Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 15, 1898, Image 1

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    City Library
NO. &
16th YEAR.
Do not crowd your guests on a
small unsightly dinner table.
Dinner tast better on a large table,
besides your friends will go away
with the impression that you area
well to do and refined man. We
sell Ash Extension Tables for
$4.50 and Ladies Folding Sewing
Tables for Si.oo.
The House Furnishers
1000 " flp
Royal makes the lood pure,
wholesome aad delicious.
Absolute! Pure
July Term, T. F. . Kjan Judge, S, F.
Marks and Richard Morion, Commissioners.
Must be strictly pure WHITE, ful1 grown- and
have painted in neat two inch black letters on
either side the following words: "Have your fire
insurance written by an agent who has had years
of experience in writing policies and who represents
only the largest and best companies in the world."
.Bicycles With Wings.
The nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect
ed and the makers who produced the Chainless Bicycle are public bene
factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving
parts. No attention necessary. "You buy the wheel-tie Columbia
Chainless does the rest." Not an hour of time taken to keep th Chainless
. 1 t m. imahia Mnrn hnndsnmfi in annearance. .Less
in oraer lur vein mwio v,.... v. ; 1 i, t
n:n a ii AhoAlntnW sat fifantorv under all conditions of
use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of
.;,.. ifioaf orul most, raodum and coinnlete bicycle factory. lou
AUlciii'a o v
see them everywhere." They are
Columbia Phalli Wheels $ 75.00
Cnlumlim Tiuulems 125.00
llortfnnia 50.00
Jill Wo men a
ttocoiid-huntl wiieem.
. 33. BO
V,Xu?,::.v:.v.:v.v:.;:::.$35:o6 SS:o I : o.oo t. $50.00
Cut-rate Druggists, Agents.
Fossil, Okeqos, June 2, 1898
H. G. Coltox,
Manager Massachusetts Mutual Life InsurancB to.
Portland, Oiiegon.
DearSib: On July 13th, 1897. Mr. W . K. J. oppiewen, oi
thia Dlace. took out $2000 insurance through special agent H
T Booth. Mr Popplewell died suddenly of appendicits, and
I wish to thank you for company's draft for $2006 12 the
O0O being the full amount insured for, and the $6.12 being a t0 contr.ct and purchase all necessary
si l ti 1 1 tlm nnnntv.
dividend auuea Dy tne uompany ui auuoruauue uu no buii" iciun uj ..... v
. , . c. UI. ,1 nl l,nlliiri Tho o uim hna 111 Ult mmici w n.
n snar njlispruuia uu an uunv; i...uv... ...v . i..:.i.... n .,. m wrn
$2006.12 Total paid hfi nid sixteen days from the time proofs were filed, and ,urL 'rt. ,ha eoutlitions of all
nrnmntnftss in the matter proves that it is best to insure nnnntv bridges in their respective dis
jwv.. f 1 - . . . . J . " . . . , i.i t
c..t. on .nmnanv. and i snail De DieaHeu vo enuoroe mo-i incm at mo aui
, ''" r- " Tl, matter of the Borintr bridge was
Died 11 months
after paaglng the
$2000.00 Policy
6.12 Dividend
Be it rememoered that at a regular
term of the county court for the state ti
OrBBon. for the county of Clackamas, be
gan and held in Oregon City in said
county and state, Monday the 4th day of
July, 18U8, tne same newg uie nrsnuoii
day in said month, and the time fixed
by law for holding regular term of said
court. Present : "lomas F. Kyan, judge,
Elmer Dixon, clerk, and J. J.Cooke,
Whereunon a term ot said court is be
gun and held on Wednesday the 6th day
of July, 1898, the same being the first
Wednesday after the nrst jvionuay in saiu
month, and the time fixed by law for the
hrst dav of said' tirm of court tor the
transaction of county business. Present
Hon. Thomas Kyan. judge; t. JviatKs,
commissioner; Kicnard worton commis
sioner; Elmer Dixon, clerk; anuj.J.
Cooke, sheriff.
The court convenned according to law
and now on this day the following busi
ness was led to wit.
In the matter of payment of claims
filed against Clackamas county, the court
having examined said claims and being
fully satisfied ; it Is ordered Dy uie couri
that the clerk shall issue warrants on
the general fund in favor of the persons
and amounts hereinafter specified in
pavment of said claims :
0 HIsom, sheriff ac $13 75
J W Loder. roa I and bridge 1 35
B F Smith, j p, state vs Miller... 7 &
M F Mc.Cown.eon " . 33 20
LvdiaRotb. wit ' 4 30
Emma Straehler " " 170
UBDimiok.distatv" 8 20
Corbett, Failing & Robertson r & b 27 00
California Powder Co 847 66
I Selling. Danoerac 8 Uo
Herald, printing... n u
Entemrise. " 24 10
L Stout, assessor 76 Oo
Ida Stout " 38 00
Peter Nehran; bd of pris. for June 47 67
P Hemmelgarn, pauper 150
Wilson & Cooke, .load and bridge 14 so
Red Front Trading Co. pauper 5 50
OC Hospital, pauper.., 112 50
Carlton & Rosenkrans. pauper 5 00
Ina Chase, sherill ac w)
Ina Chase, clerk " 10 50
Mrs Lydia Winesett, pauper am
In the matter of the report of viewers
of damages on the Linn road, the same
was laid over until the August term.
The petition of fay Moody for a tax re
bate of $5 05 was denied.
In the matter ot redemption oi certain
lands from tax sale, the petition was
granted, and ordered that $34.15 be re
ceived in full of said taxes.
In the matter of the petition lor tne
Shuck's mill road, the same was laid
over. . . .
In the matter of county am lor Mrs.
Opdycke, $5 per month granted to begin
August 1, 1H9H, warrants to De orawu iu
favor of self. ,
In the matter, of re-instating William
White on the pauper list, he was granted
an allowance of $8 per month.
In the matter ol laying planic on uie
Highland road, it was ordered that Super
visor Uornschuch lay the same at
an expense not to exceed $125.
F. A Melning, ot Uascaues precinui,
was granted a liquor license.
In the matter of the nurchase of record
books, blanks and all necessary supplies
for the ditlerent offices, the following
order was made: Ordered that each
ollicer of the county needing supplies of
any description, such as record dookb,
stationery, etc., shall make out the list
of same and present it to the court, who
shall examine the same, and n lounu
necessary to conduct the office properly
he shall purchase the same oi sucu uni
ties and in such places as he finds that
the same can be procured to the best ad
vantage of the county.
Ordered that the purchasine agent for
the county for the ensuing year shall be
Thomas F. Rvan. and he is authorised
9 In the matter of advertising for bids
for wood for court house : clerk ordered
to advertise for 50 cords of good sound
bard wood.
In the matter of attorneys fees in case
of Toedtemeir vs county, the same was
laid over until next term.
The bonds of J. E. McCoy was approved
for bridge contracts.
In the matter of work to be done in
road distiict No 23, it was ordered that
$25 be spent on Canby road to build
culvert and repair trestle.
In the matter of the bridge on Kellogg
creek, Baker's ferry road, Supervisor
Counsell was ordered to build said
The matter of a franchise tor a moter
line on the Highland road was laid over.
One hundred dollars was ordered ap
oronriated for a continirent fund.
Superviser Tsber was ordered to re
pair the river road from Strintttown to
Neut Criteser's place.
The matter of a gravel pit in District
No 3, was referred to Commissioner
In the matter of the appointment of
deputy clerk, the same was appointed at
a salary of $60 oer month.
In the matter of the rebate of the de
linquent taxes on the Clayson estate, G
B Dimick requested to look un matters
pertaining to the legal assessment of
said property.
In the matter of the bond of Elmer
Dixon, clerk, the same was approved.
In the matter of the bond of J J
Cooke, sheriff, he was granted until
next term to file new bond.
In the matter of the bond of Jacob
Shade, county Treasuier, bond placed at
$40,000, and granted until August term
to make new bond.
In the matter of county aid for James
Wyland, he was ordered sent to the
Oregon City hospital.
The report of the county clerk Bhowed
that $142.25 had been received in fees
for Juno and said report approved.
In the matter of commissioners mile
age and per diem. 3 F Marks was al
lowed $8.00 and Richard Morton, $8.00
In the matter ot oppointment oi
deputy sheriffs for 1898, J E Jack, regu-
ar deputy and U n lsora, special aepuiy
approved, k
Koad reports continued next ween.
A Big
We are showing extraordinary
values in Men's and Youth's
Suits for Summer. Special
prices that means low ones
have been tried to some of our
nobbust suits in order to clear
them out. Every garment is
new, rightly made, and fully
Adjourned June Term.
Oonttnned from last week.
An order wag made that all warrants
not called for previous to a period ot
seven vears ending June 30, 1898, be
cancelled as tollows, name, uumber and
amount of warrant given :
No Name Amount
4892 G Fredoncks $1 70
4977 R Hesseltine 3 50
John Beckman..... W
D Harvey 2 00
Olie Wertland ........1 70
M Heiman ... 1 70
Mary G Jones 3 40
Charlotte Thomas 3 40
J H Mitchell 4 40
Joseph Goeser. 4 40
C Larkins 2 20
George Chambers.. 1 70
Frank Bean.. 1 70
Gideon Porta 1 20
R Looney 2 00
Ben Moore 1 50
David Howard 1 50
Clarence Swick 2 00
E Owen 2 20
Ida Hickev 1 70
Henry Mann 1 20
A L Cornwall 7 90
P Hill. 1 00
J W Cane 1 50
A Ruble..: 1 50
P Hill 1 50
Peter Bumberg 1 60
J Waters 1 50
L Hallen 1 50
Grant Johnson 4 20
Charles Kester 7 00
M J Rogers 4 00
Rev Johnson 4 00
Miss Nettie Watts 1 70
Walter Klayville 2 30
Mrs Margaret Cannon 2 10
li W Worsham ' 2 20
D Worsham 2 40
Miss Margaret Emmett.... 3 00
John Barnard 3 00
Peter Thompson 2 80
Also number 27453; which was ismied
by mistake, and a duplicate of number
The allowance for the support of Mrs.
Qrindstaff was reduced from $12 to $0.
In the matter of supervisor's toad re
ports for the month of June, the court
having examined and approved
same, the clerk was directed t
warrants for the same :
Road district No 5
Hilyard Bros, lumber." $0 72
District No 6
W O Markell, nails $3 50
Strauss & Johnson, lumber 12 23
Men's Business Suits
la Fancy Patterns and Fiaia Colors
$7.50 and $9.35
Boy's Youth's Suits
Mads Exactly Like Cur Mens Suits
$4.35 $5.75 $6.50
and up to $15 !
These bright new goods are displayed
in our windows.
Cor. First and Morrison Sts."
1 t
4 ,TW J1 , n 4 $ " i tot hi) h h i hi .
draw Jz-rr-J,fi' S -V rTS JT " -
Maa.husetta Mutual whenever opportunity offers.
Yours very truly, W. W. Hooter,
Executor of the estate of W. R. Popplewell
.1 r , ,j,
ratarroA I !nmmiSHOTier Morton
In the matter of the Mount Angei
road, an order was made that supervmor
Young let the court know why he has
t ....... a..!.l ul ami thfl con-
.INSUKb IN dition of the same
in the mailer oune Duiiumgui uwn..
i 1 1 . .. . Mi..,. ..n 1 1 r I All
M;5ArHnSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY bridge work ordered by the last court,
Idti JliaOOavuuiJu" v whidh has not been commenced, to be
i i . -1 i .......1 u 1 Irnm
. m , u .v-aM; lenaione uiiiiiorue bio ." .
of Springfield, Massachusetts. the present court to proceed with the
(Incorporated 1851) In the matter of the Field's bridge,
pair the approach. i, -j
C. COLTON,ManaSer and court house: said bridge to here-
, t f pairea ana reierreu va immj - "r"
Chamber of Commerce, Konguit and wt with city; also toad-
.Rooms, 312-313
just insurance on court house.
Total $15 73
District No 8
GT Bebee. labor ;...7 50
CV Harris 7 50
N A Flinn 7 25
C S Hank 8
P Kerney
N S Endersbv. labor and team.... 12 75
J Wall, labor 10 00
F Stone 1 50
C V Ware 1 50
H Ware 1 B0
F J Walkey, supervisor 4 00
Total 08 75
District No 9
Hugh Fitzgerald, labor $1 25
.lamea Pagh 1 25
Joseph Dfshazer 1 87
a i K fill
Julius Paulsen
Nix Bath 2 00
Heinricb Jansen 3 00
Hermann I, ins 4 00
Fted Lins 1 2'r
Total 123 25
District No 15
Wm Beeson A son. lumber 17 56
Diatrirt No 18
Mike London f 6 00
W Hornschuch 2 00
E N Uornschuch 27 00
Work on Molalla road
E N Hornachucb, labor 00
H Hornschuch 3 00
M London 3 00
Continued on Eighth Pit
? - -
This celebrated binder has gained an enviable reputation in the last
three years in Oregon. It represents lever power as applied to bind
ing trrain. It will run lighter, last longer and bind tighter than any
other binder in the market. The Jones Chain Drive foot lift. Mower
has no back lash, runs light and is very durable. Will cut heavy
grass with ease.
I also carry a full line of Hay Rakes, Tedders, Hay
Tools, Advance Threshers and Traction Engines, John
Deere Plows, as well as a full line of Agricultural
Implements and Vehicles.
Cor. Front and Taylor Sts.,