, . it Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache. InioOdS lnsomina, nervousness, and, Pills If not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsapanlliw DIRECTORY CHURCHES. First Cnng-egnlinnal, comer M aln nnd Eleventh streets Kev. I . w. cuner, pasoir. nerwven 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Snmlny school alter morning service. Prayer meeting every Thurs dav evening at 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Y P. ?. C. E. every Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m. First Bnptlst, corner Main and Mnth streets Kev. M. L. Itugg, pastor. Morning serviee, 10:30; Sunday school, 11:45. Evening service, 7:80. Regular prayer meeting Thursday evening. Monthly covennnt meeting every Wednesday evening preceding first Sunday iu the month. St. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and river Rev. A. Hlllehrnnd. pastor. On Sun day, mass at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Every Sunday German sermon after K o'clock mass. At all other masses English sermons. Sunday school 2:30 p. in. Vespers, Apologetieal subjects and benediction at 7:30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Seventh streets Rev. H. Oberg, pastor. Morning service it lOtff), Mindav school at 10:00, Evening service tit 7:80, Kpwnrth League Sim day evening at 6:30, praver meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Class meeting after morning service. First Prcsbjterlan, corner Peventh and Jefferson streets Rev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor. Ser vices al 11 a.m.pnd 7:80 p.m. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. meets every Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 8:00. Evangelical, German, corner Eight and Madison streets Kev. J. Evlch, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at, 11 a. m, and 730 p. m. Sab bath school every Sunday at 10 a. in. Weekly prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce streets , pastor, services second and fourth Snndav mornings and the preced ing Saturday in each month at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., and the first Sunday afternoon of each tnnnin at f ans view. at. Paul's Episcopal, corner Ninth and river Rev. H. L. Idlenian, pastor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m . Sunday Ri'hool at 10 a. m. riuays, evening prayer witu aaurefs, al 7:au. r'.vangellcal-Luthoran.Zlon Congregation, oorner feigntn and Jetterson streets Rev. t. hack, pastor. Sunday school it 9:30 a. m Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Herman Lutheran, Ohio Svnod, corner of Eighth nuu nuauiB oil ecw ivi: v. iwuuai v. if Mack, pastor. M. E. South Rev. W. L. Mallov, pastor. Third Sunday at United Brethren Church. congregational. Elvviile Services second and fourth Simdavs at 3 p m., by Rev. Butler of Blru, ..!.-.. L, . lUi., Free Methodist Kev. J. W. Eldrldgo, pastor. preaching first and tlilra Tuesuiivs at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Every Thursday evening. Services held In Congregational church at Kiyvlllo. SOCIETIES 1. 1st of All Societies In this County With Meeting J'laoe and Date. OREGON CITY. r Us City Lodge No. 109 of A. O.U. W.-Every Saturday evening in A. O. U. W. hull on Sev: ntn struct. fegon Lodgo No. 3, 1. O. O.F. Every Thursday veiling tu uuu reuows nan (. ills Encampment No. 4, 1. O.O. F. First aud ihlrd Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' hall. v. Illametto Rebekah Degree Idgo No. 2 The xeeond and fourth l'ruluys In l.O.O. h . hall . Iwmetliy Kebekah Degree Uxlge No. 30. Tues lay evening at l. o. o. r . hall. J Itnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A A. M Regular iiminuuieatioiis on nrst auu third Saturdays. 5" rile Lodge No. 24, D. of H. Every Friday In i. v. u. y. nan. t'l'iekamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular con vocation third Monday. I' urt Robin Hood No. 8330, F. of A.-Wlllamette iMIion second aim fourlli Fridays, t'-i.neor Chapter, No.2S, 0. E. 8. Masonio Tom- ie on mesuays. H lUmette Camp No. 148, W. of W.-Socond and i ourtn iuesilays In Kedmun s hall I'. Hit drove Circle No. 32, W. W.-Rodmen's hall i iieeuay evenings. ' h.-heno Tribe, No. 13,1. 0. R. M. Tuesday ovo i ng at Redmen's bull, Jaggar building. i-uile Post, No. O. A. R. First Monday of each minim at nuiaiueiie uau. !e 'do Relief Corps, No. 18 First and third i riuays oi cacn immui In lllnmeue hall, m John's Branch No. 617. C. K. of A. Every 'itiauay uvenuig at Lueir nail I ii ted Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every . .niiHiiuy. To.. latin Tent, K. O. T. M.-A. O. U, W. hall ier Seventh street, ou second and fourth onuays. 'vi-on city Hoard of T rade At court house on " nuay in each mouth. '"iiiMibia Hook and Ladder Co. First Friday of it u iiiuimi ui i-uiiiiiiiui engine House. 1 1 iinlain Huso Co. No. 1 Second Wednesday 'n -nvii uiuiiiu hi ruuniaiu engine notise. llUrat Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each iim nv v niaraui uiiKiue UOIISC: r iion CUy llosa Co No. 2 -Hose house on the n jie mini i ucsitay ol eaen month, .i ,. View Hose, Co. 4 Hose house at Klyville. COUNTY. 'j 'ron lodge No. 13.1, A. 0, IT. W, Every . iiitiftuuj uvi-iuiiK in Willi reuows IIIU1, USVYL'gO. Is la Lodgo No. 40, A. 0, IT. W. First and im Muuiimvi at si noiu House, Mulalla, 1. 1 Lodge No. M, A. O. V. W. Second and miBaiuriiayoveningsai Milgut liall,Cnby. kimns Lodge, No. M. A. O. It, W. First and ...in iionoaysai nirite s uau, Clackamas. ib Lodge No. 43, A. O. V. W. Second and . ui in omuniiiy hi v iisonvuie. V '.i'i toe Lodge No. 20, D. of II, Every Tuesday ll,llK. kah Lodge No. 71, I. O. O. K., of Oswego - . . Ulnilliy VVl-UIIIH, - go Lodge No. 03, 1. 0. O. F.-Odd Fellow's . i ,usrcgo, every iMonouy evening. i , r r Ine Lodge No. 3, A. F. Jt A, M of Logan - nil Pope Post No. frJi O. A. R First Satin in i-uvu iiiuiuii ui m ange nau, niiiuno. , i . riil Crook Post No. 22, II. A. P.. School house m .M'euy on nisi eimuiiiny in cacti uiontli. i. I.odge No. IW, K. of P. Every Weducsday . iiioh 111 i nsue uau. I'v Lodgo No. fHU, I. O. G. T,-Flrsl and Third . ,. unlay evenings at Knight's Hall, canny. 1 ( u" Idgo No. 4 IS. I. O. (I. T. Every Friday ' . ulng in new hall In old town. . .. y Spiritualist Society-First ami Third Sun . . is of each uumth, r ra W. 0, T. U. First Saturday In each in h al tliulr ball in New Era, u water No. 203, P, of H.-Ou second Hatur i tur full iuihu. Hoiinl of Trade K night's hall, Canny, ou . . no third Fridays, '"'i Orange No. 40, P. of H. Their hall at .Ill's bridge on the second Saturday ol month at 10 a. m. 'in (iranire, No. Ill, P. of II. Last Saturday . i Ii mouth at their hall In Wllsonvlllo. - i . r Orange No. 117, P. of 1L Fourth Satur- . ' f each month at their hall In New Era. ' Creek (irango No. 8, P. ol 11. At hall In Nviaui second Satuiday in each nionih. i"i Orange No. 175, P. of II. Second Belur i ach nioulli. -mi Orango No. acfl, P. of H. First Satur . v In mouth lu Damascus school house. I ' ( 'reek No. 255, P. Of U.-ThIM Saturday In I iuoihii. tOrvllle) No. Sifl, P. of II .-Second 8alnr- - in montn i l d No. ail, P. of A. First Saturday In n". Vo. 202, P. of H.-Flrst and third Satt n month ". f SixHtlia art h'adfy reiHtltd to ike niior nf any caunyc H ifac or Treasurer's Report Meade Corps Volunteer Auxiliary. KKCEirrs. From ch'm flag committee..! 8 80 Membership fees 16 25 Dura)......... 2 85 Lawn social 41 57 Donations... 2 50 -871 97 EXPENDITURES. Material for bands $21 44 Material for housewives 1 29 Material for caps 1 50 Hall rent.... 4 00 Miscellaneous expense 1 55 -$29 78 Balance on hand." $42 19 Mrs. Jennie Sullivan, Treas. Names of Members. Mrs E L Clouse, president ; Miss Jen nie Eowen, secretary ; Mrs Jennie Sulli van, treasurer; Mrs Rosa Fouts, Mrs Millie Shadle, Mrs Henrietta Doremus, Mrs Jennie Meldrum, Mrs Mary Stafford, Mrs Fannie L Cochrane, Mrs Sarah Mc Cown, Mrs Margaret Pilsbury, Mrs M M Charman, Mis Pauline Metzner, Mrs Margaret Williams, Mrs Jennie B Hard ing, Mrs Thomas, Mrs E 0 Hamilton, Mrs G E Rodgers, Mrs Zumwalt, Mrs Roda Williams, Mr Midlam, Mr E G Caufield, Rev A Hillebrand, Mrs W W Duff, Mr and Mrs James Roake, Rev Harold Oberg, Mrs A R Sprague, Mrs E W Cosper, Mr and Mrs I D Taylor, Mrs .10 Keller, Mr T W Sullivan, MrChas A Fitch, Mr and Mrs J Monroe Mark, Mr Rudolph Koerner, Mr and Mrs H L Kelly, Mrs A E Nash, Mrs Maria Cau field, Mr Wm Sheahan, Mrs R Potter, Mrs Laura Pope, Dr W E Carll, Mrs G C Potter, Miss Kate Shadle, Mrs Bur meister, Mrs G M Glasspool, Mrs J W Cole, Mrs Emma Galloway, Mr Wm Galloway, Mrs F C Miller, Miss Kate Barkley, Mrs Hattie .M Pratt, Mr S L Selling, Miss Sibyl Lippett, Miss Rosa Selling, Mrs Babette Selling, Mr Sol Garde, Mr M Rosenbaum, Mr and Mrs M E Clan-y, Mr Moffett, Mr J C Zineer. REALITY TRANSERS. . Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. W B Partlow to J L and M A Evans. 4 acres, S S Whitet;lm ; $273. G and R Stock to A Stock, 75 acres, E Fisher elm, also lots 8, 9 and 10, blk 17, Park Add; $1. A 1) and W A Bear to S E Berni, ne of ne4, also 10 feet along south Bide of nJ o nej, sec 7, t 7 s, 1 e ; $1750. C A and J Carlisle to G W Force, 3.06 acres, sec 17, 4 s, 2 e ;$450. E C Johnson to J C Zinser, lots 1 and and 8, blk 48, Oregon City; $1050. Wm Broughton heirs (by Police) to Oregon City, lot 1, blk 100; $850.29. L T Barin (by Police) to Oregon Oily, lot5, blk 15,0 C; $189.91. L T Barin (by Police) to Creon City, lot 6, blk 15, OO; $185.98. ' Wm Broughton heir (by Police) to Oregon City lot 8, blk 160. T Wygant (by Police) to Oregon City, lot 3, blk 10, O C; $231.93. T Wygant (by Police) to Oregon City, lot 2, blk 10, OCj $195.71. . 1 At Magone's Pi The Tortland Multnomah For esters' Club will give a Basket Picnic v At Magone's Tark, next IV Sunday, August 14th. Music by Cordray's Band. Dancing, Music, Recreation! All Oregon City people are in vited to join us fo an outing. Round trip ou Str. Altona. which includes admission to the park, adults 25c; children 20c. See reg- llllir Sllllllnv tima tnliln ili Dancing Free If A.&C. R. R. CO. SUMMER SCHEDULE SEASIDE EXPRESS Dally Except Sunday Loaves Union Depot Pobtiand at 8 a. m. for Ranter, Maygers, (llatBkanio, Astoria, riiulng through to Clatsop Beach Points without change, arriving at Seaside at 1:20 n. m. llv this train you can have seven hours at Astoria aiwl nmnn, tlnnato longer time at Intermediate points and return to Portland the same, day, arriving at i muu ucpoi at iu.Ai p. m. ASTOIUA EXPRESS Dally Except Saturday Loaves Union Depot Portland at 7 p.m. arrives at Astoria llliOT p. m. making connections the loimwing morning Willi early irains for Clatsoi Beach, anil all hoats for Ihvaoo, Knapniou am all points on I, U Jt N. R, R. via llwaco. BUSINESS MEN'S SEASIDE SPECIAL 8iturdayOnly Leaves Union Daunt. lVirtlun.l ovn.. fiai,,r.i.,v. altcrnoou at 2:80 n. in. run thr,m,.i t.i iM.i.nn peacn pouilB without ohangt! arriving Seaside 7:10 p. in. SUNDAY POPULAR EXCURSION Sundays Only Leaves Union Depot, Portland, every Sunday at 7:80 a. m. running through to all Clalsop . t'oiu,p vuniiKo, nmquig pcamu 111:10 p. m. Returning loavoa Seaside at 8 80 i arrives Union denot. Portland 10 this train pleasnie seekers can take breakfast at home, spend five auU half hours al the Beach aud return the Same dav. Consult Portland daily 'papers for rates, or i wi iei uuiot, t nion uepot. A. B. CARLTON, A lent. N. P. R. R. Office, Cor. 3rd. and Morrison 8t POBTLAND, OaiQ OA8TOIIIA. Bauitae lla Kind You Haw Mwars Bought WHAT'S THIS COMING ? 2 A Startling Prophesy Made Many Years Ago. Over forty years ago an old German hermit published in a Bavarian paper a curious prophesy. In it he foretold the Franco-Prussian war, the death of Pope Pius, and the Turco-Ruaeian debate-at-arms. He said that Germany would have three emperors In one year before the end of the century, and indicated the death of two United States presi dents by assassination. All these things nave come to pass. Ii the same article he said that when the twentieth century opens great seis mic disturbances will take place which will cause the submersion of New York city and the western half of the city of Havana. Cuba to be broken in two, while Florida and Lower California are to suf fer total extinction. The shock of these earthquakes will raze buildings to the ground in almost every city on the con tinent. Millions of lives and billions of dollars' worth of property will be lost. There is to be a change in the econom ic condition of nearly every civilized na tion. He foretells the growth of a dem ocratic spirit in England which will result in a revolution that will overthrow the present form of government and make the country a republic. He says the last ruler of Enaland will be the best the country ever had, and the first pres ident of the new nation will be one of the royal family. Queen Victoria is by long odds the best ruler England has ever had, and in a recent speech the Prince of Wales made some utterances of a decidedly liberal character. According to the hermit, Russia, Italy and France will form an alliance and go to war with Turkey. This war is to be the outgrowth of Turkish persecution of Christian subjects. This triple alliance will conquer the domain, of tha Bultan, auu hi, ine expiration oi luewar compli cations will arise which will plunge Italy and a ranee Into war with Russia. The result will be thnt France and Italy will be gobbled up by the northern powers and will cease to exist as independent nations. While war is being waged be tween them the Pope will move the seat of Catholicism from Rome to some town in southern Ireland. A rebellion will occur in the land of the shamrock, in which the country will become indepen-. dent from England. Then there will be a conflict between the ultra Catholics of south Ireland and the ultra Protestants of the north, in which the southerners will be the victors. A kingdom will be established, and it it predicted that the first, potentate will be historic for his tyranny. The prophet paints a dark picture for the United States. He says a feeling of unrest will seize the people at the close of the century. This feeling will be the outgrowth of unequal social economic conditions. He predicts that the twenty fifth president will be the last executive head of the United States. During his administration the discontented masses will break into open rebellion and the established form of government will be overthrown. W. H. Faubion. Salaries Some Men Get. Read this Mr. Farmer and Mr. La borer, you who may get as much for ten years, drudging toil as one of these men get for a months work. It will do you good : J. M. Toucey, eeneral manauer of tha Vanderbilt system gees $50,000 a year. j, al. behwab, president of the Car- negie Iron and Steel Company, cets $00,000 a year. Frank Thompson, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, gets $50,000 annually. John A. MeCall's salary as president of the New York Life Insurance Com pany is $50,000 a year. Alexander Miller, agent of one of the great steamships lines between New York and Liverpool, gets $50,000 salary. Conrad II. Mathieson gets $75,000 a year as president of the Chicago Sugar Refilling Company, and he is only 32 years old. v Dr. William Bull, Dr. Polk, Dr. Sims. and Dr. Wyeth, New York surgeons, have professional incomes of not loss than $50,000 a year each. Manley M. Gillman was paid $12,000 a year for writing the advertisements for John Wanamaker. He is probably the foremost advertising writer in the world. J. J. Storrow, a Boston lawer, who has made a specialty of electricity and electrical appliances and patents, makes $100,000 a year out ol his knowledge. John E. Parsou gets $50,000 a vear as attorney of the sugar trust. For or ganizing the trust he was paid a fee of $250,01X1, the largest single fee ever paid nil mbui uuy. Dr. John Hall, pastor of the richest congregation in New York City has a salury ol $.10,000 a year, which is in creased to $50,000 by his fees for chris tenings, weddings, etc. , Joseph Choate, the New York lawyer, gets $50,000 a year as a retainer from the whisky-trusts. His annual income is said to he not less than $250,000 mostly from great business combina tions. FARM FOR SALE A 800-acre-farm.known as the Sanders' place, situated al the town of Molnlla, Oregon, finely Improved, rich soil, 200 acres In cultivation. Hue neighborhood. Church and graded school wu me una. mis periect, no Incumbrance, possession given lunnedlitlelv tn tin nhit f Price v.,000; 83,000 down, and rmalnder oa long time i seven per cent. For further particulars Delicate Children i They do not complain of anything in particular. They J eat enough, but keep thin and J pale. They appear fairly well, , j but have no strength. You j cannot say tney are reany j sick, and so you call them j delicate. jf What can be done for them? Our answer is the same that 'm Jf the best physicians have been K giving for a quarter of a cen- tury. uive them Scon's Emulsion i of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- J ti phosphites. It has most re- J. markable nounsning power. $ Jf It gives color to the blood. It JJ ts brings strength to the mus- , cles. It adds power to the nerves. It means robust g tt health and vigor. Even deli- st cate infants rapidly gain in K flesh if given a small amount ti three or four times each day. n 50c. and $1.00 ; ill druggists. Z ft SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. 'J Clearance Sale Trimmed Hats $1.50up Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed Hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled. Kid Gloves Cleaned. Hair Work In All Its Brandies Done with Neat ness and Dispatch. R: BECKER, 220 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OR MEN! be cured If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & C0.f 1051 Market St Est'd 1862. 1 Young men and middle j aired men who are sufferinat I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- j cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical jfeDiiii.v,iiiiminctv,jJont jriamimMi j in all its complications: Mikepiiiatorrlia. ProR.iUorrlHPK, Ootiorrlupa, leef , j FreiiMmv of tlrtiinftiiiir. etc. Bv a ' I combination of remedies, of great curative pow- ( er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' I that it will not only afford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to ' I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair ( and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent ' i in his specialty Ii'iiH'M of If I en. , NyphlllH thoroughly ernrl tented frotll the system witnoiitusinir flleirciirvt EVERY JtlAtV anplylnir to WS Will re-( i ceiveouriane,?tomtonot niH rnmpimnt. We will Guarantee a POS1 TI VE CURE in ft'Mrj case we undertake, or forfeit One Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VER Y REASONABLE. Treat- "Tllft IMiilnnnnliv fif 1lairinvi. I fre (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DR. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomv i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I are made; now to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually addtnjr new specimens. CATALOGUE i'KES. Call or write. I OS I Market Street. San Pranelarn. Cal BARGAINS. For particulars apply at Coukier office, Oregon City, OCftA A four-room house and lot In Oregon vJVIUoity; good location with fine view of river: young trees and shrubs: place cost over 111)0. CPftft An eight-room house and two large gOUUiuts in lower part of Oregmi City (Green Point), ham; good bearing orchard; or will trade for smaller place and take diff'erencj in cash. Oil AfJTwo'good houses and lot; houses rented iPllUUnear paper mill - Oregon City, will trade or sell cn installment plan. If yon have anything to trade or sell It will pay you to send description to the Col kieu. No charges unless sale or trade is made. YOUR PRICE, An 80-acre farm, ebout '2' miles southeast of the courthouse, at a bargain: tltij perfect; also two lots, one in South Oregon City and the other In Oregon City proper; title perfect. All thiB property must he sold. Terms easy: hard time iiricea. Anyone thai wants to buy will find it to lis lnteresl'to investigate this. JlllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllS. SOME PAPERS GIVE I I ALL THE NEWS I PART OF THE TIME, AND SOME PAPERS E GIVE PART Or THE NEWS I : ALL OF THE TIME. THE CALL i IS THE ONLY PAPER I THAT GIVES I ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME SUBSCRIPTION PRICK INCLI'DIKQ POSTAGE Dally Call, including Sunday 12 mo 86 00 6 8 00 1 50 65 1 50 1 50 75 2 50 8 1 32 12 Sunday Call Weekly " I Snndav and eklv Call 12 j Delivered by carrier, every aay, ooo. mo. s W. S. LEAKE, NUnaocr. SuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiMiir CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of OASTOniA. Bcaw th II Wwl Ym Haw Always Bought SHERIFF'S SALE In the Cirouit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Henry Milcy, Plaintiff, vs. John Gordon and James Burliugame. Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE Or A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal ol tne aoove entitled couri, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 28th day of July, 1W)8, upon a judgment renderedandentered in said court on the 18th duy of April, lm, in favor of Henry Miley, plaintiff', and asaiust John Gordon and James Burlingame, defendants, for the sum of $606.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the lMh day of April, 1898, and the further sum of $50, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $15 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following describeu real properly, situated in the county of Clackamas, stale of Oregon, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section fifteen (16) in township four (4) south, range two (2) east of the Willamette meridian, containing forty i0) acres. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1898, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, In said County and Stale, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest uloner, ror u. 8. g"ld ooln cash in nana, all tne right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on Che dale of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy saidexecution, judgment order, decree, interost, costs and all accruing costs. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 28th, 1898. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tne uouiity ot Ulaoaamas. The Oswego Comercial and Savings Bank of Oswego, Ore gon, A Corporation, Plaintiff", vs. Ed. Dtipiiis, Eose Dnnuis, Henry Gerson, J. V. Lankin and Meier Ehrman, Joseph bhrman.Sol. W. Khrman anil Edwin Ehrman Co.. piirties doing Dullness underthefirin name of Muson, Ehrman and Company, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. DY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, "decree and an execution, duly issued out of ana unuer ine seal ol tne aoove entitled court, in the above enlitled cause, to me duly directed and duted thefith day of August, 18!)8,npon ajudgintnt, rendered and entered in said court ou the 16lh day of June, 1898, in favor of The Oswego Comercial and Savings Bank of Oswego, Oregon, a Corporation, plaintiff, and against Ed. Dupuls, Rose Dupuis, Henry Gerson, J. V. Lankin and Meior Ehrman, Joseph Ehrman, Sol. W. Ehrman and Edwin Ehi man Co., parties doing business under the Arm name ol Mason. Ehrman and Company, defendants, for the sum of 81508.41, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per cent per annum from the 16th day of Juno, 181)8, and Hie costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, to-wit: All lots 7 and 8 In block au. in the Oswego Iron and Steel Co. s hrst ad' dition to Oswego. Now. therefore, hv virtue nf nuld PTrpmittnn judgment oider and decree, and in compliance wnn me oommanas ot saia writ, 1 will, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1898, at the hour of one o'clock. P. M.. at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, iu said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the nignest omuer, lor u. s. gold com, casii in Hand an the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to tne above described property or any part thereof iu sausiy saiu execution, juugment orcier, de cree, interest, Costs and nil accruing costs. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Or, August 5th. 1898. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for tne louiny oi Ulaoaamas. John A. Thayer, L. E. Thayer, Plaintiffs, vs. J. G. Fehler, Mary A. Fehler, li. Dodge and Fred uiuhn, Deiendaiits. State of Oregon, County of Clackamns, ss. DV VIKTUJS OF A JUDGMHNT ORDER, deoree and an execution, duly Issued out of and urder the seal of I lie above entitle J court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 10th day of A ugust, 1H'J8, upon aj wlgment render ed and entered in said court on the 10th dav of July, 1KDS, In favor of John A. Thayer, L. E. Thayer, plaintiff's, and against J. G. Fehler, Mary A. Fehler, E.Dodge and Fred Bluhn, defendants, for the sum of $300, with Interests thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 28 dav of April, 18I4, less (Si paid, and the further sum of $60, as attorney's foe, and the further sum of 810 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon tills writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described leal properly, situate in tne county ot uincicamas, state ol Oregon, to-wit: Section 2 and 11, township 8, south range 2 east, of the Willamette Meridian and situated in the County of ('lai'kanms, and Slate of Oregon, and Is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: beginning at a point in the southwest line of said chiim 43, north 52 degrees, 15 minutes, west 6 and 05-100 chains from the most southerly corner thereof; thence north 53 degrees, 15 minutes west If and 06-100 chains on the southwest line of said claim 43; thence north 37 degrees, west 34 and 65-100 chains aud parallel to the southeast line of said claim 43; thence south 45 degrees. eust 8 and 83-100 chains and parallel to the north east llneof said claim 43; thence south 37 degrees, west m ana io-jiiu ennm ana parallel to me soutn east line of said claim 43, to the place of begin ning, containing thirty acres, more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment, order aud decree, end in compliance with tne coumianus oi saia writ, i win, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 18&8 at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.,at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said Comity and State, sell at public suction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or eitherof them, had ou the date of the mortgage herein or since had iu or to Die above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu tion, judgment order, decree, interost, costs and all accruing costs. ' , J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregou City, Or., August 10lb, 1808. WOOD, BIDS WANTED. State quality and quantity you wish to furnish, also nrice lor delivery in our yard or on the hill. OkEOON (J1TY WOOLEN MILLS. Bids will be opened August 20th, 1898. souts o?ego.- znr ..The Most Desirable Suburb. ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND i T s all within one mile of nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, pood air. soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 1 5 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. L. CHAttMAN, Trustee, Charman Bros.' Block Now IS THE TIME' to clean house and repaper your rooms and house and . paint your Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-c lss lup a very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. Depart TIME SCHEDULES Arrivb for From Portland. fhom Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Fast Mail Ft. Worth, Omaha, Mail. 8:00 p.m. Kansas City, 8t 7:21) a. m. ' Louis, Chicago, and East. Spokane Walla Walla, 8po- Spokane Fiver kane, Minneapo- Flyer 2:00 p.m. lis, St. Paul, Du- 10:5 a.m. luth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Fast (:00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject tochauge.i s For San Francisco ! Sail Angust7,12, ! 17, 22, 27, 7:00 p.m. 'To Alaska :00 p.m. August 8, 28. , 8.00 p.m. Columbia River 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p.m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamette River. 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem dt Way Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette end Yam- 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur. hill Kivers. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton, & Way Land ings. 6:00 a.m. Willamette River. 4:80p.m. Tues., Thur. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis Si Way Land ings. Lv. Kiparla Snake River. Lv.Lewlstoa 1:45 a.m. 5:45 a.m. lion., Wed. Rlparia to Lewiston Sun., Tues. and Friday aud Thur. F. E. DONALDSON, Agent, Oregon City. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South, 6:00 p.m. 6:52 p. K. 7:45 a.m. North. 9:80 A. K 8:40 A. M 1:00 P. K Lt Portland At Lt Oregon City Lt Ar Ban Francisco Lt The above trains stop at all stations betweep Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer son, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Ealsey, Harris burg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, Cottege Grove, Drains, and all station! from Roseburg to Ashland, Inclusive. ROSEBURG MAIL DAILY. 9:30A.M., Lt Portland Art 4:80 P.M 6:27a.m. Lt Oregon City Lt I 8:36 p.m 8:20 P. M. Ar Roseburg Lt 1 7: 0 M DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. tVLLllAN BUFFET SLEEPE&3 AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division, Between PORTLAND nd CORVALL1S M AILTRAIN DA1LYI KXCEPT8UNDA Y.) At Albany and Corvalils connect with train of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. IZPKESe TBAIH DAILY (KXCEFT8UNDAT.) 4:60 P. M. 7.80 P.M. 8:30 P. M. Portland Ar I 8:25 A. M McMinnville Lt 5:50 A.M Independence Lt 1 4:60 A. M Rates and tickets to eastern points and Europe also JAPAN. CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, oau be obtained from E. E. BOYD, Agent, Oregon City R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager, Asst. ft. F. 4 P. Agent Portland, Or. Portland, Or. OR. PEFFER'S ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. NEW DISCOVERY, NEVER FAILS. A new, reliable and safe relief for suppressed, excessive, scanty or pain fnl menstruation. Now uned by over 80,000 Ladies. Invigorates these organs. Beware of danuekotjb im itations. $2 per box, small box Prepaid in plain wrapper. Send 4c in tamps for particulars, PKtfi'EU MIMICAL ASb.N. Chicago, UL, For Sale by Oarman A Co. PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. the center of the city and is con , .. .i, oaie. C. T. HowAr, Mulino, Oregon irwittVfr