Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 22, 1898, Image 6

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    Oregon City GoarieF.
a. v. gum, ruuukor.
kmoh oitt oreqon
A Complete Review of the Telegraphlo
Kivi of This and All For
etgn Landi.
The fifth Manila expedition, com
prising 8,000 troops, is about ready to
leave Ban Francisco.
The transports Peru and Puebla have
left Sau Francisco for Honolulu with
troops for the islands.
The San Francisco Examiner says the
Bennington has gone North to consort
Alaska treasure ships.
Unole Sam has bought an Australian
liner, the steamer Culgoa. She is dow
being transformed into a cruiser.
An island known as the Marcus of
Weeks, between Honolulu and the Phil
ippines, flies the United States flag and
-.has been offered to this country as a
coaling station.
President McKlnley has given ex
pression to a strong hope for an early
peace. Responding to congratulations
on the success of the Santiago cam
paign, he said! "I hope for on early'
peace now."
Both nations are reaping benefits
from the Anglo-American friendliness.
The non-concurrenoe of Great Britain
in the proposal for European interven
tion between America and Spain, it is
claimed, thwarted the designs of the
Premier Sagasta is quoted as saying1
"Spain wants peioe, but it must be an
honorable peace, as Spain deserves.
The army is anxious to resist to the
last, but the government cannot con
sent to such useless sacrifice. Had we
our fleet, the situation would have been
very different."
A decree has boon published suspend
ing throughout Spain the rights of indi
viduals as guaranteed by the constitu
tion. The government wishes to have
full power to suppress evidences of
discord or rebellion whioh might ap
pear. The publication of the decree ia
accepted as proof that peace negotia
tions are actually in progress.
A special dispatch from Madrid quotes
Premier Sagasta as saying in an inter
view that he thought the Americans
would "got the reinforcements they
required, which would enable them to
take Santiago." The premier is said
to have added: "Though the American
warships may destroy our squadron, ia
the harbor, yet we will pursue the war.
There are in Cuba 100,000 men ieady
to die in its defense."
Adviocs from Honolulu state that
several mild oases of measles have
broken out since the arrival of the Pa
cific coast troops.
A London correspondent of a French
journal says the powers will intervene
and the united States will be robbed
of the Philippines.
While at Honolulu an American flag
was prosonted to the cruiser Charleston
by the Queen Dowagor Knplolanl of
Hawaii, in token of friendship for the
United Status. , 1
News of the defeat of the imperial
tioops near Woo Chow is confirmed in
Hong Kong. The loss of the imperial
forces la probably more than 1,600
A beautiful American flag has been
sent by the atoamer Alameda to the Ha
waiian chamber of commerce to be un
furled at the ceremonies of raising the
Aug in that city. It was tho gift of the
chamber of commerce of San Francisco.
By the explosion of a boiler in the
Niagara starch works the building was
wrecked and six porsona wero killod
and 28 injured. Two others are miss
ing.who are supposod to have porishod.
Of the persons in the building, only
two escaped. Most of the injured were
persons outaido the works. Scarcely
a house within 1,000 feet of the woiks
wscaped being hit with bricks, twisted
iron or heavy timbers.
A dispatch to tho London Daily
News fioiu Gibraltar tolls a long story
of a peoudo wealthy Mexican who was
lionized for six weeks at Madrid and
Cadiz, dined with Admiral Camara,
inspected the Boot and defenses, and ia
every way won tho oonfldenoo of the.
officials, only to disappear tho moment
awanant was Issued for his arrest.
He uftorwurd confessed to the corre
spondent that ho was a captuin in the
Second Texas Rangers, and was acting
as the confidential agent of the United
States government
Tho first and most daring train rob
bery in years on the Truckee division
of the Central Pacific occurred two
miles east of Humboldt. Two masked
robbers held up the East-bound ex
proas train. The engineer and fireman
were taken off tho engine and compelled
to go to tho express car, the robbers
climbing over tho tender and covering
them with revolvers and a Winchester
rifle. The robbers blew open the ex
press car door with dynamite and also
blew tho safe open. The car was com
plutely demolished. The amount se
cured is not known. No one was hurt
in tho explosion.
Minor News. Items.
Spain ia arming a third fleet and er
peets to have it at sea in five weeks.
President McKlnley will take no
vacation until the war ciisis is passed.
The harbor patrol vessels, Governor
Russell, East Boston, Arab and Apacho,
will join tho blockading squadron off
Methodist missionaries are to bo sent
into the different Spanish possessions
which will soon pass to American control.
The New York World, has a dispatch
from Manila which says tbe German
admiral has apologized to Admiral
Tbe bureau of construction and re
pairs is expending $1,250,000 a month
upon repairs, fitting and refitting ves
sels for the war with Spain.
Our money is to be the money of
Cuba. The government proposes to in
troduce it by paying off the American
soldiers at Santiago in coin.
The output of smokeless powder for
the navy is steadily increasing, and tbe
ordnance bureau is receiving more than
8,000 pounds daily for the big guns.
Tbe allied armies at Santiago are not
on friendly terms. Shatter's refusal to
allow Garcia's troops to enter the cap
tured city has served to widen the
Tbe sohooner Three Bells and the
sloop Pilgrim, oaptured by the gunboat
Dixie, near Manzanillo, on July 6,
have ariived in Key West under prize
Tbe Spanish flag no longer waves
over Caimanera. The town and har
bor, together with 6,000 Spaniards,
have surrendered to officers from the
Marblehead. '
The transport steamer Pennsylavnia,
with the First Montana regiment and
800 reoruits for the First California
volunteers, has sailed from San Fran
cisco for the Philippines.
Four Oregon volunteer officers are in
trouble at the Philippines. Captains
Heath, Wells and Presoott and Lieu
tonant Telfer ore likely to be court
martialed for having overstayed a leave
of absence.
The cruiser Buffalo, our purchase
from Brazil, is to be fitted out at once
for service. Commander Homphill will
superintend the woik of repair and
command the vessel when she goes into
From Oakland, Cal., comes a report
of a terrible deed committed by a Chi
nese murderer. Brought to bay in a
powder magazine, be blew it up and
wrecked the entire plant, killing Bix
persons besides himself.
General Shatter has asked the war
department to hurry forward tbe regu
lar immunes for seivice at Santiago
and vicinity in order that there may be
the minimum of danger of further in
feotion of the troops from fever.
As one important result of the cap
ture of Santiago, the iron and steel
mines are to resume operations at once.
American companies will handle the
output of tbe Cuban mines as was tho
case before their operation was suspend
ed by order of the Spanish officers.
The war department has received a
dispatch from General Shatter, saying
that the roster of prisoners has been
handed in by General Toral, and that
the total is 83,789 men. General
Shatter's dispatch added that the pris
oners turned over to him far exceed in
number the strength of his own army.
The Madrid public are not satisfied
with the surrender of Santiago. Tbe
terms exacted of Toral are regarded as
being too severe.
It is calculated by government offi
cials that Commodore Watson will reach
tbe Canaries about August 1 and be
ready to strike a blow at tho Spanish
coast a few days later.
The United States will take imme
diate steps to collect cutoms revenue at
Santiago as a war contribution, and a
government customs office will be
opened there and be ready for business
at once. This aotion will be taken
pending final settlement of the ques
tion of the status of Cuba after the
close of the war.
Riots have brokon ont in the Spanish
province of lluolva, . in Adalusia.
The inhabitants marched to tho muni
cipal buildings, shouting for cheap
bread. Riotors to the number of 4,000
sacked many privato houses. They
wore finally dispersed by the artillery,
and energetic measures will bo taken
to prevent a renewal of the disturb
ances. A statistical report regarding the
commerce of Porto Rico has been issued
by the department of agriculture.
Trade ia increasing, and a comparative
statement of the imports and exports of
Spain's easternmost West Indian pos
session in the years 1881 and 161)0
shows that ita commerce ia well worth
having and ita growth constant.
The advance guard of the Porto
Rican invading expedition, commanded
by General Miles, has sailed from
Siboney. Four batteries of artillery
and a few seasoned troops compose it.
General Brooke reported that his army
was ready to proceed immediately with
tho occupation of the island. The en
tiro expedition, It is thought, will em
bark from Newport News within the
next fortnight.
Word has roachod San Francisco from
St. Michaels that the steamer Cone
inaugb from Seattle, was ovei taken in
Bohring sea by a hurricane, and that
hor tow, a river steamer laden with
Btores, was lost. Two barges towed by
a steamer of the Alaska Commercial
Company were lost in the same storm.
They oost about 120,000. A similar
fate overtook a new river boat towed
by tho National City. The loss in the
last case was $30,000.
Four of Garoia's men have died from
overrating, and three others who went
swimming after gorging themselves
were found dead.
Maj.-Gon. Shatter holds a modal of
honor awarded to him for distinguished
agllantry in the battle of Fair Oaks.
Va May 81, 1863.
The defenses of Santiago are charac
teristically Spanish, consisting, as they
do, of lines of barb-wire fonoe back of
whioh are ritle pits and then block
houses of forts.
The Vanguard of the
American Army
Has Sailed.;
Be Ii on the Tale With Four Batteries
of Artillery Landing Place Not An
nounced An Overwhelming; Force
Will Be Bent to the Island. '
Washington, July 20. After three
days' consultation between Secretary
Alger and General Brooke.during which
there was frequent communication with
General Miles at Siboney, the details
of the Porto Rican expedition were per
fected and tbe expedition itself gotten
under way. .General Miles, with four
batteries of artillery and some troops,
sailed today for Porto Rico on the Yale,
to be followed quickly by. an army of
about 80,000 men.
There are some notable differences
between the plans for this expedition
and those for the stately naval pageant
that sailed away from Tampa under
General Shatter's command to attack
Santiago. First, there will be practic
ally no naval convoy. The navy de
partment has declared that it is unnec
essary; that there is not a Spanish
warship in the West Indies that dare
thrust its bow out of port. In the sec
ond place, the expedition will not start
from one point, but will be divided
among several ports, thus preventing
the tremendous congestion that was
encountered at Tampa in the effort to
start tbe big fleet. Lastly, there will
be no effort made to get the ships away
together, but the transports will be al
lowed to find their own way to their
General Miles leads the way. ' He
had been promised by the president
that he should go to Porto Rico and the
promise wa8 redeemed when the Yale
beaded today from Sibonev for Porto
Rico, 800 miles distant.. .
General Brooke will be senior officer
in General Miles' command, and upon
him will fall the responsibility for the
execution of the details of bis superior's
General Miles will hoist the Ameri
can flag at once over Porto Rican soil.
The point chosen for his landing is
kept secret, as the general will land be-
Sha attempted to protect Spaniard! In Manila, but desisted when Dewey tent tbe Raleigh and Con
cord to lnnutlftkte.
fore the full body of tbe expedition is
at hand, and it is consequently not de
sirable that the Spaniards should be
enabled to collect a superior force to
meet him.
The distance from Charleston, where
the first body of troops for Miles' expe
dition was to start today, ia more than
double tho distance from Santiago to
Porto Rioo, so that the transports which
eail from the former city can scarcely
join General Milosbefoiothe early part
of next week. These Charleston
troops are to be the First army corps
and are commanded by Brigadier-General
George II. Ernst The brigade
comprises the Second Wisconsin, Third
WisoonBin and Sixteenth Pennsylvania
Tho purpose of Secretary Alger is to
make the Potto Rican campaign a short
one. An overwhelming force will be
thrown upon tho island, and it is possi
ble that a bloodless victory will be
achieved when the Spanish beoome oon
vinoed that they have no reasonable
chance to resist successfully. The ex
pedition is to comprise 30,000 men at
tho start, and it will be swelled soon
to 40,000 men, and, it neoessary, to 70,
000 men, tho equipment of the volun
teer forces having now progressed eo
well as to warrant the statement that
that number of men can be ready for
service in Porto Rico within a very
short time. The entire body of troops
at Tampa will be takon, numbering
about 13,000 men, and including a lot
of heavy and light artillery under com
mand of General Rodger.
Paris, July 30. M. Zola and M.
Perrleux were today sentenced to one
Tear's imnriaonment and to nav 8.000
J francs fine and the coat of tbe suit.
Auguatln Refuses to Surrender Manila
Important Conference Held
. Manila, via Hong Kong, July 20.
An important interview has just been
held between General Aguinaldo's
secretary, Legardft, .,and a prominent
native white man, 'and the Spanish
commander, Captain-General Augustin,
to surrender the city. Legarda asserted
that 50,000 insurgents surround
Manila, and are able to enter it at any
moment. Thus far, he added, the in
surgents have been restrained with diffi
culty, but if the Spaniards continue
stubborn, the result would be that the
insurgents would be compelled to bom
bard and storm the city, with inevita
ble slaughter unparalleled in history,
because in tbeexoitement of battle they
cannot discriminate.
Continuing, the captain-general's
visitors advised him to disregard the
official fictions regarding Spanish vic
tories in Cuba and reinforcements com
ing to the Philippine islands, and pro
posed a reconciliation between the
insurgents and the Spaniards in' the
Philippine islands under a republican
flag, and a joint endeavor to persuade
the Americans to abandon hostilities in
the islands.
Finally, the representatives of the
insurgents proposed an appeal to' the
powers to recognize the independence
of the Philippine islands.
The natives inside sa.r they received
a fortnight ago a concerted signal to
prepare for storming the walls. A sec
ond signal fixing the date for the as
sault has not yet been issued, and they
are tired of waiting, and are losing
faith in Aguinaldo.
The latter, it is alleged, finds it ex
tremely difficult to capture the town's
fortifications. His previous sucoesses,
is is pointed out, were easy, because
of the nature of the country, whioh
suited his skirmishers. It is further
alleged that the principal points oap
tured by the insurgents were obtained
through treachery.
The insurgents are now bringing ar
tillery around by sea from Malabon,
which is tedious and troublesome work.
They are also obtaining detailed reports
of the condition of affairs from insida
the city.
Aammu uewey is estaonsning a
more strict blockade, lest it be invali
dated Dy permitting neutrals to visit
Cavite and Malabon, and send and re
ceive mails inclosing surreptitious
bpamsh disptaches. He has threat
ened to Btation warships opposite the
city, which might precipitate hostili
ties, as the Spanish officers declare they
will oortainly fire on any American
within range, regardless of the conse
The second installment of Amerioan
troops is expected here daily.
The Irene Again Stopped.
London, July 20. The Hong Kong
correspondent of the Mail says:
United States Consul Wildman in
forms me that us the German cruiser
Irene was passing Mariveles, off Ma
nila, the other day, the United States
gunboat McCulloch was sent after her
to ask her to stop. She refused to obey,
and a shell was sent aoross her bows
and a small boat went out to disoover
what she was doing. The German ad
miral protested, and insisted that Ger
man ships had a right to enter the har
bor without being searched, a claim
Admiral Dewy deolined to tecognize.
It is reported that Admiral von Died
rlchs, who is in command of the Ger
man squadron at Manila, interviewed
Captain Chichester, of the British
cruiser Iminortalite, as to what he
would do if the Germans interfered
with the bombardment of Manila.
Captain Chichester replied that ouly
Admiral Dewey and himself knew that.
Coast Light Extinguished.
Algiers, July SO. The Spanish au
thorities in the Balearic islands have
extinguished the coast lights there
uutil further orders.
Shatter May March Across the Island-
More Armies to Conquer.
Washington, July 30. It has been
finally decided that none of the troops
that participated in the actual fighting
before Santiago shall be employed on
the Porto Rico expedition. There are
several reasons for this: First, the
men have suffered severely from hard-
ships, olimate and fevers, and are en
titled to rest; second, it ia deemed to
be very bad practioo to allow the sol
diers who have been exposed to yellow
fever to be brought in oontact with
those fresh from the United States.
There is also another reason, a purely
military one. Ten thousand Spanish
troops are at Holguin, Manzanillo and
other points within striking distance of
Santiago, and might not lose an oppor
tunity to reoover the ground lost at San
tiago if the place were left insufficient
ly protected, lnereiore, bnaiter a en
tire army ia to be on guard on thepiigh
hills in the rear of the town until the
men have stamped out the yellow fever.
Then they will take a turn at the Span
iards, if thoy can be found and it may
be that Shafter'a march will end at Ha
vana. He will work aB far from his
base as possible after his army is thor
oughly refreshed, hunting the enemy
wherever they are liable to be found.
President Issues a Proclaimttlon to the
Washington, July 20. A state pa
per that will be historio, marking an
epoch in Amerioan history, was issued
tonight by direction of President Mo
Kinley. It provides in general terms
for the government of the province of
Santiago do Cuba, and is the first docu
ment of the kind ever prepared by a
president of the United Stites. By or
der of Secretary Alger, Adjutant-Gen
eral Corbin tonight sent the document
to General Shatter, in command of the
military forces at Santiago. The paper
is not only an authorization and in
struction to General Shatter for the
government of the captured tertitory,
but also a proclamation to the people
of tho teriitory of the intentions of the
government of the United States re-
garding them and their interests. It
marks the formal establishment of a
new political power in the island ol
Cuba, and insures to the people of the
territory over which the power exteuds
i absolute security in the exercise of
j their private rights and relations, as
well as security to their persona and
Commodore Schley's, flying squadron
has been merged mto the fleet unde
Admiral Sampson.
Progress of Chinese Itebolllon.
London, July 20. The parliamentary
secretary for the foreign office, George
N. Curzon. replyinc today in the house
of commons to questions on tiie
' Chinese situation, said the Britili con
sol at Canton reported that 6,000 badly
Hiiiieu reueis uau encountered a aetacn
ment of imperial troops on July 1, at
an unknown place, aud had afterwari
retreated westward with loss. The re
bellion, he added, was not yet sup
pressed, ana rename information od
the subject could not be obtained.
Old Glory Hoisted Over
the City of San
tiago. ,
Spanish Troops Laid Down Their Arm
City Sacked by the Jtnemy Gun
ral MoKlbben Has Been Appointed
Temporary Military Governor.
Santiago de Cuba, July 19. Amid
impressive ceremonies, the Spanish
troops laid down their arms between
the lines of the Spanish and American,
forces at 9 o'clock this morning.
General Shatter and the Americaa
division and brigade commanders and
their staffs were escorted by a troop of ,
cavalry and General Toral and his Btaff
by 100 picked men. , t .
Trumpeters on both sides saluted
with flourishes.
General Shatter returned to General
Toial the latter's sword after it had.
been handed to tbe American com
mander. Our troops, lined up at the trenches,
were eye witnesses ot tne ceremony.
General Shatter and his escort, accom
panied by General Toral, rode through,
the oity taking formal possession. The
oity had been sacked by the Spaniard
before they arrived.
General MoKibben has been appoint
ed temporary military governor.
The ceremony of hoisting the Stars
and Stripes was worth all the blood and
treasure it cost. A vast concourse of
10,000 people witnessed the stirring
and thrilling scene that will live for
ever in the minds of all the Americans
present. A finer stage setting for a
dramatic episode it would be difficult
to imagine. , The palace, a pictuiesque
old dwelling in the Moorish style of
architecture, faces the Plaza de la
Reiiia, the principal public square.
Opposite rises the imposing Catholic
cathedral. On one side is a quaint,
brilliantly painted building with broad
verandas, the club of an Carlos; on
the other a building of the same de
scription, the Cafe de la Venus.
Aorosa the plaza waa drawn up tho
Ninth infantry, headed by the Sixth.
cavalry band. In the street facing the
palace stood a picked troop of the Sec
ond cavalry with drawn sabers, under
command ' of Captain Brett. Massed
on the stone flagging between the baud
and line of horsemen were the brigade
commanders of General Shafter'B divis
ion with their staffs. On the red-tiled
roof of the palace stood Captain Mc
Eittrick, Lieutenant Miley and Lieu
tenant Wheeler. ' Immediately above
them on the flagstaff was the illu
minated Spanish arms and the legend
Viva Alfonso XIIL"
All about, pressing against the ver
anda rails, crowding the windows and
doors and lining the roofs were the peo
ple of the town (the women and non
combatants). As the chimes of the old cathedral
rang the hour of 12, the infantry and
cavalry presented arms. Every Amer
ican uncovered.and Captain McKittriok
hoisted the Stars and Stripes.
As the brilliant folds unfurled in a
gentle breeze against the fleckless sky,
tne cavalry band broke into the strains
of "The Star Spangled Banner," mak
ing tbe American pulse leap and th
American heart thrill with joy.
At the same instant, the sound of the
distant booming of Captain Capron's
battery, firing a salute of 21 guns,
drifted in. When the musio ceased,
from all directions around our line
came flioating aoross the plaza the
strains of the regimental bands aud the
muffled, hoarse cheers of our troops.
The infantry came to "oider arms"
a moment later, after the flag was up
and tho band played "Rally 'Round
the Flag, Boya." Instantly. General
McKibben called for three cheers for
General Shatter, which were given
with great enthusiasm, the band play,
ing Sousa'a "The Stara and Stripes
The ceremony over, General Shatter
and hia staff returned to the American
lines, leaving the city in the possession
of the municipal authorities, subject to
the control of General McKibben.
The Thirteenth and Ninth regiments
of infantry will remain in the city to
enforce order and exercise municipal
The Spanish forcea are to encamp
outside of our lines.
The work of loading the Spanish
prisoners on transports preparatory to
Bending them back to Spain will he
commenced as soon as ships are pro
vided. ,
Spain Seek Peace.
Madrid, July 19. Almember of the
cabinet, in an interview today, asserted
that the government was seeking an
honorable peace with the United
States. An official dispatch from Porto
Rico says 150 oases of ammunition ex
ploded there, killing 14 persons and
wounding many more.
German Opinion Changing.
London, July 19. The Berlin corre
spondent of the Daily News, suggesting1
that friction between the foreign office
and the admiralty led to the Irene in
cident, says: Nothing, 1 know positively,-would
be more inconvenient
and disagreeable to the German cabinet
than trouble with tbe United 8tatea.
A letter from Manila is going the
rounds of the press here ridiculing, as
grossly exaggerated, the reports of tho
savagery of the insurgents.