Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 01, 1898, Image 7

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    l..-' . gi&wiiiic J. ,,.-. - r't' " ,, .. ' " . . " " - .
.- 1 T T 1
apaniaras iiaa lwice
as Many Men as
Twelve Spaniard Known to Have Been
Killed Kooeevelt's Rongh Riders
in the Thick of the Flht Spaniard
Opened Fire From Thickets.
Oft Juragua, via Playa del Este,
Guatanamo Bay, Jane 27. This morn
ing tour troops of the first cavalry, four
troops of the Tenth cavalry, and eight
troops of -Roosevelt's rough riders,
less than 1.000 men in all, dismounted
and attacked 2,000 Spanish soldiers in
the thickets within five miles of San
tiago de Cuba.
The Americans bent the enemy back
into the city, but left the following
dead upon the field: .
Bough riders Captain Allyrt K
Capron, of troop Lj sergeant Hamilton
Fish, jr.; Privates Tilman, and Daw
son, of troop L; Private Dougherty, of
troop A; Private W. T. Eiwin, of
troop F. First cavalry Privates Dix,
York, Bejork, Kolbe, Berlin, Lennock.
Tenth cavalry Corporal White.
At least B0 Americans were wounded,
including six officers. Several of the
wounded will die.
Twelve Spaniard?, dead, were found
in the bush after the fight, but their
loss was doubtless far in excess of that.
General Young commanded the ex
pedition and was with the regulars,
while Colonel Wood directed the opera
tions of the rough riders, several mile
Both parties struck the Spaniards
about the eame time, and the fight
lasted an hour.
The Spaniards opened fire from the
thickets and had every advantage of
numbers and position, but the troops
.drove them back from their station,
stormed the blockhouses around which
they made a final stand, and sent them
scattering over the mountains.
The cavalrymen were afterwards re
inforced by tne Seventh, Twelfth and
Seventeenth infantry, part of the Ninth
cavalry and the Second Massachusetts
and the Seventy-first New York.
The Americans now hold a position
at -the threshold of Santiago de Cuba,
with more troops going forward con
stantly, and they are preparing for a
final assault upon the city.
The officers woumted were:
Maior Brodie, shot through the right
Captain McCHntock, troop B, ehot
through the right leg.
Lieutenant J. T. Thomas, troops L,
hot through the right leg. Ilia condi
turn is serious.
All the foregoing officers are rough
Other officers who were wounded are
Captain Knox, whose condition is
serious. Major Bell, Lieutenant George
L. Bryam. These officers are of the
First cavalry.
The following are among the soldiers
who were wounded:
Rough riders Troop M, Privates E.
M. Hill, Shelly, Fisher, M. S. New-
comb, Fred Boule and Corporal Rhodes.
Troop E, Corporal James F. Bean,
Privates Frank Booth, V. Bert Chart-
ley, Dailey, Halvers, E. G. Atherton,
Clifford Been and Sergeant G. W. At
ringo.. Troop C, Sergeant Joseph'F
Cavanaugh, Corporal L. L. Stewart,
Privates George Rowland, II. F. Haef-
ner, Michael Coyle, R. M. Reed. M.
Russejl. Troop L, Privates J. R. Heen,
Thomas F. Meagher, Edward Calvers,
Nathan P. Poe.
Tenth cavalry Troop B, Privates
Russell, Gaines, Miller, Cross., Brax
ton, Wheeler. Troop I, Privates Ridd,
May berry.
Edward Marshal, correspondent ol
the New York Journal and Adver
tiser, was serfttnsly wounded in the
email of the back.
It is probable that at least 10 in the
list of wounded will die.
Hamilton Fish, Jr.
New York, Jane 27. Hamilton
Fish, jr., one of the killed, was a
oung New Yorker of good position and
family, who went to the front with
Roosevelt's rough riders. He was of
distinguished ancestry, hU family be
ing one of the oldest in this state. His
father, Nicholas Fish, is the son of the
late Hamilton Fish, who was secretary
of stats in Grant's cabinet. He is a
banker and lives in this city. '
Captain Capron.
Washington, June 27. Captain Cap'
ran, of Roosevelt's rough riders, who
was among the killed, is a son of Allyn
Capron, of the First artillery, and was
well known in Washington. He was a
second lieutenant ol the seventh cav
alry, and was recently promoted to be
a captain of volunteers.
A New York infant has just been
condemned to stagger through Hfi un
der the name of Walter Sampson Schley
Dewey Cullen.
Lieutenant Bryan.
Denver, June 27. First Lieutenant
George L. Bryam, of the First cavalry.
who was wounded at tne battle of San
tiago, is about 44 years of age, and
until about a year ago was military ad
viser on the staff of the governor of
Five is the eacred number of the
Chin see, who have five planets, five
cardianl points, five virtues, five
tastes, five musical tones, five ranks of
oobility and five colors.
Crashing Blow Fully' Decided Upon If
Cadiz Fleet Goes KasU
Washington, June 27. The war is
to be carried into Africa, metaphorical
ly Bpeaklng, if Spain is foolhardy
enough to send the Cadiz fleet through
the Suez canal to attack Dewey in the
Philippines. It is announced on good
authority that before the last Spanish
vessel has passed through the canal, an
American squadron will be steaming
at full speed across the Atlantic,
straight to the coast of Sjain, to bring
the war home to the Spanish people.
There is no doubt that Dewey can
take care of himself against the Cadiz
fleet, since his own squadron will be
reinforced by ironclads long before
Camera's ships sight the bay of
Manila, and he will have the shore
batteries with him, instead of against
him, in the struggle. It has been con
cluded by the administration that
nothing save the most severe measures
will suffice to bring the Spanish peo
ple to a realizing sense of the hopless
ness of the continuanoe of tho present
war, and even kindness, it is held,
will dictate such a blow as that which
is proposed to administer, if the
Spanish persist in this last project.
After the fall of Santiago and the
capture or destruction of Cervera 8
quadron, Sampson will have an abund
ance of vessels to spare for the task set
for him. Probably he will divide the
attacking fleet in two squadtons, tire
first, a flying squadron, to be composed
of tle Bwiftest vessels of the fleet, such
as the Columbia, Minneapolis, Har
vard, Yale, St. Louis, St. Paul, New
Orleans and such craft. This will be
followed by another command, either
under Sampson or Schley, composed of
battle-ships, which Captain Clark's
experience with the Oregon has shown
can easily be counted on for the voyage
across the Atlantic.
With the Iowa, . Oregon, Indiana,
Massachusetts and Texas, all battle
ships, supplementing the New York
and Brooklyn, armored cruisers, and
the less powerful vessels of the flying
squadron, the Spanish coast would be
speedily swept clear of all commerce,
all Spanish shipping would be destroy
ed and some of the best ports blockaded
ot bombarded.
Probability That He Will Not Venturs
Beyond Fort Sakl.
Washineton, June 87. That the
Spanish Cadiz fleet is proceeding stead
ily eastward is no longer doubted here.
Trusted agents of the government on
the shores ol the JUedlteranean are
watching every movement of the ships,
and availing themselves of every relia
ble source of information. So when
word came1 from one of these agents to
day that the squadron was sighted off
Pantellaria day before yesterday, the
officials were bound to accept the state
ment as beyond question. The nrst re
port to that effect, which came through
an Italian newspaper, was taken with
some reservation, owing to tle known
efforts of the Spanish government to
mislead our naval authorities by just
such publications in friendly neutral
newspapers. By reckoning of the naval
officers, the squadron should De now
nearing Candia, south of Greece. At
the rate they are progressing, the
squadron should reach Port Said, at
the entrance to the Suez caual, about
Tuesday or Wednesday. Beycnd this
point it is not believed that the squad
ron will go, (or it is confidently felt
that the whole Spanish movement is
nothing moie than a spectacular diB'
play, gotten up to meet the irresistible
demand ol the Spanish populaoe and
particularly the clerical party that
something should be done to save the
Philippines to Spain.
There is a question whether the
canal authorities will allow the heavy
Spanish armored ships to risk the pas
sage of the canal, even if Admiral Oa
mara is willing to undertake it. Their
draught is so great that they might
easily ground in the canal and thus ob
struct it to navigation indefinitely.
But even if all these expectations are
not well founded, the naval officers
are confident of the ability of Dewey
to successfully resist attack by the
Spanish squadron. According to tlieir
calculation, the splendid double-turret-
ed monitor Monterey w very near Ma
nila, under convoy of the Brutus, and
her' arrival may be expeoted within
two or three days. There is not an
ironclad in Curaara's force that would
care to stand before her.
Session ot the Spanish Cortes Suspended
by a Decree.
Madrid, June 27. The queen regent
signed the decree suspending the cor-
tes, which adjourned tonight.
The decree of the queen regent was
read in the senate this evening.
Prior to the reading ot the decree in
the chamber of deputies, which was
crowded, as were also the galleries
Senor Salmeion, the republican leader,
declared that some of his remarks had
been omitted from the official report of
yesterday's proceedings. The presi
dent said the omission must be attrib
uted to the uproar which had probably
prevented the reporters from hearing
the remarks.
The chamber then adjourned, with
out the customary cheers for the
Not in Fort Morro.
Off Santiago de Cuba, June 27.
This morning a flag of truce was taken
in by Assistant Chief of Staff of Stan
ton to ascertain the whereabouts of the
Merrimao prisoners. He was met by
Caotain Conas, who stated that Hob-
son and hiamen were confined in San
tiago town, and were ail well.
The University of Chicago expended
more than $1,000,000 in the year of
1897. - Of this $309,000 was in the sal
ariee of the faculty.
t Will Be tightened
by Sampson on the
Southern Coast.
Trie Complete Investment of Santiago
de Cuba by Land and Sea Blockade
Runners Have Landed Under tha
Lee of the Isle of Flues.
OS Santiago de Cuba, via Kingston,
June 25. With the complete invest
ment of Santiago de Cuba by land and
sea but few days off, the admiral has
decidetl to strengthen the blockade of
the large ports on the southern coast
westward of Santiago.
For three weeks the south coaBt,
west of Santiago de Cuba to Cape San
Antonio, has been practioally unpro
tected., The blockade has been simply
on paper, in name only, with the result
that it is known that quite a number of
ships have run the blockade, and that
an immense quantity of provisions has
been smuggled into Havana. Most of
the blockade runners have landed their
cargoes under the lee of tho Isle of
Pines, and thenoe the provisions, etc.,
have Deen taken in small boats to Ba-
tabano, whence the railroads runs to
Havana, only 80 miles distant.
The admiral has now decided that
blockade running must cease, and yes
terday dispatched four fast ships to pa
trol the coast from Cape de Cruz to the
Isle of Pines.
As Usual, a Glorious Spanish Victory Is
Madrid, June 25. An official dis
patch from Santiago de Cuba, duldd
June 25, says:
The attack commenced yesterday.
The enemy concentrated a landing
force in front of Punta Berraoo, lying
eastward of our left flank, which ex
tended for eight leagues along the
Another official dispatch from Hav
ana says:
The commander at Santiago de Cuba
announoes that the American squadron
lias commenced the bombardment and
is trying to disembark at Daiquiri and
at Punta Berraoo. An American war
ship has shelled and destroyed a small
wooden fort near Cienfuegos. Seven
Spaniards were Blightly wounded.
Cable dispatches received here from
Admiral Cervera say the orews of the
Spanish warships at Santiago have
joined the land forces in order to take
part in the defense of the city. He
adds that the situation is critical, but
a later dispatch affirms that the Span
iards have victoriously repulsed the
Sen National Guard for Oregon Ordered
by Governor Lord.
Portland, Or., June 25. The Oregon
National Guard will be reorganized
and placed on a war footing at once. "
Orders to that effect were issued yes
terday by Adjutant-General Tuttle by
direction of the commander-in-chief.
The orders are as follows:
"The Oregon National Guard, pur
suant to G. O. No. 13 c. 8., this
office, consists of four independent or
ganizations, as follows:
"Batter A, troop B aud separate
companies A and K.
"The organization of the Oregon
National Guard, as authorized by the
military board, contemplates for the
infantry, one regiment, to consist of
three battalions, each of four compa
nies, the companies to have a mini
mum enlisted strength of 60 and a
maximum of 72 in peace, and in war a
maximum of "106 or such number as
may be prescribed by the war depart
ment for the volunteer army, to be des
ignated Third regiment, Oregon Na
tional Guard.
"One battalion will be organized in
each military district, that is, one in
Eastern Oregon, one in the Willamette
valley and one at Portland.
"The organization contemplates a
practical military one, based on the
requirements of actual war, as regards
physical qualifications, etc, that the
organization may be available as a
whole for muster into the service of
the United States.
"On account of the expense relative
to equipping companies with the neo
essary lockers, gunracks, targets, desks,
etc., places where companies were lo
cated prior to the consolidation to form
the Second Oregon volunteers, having
these articles, will be given preference
in accepting new companies in the re
organization." Kefugees From Havana.
Kingston, June 25. It is understood
the British warship Talbot, which
brought 84 refugees from Havana five
days ago, sailed from Porto Rico yes
terday for Havana, to bring away the
tSrilieli consul and any British sub
jects who are desirous of leaving the
Cuban capital.
s London, June 25. The Madrid cor
respondent of the Mail says: Senor
Sagasta informed the chamber of dep
uties today that Admiral Camara'a
squadron was on the way to the.Philip
pines. Senor Salmoner, in a' bitter
attack on the government, declared
that the roonarohy was to blame for
all that has happened, and be warned
the ministers . that it they suspended
the oortes, justification would be
afforded for the use of other means
Hit speech roused a tempest and the
sitting was suspended.
Description of the Country Around
Washington, June 25. Army offlceis
were intently scanning the map of the
country around Santiago today with a
view of locating the troops and fixing
their formation on the eve of the ad
vance. Daiquiri is about 15 miles east
from the mouth ol Santiago haibor. A"
small river runs inland at that point,
affording additional facilities for land
ing. The map shows a road direct
from Daiquiii to the entrance of Santi-J
ago harbor, and thence along the har
bor to the city of Santiago. Besides
this road, a railroad starts a few miles
west of Daiquiri, running along the
coast up to the mouth of sSantiago har
bor. Juragua, the other point mentioned
in these dispatches, is midway between
Daiquiri and Santiago harbor. It
also, has a small stream, giving ' addi
tional facilities for landing, and sthe
railroad appears to take its start along
the coast from that point. - '.'.
Back of this railroad and highway,
the maps show a mountainouB forma
tion, whioh would make the progress
of an army difficult It seems evident,
from an examination of the army map,
that General Shafter's v troops at Dai
quiii and Juragua will move westward
along the highway, perhaps utilizing
the railroad and appioaohing Santiago
from the southeast.
Distinot from this landing, which is
east of Santiago harbor, it seems evi
dent that at least a part of General
Shafter's force will land west of the
harbor, thub allowing an attack on
Santiago from the northwest. The dis
patches state that a demonstration
was made against Cabanas, which ia
shown on the military map to be a
small place just west of Santiago har
bor, and not more than two or three
miles from the mouth. Further to the
west is Acerradero, where General
Rabi and General Garcia have a large
force of Cuban troops. 1 t is clearly in
expedient fur this Cuban force to make
an inland circuit clear around Santiago
and orm a junction with General
Shatter to the east of Santiago har
bor. Their natural base, therefore,
will be to the west at Acerraderos, co
operating with such of v General Shaf
ter's troops as land to the west of the
harbor. A road runs from Acerraderos
to Cabanas. No road is shown alone
the west line of Santiago harbor, and
the march of the American and Cuban
troops making the assault on the west
side of the city may be slow andlabor-
ious, through the tangled tropical un
derbrush, swamp and rock.
Slonltor Monadnock and Collier Nero
Balled From San Francisco.
San Franoisoo, June 25. The coast
defensse monitor Monadnook sailed for
Manila via Honolulu this afternoon.
The collier Nero, which will accom
pany the Monadnock, went out first
The warship followed in a few min
utes. Tne men on the Monadnock think
that the ship will makethe trip to
Manila in about 23 days.
The Monadnock has sufficient coal to
carry her to Honolulu, and will make
that port under her own Bteam. From
Honolulu the Nero will tow her to
Manila, and the best appliances for
that purpose have been put on both
vessels. The Nero has at least 5,000
tons of ooal. " The vesssels were given
an enthusiastic Bend-off, all the steam
vessels on the water front blowing
their whistles, and the orowds on the
docks cheering and waving adieus.
Reinforcements Hurried to Santiago.
Newport News, Va., June 25. The
auxiliary cruiser Yale, with the Thirty'
third Michigan regiment and one but
talion of the Thirty-fourth Michigan,
sailed from Old Point at 6 o'clock for
Santiago. The troops, 1,600 in num
ber, are in command of General Du-
ffleid, Colonel Boynton, of the Thirty
third, second in comamiid. The men
arrived from Washington early this
morning. A large crowd assembled to
Bee the troops embark, and when the
Yale weighed anchor and headed for
the capes, a mighty chee- went up
from the soldiers and civilians on the
government pier.
The auxiliary cruiser Harvard will
leave Old Point for Santiago Monday
or Tuesday, with another expedition.
Oil Works Burned.
Philadelphia, June 25. The exten
sive plant of the Philadelphia Oil Re
fining Company, at Point Breeze, in
the extreme southeastern part of the
city, was destroyed by fire tonight,
TL rough the efforts of the fire depart
ment, the flames were held in check
and the loss held within $300,000,
Two barges made fust to the dock
burned to the water's edge and one
snip, tne uounty ot uumiries, was
slightly scorched. Within the dock
buildings containing paraffine, valued
at $38,000 and 2,000 cases of crude oil,
valued at $30,000, and 80,000 barrels
of lubricating oil. The company car
ries its own insurance.
Typographical Union.
Indianapolis, June 25. Complete
returns official lv announced today at
the headquarters of the International
Typographical Union show that Samuel
B. Donnely, of New York Typograph
ical Union, No, 6, is elected president
over W. B. Proscott, the present in
cumbent by a majority of 8,000.
Occupation of Manila.
London, June 24. The Daily News
publishes a statement, alleged to come
from a correspondent having access to
good information, that the occupation
of Manila by parts of crews of foreign
warships is an accomplished fact, al
though It may probably be three or
four days before the official news ar
Tire river Jordan makes the shortest
descent in the shortest distance of al
I most any stream.
Shafter Has Landed a
Short Distance From
Santiago Bay.
itqulri, the Debarking Point, First
Shelled by the Warships Mew Or
leans, Detroit and tha Smaller Ships
Did the Work.
Off Baiquiri, via Playa del Este,
Gnantanamo Bay, June 24. As 9
'clock, the hour supposed to have
been fixed for commencing the disem
barkation came and passed, the expe
dition was in suspense, but the ships
ay rocking complacently outside the
little bay.
About 9:15 A. M. tire bombardment
of the hills surrounding the village of
Juragua, some six miles off, suddenly
began to distract our attention from
out affairs. Then, steam pinnaoles,
trailing strings of empty boats, began
needing to and fro among the trans
ports, and gradually, though impercep
tibly, filling with troops.
At 9:45 Cuban scouts appeared west
of Baiquiri, and immediately the New
Orleans, Machias, Detroit, Suwanee
and Wasp began bombarding. Forty
five rounds were fired into the bushes
during the first quarter of an hour, and
many rounds from the quick-fire guns.
Not a shot was fired in response.
At 9:45 the first boatload, contain
ing the men of the Eighth and FirBt
infantry, started for the shore, fol
lowed-by the Twenty-fifth (colored),
Tenth and Twelfth infantry at 10:10.
Prodigious cheering from the shore,
caught up by the nearest ships and fly
ing from vessel to vessel through the
squadron, announced the momentous
fact that the army had begun a land
ing on Cnban soil, the honor of set
ting the first foot on the land falling
to a detachment of the Eighth infan
try, whioh was towed ashore by the
tug Wampatuck. -
This important operation thus quick
ly completed without loss of lite or at
tack, the troops on land formed and
moved up and away to quarters with
out confusion. A force of mounted
Cubans, which had been under the fire
during the bombardment, now arrived
and congratulations were exchanged.
The Inhabitants of the village, assured
that the worst was over, came out, col
ored women and children creeping into
sight from subterranean shelters.
A 1180, a detachment of the Second
Massachusetts volunteers started for
the shore and by uoon probably 8,000
men had landed. Other detachments
were following as rapidly as the steam
launches oould.be made available.
The sea was calm and the sky clear.
A oool breeze was blowing. The troops
were in tire highest spirits, and strains
of "Yankee Doodle" were greeting
every string of boats coming in.
The press correspondent, going
ashore at 1:10 P. M., found that the
Spaniards had done little wanton mis
chief. A roundhouse, a locomotive, a
few cars and railway offices had heen
destroyed, but the bulk of the village
was left standing intact.
The firing on Jarugna still continues
as this dispatch is filed, but it is desul
tory and is directed over the first line
of hills to clear the country beyond,
Landing Officially Reported.
Washington, June 24. Official dis
patches received tonight by Secretary
Alger and Secretary Long indicated
that the landing of troops near Santi
ago is progressing most favorably. The
first landing was effected at Baiquiri
this morning and met with compara
tively slight resistance. This wai
stated in a dispatch received this even
ing by Secretary Alger, whioh, thongh
brief, was full of news and meaning.
It follows:
"Playa del Este, June 24. To the
Secretary of War, Washington: Off
Baiquiri, Cuba, June 24. Landing at
Baiquiri this morning. Very little if
ajiy resistance, . SHAFTEIi."
Shortly after Secretary Alger re
ceived this dispatch, Secretary Long
reoeived a more extended cablegram
from Admiral Sampson, it, too, was
dated at Playa del Este, at 6:50 this
evening. The text of the dispatch,
translated from tho navy department
cipher,, is as follows:
"Landing of the army is progressing
favorably at Baiquiri. There is little
if any resistance. The New Orleans,
Detroit, Castine, Suwanee and Wasp
shelled the vicinity before the landing.
We made a demonstration at Cabanas
to engage the attention of the enemy,
The Texas engaged the west battery (or
some hours. She had one man killed.
The submarine mines have been re
covered from the channel at Gnantan
amo. Communication by .telegraph
has been established at Guantanamo.
A one-legged knife grinder in Phil
adelphia has taught a Newfoundland
dog to turn his grindstone.
Alleged to Hare Keen Massacred.
London, Jane 24. Reports from
Manila, says a special correspondent in
Shanghai, indicate the existence of fears
that Senora Augustin, wife of General
Augustin, and ber children, have been
massacred by the rebels on theBulaoan.
It is thought, according to the same
advioes, that this is the reason for the
unwillingness of General Aguinaldo,
the Insurgent leader, to allow the Brit
ish consul to start to rescue them.
The End of the Remarkable Lelte
Wheat Deal.
Reported by Downing, Hoplitns & Co., Inc.,
Board of Trade Brokers, 711 to 714 Chamber ot
Commerce building, Portland, Oregon. i
Letter's wheat deal has become a.
tbing of the past. . It was a big one'
while it lasted, but, like its predeces
sors, came to an untimely end, leaving!
a corpse in the shape of 14,000,00 t.
bushels of cash wheat and over 10,000,
000 bushels of futures. Of the cash
wheat 7,000,000 bushels is in this
country, nearly ' 5,000,000 bushels 'be
ing in the Northwest. The greater,
portion of it has been turned over to
Armour to liquidate, while the foreign
holdings and those afloat are being at
tended to by Alexander Gedds. The.
$5,000,000 in profits have disappeared,,
and with them a possibility of losses
of from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000. The.
latter cannot be determined until the,
wheat is liquidated and all aocounts'
are adjusted. Some think that L. Z.
Leiter will not have to put up very
muoh money in final settlement. The
latter, who has taken a hand in the
liquidation, eays the loBses will not be
as large aa the trade expects. , He ia a
close figurei and is in a position to
know what he is talking about. The
trade may never know what the losses
reaily are. Prices have reached a
point where buyers need not be afraid,'
of being badly hurt by the bull eide.
September was down to 66, a drop of
29o from the high point . It is now
the price wheie it should be attractive
to buyers were it not for the fear that
there is more liquidation to come. In
the past seven years September wheat
has sold in June between 65c and.
87c; the highest was in 1893, and
the lowest in 1896. Last year t he
range was 66 l-8c and 66Jo. In RP&
it sold from 55o to 64 8-8, and in 1895.
at 70 5-8 to 82. The trade has lost
its bull leader and is completely de
moralized. Liquidation by lones
'combined with short soiling by large
'professional traders, has more than
jequaled Leiter's holdings, so that they
have liquidated hia line for him in one
sense. The selling fever has taken,
hold of the speculative crowd and it
jWill have to run its course just the
same as the buying mania did. Prices
are . liable to be carried too low, and
when it comes to covering, there wilt
he a big rally. There is one thing
against heavy advances; it is the ab
sence of a leader to absorb the surplus
and take it off the market.
Seattle Markets.
Vegetables Potatoes Yakimas, $11
12 per ton; natives, $8 10; Califor
nia potatoes, $1.00 per 100 pounds.
Beets, per sack, $1.25; turnips, $1.25;
carrots, $1.25; hothouse lettuce, o;
radishes, 12c.
Fruits California lemons, fancy.
$3 ; choi oe, $2 . 50 2 . 7 5 ;8eed i n g ora nges i
t1.601.76; California navels, fancy.
$83.25; choice, $3.502.75; ban
anas, shipping, $2.252.75 per bunch;'
strawberries, 00c (3 75o per crate.
Butter Fancy ,- native creamery,
brick, 18o; ranch, 712o; dairy, 12Js
15o; Iowa, fancy creamery, 18c
Cheese Native Washington, li
12c; Eastern cheese, 1212o.
Meats Choice dressed beef steers,.
prime, 7Jfcoj cows, prime, 7o; mutt
ton, 7h! Prk, 77)yo; veal, 68c;.
" Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,,
14c; dressed, 10c; epiing chickens,)
$2. 50 8. 75. ' .
Fresh Fish nalibnt, 84n steer
heads, 78o; salmon trout, '910o;
flounders and sola, 84o; herring, 4c.
Oysters Olympia oysters, per sack.
$3.60; per gallon, solid, $1.80.
Wheat Feed wheat, $23.
Oats Choice, per ton, $28.
Corn Whole, $25; cracked, $26;,
feed meal, $25.
, Barley Kollod or ground, per ton.
25; whole, $24.
J) lour fatent, ifi.ao, obi; straights,
$4; California brands, ,$5.60; buck
wheat flour, $6.60; graham, per bbl,
$4.26; whole wheat flour, $4.50; rye
flour, $5.
MiliBtuffs Bran, per ton, t $15;
shorts, per ton, $18.
Feed Cliopped feed, $1721 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil
cake meal, per ton, $36.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $8 10;
ohoiae Eastern Washington timothy.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 6061c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 63o per bushel.
Floor Best grades, $4.00; graham,
$3.60; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 40c; choice
gray, 88 89c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $22; brewing,
$24 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $16.
Hay Timothy, $11 13; clover, $10
11; Oregon wild hay, $9 10 per ton.
Eggs Oregon, 1214oper dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 85c;
fair to good, 82 o; dairy, 22 30c
per roll.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 11 12o;
Young America, 13o.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60 per
dozen; hens, $4.00; springs, $2.004;
geese, $3.00 6.60; ducks, young, $3
4.60 per dozen; turnkeys, live, lUt
!12j('c per pound.
j Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 8085o
per sack; sweets, $1.162 per cental.
Onions California rod, $1.25 per
sack. ,
. Hops 6 12o per pound for new
orop; 1890 crop, 46o.
Wool Valley, 1516o per pound;
(Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair,
'25c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
mnd ewes, 4c; dressed mutton. 7c;
fspring lambs, 9c per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.76;
light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed,
'5.606.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8. 60 $3. 75;
;cows, $2. 60 3. 00; dressed beef,
66c per pound.
', Veal Large, 6c; small, 6c per