Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, August 12, 1898, Image 5

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Ten to Fifteen Millions of Dollars Will Be Cleaned Up This Year Dawson City,
With Ten Thousand People, Is the Greatest Mining Camp in the World
The Greatest Known Gravel Deposit What the Districts Show
The output of the mines of the Yu
kon, district this year, while it haa
reached between $10,000,000 and $15,
000,000, has disappointed eren tire
more conservative estimates made last
fall, and based on the prospects then
existing. Three things have contrib
uted to shorten this spring's clean np:
The Canadian loyalty, laok of men and
lack of strengthening food. One of the
most prominent civil engineers on the
Pacific coast, who has spent this winter
in the mines, has Baid:
"Considering the fact that less thati i The
8,000 poorly fed men have gotten. out
this winter almost $15,000,000, the
Klondike has made a snowing that
entitles it to consideration ; as th
greatest gravel deposit in extent and
richness in the world. The placer
mines of California in early days are
its only rivals."
The great riches of claims on French,
Chief, Little and Big Skooknm gnlchee
store in this direction. Forty-mile
creek has been relocated and many new
c-iaims recorded. Chicken creek, which
has-been known for the last two yeais,
but not worked, will be developed this
vea. Canron. Nueaet irtiloh and
Franklin creeks and tlie bars on Forty
mile will 1)6 worked by the hydraulic
process, and there will be a good camp
at the mouth of the river within two
years. '
American creek, 40 miles down from
Forty-miki, is known as good; the
ground is high and well laid out. Pans
are taken running from 60 cents to $5.
Missou creek district has three
formations placer, quarts ami ooaL
At its month is Kagle City, in which
will be established the United States
barracks and tbe custom house.
Twenty miles below Eagle City !s
Star City,, guarding the month of Seventy-mile
river. The bars of this rive
has been worked lot many years.' On
Barney creek, from three to six ounces
the new comer. Tanana, Kuskoqntm
and Chandler rivers bare all been
brought prominent!? to the notice of
mining men this sear. All things oon-
J 1 .1 k I n!.la mi. ill. 1 Bourn
to be the place of the future.
As for Dawson City itself, it is un
questionably the greatest mining oamp
hi the world. Frank Canton, United
States deputy marshal in Cirole City,
and in former years an officer of the
peace in many of the largest oamps of
the West, has said that Dothing he has
ever seen approaches Dawson as a model
mining camp. Accustomed as he has
been to dealing with the roughest waea
of criminals, his commendation of
Dawson, as a law-abiding town, has
great weight. The sidewalks are crowd
ed with men and women from morning
to nvght. People are even lorcea to
walk in the middle of the streets to
make progress. It is a great jumble of
the good and the bad, and the only
pledge of respectability required is
regular attendance at church. ' Daw
son's population lias grown until it is
now between 8,000 and 10.000.
Nine-tenths of the newcomers are not
ki the eoontry to work, and when they
find that success in the Klondike can
i only be bought by hard labor, they will
be ready to coma out. A great exodus
of unsuccessful men will take place
this fall, and the cities of the Pacific
coast, to winch these people will go
in one's pocket to
to the day has been taken for the last j wij overrun with a rough, desperate
three yeurs. The other tributaries are RrKi altogether undesirable class. 1 They
dye i a good as Barney, but k is only now, aM DOw to Dawson as the advance
interior of Alaska. A claim owner on ! when people are spreading out, uwi mr(j tlie more substantial men to
French gulch offers a standing bet of much work wiil be done. A nnmber folio. It i-s a repetition of the his
120.000 that he can rock out of his ! of men are now at Star City getting torv of circle Citv. When the Birch
vaetr ontnts np to tne mines.
claim, single-handed, $5,000 on any
given day. The benches are old river
beds, wiiich have been broken np by an
eruption of the earth. A continuation
of the old river bed has been found near
Hunker oreek. and while little prospect
ing has been done, it is thought that it
will turn out very well.
Eldorado and Bonanza creeks have
proven all that was expected of them
Much more could bo seen in aotnal re
salts if tbe olean-up had been complete!
this spring. But hope that the roy
alties may be called off, and the
early drying np of the water which
could be used in sluicing, lies oimsed
many big claim owners to leave abor-
third of the dirt taken out on
dump. The wash-u.p has been cuui-
; pleted on very few claims, and on
fewer still can a statement be obtained
as to the real amount of 'the clean-up.
, This makes it impossible to state posi
tively the output of the mines. w "
. Of the lees known streams, Dominion
creek is giving evidence of mineral de
posits which may make it known as the
richest strike yet made. Hie contact
of claims, owing to the two discoveries
allowed, is about settled, and there is
nothing to interfere with the develop
ment of the mines. Hunker oreek is
xich in placer, but, unlike the rest of
the country, is spotted. Gold Bottom
is not turning out as well as expeoted.
Many other creeks whioh promise well
have not been sufficiently developed to
make an estimate of their wealth sate.
So many are the disadvantages in
mining in the Northwest territory that
attention is being once more directed
to mines on the Awerioan side. It is
believed that many surprises arj in
From Seventy-mile to Circle City
has been prospected, and creeks are
found here and there which give
indications. Coal and Sheep creeks
promise especially well, and also the
Charley river.
Circle City has been practically de
serted since the rush to Dawson but the
riches of Mastodon, Independence,
Eagle, Deadwood and a dozen lesser
gulches in the Birch creek district
will revive toe town. A moderate '
fortune can be made in that district
in two years of hard work. Miners are
returning to Birch creek from Dawson.
They ajrpreciat-e a district in which
there is no royalty, no wood and log
tax and no timber grants.
Across from Circle City Is Jefferson
creek mines were discovered, two years
ago, double tne usual invoice oi peopie
wnt thnra. btt soon left d'lSEUSted.
8d ' Had thev remained, they would have
been in on the ground floor in the Klon
dike discovery.
. . ... . . .. . - i ' 6ua
uxpc. -uioii iu mrw uouii (iiiraim. IIiaClieHe 18
for its whole" length. It will be cheap- D)a(je ahowt two
ty worked, because 01 oeing so reauuy
accessible to the Yukon river.
Further; down is the Minook creek
'district, which, has been thoroughly
advertised this year. It has developed
some claims whioh have paid $27,000,
$35,000 aud $15,000 for the winter's
work. . The eoontry is to a great extent
an unknown quantity. The discovery
of Idaho bar, from which men have
taken out $100 a day with a rocker, is a
great boom tor the district, and the
prospects of the camp are extremely
bright. -; . .
A great country will be opened up
in the Koyukuk. It has been known
to miners for 10 years, and no pros
pector who went in there has failed
to bring out a good grubstake. The
territory to be worked is of a vast ex
tent, and offers many opportunities to
The Cubun Machete.
Much has been said of the terrible
machete, a deadly weapon indeed in
the hands of a desperate man, and
when used against a defenseless person.
maolrete was never intended for a
weapon of warfare; it is an Instrument
of husbandry oarried by the Cuban
peasant in times of . peace, and js bis
one familiar daily companion. It cuts
his fire wood, aids him' in building his
hut, hews his path through the mani-
and performs many other offices.
a straight, heavy
feet long,, with a
wooden or , bone handle, having no
guard; consequently it is utterly un
united as a weapon to be used in a con
flict with an armed man. The Cuban,
of course, by reason of hiB long famili-.
arity with the instrument, is an adept
in Its nee, and its effect upon a group
of unarmed workmen is truly terrible.
It is in the foray against the defense
less and unarmed that the most serious
work of the machete has been done in
the island of Cuba. "Cuba as Seen
from the Inside," by Osgood Welsh, in
the August Century.
Advices from Honolulu state that the
executive council of the island govern
ment has signed a contract with the
Sohymser Company to lay a cable from
the Ameiican coast to Honolulu and
Carry a potato
cure rheumatism.
The skin of a black cat worn in one's
clothing will core rheumatism.
Hold your hands above your head
and yow nose Will oease bleeding.
Never let a chicken die in your hands
and yon will not have palsy.
Hold a silver spoon against the back
of the neck to stop nosebleed.
Wear a red string or red beads
around the neck to prevent the nosebleed.
The skin of a snake worn around the
one's hat orown will oure the headache.
Wear a string of gold beads around
your neck and your nose can not bleed.
. Headache may be prevented by wear
ing in one s hat the rattles of a rattle
snake. The negro sometimes sleeps with a
young dog . in order to transmit rheu
matism to the dog.
At Delphos, Kan., lives a young man
who gallantly procured his sweet
heart's warts by purchase.
A sty may be cuied by rubbing it
with a gold ring, a silver spoon, or
one's finger moistened with saliva, r
' If you see any one asleep in church
say to yourself: "When you awake
take these warts."
Bore a hole in the wall tlie heignt
of a child's head; when the child grows
above the hole it will be cured of
asthma. ' .
:., In order to cure the toothache out
your finger nails on Friday. Another
sure cure is to wash behind your ears
every morning.
Write on a stove with a , piece of
chalk the number of your warts. When
the number has burned off the stove
your warts will be gone.
Rub the wart with seven pebbles,
wrap the pebbles in a parcel and throw
them away; if the parcel Is picked up
the wart will go away.
You may always prevent cramps in
the feet . by turning your shoes upside
down every night beside your bed.
Gertrude C. Davenport, in the Journal
of American Folk-Lore.
Steal a dishcloth,' rub the wart with
it, and then bury the cloth under the
eaves of the house. If you tell no one
and no one finds oat your theft, your
wart will go away.
If you have a wart ana see a man
riding on borsebaok in the rain (or, as
another version runs, tiding on a gray
hoTse), say: "Take these along;" rub
the wart and it will leave you.
Put into a reel calico bag "hearts"
from grains of oorn; "run down the
road;" throw away the bag not look
ing where they fall; run home agan,
and if any one picks up the bag your
warts will go away. . --
Some of these cures, whioh were col
lected in Coffey county, were obtain
ed from colored people. The majority
of the superstitions, however, which
were collected in Douglas county, were
obtained from people whodeolared they
knew no superstitions and believed
none; namely, students in attendance
at the University of Kansas. These
students came from nearly every
oounty in the state.
Stratetie Value of Porto Rica.
Mr. Frederiok A. Ober writes an
article foi the August Century on "The
Island of Porto Rieo." Mr. Ober says:
pntil it was discovered that Porto
Rico possessed great value as a "strategic
center" of naval operations, the fair
isle slumbered undisturbed, merely a
link, and no important one, in the em
erald chain that separates the Atlantio
and the Caribbean. Suddenly naval
folks became aware of its importance;
they saw that while it borders on tlie
Caribbean sea, yet it breasts the rough
Atlantic waters; that , it is equadis
tant, or about 1,000 miles, from Key
West and Colon; fiom New York
1,500 miles, which is half the distance
from Cadia; 1,800 from Newport News,
which is half the distance to the Canar
ies. It lies, in fact, at the very point
that we should have selected for
a coaling Gtation, had we unrestricted
choice ol location. All the arguments
that have been advanced for the acquisi
tion of tlie island of St. Thomas, 60
miles distant, and for which at one
time we were almost ready to pay seven
million dollars, apply with tenfold
force to Porto Rico, with its six good
harbors to the one of St. Thomas, and
its commercial as well as strategical
g Established 1780. X
! Baker's I
ft r
ft (f t
ft SI .
Acountryboy visiting New York stopped
a frantic runaway team that was about to
dash on the sidewalk where there were hun
dreds ot women and children. He saved their
lives, but lost his own. Hundreds of lives are
saved every yaar by Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters. People who are fast going to their
graves with disorders of stomach, liver,
bowels and blood are brought back to good
health by It. All the sick should try it. ?
Gov. McCord has received indefinite
leave of absence from bis duties as the
executive of Arizona, and will take
command as oolonel of the regiment of
infantry now being recruited in the
four territories.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smaKinjr feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent
by mail for 25c iu stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le
Roy, New York. '
Railway building in Africa is pro
ceeding with wonderful rapidity con
sidering tlie difficulty And expensive
ness of most of the enterprises.
celebrated for more
than a century as a
delicious, nutritious, f
and flesh-forming jjjj
beverage, has our
well-known 1 "?
Yellow Label
, on the front of every
, package, and ' our
trade-mark, "LaBelle
Chocolatiere,"on the
. Dorchester, Mass. X
$53 .WlSviStSfScSrJcSrJrJtJcJijSil
WTO, .
Bistioo Scott Icidemv
A Boarding and Duy School for boy.
Military illscrprlne In otiarge ( V. 8.
Army ottioer. Primary, preparatory
and avtuiemlc departments. Manual
Training or sloyd has recently been In
stalled. Boys of all ages received.
Special lnMtMjtlon In music, modern
language iienography. Through col
lege ir.'i ration u speolalty. The
Christmas term will open September
Mtli, 1x118. Catalogue on application to
the principal, W. Hll.L, M. D , P.
O. Drawer 17, Portland. Or,
Make money by luccesftil
peculation in Cuicago. We
buy aud sell wheat on mar.
eina. Fortunes have baas
made on a small beginning by trading in in
tures. write lor tun particular. et oi ret"
erenoe given. Several yean' experience on the
Chicauo Board of Trade, and t thorough know
ledge of the businw; Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINB A Co
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Office la
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wan.
luS dyt
. Vie new Improved Stonghton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
onthewav. It pave to have the best.
Write for free eataloirue. JOHN POOLE,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, Or.
Microbes are so minute that 260,
000,000 can be comfortably accommo
dated on a penny postage stamp.
According to a German authority the
human brain is composed of 800,000,
000 nerve cells.
Stopped atonoe
DR. J.C. Hoffman, ibi imoeiin mug, cuicago.iii.
Uk bin U for unnftfttiFkl
fHsK-liEurgea, tu damnations),
irritatiuua or nloerationi
of mucous UMiibranM.
II'mtbou otKnion, rain lens, ami not aatria
i oihoiwuti.o r 1 "old by wwwt
sent in pltito wrapper.
vf expr-n, prepaid, fut
II .Of), nr 3 bntll.'H. to 7V
Circular tent on requatU
Is it Wrong?
Get it Right
Keep It Right
Moore's Revealed Remedy willdOlL Three
doiea will make you leel better. Get It from
your druirgist or any wholesale drug house, or
trom Stewart & Holmes Drag Co., Seattle.
Plain or with Cutter. Tbe beat needle In the mar
ket. Uftpd by all sack aawpr. For sale by all fan
eral merchaudiae stores, or by
too Market Btrwt, Ban Franolsoo, CaL
Ho. 83, '
N. P. Mi V.
WHEN writing to advertisers pleat
mention this paper.
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if you are dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the quality
of the chewing tobacco you are using-
and you'll get your money's worth. The 10-cent piece of Battle As
is larger than the 10-cent piece of any other brand of the same high
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is sold for 10 cents.
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