Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 22, 1898, Image 3

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Coed Health
Able to Work Every Day Since Tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparilln.
"I waa a great sufferer from stomach
trouble and was not able to retain food.
After taking a few bottles of Hood's Sar
saparilla I was able to eat almost anything
I wished, and I have been well enough to
work every day. I am now enjoying good
health." L. J. Ferguson, Monroe, Or.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America'! Greatest Medicine. $1; six for 3.
Hoo '8 Pills cure indigestion. 25 cents.
Westernixat-lon. of the Japs.
Kioto, Japan, formerly regarded as
the sacred city of the Mikado, is be
ing thoroughly westernized, having
adopted the overhead trolley and oro
and incandescent lighting. The power
for the operation of the street railway
is supplied by the waters of LakeBiwa,
which are utilized through the agency
of extensive canals, the plant being one
of the largest engineering projeots com
pleted by native engineers.
A i to the Poppy.
And poppies I You must have pop
pies! They're just as muoh a necessity
as oorn flowers, but with this advant-
: Corn flowers must be their own
beautiful blue, while poppies well,
you make up your mind and then order
your poppies to suit. A pale green
poppy may not be warranted somnifer
ous, but you don'f court Morpheus in
your hat no, not even in a five-dollar
Pretty good showing for the price,
isn't it?
The word "hairbreadth," now used
for an infinitesimal space, was once a
regular measure. "It was the width
of 16 hairs laid sido by side.
One of the Philippine insurgent leaders is a
beautiful woman whose life seems to be
charmed. 8he has often rushed bravely into
the very teeth of death from guns and cannon,
Dut nas never Deen wounaeu. frequently we
see people in this country who live so long
that their lives seem charmed also, but the
nnlv pV.nriTi nhnut it is that thev knpnnn their
strength and vitalize their blood with that
celebrated remedy, Hostettor's Stomach
Tho sound of a bell which can be
heard 45,000 feet through the water
can be heard tnrougn me air oniy
456 feet.
Dear Madam ,
Your bread needn't smell
of soda or alum or lime.
Schilling's Best baking
powder has no lime or alum
or excess of soda. a
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Sstrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Stkup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the Dame of
the Company
mriavm.E. Ky. mew tokk. n. t.
It is stated that vast uncovered un
touched beds of sheet mioa lie within
50 miles of Kiao-Chon bay, China.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
Gloves made of frogskin are the latest
A fine collection of cipar ribbons will be
sent bv enclosing 2o cts. to Globe Cigar
Co., 118 Fulton St., San Francisco, Cal.
The one colored member of congress
is named White.
Remarkably Checkered Career of
Emllio Castelar, Revolution.
Emlllo Castelar, who brought down
apon his head the wrath of the Span
ish Senate by his letter in which he
blamed y u e e n
Christina for
Spain's troubles, is
the republican
leader In the poli
tics of the penin
sula. Like all rev
olutionists, Caste-
53 lar nns nuu niu uys
troubles came wnn
sknob castelar. meriCan war
Castelar patriotically refused. to head
J0)000 republicans who desired to take
advantage of the foreign complication
and overthrow the monarchy. Castelar
Is now 00 years old. He inherited his
invp of liberty from his father, who
lived in England an exile under sent
ence of death for agitation, and who
tiled destitute in 1830. The son was
given a flue education and was for a
time professor of philosophy In the
University of Cadiz, the town of his
birth and heart. He lost his place
when he founded the newspaper La
Democracia of Madrid. His conduct
with this paper earned him the sent'
i uce of death, but he escaped to Swlt
garland and France. When Isabella
II. was dethroned he returned to Spain
ind labored for a reublic. Restored to
Ids professorship he resigned in 1875.
King Auaadeo resigned in 1873 and
i'astelnr became minister of foreign af
fairs of the republic, and later in' the
same year was the executive head of
the republican government, Castelar
has been in and out of cortes for years,
nnd divides public attention with Sa
gaato. He ,is a learned man, and is
supposed to be far ahead of his coun
try in his Ideas of modern statesman
ship. Since the outbread of the pres
ent war he has manifested bitter ani
mosity toward this country, and with
tongue and pen has made savage at
tacks upon the people and the govern
ment of the United States.
Modern Methods in the Old World. I
The lighting of the tombs in the in
terior of the pyramids and the outlin
ing of the tops of the pyramids with
arc lamps has brought home to West
ern minds the fact that eleotricity is
rapidly being adopted in the far East
ern countries. . The Western Electri
cian in a recent issue states that elect rio
lighting, especially for household pur
poses, is rapidly progressing in Egypt.
It is offered at cheap rates, and is far
preferable in the Egyptian climate to
the very ordinary quality of gas sup
plied by the gas company at Cairo,
which has been granted a concession to
supply electrio light. Only two trains
on the government railway are at pres
ent equipped with eleotrio lights, but
other installations are proposed. The
gas company mentioned has contracted
to light all Cairo by eleotricity in lieu
of gas, and it is confidently expected
that Alexandria will soon adopt the
same method.
Somewhat Fishy.
Wonderful are the tales of travelers,
and the proof, remarks Youth's Com
panion, is generally ready for purposes
ol substantiation, if their truth is called
in question. ,
A tourist who had returned from a
trip to Seattle and Tacomn was describ
ing to his Eastern friends the glories of
that region, its marvelous climate, and
the rapid strides its' people are making
in the arts and sciences of civilization
"I tell you," he said, "they are
away ahead of you people here. Even
the animals are more sprightly, and
have more go-aheadativeness about
them than the animals in this part of
the country."
"I have heard," said a sarcastic
listeneer, with a wink at the others,
"that the fish out there can sing."
"Well, they do have a kind of Puget
Sound about them," rejoined the traveler.
Dainty as a Dewy White Rose.
Another oreamy white straw is as
dainty as a new-born wild rose, with
its soft folds of pink chiffon coyly hid
den undor roses chenille dotted black
Brussels net. Pinky roses are next the
hair, half hidden under the brim.
Bad Digestion, Bad Heart.
The Doctor Slocum System Has
Proven Beyond Any Doubt Its
Positive Power Over the
Dread Disease
By Special Arrangement with the Doctor, Three Free Bottles
Will be Sent to AH Readers of This Paper.
The Doctor Slocum System,
as the name implies, is a com
prehensive ana complete sys
tem of treatment, which at
tacks every vulnerable point
of the disease and completely
vanquishes it. It leaves no
point unguarded; it leaves
no phase of the trouble neg
lected; it cures, and cures
forever, Weak Lungs, Coughs,
Consumption and all
other turoat and lung
diseases by absolutely
obliterating tho cause.
Mrs. Pinkham's Advice Insplrea
Confidence and Hope.
When the sparrow hawk is swooping
down on its prey, it cleaves space at
the speed of 150 miles an hour.
We offer Qne Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that etui not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Curo.
F. J. CHEXEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known i. J. Cheney
for the past 16 vears, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their urm.
West & Trt'ax,
Wholesale Drusgists, Toledo, O.
Walding, Ki.nnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
nall'sCatnrrh Cure is tiikeninternally, acting
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills -,ro tho best.
In Epypt fans were used in religious
' ceremonies, made of parchment or
riTo Permanently Cured. 2o fltsor nervousnes
II Id alter tlrst day's use of Dr. Kline's ureal
N erve Restorer. Send for I KK It 94.00 trial
bottle nnd treatise. DR. K. H. Kl.lNi, Ltd., m
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
I believe mv prompt use of Tiso's Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marquette, Kansas, Dec. 12, 18115.
Examination by a male physician is
a hard trial to a delicately organized
She puts it off as long as she dare,
and is only driven to it by fear of caD-
cer, polypus, or some dreadful ill.
Most frequently such a woman leaves
a physician s office
where she has un
dergone a critical
examination with
an impression, mora
or less, of discour
tlon of the
.: minddestroys
I the effect of
1 advice! and
- ishe grows
12aei worse rather
than better. In consulting Airs. Pink
ham no hesitation need be felt, the
story is told to a woman and is wholly
confidential. Mrs. Pinkham's address
is Lynn, Mass., she offers sick women
her advice without charge.
Her intimate knowledge of women's
troubles makes her letter of advice a
wellspringof hope, and her wide experi
ence and skill point the way to health.
" I Buffered with ovarian trouble for
ceven years, and no doctor knew what
was the matter with me. I had spells
which would last for two days or more.
I thought I would try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I have
taken seven bottles of it, and am en
tirely cured "Mas John Foreman, 26
N Woodberry Ave., Baltimore, Md.
The above letter from Mrs. Foreman
is only one of thousauds.
1 tte'
The Man Who Did It Famed Chiefly
for Hia Integrity.
Irving M. Scott, the man who built
the battle ship Oregon, is the head of
the Union Iron Works, San Francisco.
He is a native of Hebron Mills, Balti
more County, Md., and is CI years old.
His father was a Pennsylvania Quaker
clergyman ami his mother was a de
vout Quakeress two facts which ac
count for the soundness of the Oregon's
boilers and her trustworthiness aa a
ship. Young Scott was educated at a
public school in Baltimore and at Mil
ton Academy. In 1854 he began the
study of mechanical engineering, and
In 1858 he went to San Francisco to be
a draftsman for the Union Iron Works,
then the property of Col. Peter Dono
hue. In 18C2 Mr. Scott went into the
manufacture of mining machinery and
Poor digestion often causes irregular
ity of the heart's action. This irregu
larity may be mistaken for real, organio
heart disease. The symptoms are muoh
the same. There is however a vast
difference between the two: organic
heart disease is often incurable; ap
parent heart disease is curable if good
digestion be restored.
A case in point is quoted from the
New Era, of Greensburg, Ind. Mrs.
Ellen Colsom, Isewpoint, lnd., a
woman 43 years old, had suffered for
four years with distressing stomaoh
trouble. The eases generated by tiie
indigestion nressed on the heart, and
caused an irregularity of its action
She had much pain in her Btomaoh and
heart, and was subject to frequent and
severe choking spells which were most
severe at night. Doctors were tried in
vain; the patient became worse, de
spondent, and feared impending death,
i i j i I ! Hi ! m mmnmuui J I j M ruuu.iu ' ,
wmm ip
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat IrA Brand),
the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
uiiful Pastel Picture
Thev are mio inches irvsue.and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
11 .a
was kuao m W-11 5
Lilacs and
designed many machines that are still
used In heavy and deep mining. Soon,
however, he returned to the Union Iron
Works and has been the guiding spirit
of that great plant ever since. Mr.
Scott not only made a success of heavy
machinery building, but he Interested
himself in the social and political life
of San Francisco, and has occupied
many important public positions in the
metropolis of the coast. He has been a
candidate for the State Senate, a mem
ber of the taxpayers' convention and a
regent of the University of California.
His wonderful success as a builder of
battle ships has caused him to be called
to St. Petersburg by the Government of
the Czar, which wishes his advice about
the building of big war ships for tho
Russian navy.
TalVlna it Over.
Miss Macfall I wouldn't marry a
man who was less than 30 years old.
Miss Kittlsh-Ah, selfish to the last, I
Miss Macfall What Is there selfish
about that?
Miss Klttish Why, you wouldn't
want, when you a lea or oia age, to
leave your husband In his prime and
have a chance to get some young girl
and be happy.
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
in'his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals and are nronounced bv competent critic, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
them in beauty, rienness oi coior anu arusuc inciu.
One of these pictures
will be given away
with earn nark are of
purchased of your grocer, it is the best laundry starch on the market, and
' i i i . . n . - n.'L.ir. Aclr noil. irrwr fur this starrh anrt aft
beautiful picture.
5 ot color ana artistic merit.
Elastic Starch
Fresh Fluwers.
In Berlin the hospitals and almhousps
are regularly supplied with sweet,
fresh flowers plucked from the public
gardens before they b;gla to fade, and
twice a week each of the national
schools receive over 100 specimens of
four different kinds of plants for botan
ical demonstrations.
A Cane of Heart Failure.
She was much frightened, but no
ticed that in intervals in winch her
Btoinach did not annoy her, her heart'i
action beoame normal. Reasoning cor
rectly that her digestion was alone at
fault she procured the proper medicine
to treat that trouble and with immodi
ate good results. Her appetite came back
the choking spells became loss irequen
and finally ceased. Her weight, which
had been greatly reduced was restored
and she now weighs more than for
years. Her blood soon became pure
and her cheeks rosy.
The case is of general interest because
the disease is a very common one
That others may know the means of
cure we give the name of the medicine
used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. These pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves.
The tomb of Mohammed is covered
with diamonds, sapphires and rubies.
valued at $12,500,000.
Tlie new Improved btoughton wagon
stand the racket- Three more car loads arc
onttiewsv. It pavs to have tne tent.
Write for free catalogue. JOHN I'OOLK,
sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Vurt-
lima, Or.
The Massachusetts militia will dis
pense with the bayonet.
Age of Frogs.
The common pond frog's natural life
time is twelve to fifteen days.
Out of evil comes good. The apple
that Eve ate has given employment to
thousands of tailors and dressmakers.
About two-thirds of the credit a man
gets for doing things rightly belongs to
others. '
Taking time by the forelock causes
lots of worry about things that never
Editorial Notb. The Doctor Slocum System , is Modtcin reduced to as
Exact Science by the World's most Famous Physician. All readers of this paper,
anxious regarding the health of themselves, children, relatives or friends, may
have three freo bottles as represented in the above illustration, wnn complete
directions, pamphlets, testimonials, advice, etc., bysendinjr their full address to
Ur. T. A. alocum, lueoiocum ouuuing, iewnorn tiiy. mis ia pmiu, uuuu
itraightforward offer, and is made to introduce the merits cf The New System of
.Treatment tnat cures, ana we aavise an surterers to accept vms puimmurupiu
affer at once. When writing the Doctor please mention this paper. All letters
receive immediate and careful attention.
If You Suffer
From Epilepsy, Epileptic Spells, Fits,
St. Vitus' Dance, Falling Sickness,
Vertigo, etc., have children or
relatives that do so, or know
people that are afflicted,
lly New Discovery,
Will cure tbem, and all you are asked to
do is to send for a Free Bottle and try it,
I am quito prepared to abide by th'
result. It has cured thousands wher
everything else has failed. Please give
full name, AGE, and postoffice and
express address .
WM. H. MAY, M.D., May Laboratory
94 Pine St., Hew York City.
" Not to take can lor n otherwise fatal 1
disease It to practically commit aulclde."
Editor's Nots -AH lufferera are advUed to lend for Gratultoui Expert Advice and a Free
Bottle ot this New Discovery, which is an Unfailing Cure for any and all of the frightful forma oi
Eplleps nnrt allied nervous diseases. When writing Doctor May, please mention this paper.
GreonMleh Time for Frenchmen.
The French chamber of deputies has
Bnally pasaed a law that hereafter time
thiill be computed from the Greenwich
meridian. Until this time France has
lounted time of the Paris meridian,
idiich created great confusion in the
railway time tables and connections.
Dr. T. II. White, No. 271)4 Morri
son street, cor. Fourth, . Portland, Or.,
Ims the most complete modern dental
appliances to be found in the North
west. Electricity is used in all cases
where indicated, and the result is
pleasing, and a surprise to patients who
have Buffered under tne old regime.
Teeth without plutes, bridge work and
gold crowns are welcome indeed to the
patient wuo una iiuu wio uppui luiuty iu
avail themselves of such as ure made
by Dr. Whito. Painless dental opera
tions are performed daily, ieetn
filled, cleaned, and where extraction is
necessary, which is rare, without pain.
A Ttf
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or tilit shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, bliHters and callous spots.
Kelieves corns anil bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Tryitfoduy. Bold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Kent
by mail for 'lie in stamps. Trial package
Fit EE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le
Koy, New York.
A Home-Made Freak.
"Ma, can't I go to the show and see
the wild man?
"No. child. I'll do the best I can
for von. I'll iron all the buttonholes
out of your father's shirts. "Indianap
olis Journal
An exiMrltrif4l weoiinttint nnl sal Lilian ! ojMn
for hii ehtrajfjemenl. 'J wnty-ftv? yemV expf ri?iH;a
RHlPftiHitii, btk Kroner aim buyer umena
mure t in miiWrt uimI hHr'lwurp preferrifd. Adftrww ..
room 27, UtuiiMrt uiock, mttuou , roriiuita, ur.
Is It Wrong?
Get it Right.
Keep It Right
Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It. Three
doses will make joa leel better. Get It from
vour druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
torn Stewart & Holmes UrugCo., Seattle.
2Iuf gepafct!
Urn lirtfer 4'lntt, bit !Wrtd)rifti"f
in (olifit Jtrt'ijt eiiinifiiljren, in benen ti bit
l;et nod) nicbt fitniiftciib bcfnmit war, fetibm
nur ti Don jcyt nn bis jum 1. Jniiunr 1809
frei ait o lie biqeiiiflen, rccldje file baS nodjftt
Jntjr tinifre ?lbonncnten reetben uiib btrt
'i'ettna bnfur, 2.00, jetft etnfeitbeu. iDJari
iaife fid) 'I'robe'Wuimitern d)i(fn.
German Publishing Oo., Portland, Or.
Um HIb Si for litin&tiirftl
rllacliari(, llillamiuiitiorii,
, Irrltatloua ur uluiratlous
of muooui sieinbriiiiuf.
f'r.v.nu toDiMlos. Palnbil. and nut utrln.
,THtEvllsOKEMTi Co. t'lnum.
I Sold by ItrosTSlala,
"or eant In plain wrsppnr.
uy eirwi, rpuui. tor
II W, or t Irattlm,
Clroular sent un reuuoea,
Make money by succeif ul
sieculationluChleaKo. We
buy and sell wheat on mar
Kins. Fortunes have been
made on a small begiunlns by trailing In lie.
tures. Write (or lull particulars, llest oi r
erenee given. Bereral years' exjierienceon the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
lrtlge ol the blnBs. Send lor our free refr
ence book. DoWNINU, HOPKINS Co.,
Chicngo Board ol Trade Brokort. Oflioes I
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Waih.
mill i rmrr tn' 8PRINQ EYE GRAIN
.na.iin w,i QAQ NEEDLES.......
Plain or with Cutter. The best needls In the niatv
kft. I'stMl hy all Mu-k Hewers, fox sals by all geo
erai merchandise stores, or by
m Market Street, Sao Francisco, Cel.
I f) f In 1 u t J... J
f(!INCINTI,0 ,Tjrj
k i Best Cough Bjrrup. Tu OikjO. lm ' 1
t- In time. (Mi! hr rtniiriil.'.. 1
llgMliai AaMJf 1
Stopped atono
Dr. J.C. HorTMAN,44 Isabella Uldg.Cbicago.UI)
v. r. m. t.
11iiSN writing
s nentlon this oaoer.
to adTertlsers pleoee)