Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 15, 1898, Image 2

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Oregon City Goaito.
a. w. turn, rabUafcar.
A. Complete Review of the Telegraphic
Kewi of Thli and All For
eign Lands.
As a result of the caolnet meeting
Jmday it was decided to dispatch a
regiment of troops to Honolulu imme
diately. Lieutenant Hobeon, in telling bow
the Mernmao was sank, says the lose
of the vessel's rudder made it impossi
ble to place tier across the channel.
The London Dally Mail says that the
United States must bold the Phillip
.pines to prevent a wild aoramble for
coaling stations among the Enfopean
powers. ,
Sunday, July 10, was proclaimed by
President McKinley as a day of tbanke
giving In oonsideiation of our victories
on land and sea. The observance was
general throughout the country. -
Bear-Admiral Miller has received to
formatioo from Washington that he is
eoon to be sent to Honolulu on a special
mission, presumably in connection with
the annexation of the islands. .
Either the Philadelphia or the Ben
nington will convey the offloial news of
the action of congress on the Hawaiian
annexation resolutions and raloe the
flag in the name of the United States,
Instructions hove been reoeived In
San Francisco to prepare the cruiser
Philadelphia for sea immediately. Her
supplies are being assembled with the
.greatest dispatch. She will probably
get under way for sea within a weak.
Both branches of congress haw ad
journed sine die. The close in the
house was marked by hilarious scenes.
Patriotic songs were sung and cheers
given for the president and our naval
heroes. The appointments of member
of several commissions are held over.
French line officers say an injustice
has been done La Boulogne's crew,
as the men are not cowards. Foreign
ers in the steerage, they say, were re
sponsible for the atrocities if any were
committed. The question of jurisdic
tion in connection with the corning In
vestigation k being discussed.
The navy department has been rn.
formed that a Spanish privateer carry
ing five guns h hovering off the coast
of British Columbia.' According to
last accounts the privateer wae between
Prince Charlotte sound and Dixon's en
trance. Prompt instructions have been
sent to the (military authorities on tbe
Northwest coast.
It is said now that Blanco le to Mam
for the disaster to the Spanish float, as
the captain-genetal ordered Cervera to
take his ships out of Santiago harbor,,
The dismantled Spanish cruiser
Beina Mercedes, while attempting to
escape from Santiago harbor, Thursday,
was sunk by the MasaaohusetB and
Word has reached San Francdsco that
the second Manila expedition arrived
at Honolulu June S3 and sailed for
Manila the following day. All were
well and they were royally entertained
by the Hawaiian
The wounded men brought to Eoy
West on the Iroquois are housed io the
hospitals at Key West. All are doing
well, and many are already able to be
vp and about, and none are In danger.
They are anxious to get back to Cuba
and fight
A Manila dispatch says that Admiral
Dewey will remain inactive until Gen
eral Morritt arrives. The rebels are
jiractically doing nothing, but the Span
iards are strengthening their positions,
destroying buu and constructing en
trenchments The authorities have
enacted apenaltyof fl, 000 against any
tiody who shall raise the price of pro
visions, There is considerable Illness at Gump
Merritt, San Francisco, though the
death rate remains low. South Dakota
has 70 on the sick list, and thongh
practically au acclimated regiment, the
Beventh California has 17 in trie hos
pital, and as many more in quarters,
Montana has about 80 in the hospital,
nd more than that number awM In
Like rats from a Blnking ship, the
foar-strickon hundreds are rushing pull
timll from the doomed city of Santiago.
All roads leading to the city are
jammed. Five hundred refugees have
gone to El Gauoy, and others to Moian
and St. Lucia. A proclamation wai
issued Thursday allowing people four
hours in which to get safely out of the
Hobaon and his men are safe within
the American linos. The exchange was
effocted before Santiago Thursday in
accordance with an agreement previous
ly reached between Shatter and Tora).
The heroes of the Murrimao are aft in
good health. One Spanish Lieutenant,
14 non-commissioned officers and a pri
vate were surrendered by the Amurtcao
officers in exchange for llobson and his
even men. An hilarious welcome was
accorded the heroes by the Amoiian
troops and tars.
Minor Mew Items.
Germany has 138,000 school troch
ers, America, 880,000.
In Illinois during the past year 118
ooal mines wore abandoned and 79
mines oponod.
Upward ot 10,000,000 American
flags have been sold since the blowing
up of the Maine.
When Gen. Fred Grant was sworn
in as a brigadier-general the oath was
Administered by Judge Harris, of Geor
gia, Confederate veteran
According to a Rome dispatch San
tiago has capitulated. Shafter sent a
report to the department Tueeday say
ing that he had the city surrounded
completely, and that Toral was then
considering a proposition for surrender
ing. A flag of truce was again up at
the time he sent the dispatoh. Only
four casualties were reported to have
occarred in Monday's fight. There is
terrible suffering among the refugees
from the doomed city despite Shafter's
The town of Antolopa, Or., has been
almost totally destroyed by fire.
A great military hospital under tents
Is to be established at Fort Monroe.
Still another cabinet orlsis is report
ed in Spain. All the ministers have
tendered their resignations, and Sagas
ta is to form a new cabinet
France's new minister, M. de L.
Casse, has notified the Spanish ambas
sador at Paris, SenorLeon Castillo, that
the French government is ready to ten
der the good offices of the French am
bassador at Washington in opening
negotiations for peace if the Madrid
government will permit it to do so.
Ambassadors at Madrid have ex
pressed a desire that negotiations for
peace be opened at once. The senti
ment in favor of peace is said to be
gaining in strength throughout Spain.
The , Madrid government favors the
movement if it implies only the loss of
Cuba. No peace overtures have been
received at Washington; j
A dispatoh from Nicaragua says Ze
laya's government has released several
hundred political prisoners. 'V A coali
tion is heing planned and representa
tives of Salvador, Honduras and Nicar
agua ha held a meeting with the
purpose of forming a uniou to succeed
the greater republio of Central Ameri
ca, which is thought to be upon the
eve of dissolution.
Tlia movement of the American army
on Porto Rico may be said to have bo
gun. The oontinued forwarding ol
additional troops to Santiago, when it
la recognized that Shafter has as large
an army as he needs to take that town,
is In reality the laying of the founda
tion ol the Porto Rioan expeditionary
force. An effort will be made to avoid
the mistakes of the Santiago campaign.
The expedition to go against Porto Rice
will consist of between 25,000 and 80,
000 men.
Captain Rowell, second officer, was
killed during the bombardment of San
tiago, Sunday.
Major-Genoral Otis is authority for
the statement that the regiment to be
stationed at Honolulu has not yet been
' William Jennings Bryan's regiment
of Nekaeka infantry has been ordered
to join General Fitzhugh Lee's corpB at
The war department has instituted a
system of bulletins for the benefit oi
the public, giving quick and concise in
formation of important happenings.
The attorney-general of Great Britain
huB ruled that in evioting the Spanish
spies from Canada the Canadian gov
ernment is not liable to he sued for
It is reported from London that the
Spanish government is preparing to send
additional troops to Porto Rico by the
fastest steamers, available.
A force oi 80,000 men is to be kept
qontantly in our Southern coaBt to serve
is re-enforcements for our troops in
Cuba if needed.
A hospital train bearing the wounded
to Fort McPherson was in a rear-end
collision six miles south of High
Springs, Fla. No one was hurt, but a
private car was demolished.
The refugees from Santiago are be
coming a serious military problem to
General Shaftor. The most intelli
gent of the refugees say that only a few
Spanish soldiers have recently entered
Santiago not more than 1,000. Thy
report friction between General Toral
and General Linares.
General Shafter has sent a revised
and corrected report of the casualties
before Sautiago July 1, 3 and 8. It
slightly inoreases the number killed
and wounded, as given in the first re
port, and is as follows: Killed, 28
officers, 208 meni wounded, 80 officers,
1,023 men; missing, 81; total, 1,695.
General Shafter is of the opinion that
the number of missing will be reduced
All the warships of Camara's fleet
sailed from Port Said for Spain, Mon
day. The Spanish admiral was a)
lowod to transship 000 tons of coal from
San Augstino in the harbor, on furnish
ing a written guarantee that the Pelayo
needed it, and that the entire squadron
wis returning to Spain direct The
Spanish tordodo-boat destroyers sailed
from Messina, Sicily, for home the
same day.
The Brooklyn, Indiana and Texas,
under Commodore Schley, bombarded
the city of Santiago at 5:10 o'clock
Sunday afternoon in obedience to a re
quest from General Shafter convoyed
by signal from shore. The warships
lined up from the east to west, a quur
tor of a mile from shore, and fired over
the limestone cliffs that come down to
the sea and hide the clty.fivo miles dis
tant Tho bombardment continued one
Chiof Inspector Marshall, known as
tho Sherlock Holmes of the English
police, has retired from Scotland Yard
after 88 years' distinguished service.
While driving to Dallas, Tex., to ap
pear as a witness before the federal
grand jury, James Morrison, a farmer
of Feins, was struck dead by lightning.
At the commencement of the Bloom
ingontleld aoademy, the national school
of the Chickaaw nation, 1,000 persons
from all sections of the territory were
The Guns of the Amer
icans Trained on
the Spanish.
Arrival of Reinforcement! Acts as a
Bracer Spanish Firing Wat Very
Weak Belief ' That BesUtance I
About Ended.
Headquarters of Gen. Shafter, via
Kingston, July 13. From 4 o'clock
this afternoon until dark the American
guns have been again pouring a deadly
fire into the Spanish lines. Our men
are greatly refreshed by their three
days' rest, and -have been fighting with
lion-like spirit
The knowledge of the arrival of re
inforcements gives them new enthusi
asm. The artillery is in plaoe, and
doing effective work. The fire from
the. Spaniards in the trenches is very
weak. The city of Santiago is almost
in darkness tonight, and our men be
lieve that the resistance of the Span
iards is about at an end. They expect
a general assault, tomorrow, should the
, '" ii ii i n
The Old, Old Story I Didn't Know It Was Loaded T
city not have surrendered by daybreak.
The Americans are much better fortified
in the trenches.
Shafter' Fighting Force.
Washington, July, 11. General
Shafter's availabjeforce, after counting
all reinforcements and deducting tha
dead and sick and Wounded, is 22,850
fighting men, acoording to military es
timates. This is based on an estimate
of 16,000 men in General Shafter's
original expedition and about 10,000
in various expeditions which have gone
since then, making in all 26,000.
Against this must be deducted the
casualties in the fighting thus far and
also the men confined to the hospitals
by siokness. The deduction is roughly
estimated at 3,000 men, leaving about
28,000 available today as the fighting
force of the American army. The rein
forcements having gone forward from
time to time, it has been rather diffi
cult to keep track of them, but they are
Bummed up as follows:
General Duffleld's brigade, about 2,
600 men; reoruits for regular army,
950; First Illinois, 050? First District
of Columbia, 850; b!x light batteries
United States artillery, 700; General
Gatretson's brigade, Eighth Ohio, 1,.
300; Sixth Massachusetts, and Sixth
Illinois, 2,600,
Another force of 2,500 men, com
prising General Ernest's brigade, is
ready to start, and, with this force,
General Shafter's fighting strength will
be swelled to about 25,000 men by the
arrivals of this week.
On the Bark Track.
Port Said, July 18. All the war
ships of Camara's flout have sailed for
Spain. The Snanish admiral was nl.
lowed to transship 600 tons of ooal from
can Augustine last nignt in tne har
bor, on furnishing a written crnarantn
that the Pelayo needed it, and that the
entire squadron was returning to Spain
Messina, Sicily. July 18. The Scan.
ish torpedo-boat destroyers sailed for
Dame tins mornine.
Admiral Aiuiueu e.tL.
-.Washington, July 13. Rear-Admiral
Ammen, one of the heroes of the civil
war, died at the naval hospital this
morning Admiral Ammen had been
at the naval hospital for 10 months,
and death was due to general enfeeble
mont of the system. He served in the
navy within six months of a half cen
tury, and was born in Ohio, May 15,
1820, and entered the navy as a mid-1
ihipman in 1836. He first served as a
past midshipman in the Wilkes explor
g in the Mediterranean in 1837-83.
Spanish Leader Gives t'p the Fight and
Tcuderg Hla Resignation.
London, July 13. The Madrid cor
respondent of the Times says: Senor
Sagasta went to the palace today and
tendered his resignation and that of the
cabinet It is said that he advised the
quee regent to appoint a new cabinet,
largely consisting of the military ele
ment, which would not necssarily mean
the adoption of a warlike policy, but
probably the reverse.
, It is generally expected that the res
ignation will be accepted, but the result
may possibly be merely a partial recon
struction of the cabinet The minis
ters are now in council, and Senor
Sagasta has doubtless communicated to
them an account of his audience with
the queen regent (
What Caused the Trouble
London, July 18. The Madrid cor
respondent of the Times says: The
cabinet resigned, in consequence of
irreconcilable differences oi opinion
on the question of initiating peace ne
gotiations. ! . . " ' ': ;,
The Brave Heroes of the First Conflict!
t Are Houte Again. .
Atlanta, Ga., July 18. Two hun
dred and thirty-five sick and wounded
reached Fort McPherson today from
Tampa. Among , them , are several
rough riders and members of the Seventy-first
New York. The most seri
ously wounded are Captain Duoat and
Lieutenant Lyons, of the Twentv-
fourth infantry, whose families are
now at Salt Lake. The dootors are
much enoouraged by the condition of
the men and say they will recover.
Captain Ducat is shot through the
thigh and his right leg is partly para
lyzed. Propped up on a cot, he told a
press representative a story of the bit
ter fight, which resulted in the wound
ing of himself and Lieutenant Lyons
and the loss of many privates.
On the first day of fighting near El
Caney, the oaptain and lieutenant,
with 75 men, set out to capture a
stone house on top of a steep hill.
Safely housed behind stone walls, the
Spaniards poured in a murderous fire
on the pluoky Americans as they en
tered the narrow path leading up the
hill. Step by step, the men forged
ahead, their comrades falling right in.
By the time the top of the hill was
reached, but 22 of the baud remained.
With a shout, they forced their way
into the coveted stronghold,' and in a
desperate hand-to-hand fight with re
volvers succeeded in scattering the
Spaniards. Captain Ducat and Lieu
tenant Lyons reoeived the wounds at
close range. Of the .75 men, but 25
answered the roll-call.
Last Shot From the Sqnadron Fonnd a
Heavily Charged Mark.
Off Santiago de Cuba, via Playa dol
Este, July 13. At 9:30 o'clook this
morning, after several range-finding
shots over the ridge protecting San
tiago from the sea, the cruiser Newark
opened fire into the oity with her 8
inch guns. The signal oorps reported
the effect of the shots. The New York,
Brooklyn and Indiana participated in
the firing at intervals of five minutes.
The bombardment lasted for two hours,
when General Shafter reported that the
shells were mostly falling in the bay
and doing but little damage. The last
shot, however, struck a prominent
church in the heart of the city, which
was heavily stored with powder and
ammunition, causing a trmendous ex
plosion. The extent of the damage is
not ret known.
When the warships ceased firing, and
before Shafter had begun a land attack,
a flag of truce was seen coming from
the city. The objeot of this was not
known today at noon.
By Trgent Request.
Montreal, July 13. Senor Du Bosc,
late secretary of the Spanish legation
at Washington, and Lieutenant Car
ranza will leave Montreal tomorrow by
the Dominion steamer Ottoman, at the
uigent and repeated request of the Do
minion government
Preliminary Firing Be
fore the City of
Spaniard! Opened With Light GomJ
But Were Silenced American Lines
Have Been Strengthened and Siege
' Gun Brought to the Front.
Washington, July 12. The bom
bardment of Santiago has begun. That
was the verbal information obtained
last every ng, shortly before 9 o'clock,
at the war department Almost im
mediately three bulletins were posted,
the most important of which was from
General Shafter. , This dispatch an
nounced that General Toral, who suc
ceeded General Linares in command of
the Spanish forces in Santiago, when
the latter was wounded, had declined
tc surrender, and that the bombard
ment of the town would be begun by
the army and navy about 4 o'clock in
the afternoon. The fact that the bom
barment was scheduled to begin so late
in the day created some comment, but
no explanation of it was offered. In
answer to questions bearing upon the
movement. General Corbin said:
"1 have not tbeslightestfinformation
as to the reason General Shafter had for
beginning the bombardment at the hour
he named, but it was probably because
he was ready just at that time. You
san speculate about that as well as 1
Information received by the waj de
partment during the few days of truce
indioates that Shaftei has materially
strengthened his position. During the
past week he has received reinforce
ments of both artillery and infantry.
Randolph's battery of 24 guns, which
left Key West last Tuesday at mid
night, is now in operation before San
tiago, and, as a war department official
expressed it, "when these long toms of
Randolph's -begin, talking, . something
will happen in Santiago." General
Shafter has nearly 50 siege guns and a
large number of 6-inch mortars, besides
light artillery at his disposal. These
guns, taken in connection with the work
that will be done by tike fleet, will, it
is expected, curry terror and destruc
tion to Santiago.
Anxiety has been expressed by the
war department officials as to whether
General Shafter had a sufficient force
to prevent the evacuation of Santiago
by the enemy. This anxiety was
allayed about 12:80 last night by the
teceipt of the following dispatch from
General Shafter, which contained con
firmation, too, of the earlier reports of
the beginning of the bombardment:
"Playa del Este, July 12. To Adjutant-General,
Washington: Head
quarters of Fifth Corps, July 12. The
enemy opened fire a few minutes past
4 with light guns, which were soon
silenced by ours. There was very lit
tle musketry firing, and the enemy was
kept entirely in the entrenchments.
Three men were slightly wounded. I
will have considerable force tomorrow,
enough to completely block all the
roads on the northwest. 1 am quite
well. "SHAFTER."
The, belief is held by the best-informed
officers that General toral, the
Spanish commander, will 'surrender
when lie finds it will be impossible for
him to evacutate the city. Upon what
grounds this belief is based could not
be ascertained, but that information is
in the hands of the officials, there is no
doubt. General Shafter's dispatch,
they say, shows he is now engaged in
strengthening his position, and that he
will follow up his operations with a
final assault on the city.
Offer to' Surrender Santiago.
Off Juragua, via Kingston, Jamaica,
July 12. The surrender of Santiago
was formally offered by the Spanish
oommander, General Toral, today, but
the conditions attached caused a prompt
refusal of the offer by General Shafter.
The negotiations, however, resulted in
the extension of the armistice.
General Toral's proposal contemplat
ed the immediate surrender of the city,
but he insisted that his army be per
mitted to march awaj under arms and
with flying colors, and declared that
he would fight to the last ditch unless
the conditions were accepted. General
Shafterreplied that nothing but un
conditional surrender would be con
sidered by him, but he consented to
cable the Spanish offer to Washington,
in the meantime extending tbe armis
tice. heater Burned In Allegheny.
Pittsburg, July 12. Fire tonight,
which started in the World theater on
Federal street, Allegheny, destroyed
that building and the entire section
fronting on the lower side of Federal
street, from the Sixth-street bridge to
the Boyle block, and in the rear almost
to Baltimore. The loss will not exceed
$175,000, as many of the buildings
were small frame structures. The in
surance will reach two-thirds of tbe
Freight Can Left the Track.
Dunsmuii, Cal., July 12. Train No.
IS, consisting of 30 cats, drawn by two
engines, was wrecked this morning at
tunnel 4. near Elmore, four cars in tha
middle of the train leaving the rails
and tearing up about 150 feet of road
bed, demolishes the car track hut
leaving the cars and contents intact.
No one was injured. The south bound
express train left Dunsmuir two hourt
late tonight,, expecting to get by the
wreck without further delay.
Spanish Prisoners From Santiago Clus
tered on Beaver's Island.
Portsmouth, N. H., July 13. The
Spanish prisoners who were brought to
port in the St Louis from Santiago,
numbering 692 of the men who formed
part of the crew of Admiral Cervera's
squadron, are tonight sleeping peace- t
fully and in comparative comfort in tha f
new barracks erected for them on Sea
vey's island. - Around them, is a,guard
of 125 marines. The work of debarka
tion was accomplished in just two
hours, under the direction of Colonel
Ferney. The prisoners were marohed '
to the island, where, on a plat of
ground, each man deposited, under the
eyes of the marine guard, whatever be
longings he possessed. It was a
pathetic sight from beginning to end,
and such as would bring tears to many
eves. ,
The poor wretched . creatures strug
gled trp the hillside, clad for the most
part in rags, some of the men being
covered only with the fragments of a
tableqloth or a blanket, while others
bad on portions of what was once a uni
form. ' When the men lauded some of
them were so weak that they could not
stand, and lay on the ground until)
stretchers were brought, and were car
ried by their comrades to the main
road, where they were placed on the
grass. Here the rays of the sunshine
and ' the cool, refreshing breezes from
aoroso the Piscataquis , seemed to
strengthen them, and most of them,
were later able to follow the others to
the place where they were mustered.
Many of tbe prisoners had wounds that
were still unhealed, and their heads
and arms showed the effects of the ter
rible fire tbey had gone through.
The crew of the Cristobal Colon were
landed in a body. They were better
clad and evidently better fed than the
other men, for they bore a semblance
of tho Spanish sailor in make-up.
They brought ashore bags filled with
clothing. Thirty members of the
Colon's crew were, however, severely
wounded, and had to be carried on
stretchers. The unloading of the crowd
was witnessed by thousands of people
on shore and in boats, and it may he
said with all sincerity that duriug the
two hours occupied with ' the task, not
a sneer or a jeer was heard, nor an act 1
performed which might have given
offense to the prisoners.
' The most interesting part of the '"-'
landing of the men was the duty per
formed by Captain Meron, of the Colon,
the once hearty and jovial officer, the
favorite captain of the Spanish navy,
standing on the height of laud where
the men came ahsore, clad in a tatteted
uniform of white duck trousers and
blue coat, book in hand, the mustering
officer of the Spanish prisoners. His
heavy voice called out the names of the
prisoners and credited each to the ves
sel to which he individually was once a
member. . When the muster out, as it
seemed to be, was finished, the men
were marched to temporary barracks,
which will serve as a prison for them.
Of tbe number landed 50 have been
taken to the hospital suffering from
wounds, while not a few have minor
ills. '
' Among the officers there were four
lieutenants, two ensigns and one pay
master, and these, through some mis
understanding of orders from Washing
ton, were returned to the St. Louis. It
is understood thut these officers will be
landed again tomorrow. ' T
The line officers will be quartered at
the marine barracks.
It was interesting to watch the way
in which the Spanish prisoners accept
ed the fortunes of war. After break
ing ranks they looked about and saw
mattresses and conches, and many
other comforts which had not been
their lot for many years in barracks,
and as they looked them over they ap
peared to accept the situation with
much cheerfulness. They walked
around with a dignified air, and seemed
to grow happy as appetizing odors were
wafted to them from the large kitchen.
Fourteenth Infantry Selected to Occupy
the City of Honolulu.
San Francisco, July 13. This week
will see another exodus of the Manila
forces. Thursday morning the Peru,
carrying Major-General E. S. Otis and
staff, six troops of the Fourth United ( ,
States cavalry, under command of
Colonel Kellogg, and two batteries of
the Sixth United States artillery, un
der command of Major Grugan, and
the City of Puebla, with the Four
teenth infantry detachment, will steam
out of the harbor.
Major-ijeneral Otis has decided not
to wait for tbe New York volunteers,
but will proceed at ouce to Honolulu
to assist aocording to his orders in the
ceremonies of occupying the city. The
Fnuith cavalrv. Kixth nrtillorw
Fourteenth infantry will have the priv-
urge ui iaaing pari m tne ceremonies.
They will remain in Honnlnin until
the other thtee vessels of the fleet of
five, destined for the fourth expedi
tion, come on; then the whole force of
troops witn Major-Ueneral H. G. Otis
will proceed to Manila. Thn trn.
the St. Paul and Rio de Jnneiro have
not yet been selected.
The fifth and probably the last ex
pedition to the Philippines will await
the returning transnortn nf th .
pedition the Australia, City of Syd-
Eleven People Killed.
Cleveland, July 13. The lives of II
men were snuffed out in the twinkling
of an eye this evening in the big water
works tunnel that is being constructed
on the bottom of Lake Erie, as the re
sult of an explosion of gas. The killed
John Parks, foreman; James Parks,
brother of John; John Fradey, Tony
Brunetti, John , Emerson Smith,
John McCauley, William Tucker (col
ored), Gus Wattse, Frank Clement..
Frank Haney.