Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 15, 1898, Image 8

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Much in Little
Is especially true of Hood's Fills, for no medi
cine ever contained so great curative power In
so small space. They are a whole- medicine
chest,' always ready, al-
ways efficient, always sat- IC3 ill ft
Isfactory; prevent a cold III W
or fever, cure all liver ills,
tick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c.
The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Get Our Prices
5th and Main Sts.
F. C. GADKE, ,
Plumbing and Tinning.
Jobbing of All Kinds
a Specialty. .
Wilson & Cooke's
Old Stand
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
delivered to
part of the city.
Try Bolton Dairy and be ConvncetP
Livery & Feed Stable
Cor. Main and 4th St.
tTTJob Printing at the
Ir- Courier Office.
For First-Class
Go to
Seventh St. Bakery
or stop his wagon
as it goes by.
Ttiln old one armed pcetnllst, of HI. Louis,
well known liy his long residence mid sue
CfNHlnllv practice In thin city, continue lo
oiivt's-iiilly trot all kinds of chroulo and
private diseases
vvvv TDrnTMruT '" pot who mn
til till ltltilUillLlu lu peisou ut the oillee
vi'iy ullcniooii
lit 10 Tnlnla, Tutnora, Tollers, Kceina anil
ithcr Impurities of the blood thoroughly
'tmlli'iil leaving the system In a strong,
pure and healthful atate.
PUriW ATKM treated by an old Gorman
imtiUmilllolU remedy. This remedy wan
luvsouied to Dr. KhrscIiT liy a friend lu
It Iihi never fulled.
PPfipra Vlcera, Cancers, etc, treated, nc
UUUIjU dlirerenoe how long ntreeted.
pHinlul, difficult, too lrciUfiit, milky ur bloouv
urine, uiiHliiriil discharges, cnretully trout imI,
Piles, rncuniattsin and neuralgia troalvd by
our new remedies.
T-lie a clear bottle at bedtime and urinate
in Ibe bottle-, sot aside and Iook t it lu Hie
morning. If It is cloudy, of has a cloudy not.
tllng In It, you have some kidney or bladder
TiPP WflDM amoved In twenty-four hour,
uiffj IlUfiluH.'e worms In window al of-
iio 15 to;ii lot-1 long.
3tJ"P A TTT QTIWITQ Wmeet personi every
juuiuu uiinuu uuywnu
iiuno urouin inuMis
i uiul il in uisgiisung. Tina cornea irom c.
iBirh 01 either Hie imae or atoiniipli. uonnd,
'w exiimlncd. It cn tx cured before the
mniu win. uvmiuvsiuvuivru,
mnWP MPTJ ,f '011 tronldrdwlthnlglil
iUUllU 111 till einlKHliuia.exbauatlngdmlna,
ilinpii'x,. ImslifuliifM, avoraion to aodi'ly,
iluimlncK, iloiHndiocy, low of energy, ni
ellion and at'll-tHnndeno. wblolt deprive you
it your mnnhood and auaolutply unlit you
fomludy, tiualnesa or marriage It you ur
1 bin uillli'trd you may know Ibe cuuae. Uo
nd Ui treated.
MIDDLE-AGED MEN &'.,'.,,i?i
WHitk, nehing Uioka Hnd KUineya; frt'quent,
pelnlul urinulton and aedliiiunt In mluei 1 111
poieney or weHkneaa of (exuul orgtkna. kiiiI
niber unmlatkHble algua of nervoua debility
and ireiualure decay, Many die of tblt
dlincully, Ignorant of the cauaa. The most
nbailnute oiuea of tali ebaraoier treated.
PDIVATT? t. Gleet, Gonorrhea, In
I ill AID Iamatlona,l)lachargea, Strlelurea
neukuraa of Organa, Syphllla, Hydruoala
farioocela and kindred trouble traated.
Consultation Fre to All.
Ornci IIotjBj; From 9 A. M. to
8 P.M. Call or address
J. Henri Kessler Al. D.
At St. Louis Dispensary,
, r-a taoi YAMHILL STRCKT.
JUL .filk
Continued from first page.
Dewey Thomas, r ;.;;&; 3 00
E Jones ....... 3 00
H OInskeep 3 00
W Guyer .- 3 00
R Schuebel 3 00
J Paine 3 00
Wallace Graham 2 25
J Duffy 75
Total $70 00
District No 21 ,
R P Cooper, laborer 6 75
PE Bonney 3 00
Bert Hubbard 3 00
Gur Guttberg 3 00
F M Naught 7 87
W H Woodruff 5 60
.IGorbett 9 00
N8 Dix... 11 62
Andrew Pheard 3 00
O O Hubbard, hauling.. 5 00
C O Hubbard 13 00
Total $70 84
District No 32
L H Haseelbrink, labor $1 50
Miles McConnell 1 50
Ira McConnell 1 50
TM Bal er 6 00
Fred Stahlnecker 6 00
Alison Baker 6 00
E L Baker, team .' 4 50
EL Baker ...10 50
Total $37 50
District No 37
O Brisen, labor...... ...,20 35
W Bloomer 11 25
C W Kruse fi 00
G G Kruse 8 00
Total $45 50
District No 38
Ole Mikkleson, labor $ 3 00
Olif Mikkleson 4 50
Anton Mikkleson 5 25
Oswald Rainbow 1 20
Andrew Hautfliam 4 50
John McDonald 3 00
rreu Wagner 2 25
TAShatterly 3 00
(jco Leslie a 25
8 Andiews. 3 75
Gillert Haughum 3 00
Peter P Held .. 10 00
District No 14
J L Swafidrd, labor.
D Shelly
.$52 00
.$6 00
. 0 00
Total $12 00
In the matter of the mileage and per
diem of commissioners, Frank Jatrtiar
was allowed $29 40, and S F Marks,
$14 20.
The official bond of Tom P Randall as
recorder, was approved.
On motion the court adjourned sine
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
E V Rice to C J Faukhauser, 25
aoreB 21, s 2 e; $1. J. C. Reasoner
(by Sher) to M Giesv, Part of ne J &
nw , sec 31, 4 s, 1 e; if 299 27 .
A Lange to II F Newburv, ne sec
12, 2 s, 6. e; $400.
E Creiteaser to C II Riber, 0 acres
sec 13, 3 s.l e; $240.
M coeckman to !. F Boecknan, 10)
acres sec 8, 3 s, 1 e ; $100o.
I R White to P J & F J Ridins s i
acres k. Alien uim; ?-'ou.
M ,T White tol' JRidings, i acresAllen
CGScono toJFickon, 197 acres A Stone
0 lm 'J00
T J Elliott to J C Elliot, Yi of of ei
of sec 2, 2 s 3 e $05.
E J & L J Rivers to GSL Assn, e 50 ft
Us 15 &16 blk 38. Oswego 440.
J F Newburry toUnitedStates, ne,1 of
sec i:,i2ioi)e; aci uongress.
T F Ryan E J Howard, lots 6 15,1,1k
lo, liiaiiHtone; r-W.
J Hoehler.tiustee.toCLucke; 1 a sec 4,
mi e;
C Lucke to Zion Church, 1 a sec 4, 4 s
P Shumway to J Seifer, 50 by 150
ft Straight elm; $3000.
Butte Creek Grange to M J White,
acre in Allen elm ; $120.
J T Annerson to V Kruschofl. lots 13&
14 til k 4,raik riacp; 1.
J Downing the H M Cochrane,45 ncrs
in n e of s e of 28. 1 s 3 e; $10.
W W II Smiipsin (by thetiff) P II
Mailey, 3S3.91 acres s s of 28, 1 s 2
M Breamnn to C M Crittenden, 10
acres claim 4.i, 3 s 1 e; 1.
J Rowen to II Wei 11 hard lot 4 As e
or s v of sec 30 and e J4 n w 'a of see
61, i S3 e; HfliQ.
It IN einliardt tu I) Oster cib at a same
as lust
J D Lee to S Simon, part south Oswego
Edward Long to W F Edwards, n
01 tne s e -oj sec :u,8le; J428
W II Comht C Servar, tract 4 and )i
wren in 0; rriniaiiloj
Gerdas to H Anthony, lot 9 blk 4
I'orrots add, Now Era, $IS0
J A Stuart to W Stuart, lots 8 5 and 6
1)1 K.HW Oregon City: $1000
ill Land Co to J Y Roth, lot 40 prune
iiiiui : t.'ou.
I L Hoffman to W II Botteinillea, 1
acre sec 20 4 s r 3 e $50.
A Clarke to G W Swope, b a' of Sacres
bit u, o e .'
J iV M L Dohin to E A
nc'4 sec 17, 2 s 5 e, $5.
Dolan, njj'of
Bids will be 'received hv tlm iin.W,
signoit at tlio olhoo of the reeoidnr nf
i rroirnn 1 1 v nntti . w... 1....
Tnlv 'Ion, iou t .1 : :v
r."' M 1!W8 .lor tho improvement o!
! l"o public road, known as Singer hill
road, lending from Tenth street to top of
I.,,,,, ui, cvvi'iiiu eireei in aceoriiiuice
with plans and specllloations now in the
oiiice of the recorder. Each bid to be
accompanied bv a cnrtifleil ,-li,,,.lr
able to tho recorder for the sum of $250
, , tju'iranteo n but, a accepted1, will
W) UUUlll'U,
The committe reserve the right to re
jvti nuy ur nil Plus
H. E. Hakkis,
Jamkb Hoake,
Fkko Mktznkh.
Committe on streets and public property
' I" wi-gon vuy, uregon, Jul
Two Mllllona a Year.
When people buy, try, vid buy again,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now buying
Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before New Years. It
means merit proved, that Cascareta are
the most delightful bowel -regulator for
everybody the year round. All drug,
gists 10, 25, 5Gj a box, cure guaranteed.
An Alpine Trip.
Mrs. W. H. Godfrey and her little
son, Gay, and Miss Marguerite Wall
are visiting relatives in Southern
California, and the following extracts
are taken from a letter recently written
by the latter:
Leaving Psadena by an early car, we
rode first to Rubio canon, a most beau
tiful spot where crystal water makes a
double fall of 200 feet over a perpendic
ular wall. There we entered the cable
car that took our party up the Mount
Lowe incline, the steepest in this coun
try, making a rise of 1500 feet in a dis
tance of 2850 feet. The cable is run by
electricity and has been tested to carry
200 tons. At the top of the incline,
3500 feet above sea level, is . the Echo
Mountain House, a large and well fitted
hotel, the power house and several other
From there the party boarded an elec
tric car that ran for five miles in and
out the curves of the mountain over
trestle bridges, etc., until they reached
"Ye Alpine Tavern," 5,000 feet above
sea level. This road was completed two
years ago, $600,000.
From the tavern the party immedi
ately set out for the summit of Monnt
Lowe, 1100 feet higher, and three miles
along a sheep trail. Gay Godfrey, who
is eight years old, is the youngest child
known to have climbed this mountain.
The view from the summit included
Psadena, Los Angeles and surrounding
country. The breakers on the ocean,
with banta (Jadaline Islands, were dis
tinctly visible. After partaking of lunch.
and resting an hour so in the shade of a
group nianzanitas, with which the
mountain is covered, the descent was
made in lees than half the time it took
to ascend. Another three hours was
spent at Mount Lowe, which involved
more climbing. Just as the sun was
setting, they started down the moun
tain, the entire valley being envekmed
in a white mist.
We accented an invitation to visit the
observatory! before descending the in
cline. The professor had already set
the telescope, and we had the pleasure
of seeing throutih it, Saturn, the moon
and Jupiter. The descent of the incline
was made in eight minutes.
irom the canon to Psadena. we roue
in a car that did not need the propel
ling force of electricity on the down
grade. The greater part of the way led
through poppy fields and orange groves,
illuminated by a searchlight of 3,000,
000 candle power.
Church Dissolved.
Portland Presbvterv held a meeting
in Portland Tuesday, and tho members
Irom Clackamas county in attendance,
were Rev. A. J. Montgomery, of Oregon
City ; Rev. A. A. Hurd, of Springwater.
and Rev. F. II. Fruiht, of Damascus.
The first business to come up was the
report of the home missionary com-,
mittee. The committee recommended
to the presbytery that the German Pres
byterian church at Damascus be dis
solved, in view of the fact that other
churches fully occupy the field, and that
increasing lamnarity with the Lnglish
language makes work in German less
necessary than w'hen the church was or
ganized. It was decided to dissolve the
hurch, action to take effect August 7,
1898. J. O. Snvder was instructed to
inform the church of the action of the
presbytery. The stated clerk, W. S.
lolt, was authorized to issue letters of
dismissal to members of the German
church to such other evangelical
churches as they may wish to join.
Volunteer Notes.
Oregon Cily is proud of the fact that
her boys have unselfishly responded to
the call for volunteers on more than one
occasion. Eight are on the battleship
uregon, ana siiareu in tne glory of de
stroying Oevera's fleet in Santiago har
bor, and several have enlisted in various
companies, that have gone from Oregon
besuies tne nome militia company.
During the past week Frank Walsh.
lormerly ot this city, passed through
during the week with, tlie Pendleton re
emits. George Turney, who conducted a res
taurant hero until a lew months ago
passed through Friday night with The
Dalles recruits.
The 12 recruits for Company I, who
left this city for the rhilliPines a couple
of weeks ago, are 6till ut San Francisco,
waiting for transportation.
A very plesunt surprise ami birthday
pnrty was given bv the children and
grand children of Mr. iind Mrs. T. L.
Turner on Sunday tho lUUi to celebrate
tho nneveisity of Mr. Turner's 58th
Those present were: Mr, and Mrs
T. L. Tuiner, Mrs. Fred Elligson, Mr
and Mrs. John Seedling, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Turner, ..Mr. 'and Mrs. A.Turner,
Mr. Charles, Sith Turner, Arthur and
Loid Turner, Henry Elligson, Air. Peters,
LUn, Rosy and Albert Elligson.
About 'one o'clock a delicious dinner
was served by the ladies and Mrs. T. L.
Turner to which all present did ample
mstiee. The afternoon was spent in
discussing various topice of ihe day,
and in the evening thev all returned to
there respective homes wishing Mr 1,
L, Turner many a happy birthday.
July 11. A. F.
School Report.
Following Is tho report of school dist
rict No. 15. Heaver Creek, for month en
ding July 1st, 98. Total number ol pu
pils lemaining enrolled, 4 javeruge daily
attendance. 19: Average number belong'
ing, 23; No.of cases tardiness, 4. Those
who were neither absent tardy during
the month are; Maud Daniels, Art Kirk
Willie Herrmann, Otto and Bonnie tis-
cher. Visitors present during month
were : Mrs Flovd Kirk. Viol a Kirk
Sadie Evans. Anna Ellen Thomas, and
Floyd Kirk, director. School closed on
Friday with 9ome suitable exercise
consisting of recitations, reading, read'
ing, dialogues and singing. ,
Rohkrt Ginthkk, Teacher.
The Sure La Grippe Cure.
There is no use suffering from this
dreadful malady, if you will only get the
right remedv. ou are having pain all
through your body, your liver is out of
order, nave no appetite, no me or am
bition. have a bad cold, x in fact ai
completely used up- Electric Bitters is
the onlv remedy that will give you
prompt and sure relief. They act direct
ly on your Liver, (4omach and Kidneys
tone up the whole system and make yo
feel like anew being.- Ihey are guar
itan,l tsi dura rtp rt r isA rAfnntlait Vnr
nn limo store,
only 50 cents per bottle.
Credit and Discredit.
Nothing Is ever gained by misrepre
senting the cause of our adversary.
The Globe Democrat labors hard to make
its' readers believe that the course pur
sued by Spain in issuing her paper
money is practically the policy recom
mended by our fiat money men and is
just what this government did with re
spect to all its paper issues during the
war of the rebellion. Now there is as
much difference between jthe two cour
sea as there Is between Spain and the
United States as nations. We do not
like to be told that a government bond
or obligation of our Unc)o Sam is not
better than a bond or promise of Spain.
We indignantly spurn the lying insinu
ations, even if our own elder brother
made it. Nor can it do our cause any
thing but evil to make such statements.
Our government issued sixty millions
of paper declared a legal tender for all
purposes. These were in no sense prom
ises to pay, ejther, but were promises to
receive as payment for all taxes. And
during the worst period of contraction
they ran up to a premium of 140 cents
for every dollar in gold.
Our government did issue several
hundred million of bills declared not
good good for taxes, interest or public
debt. To get these depreciated bills
back our government issued bonds
which it offered for these bills dollar for
dollar. At that very time our govern
ment revenue was some five to seven
hundred million per year promptly paid
in as taxes. Had our government or
dered that bills in tho shape of accep
tance to the amount of one billion should
be issued year by year good for all
taxes, debts, etc.. we are proud enough
of our country's credit t,o assert that
every dollar would have appreciated.
A promise to receive by an able creditor
is a very different thing from a promise
to pay by a lying bankrupt debtor, as is
Spain and yet the printing press is
put to work for the issue in both cases.
The printing press forsooth! " It is so
easy to print stacks of paper bills," says
the Globe Democrat.
Are not government bonds printed as
easily? Were not the sixty millionsof
original bills that ran up to be worth 240
per cent, printed ? Moreover, these very
Spanish bills propose to be based on 35
per cent, specie.
Here we think is the difference be
tween ourselves and Spain. A bank
rupt merchant issues his promises to
pay by the stack. A great landlord, in
the midst of thousands of tenants whom
he employes and who owe him, issues
his acceptances also by the stack but
ever within the bounds of his revenues.
Both issues are paper. Is there no diff
erence, Mr Globe Democrat? As is well
known, the Sentinel is for sound money
all the time. But we will just say, for
the edification of Borne who may never
have reflected on it, that to deny that
our government shall not in any case use
its own credit the same as it has done
and other nations do, is perfect folly.
At any moment we may be forced to do
so. les lorcea to ao so. What then
Salem Sentinel, (Republican.)
The Ladrone Islands.
The Ladrones, or Marianne islands,
are a group of fifteen islands in the pa
cific ocean belonging to Spain; situated
between 13 and 21 deg. north latitude;
between 144 and 146 east longitude.
They are of volcanic orgin ; have a
warm, healthful climate, and comprise
an area of 417 square miles of fertile
and. Only four, including Guam and
Rhota, are inhabited. They were first
discovered by Magellan in 1521, and
called Las Islas de los Ladrones (the
thieves' islands), on account of a strong
propensity to theft observed in the na
tives. In 1667 the Spaniards establish
ed a regular settlement on Guam, and
ailed the Islands Marianne islands,
afler Queen Maria Anna. At the time
of this settlement the islands had from
40,000 to 60,030 inhabitants, who re
ceived the BQttleis well, and made great
progress until the Spaniards began to
attack their independence, when a war
broke out, which ended nearly with the
extermination of the natives. The pres-
nt number of inhabitants is not more
than 10,000, and of these many have
been transferred by the Spauiards from
Luzon. The principal town is San
Ignazio de Aganu, situated on Guam
island. .
That Oregon, Washington and Idaho
are entitled to to be rated ns among the
most productive and resourceful! Btates
in the union, will be abundantly proven
bv this season, s magnificent crops.
The world wants evidence of all this,
and it will do the world good and do
good to the whole Northwest and all i ts
people, ihese people are, mo ones to
furidsh the evidence, and "they can do
this by taking an active interst in the
Oroeon Idnstrial Exposition, to be held
in Portland, September 22d to October
22.1. 1808. Tho success of the Exposition
is already assured ; enterprising men of
affairs are at its head, and the various
committees are working in a wsy that
guarantees the best Expositon ever held
in ti e Northwest.
Gold, silver of and bronze medals and
diplomas will be awarded for the best
exhibits, and the farmers and producers
who send exhibits will be dunu goo d
work for themselves and the whol e
North Pacific coast work that wil I
result in bringing here people and
wealth and development.
Kdueate VourRiarla With Catntratt .
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
10c. 2oc. II u.U.u. lau, drug
gists refund money. .
Beauty I Blood.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets Candy
Cathartic clean your blood and keep it
clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and
driving all impurities from the body.
Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils,
blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,
beauty for ten cents. AH druggists,
atisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 0 c
For Over Fifty Years
An Old and Well-Tbied Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the tas'te. Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty
five cents a -bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartci 10c
or 25c. IfC.C.C. fail to cure, druggists
refund money.
That. Is the way all druggists sell GROVK'8
and Fever. It Is simply Iron ana quinine in are
asteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer
at a bitter, nauseatlne Ionics. Prioe 60c. For
sale byC. (J. Huntley, Druggist.
Up-to-Date Pictures
Mill Feed, Lime, Cement
arid Land Plaster.
applicable to the payment of all warrants
endorsed prior to March 1st, 1895,
And all road warrants endorsed before this
Interest will ceeso on the above warrants
after the date of this notice.
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon
Dated this 11th day of July, 1898.
Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Countv of Clackamas,
Henry E. Huves,
vs. f t
William Butcher, James A. I
Wells, and Bertha Wells, his wife j
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
decree and nn execution, duly issued oat of
and under the seal of the above entitled court.in
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 7th'.day of July, 1898, upon a judgment,
rendered and entered in said court, on the 27lh
day of April, 1S'J8, In favor of Henry E. Hayes,
plaintiff, and against William Butcher, James A.
Wells and Bertlia Wells, his wife, defendants,
for the sum of J3;M,00, witli interest' thereon at
.1 11n.M ia,, aoixin, tr.m thnQlef
IIIC TttlO 111 xv.pm vv.ii, ev m,.,,,,,. inm ...v. wn,
day of July, 18J5, and the further sura of 840, as
attorney's fee, and he further sura of 810 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make sale of the
following described real property, situated in
the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
The west half (i) of the south west quarter
i) and lots three (3) and four (4) in section
twentv-nlne (2'J) township 8 south, range 2 e st
of the 'Willamette meridian, containing 150 acres,
situated in Clackamas county, state of Oregon,
save and except from the above description, 50
acres sold to M, C. Wrigley on July 16th, 1881,
and recorded on pageSls), book S, record of deeds
of Olnokamas county, Oregon. 11 is further
ordered that In offering said land for sale, the
sheriff shall first offer the same minus the fid
lowing portion of the same, beginning at the
north east corner of the 50 acre tmct sold to M.
C. Wrigley. running thence wet 50 rods ; thence
north Ii4 rods; thence east 50 reds; thence south
64 rods to the place of beginning: also a twenty
foot right of way along the south lineof thetraet
deeded to James A. Wells. If the same does not
sell for enough to satisfy this Judgment and
decree, then the said sheriff1 Is ordered to sell the
whole of said land described in saiil mortgage as
provided in this decree.
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment otdcr and decree, and in compliance
Willi tne cnmiuaims oi shiu n ru, i v ui, uu
at the hour of one o'clock, P. Jl at tho front
door of tho County Court limine in the City of
Oregon Cily, in said County and Slate, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, fur U. S. gold coin, cash in hand,
all the right, title and Interest which the within
named defendants or either of them, had on the
date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the nbrve described properly or any part thereof
to satisfy said execution, judgment order, de
cree, interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., July 7lh. lsi)8.
For particulars apply at Coi rier office, Oregon
O-nA A four-room house and lot in Oregon
waUUi'iiy; Kood location with tine view of
river; young trees and shrubs ; place cost over
PQAft An eight-room house and two large
OOUUiots in lower part of Oregon Cily (Green
Point), bam; good bearing orchard: or will trade
for smaller place and take difference in cash.
11ftftTwo good houses and lot; houses rented
OllUUuear paper mill - Oregon City; will trade
or sell on Installment plan.
If von have anvlhing to trade or sell It will
pay you to serd description to tho Courier. No
charges unless sale or tradu is made.
VATTD DBTfP An t-acre farm, nbout
lUUtt rnlVilij miles soulheast of the
courthouse, at a bargain; titb perfect; also two
lots, one In South Oregon City and the other In
iliwnn CUv nroner: title perfect. All this
property must oesoiu. lertns easy; nam nine
E rices. Anyone that wauls to buy will And it to
ia interest to investigate this.
Weak Hen Made Vigorous
next wisr rOTsunr zvswf
It acta powerfully and quickly, enrea wnen au
tbera tall. Vouch men regain lost manbood: old
others tall. Young men regain lost manbood: 014
men recover vouthful vigor. Absolutely Goar-
men recover voumiiu vigw. auiuiuivit
b.i.aI n Jnrk N AI-vrnifttlM. Lot itllltt V
1 111 potency, Nightly Kmlutona, Lost Power,
cither as. Failing Memory, Wauling Ola
eaf, and all tf nU nf fl.f-nbu or txctun and
imti.CTYIiow. Warda on Insanity and consumption.
Don't let dmggist Impose a worthless tnbetttute on
you because tt vlelo a greater pront. Insist on hav
ing PKKFKK'S J KKVUiOK, or send for It. Can
h rrri! in vest Docket. Frenald. nlaln wrapper.
f t per box, or O for tVv, wltb A Written Guar
antee lo Cure er Kefund Money, pamphlet free
PEf FJbK Aoa'N. ChlcaaV, 111.
For Sale by CI arm an k Co.
What Shall
Be Done
You have tried iron and
other tonics. Bat she keeps
pale and thin. Her sallow
complexion worries you. Per
haps she has a little hacking;
cough also. Her head aches
and she cannot study. Give her
i scoirs Emulsion I
The oil will feed her wasting
lbody; the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos
phites will give new power and
vigor to her nerves and brain.
Never say you cannot
take cod-liver oil" until you
have tried Scott's Emulsion.
You will be obliged to change
your opinion at once. Children
especially become very fond
of it; and infants do not know
when it is added to their food.
;oc, and $i.oo ; all druggists.
SCOTT, & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper your
rooms and paint your
house and
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-cL-m li ipi a
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely Bros, store
on upper 7th streeth.
Nobiitt Livery and Sale Stable
Onthe Street between the Bridge and the
Double and single rlcs and saddle horses a.
Ways on hand at tho lowest rates, and aoorra,
also connected with the barn for loose stock
Any information regarding ony kind of stock
promptly attended to by letter or person.
In the jCounty Court of the State of Oregon,
Clackamas County:
Notice is hereby given that I the undersigned
executrix of the estate of A. R. Shipley, de
ceased, have presented and Hied mv final account
in said court as executrix of said estate, and that
Monday, the 1st day of August, 1898, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, has been duly ap
pointed by said court for the settlement of said
llnal account and tte hearing of objections there
Executrix of the estate of A. R. Shipley,
Dated June 17, 1898. je0
Clearance Sale
Trimmed Hats $1.50 up
Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed
Hats. Trimming Dohe to Satisfaction.
Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled.
Kid Gloves Cleaned.
Hair Work in All Its Branches Done with Neat
ness and Dispatch.
In Every County to Supply
the Great Popnlar Demand for
Compiled and Written by
Of Kansas
The most brilliantly written, most profusely
and artistically illustrated, and most intensely
popular book on the subject of the war with
Spain. Nearly 200
Snperl) Illustrations from Photograulis
Taken specially for this great work. Agents are
making 50 to 100 a week Belling it. A veritable
bonanza for live canvassers. Apply for descrip
tion, terms and territory at once to
j ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME f
: Dally Call, including Sunday 12 mo 00 I
: " a too s
S " S 1 M S
! XS s
: Sunday Call 12 " 1 60 s
1 Wkly " 12 ' 1 60
S Sunday and Weekly Call 12 " 2 60 s
2 Delivered by carrier, every day, 65c mo. :
1 W. S. LEAKE, Manaata.