Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, August 05, 1898, Image 7

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    When Hot
Don't sweat and fret, but keep cool and
take Hood's Barsaparilla. This is good
advice, as you will lind if you follow it.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a first-class sum
mer medicine, because it is so pood for
the stomach, so cooling to the blood, so
helpful to- the whole body. Make no
mistake, but get only
HOOd'S 8aprarma
America's Greatest Medicine.
HftnH'e Pi 11c cnre Liver Ills; easy to
"wu rills take, easy to operate.
Fact A boat Great Britain.
"God Save the Queen" is sung in 20
Half the ships in the world are Brit
ish. The best of them can be convert
ed into ships of war in 48 hours.
The British own the largest part of
North America, that is, Canada.
They own one-fourth of the railways
in the United States of America and
half of the railways in South America.
The total value of the United King
dom is now said to be $50,000,000,000.
Added to this, several thousand mil
lions are invested out of the home
They have a million Boldiers in India.
Some of them have been brought to
Its subjects can travel entirely round
the world without leaving the untisn
Tbeie ate 400,000,000 people in the
British empire.
It is said that the queen would have
to live another 70 years to enable her
to see all of them pass before her, night
and day, for all that time. Chicago
A powder to be Bhaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired eusilv. If you
have smarting feet or tight s"hoes, try
Allen's Foot-Lase. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it today. Bold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent
by mail for 25o in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, L
Roy, New York. .
Bruksoh Bey disooveied the earliest
reoords of illustrated comic literture in
a papyrus of the twenty-seoond dynasty
recently found at Tonnah.
CITft Permanently Cured.
No fits or nervousnes
II IB after first day's use of Dr.
Kiltie's ureat
Nerve Restorer. Bond for FKhK S3. OO trial
bottle and treatise. DR. R. H, KI.INK, JM., W
Area street, Philadelphia, Fa, ,
Steam has been found very effioaciout
in extinguishing fires on ships loaded
with cotton.
w onnHn mi rt Dollar. Reward for anv
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. v !
Vethe'undersigned,have'known.J. Cheney;
anclaliy able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Wist 4 Trpax,
Wholesale Drua gists, Toledo, O.
Wholejale Drugststs, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acur
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces i
i surfaces 01
the system. Price 7Sc per bottle. Bold by all
druggists, lestimonluls free.
ilail'B Family Pills r.rc the best.
During the last year 1,591 parsons
underwent the Pasteur treatment for
rabies at Paris. -"
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs.
J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., March 26, 1895.
Try Schilling's Bert tea and baking powder
Governor Lowndes, of Maryland, has
announced that the Btate will present
a sword of honor to Commodore Schley,
who is a native of Frederick county.
During the naval battle at Santiago,
in which Cervera's fleet was destroyed,
the Oregon alone fired 1,776 shells.
The destruction caused by some of the
shots was fearful.
What Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say
About It.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: When I wrote
to you I had not been well for five years;
had doctored all the time but got no
better. I had womb trouble very bad.
My womb pressed backward, causing
piles. I was in such misery I could
scarcely walk across the floor. Men
struation was irregular and too pro
fuse, was also
troubled with
leucorrhcea. I
had given up all
hopes of getting
well; everybody
thought I had
After taking
five bottles of
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegeta
ble Compound,
I felt very much better
and was able to do nearly all my own
work. Icontinued theuseof yourmedi
cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to
you. I cannot thank you enough foryour
advice and your wonderful medicine.
Any one doubting- my statement may
write to me and I will gladly answer
all Inquiries. Mrs. Nell Hubst, Deep
water, Mo.
Letters like the foregoing, con
stantly being received, contribute not
a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs.
Pinkham that her medicine and counsel
are assisting women to bear their heavy
AU suffering women are invited to
write to her for advice, which will be
riven without charge. It is an ex
perienced woman's advice to women.
ClllitS UMfUl 111 HSf F11S.
tat Court 8nip. Tumi Good. TJM
in time, pnia or aragrina-
The Mysterious Crown Gall.
What causes crown gall, what condi
tions faror it, what will cure It are
problems yet unsolved, according to a
recent report from the Utah station,
which says: "Almost sure death to a
tree, without cure or preventive, sup
posed to be highly contagious, crown
gall Is becoming one of our worst or
chard troubles. The galls do most dam
age to the peach, though the apple and
pear are oftentimes badly affected, and
the other fruits, the raspberry especial
ly, are sometimes attacked. The name
crown gall suggests the nature of the
disease. At the crown of the tree, be
tween root and trunk, rough gall-like
swellings, varying from the, size of a
marble to that or a man s nst, eonsu'
tute the disease. When these galls en-
clrcje tlje treCj the flQW of gap gtop8
and death results. The galls are often
times found on other parts of the root
HVstem, where they do much damage,
though death to the affected tree may
occur from calls found In such
places. If the galls are on an unlm
portant root, the root may be cut off
and the' tree saved. But In general
gall-bearing trees will have to be con
signed to the brush pile, there to be
burned. Denver Field and i arm.
For Marketing Kgrsra.
A regular egg case is doubtless best
for carrying eggs to market, but bet'
ter than carrying tbem piled up one
upon another in a basket Is the plan
shown in the cut. Get a candy pail
at the grocery store and cut from old
pasteboard a lot of circles, each one a
trifle smaller than the one to go nest
above It in the pall. Put a layer of
bran in the bottom of the pall, lay the
eggs thickly over it and fill in between
and over them with bran. Lay on a
pasteboard -circle and proceed as be
fore. The storekeeper will take out
each layer of eggs, lift out the circle
with the bnan on It, empty the bran
Into a box or pall. Then when the
eggs are all out he will pour the bran
all back Into your pall, putting the clr-
cles on top, to be used again and again.
Packed In this way the eggs will not
break, though the horse trots and the
roads be rough. American Agricultur
ist. Protecting Newly Pet Graft.
It often happens that a graft requires
several weeks to effect a union with
the stock, and until this Is done It Is
liable to be moved by winds, thus
loosening Its hold and making union
impossible. To prevent this evil, It Is
always best to fit closely ever the graft
a small, conical paper cap, which Is ex
tended downward far enough to be se
cured there. This will keep drying
winds from browning the leaves, and
thus destroying the life of the graft
before the union Is effected. The cap
should be removed as soon as It is
known that the union of scion and
stock has certainly been effected.
Growing Turn' pa.
July Is the month for planting tur
nips. As the seed Is small, the ground
must be plowed and then harrowed
down to as fine condition as possible.
The most Important point in growing
turnips Is in the fine soil. Sow the seed
in rows which will permit of using
horse boes, and seed with a hand drill,
which Is regulated so as to cover the
seed perfectly. Use plenty of seed, as
the fly does considerable damage dur
ing some years to plants when they are
Just appearing. If too thick in the rows
the plants may be thinned with a hoe.
Cultivate as soon as the growth of the
plants will permit. If this Is not done
weeds and grass may get the start, es
pecially that persistent pest known as
crab grass. A light skinning of the
surface close to the plants after every
rain, using a hand wheel hoe, will pre
vent weeds and grass. After the turnip
plants have made considerable growth
they shade the soil and can hold their
own against weeds, but the best crops
are secured when the turnips are kept
clean. The ground should be manured
and the manure worked In with the
harrow before planting the seed.
Potatoes Among: the Chinese.
It has always been supposed that as
the potato Is a native of the Rocky
Mountain regions, both of North and
South America, it was unknown In
the old world until after America
was discovered. This is probably true
enough, so far as our present stock of
potatoes was concerned. But the po
tato has been known thousands of
years in China. It Is said to grow wild
in the regions of western China near
the Tartary boundary. It Is very large
ly grown there, and divides with rice
the popular preference as an article
of food. It is possible that the potato
might have been introduced from west
ern America In the long era when per
haps another continent lay between
Asia and America, or when the Facillc,
was occasionally traversed by adveu-.
turous vessels which sailed around the
coast In the far north, and then came
southward to milder climates along our
Alaskan coast.
Water In Farm Crops,
Those crops always pay best which
have most water In them, as nature
furnishes the water without charge.
The farmer who sells potatoes or roots
of any kind of fruits sells what Is
four-fifths water, while most of the
solid part of the fruit or root Is taken
by the leaves from the air. In growing
such crops cultivation so as to retain
moisture In the soil Is more Important
than manures. Whatever deepens the
soil enables It to hold more moisture
and to grow better those crops which
depend on abundant supplies of water
for success. It may seem paradoxical,
but It is true that soil made deep by
thorough underdraining will be the
molstest in time of drought. '
Wheat Prill Attachment.
The device shown In the sketch is
simply an A-shaped sled placed just
in front of the hoes' of the common
one-horse wheat drill to prevent trash
coming In contact with them. It works,
almost perfectly. The sides of the sled
are made of 2x10 boards 5Vs feet long
and 3 feet apart at the rear. To the
crosspiece b Is attached a chain, c, by
which It Is hitched to the drill. The
sloping pointed, Is covered with an
Iron band and from the upper end a
chain should run to the singletree. In
stead of the one chain, c, thers should
be two chains, one on each side to at
tach It to the uprights of the drill
Orange Judd Farmer.
Fharp Tools.
There Is little danger that either the
scj-the or cradle would be left dull
while these operations had to be done
by hand. But we have often seen
mower knives dulled by coutact with
stones," or gummed up by the juices
of grass so that It required far greater
force to run the machine, besides fre
quent failures to cut all the grass. In
such times an hour's work at the grind
stone, sharpening the mower knives,
will be work that well pays.
Poultry Note.
Dirty water may cause gapes.
Get rid of a weakling rooster quick.
It Is safest to change roosters every
A little tobacco in the nest drives off
Bread and milk make a good dish for
the hen.
Never let the young rooster run with
the bens.
It Is a big mistake to put too many
eggs under a ben.
Watch the crows. They will some
times carry off chickens.
If meal Is mixed in boiling water the
food Is cooked a little and Is better,
Look out for sudden showers, which
kill a good many chicks in the spring.
One writer says that his standby to
aiake hens lay In winter Is cabbage
Now get some powdered charcoal for
use In the feed in case the bowels are
Kerosene is a very valuable thing
about the ben bouse. Don't be afraid
to use it
Banish the parasites' and you do mors
than half the work of successful pout
try raising.
Keeping poultry In the orchard all
through the spring and summer will
prove profitable.
The symptoms of cholera are droop
ing wings, ruffled feathers, black comb
and wattles, and diarrhea.
this Task at Sea Involves Great Diffi
culty and Expense.
The Inventor who does away with
coal as a fuel for warships and also
the necessity for taking on fuel so fre
quently will have achieved one of the
greatest triumphs of the age. The coal
ing of vessels at sea especially in time
of war is often a most difficult prob
lem. Apparently methods of coaling have
Improved but little, and are almost as
crude as they were years ago. There
perhaps seems but little need In im
proving this system when the coaling
Is done at the ship's dock, but at sea
the difficulty of accomplishing the feat
In Increased a hundredfold. In the for
mer case two or more coal barges are
brought alongside of the boat at the
wharf and manlla fenders are suspend
ed over the sides of the vessel to keep
the two fronj Injuring each other. Even
under these most favorable conditions
it takes hours or even days to coal a
big ship. The best time the St Paul
could make before she was purchased
by the Government was forty hours for
taking on 3,000 tons of coaL
At sea when a ship needs coal It gen
erally needs It very badly, and the coal
must be transferred as soon as a col
Her can be brought to the boat, no mat
ter what the weather may be, whether
the sea be calm or the waves running
mountain high. The collier must be
fastened at both ends to the warship
by cables. With these two vessels roll
ing and pitching to and from each other
this joining of the two Is a dangerous
undertaking, for both might be sunk.
The work requires the oldest and most
experienced seamen. One set of men
Is busy keeping the two vessels apart
The first men drop rubber fenders
where they are needed and the others,
under the direction of an officer, tug at
the, helm and drop anchors tc control
the motion of the ship as much as pos
sible. ,
The cost Is simply transferring the
coal Is enormous. The St. Louis or the
Harvard spends over, $50,000 In a year
for getting coal out of colliers Into Its
bunkers. For getting the same amount
of coal from a collier Into the vessel at
sea the cost would be fully double thai
The Criminal Is Caged tip and Left
to Starve to Death.
This picture from the Wide World
shows a form of punishment for the
gravest crimes In parts of the Chinese
empire. The criminal la caged up and
left to die of starvation,
The Fife.
It is said by some that we owe the
fife "ear-piercing," as Shakspeare
calls It to the Swiss, and Sir James
Turner, who busied himself In writing
on military matters, names It the "Alte
maine whistle." In France it was em
ploved at least as early as 1534, In
which year It was ordered by Francis I,
that each band of 1,000 men was to
have four drums and two fifes.
A few years later, In England, we
find "drommes and ffyffes" Included In
the muster of London citizens. Shak
speare refers to the musician, not the
Instrument, when he Bpeaks In the
"Merchant of Venice" of "the vile
sauealine of the wry-necked fire." An
old writer observes, Indeed, that
"fyfe Is a wry-neckt musician, for he
looks away from his Instrument."
About the reign of James II. the fife
lost its popularity for a time, Sir James
Turner observing: "With us, any cap'
tain may keep a lifer In his company
and maintain him, too, for no pay Is
allowed him perhaps Just as much ai
be deserveth." Chambers' Journal.
Man ia's Cigarette GlrK
One of the most Interesting sights of
Manila are the cigarette or cigar girls,
About sunset any week day you may
lee coming out of a long, low building
Dear one of the bridges, and wending
their way by twos and threes, many
hundred women, clad In the simple but
picturesque costume of the Indian, of
an ages rrora 10 on, mum oi main
having fine eyes, hair and figure, but
homely faces.
It's bad form to drink too much wine
at dinner and It's bad taste In the morn'
The microbe of love usually steers
dear of an old bachelor's heart.
Where Jfoah Kept Bis Bees.
Dr. James K. Hosmer, while recently
visiting Boston, had oocaeion to visit
the new publio library. As he went
up the steps he met Edward Everett
Hale, who asked the doctor's errand.
"To consult the archives," was the
"By-tlie-by, Hosmer," said Doctor
Hale, "do you know where Noah kept
his -bees?''
"No," answered Hosmer.
"In the ark hives," said the venera
ble preaoher as he passed out of ear
shot. "Summer Piazza Stories" in
the August Ladies' Home Journal,
A New York State doctor, aged 109, volun
teered hU services to the president recently,
and expressed a desire to enter the army as a
surgeon. Even at his advanced years he can
read without glasses, and walk 10 to Id miles a
day. The oldest standard medicine Is Hostet
ter's Stomach Hitters, which has no equal tor
Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, fevers
and bad blood. It strengthens, purines and
vitalizes. One bottle does much good.
There has long dwelt in the heart
of the Pyrenees, on the old Catalonian
border of Spain, a race of dwarfs, sup
posed by some to be of Tartai origin.
The new improved Stouchton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
on the wav. -"It pavs to have the best.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, Or.
Professor Leist, of Moscow, claims
to have discovered a terrestrial mag
netic pole at Eotchetovka, a village in
the government of Kursk in Russia. -
The amount of silk produced by eaoh
spider is so small that a scientist
computes 663,523 would be required to
produce a pound of thread.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fia Syrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
ail the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fiq Syrup . Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Svkup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxative,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
establigbed 1MM. One of the oldest members of
the k-an Francisco l'ro.uce Exchange. Helor,
ences exchanged. Address W. H. YATES,
California St., Ban Francisco, t'al,
A Beautiful
llfailTrn I nrilTfli ) M,k Strett, Sn Franclsoo, CaL
In Oregon and Washington to handle grain jf B I W I ' '"
and other produce on Joint account, uroiher- 77 " . " .TT.?, , , "S ".m
wise. hvaKold r-llHblc Srh FranCinco houe. Dh, J.C. HoffmaN, Isabella Bldg, Chicago,!!!.
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH ( Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C, Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to Q1VE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
itarch sold. These presents are in the form of
loaufiful Pastel Pictures
They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
ura mm w
sm muss or TWS
J 1 ttQIIIlW)COO(Ur,, I
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned caitel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjecti
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used In the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
tnem in beauty, nenness ot color ana
One oi these pictures
will be given away
with each nackaee of
purchased of your grocr. It is the
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask
Deautitui picture.
do you like best grocer
bills or doctor-bills?
Use the wholesome
baking powder Sc h i
ling's Best. m
The elephant does not smell with his '
trunk. His olfactory nerves are con
tained in a single nostril, which is in
the roof of the mouth near the front.
"Llanfair-pwllgwyngyll" is a village
in Wales that enjoys the privilege of
being counted as one word in telegrams.
Husband or Lover in the Army or NavyT
Mail him today a 25c. package of Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder lor the feet. Ail who
march, walk or stand need it, It cures
aching, tired, sore, swollen, sweating feet,
and makes hot, tight or new shoes easy.
Feet can't Blister, get Sore or Callous
where Allen's Foot-Ease is used. 10,000
testimonials. All druggists and shoe stores
sell it. 2nc. Sample sent Free. Address
Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
It is a noteworthy fact that sheep
thrive best in a pasture infested with
moles. This is because of the better
drainage of the land.
The attention of the public is called
to the professional work of Dr. T. H,
White, No. 271 Morrison street,
Portland, Or. His electrical appli
ances are the most lnodein, and his.
orown and bridge Work is of such artis
tio form and finish", .'"that "hie patients
are delighted not only with the looks,
but with the comfort they receive from
the use of suoh artificial work, All
operations are painless under his meth
ods. See that your teeth are properly
cared for and that by a skillful dentist.
There is no need to suffer the discom
forts of broken-down and stained teeth
when they can be made useful and
pleasant to look upon without pain.
Make money by eucceiful
speculation in Chlc&KO. We
buy and sell wheat on mar
tins. Fortunes bave been
made on a small beginning by trading In fu
tures. Write for lull particulars. Km of rot
erence given. Several years' experience on the
Chicauo Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the busineos. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co.,
Chicago Hoard of Trade Brokers. Offices In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
is it Wrong?
Get it Right
Keep it Right
Moore's HeTealed Remedy will do It Three
doses will make you feel better. Get it from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, of
trom 8tewart St Holmes Drug Co., Seattl.
, Um unlet. Watt, kit !narld)tftt",
in o!d)( Jftreif rinjufutirfii, in benert ts bit
bet noaj majt g(iuignc octamtt tear, itnom
roit ea tn n jt on bis )um 1. anuat 1899
fret an aflt fcitjtnigrn, retire fiit bat rtaijfU
hafjr unfett arormmten wetbtri unb bra
Pftraa, bafllt, 12.00, jijt tin!ntbtn. SBan
lafj fid) $ioti-9ummer.)i fdjiiltn.
German Publihing Co., Portland, Or.
dinclmrgus, (iitlmuinntloni,
irritatiujif or ulcuratloog
oot t urUturt. oi muooui timiiiuraoea.
Prav-ow ooatftioa, PftLnlefii, nt not utrloo
jheEyanbOheuicuOo. gvni or Pyu.
(0 ,1 ol' b
plain wrftpmr.
DI'HDMid. fll
tli, ti.7
ilar luut on recjuMta
Plain or with Cutter, The best needle In th mar-
I XfX. L'seu by mi rkck-sewers, or sale by all go
I fjrul merchandise stores, ur by
M. F. M. L.
. sa, 's.
808; "1X7 HEN writing to
I mention this jj
mfs syr-jo net
Lilacs and
1 or coior ana artistic merit.
Elastic Starch
artistic merit.
best laundry starch on the market, and
your grocer for this starch and get a
- ' f