Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 08, 1898, Image 7

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    Hi vet ' an ErWptlfinaliirW-by Hood'i
j Two of nif fell boys! ad eruption!
;on theift -fycgs. A I 'giving' them
Hood's arei&arilla.Widi' before they had
finished taking the nrsfH bottle the' Sores
were all pine. We are'-Siow giving Hood's
J fSiirsnp!irilhi. toour babies for hives, and it
is helping thenv.-rMss. 0. A. Bates, stay.
ton, Oiv :j .'" Get only Hood's because
? Hood's Sarsaparilla
It America's Qtcntes't Mjeaictne. l; six for $3.
Hood's Pills cure all itvor ill 2fc, cents.
Revolving Seat.".". ! :
i ' A seat especially5 adapted for 1 psen
; open trolley ears, for the'ov(head'8eate
;:on ' bnssea for benches in ppblic parks
or private country Ileuses, etc., is de-
signed .oppnjhe pjinqiple.cf the rolling
! top drt'wt' that' there is alwaysj a
I dry surface during the"' rainy W snowv
J weathei. I'Asa WretrngVlor: the oowli.
n'ary;.fixe4 raW!o;8irid. wood "seat jthro
is an; endless r-oll, formed of . flat strips
of wood, riveted securely ;to.Jrarde tot
t leather,' pegamoid; or ei.mUar material
i and v presenting'' an :everf , 'surface, tipe
usual widthof - a single seat, which Sis
slipped '' arpnnd' the;'-Seat ; board. By
i neajs of Bilnk;tyftbi$ or ifngSsl.lacd
suital)le';.ihterals ;this iott$an jie
radi)y ;Vevo)yed,';bringing any portion
I into , position tor a, s'eut; as... Aia'ybe fe
i quired ;c :ThDfl, da the. esentoJ .the sept
being exposed tq the jrain and rendered
unfit for use, the person desiring to Sit
' down has simnlv by means of the fin
1 ger"ildlesH WilM' W '(IraV hVVoll
forwards, and a perfectly dTy portion ia
brought into position, whilst'the "roll
is of such length that another dry 'por
tion sufficient for a seat; jis still in re
serve, if found necesshry vlri 8ldrtton
,. to this as the roll is revolved in either
direction it it underneath' the seat,
brough in contact with an india-rubber
scraper whioh takes off all the heavy
moisture so that even the portion of
the seat which has : been exposed to the
rain is very quickly dried and again
rendered fit for nay )' j J ) jf
FITS wnxwently Cured, No fltsornervousnes
ll after flra day's use of Dr.. Kline's ureat
Nerve Kestorer. Send I for. PBKB. W.0O trial
bottle and treatise. DR. K. H, Kt.tHE 1,1,1 n-n
Aici street, Fhuadelpula, Pa.-
A seven-foot granite- monument in
Upper Harz, Germany, has an iron
tablet inscribed! "Her, in the year
: 1847, the first trials wefe made with
the cultivation of the potato."
We will forfeit $1 ,000 itany of our pub
lished testimonials ure proven to be not
t. geuuiue.f The PieaCo., Waru,' Pavj j
The death penalty ia rarely enforced
In Germany, Austria! Denmark 01
t Sweden, - In New York 11' out 'of f12
murderers escape without any punish-
ment, and in' the United States only
one murderer in 50 suffers capital pun
' ishmenr.
A portable S-rny apparatus rQ biggei
than a Webster's dictionary,, but . pow
erful enough to enable a surgeon to
look through a man's body, has' "been
invented for -use in -war1: by- Professor
Reginald A.- Fessonden, of Pittsburgh
The photographic action of ligl)t,
though not destroyed at very low tern
peratures, is . diminished ', by 20 'per
oent.t the . loss .. being frreatet : in the
'violet light which at ordinary tempera
tares is the most effective.
Professor Dewar recently stated, - in
the course of a lecture at the Royal In
stitution of Great Britain that there
.lias;-bei a great developmne ip! ttye
lappiiQation of vtiqoijd'a'ij! Matf tAii
lytical agent
Marigolds, in North Africa reach a
lieItl.of (o'tir dr;flvilfeeUtii'jiiii'j i
Mrs. Plnkha'm Relieved Her of Afl
Her Troubles. ,, ,
Mrs."MADOB Badcock. 178 Second
St., Grand Rapids. Mich., had ovarian
trouble wit ;tteu()ant aches
and pains, now she Ls.welL. Here
are her own words:
1 f Your vegeta
ble; Cjo(nppufld, has
aade me feel like
'. tew jperson.
1 Before I be-
fl?2n - taking A
i was nil run
C tfown. felt tired
,bq4 sleepy most
"of ' the lime,
.had: pains; -Ja
my back and
side, and such
; terrible
r all the time,
andcotid not
nights. I al
so, had ovarian
trouble. Through
the advice of a
iffitnd I- began
the use of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
. and since taking
It all troubles have gone.., My man thlj
icknessused to be so painful; buthava
Dot had the slightest pain since taking
your medicine.::! cannot praise ypur
Vegetable Compound too much. My
husband and friends see inch a change
In me. I look so much better and have
ome color in my face." :
Mrs, rinkham invites women wlio are
111 to wnta to her at LynnMasa.; for
advice, Which Is freely offered.
llfllPIT Makemduey bv inccetful
IT I U L II I j Toalattoc In Cblcago. W
I Mrn J buy and sell wueat on man
1 1 1 1 tail 1 1 ius.- Furtunes Bate Been
cade on imaU beftanitig br truiinftlii fi
turn. Write lor lull particulara. Beat of r
erence f Wen. Several years' ex perienee on the
Cb 1 Cairo Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledieoltheb'n'inrM. cndformir free refer,
enoe book. DOWNING, HOPK1S8 4 Co.;
rhieato Board of Trade Broieri. ' Office In
Portland, Orefon and Seattle, Waihl
USIS WHtfirLULSf Fa'lS. Fl
1 m 1 n ia IIm
UuB Srrnp. f Ma Good. C
In tlras. anm bT 4nilnt. . .
r 1
v y j
The SHdlnr Pig. V
Partial paralysis ia the; true name of
the'trouble In hogs, known as the "slid
ing pig." The nerves of : the., muscles
of the back and hip are the parts af
fected. .ItjUsually beglns,wltb a slight
stiff npss, 'and It varies yery much In
its progress. Sonietlmes it la-very rapid
and at others slow. When It is slow
C via; t.- j
the muscles wiU:waste and become ln
actlva In the rapid form, jtusually
kills, he animal In a week or two. - In
the early stages-of the disease give
two ounces sweet oil with two drops of
Crotprr qil (Jn,lt; Aetf this operates,
gtep drops &t,UnC.tvJJ'e of pis. tolb
lea In a tablespconrul of cod liver oil
twice a da'afidll continue It'tor.a S$k
or ten days. JAte kH&t fc'fuil "grovTi
hog. yse. pne-liqlf for a ,plg three to
'Wjtft WWW ol9- IU)hiniii4cii have
become wasted it will be best to de
stroy" the ' animal" Fig. 1 " shows the
stiffness apd shrunken muscles of the
bind quarters caused' by' the disease.
via. 2. -
fig., 2 shows a "sliding pig" as it ap
pears when dragging ita limbs or lying
Jown. American Agriculturist ' : .
(. i-Hewlo Apply FerttHiers." 4
Should fertilizer be applied in the
aflls or broadcast? .It may not be a
mistake, to apply very Jlttle over each
hill aa a "starter." but It is better to
broaapast : JAB fertilizer must; be dis
solved before It can be utilized,' rind the
greater " the. surface, over which If is
spread the more water It will receive.
The roots of nearly all plants spread
and grow near the surface, and have as
great feeding capacity, off from' the
plants aa near them. To apply fertilizer
In the ; hills Is to concentrate it, ; and
much of it will be unused or lost . The
best results are Obtained when lt,'is' dis
tributed over the surface and harrowed
tn to be carried down by the rains. ' ;
. A Ventilated Chicken Coop.
Thousands of chickens are ruined
evry summer by ' crowding them Into
close coops at night without -proper
ventilation. When the chicks have be
come feathered tbey do not need , very
warm quarters at night especially
where twenty or more are housed In
one coop.' A large dry goods box makes
a good coop. Put a roof above It and
slats, as 'shown In the cut. The air
can enter, but the projecting roof keeps
out all rain." The large door In front
permits the coop to be cleaned out
readily. Keep the floor covered with
dry loam.- Chicks will thrive in this
500 p. Orange Judd Farmer.
Experiments fn Cultivation.
Deep cultivation of some "crops Is
equivalent to prunlug the roots. This
is especially the case with corn, which
sends Its roots in every direction, close
to the surface of the soil. Experiments
in cultivating show that when the roots
were, cut two inches, -four inches and
six ; Inches below the surface, the In
crease of crops was greatest when the
cultivation wag shallow, the greatest
harm being done by deep cultivation at
the last stages of growth of the plants.
The object should be to simply loosen
the top soil when cultivating corn and
to avoid cutting the roots as much as
possible. - ", ..... ,
Keeping Fheep ia Orchards.- ' 1
The apple orchard after It guts old
enough to bear is the best sheep pas
ture. One. of the great advantages of
pasturing sheep in the orchard Is to
destroy the fallen fruit This tbey will
do even better than bogs, which are
usually recommended1 for this purpose.
. m Wilt:
P:gs will bniy:eat apples after they are
nearly Or quite r... unless, they are
Starved to it . The small green apples
are sometimes ajuiosf ' bitter. ' Sheep
like this bitter-taste,' and will run to
eat the fallen apples most 'of which
tontaln . codling moths, which . would
escape into the ground if left In the
apple long after it falls. . ' ) r.
' Tomato Plants ; -
The tomato needs a long season to
mature Its fruit, and frost often, kills
the vines Just as the fruit Is beginning
to rlpetw-r' Strong-: stocky-plants, Well
parted .under shelter, and ready to "put
-out in open ground, as soon as danger
;f frost is over, are desirable, but the
tall, weak and spindling, specimens, so
;jf ten offered for sale are to be avoided.
The gardener may be overkind to his
Jqiuatoes .by planting.- thetir -ln rich,
damp soil. So treated, the plants will
fnake an excessive growth of vine and
-leaf, but bear little frujtcr Planting on
'. dry piece of ground "M'oaerately fer
tilized will give better resulU.--11irt.
".tord Times.- - . - , CT - -') '
.; u.v- j,, -'.u x c-t.i !-
. Grooming Forses in IIot,T'yther '.,
Horses hard at work W hot 'weather
hould be groomed fully as carefully as
they are in winter. . It js not .quite so
Jleasant a task for the horseman as ' It
is when th& warmth, from the; animal
$nd the labor In. ulng-the .brush - are
-pleasurable. ' But . 11 Is of even greater
Advantage to the horse to be relieved
of the giiuje and dust , which ! will, ac
cumulate In his hair after a. luifd day's
work. Grooming is not only a relief by
li'he agreeable glow It gives to the skin,
tng the groomed horse stronger aud bet
ter fitted every way for hard work.
American Cultivator. ;
' cnle Insects.
If you find scales on vour fruit trees
Send a twig with some, o.f hemfiii It. to
the experiment station of your State
and ask if they are, the San ,Tose scaleJ
Do nojtjieOtoipi mucilllalarmMj'atC thel
rfresence of scales on fruit jtreos, asywo
liave several varieties that-r"aW-Wry
mmoii which do but little it any in
Jury. One. who has carefully, exoro
iried a' Sdn Jose''' scale r Is rarely mis
taken In If afterward. Fanner's Voice,
' -. ii'r'j Eartjrt ; ;
De worl is gittin better, en de worl is git-
tin wuss, ., .
Oafs de' way-de people-talk tt while dey
frolic en dey .fuss, ;!
But I tell you niy briiUder; dat it's good
eDottgh fer us.
80 rlBe up early iu de mawninl
". i r:;:,s i '-1- '.i.-l-i 1:..:
lji de spring we gits de roees, en de seed Ii
ehnibln' hith
Bn hintln 'bout de harvest dat's a-comin
X by and by,
0rj ,ralnb(i.wf.like .rihbon. is a-ruunin
So rise up early in de muwnln!
ienver Field and Fnrm.;
t- j' f ' '1 !" r ' 1 " '- ' ri y I?'', v ' r:.
Hand? Cart.
The Illustration shows a very handy
device for hauling confft hejs'ttredfleri
r Just the thing to bring the corn from
Xbe field to fill the silo. The platform
Is made of plank 2 'inches thick, with
pieces "of 2' by 4 'scantling "bolted on at
fach end. :Two old mowing machine
Wheels are. to le hs'ed. V: The axle should
jje placed I foot 3 inches from, the, Cen
ter. The platform should be 0 feet wide
by 16 feet long.' , " .
tt. When Land .Plns.ter Poes Harm.' i :
Laud plaster attracts moisture, and
thus helps make the laud colder than
It wouMtJierwIse. be. A Itlspolstjire,
uie grasses aud clover want. Corn
likes hot weather. In a cold, wet
spring it ma;' do harm on corn. Wood
ashes, either old or new, help to warm
the soil. If they are caustic tbey . set
vegetable matter to ferniyitlng. If
they have been kept until .tli'ey have ab
sorbed earlonlc acid pas rtnd ammotila
from the air, such ashes directly sup
ply nitrates to the planj ,'roots, and
stimulate them to "grow more rapidly.
-Exchange," ' , ' ' ' 1 :. 1 . r :
...Cow Peas.
Cow pVas may not be a profitable
crop for marjtet, but they will prove
valuable on, the farm as a euoyatpr.
The cow pea, like clover, lai nitrogen
gatherer, shades the soil In summer,
thus promoting nitrification- and. hav
lng a large'ro6f 90lopiriiiir. jit' phnips
water from fielowantf witli lf'tbcimfu-"
eral biatter existing In the soli,, which
It give! up to the surface soil 'on Its
decay. - It grows on both heavy and
light gollg, and seldom, fall to thrlv.
. -i 1 , 4 $ -, f i.
''. .Whltewaali prayinst." " "
Besultsirom spraying trees in win
ter with whitewash to save the buds,
as was advised by the director of the
Missouri station, show marked bemtfitv
Where trees were sprayed four timet
they were full of. blossoms, while those
not sprayed at all have but , lew or
none. - tt : i
'- : - - ''
Benefit of I ralnage. i'J'V
Humus in the soil is formed during
the summer, when " the weather it
warm. While a slight degree of, mois
ture is of assistance, : yet humus 'will
not be formed If the soil is wet tjood
drainage, therefore, not 'only , warmt
the soil, but Increase! the store of plant
tt r
mimnor, a newspaper ouDiisnetv jit
Meaford, Out., Canada, tirst discovered
this case two years ago, aud. published ifat
length, which, now. seems owing to the
cure of it. to be a miracle. The facts we're
so remarkable -that manv people doubled
the truth of jhem. They said: . "It is too
remarkable; it cannot posslbly be true;
the paper is mistaken, -and the man,
although he may think himself cured, will
soon relapse iuto his former couditloif,"
etc., etc. The accuracy of its report callfd
into question, the: . JMmW determined, jo
tlndout deiiiiitely whether the tacts were
as stated and whether the man would real
ly xtav cured.. . Tbey accordingly kepr a
chise watehon the case for two yeiirt after
the first .article appeared, aiid have juat
now published another: article about it Jn
which the original rrporU a t cowpUtely t'wi
fled, the ewre- fifnmaneiil, owi- il&fj publish
' fue dwile of the check given fy the Candi&n
Mutual Life Afsndatvm for $1 C60JX)anoiliU
Th first account stated that th patient
(see address below) hod been a paralytic
for rive veiirs. that there, was such a.totnl
lackf feellna htehfibs art BotlyMiit
a pin run full length could not lie felt);
Dhat he could not walk or help himself t
ali7 fortwoTcar? he was not dressed; .fw
ehermore th lie was bloated, was for tliat
reason almost unrecognizable, and coilkl
hot get his clothes on. The paralysis Was
wifiiplettra Kyfcffw't.ilf efface "and pr-
r-- "fEiiflitvlWtaft- Unrter ths Earth.
The newest wonder in American en
gineering has just been inaugurated 'at
HaughtOn,' Mich'.V viz.'i -tlio Ued Jacket
shaft of. tlie Calumet; ind HeljJai- thje
greatest - mining shaft in. the entire
world. r It is 4,900 feet deeph and, oorjtj
pftred with it, the deep silyej mines 'of
the Com8tock ' lode in .Nevada,' or t$e
wondertul mines ; in Austria, worked
for' many oeiitiiries past, are but shitl-lowpits.-:
There are she compartment!,
says the New York Sun,-, eooh equal Jj)
size to an ordinary mining, shaft, four
prtese be.'irig used for. hoisting , ro$k
and lowering timber; one is ueel for
the ladder ways, and ttve sixth and lat
oompartment carries the wires and
water and compressed air. The under
ground workings of the shaft are laid
undev-iuting course of tlve copper-beaming
lode allowing work to be planned
thousand -of -foot ahead of the mineral
"picks;' The great pumps which free
the mine of water are operated inter
changeably by compressed ait and elee
tricity. T'.ie(ppwer, d;itl8;wlii(ig)oat tH
holes for ' the dynamite cartridges are
rflii Ijy ppinpfe?sel)air alone, and thef
are more tlian 300 of these drills, euu'i
doing tlie work of a dozen men, work
ing both night and. day, in the Calumet
aud Helca mine. "
It is said tht western -capitalists are 00
templstihg tile orgdiiir.alloli ot a weal bicycle
company, wllioli liopcs to ' nmku nrst-cln
wheei and Hell lliem as low a ia . "WheihW
this be true or not, the fact remains that 11"
tetter's Stomach Hitlers la a ilrHi-cl remedy
for tue Btoinach. liver amt.blood, aud tlie price
pnt It within everybody's reach tw be well and
strong, For k-Ver aud agno k ii a tpeeinc. '
It is said that a Scotchman planted
the first thistle in -Australia but of love
for his native land, and now: millioni
of that plant afflict the land. y
The royal crown of Persia, whioh
dates back to remote ages, is in the
form of a pot of flowers surmounted by
an uncut ruby the size of a hen's egg.
; The speed of our fastest ocean steam
ers is now greater than that of express
traitis cm Italian railways.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season -your feet feeljewollcn, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired eaully. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Alien's Foot-Ease. It tools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet blisters and callouB spots.
liaUevev corns and buuionsof all pain and
gires resB aniji comfort. Ten thousand tes
timonials of etires. Try it fMfVnf. Hold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. tient
hy- mail for 23c in stamps. 1- Trial package
FKKE.;,Addr.si 'Alieu 8.! OlmsUxl, Le
IU)y,w, York. .!.? a si' t ".
Persons residing in the District ot
Cjojujijbia have no vote therej but they
may vote in the state in wploh they
claim legal residence. .
! ' ' ? i t ' ' ' .J
The new improved Stoughton wagons
stand tlie racket. Two car loads have just
arrived. .It, pav to have the best. V rite
for tree cUlgue. JOHN' - POOLE, sole
agent,- foot of Morrison street, Portland, Or.
r In 1794 the habitual users of the En
gMsh - language did not number more
than 80,000,000; rn 1867 their number
was estimated at 100,000,000. ;
At Burliiigarii, 6an Mateo county, Cal.,
is one of the must, thorough, careful and
practical "Jlonis (jcliwol" to be found on
the Pariiic (3oat. Accredited at State and
btanfutd ltiivCrfitk-i. Thorough prepara
tion for businesi. Bend for catalogue. Ika
O. Horrr, Ph. 1)., Principal. K-openi
Aug. 9th.
ipliW $1
Was After
vented him from opening his mouth suffi
ciently wide to take solid -food. The doc
tor called the disease spinal Sclerosis, and
all said he. could not live. . , - ;
. . Tor three years he lingered in this condi
tion: Then bv w)ine friends he was advised
to take Dr. Williaiiis' Pink Pills lor Pale Peo
ple. He took them and there was a slight
change. The first thingnotedwas atendfcn
cy to sweat freely. Thin sliowed there was
some life left in his lielpless' body. Next
-came a littlfl feeling in his; limbs..,, This
extended, followed by prickiiig sensations,
untifatlast blowl beftan to course freely,
"naturally and vigorously tlu-ough his body,
and the helplessness gave way to returning
strengt h, the ability to Walk "returned, and
ke wm rattmtd to kit old time health. , ,
. The above is the substance of, the first
article published by the Monitor. Now follow-some
clippings, -taken lronl the same
paper two years afterward, and tlwrelshot
the slightest shadow 'of a aouht.'.in view of
this testimony, that Mr. retch's curia is
permanent. Here follows the account : . '
: Ou being again questioned,'. Mr. .Peteb
said : "You see ' those ' hands-the sfcin is
How natural aid elastic, 6aoe' they were
hard and without sensation.- " You could
pterce them with a pin and I would not
feel it, and what is true of inv hands is true
of the rest of my body. . Perhaps you have
observed that I haA-e now even ceased to
uae-a carre, and con get about tiij .'business
perfectly well.' ''Yotl may sayloere ir obmf
mte'y no doubt at tn iiip onre being permanent.
Angl-8ux(m Postal Oards; '.
' fThe Canadian" people are' allowing a
stronger Bentiment .towards Uncle Sam
at the present, time, ' called out no
douut by the struggle,' if such It ; may
be - called, between this government
and; Spain. An instance of tlus. is
found in new postal cards, which sire
passing through the Canadian mails to
this country. On one oard is shown
the Stars and Btripea, whioh cover tlie
entire front of tlie ; postal .card,, the
white bars of Old Glory being used to
write the address upon.- Another, oard
shows, the union Of the English, ami
American' flags viosciibed "Anglo
Saxor. one aim, one goal," while he
low are the -.national shields held by
Ceres and tlie Goddess of Liberty,
guarding whom- are the proud 'eagle
bird and the lion'. ' Both "are private
postals, such as are now permissible in
this country, and both are very unique,,
The most ancient colrl in Europe'the
ducat, was first struck In the mint of
Venice in the year, 1384. " The building
is still in existence. , ' ", ' ".:. ; ,"".
is due not OnlV to' the oriffinn.lit.Tr nn
' simplicity of the combination, but aW
to the care and skill with, which it h.
manufactured by scientific prooesses
known to the Calipormia Fio Svbup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. ' As the
genuine Syrup of Fig is manufactured
by the Caupoknia Fio -Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that foot will"
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fia Sitkup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Its remedy. : It is'
faria advance of all other laxatives,'
as it acts -on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken-'
ing them, and It does not gripe nor1
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
Paid to a
. ..' !
liideed. I rnn in evm ltttet health than token f
fuv jfOM ihjiri itenitti.'h ' ' j i
"De yoa-stilt attribute your' euro to ihe
use of Dr.. VUUi"s' I'ink Pills?" asked
the liforiitrir,' , -'"i -,..-; .-'I j...," !,r-.K!-s
'll.rtqtiejtionablv I do." , was the reply,
"Docvjics . jiad tjiled, as had also the num
erotis , remedies jteCominehded,' by mj
friends."' Nothing-f took had the slightest
effect npow' rue' nrrtil-1 begaii trie use of Dn
Williams' Pink Pills, to this wonderful
medirimr I me tmi retonM'frtm the living
deth. I have since reoommendedihese
pills to many of my friends, and -'the ver
dict is always in their favorv I shnll always
bless the day I was iudnoejd totake them."
Buch is the history of one of the most re
markable cases of uioderu tinies .Cai any
t)tf si li m face of AfMf!inmbtlia
r;VM'.Wl'ink Pill.fiW noteritViredtS
the caKefui -coivsideration of any, jufl'eing
man, woman or child? Is riot the case in
truth a miracle of modern medicine?
To nuike the evidence comple.te we pub
lish Above a fao. 'sjmile cnt of the.checK re
reived by Mr, Petcli frum the Canadian
Mutual Ivtfe Association, being the amount
due him for -total disability.- It Is uniieces.
sary to odd, that tins life iiisy(nlnce associat
tidtf 'did- tibfpay thUK Urge "anfouhtf
money to Mr. Petcli, except after the mos
careful examination of his condition by
their med ical experts. r They nu4,have re
ganled hfjnioVf()rtriicuhlhla. 1 f
Mr. Petch's address is as follows: Reu.
ben iiethricTsv;ilifi,'9nt.OOiviftda, ,,; I
--UUry- LJ ,i J '-i XX 1 1 J 33
Cookbooks fa Soldiers.
Cook-books Jiaye ; bedrl .distributed
through the companies of the Twenty
setoond '.;reg1inent;;ga'jtlie'New;y.6i
Tribune. Tlie receipts given show just
hdtf the gOTerluM
cooked., Thereimnst hereafterbe an
bspectloii- of' jtha fooxl-1 at each meal,:
an4 an jWoefJ is W'rlook the weigh-j
ing and apportioning of supplies to as-oprtatn-nha-tbe"BJironrit
given "out If
spfHcjeot -..--..w
1 In Sew Zealand two persons work
ing together constitute a factory.
-. . ' t
Dww of Ointments for Catarrh Thst
; YCiTi4iwuu,yjvK,j ,1
As rieMirV ViilsuWy '(istroy fflie'niB o
smell aud oomplomly derange the wbole sys.
tem when entering it-tbroagh tlie mucous iur
fades, Buch articles should uever be ued ex.
eept on nresiytatrvrtmi repfltable phvsi
clans, as ihedatnagb tbey will Hois ten fold to
the good rou can possibly derive from them.
Hall's patsfrh luro,-i raftnufaotnrsd- bf J. J,
Cbenei Si uledo.04 ooutaUs Bomsreury,
anil 16 taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mncous inrfecea of the system,
In buying Uall'SCatarrb Curs bo sure you get
the genuine. It ti tken Internally, and mads
In Toledo, Ohio, by V. i. Cheney Co. Tuali.
tuonlala free.
Uall'i Family pills are the best.
At last the long looked for Improvement has
bi-en ma.e ou tlie old method of plate teeth.,
Inxtcad of wearing a clumsy mouthful of rub.
bi-r testh, by Dr. bite's u?vr method you can
hav your teeth replaced by crown and bridge
work, giving the same results as your natural
toetb, in appearance comfort ana durability.
- - -... DR. WHITE ... . .
271 ?tOMUBo- Bt., Oor.,4tu, PORTLAND, OH,
Um unlet SDtalt, bit ,,9ldfirif)ten",
in (oldje l?rel(e eittuifiifireit, in benen, ti t)i8
Ijfr nod) ttldjt gntiiflenb Detaitnt nwr, fenbm
tuir ti lion jut an bis jttm l. 3tnuar 1809
frei ait aUe biejenifltii, rofldjt fiir ba nad)(le
Jabr uitfcre Slbonncnteu turtben unb btn
iVttaa, bnfur, $2.00, jeot finftnben. iKart
laffe ftdt robe'Sfiimment d)ifen.
Gorman Publishing Co., Portland, Or.
Moore's Itevealed Itemed y willdolt Three
dosoi will make you feel better. Get it from
your druiorlator any wholesale drug bouts, of
tram Stewart 4 Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Plain or with Cutter. , The beat psertle In the mar
ket, t'aetl hy all aock aewprs. f or aals tiy all mmm
cral merchaiiUlie Hurea, or by
Will & FINCK CO.,
-' 30 Market Struct, Sua Francisco, Cal.
BtotttHid atones
Pa. J ,C. UorrMAN, 4M Isauella lildg, Chicago,!!!.
x. r. m. t.
So. 18, .
WHKN writing to advertisers plesas
tuantloa tliTs paper. .
PRISTER.... ; ' , '
ti f.. '
.l-'A ci ts-i'i r. ir.'la
We lead and originate
lasnions o.-M
.(I .. 10l!.! illl'Ji.l,
nvanil Cured.
11 j ;;.f. j ' ' jt,. ... j'i