printing 18 30
O C Herald, printing 15 75
L H Feaster, sheriffs acct 11 00
Mrs L Winesett, pauper aict. ... 25 00
Chns Moehnke, road and bridge. . 71 58
John Bittner, road and bridge uc.. 30 25
Geo Blount . " " " 21 25
A W France " " " 31 87
II Trembath " " " 18 00
G W Church " " " 13 50
John Greenwell, road and bridge. 6 00
C Greenman, express
F T Barlow, broom
Jacob Cast-ell, pauper act 1
E A Sommer, insane acct 0
Circuit Court Balifl's
Thomas Miller, circuit court baliff 3
TW Fonts " " " 3
E D Olds, road and bridge acct. . . 75 60
In the matter of the reports of road
supervisors (or the month of July, 1898,
court having examined said reports, it is
ordered that they be, and the same are
hereby approved, and the expenses ol
the several disiricts are hereby ordered
paid, and the clerk is hereby instructed
to draw warrants on the road and gen
eral fund for the several amounts, iu fa
vor of the following named persons:
Road District No. 1
J rl Meyer, lumber $10 10
Paul Spooner, road fund 1 50
Harry Giftord " " 1 60
W H Counsell " " 4 00
" team, road fund. .. . 150
Total $18 00
Road District No. 2
J B Gramer
0 K Cramer
C Noel ..
fund $12 00
" 18 00
" 18 00
" 3 00
" 15 00
" 60 75
" 6 00
PDesheals " " ...
C Luthwait " " ...
I Wilson " " ...
Harrison Imel " "...
Milow Thompson, road fund.
Willis Imel " " .
B Danford " " .
M Webster " " .
7 50
3 75
7 50
1 50
Total $93 00
Road Di-trict No. 3
J C Elliot, general fund, nails. . . . 55
Jos Buck man, road fund 15 40
Chris Ilisor and team, road fund. . 24 Ol)
Henry BiM-k, road fund
Orin Griffith " "
15 7.5
J 5 00
A W Cooke '
W W Cooke '
CWillniiin '
H Paulson '
Wm Derringer '
" 42 5(1
" 10 50
" 1 51)
" 3 00
" 9 01)
Grant Mumpower 6 00
John Hatton and team 0 00
A Forbes ana team 9 00 1
Wm Hkirvin 7 50
J R Morton 2 50
D Yinzant 3 00
F Noinagel 1 60
G Mumpower 3 93
J C Elliott, nails 55
Jog Bauhman, blacksmith 15 40
Road District No4
$235 50
II F Currin $ 4
Ed Noble 1 1
Total f 5 50
Boad District No 5
A Vetsch 2 25
OJAemisegger 3 00
WRichey 751
D Hedderman 2 25
OKichey 150
W Koring 1 50
WIBerniker..... 3 00
G Rich 4 00
W Deen 6 00
OJW Richey 3 00
John Epperson.,., 3 00
W Holt 1 50
J Andersoh 1 50
O M Anderson 1 50
O M Richey and team 2 50
J A Richey and team 2 50
J A Richey, suparvisor , 6 12
Total.... ...$C1 64
Road District No 6 -
J H Revenue, supervisor. . , . $42 00
Road District No 8
OP Ware ..I.. 75
WMPosalsky 75
Total... $ 1-50
Road District No 9
Peter Pohl .. ..$ 1 25
Frank Ochs 1 25
Jacob Schmidt v.... 1 25
Herman Lius ,. . . , 3 00
H Johnseu 1 50
Total ,..$ 8 25
Road District No 11
J R Jones, general fuu d $ 7 04
Henry tiill. .. . , 21 00
Sam Forcvthe 13 50
T S Mann". 15 00
J Jones... 30 00
A Asmus 3 00
C A Holmstrom 26 00
Total $127 04
Road District No 13
LTeney and team $ 3 00
A L Mattoon and team 7 50
G Wallau and team ' 6 00
F A Mattoon 3 00
J Mattoon, with team 3 00
U Zurcher 3 00
A J Randolph 3 00
W Bnrhford 3 00
LLTenney 150
VH Mattoon 5 00
Total $42 00
Road District No 14
B F Linn, general fund.. 53 10
J L Swa fiord . 19 00
O Kuntzman 7 50
JohnGillet 6 70
S Oglesbv 4 50
Ed Batdorf 12 25
Fred Williams 26 25
W Muir 10 50
H Muir.. 12 25
ONash 3 50
District No 15 -R
il Tabler .........$13 00
Geo Kidder 15 00
RW Porter.... 3 00
Total $31 00
Road District No 17
Bridge work oa the Knight and J.
Nat bridges.
Carlton & Rosecrans, nails t 1 75
Ad kins Bros, lumber 34 14
A Knight 1 50
Wm Bissell ; 3 00
J F Deyoe 3 75
C Hniras, hauling lumber 150
C Morras, hauling lumber 6 75
D R Dimick, supervisor 10 00
D It Dimick, hauling powder 3 00
Fll Renood, hauling gravel 1 50
Total $09 89
District JNo 18
AVork on Highland and Molalla road
Wm Beeson & Son.lumber $175 00
F Irish 3 00
Moses Thomas 3 00
E Jones 3 75
Thomas Daniels. . . 6 00
Jacob Steiner 6 00
John Bohlander (1 00
William Martin 7 60
Wm Grisenthwaite 1.., 6 00
Henry Hughes 6 00
Carl Stndcman 4 50
Albert Hornscbuch ,
Henry Ginther
D W Robertson
George Schmidt . .
Eugene Cummins ,
i A Schuebel
E W Horiischuclj..
" hauling powder.
1 50
13 00
13 00
3 00
- Total $275 00
District No 0
J W JoneB, general fund $ 7 60
W O Buckner, general fund..,
M L Freeman " . . ,
W T Henderson "
Correl Stromgreen "
Joseph Fellons "
W Mayfiold "
F May field "
F Welch and team "
F W North "
W O Bucknor "
S3 8,1
District No. 22
.$41 68
Levi Bobbins, general fund $ 1 50
A Trullinger Bros, general fund.. . 15 84
A Engle 9 00
M Bchuffer 6 00
FSchoffer 3 00
B F llarless 3 00
R Dickey 12 00
V Dickey 7 60
W II Knglo 0 00
B F llarU-HS 3 00
B F Noycr.
H Engle. . .
R Eickey..
G Ball
Total .
.$74 34
District No 23
Work on Aurora and Taylor bridges
C Zimmerman, general fund $ 3 00
.1.1 Miller, general fund 1 60
W J Miller, general fund 6 00
.$10 50
District No 24
Work on Barlow and Marquam roads
R Garret M-''
L Yoder 2 50
E Miller 1 00
G H Kir
10 0
.$19 00
Tliutrir-t Kfl 25
Graveling and work on Canby and
MiuuMlnirff and Molalla roads.
J W Smith 7 60
G W Scramblin 7a
John Barth 7 50
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious,
Absolutely Pure
C Weismandol 9 75
II Hanif.3 12 00
Park Wallace 9 00
ChasHarnack 6 00
F Wehner 1 50
Geo Harmes. . , . 6 00
J E Walls 6 75
HKummer. ... 6 00
L E Bowers . . i . . . 1 50
J J Gibson 1 50
F Lamour 3 75
Bert Wallace 1 50
J H Daly, supervisor 16 00
Work on Oregon City, Silverton,
Oanby and Macksburg roads.
H Kumuier 2 25
J W Smith 1 50
John Barth , 3 75
Park Wallace 1 50
F Wehner 1 60
BLubbens. , 150
J H Daly, bridge. 3 00
JUibson ... 4 50'
Total $120 00
District No 27 -
Sturges Bros, general fund $ 3 36
S Yoder, general fund 4 60
A Yoder 15 00
0 T Touny, supervisor 5 00
Total $27 96
District No 30
Pope & Co, general fund $ 1 87
Blckner " " 3 00
A Fortner , . " " 10 00
Pitts 7 60
M Peterson 2 00
J Obrien and toam 8 00
Total $34 37
District No 26 '
LStehman 8 12
A L Pratt , 8 12
J Akon 1 60
J Shaver ,. 6 00
J A Hannager 1 87'
CDurroll 6 Oil
A Wells 1 50
J R Shaver 1 50
.$34 34
District No 31
7j Elligson and team $ 4 50
C Baker 7 50
CPolifka 160
P ABnker 4 00
Total $17 50
District No 32 General fund.
R Vincent $24 45
WE Heater 3 75
IIVoss 150
O Calkins 150
SMHihnan 4 50
II Yeager 8 00
E L Baker and team 3 00
A Voss 1 50
EL Baker 3 50
District No 35
..$29 25
O O Iron Works, gonoral fund,
J Noze, general fund
6 85
'.! 1
Waldo Long, road fund
.$9 40
Annual Teachers' Institute.
To the Teachers' of Clackamas County:
I take pleasure in announcing to you
that the Annual Teachers' Instituto for
1898, Clackamas county, will be held at
Oregon City in the Barclay school build
ing, commencing Monday, August 29th,
at 9 o'clock a. in., aud closing Friday,
September 2nd .
The Instructors will be Profs. J, II.
Ackerman and W. A. Wetzell.
Profs. F. Rigler and C. W.Durotte are
exnocLcd to address the institute on
educational subjects.
Mrs. J II. Strickler, of Oregon City,
will furnish vocal music at each after
noon session.
Instruction will be given In the best
methods of teaching all the common
The prompt and regular attendance of
ull the teachers of the county isexpectuJ.
Your attention is respectfully culled to
the school laws of Oregon, which re
quites all teachers' holding state papers,
as well as those holding county certifi
cates, to attend the annual teachers'
institute, under penalty of having their
certificates .revoked for failure to do e
without cause.
The hearty co-operation of our teachers
is needed to make this, an Institute, of
interest and profit.
We hope that you will enroll on tho
first day and be present at each session.
Yours truly,
II. S. Stkaxoe,
Superintendent of Schools,
Clackamas County, Ore.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.