OREGON CITY COURIER By A. V CHENEY Ealstfil In Onjgia'Jltyposto.'floeassdcond-olass matte , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If Dividlti ailvuncc, peryear , 1 SO 61 X month s , 7o Tares muuths'trial , 25 JP"The date opposite your address on the paper denotes Ihe time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OEEGON OITY, AUGUST 12, 1898 Jt might be advisable for Dewey to send a corporal of marines to bring Agninaldo aboard ship and gently carry him back to Hongkong. Tre man who lost his feet in the Klon dike and gained $100,000, being satisfied with the exchange, was doubtless not able to swap his head for anything. From the official report of expendi tures for July it appears that the war has been costing $1,000,000 a day. Looking at Ihe matter "by and large," isn't it worth it? The wife of Stanco Uwaniwitch, the chief of a band of gypsies near Chicago, is suing him for divoiceonthe grounds that he chains her to a bear. That eeeuoH to be the ground on which most women sue for divorces. ' Aooobding to a musical authority, the mooing of a cow is set to a perfect fifth, octave or tenth ; the bark of a dog to a f'Ktrth or fifth ; the neighing of a horse is a descent on the chromatic scale; while the donkey brays in a perfect octave. Yet it is thought that the quality of the donkey's voice might be improved ! Possibly the timbre o f the violin might be represented by the eqveal of the pig ; but a fine ear detects a difference. Nsitukr in Cuba nor in the Philip pines are we getting any assistance from tha riff-raff insurgents. During the tlww days' engagements near Manila between our troops and the Spanish ,lhe rebels, instead of coming to our 'succor, which, in fact, we did not need, were off inaeecluded part of the country, cele brating feasts. But now that the Philip dine eoil has been consecrated with precious American blood, the greater is the reason why we should appropriate those islands. If we do not want to annex them, whv Bell them to Great Britain. But we must, by all means, retain Manilla and the immediately contiguous country as absolutely Ameri can territory. Now, that we have shown that there must be an intrinsic value and a fiat property in all sound money systems. The question is which is the best system for Americans. A fiat paper system or a metalic system? Since e have shown that sound money must contain botfi the fiat and intrinsic power. There remains nodoubt that the bimetalic system canbe introduced with equal privileges at the mints and successfully maintained. The same law that makes the gold a legal tender will make of silver a like legal tender, in payment of all debts. The question of ratio is very easily sold and to avoid any sem-blanee of repudi ation would suggest a return to the same ratio that prevailed at the time of the isuance of our national obligations demanding payment in coin. One of the reasons presented to mv mind in support of the bimetalic system is that it gives more employment to our laboring people than does the manufac turer of fiat paper money. As the intrinsic value of any com modity depends on the cost of its pro duction. It is quite apparent that the more labor employed in the production the greater the intrinsic values. Hence the addition of silver with equal privilege with gold at the mints, is only an American policy pure and simple. J. M. 0.C.&E.R.R.C0. TIME CARD. No. 1 For Yaouina: Tiaiiih leaves Albany " " Corvaflis ' Arrive Yaquiua No. 2 Returning: Trains leaves Yaiiuina ' " Corvallis " Arrive Albany "For Dfttrnit- Trains leave Corvallis " Albany . . " Arrive Detrort Upturning Trains leave Detroit - " " Albany " Corvallis No. 1 and No. 2 connect at Albany with South' ern Pacific train giviugdirect service to and from Newport beaches. Train for the mountains arrives at Detroit at noon, giving ample time v.' reach camping grounds on the Breitenbiuh f aU Santiam rivers same day. H. I.. WALDEN, EDWIN STONE T. F. & P. A. Manager. J. TUltNEF, Agent, Albany 12:50 p. m. 1:45 p. m. b:uu p. m. 7:00 a.m. 11:40 a. 12:24 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:05 a.m. 12:20 p.m. 12:40 p. m. 6:05 p. m. 6:55 p. m. COfiriENTARlES. Every the E1CIIEST NATION OF THE GLOBE Mr. Micheal G. Munhall, the noted English statistician, is clearly of the opinion that no other nation compares with ours in all the essential elements that go to make up aggregate wealth lie also notes the fact that while tl e most of European countries have attain ed their erowth. the United States is hd parently on the threshold of an industrial ueveiopment which It has never dreamed oi oetore. Mr. Munhall submits the following taWe of estimates as being the result of careful ana compreheiwve investiga.ion into the sources of national wealth in the .several countries : United States $81 ,750,000,000 ureu urilttin OU,t3U,WH),U00 VtuMt 47,050,000,000 viwiuuiy 4U,'.'(i ,000,000 liuseia 32,IL'5,0OO,O00 Austria. 22,200,000,000 Jy 15,800,000,000 bpn 11,300,000,000 These computations are based upon values as shown by real estate records, building, merchandiHo, and railways, as well as the circulating medium of each nation. As will be seen our wealth is more than seven times greater than that of Spain, double that of Germany, two and a half times greater than that of lvussia, nearly double that of France, equal to the combined wealth of Russia, IUUy, Austria, and Spain, and f.'2.720,. 000,000 greater than that of Geat Britain. Baltimore Herald. MONEY. Redemption Is a monetary Term and What It Means. Redemption money is a term used to dinignate that part of our money system supposed to contuin all the intrinsic value of our circulating medium. The word redemption as used in this connec tion signifies the introduction of the fiat power into our monetary system, pay ment in fiat money or money whose intrinsic worth rests in the vaults of our government, simply means paying one credit with another, In fact an obligation liquidated in any of the dementi resting on tho redemp tion or gold money is not payed iu intrinsic, only in tho flat property of our pystein. The actual payment in intrinsic values the transition of the tedeinption part of our system to the holder of the liat ioi tiou of the system. There has never been a system neither can there lie one which is able to borrow the intrinsic value from the redemption part and lend it to another district sub stance, which may prove a part of the system of money. Except through and by the introduction of the flat property. Matters Concerning Local day Affairs Noticed by Courier Reporter. Acetyline gas bids fair to come into use in several establishments in Oregon City. As an experiment, it is already proving quite a success, and among the buildings recently lighted with it are the Congregational church, the Chau tauqua auditorium and a store or two. G. H. Bestow, who made these gener ators as an experiment, has added a new improvement to the machine, not here tofore used, which will be patented. Two years ago when the late Professor bdgar McClure, of the state university. delivered his practical lecture on the acetyline light before the Chautauqua Assembly, he nrobablv did not realize that it would light up Gladstone park in two years more. The glamour of yellow gold that shed halo of brilliancy over prospective exis tence in the Klondike regions, has been shorn of its lustre. The cold, hard facts attested to by men who have ex periericed life in that wide and desolate region, put a new coloring on life in the interior of Alaska. Thousauds have gone there, experienced untold priva tions, contracted disease, and returned home much worse off financially, than when they went away. The few, who were successful, have wrecked their physical constitutions, and while they may revel in the possession of gold, the tortures of contracted infirmities will make life a burden. A few davs ago, a well-to-do Washington farmer named Vanbebber, returned from the Klon dike, having accumulated about 20.000 during his slay in the mines. He was one of the few successful ones, but scuivy and exposure has debilitated his system, his hair has turned gray, and he has gone to some mineral springs n the attempt to recuperate his ruined health. The bride used to be required to say Love, Honor and Obev." when the I uple Btood up before the minister to plight their trotn, but it is different now in most instances. The to be bride tells the exoeciant groom that a ring ceremony is the proper thintr, and he like an innocent lamb being led to the slaughter, meekly follows. Instead of the time-honored ceremony, he repeats after the minister, (for he could never say it alone during the trying ordeal), something like this: "With this rimr I thee wed, and with my earthly goods inee endow, etc." The 12 Oregon City volunteer recrnitH who were sent to San Francisco. axnent to leave for Manilla early next week. None of the Oregon bovs were men- tioned in the recent battle at Manilla. but it is absolutely certain if they was not in the thickest of the fight, it was not their fault. Ribbons and fancy goods at the Racket Store. Money to loan at 8 ner cent interest, on mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. O. iatourette . Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you want anything in the fresh vegetable line. lry frier's tee cream and ice cream soda, pure fruit flavors. Fruits, nuts and confectionery of all kinds. A hieh grade warranter) snwiniT ma chine sells for $25 on easy payments at ceuomy x rtuscn. When in Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaurant where you can uet the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Wm Bohlander, proprietor. Albneht is never "iusf out" of thn kind of meat vou want as he known what his CUfltompra ffoRi'rA nnrl Iruana a full stock on hand and you don't need to iaKe "wnat's leit." as Almost Grazed t-ores on the Limbs Cured by Hood's SarsapariMa-Heart and Lung Troubles Overcome. "I broke out with sores all overomy limbs, and they caused such intense Itch ing I feared I should go crazy. I was also troubled with a tired feeling. After fcnk lug Hood's SarsapariUa a short time tho Itching ceased, and the sores on my limbs began to heat. I am better in every way since taking Hood's SarsapariUa." Mas Jas. J. Kehob. McEwen. Oreiron. " Hood's SarsapariUa has cured me of a lung trouble and fluttering of the heart, and since I began taking it my weight has increased 20 pounds. It has done my stomach good and I can now enjoy my meals and eat with comfort. I recom mend Hood's SarsapariUa as the best medicine it is possible to find." C. W. Cabey, PrimevlUe, Oregon. L Sarsa O parilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier, Sold by all druglats. Price, it; six for S5. Hood Hood' PH1 are tne De3 ft-dlnner ruts puis, aid digestion. 200. The different sireet and roadwav im. provements, now walks, etc., gives Or egon City an air of enterprising pros perity, that is pleasing to note. A Clever Trick. It certainly look lil-a ir i..,i n . .. f " , mi. nitric ,D really no tuck about it. Anybody can try it win lias Lima Itm.i, v....i. iilneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean ha run rnm l,in,.n .:..!.. away by taking Electrio Bitters. Tnis medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kid- .eya.isaoiooi! puniier and nerve tonic. It euiea Constipation, Headache, Faint ing fepells, Sleeplessness and Melnn- inoiy. lt i preiy vegetable, a mild laxative, and reslni-oa lha ou... ... natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every tiottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at CharmauA Co.'s drugstore Evorvt!ini In m. ul lmllmt.,y more at half price to make room for new Block. lutes v. Koiusmitii. 45 cents round t to Portland .,.! r J,.: "J? n.. .in . ouuuieru 1 acini! tninm liu ...a.. ...... Ti . " aj "nio -j cents. .vuv0 ow on Baie at railroad depot 1 rains leave Oregon City at 8 -AO a . m . land at 9 :23 a.m. and tl.-.V? n . time by using the quicker route. Port- Save Mrs. Sladen & Miss Edith Wlshart. . Milliners. Sometimes a fire is a benefit, we found it so, although it might have been worse, as we had insurance. Our Mil linery Department is now fitted up very tastefully and we invite everybody to come and see us. We are constantly getting in new goods, and can furnish anybody with a suitable hat or bon net up to date and fashionable. R. L H0LMAN Undertaker and Embalmer Carries a complete line of casket, coffin, shruds, etc. Superior .goods, superior semies at most mrulnrar door to Commercial bank. , Oregon Citv - - .- Oregon C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OBEGON CITY OREGON Geo. C. Bbowneu j. u. Campbiu. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Lbadinq Insurance Agescy op Clackamas County MAnnil tn T.nan . . ni.i. . . . j uua.11. niwimuiB ui iiueiuaue Drawing of Legal Ououmeuts a Snecialt umce on east side of Main street Between 6ta and 71& PIONEER DRUG STORE IFYCU WANT DRUGS OR MEDICINES .GO TO. GEO. A. HARDING & CO. (.Willamette Building, Opposite Commercial BankL Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality, your patronage soliceted. WE FIT YOU FEET With shoe in conformity or your ideas. There are at many preferences for shapes in shoes as there are for other wearable articles. Thee are few shapes or sizes, styles or prices that can not be found in our stock. Come in and give us your idea. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE - OREGON CITY, OREGON M. c. strickland7m. d. (Hospital and Private Exnerienon.i Offers his professional services to the people of wtjr ami vicinity, special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronio diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willainnite Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m.. 4 to 6 n. m. OREGON CITY : . . ORKfiON C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be al Court House o.i each Saturday County Court CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN BEFORE YOU BUY Get Our Prices THE BAZAAR tl. and Main Sts. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865 1 THE PIONEER EXl'UESSItf AN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds ai Specialty. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans tn.l. liila Ud...i.ua nr.. i lections. Buys and sells exchanee on all mini. Ii. ku T 1... j..,. a ... . r." " m iuv uuiicu oimoa Him nurope ana on Uoug "vyvnim leumveu suuecito cneCK. Bank open from 8 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.U.LATOtJRETTE. FRSD J. MEYER. President Cashier BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING lluUSE IN THE CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS tMjS50,00 Wilson A OnnlrA'a Old Stand ORKGON CITY, UKKUON, BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Kolton Dairy and be Convneed ure Try W. H. YOUNG'S Liva-v & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON Job Printing at the Courier Office. For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to C. F. HENMNQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes by. President, Vice president Cashier, CHAS. H. ClUFLIED Geo. A. HiBDi.sa E. O. Cadfiild A Oeneral Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available 8ecurilv Exchange Bought and ld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available tn Any Part of the V orld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Pnrti.n.i a. Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Justice court lilanVa IKxanlnr.... ,1.., - i-vuuvDjicj UU4CII at Courier office. DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures H. STRAIGHT, DEALXR IX GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge andtht Depot. Di.llllla .ml .n1. -I-. ...1.1,. v . ...n.v .., .niiiiiv 1 M 1 1 s t , . r.vannhanri .1 lhnii...i ... -.. i .vni.i n..c-n, tim curra also connected with Ihe barn for loose stock auj uiuirinniiim rejrarainff any ind of stock pi viuui nwuucu iu oj teiier or person. HORSES BOCGHT OR SOLO HARRIS' GROCERY. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES Fresh Stock of First-Class Depot for HAT and FEED GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City UNCLE SAMS' BOTS in the field are not living luxuriously but the quality of the food is good enough to enable them to whip the enemy when they get at him. On the Groceries we sell you can live well and cheaply. It our stock was sub ject to government inspection it would be stamped "Extra Fine.1' Every article is pure and wholesome. We buy only from wholesalers who have a reputation for putting up the best goods in their respec tive lines. We furnish all kinds of bread and cakes fresh every day and delivered with your order for groceries if you wish. We have the beBt baker in the city. HEINZ & CO. Opposite Postofflce. IF WOMEN VOTED And an election was held to decide which is the best ftour to buy what a , rousing majority . "Patent" Flour... Would have, by the P. F. groctries. Made in .Oregon City M. Co., and sold by all ...GO TO.. -G. H. BESTOW -FOR- DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOTE3T C.VSK 1PIK0E KVEB OFFERED FOB FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite CongreKatlonal Oliuvob, Alain Street, Oregon City, Ore. A. A. Barr- ran -IilT "f 1 i....: -. . C -..A Have Your Eyes Examined Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St, Portland, Oregon. Consultation Free Bargains. In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE of i ARMAN & SONs. A full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Jburnishings, Etc.