Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 29, 1898, Image 7

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Greatest Medicine Is
cine for You
Do not experiment with untried prepa
rations. - Be satisfied only with the great
"est and best, Hood's SarsapurilVa. It has
cured multitudes of people and ia kept on
hand in thousands of homes as the onlv
safe and reliable family medicine. It wifl
defend you from the dangers of summer.
Hood's Sarsaparilia
Is America's Greatest Medicine. SI; six lor $5.
Hood's Pills cure air liver ills. 23 cents.
Folding Megnphone,-
The megaphone has ooine into almost
umveisal use at athletic and aquatic
races and contests because it enables
the judges and. other officers to make
announcements that can -be heard all
over the field. Its adoption has been
somewhat hampered by the size of the
instrument which is too bulky to be
conveniently transported, but this has
been overcome by making them collaps
ible like the drinking cup made for
travelers and picnickers. The folding
megaphone is made in sections, one fit
ting in the other, and when not in use
the horn collapses into a package about
the size of a hat box.
None enn foresee the outcome of the ijuarrel
between foreign powers over the division of
China. It is interesting to watch the going to
pieces of this ancient but unproftressive raoe.
, Slimy people In America are also golnirto
pieces because of dyspepsia, constii'Htion,
blood, liver and stomach diseases., We are
living too lust, but strength, vigor and pood
health can be retained If we keep off and cure
the above diseases with Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, , ,
Naples is to be connected with
Mount Vesuvius by a direct .railroad
line, which will conncet with the cable
line running to the top of the volcano.
Hay Rack for Fhee'p.
The Breeder's Gazette, gives a de
scription of 'this sheep feeding rack.
The-animals cannot . rub the wool off
their necks trying to get at. the feed;
neither Will the seed, dust nnd rubbish
fall Into the wool, and they cannot pull
the fray down and mess it over so they
will not' eat it afterward, i The rack is
easily made. With It ypu can nave
lambs j-unuing about the feed Jot with
out , their getting on top of the hay,
which ordinarily cannot be done,
Hake the frame out of 2 by p's edge
wise,..; ; For block at bottom saw.2 by :G's
diagonally. Nail n 12-Inch board along
the bottom lengthwise; then take three
10-lneh boards and nail up the front.
Set bottom 10-inch board level with the
12-Inch or about one inch higher. Make
the rack with a frame about every four
feet, omitting crosspleee except at the
there were "rototn-roosts" as . well aa
"pigeon-roosts." Onlv within the last
few rears was the fact brought out
that a bird more familiarly known than
the passenger pigeon followed, this
mode of spending the night, although
It adopted spring instead of fall for
massing by hundreds in a high, shel
tered wood for a night's protection
from cold, or because it Is the period
before pairing time, or for some other
reason at present beyond man's ken.
With what stealth must tls weii
known'antl much-observed bird have
found its way In such numbers to the
same patch of timber night after night
In the early months of the year, accord
ing to locality, coming from all direc
tions so swiftly that a secreted ob
server could not count, keeping up a
chatter that could be heard for a long
distance, until the last bird, somewhat
belated, perhaps, found shelter in the
darkening grove, when all became si
lent as thousands of wings were folded
to rest. Llpplncott's Magazine.
A powder to be shaken into the Bhoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. . If you
have smarting feet or tihc shoes, 'try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and, callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions' of all pain and
gives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it todav. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent
bv mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE.- Address Allen 8. Olmsted, L
Koy, New York. -
The Russian pood, a measure ol ca
pacity in handling grain, is equal to
86.1 pounds. . .
?! o fits or nervousne
3 Of Ttr. k'lliip'n tir..t
Nerve Restorer. Send for Fit tit tfs.ou trial
bottle and treatise, DR. B. H, IiUiiii, Ltd., UJU
Area street, Philadelphia, Pa, , i
tlT Permanently Cured.
fll alter first day's use of Dr.
The waters of the Grand Fall of Lab
rador have excavated a chasm 30
miles long.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder
center, and this Is not necessary unless
you are going to move them about. For
rack to feed only one side make 18
Inches between studs. You can make
the sides separate and set them against
light posts. Do not nail, but wire so
you can raise them.
I It Possible?
That the barn roof leaks?
That tools were left where last used?
That fences are never repaired until
stock gets out?
That, there are no shade trees In the
pasture field? ,
That sheep and cockle burrs are al
lowed In the same field?
That all grain bags are not marked
with your Initials lu ink?
That the supply of fuel for winter is
not being hauled, while the roads are
That shoats are allowed the privilege
of a ten-acre field without rings?
That the same variety of wheat has
been on the farm for fifteen years?
That an abundance of small fruit for
family use is not raised on the farm?
That noxious weeds, such as ox-eye
daisy, white top, etc., are allowed to go
to seed?
That stock Is turned out where there
is barbed-wire fence, without first lead
ing up to It? ,
That many farmers got rid of their
sheep a year or so ago, and have none
on the premises to-day?
That farmers do not realize that we
have heretofore bad periods of depres
sion, and that better times are coming.
-Stockman and Farmer. 1 ; ' , ,
It is asserted that
make a more durable
the hardest granite.
plate glass will
monument than
Piso's Cnre for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures. ieorge W. Lotz,
Fabucher, La., August 20, lSilo.
It is announced that Italian ex
periments on vegetable life with Roent
gen rays have shown that the efloct is
identical with that of sunliiilit.
For the Summer Girl.
A love in soft.,, white, straw is just
made for the summer gill. It has an
airy, fairy fold of white taffeta round
it, and two quills curve back from the
knot in front. . White violets coquet
witli Miss S. Q.'s tresses in the hac k.
It is ideal snuihiet hatgear, all white
and inexpeesibly dainty, ..
In the town of Chile most ehops are
open till midnight, and during the
hot afternoons, when everybody takes
a siesta, they are locked np, ' ;
! ? I v. I ; . . T. i
Gratifying Letters to Mrs. Pin!i
ham From Happy Women.
Destruction of Weeds.
A few hours' work In spraying or
dusting plants In order to destroy in
sects or disease may not only save
crops this year, but also greatly lessen
the work of next season. But such la
bor must be applied at the right time.
The same with weeds, Which produce
millions of seeds.- When they are al
lowed to grow untU nearly matured be
fore they are destroyed they take from
the land the plant food that should sus
tain the crops grown thereon. If the
destruction of weeds Is done when they
are small, they are then out of the way
before they can harm the crops and
the soil. When the farmer postpones
his attack on weeds he Incurs the risk
of not being able to eradicate them at
some critical period of their existence,
and the pests will then have done dam
age by depriving the crop of moisture
and plant food when the season Is most
propitious for growth. It Is the lessen
ing of the work next year that should
always be kept In view. Profit on the
farm Is not made In a year, but In a
series of years. Work done at a loss
to-day may bring a fair profit during
the next season. The most profitable
work Is spraying to destroy Insects and
the keeping down of weeds and grass.
Philadelphia Record.
I Own Too My Ufa.
Mrs. E. Woolhiskb,
.' Mills, Neb., writes:
"Deab Mbs. PiKKrtAM ; I . owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound. The
doctors said I had consumption and
nothing1 could be done forj me. My
menstruation had stopped and they
t aid my blood was turning to water. I
had several ;doctors, .They all said I
could not live. I began the use of Lydia
E. Pinkham's, Vegetable Compound,
and it helped me right awav; menses
returned and I have gained in weight. 1
I have better health than I have had for
years. It is wonderful what your Com
pound has done for me."
"I reel Like a New Person.
Mrs. Geo. Leach, :
1600 Belle St., Alton, 111., writest
' " Before I began to take your Vege
table Compound I was a great sufferer
from womb trouble. Menses would ap
pear two and three times in a month,
causing me to be soweak I could not
stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and
looked so badly my friends hardly
knew me. '; la
" I took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much benefit from it. My drug
gist gave me one of your little books,
and after reading it I decided to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I feel like a new person. I
would not give your Compound for all
the doctors' medicine in the world. X
can not praise it enough."
WLL4 riKCK CtLS iSgs.?.' "
Plain or with Cotter. The best needle In the mar
ket. I'aed by all pack ewer. fur sale by all gen
eral merchandise store, or by
tx Market Street, Kan Francisco. Cul.
1 A Grain Room.
On many farms not a little grain is
fed to the stock. Where no room Is set
opart in the stable for a grain, or feed,
room a good deal of Inconvenience, and
much extra work,' is experienced. In
most barns it is not convenient to pro
vide a feed room from the present ac
commodations. In such a case a small
room can well be added to the stable
Taking Inventory on the Farm.
It is doubtful if there Is a merchant
In the entire United States, doing a
thousand dollars' worth of business In
a year, who does not begin Immediate
ly after the first of January to take an
account of stock, and by an account
of stock on hand, his sales, his bills .
payable, and his bills receivable, he Is
able to determine whether the business
has been done during the last year at a
profit or at a loss. He then proceeds
to lay the plans for the conduct of his
business in the year to come. The mer
chant who does not do this, and Is
known not to do this, will speedily lose
credit among the bankers and business
men with whom he deals, and would be
considered in Imminent danger ' of
bankruptcy, for only In this way can he
find out where he stands financially.
We doubt If there is one farmer who
at the first of January or at any other
period of the year regularly takes
stock, casts up his accounts, and finds
out the amount of profit or loss. Field
and Farm.
, Cnltivatton in Dry Wenther.
Whenever there seems danger that
corn or potatoes vnu suner irom
drought all the cultivation should be
near the surface. That will provide a
slight mnlch of dry soil, and will keep
the soil all the molster below It, as
the mulch prevents surface evapora
tion. If there are light rains, as there
will sometimes be even In dry times,
follow with the cultivator, turning
down all the soil moistened by the rain,
and turning to the surface some of the
dry soli below. When on going through
the field after a rain you seem to leave
the soil dryer than before It was cult!
vated you may know that you are do
ing a good work. The water is put
down whero the corn or potato roots
will quickly find it, Instead of being
left on the surface to evaporate.
The highest waterfall in the world
is Cholock oaoade, at Yosemite, Cil.,
which is 3,635 feet high, or just half a
mile. .
Not within living memory has there
been known so abnormally snowless a
winter in European Russia as the past
6688011. .i::. -. '. . .
A medical correspondent at Paris
writes that Dr. Mosso has established
the fact that the blood ot eels is poi
sonous. A curious fact has been noted by
Arctic travelers snow when at a very
low temperature absorbs moisture and
dries garments.
Gun cotton is cotton wool, washed
then soaked in nitric aoid and three
parts ' of sulphuric acid, washed in
water, pulped and dried. ;
It has been found in Switzerland that
in building a railway, laborers could
work one-third as long at a height of
10,000 leet as a mile lower.
The Rhind manuscript now in the
British museum is the oldest intelligi
ble mathematical work extant that has
ever been deciphered. ; 1 -
The largest theater in the world is
the Grand opera house of Puiis. It
covers more than three acres of ground,
and cost 63,000,000 francs. .
The creatines known as ooean hydras
have no heart, no lungs, no liver, no
brains, no nervous system, nor organs
save mouth and skin.
Glaciors vary in length from yeai to
year, and apparently in oyoles of years
also, those of the Alps having shown a
general diniunition sinco 1850. ' '
The king of Siam has a bodyguard of
female watriois i. e., 400 girls chosen
from among the: strongest and most
handsome of all the women in the land.
A recent landslide in China revealed
a pile of money equaling in value 7,
000,000 coppers. The coins were made
about the middle of the eleventh cen
tury. ,'!;':
Porous glass is one of the latest nov
elties. The holes are so small that
neither dnst nor draught follows its
use, and yet the ventilation is said to
be excellent - - -
Great differences exist between the
Arctic and Antarotic regions, and while
there is a polar sea at the north, it is
believed that a continent exists at the
South Pole, , ,
Seven Chinese war vessels are at pre
sent being built in Germany. Among
them are four torpedo boat destroyers
which will have a speed of S3 knots an
' The Peruvian Central railroad cover
ing a distance of 10 miles is at an eleva
tion only about 2,000 feet lower than the
summit of the highest mountain in
Switzerland. i . . ,
You cannot afford to drink
colored tea.
It undermines health, and the
f ;i '"- i-
coloring hides defects.
Schilling's Best needs no
coloring; it is good enough.
The Tran-MIllppl Stamp..
Of the TranemissiBsippi Exhibition
stamps, the 50-cent stamp, which is
dark green in color,. is from a drawing
by Frederic Remington of a "Western
Mining Prospector," showing a pros
pector in the mountains with his pack
mules. The $1 stamp is in black and
white, from J. MacWhirter's "Western
Cattle in Storm." The $3 stamp is
brown, showing an engraving of "The
Mississippi River Bridge" at St. Louis.
Gunpowder Motor. 1
Explosive powder is used to operate
a new motor, a small quantity of the
powder being fed into the oylinder and
ignited by an electric spark to drive
the piston rod, the expanded gas escap
ing through a valve as the piston
returns. '
Celluloid Balloon.
In an improved balloon the basket is
carried by four air cells adjustably
mounted on a railing around the basket,
making it possible for the remaining
cells to support the aeronaut if one cell
should collapse.
Wheel Nut. With Handle..
An improved nut for wagons and
other machinery where the nut would
soil the hands if touched has a project
ing knob on one Bide whioh tits in a'
hole drilled in one jaw of the wrench
to prevent the nut from slipping out
Short Ponoll Spliced.
Sitort pencils can be spliced by meant
of a new devioe consisting Of a short '
tube internally threaded and having
bell shaped ends for the Introduction of
the pencils and, interior transverse1,
grooves to form outting dies for the
To Chalk the Cue.
Billiard players ' will appreciate a
new ohalk-holder, which consists of a
metal plate to be screwed on the wall
to support a pieoe of chalk, whioh is '
hollowed out in the center , to receive '
the tip of the cue. - ;im
51 5
CJ--MCJ ink!-. nJLfcJ
LUUt.t WHlHf 111 (ISf (A'LS.
Beat touch Syrup. Tutus Goud. Vt
tn lime. o!(3 ft anjBiriMi.
In the manner showu In the cut mak
ing the addition where it can be con
veniently reached from the Interior.
The door is seen to be placed high up
In this addition, and opening upon a
small platform. A load of grain can
thus be backed up to the door and very
easily unloaded, no lifting being re
quired. Such an added room would
be of small cost, and would save many
steps and much valuable time In daily
bringing feed from a distant building.
American Agriculturist v -'
Care of the Lawn.
Be careful in mowing the lawn dur
ing very dry weather. If the grass plot
Is kept too close the grass may die out
should there be a lack of sufficient
moisture. The cutting of grass weak
ens the plant at first, as every succes
sive growth Is in the direction of pro
ducing seed. Any plant can be de
stroyed If kept cut close to the ground.
It may make new growth several times,
but sooner or later becomes exhausted.
Whqn moisture is abundant, however,
the plant has better opportunities to
renew Its growth.
Garden Peed.
Where several varieties of plants of
the same kind are grown together, it
will not be proper to save seed there
from. The different kinds of melons,
peas, sweet corn or other crops hav
their pollen distributed by the winds
or by insects, ana seea savea unaer
such circumstances will prevent uni
formity next year. The greatest care
should be observed to avoid mixing
when saving seed is the object.
"A Perfect Tpe of the Highest Order af
Excellence in Manufacture. "
The new improved Stounhton wagons '
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
on the wav. - It pavs to have the best.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port
land, Or. " 1
A microbe that lives and multiplies
in strong alcohol has been disuoveied
by Veley. .. ' , '
Gained Forty-Eight Pounds.
"i had a strong. appetite for liquor
which was the beginning of the break
ing down of my health. 1 was also a
slave to tea and ooffee drinking. I took
the gold cure, but it did not help me
This is a portion of an interview
clipped from the Daily Herald, of Clin
ton, Iowa. It might well be taken for
the subject of a temperance lecture but
that is not our object in publishing it.
It is to show how a system run down
bv drink and disease, may be restored.
We cannot do better than quote further
from the same :
("For years I was
unable to do my
work. I could not
sleep nights or rest
days on account of
continuous pains in
my stomiioii and
back. 1 was unable
to digest my food.
Headaches and
painful urination
were frequent, Hnd
my heart's . action
became increased.
I left my farm and
retired to eity life,
10' 1 was a con
firmed invalid, and
the doctor said I cttyuje.
would never be well again. ,
"Soon after I happened to use four
boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People and since theu I have been
free from all pain, headache and dys
pepsia. I eat heartily and have no ap
petite for strong drink or tea or ooffee,
and feel twenty years younger.
"My weight has increased 48 pounds.
I cannot say too much for Dr. Wil
liams' Pills and claim that thoy have
cured me. JOHN 13. COOK."
: Subscribed and sworn to befoie me
this sixteenth day of February, 1897.
A. P. Barker, Notary Public.
To people run down in health from
whatever cause drink or d-isease -the
above interview will be of interest
The truth of it is undoubted, as the
statement is swornto, and we reproduce
the oath here. For any further facts
concerning this medicine wiitetoDr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Scheneo
tady, N. Y.
The name and address of -he subject
of above inteiview is John B. Cook, of
208 South 5th street, Lyon, Iowa
The attention of the publio is called
to the professional work of Dr. T. H.
White, No. 271 Morrison Btreet,
Portland, Or. . His electrical appli-'
anoes are the most modem, and his
crown and bridge work is of such artis
tic form and finish, that his patients
are delighted not only with the looks,
but with the comfort they reoeivd from
the use of such artificial work. All
operations are painless under his meth
ods. . See that your teeth are properly
cared for and that by a skillful dentist.
There is no need to suffer the discom
forts of broken-down and stained teeth
when they can be made useful and
pleasant to look upon without pain,
jUisohitely Pure,
r Delicious,
' Nutritions.' ' '
v ..Costs Less TfianPflE gemt a Cop..
, Be tun that you get th Genuine Article
'' made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by' 1 '
Established wflr
Hen. In Summer.
The cheapest way to keep a flock of
hens In summer Is to turn them on a
range and let them pick up all the food
required, as they will nil their crops
several times a day with bugs, grass,
seeds, worms, ete. When fed grain
during warm weather the fowls are
liable to become too fat, in which con
dition the bens do not lay and are also
more liable to disease. Eggs may not
be high la summer, but they can be
produced at a very small cost at that
season if the hens are made to seek
their food.
For many years naturalists like Au
dubon and Wilson studied and wrote
of this bird before it was known that
Hob Feeding.
Experiments to determine the value
of corn and wheat for producing pork
show that to produce one pound of live
pork with shelled corn costs 1.49 cents,
and to produce one pound of pork from
dry wheat the cost Is 4.57 cents. The
cost varies, owing to the difference in
the prices of the foods. Pork from a
mixture of equal parts of corn and
wheat costs 2.07 cents. Corn Is there
fore much the cheaper grain for pro
ducing pork.
Combating Bqna.h Bnga.
Tedious as it appears, the destruction
of the egg clusters and hand-picking of
the matured Insects is the surest meth
od of combating the odious squash bo
An historic! landmark of the town of
Hadley, Mass., the old Hooker house,
which stood for almost two centuries,
was burned recently. It was in this
house that General Joe Hooker was
born in 1814.
We offer One Hundred Dollnre R.w.rd lor ny
cut of C.urrb that van not bo cured by Hull'e
(J.tarrh (Jure.
v . i ' n p v 1 V J. r-"I tM-.. TnlnHn rl
We tho underlined, In ve known K.J. Cheney
for ttia pant IS yean, and beliere him perfectly
honorable. In ail bu.lnen trannitctloni and fln-
auclal W able to carry out any obligation made
dj lueir aria.
Wsrr A TSFiX,
Whoieal JjrunKliiU, Toledo, O.
Waldino. Kinnan A Marvin.
Wholesale DruirKlate. Toledo. O,
lull ' Catarrh Cure It taken intornallj . actlm
Alrer.tlv on the hliiod and mncou. eurfoi'e. 0
their item. Price 75c per bottle, f old bf all
amgrmte. leetlmonlali tree.
Hall i Family nilt -,ro the beat.
Is it Wronu?
Get it RiKkt.
Keep it Riclit.
Moore' , llevealed Koraedy will do It. Three
dotni will make you feel better. Get It from
your driiL'irist or any wholesale drug house, or
teem Stewart ik Holmes iirug Co., -Seattle.
Mif J OiwidimJ Tl
M ejbW sot u Slr
Bishop ScQUIcidemf0
A Koardlinc and Day School for boy.
Military iliwlpllne luchirire of V. 8,
Army orftwr. 1'rimary, preratory
and acttrierntc denanuienU. Manual,
Trulntog or Hlovd low recently been IB- :(
United. Ikiya of all , g9 received. 7
Special liiHtruultmi lit muxlc, modern
latutuHiiee. au-nograiitiy. Tlirouxh eol-
letfe prejHirttllon a specialty, 4JaiaiOfT :(
on ooplkwtlon to (lie principal,. J. w,
HILUM. D, P. O. Drawer It, Port- )
lani. Or. , ,
. Make money by euoceifttl -tlculatluu
lu Chicago. We
buy ami tell wheat on mar- ,
tins. Fortune have been
ado on a small bfigiuniug by trading In fa-
tmes. Vt rite for full particular, llegt ot r..
erence given. Several years' experience on the
Cliicnuo Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge "f the business. Bend for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chicago Hoard of Trade Broker. Office In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle. Waah.
lHH Itil, .1 fl.r lll,l,a,l,,.a1
dtpchara-et, Ji, flu in iiiailons.
trritationii ur iik-trutioua
laiur.. t mueoiii membrane.
Ii'ravtou eonttlloo. I'ftitileHR, and Uut Ultrju
THeEvN8 0h!M'CiC), ml or poiaouoai.
Sola by Urarel.ta, '
ot lent In plalo wrapper,
br exprem, rHr.mil, for
Stormed atonoe
! Dr. J.C. HorrMAK,4S4UaliellaHldg,Chtcago,lll.
K. F. K. t.
Il.io. ur 2 Umlei, u.7S. WHEN
circular aetit ou requeit. ; IT
vrrltlna to
inentiou thl. ap.r,
81, '.
artverti.er plea
A Beautiful Present
. In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form oi ,. :-r j . v
Beautiful Pastel Pictures
,nwi I l.i ii. i.e.! 'ii jii ... -. ,it :i i. .iU iinnmjj u..;i
' , ! ' I ' - .i.l.O' .'lit'!- h -.
; .;- ifhiy are 13x19 inches in site; and are entitled ai follows: '
Lilacs and
owwiw iwwMwwiij.io ry I
Poppies, v
, Lilacs and
Hon J ''., -, t" -J '
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subject!
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. ,
The pictures are accurately reproduced In all the colors used in the orig
in a Is, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. .,
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
tnem in Deauiy, ricnness 01 coior ana artistic merit,
One ol these pictures
will be piven away
with each nackace of
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and.
is sold lor 10 cents a pacgage. ask your grocer ior- wis ttarcn ana get a
beautiful picture. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
1 01 coior ana artistic merit. ,. .
Elastic Starch