RING OUT, YE BELLS I Ring out, ring out, ye merry bells, And let the deep mouthed cannon roar! Each patriotic bosom swells! The glorious Fourth Is here once morel When night descends what Joys are hlsl The hissing rocket cleaves the skies. Hark! Hear the roman candles flss! Behold the red and blue lights rise! Now, whig! s-B-zlpI bang! torpedoes crash And split the fretted ear of night. . Firecrackers Jump, toy pistols flash, 'Mid exclamations of delight. Now blaze the barrels smeared with tar. Slow matches pass from hand to hand," And salve and sticking plaster are At druggists' stores In great demand. FIRST VOLUNTEER FROM COMPTON. XTEY-ull account of 'nother creat victory over the Span-yards!" News traveled quickly from Chicago to Comp ton quiet little country village on a short-cut railroad branch as it was. The most exciting yet of exciting, rumor haunted, war-bubbling June had conie down on the noon train, in the Bhape of extra editions with glaring headlines announcing "our boys" at it, hot and heavy, along the coast of Cuba! "Gettin' warm, I tell you!" commented old Si Slocum, his veteran eye glowing as it had not done since the sixties, when he took a glorious part at Antietam. "Mean real, genywine business at last, I guess!" nodded his "war partner," Seth Paine, who had left one arm on that same honored battlefield. "" "Yes, and we must just whoop 'er up this Fourth!" suggested young Abel Ev ans. He was superintending the unloading of a box of fishing and hunting traps from the express car, but he took time to glance over the outspread paper the two old men had bought. ,, Si Slocum looked up with a dry "hum!" Seth mumbled something about " 'Spose 60 !" Then, as young Evans lit his cigar and lazily ordered the box put in his trap, and sauntered toward it as if life was a regu lar play-day, Cuba a dim myth, the forces struggling there story-book unrealities, old Si dropped his hand on his knee with a slap that resounded like a pistol snap. "Drat 'im, says 1!" "Makes my blood bile!" asserted Seth, who, from sharing his comrode's bed and board and hardships so long, had come to almost share his thoughts. "Fourth of July!" - "As ef a little powder and cheap bunt ingand it'll be chenp that he buys would count for rale old prime, choice pat riotism!" "In such a time as this!" "Humph!" "Bah!" Adrian Morse, checking off freight re- WW M mwfW (I ij -1 IT WAS ADItlAX MOUSE, AND HE CARRIED A "KliAL" GUN. ceired, lingered to listen half-amused!y to this animated colloquy. lie was interested in Abel Evans be cause Abel seconded his opinion in ft cer tain vital regard that there was only one girl in Compton worth looking at pretty, winsome Nettie Slocum, the old veteran's granddaughter. "Jest come into all his father's money." said Si, "and when the relief corps went up to his place for a contribution, did he shell out? A dollar. . Jerusha Ann! I give two, and that's nigh a quarter of my pension. Fourth of July whoop 'or up! Him? Abel Evans! Huh! Must have run across a job lot of powder some where! If I was in his shoes, I'd show my patriotism in a real way, I would. Drat my stiff leg!" "And my one arm," murmured sym pathetic Seth. "They wouldn't take me, nohow!" Young Morse read the drift of tlie snnp py conversation, and it set him thinking. First, because Mr. Slocum was pretty Nettie's relative, next because, happening around at pretty Nettie's house that even ing, pretty Nettie voiced some sentiments as to the duty of able-bodied Comptonians that sounded as if she had inherited some of the patriotic fire of her enthusiastic old grundsire. i She had two suitor callers, as she usu ally had, that night and Abel Evans shifted uneasily under her wish that she was a young man, with the President's offer open to come and be a hero! He went home pooh-poohing the idea of rushing into yellow fever, "when the country could hjre lots of poor recruits to do it!" and calculated he would dazzle pretty Nettie on the Fourth of July with a "patriotic" demonstration that would make her admire a real home hero. As to Adrian Nettie's word was law. He heard, and he understood. So, while his rival was trimming up the home lawn for a big Fourth of July "blowout." Adrian was quietly, persever ingly making his arrangements to do his duty, hoping, linked to it, would be his lady love's distinctive approbation. Un June 30 Adrian resigned his position with the railroad company. July 1, 2, 3 he was not seen in Comp ton. Pretty Nettie wondered, and grew seri ous. Abel Evans went on with his "blowout" preparations, believing that his superior wealth, good looks and patriotism had driven a dangerous rival from the field. That Fourth of July was a great day for Compton all the village, old and young, was invited to the patriotic fete on the Evans green, and most everybody came. It was a greater day for Abel in his own estimation he was master of cere monies, king bee, and so puffed up with -TV UNCLE SAM TOUCHES a sense of his vast importance that he wore his flag badge on one coat lappel as if It was a O. A. It. special honor ribbon. Nettie was there there were too many friendly acquaintances present not to at tract her. Still, she missed a familiar face, and looked constantly and anxiowly for it. There were refreshments and speeches. Abel Evans attempted a bewildering ora tion on "Home Duty as a Patriot," and growling old Si Slocum spelled it with a little p. Then the urchins had their fun loading and firing a great brass cannon Evans had bought for the occasion, the boom of which beat anything ever heard in Comp ton lefore. "Grandfather," asked Nettie's young brother, of old Si. "I suppose a dozen of those enormous cannon would just blow the Spaniards clean out of the water?" "Them popguns!" snorted Seth deris ively. "Do they hnve bigger?" "Bigger! Why, that's a mere musket to the monsters they use down along San tiago and seen." "You don't say so! How I would like to see a real gun that was going to knock out the Spanish in Cuba!" "Kifles'd help, if 1 bad two arms!" growled old Seth, deep down in his throat. "Here's one that may," insinuated an unobtrusive voice. "I swear r "Rigitnentnis!" "Going to Cuby?' "Hurrah!" It was Adrian Morse, and be carried a "real" gun, that was going to shoot real "Spunyards!" He looked pretty proud at the fiery, ar dent commendation of old Seth and Si over his showing the true mettle. He blushed like a peony as pretty Net tie came up, and a single look from her bright eyes told him that he had won on one battlefield, at least that ofJove. "What's all this crowd accident ? Some one hurt?" floundered patriotic Abel Ev ans, coming towards, the throng now sur rounding his rival. "Mebbe you'll be," muttered old Si, winking solemnly to Seth. Evans saw pretty Nettie clinging fondly, proudly to an army-blue costume. "Why," he puffed, growing flustered. "It's Morse," remarked Seth. "He's jined," added Si. "And, if I don't miss my guess," se renely chuckled his veteran comrade, "tlinr'll 1 another 'jinin soon as Comp ton's first volunteer helps capture Cuby!" WELDON J. COBa 1 THE DECLARATION. How Brave Dolly Madison Saved It from Destruction. It was just as she was in the act of hurrying away, that Dolly Madison was seized with au insiriratiou that will ever cause her name to live iti the heart of every true American. She stopped to think, What if the White House should be burned? Did it contain anything of value to the Government that she had neglected? The Declaration of Indepen deuce? In a tiiuih she called to mind till ( most precious of all documents. Care fully treasured in a case apart from flic other inipers it had been overlooked in the worrbnent and confusion. It must be saved at all hazards! Without a moment's hesitation she turned and rushed back in to the house. "Stop! for heaven's sake, stop!" cried her friends, vainly endeavor ing to intercept her. Disregarding their ccmimunds, regardless of her danger, the brave woman sped to tli room containing the treasure for which she was willing to sacrifice her life. Without ttempting to oteii the glazed door of the case she shat tered the glass with her clenched liand, snatched the priceless parchment, and, waving it exnltantly above her head, hur. ried to the door, where she entered her carriage ami was rapidly driven away In the direction of Georgetown. Ladies' Home Journal The Fourth Abroad. Very few strictly national holidays are much observed outside of the countries which have created them, and our own Fourth of July is unlqne in this respect, for not only do the Americans who hap pen to be traveling abroad when Inde pendince day arrives celebrate it with en thusiasm in, all parts of the earth, but VOUNQ AMERICA AFfER THE rOURTH. OFF A FEW ROCKETS. potentates and princes from India to Nor way co-operate with them in these pat riotic endeavors until nowadays these foreign festivities are almost a matter of course. Independence Day. Thunder out. Oh, guns and shout! Bhyme and chime, O ringing, swinging bells! In exultation; Cry "Uejnlce!" With. lifted voice, For thlB morn was born of old a mighty nation. Sing and spring Onbl uzlng wir.g. Rocket-tires, beyond the spires,' above the clanging steeple; Never earth i Saw the birth ' Of so peerless, fearless, glad and free a people. - They Both Went Off. Environment. The Individual is the foundation of the state. The individual, whatever his nat ural tendencies, is largely molded by his envirouaneiits, ana tnese conditions are intensified as conditions continue through succeeding generations. This principle, not less than others, had much to do with the character of the Declaration of Inde pendente and of the struggle of which if formed a part Where Liberty Was Born. House in which the Declaration of I dependence was written. The Hoy's Jiesolve. Breathes there a boy with soul so dead Who uever to bluwelf uatu suld Away along in May, "I'll save my cash that I may buy Some crackers loud and rockets liigh To wake the echoes In the sky On Independence day?" Mi, mm. 1 W- p- Investigation, pansternatkro. W mm. V m4 YouS!eed It And because of that need it is your duty tn take Hood's Sarsapurilla in order that you may enjoy the good health it will give. It vou are troubled with any dis ease that is caused or promoted by impure blood. Hood's Snrsapiirilla will cure you. It lias a record of wonderful cures uu equaled by any other medicine. Try a bottle now and realize its great toning and strengthening power. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. Safes iu Bulgaria. As yet attempts have only been made in Plevna to produce safes. A trial, order for a few eafea induced the gov ernment to order 86 safes. However, the firm in question will be unable to compete with Germany and England. The annual imports amounted in 1897 to 160,000 francs, of whioh 60,000 francs fell to England, 50,000 to Ger many and 40,000 to Austria-Hungary. All the Levantine countries offer good markets for safes. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-BASS. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous, aim not, ana get urea easily, it you uuvo BiuuiuiiK ices or Hgnt snoes, iry Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and manes warning easy, uures swollen ana sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes- timruunlQ rf hiimd Ti.w if k all rll.l,rTrrioto ami fm OK h. uiuK(itaua unit duuv DbUiCO tu DCllt by mail for 2oc in stamps. Trial package T?'Dli,l? AA.l- t iu.. o r. i' .i V. Eoy, New York. ' Patriotism Awheel. The patriotic cycler has a new way of showing li is colors; since his poor legs haven't the burden of his body to bear he has decided they shall stand for his patriotism. Therefore, he draws over these unoffending members blue black stockings with tops whioh riot In red and white stripes, the cen ter stripe being of blue, dotted with a thriving (if not life size) row of white stars. All of which goes to show that patriotism, like love, will find a way. WAGONS IMPROVED. The new improved Btoughton wagons stand the racket. Two car loads have just arrived. It pavs to have the best. Write for tree catalogue. JOHN POOLE, sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Or. Dish Washing Apparatus. Dishes can be quickly washed and rinsed by a new apparatus whioh has a rack to hold the dishes in a revolv ing pan, which has a perforated bot tom to drain the water into a pump cylinder, when it is forced to the top of the cover and discharged agaipst the dishes repeatedly. My doctor said I would die, but'Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos Kelner, Cherry Valley, Ills., Nov. 23, 'U5. Seals Newspaper Edges. The free edges of newspapers are sealed to ptevetit resale or reading with out buying, by a new machine whioh has a paste receptaole.which feeds onto a roller mounted on levers in such a manner that it is brought in contact with the edge of a partially folded pa per, after which the last fold is made and the edges pressed together. A German resident of Havana now at Key West says that the Btrength of the insurgent army in Cuba has been monstrously overestimated. The manufacture of some of tbe finest French tapestry is so slow that an artist cannot produce more than a square yard in a year, BELIEF FK0M PAIN. Women Everywhere Express their Gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham. firs. T. A. WALDEN, Olbson. da., wrltesi " Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Before tak ing your medicine, life was a burden to me. I never saw a well day. At my monthly period I suffered untold misery, and a great deal of the time I was troubled with a severe pain in my side. Before finishing the first bottle of your Vegetable Compound I could tell it was doing me good. I continued its use, also used the Liver Pills and Sanative Wash, and have been greatly helped., I would like to have you use my letter for the benefit of others." Hrs. FLORENCE A. WOLFE, (IB flulbsrry St., Lancaster, Ohio, writes i "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: For two years I was troubled with what the local physicians told me was Inflamma tion of the womb. i Every month 1 suf fered terribly. I had taken enough medicine from the doctors to cure any one, but obtained relief for a Bhort time only. At last I concluded to write to you In regard to my case, and can ay that by following your advice I am now pefectly well." Hrs. W. R. BATES, rUnifleld, L., writes t " Before writing to you I suffered dreadfully from painful menstrua tion, leucorrhcca and sore feeling in the lower part of the bowels. Now my friends want to know what makes me look so well. I do not hesitate one min ute in telling them what has brought about this great change. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough. It is the greatest remedy of tbe age." WHEAT Mae money by lucceaful speculation in Chicago. Ws buy and sell wheat on mar sins. ForlUllfl hnv ti..on cade on a small beginning by trading in fu tures. Write for full iiarticulftri. ta.wt ! ri. 1 erence glen. Several years' experience on the inicmo Boaru oi jraae.ana a thorough know, ledge of the boine. Hend for our free refer ence book. DOWMXti, HOPKINS & Co., Chicago hoard of Trade Brorers. Offices io Portland, Oregon end Seattle, Wash. jer, llMUnislkl 11 1 f I SiffiM f Best toush errup. t antes Gtixl. TJse F in iipue. iom dt nrujfimw. m il a lnlJI.-Ja. , Ensign Willnrd'i Luck. Ensign Arthur L. Willard earned one hundred dollars when he planted the Stars and Strips over a shattered blockhouse at Diana Cay, Cuba. Wil liam K. Qratz wrote to the, New YoTk Herald on April 23 inclosing a check for $100, which lie said was for the man who first placed an Auiuiican flag on Cuban soil. He as id that he sent the money aa the nucleus for a fund, for lie thought such n patriotks action should be well rewarded. While the Winelow, the Wilmington and the Hudson were firing on the bat teries at Cardenas the Machias was making a wreck of the barracks at Diana Bay. Wlrne the Spaniards had scampered away Ensign Willard and three men went ashore and planted the American flag npon the ruins. Ensign Wlilard is from Missouri. He was made a cadet in 1803. He was formerly on the Monterey. PltOPOSED ALLIANCE WITH ENG LAXD. If the United States and England should form an alliance, the combined strength would be so great lliat there would be little chance for enemies to overcome us. In a like manner, when men and women keep up their IxKlily strength with Hnsteuer's Stomach Hitters, there is little ehanoe of attacks from disease. The old time reme.ly enriches the blood, builds up the muscles, steadies the nerves and increases the appetite. Try it. j Mis. Susan A. Olenn, widow of a soldier and mother of a volunteer, re signed her position in the postofflee department at Washington to go to the front with her son. rlhe is the first woman to be appointed matron of a regiment. FITS Permanently Cured. No fltaor nervousues no after Hrst day's use of Dr. Kline's U'eat Nerve ilestorer. Send for FRm u.O( trlul bottle and treatise. DR. E. H, KLU1K. lid,, m Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa, In Japan every workman wears on his cap an inscription stating his busi ness and his employer's name. Beware at Ointment for Catarrh That Coutain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of emeu ana oompiotoiy derange tne whole sva tern when entering it through the mucous siir faces. Buch articles should never be used ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage they will do 1b ten fold to tne goou yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains nomorourv, and is taken internally, acting directly upon me uioou ana mucous snriaces ot ine Bvsrem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you gel, the genuine. It is taken Internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by V. j.heney 4 Co. Testi monials free. Bold by Druggists, price 75o. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. M i SiH mm pficiFicR.11. THE THROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE KECLININO CHAIR CARS. Portland to Chicago Without Change Quick Time. V 11I0D Depute. Personally Conducted Kxonrstons. KauKiilfe Checked to Uestluittiou. Low Kates. Direct line tfl Trnne-MlssUfilinl and International Exposition held In Omaha, Nebraska. June to November. Write undersigned for rates, time tables snd other lnforniKilon pertaining to Union 1'acilio ' R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent, 135 Third St., Portland, Oregon. Bishop Scott loademyr1 A Boarding and Day School for bovs. Itlilliary illsclpllnr In eJiarge of U. H. Army oftleer. Primary, preiwratory and academic denarunenti. Mnnuul Training or Hloyd has recently been li stalled, Boyu of all fues received, Bpvclal Instruction in music, modern languages, su-iiography. Througli ool lege preparation a speclulty. Caialogne on application to the principal, .. w. HII.L.M. D, P. o. UrawerW, Port land, Or. WILL & FIRCK Wi acn0edleE8.?.!!,N Ploln or with Cntter. The best needle In the mar ket. Used by all sck sewers. For sale by all n-ui-tf ul merchandise stores, or by WILL & FINCK CO., KO Market Street, San Pranclsco, Cal. ftt fit H vvaB m on 1V1EIER FRANK CO.'S ..Great Removal Sale.. Drawt immense crowds and is bringlnc in mail order at a rate that hat neces sitated the employment of a largely increased clerical force. Half a million dollar' worth of good MUST be told before we move into our new store, and only ...Greatly Reduced Prices... on the entire stock can brine about thit result. All mail orders filled at Removal Sale Prices. MEIER & FRANK CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. American Type Founders C o m o a n v Cor' "A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture. WalterBaKer&Cols Breakfast Absolutely Pare, IV1ir!nit ' Nutritions. ..Costs Less Tfian ONE CEWT a Cup.. Be sure that yon get the Genuine Article, made at DORCHESTER, , MASS. by 7 & CO. Ltd. i 78o. I WALTER BAKER Good Health Is the working capital of humanity. H whA Iff loses that u wrecked inueeo. is your ne alia falling you, your am . bltlon, vigor, vitality wasting away f When others fall con sult DOCTOR RATCLIFFE, For the speedy, eats and permanent rnre of all Nervous, Chronic and Special diseases, even In tlielr most aggravated tonus. There Is no man lu the wurld who lias effected so many permanent cures In both Men and Women of troubles which other physlcans of uckrmwleilged ability hud given upas hopeless us this eminent specialist. NERVOUS IIKBIHTY and all Its attending BllmeutSjOf YOUNG, MIDDLK-AOKD and OLD MKN. The awful eirerns of neglected or Improp erly treated caies, oiiusing drains, weakness of body and hraln, rtlsslness, tiillliig Oiemory, lack of eoeriry and contlileuce. pains Ui back, loins and kidneys, and many other distressing symptoms. tintUtltigone for study, business or enjoyment of life. lr Hutcllfl'eoan cure you, no matter who or what has failed. WEAK WEJf. Ee restores 1 nit vigor and vi tality to weak men. Organs of the body which hnve been weukuned through disease, overwork, excesses or Indiscretions are restored to full power, st ri'iiKth and vUjur through hla own suuuessful sya- ' tern of treat ment. VAIUCOCELK, hydrooete, swelling and ten derness of the glands treated with unfailing suocess. SPECIAL DISEASES, Inflammation, dis charge, tc. which, if nnglected or improperly treated, break down the system, uauae kidney aud blntlder diseases, eta DISEASES OP WOMEN. Prom pt and es pecial attention given to all their many aliments. WHITE If you are aware of any trouble. PO NOT DELAY. Call on Pr.ltatcllirotoday. Ifyou canttoi call, write htm. Ills valuable hook free to all sufferers. CONSULTATION i'lltK and aontt tlentlal at office or by letter. E. M. RATCLIFFE. 711 flrd In. JflTTU, I1SI YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get It Right Keep it Right Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It, Three doses will make you feel butter. Get It from your druggist or any wholesale drug house, ot worn Stewart it Holmes DrngCo., Seattle. BUY THE GENUINE SW OF FEGS ... MANTJFACTTrriBD BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. pr NOTE TUB JIAME. OPiU MOKI'HINB OCAINK l,A UDANIIW Btonned atonce Dr. J.C. Hoffman, W Isabella Bldg, Uhlcago.Ill, N. F. N. C. No. IT, 68. w HEN writing to ndvertliieri pleiti uaunt.oD tiiU iupr. t EVERYTHING FOR TUB PRINTER...'. We lead and originate fashions in.... TYPE secoad na stMr sts icoa Mitff 'o cover more surtere fTl i f f tong' lb uy'4ead In I SI tbe world under s forfeit 01 1L 1 WtlneiMilIllltotK!,C8 ....PORTLAND, OREGON r