OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. Entered iu Ore,OiiOUypost!ilce as econd -class matte SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid In advance, per year 1 Six months .. luree miinlhs' trial 23 &The date opposite your address on the paper denotes the time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, JULY 1, 1898. The democrats, populist and silver republicans have effected a unanimous union of forces in Minnesota, Nebraska and Kansas. The question is being quite generally discussed in many quarters whether this war . with Spain is for liberty and humanity or for foOO.OOO.OOO interest bearing bonds ! It is estimated that the yield of wheat in this section of the northwest, wil be about 40,0! 0,0u0 bushels. This is the estimate on a yield of 20 bushels to the acre. This means that the harvest growers of the northwest may expect a return of $20,000,000 for 1808. The returns show that the union of reform forces against the republicans in Oregon elected about 120 legislative, judicial and county officers. These con stitute in Oregon the only opposition party to the Republicans who are to be in full power for another term of four years. This opposition party in county and state legislation can do a great work for the people by pursuing a well defined program in the interest of the people. These men should sternly oppose all un. constitutional measures and all extrava gance in public affairs. appropriated by the Cubans, who take everything in sight, and do as little as possible. The dispatches say, that on the whole, they fare better than our men. They are having a hot time up in Marion county over alleged election frauds. P. H. D'Arcy, one of the can didates for circuit judge, was arrested for alleged complicity in changing the tally sheets from certain precincts. He was arrested on the testimony of the nightwatchman at the court house, who has since lost his position. Wed nesday, D'Arcy commenced an injunc tion suit against Secretary of State Kincaid, to enjoin him from issuing a certificate of election to R. P. Boise, an other candidate for the judgeship. A temporary injunction was ordered by the judge. County Clerk Ehlen, whom it is believed was connected with the frauds, has been missing for several days. Dispatches from Santiago bring out the fact that the soldiers, that have landed in Cuba, are not enjoying a pic nic by any means. The camp condi tions are bad, and the lale heavy rains have set everything afloat. It is staled that rations are being served regularly, but they are not plentiful in quantity. The officers and men fare alike. The latter are suffering during the cold nights from lack of blankets thrown away on the march. These have been Alumni Reunion. The Parkplace-Gladstone High school alumni held itH annual re-union at the home of Professor and Mrs. J. W. Gray, on Saturday evening, June 25th. The parlors were tastily decorated with mar guerites and maiden-hair ferns mingled with the class colors,, red, white and blue. The following program was ren deren, after which ice-cream and cakes were served : Address of Welcome to class of '98 . Dollio Cross, Class 'S)7. Response Florence Patty, Class .'08 Sonj? Class 1)7 Address Willie Beach " '!I5 Instrumental solo Fred Smith " 'US Address Jue(4rruw " '87 Vocul solo Mrs. J. W. Gray Address Wilbur Garrnw, Class W Vocal solo ..Nora liliott " '1)7 Original poem Mary Huerth " Mm CUss song . Class of '98 Address Capt. J. T. Apperson Impersonations. Charles Galloway The following members of the alumni were present : Olass of "J5 Fred Smith and AVillie Beach, both Btudents at the O. A. C. Class of '90 was not present, Winifred I Dauchy having died during the year, land Mrs. O. B Taylor, being absent. Class of '97 Dollie Cross, Percy I Cross, Jesse Faubian, Nora Elliott, Wil ' bur and Joe Garrow, the two latter stu dents at the O. A. U. Class of '98 Florence Patty, Clark Williams, Kate Smith, Carl Butts. Daisy Rivers, Maude Brown, Mary Huerth, Pearl Hinder. NO CURE NO PAY. That Is the way all dni(?glsts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It Is simply Iron and quinine In are asteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer at a bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price 50c. For sale by C. U. Huntley. Druggist. An Old Soldier His Story of What Hood's Sar- saparilla Has Done Whole Family Creatly Helped by This Medicine. "I am an old run down soldier, my whole system being out of order and my right Bide partially paralyzed. I have tried various remedies and realized only temporary relief. I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills, and have derived more real benefit from them than anything I have tried. My wife has been greatly helped by Hood's Sarsapa rilla. She was all run down and her system much out of order. My two little boys recovered quickly from the effects of diphtheria by taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla, which rid them of troublesome sores and symptoms of the croup. They are now well and hearty." W. F. Burnett, Starkey, Oregon. J' Sarsa rtuuu b Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hrr1'c Dillc cure na,lsea indigestion, nOOQ S r HIS biliousness, constipation. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE iTORflEYS AT 1AW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY - " 7 . . OREGON . I - Geo. C. Bbuwneu J. U. Campbell JjROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT Uff Caufleld Building Celebration... jBjMth of July isOrepn Oity LOCAL SUMMARY. Pure fruit flavored ice cream soda at Prier's. Get your fruit jars and jolly tumblers at Harris' grocery. For best groceries at cheapest price go o M arr & Muir. ' . i Big reduction on children's wash hats and bonnets, at the Racket Store. Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy & Busch. The pioneer meat market of C. Al bright continues to serve its customers well and alwavs keens a larcn nmnnnt of fresh meats on hand. Last year's natterns of wall naner nr. reduced prices. Five and 10c notion counters. At Bellomy & Busch. F. T. AnrlrAWfl. tha marknf aavAann has always on hand a large amount of firSt-C.lRHft fl.nnlps. Vporptphlaa miM nirla and cider vinegar. Uive him a trial. Kenwort.hv'fl reHtunrnnr. anA mn. fectionerv ifl now nninii nnrl rnnrlu tn serve first-class meals on short notice. oysters a specialty, wheeler & Cram's old stand. The most reliable eoods at lnwoBt. living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. Justice court blank a IRnnnhn nnr Hrun at Couuiek office. NnttiriirllOm ldno Plipfoina Kalanna nt lot iitsC received. Will nlnnn nnr. nr. t.l:n same old price. Oregon City Auction nouse. , Trv Kpnwnrr.ll v'a Wcmann TrQ nriaoin and cake 15 cents a dish or two for 25c. Ice cream or ice cream soda 10c. Just received. 100 rolls of fine mat ting. Oall at once and get choice of patterns. Oregon City Auction House. All our bicycles have the nev depart ure brakes, just the thing for riding in tliis county. Charman & Co., agents for Columbia bicycles. F. I. Andrews, the gardener, as usual has the first young radishes and onions ot the season, besides other early vege table. Albriulit is nevor "ins! nut." nf t.lm kind of meat vnu want. n ha known what his customers desire and keeps a iuii stocK on nana ana you aon tneeu to take "what's left." A high erade warranted sewinsr ma chine sells for $25 on easy payments at aeiiomy & uuscli. D.E. Kenworthj at the East Side Ry office serves mealsr oysters at all times He also keeps a line of confectionery fruits and cigars. Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you want anything in the fresh vegetable line.' Our $30 wheels have the automatic J, VV. WELCH Draue ; you can go aown any lull. Charman & Co., agents for Columbia Bicycles. Try Prier's ice cream and ice cream soda, pure fruit flavors. Fruits, nuts and conlecticnery of all kinds. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of leea ana hay. Uoods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets d. H. Young's second hand store can furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what same would cost new and they are just as good and will last as long. Give him trial. When in Portland hfi aura and mil ot. the Royal restaurant where you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Wm. Bohlunder, proprietor. The Club tonsorial rmrlors. P. ft. Shark, nronritttnr. nhavHti for 10 rnnt.n A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept. 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern Pftpirln trains. On wnv rat 9! nmita Tickets now nn sain at rnilrnmJ innt Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., ana a wo p. m., anu arrives irom Port land at 9:23 a. m. and 6:52 p. m. Save time by using the quicker route. Remember parilla Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leadino Insurance Agency op Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east Hide of Main street Uetween Bth and 7tn OREGON CITY, OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. I Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. . Best of references given. Office iu Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. OREGON CITY - . . OREGON President of Day E. Q. CAUFIELD Reader MISS MYRTLE BUCHANAN Orat r - COL. W. H. EFFINGER Harshal - GEO. A. HARDING PROGRAM 1 p. in. Hog Rolling Contest and Swiming Races 2 p. m. Bicycle Races, Basket Ball, Jumping Contest 2 :45 p. m. 100 Yard Sprint, open ; 220 Yard Hurdh Race, open 3 :30 p. m. Horse Race 4 :45 p. m.-Fitem n's 220 Yard Dash Literary Exercises in the Park on the Bluff, near . Fourth Street, at 11 A. M. A Grand Chorus of 50 Voices, under the Leader ship of Mrs. J. H. Strickler, will render the National Airs. (Kraiul Illumination Falls Give your order for fresh strawberries. raspberries and blackberries 10 F. I. Andrews, who will furnish freshly picked oernes in quaniues 10 suit. When get ting vegetables remember he has all kinds of berries. Mrs. Sladen & Miss Edith Wlshart, Milliners. Sometimes a fire is a benefit, we found it so, although it might have been worse, as we had insurance. Our Mil linery Department is now fitted up very tastefully and we invite everybody to come and see us. We are constantly getting in new goods, and can furnish anybody with a Buitable hat or bonnet, up to date ana tastuonable. OABTOIIIA. Bmti th. The Kind You Haw Always DENTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Opposite P. O. - OltEOOH ClTT, OBI PIONEER DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT DRUGS OR MEDICINES .GO TO GEO. A. HARDING & CO. ...Willamette Building, Opposite Commercial Bankj Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. ' Your patronage soliceted. WE FIT YO'J FEE With shoe in conformity or your ideas. There are at many preferences for shapes in shoes as there are for other wearable articles. Thee are few shapes or sizes, styles or prices that can not be found in our stock. Come in and give us your idea. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE- ' filAPRIS' LEADER l j GROCERY... or L0y eES j ' Kkof GROCERIES lDepot for HAY and FEED Willamette Block, Oregon C"yJ C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will liA ILL r.rvirt Unni. oati Qa(.iIn.. and on regular session days of 1 iouLuy uouri C. Nt greenman (Established 1804 j """" THE PIONEER EXPK;sSMAN AND DUAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parte of the City OREGON CITY . . . OkEGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY I CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans mle. Bills disonumed. Makes in lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Hong tLuug. iupuaiiB ruueiveu suuieuiiucneci.. Bankopon from 8 A.M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, FRED J. MEYER. President Cashier A YOUNG ROMAN The Romans were the epicures of all the npes and gathered from sea, earth nml air the dainty or substantial pro ducts of a luxuriant age for the delecta' tionof the palate. The average Ameri can youth is young Koman in appetite and if his mother or wife wants to find good things to feed him, she will see A. ROBERTSON The Grocer BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING 110U8E IN THE CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS fxi.m.oo President, Vice-president Cashier, Cras. H. Caufuid Geo, A. HAiDiMf E. G. Caoiiild k General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Securitv Exchange Bought and 4old. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the norm. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to C. F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes by. LARGE AND GOOD.... Bread made and baked with the same care that would be given in your own house is a specialty of ours. We use pure flour of fine quality, insist on perfect cleanliness in all the stages of mixing, baking, etc. We have a fine line of groceries here for your selection. The figures on these are also very small. HEINZ 4. CO. Opposite Postoffice i IF WOMEN VOTED. And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority "Patent" Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F.M. Co., and sold by all groceries. -GO TO- G. H. BESTOW FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CA9H PBICE3 EVEB OFFERED FOB FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Church, Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. Dr. A. A. Barr 2M Have Your Eyes Examined Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Consultation Free H. STAIGHT, DEALS It IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. Bargains In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE of CHARMAN & SON. A fall line oi Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A......