Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 22, 1898, Image 2

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the Gallant Chicago Hegiment Com
posed of Irishmen.
"Rally! All Irishmen In favor of
forming a regiment of Irish volunteers
to sustain the government of the Uni
ted States In and through the war will
rally at North Market Hall this even
lug, April 20, at 7:30 o'clock. For the
honor of the old land, rally! Rally for
the defense of the new!"
This notice appeared In all the Chi
cago newspapers on April 20, 1801.
Five days before Gov. Yates had Issued
a call for troops, and the patriotic fer
vor of the people was at a white heat.
Enlistment had already commenced,
CapL Joseph Kellogg having begun the
work of recruiting a company on April
Those whose knowledge of war and
war times Is limited to the present con
flict with Spain have small conception
of the excitement that swept over the
land, rising nowhere to n higher pitch
than at Chicago when Fort Sumter was
Iflred upon and the President Issued a
pall for 75,000 troops.
The call for a meeting of the loyal
Irishmen of the 'city, which was signed
by James A. Mulligan, M. C. McDonald
uud eleven other Irish citizens, was
(royally responded to, North Market
Hall being thronged to the doors. James
A. Mulligan, an eloquent young Irish
American lawyer, delivered a ringing
speech, as did several others, and the
work of recruiting the real business of
the evening was begun. No urging was
required, men presenting themselves
faster than they could sign the roll. In
ru hour and a half 323 names hod been
enrolled. ,
Uhia meeting was but the beginning
of the pntrotlc enthusiasm which
speedily seized upon the people, and ap
plications for admission to the Irish
brigade, as the prospective regiment
had been already named, continued to
pour In, not from Chicago only, : but
frojn all portions of northern Illinois,
one body of Detroit Irishmen offering
thejx services. Wttltln a week 1,200
names were signed aud the regiment
was complete.
The Confederates were bent on tak
ing Lexington, and Gen. Sterling Trice
soon appeared with 2S.000 men. Out-
numbered ten to oue, poorly provision
ed and suffering from lack of water,
Col. Mulllgaj made determined de
fense. Called upon by Price to surnen
der and agree to fight no more on Mis
souri soil, brave Mulligan replied:
"The Irish brigade make no eompro
ini.se." At length after a resistance that fair
ly electrified all Northern hearts and
called forth expressions of praise from
the Confederates, Col. Mulligan was
forced to surrender, the devoted Irlsh
niea destroying their green flog In pref
erence to yielding It to tlve enemy. The
total t'nlou loss In killed and wounded
was 107. Col. Mulligan was retained
ns a prisoner of war, but was soon ex
changed, lie was treated with great
consideration by Gen. I'rlce. who, in ap
preciation of his bravery, refused to ac
cept his sword.
The heroic death of Ool. Mulligan
while fighting tlw main body of Gen.
Jubal A. Early's nnuy at Kerastown,
Va., July 24, 1W4, Is known to all who
are familiar with tho stirring events of
the war of tho rebellion.
"Lay me down and save the flag," he
said to those who were bearing him
mortally wounded from the Hold.
The "Irish brigade fought nobly for
their country; they did more they
raised an enthusiasm that recruited
many thousands of troops and Impart
ed boldness to timid hearts. Their glory
not forti will never fade. To
K1) fp; "VSv4 wH
have been a follower of Mulligan Is an
honor which no American disputes.
Toilers at the Furnaces Twenty Feet
Below the fcnrface of the Sea.
If a landsman wants an experience
that he will not forgot soon let him go
down into the stokehole of a warship.
Then he will realize, indeed, what It
means to be In the bowels of a vessel,
and, to an extent, what It means to be
buried alive. If bo can face the roaring
furnaces without shrinking and stand
ill the steel walled pit without feeling
dread, he will be a man of rare nerve.
Sunk In a shaft twenty feet below
the sea, men toll amid fierce fires whose
flames in that confined space lick out at
them with every movement of the long
steel slice bars that are used to feed the
gaping furnaces, as savage caged beasts
are fed, and, like the beasts, the fires
are raging to kill the men who master
them only by desperate labor. There is
no room to spare on a modern ship.
Therefore the mighty furnaces are so
crowded together that the men who
serve them have barely space to move
to and fro before them. So near thein
are the stokers and the firemen that
until their skins ore hardened to it they
blister and crack with the heat The
chance visitor can bear it only a few
That Is a stokehole when the ship Is
going at ordinary speed and there are
no especial demands on the stokers and
the firemen. When there comes the
time that a ship must fight for her life,
chase or run, the Btokehole becomes a
place of torment. When the warship
goes Into action she calls an every one
of her hundred and more firemen to be
In readiness, and the boilers- must fur
nish every pound of steam that they
can give her. The more they give her
the louder are the demands of the en
gines for more, and the men must work
at the fires till they fall. Forced draught
Is the order then, and the stokehole Is
practically sealed up that no olr may
escape from it except through the fur
naces. The fires grow fiercer and fierc
er, and soon there is no spat in the steel
pit that Is not unbearably hot Men
watch the Indicators and shout for
more steam. The llinp heaps are drag-
god away to die or to go mad. Relief
Is called to the burning hole, and still
the open throttles of the ship's engines
take the steam faster than the furnaces
can make it. What is going on above no
man down there knows. Sometimes a
dull echoing shock may tell them that
tho ship has been hit hard.
A Seasick Hero,
No man is a hero while seasick. La
fayette was sent by Washington and
Congress to France to ask further sup
plies of men and money for the Amer
ican colonies. He sailed from Boston
In tho frigate Alliance, on Jan. 11, 1770.
The harbor was frozen, and a passage
had to bo cut for the ship through tho
Off the Newfoundland banks tho
ship was assailed by a terrible tempest
which threatened destruction, and La
fnyotte was very seasick. His aid-de-camp,
tho Chevalier do Poutgibaud,
who relates the Incident In his
memoirs, heard hlra soliloquizing thus
on the hopelessness of the situation
and the emptiness of glory:
"Diablo! I have done well certainly.
At my time of life barely twenty years
of age with my name, rank and for
tune, and after having married Made
moiselle do Noalllea, to leave every
thing and serve as a breakfast for codfish!"-Youth's
Drtnktisg never hurt a stingy man I
What Sho la Doing for Soldiers and
Their Families.
Patriotic New York women, under
the leadership of Mrs. Ellen Hardin
Walworth, have organized the "Wo
men's National War Relief Associa
tion" for the purpose of aiding in the
comfort of the soldiers and sailors who
are fighting for their flag. The woman
who Is not a member of a war relief
association of some sort is the excep
tion. The meetings of these organiza
tions have almost entirely taken the
place of such gatherings as pink teas,
literary afternoons nnd ethical ensure
sessions. Scores of societies, little and
big, are either running along smooth
ly, but busily, or are yet in the throes
of organization.
All have the same general purpose,
to provide a channel through which the
patriotic enthusiasm of the American
woman may be directed. Each mem
ber wants to do something, be it ever
so little, toward the work of waging
war. Some of the societies are merely
village organizations, entirely local In
character and Interested only In the
welfare of the little company of home
soldiers who are away at the front
Others are branches of associations
which are national In scope.
The chief executive officer of the Wo
man's National War Relief Association
Is Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth, whose
official title Is that of director general.
Mrs, Walworth is quite capable of di
recting the affairs of an organization
as large as this one promises to be.
She is one of the three original found
ers of the national society of the
Daughters of Jhe American Revolution.
She ranks as one of the feminine pio
neers in chronicling American history
and genealogy. She was also among
the first of her sex to make a thorough
and systematic study of parliamentary
law and practice, her classes for con
sidering parliamentary procedure be
ing well known In New York City, ns
Is also the Post Parliament Club, of
which she Is President Associated
with her are such women as Mrs. Rus
sell Sage, Miss Helen Gould, Mrs. Dan-
iel Butterfleld, Mrs. Seth Low, Mrs. W.
C Choate and others whose names are
known far and wide. Mrs. U. S. Grant
has recently accepted ' the national
presidency of the organization.
Pacts Abont Cuba's Climate.
The wenther bureau at Washington
has completed a valuable treatise on
the climate of Cuba, which furnishes
definite figures in support of the con-,
tentlon thnt the bugaboo of the rainy
season In Cuba is largely Imaginary.
The average temperature at Havana
during June, July, and August is only
82 degrees the same as that at New
Orleans, and only seven degrees more
than at Washington. In fact Wash
ington has hotter days than Havana
ever has. Havana's hottest Is 100 de
grees, while Washington's Is 104 de
grees. The average yearly rainfall at
Havana Is considerably less than at
New Orleans, being 51.73 Inches,
against the Louisiana city's 00.52
Inches. Even In the so-called rainy
season, which began with May and will
end with September, the rainfall at
Havana Is only 32.37 Inches, as against
New Orleans' 27 inches. As much rain
frequently falls In the dry season as In
the so-called rainy period. The rela
tive humidity of the atmosphere ap
pears to be fairly constant and aver
ages only about 75 per cent of satura
tlon. Chicago Tribune. v
A Feat of Memory.
The geographer Maretus narrates an
Instance of memory probably une
qualled. He actually witnessed the fent
and had It attested by four Venetian
nobles. He met In Padua a young Cor
slcan who had so powerful a memory
that he could repeat as many as 36,000
words read over to him only once.
Maretus, desiring to test this extraor
dinary youth In the presence of his
friends, read over to him an almost In
terminable list of words strung togeth
er anyhow, In every language and some
mero gibberish. The audience was ex
hausted before the list which had been
written down for the sake of accuracy
was completed, and at the end of It
the young Corslcan smilingly began
and repeated the entire list without a
break and without a mistake. Then to
show his remarkable power he went
over It backward, then every alternate
word, first third and fifth, and so on,
until his hearers were thoroughly ex,
hausted and had no hesitation In certi
fying that the memory of this indlvfl.
ual was without a rival In the world,
ancient or modern.
Charges for Park Heats.
Paris manages to make $30,000 a year
from permits to let chairs In the
squares and gardens for the accommo
dation of promenaders.
A great many financiers have their
loose change tied op In old stockings.
The Bakers and towards Have Been
Settling an Old Quarrel hy Shedding
Koch Other's Blood State Troops
Were Called to Subdue Them.
Mountain Fend.
The history of the Baker-Howard
feud, which assumed such large and
dangerous proportions as to cause
State troops to be sent to Manchester,
Ky., for the protection of the court
is one of the most interesting In the
annals of mountain wars. The men
engaged In this feud are descendants
of the same pioneers. Their ancestors
have lived there ' for more than 100
years. Many of the families have In
termarried, until nearly everybody In
Clay County Is related by blood lines
to everybody else.
The Howards are members of the
fighting Howards of Harlan County,
who, led by Wilson Howard, killed
about thirty of the Turner faction In
Harlan and Bell Counties, Wilson was
afterward legally hanged after he had
boasted of killing ten men with his
own nand. Th( re Is a Wilson Howard
Id the Clay County family, but he was
so unfortunate as to fall early in the
fight. Old man A. B. or "Bal" Howard,
who Is the leader of the faction that
bears his uame, Is 52 years old and has
tried to lead a correct life. He has
been a member of the Christian Church
for many years, is a Free Mason, and
has served his county one term as
Sheriff and two terms as Deputy Sher
iff. While Sheriff he lost all his wealth
and went Into voluntary liquidation.
He has tried hard to keep down the in
herited fighting blood, but now that
he has been drawn Into the fight he Is
as anxious to win as any other moun
tain fighter. He recently said he could
go Into Harlan County and get 500
fighting men to come back and clean
out the Bakers root and branch. When
he made this declaration his eyes flash
ed fire, nnd although he Is bent from
suffering from the wounds the Bakers
gave him In the fight when his son Wil-
son was killed, he straightened up and
with head erect emphasized his words
by stamping the ground.
The trouble between the Bakers and
the Howards came up last December
over the purchase by Tom Baker of a
judgment for $40 and costs that had
been rendered against A. B. Howard.
Howard's son, James B now County
Assessor, had bought a spring wagon
and his father had gone on his note.
Not paying for It, suit was brought aud
Judgment rendered. Before Baker
bought the Judgment he had gone Into
partnership with A. B. Howard,
through his sons Israel and Caner, who
were made parties to the contract, iu
order that noue of Howard's creditors
could levy on his logs. Thus, when
his own partner tried to get the better
of him, as he considered It, old man
Howard became very angry, aud there
were some sharp words between Tom
Baker and the Howards. Howard tf
fused point blank to pay the Judgment
and Baker levied on the logs, as the
partnership papers had not been made
out. Howard fought him In a maglsr
trute's court, but through the Influence
of Baker's father a compromise was
effected, and It looked as If there would
be no further blood-letting.
Israel Howard and Tom Baker had
had a little shooting scrape over the
matter a few days before the compro
mise was made, aud Tom received two
slight flesh wounds, which soon healed.
Several days after the compromise old
man Howard fouud Tom Baker at the
log pit taking out undivided logs. They
quarreled and Baker drew a pistol and
threatened to shoot Howard on the
spot. Howard was unarmed and he
soon talked Baker out of the notion of
shooting. As Howard walked away,
however. Baker threw an auger at him.
This opeued the breech between the
Bakers and liv Uowards, and when a
fillip1 Bi i
tlde came about a week later old man
Howard, his sons Israel and Carter and
Burch Store went to the log pit and
took the undivided rafi. out of the
mouth of Crane creek, and Israel and
Carter remiKned on it and floated It
down the Kentucky river to Frankfort
A. B. Howard and Burch Store start
ed back home with the five horses that
had been used In pulling out the logs.
They overtook Israel and Harlan
Shaekleford and Invited them to rid
two of the horses. A little further oi
they came upon Wilson Howard and
Will York, and they were Invited to
ride the remaining horse. The party
was riding slowly through the deep
mountain mud, little dreaming what
was In store for them.
I They were cracking Jokes, and those
who had been walking were congratu-
latlng themselves on having a chance
to ride, although to one of them it
proved a ride to death. When they
reached the house of John Baker they
Bay Baker's wife run to the large f arm
bell and ring it violently, although it
was much too early In the morning for
They had scarcely passed Baker's
house when a volley was fired at the
cavalcade from ambush. Old man
Howard was struck In the back, but he
managed to stay on his young horse,
which carried him out of range around
a point in the road. The second volley
struck Burch Store, killing him In
stantly, the bullets striking him In the
neck and In the breast The third vol
ley came almost as Store fell from his
horse, and Wilson Howard rolled off
his horse with a bullet In his back that
paralyzed his limbs. The other horse
men rode away as fast as possible.
When they got out of sight Wilson
Howard said Tom Baker and Charles
Wooton came to them and fired an ex
plosive bullet into the abdomen of the
two wounded men. Wilson Howard
died shortly after telling the story of
the shooting.
When James B. Howard, who was In
town, heard of the shooting he was al
most crazy with excitement and, al
though his friends begged him not to
go to the scene of the killing, some six
miles away, he got his horse and gal
loped toward the place. When nearly
there he stopped at Murray's store,
where persons were buying , grave
clothes for Store and Howard, and for
the first time heard that his father
was not dead, but he was told by the
doctor who attended him that he could
not get well. Ttushlng out of the store,
Intent on going to the side of his fnth-
er and bis dend brother, he met old
man George Baker face to face. With
out stopping to consider thnt he was
In no dnnger from the old man who
had tried so hard to make peace, and
who never carried a pistol, young
Howard leveled his gun at Baker and
shot him dead,. After staying a short
time with relatives in Harlan County
Howard gave himself up to a kins-
iJfif ffl s
man, so the latter could claim the re-'
ward of $250. The Bakers were
charged with killing Wilson Howard
and Burch Store, and with shooting
old man Howard, but they were ac
quitted on the examining trial, on
April 17. The next day Sid Baker, a
son-in-law of A. B. Howard, and no
kin to the other Bakers, met Charles
Wooton on the road. After watching
each other for several minutes, they
both drew their weapons at the same
time. A shooting followed In which
Wooton was so badly shot In the back
that he has never ,been able to wall
and the physician who attends him
says that he will die before very long.
June 2 Tom Baker met Will White on
the rond near White's house and shot
him to death with an explosive bullet
Nobody has been punished for any of
these crimes, and it was to make the
guilty pay the penalty that Gov. Brad
ley called out troops.
Just as He Pot It
Modest people should have a care.
If carried to an extreme, modesty la
liable to become ridiculous, as In a case
reported by the St Louis Globe-Democrat:
Years ago a member of the In
diana Legislature, in a brand-new suit
of broadcloth and a silk hat gold
headed cane and white lawn tie, wan
dered up Into the sanctum of the Courier-Journal,
stood around In a listless
way, looked over the' papers, went
down-stairs and came back several
times. He was asked to take a seat,
which he declined elaborately, and
ended by drawing his chair in a con
fidential way up to the "Roundabout"
man's desk.
"Couldn't you," he said, "put In the
paper that I am at the Gait House with
my bride, and Just fling in something
about my being a prominent Indlanlan?
I don't care anything about this sort
of thing myself, but you know how the
women are. I want fifty copies of the
paper sent to this address." He laid
down two dollars and a half, grinned.
got red in the face, said "Good morn
ing," and vanished.
Next morning he read that "Mr. John
Huckleberry requests us to say that
he Is at the Gait House with his bride;
that he Is a prominent member of the
Indiana Legislature and that he him
self, personally, cares nothing for
newspaper notoriety, but that a society
note would be very gratifying to Mrs.
Huckleberry. He added that he want
ed fifty copies of the paper for distri
bution to his constituents."
Paper horseshoes are now being used
by some of the Chicago blacksmiths.
The horseshoers themselves are not re
sponsible for the innovation, but it is
due to some of the owners of fine horse
flesh. Af ter being saturated with oil np
turpentine the paper Is glued together in
turn layers with a cement which does
not become brittle when drying, being
a mixture of Venetian tnrnentl
dered chalk, linseed oil and lacquer.
rne noies tnrough which nails are driv
en to fasten the shoes to the hoof art
stamped through the pnper when moist
men the shoe is placed under a hydrau
lic press aud subjected to a strong pres
sure. When fitting the shoe to the hoof it
can be tiled or planed to fit as snugly
ns may be necessary. The shoes made
of paper are said to be stronger and
better than those of Iron, just as car
wheels of paper are superior to those of
Iron. Another advantage claimed is
that a horse wearing paper shoes Is not
likely to slip when traveling on slip
pery roads.
Coral Flower Gardens.
No gardens on earth can match the
gardens of the sea that encircle the
northern part of Australia. As the tide
ebbs In the azure of sunset coral reefs
peer out symmetrically arranged In
beds and Intersected bv ememM ho.
nels as If they were the colossal flower
beds of some great sea king. Corals
of all hues and tints can be seen fath
oms deep In the channels. The coral
polyps, although they build Islands and
help to extend continents, are most del
icate orgnnlsma, and die on the least
exposure, and leave behind them their
skeletons, but even their skeletons are
things of beauty.
Ulver Hank Protection Wanted.
From Great Britain comes a call for
a method of preventing the current of
a river from wearing away the banks
The claim Is set forth that the present
system Is unsatisfactory because, while
the banks may be strengthened, noth
ing Is done to deflect the current from
weak points nor to diminish Its force.
One of the worst things abont friends
Is the maimer In which they abuse
each other.
About all some people do Is to follow
other men around complalntug of th
way they do their work.