TjtblgJL Housekeepers often wonder, perhaps blame the laundry because theirkne? table ' linens melt into holes. The real cause is the Manufacturer uses short fibre and resorts to artificial meansfor retting, bleaching, etc., because it is cheaper. We are aware d" these facts from practical experience. You take rb chances when you purcease linens of us. We protect you in pjices and quality, Heldquarters for Table Linens. We are offerW values now time. Midsummer Sale McAlen & McDonnell EXCLUSIVE DRY-GOODS HOUSE. COR.ItHIRD AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, ORE. WRITE FOR SAMPLES,... Charles Biers, of Salem, wag visiting friends here this week. J . Mrs. Herbert Chase is visiting Mrs. George Heath at La Oamas, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. William Eudy have re turned from a trip to Mount Hood. Miss Olive Luelling is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Judge Wait in Portland. H. 8. Gibson left Wednesday for the mountains to look for a good huckle berry grove. ' Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Church, accom panied by their son, James Church, of Albany, left yesterday morning for a trip to Mount Hood. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Steel, Mrs. Mina Harper and Mrs. J. W. Meldrum and family left Wednesday for an out iug at Mount Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fosburg, and son, Bollin, Miss Dora Stover and Otto Er ickson left yesterday morning for a two week's outing at Newport. Revi T. W. Butler and family, accom panied by Miss May Mark, and some Vancouver people have gone up the Co lumbia in a small boat for an outing, -! CarlJoehnke has gone to Honolulu to accept a position as shipping clerk. His sister, Miss Mina, left here about a year ago, to accept a position in the public schools there. - - v Ex-County Treasurer M. L. Moore and family left this week for Roseburg , where they will make their future -home. Their many friends extend best wishes for prosperity in their new loca tion. Mrs. E. J. Marshall, of Oanemah, ac- cojjpanied by Willie, Grace and Ralph Marshall, and Misses Gertrude Nefz iger and Claudie Hart will leave Mon day for a trip to Ocean park on the Til lamook coast. ' Misses Ruth Cowing, and Ethel SBlinn.of Astoria, have returned from Mount Hood, having been camped at Yocum's for several weeks past. The other members of the party returned early last week. Dr. J. H. Miller, the dentist, has been incapacitated from work during the week on account oi an injury to his arm, received in a bicycle accident, but has almost entirely recovered. Dr. George Nottage, of Portland, has been working in his office during the former's disability. Among the Canemah people, who are camped at Soda Springs are Mrs. Jen. nie Bingman, Samuel Stevens, Mr and Mrs. Charles Charles Midlam, Mrs. Julia Frost and daughters, Hattie and Ada, and sons, Elmer and Oliver. Charles Midlam and Ernest Frost, who were members of the party, have ie 'turned home. ' Branches Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle. I We Carry in Stock a Large ine of SOLID GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER and NICKEL WASHES With Waltham and Elgin Movements HIGHEST GRADE AT LOWEST PRICES Burmeistcr k Andrescn, THE OREGON CITY JEWELRRS mens impossible to get at any other Do you enjoy dancing? If so go to the Armory to-night. E. S. Cheney returned Wednesday from a few days' sujourn at Long Beach and Seaview. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Heinz returned Wednesday from a ten days's visit with relatives in Marion county. Mrs. Norman R. Lang and her sister, Miss McKee, left Monday evening for Oakland, Calif., and will visit relatives in California. Mrs. Lizzie Pierce, and sister, Miss Mamie Ely, of Rialto, Calif., arrived Monday, and are visiting James S. Pierce and family at Ely. , A party consisting of Arthur Stafford, Vick Nemyre, Levi Yoder and William Nefzger intend leaving Saturday for an outing at Ocean park on the Tillamook coast. The pastor is expected to return from California this week, so "there will be services in the Baptist church next Sun day morning and evening at the usual hour. E.E.Boyd, the S. P. agent of this city, accompanied Mrs. Boyd and child to La Camas, last Saturday, where she will visit her parents for a week or two. They went up on the steamer lone from Vancouver, but Mr. Boyd returned on his bicycle Sunday, arriving late at night. . E. J. McKittrick. accompanied by Mortimore Latourette, Ralph Mc Getchie and George Case returned Wed nesday afternoon from a fishing trip to Clear lake. They report having caught 1055 fish, the boys keeping actual count in a note book each day. Rev. H. Oberg and family, Mrs. Mary Maple, E. J. Maple, Mrs. Blake and Miss Gallogly, formed a party that left Monday for Ocean park on north beach, on the Washington coast Monday, They expect to be away for two or three weeks. :' Mrs. Mary A. Johnston, aged 65, died t the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Wingfield, in this city, Tuesday morning, of apoplexy. The deceased, also leaves a daughter, who resides at McMiunville, and one at Portland. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, and the services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Montgomery. An Enemy to health Is impure bloodf as it leads to serious disease and great suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla meets and conquers this enemy and averts the danger. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. "WHEELS WITH WHEELS" RAMBLERS & IDEALS $25-$30-$35-$40-$60 FRED. T. HERRILL CYCLE CO. 105-107-109-111 Sixth St., PORTLAND, Or. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. J. N. Harrington left Friday on a bus iness trip to Bandon, Coos county. Mrs. Henry Will, of Aurora, was vis iting Mrs.E. C. Hamilton Monday . Born, at Ely, Monday, August 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. McGeehan, a son. Miss Edith VV'islmrt left Monda toy visit friends at Sheridan for a few days. Rev. A. A. Hurd, of Springwater, was visiting friends in Oregon City, Mon day. C. A. Williams went to Newport baturday, to spend about ten days with his family. Mrs. R.L.Holman and children are visiting Mr. Holman's parents near McMinnville. L. H. Feaster, of Oanemah, is busy at work on the delinquent tax-list in the sheriff's orface. Wilford White and Charles Chase left Monday for a hunting and fishing trip to Roaring river. XXX Castor Machine oil cheaper than any other place at A. Robertson's, the Seventh Street ptocer. G. H. Wishart has completed Harry Sladen's cottage at Seaside, and re turned home Sunday . J. J. Burgess left Tuesday for a visit to Minneapolis, Minn., and expects to be gone about 30 days. Mrs. R. W.Porter, of Canemah, left Tuesday for an extended visit to her old home at Erie, Penn. Miss May Belle Meldrum has gone to San Francisco for a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Harley Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ellsworth, of Portland, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pilsbury, Sunday. Mrs. L. O. Caples and daughter, Mies Nina, have returned from an extended visit with relatives in the East. Miss Minnie Holden is visiting Mrs. Fred Meyer and her daughters, Misses Lulu and Minnie, at Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George Herron and two sons, returned Monday from a 10 days sojourn in the vicinity of Yaquina bay. Rev. M. L. Rugg, who was attending a Baptist convention at Twin Lakes, Calif., is expected home today or Satur day. ' Miss Oelia Goldsmith left Sunday for a business visit to San Francisco, and may go to New York City before her re turn. Mrs. E. H. Cooper and children, who were visiting R. M. Cooper and family at Carus for ten days, returned home Monday. ' " Miss Lois Peebles, who was visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. A. Miller, for several weeks past, returned to her home at Sa lem Saturday. G. W. Hearn, manager of the Postal Telegraph Company in Oregon, with headquarters in Portland, was in Ore gon City Sunday. Mayor and Mrs. E. G. Caufield expect to take their annual outing at Netarts, on the Tillamook coast, and will prob ably leave for that place Saturday. Josiah Konkle returned from a trip to Texas a few days ago, but is not favor ably impressed with that part of the United States as compared with Ore gon. Threshing machine account books containing 100 double accounts sent by mail for 75c at Courier office. If name of firm is sent it will be printed on the books free. Mrs. G. O. Smucker, aged 40, was buried at Needy Sunday. She was the wife of a well known farmer of that sec tion, and leaves nine children, two of them twin infants. Mrs. W. A. Huntley and daughter," accompanied by her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Dayton, of Ohio, left Friday for Newport, where they will spend the greater part of the summer. John Mead, of Portland, will have temporary charge of the Y. M. C. A. rooms in Oregon City in place of Ed Hill, who decided not to come. Mr. Mead assumed his duties several days ago. On last Sunday Ben Frost and fam ily, of Carus, drove to town and snent the day with Mrs. E. J. Marshall at Canemah. On their return trip they crossed a rough place in the road on Fourth street , causing the seat to slide off and throwing Mrs. Frost and two children to the ground, receiving iniu ries that will l'kely lay them up for sev eral weeks. Mrs. Sarah E.IIowlett and daughters, Misses Hattie and Agnes, of Eagle Point, Jackson county, are visiting the for mer's brother, Sheriff J. J. Cooke and other brothers and relatives in Clacka mas county. Mrs. Howlett crossed the plains, when very small, with her par ents in 18o2, and lived iu Oregon City until about 26 years ago, when she re moved to Jackson county with Mr, Uowlett. Mrs. K. A. Miller gave a party last luesilay afternoon to a number of young ladies in honor of her niece, Miss Lois Peebles, of Salem. It was a very pleas ant gathering, and in addition to the so cial features, refrenhments were served. The following were present: Misses Edna and Clara Caufield, Verta and Elda Broughton, Maud Morey, Ethel Albright, Gertrue Moores, and Hattie, Mane and Dolly Pratt. ' Miss Erma Lawrence is friends at Corvallis. Aliss B. H. France is registered at Mcbiure's, Seaside. Will S. lihoades and mother are camping at Wilhoit Springs. Don't forget the Racket Store has a complete stock every week. Charles Meserve is said to now be a reporter on the Daily Astorian. A. W. Cheney and family left Mon day for a short outing at Clear lake. Mrs. Ohet VanMeer and children are visiting relatives at Indepndence. E. T. Grider, who is now a resident of Wilsonville, was in Oregon City Tuea- aay- Mrs. J. F. Jennings is spending the season with O. A. Fitch's family at Sea side. . Charles Logus was ud from Portland Wednesday, looking after his realty in terests. C. A. Fitch returned from Seaside Tuesday, where he spent a week with nis family. Born, in Oregon City, Tuesday. Au gust 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White, daughter. Mrs. Donna Irons, of Seattle, was vis. iting Miss Betta Fouts Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lynch and child. are spending a few days this week at Wilhoit Springs. E . L. Johnson and Ohauncey Ramsbv made a short visit to Wilhoit Springs, the hrst of the week. Prof. R, A. Heritage, of Salem. Dassed through the city Tuesday morning for Helena, Montana, where he intends to locate. Miss Cornelia McOown went to New port Wednesday to ioin Mrs. A. S. Dresser and her sisters, the Misses Baird. E. E. Martin and family have moved out into the country a couple of miles, where the former is engaged in market ing fruit products. Mrs. Lizzie Jacobs, of St. John. WaBh., and MrB. Judge Lasseder, of Walla Walla, are visiting Mrs. T. R. fields at Canemah this week. Jacob Poyser. who has spent the cast two years with his brother here, left Tuesday for his home at Plymouth, In diana, where he will join his family. The Oregon City reporter of the Ore- gonian desires to state that items in tended for the Sunday social column, must be handed in before Friday noon. Mrs. Eliza Knee, of Alturas, Calif., who was visiting her daughter. Mrs. N.O.McLoughlin, for a couple of weeks. started on the return trip Monday even ing. Lost, on July 27th, between Oregon City and Wilhoit Springs, from stage, a seat from a barber's chair. Liberal re ward for return to Noblitt&Co., Ore! gon City. Gilford Zum wait, of Perrvdale. Polk county, accompanied by Archie Liver more, his nephew, of Eugene, visited the former's brother, w. B. Zumwalt. last Friday . Kev. H. L. Idleman, recently of New York, nnri fl. rirrttliAi1 nf ftr. X ttnrnov. General C. M. Idleman, is filling the pulpit of St. Paul's Episcopal church for a few weeks. J. M. Ware, who had one of his less broken in the Wilhoit stage accident a few weeks ago, is rapidly recovering. and expects to be out in a couple of weeks. , He walks now with the aid of a crutch. The S. P. carpenter gang are making extensive improvements in and around the Oregon City depot. New flooring, platforms and banisters are to be put in, and when the work is completed, the depot will present a much-improved ap pearance. Rev. A. J. Montgomery has waitinsr room space at the Omaha exposition, given him through the favor of an in surance company. As he t-annot at tend in person, he will make a present of this space to anyone attending the exposition from Oregon City or vicinity. Chief of Police Burns and wife, and Misses Alice Stevens, Sarah Blount and Bernice Kelly went out in the direction of Mount Hood Wednesday morning by team, where they will camp for a couple of weeks. During the chief's ab sence, Night Officer Shaw will fill his place, and T. M. Miller will be night watchman. J. M. Tracy, the big farmer of Logan, was in the city Wednesday morning. He has purchased a new 13-horse power thresher in Portland, of the latest im proved pattern, which he started up on his place Monday morning. Al though the aphis has done considera ble damage to the wheat and oats in that neighborhood, Mr. Tracy's wheat is yielding on an average of 23 bushels to the acre. In Justice Schuebel's court this week L. Locey was arraigned for assaulting Harry Boyles. Deputy District Attor ney G. B. Dimick appeared for the pros ecution, and Locey was fined $-5. Chas. Catta was given judgment against David Van Houten for $10. CatU had sold a horse to Van Houten on time for $10, but traded off the critter, and when the bill became due, did not want to pay for it. Attorneys appeared at the hearing for both plaintiff and defendant, and several witnesses were examined. ISOO SUIT I BARGAINS . We have disposed of one-half of the men's suits which we purchased at a sacrifice, during the past ten days, and expect to close out the balance in a very short time. This is the grandest opportunity ever offered to the citizens of Oregon City, and every one should take aa vantage ot it POSITIVELY $12.50 and $13.00 VALUES for $8.50. This lot consists of BLUE SERGES, GRAY CLAY WORSTED, and PLAIN and PLAID WORSREDS, Every one new, and none worth less than $12.50. This week we have also marked down manylofmr BOYS' AND REN'S SUITS CHILD- Which before the reduction were better value than could be obtained elsewhere, M0Yl-;it CLOTHING CO., The Popular-Price Clothiers ben 5BLLINQ, Manager Corner Third and Oak Streets. Go to the Armory to-night and have a good dance. W. H. Mattoon was down from Viola Wednesday. Miss Kate Ward is visiting friends at the Ilwaco beach. Misses Mattie and Lulu Draper are visiting friends at Dayton. Lawrence Hornchuch leaves in a day or two for an outing at Long beach. G. A. Schuebel, the genial postmas ter at Shubel, was in town Wednesday, Mrs. Peter Nehren and children left Tuesday for a few weeks sojourn' at Long beach. County Olerk Dixon issued a mar riage license Monday to Idella Ritenout and Charles White. . Mrs. W. M. Robinson, of the Electric hotel, has been ill for several days, and unable to leave her room. Caleb Cross and family returned Wed nesday from a few week's camping at Netarts, Tillamook county, Mrs. II. L. Kelly and daughter, Miss May, and son, Leigh ton, returned from their outing at Seaview Wednesday. Charles H. Caufield and family are rusticating for a few days at Long Beach. They are expected home Sat urday. Adolph Aschoff, of Marmot, was in town Wednesday and Thursday, and reports everything exceeding dry in his neighborhood. Fred McCausland has returned from Long Beach, he having accompanied Mrs. Fred Meyer and daughters there several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Charman are spending a couple of weeks in their cot tage at Seaview They are accompan ied by their daughter, Miss June. Miss Frances FoutB, of The Dalles, who was visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fouts, for several weeks past, returned home Monday. J. C. Bradley and family are rusticat ing at Locust farm, near Powell's val ley during the heated term. This prop erty is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Brad ley. Mrs. Neita Lawrence arrived from San Francisco Saturday, and will visit her mother, Mrs. M. E. Barlow. Mr. Lawrence is at the front with the vol unteers in the Phillipines. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Swope, of Holt county, Mo., arrived Monday, and is visiting his brother, T. W. Swope, for a couple of weeks. Mr. Swope is a prom inent stock raiser in that state. J. M. Lawrence, of the Oregonian lo cal staff, is taking his annual vacation, accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence and daughter. They have been visiting relatives here and in Yamhill county. The county court, who were inspect ing bridges on the East side of the Wil laraette, returned Tuesday night, and reconvened the adjourned regular monthly term of county court Wednes day morning, when they disposed of the road reports. Prof. J. W. Harfer's Dancing Academy of Portland, will give an excursion on the steamer "Altona" this Thursday evening to this city, where he will have asoc'.al dance at the Armory, to which Oregon City people are invited. Admis sion 60 cents, ladies free. The regular quarterly examination of applicants for teachers' certificates be gan at the court house Wednesday af ternoon. Superintendent Strango is as siHted by PrW. J. C. Zinser, principal of the Barclay school, and Prof. N. W. Bowland, of the Harmony school. A class of 2U presented themselves for ex amination for county certificates Wed nesday. Four applicants for state pa pers begin taking the examination Thursday. i Another Lot of.... FIN- BRASS CANNONS To give away with each Boy's or Child's suit sold Miss Dolly Pratt has almost recovered from the effects of her recent bicycle ac cident. Considerable wheat is being received at the Portland flouring mills in this city from up-river points. Wheat hn advanced a couple of cents per bushel since the first of the week, and they aie now paying 59 for wagon wheat, and 68 for sacked. Dan Lyons, the contractor, is pushing the work on the Singer Hill road, and expects to have it completed within 60 days. The road is to be 22 feet wide, on a uniform grade with a five-foot walk on the outside. The road, which will be built on a nine per cent grade, is to be supported by a dry wall. Prom Dawson City. E. 0. Hamilton received a letter yes terday from George A. Hamilton, dated at Dawson City,, July 18th..'. He states that provisions are cheap, except canned goods. F. F. White, Mr. Fox and the writer have been doing some prospect ing. George Tucker and the Fairclough boys are logging, and making $10 per day to the man. The Thorn boys and Mead are working in the logging camp, Carl Hute was carpentering, but expects to return to Oregon City soon. I. L. Hoffman has returned from 70-mile creek. Sagar and eons own claim 33 on Hunker creek, and are doing pretty ell. Schwaubauer, of Parkplace, ex pects to return home soon. Foster-Rauch Wedding. The event of the week' was the mar. rlage of Netta Rauch to Charles E. Fob. ter, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rauch, at Gladstone, at 8 d. m. Wad n ad- day, County Judge Thomas F. Ryan, officiating. The bride looked exceeding pretty in white organdie over white silk trimmed in chiffon, and wore or ange blossoms and a bridal veil. Amonu the guests were Captain and Mrs. Y. O. Unurcb, Mr. and Mrs.E. N. Foster, Mr, Mrs. W. J. Ranch, Mrs. E. O, Mad dock, Misses Martha, Ella and Ruth Kauch, Gussie and Maud Maddock and Pearl Foster, also Edward Rauch, A. v. Burnett and Mrs. Jacob Raunh. The Rauch home was tastily decorated, ana a sptenuiu supper was served. Mr, and Mrs. Foster left Thursday morning for a short trip to the seaside. Upon tneir return, they will reside In Oregon City. Many friends extend congratula. tions to the estimable young couple. LOCAL SUMMARY. A fine Kimball organ in first-class condition for sale cheap at the Oregon City Auction House. Pure fruit flavored ice cream soda at Prier's. Get your fruit jars and Jolly tumblers at Harris' grocery. For best groceries at cheapest price go to MarrA Muir. Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy & Busch. The pioneer meat market of C. Al. bright continues to serve its customers well and always keeps a large amount of fresh meats on hand. Last year's patterns of wall paper at reducod price. Five and 10o notion uuuuiura. ni ueuomy & Jiuscn, F.I.Andrews, the market gardener, has always on hand a large amount of first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider and cider vinegar. Give him a trial. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. Nottingham lace curtains, balance of lot just received. Will close out at the same old price. Oregon City Auction tiouse, Just received, 100 rolls of fine mat ting. Call at once and get choice of patterns. Oregon City Auction House. All our bicycles have the nev depart ure brakes, junt the thing for riding in this county. Charman & Co., agents for Columbia bicycles.