' S3o Gripe WTien you take Hood's Pills, the big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Fasy to take and easy to operate, Is true of Hood's Fills, which are up to date in every respect Sate, certain and sure. All Pills druggists. 250. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Fills to take with Hood's SarsapariUa. Fire Works AT THE BAZAAR Next to Tostoffice WANTKD TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or tallies to travel for responsible, established house In Oregon. Monthly 5 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Knelose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. V, Chioago. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wilson Cooke's Old Stand ORECON CITY, OKKGON. Gambrinus Cold Storage Grieesen & Hallwyer, Props. Best Wines, Llqnors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON CITY OREGON BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full given; delivered to part of the city Measure any Try Bolton Ualry and be Convuced- W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON A Bid CELEBRATION. Oregon City Will Have a Grand, Glorious Celebration-on the Fourth. The general arrangements committee for the Fourth of July celebration in Oregon City are getiing in readiness for a great display of patriotism on that day. This committee is now arranging do tails with the I'orilund General Electric Company, with a view of illuminating the falls on the night of the Fourth with colored electric lights. The sub-committees are not letting the grass grow under their feet, and are im proving each passing day, rain or shine. The sports committee expect to have their elaborate program completed by Saturday, and the committees on parade and decoration, have invited the busi ness men and niunufact iries to have lloats representing their different lines in the procession. Councilman James lloake will have his steel cannon ready by the Fourth, and will aid in making patriotic noise. The uarade in the forenoon and Ihe sports in the afternoon will bo features worth seeing. And the falls lit up with colored electric lights at night In all their iirandour, with sky rockets illuminating the sky, will bo a scene never to be for gotten. The patriotic exercises will bo held in it grove on the bluff overlooking the tails, whore the gentle ocean breezes whisper through the trees. There is Abundant room here for small picnic parties- to locate themselves in delight ful spots whore tho shaded rocks are covered with moss, and eat their lunches. It will be the grandest, biggest patriotic celebration ever In Id in Clacka mas county. People from tar and near will gather here for a day's recreation, and old friendships will be renewed and new ones formed. LATER Col. W. H. Efllnger, of Tort land, will be orator of the day. Give your order for fresh strawberries, raspberries and blackberries to F. 1. Andrews, who will furnish freshly picked berries in quantites to suit. When get ing vegetables remember he has all kinds of berries. Bids Wanted. Bids w ill be received by the under signed at the otlice of the Recorder of Oregon City up to 3 p. 111. July 1st, 1808, lor the construction of an elevated w alk n Eightth street to top of bluff in ac cordance with plans and specifications now in the olllce of recorder. Each bid 10 be accompanied by a certified check .or $25 payable to the recorder as a guarantee that bid, if accepted, will be drilled. The committee reserve tho right to reject any or all bids. 1 , II. E. Harris, Jab. Roakk, .' Fried Mitznkr. Committee on streets and public property COUNTY COURT Continued from let page D Hahn8 4 50 Pat Wallace 3 00 J H Daly 30 CO W Rikks, bridge work 1 00 J Barth 3 00 J H Daly 12 25 J H Dalv 5 50 0 W Scromlin 1 05 C G Hoffman repairs 2 00 Adkins Bros, lumber 12 67 Total $196 72 District 29 F E Yergen, grubbing $27 00 A Deutal 7 50 H Musiir 2 25 O White 72 FE Yergen 10 50 Fred Yergen 10 50 Geo Yergen 7 50 CDF Wilson 16 25 Total $82 75 District 33 Geo Cunningbam $11 75 fcd (Jlosuer 7 60 Wm Snyder 3 75 Jos Marrs 9 75 Jos Gnthridge 5 25 Sara Warnock 0 00 Frank Smith 6 00 John Reed 3 00 J Storraer 3 00 F Millard 3 00 E Luellen . 9 00 ILewellen 23 75 Wm Smilh 7 50 F WLivermore 3 78 Total $162 28 District 27 Labor on Monitor and Glad Tidings and Hartraan, Nicholson and Soda Springs road : C Johnson $ 8 25 L H Jensen 4 80 O Johnson .' 7 50 D Uamage 3 75 K Ohristofler6on 6 25 J Eintraw . 6 00 N F Hansen 6 00 A J George 6 75 N P Hansen 12 00 Omer Horty 2 00 C E Young 18 00 Albright Bros 21 00 K Quinn 12 00 8 Nicholson 12 00 Peter Olson 6 00 Hann Olson 6 00 Thoa Kherwood 4 50 A Thomas 3 00 Enoa Blair 3 00 C E Young 19 00 C E Young, freight 75 Total $144.55 District 30 G II Locev $12 00 D Oldenbtadt 1 20 B Hays 15 00 A W Shipley 9 00 JObrien 150 J Kiser 9 00 F Davidson 6 75 M Manning 6 75 M Peterson 4 75 J Pitts 6 00 W Cummings 8 25 J Pollard 5 25 J E Headritk 5 25 J R Hays 10 00 B Hays 42 00 TArmstrong 15 0D O O Whitten 15 00 A K Ford 12 00 J Bovland 18 00 A K'Ford 75 G H Locey 12 00 .1 Armstrong 21 00 D Van Houten 7 75 J M Farmer 6 00 FJ Meir 13 00 W Marchbanks 4 50 C Shannon 6 50 J Wangh 11 50 Jake Boy land 8 50 DLong 4 50 J R Hays 28 00 Jake Boyland, bridge 3 03 David Long 3 00 G H Locev . . 3 00 AFortner, blacksmithing - 5 50 C Moennke, lumber - 7 70 Smith & Howard, crushed rock -150 00 Smith & Howard, " " -1116 25 Total - - - $2411 95 District No 31 P A Baker $11 00 John VVagley 4 50 F Zimmerman 6 00 N Nelson 2 25 MShafer, sr 4 50 M Shaler jr 1 00 J Kagel . . - 3 00 J Sager . - . - 3 75 A Hoffman 3 75 H Schatz - - - 1 50 T E Buckman - - - 2 00 F Sharp . . - - 5 00 Ed Sharp . . . 5 00 M Athey 2 00 F Olilenstead - - 5 25 J Lndling - 3 75 J Johnson - - 4 50 J Will.ins . - , . 3 00 Sam Mosier 3 00 R Rypzvnski 7 50 John Elders 6 25 A Rypzynski 6 00 8 Gross - 9 00 Total $100 50 District No 3 Labor on Deep Creek aim ueauieriv roau: O U & L M R'odlan N W Cummins $12 50 8 00 7 50 G Eriekson FNotnagel - Alf draw , F Wellnian R HeiBer H Hartwright OP Hedge F Zulil . C Heiser A W Cooke A W Cooke - 3 00 8 00 9 00 3 60 - 2 00 - 1 50 2 00 0 00 38 00 150 3 00 - 00 7 50 $122 00 ON Griffin O W Griffin E A W Burghardt - Total District No 5 A Vetsoh E RU-hey D Heddeman O Aimissegger J S Richey M Preston W Miller O W Boring O Richey FZuhl, blasting J A Richey E Richey, shop work Total . . .$J2 25 District 12-Labor on Criswell & Mil wankie road : H Gill H L Patterson E8wles T P McCubin . . $15 00 15 00 -10 00 12 00 -$21 00 5 00 - 12 00 12 00 4 00 - 1 00 6 75 7 60 4 00 3 50 - 14 00 1 00 G Mumpower C H flatten M Johnson - . L Spraiiue - H R Corliss R A Baron - - J C Sprague - . J H Bri-wn. blacksmithing J C Sprague i Mumpower - - L H Kirclien - 4 50 3 00 - 3 00 - 2 00 - 2 50 - 2 00 12 00 2 30 - 4 00 - 3 00 1 00 Total $88 80 District 9 Labor on Ahnert, Guber & George roads ; 11 Ling J C Schmidt Total District No 18 PI Hornschuh . -$ 8 00 - 4 00 $12 00 Labor on Molalla road : - - 3 00 - " - 12 00 4 50 - - 7 50 - 4 50 - 6 00 - 1 50 1 50 - 4 50 - 3 00 3 00 - 3 00 M London D Thomas J W Jones K Cooper E Jones A Hay ward J Eaton F Coldflishe W Davis W Gnyer E Howard H O Inekeep F Shenbin Henry Hornscbuh E W Hornschuh " " A Muir, 1200 rails W M Davis Mink Bros Lindsey & Son District No 10 A J Irvin D F Warner T Huxlev J F Tracy N Tracy - 4 50 - - 3 00 12 75 - 20 10 28 00 15 60 - 50 6 34 -500 00 - . -$12 00 - - 1 50 - 3 00 75 2 25 - 6 00 - . 3 00 - N - 6 00 - 2 25 3 00 - 1 50 6 00 3 00 - . - 10 00 5 25 S M Marshall F Bates A English S McKinzy R Herring G Ehy W R Oat field H K Wilcox J J Davis Total District No 13 $68 50 $6 75 11 50 - 10 50 3 00 - 7 50 3 75 - 2 25 4 60 - 10 00 D Moshier M Behymer B E Courtright C V Stitts W M Stone E M Brack . W Bellshaw T Mattoon W H Mattoon Total - - -$00 75 District 24 Labor on Needy & Mar- qnara Needy & Silyerton, Canby & Mol alla, Needy & Hubbard and Needy & bilyerton, roads and J B Noe bridge W Steve 3 00 Wm Thompson 2 25 75 1 13 3 00 2 62 9 00 7 50 6 HO 6 00 H JNoe G Perdue A Thompson G Perdue G Peidue E Mitts C Zinfel T H Mohr D W Stoffer G Konschack 3 00 2 25 2 25 1 50 1 50 6 00 1 50 7 50 9 00 3 00 9 00 19 50 4 50 4 50 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 50 38 33 60 C Bair - F Mosherger A MoBberger W H Cochran C Yeord -C Roup VV Uunkin8 F Fish T Ackerson J H Yoder, lumber J Kauffman J Kramer J Myers G Noe F Fish P Cook G A Kinzer G A Kinzer Total District 26 $198 18 $ 50 22 60 7 50 - 15 00 - 7 50 - 8 25 10 60 v.. 40 7 50 - 8 25 4 50 4 50 3 00 2 25 3 00 1 60 1 50 1 50 5 25 - 5 25 L Robbins, nails AT Sawtell R Dangherty W A Shaver Bagley Bros. C Miller - . F Sawtell R H Sawtell W O Sawtell C Daugherty J U Stewart G V Adams PJKavler -II T Kayler J Johnson L B Trullinger J Stubbs A Walls Sam Engle C Engle W 11 Engla 11 Engle W Everhart J R Shaver - 2 00 - 5 50 - 2 25 - 38 00 - 1 60 Total - $173 50 District No 28 Labor on Scot ts Mills and Soda Springs road : C A White - $2 25 J II Dart 2 00 H Wilson - 2 25 W Sandstrom . - 3 00 R W Wyland - 3 00 J W Nightingale - 3 00 Total -$17 50 District No 20 Labor on Clarkea and Mt Home, Highland and Mt Home and J P Olsen roads: T Martin - - $5 00 C Deen - 2 00 Wm Bottemiller - - 3 00 F Kavser - 3 00 C W Palmer 1 00 ! W Maylield 3 00 F Welch 2 60 C 2 50 W T Henderson - 2 50 J M Park - 1 00 G E Dibble 1 00 C Kirk 1 00 Eslen Lay - - - 1 00 W Henderson - - - I 00 T Kirk - - - 1 00 W C Bnckner - - - - 15 00 P Shieve - . - , - 1 50 C Hoag - - - 1 60 Total - - -$48 60 District No 52 Seth Epler A Hood -C T Toose M C Young A Simmons J L Seely Chs Seely .11m T w 6 65 y 00 10 60 1 00 3 4 6 00 8 00 4 00 3 00 1 50 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 fii? o uu iaiui - Total District No 34 J MoAdams Wm Smith Bertie Cliue H Cooke J F Andrie A Kuhne T B Jones -$79 37 - $5 25 - 3 25 - 3 75 - 2 62 - 1 87 - 6 00 - 5 25 - 2 25 - 2 25 - 75 - 3 38 J Cline A Kotzman J Bramhall E8 " Total - - -$38 87 District No 35 Labor on Schmahl's Mill road and on bridges: D D Erb, lumber LErb. nails -$61 90 - 6 60 - 7 97 - 9 45 - 8 95 - 7 96 - 6 70 - 12 60 - 1 50 - 2 70 - 12 60 - 9 75 - 17 40 - 3 00 - 6 00 TB Killer N Blair ' J Naehtman D D Erb -J Broclwell AD Erb O R Colburn -G Leffner L Erb -W T Stanton J Hinkle -L Krb C Colden Total District 37 S Piatt R Haines H Piatt -C Barieo -W Woi thington -$171 30 -$ 9 00 - 9 00 - 3 75 - 11 tiO, - 11 60 - 11 60 - 23 25 - 18 Od - 1 00 I H Uhiy O W Kruse R B Willmot G G Kruse Total - - . - $97 70 District 38 Labor on Woodburn road : ORambo -$ 6 25 - - 5 25 - 9 00 - 7 00 - 4 00 Ole Milkelson A Hougham L " G " " Paul Dunn M CDonahue- ! Total - . v - 6 00 . - - 3 00 $56 50 FROQ POND. : Miss Ruby A. Jackson, a very efficient young lady, has just completed a three months term of school in our joint dis trict. The following is the report of school district No. 10 and 101 joint. Clackamas and Washington counties for the term ending June 19th: Total number of days taught 60, pupils enrolled 21, cases of tardiness 9, average belonging 21. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the term are: Ellen Aden, Lorena Kruse, Annie Boek man and Smith Turner. Visitors present during term were the Misses Susie Tur ner, Minnie Bsker, Aura and Inza 'hompson. and Messrs George Aden, George and Hinka Peters. Miss Jackson had caused to be pre pared for closing exercises a rousing program and gave an entertainment on Saturday eyening, to which at least 150 rersons were present, not all ould hnd seating room within and some clambered up to the windows. At 8:30 p. ra. the curtains on the stage were dran aside and a most beautiful and artistic scene presented itself to view ; to the left was the organ profusely decorated with roses. At the rear hung an immenre bunch of mistletoe, English ivy, fox gloves and evergreens, roses and sweet peas adorned the walls. Amidst all this loveliness Miss Jack son stepped to the front and addressed the audience in a tew well selected words. The program which was of just the right length to be interesting and not in the least monotonous, consisted of 31 mirth producing recitations, songs, dialogues, tableaus, etc., etc. Hon. J. L. Kruse, in his high cloar voice announced tne program. Alter the program closed it was announced that all whoso desired could repair to the Grange ball and trip the light fan tastic for an hour or so. Many a merry couple availed themselves of the op portunity At midnight all jollifications and mirth makings drew to a close and for many a year to come may we remem tier her who was once our teacher, Miss Ruby A. Jackson. Mice Gross and Susie Turner were married on the 9inst., and have coin menced house keeping in Portland where the voting groom is, at present located in a well patronized feed and ivery barn. Miss Ola Barnes is spending a few days with her mother. Miss Anna Wagner has left us to seek her fortune. Mrs. Marv Elligson will go to Portland the coming week to spend a while with re atiyes. Mr. Kruse is'about the same as he has been the past month, in very poor health. John Peters has become quite a fiddler, Louis Schroeder has just made another of his flying trips to Tualatin. There's a Hag flying in Frog Pond now. Mr?. N. E. Turner entertained a host of friends the other day . Herb Turner is home for a few days. Curly Maves has been over to Stafford after a supply of strawberries. Politics and Independence day are not worrying us nearly as much as that hay we've got cut. June 19. m ABC Children' Day Exercises. A splendid children's dy program was presented by the M. E. church Sun day school Sunday evening. The church was prettily decorated with flowers and pictorial representations of heroic Meth odism in its early days, was an interest ing feature, the pictures having been secured from the East specially for this entertainment. The introductory address was made by Arthur Sitton. Arthur Hickman, recited "Don't Laugh at Me," Etta Bruner recited "If if," Archie Young Youns recited the "Boyless lown." and - - . . - . , . - . mouon-eoiig uj uie iuiuui uiaw wb i an interesting feature, uertruae jonn- n recited "katie Luncneon," Aiarcie Brown "just you ana 1, ana aaiaiogue 00 God vt anta me coys ana oiris, was 00 1 presented by Ouida O berg and Roy Blan- Sheel F F Seely G B " L H Hazzelbrink L T ooze H M Murray -T H M Baker T M Biker C J Calkins P Ohler - chard. Next came the program of the heroic pictures of Methodism, with an introductory by T. ' L. Swafford, the Sunday chool superintendent, and the others were presented in the following Older: "Epworth Rectory," Edgr Blake; ''The Holy Club," Miss Wil liams ; ''Eventful Card Party," dialogue, L. C. Blake, Nellie Swafford and Nettie Khi; ''Hproosof Saddle-hags "Mamie Aluridge; -cokesbury College," dia logue, Ida Akin and Josie Edleman. After remarks bv Kev. UDerg, a noerai collection was taken np for the child ren's fund of the educational society. O. B. Frost went to Canby Sunday to visit relatives and friends. Toby Smith, son of D. W. Smith is visiting bis father at Castle Kehm. Headquarters and Other flatters About Chautauqua. From the numerous letters received arranging details to secure headquar ters for various institutions at the com ing Chautauqua Assembly at Gladstone par it, umu inquiring as 10 tne necessary expenses for individuals and families who attend, it appears that there is a more interest in the Assembly this year wiaii 111 uio pasi, and several organiza tions which have never hfifnra annlied for headquarters privileges, are already aooigucu places. Among the organizations which have already secured headquarter privileges, may be mentioned eight colleges, nearly aU the religious denominations, the Clackamas County Teachers' Associa tion, Woodmen of the World, Ameri can Artisans, Equal Suffrage Associa tion, Native Sons, Womens' Christian Union, Grand Army of the Republic, Ladies Relief Corps, and the Oregon lioneer Association. At the pioneer headquarters, Secretary George H . Himes will have a large number of por- tiuibs 01 piuneers, and ihe tiilks con periling them, with tho part they took in the settlement of Oregon will be one the most leatuies of the Assembly to U who hear them. Although the fitrst day of the Assem bly (July 12), U three weeks in the fu ture, more campingprivileges have al ready been assigned than ever before. EXPENSES. The Assembly grounds at Gladstone park, are 10 minutes ride from Oregon Uity, and 4U minutes ride irom fen land. Passenger rates By electric railway from and to Oregon City, 10 rides for 25 cents. Portland, (round trip) 25 cents. By Southern Pacific Railway, all divis ions and branches, one and one-third fare. When purchasing a ticket, take a certificate from agent. This signed by J. W. Gray, secretary, at Gladstone paik, secures 1-3 fare on return. O. R. & N. Co., steamboat or rail, one and one-fifth fare. For special rates on other lines see agents. Living expenses 25 cents per bed and25cen's per meal at 25 cents per meal at private homes in Oregon City, Gladstone and Parkplace. At hotels $1 per day and upward At restaurants on the grounds, 25 cents per meal. Meals can be hxd at any price. Iho entertainment committee at the park will direct all who desire, to hotels, restaurants and private homes. No charges for classes except the pri vate classes in music, art and elocu tion . The season tickets, costing $1.50, in' elude earn ping privileges. Single tick ets, cents, and cnildren tree. NO CURE-NO PAY. That Is the wav all dnieelsts sell GROVE'8 TASTKLESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever, it 18 simply iron and quinine in are asteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer at a bitter, nauseating Tonics. Prioe 60c. For sale byC. O. Huntley, Druggist. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT AND FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, Clackamas County: Notice la hereby given that I Ihe undersigned executrix of the estate or A. K. smpiey, fle oeased, have presented and tiled my final account in saia court as executrix oi aaiu estate, anu mat Hondav.thelst day of August, 1898, at the hour of 10 o'ciook a. m., of said day, haa been duly ap pointed by aaid court tor tne settlement oi taia final account and U e hearing of objections there to. CELINDA E. SHIPLKY, Executrix of the estate of A. it. Shipley, deceased. Dated June 17, 1898. Jo24 Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and house and , paint your Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape a very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Or the Street between th Bridge andtbi Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses t waysonhaud at the lowest rates, nd acorra also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or pron. HORSES BOUGHT OB SOLD COUiNTY i HAVE KOW IN MY HAND8 FUNDS applicable to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to November 1st, 1894. Interest will cease on the above warrant! a ter the date of this notice. JACOB SHADE. Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon W-ted this 1st day of June. M98. SHERIFF'S SALE In Ihe rircult Court of Ihe State of Oregon, fo the ''onntv of ClucknmaH. , ' P. Rfichner. V. " v Plaintiff, vs. J.P. Watkins. Albert Watklns, Oscar Watkinn. Jehn Walking Flovd Watkins, Besuie Polan, J. Polan, J. Polan, Annie Johusun, Fannie Hovans, Bllas E. Bpvans, Erther K. Wat'-ins, Annie Watkins, J. A. Cox, and Klchanl Juhuaon, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, is. BV VIKTCE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, deoree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the aeal of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2ith day of May, 1898. upon a judgment render ed and entered in said court on the 2nd day of May, 1S98, In favor of F. Kecbner, plaintiff, and against J. P. Watkins. defendant, for Ihe sum of S209.36, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per c nt. por annum from the 2nd day of May ,1898, and the further sum of (50, as attorney'! fee and the further sum of $35, costs and disbursements, and that the defendant, J. A. Cox, recover from the finid J. P. Watkins the sum of S204.60 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from 2nd day of May 1898, and the further sum of 92b attorney fees, and the fur ther sum of S3, costs and dlslmrwment, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate in the County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 20 feet east of the southeast corner of D. L. C. of L. D. C. Latourette No. 89 In said township 8 south, range 2 east, running thence I'orth 00 degreeB 15 minutes west lS.llohains, thence eas, 6.95 chains to west side of land formerly owned by J. D. Renner, thence south 62 degrees 45 ' minutes west 11 links, thence south 00 degroea 15 minutes east 12.73 chains to oounly road, thence along the county road south 72 degrees west 7.20 chains to the place of beginning, containing 10 . acres of land Nnw, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, JUNE 25th, 1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the County Court Houc in the City of Oregon City, In ssid County and State, sell nt public unction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, CHKh in hnnd, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any rt thereof, to satisfy said execu. lion, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. u. w. UKAUli, Pheriffnf Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon C ity, Or., Mny 20, 1898. GUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the Count; of Clvckmnas and Stale of Oregon, duly madeand entered on the 25th day of May, 1SU8, 1 will Irom and after Saturday, June 2oth,lM)8 at the hour of 10 o'clock of said day, p-oeeed to sell at pri vate sale on the premises, to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand; subject to confir mation of sai l County Court, the following desoribed real estate, to wit: Lots numbered three (8), five (5) and six (6), in block numbered one-hiindered-and-flve (.105), in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, JOKL A. .STUART, Guardian of James Q. Stuart, Minor. Dated May 25, 1898. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit court of the State of Oiegon, for the County of Clackamas. Commercial Hank of Oretron City, 1 Plaintiff1, vs. Henry Hopkins Defendant. J State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER and. decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled caufee, to me duly directed and dated the vflih day of May, 1898, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 26th day of April, 1K8, in favor of Com mercial Bank of Oregon City, plaintiff, and against Henry Hopkins, defendant, for the sum of 676.00 with interest thereon at Ihe rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 26th day of April, 1898, and further sum of $50, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of tin, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and ,ipon this writ; commanding roe to make sate of the following described real prop erty, situate In the county of Clackamas and tale of Oregon, to-wlt: Being a part of the L. V. C. Latourette D. L. C. lying In section 4, township 8 south, range 2 east, beginning at a point In the west boundary nl said claim south 15 minutes east 32.83 chains from Ihe northwest corner of said olnim, thence north 88 degrees east 20.85 chains, thence south 26 degrees SO minutes west 5.15 chains to a stone, thence south 45 degrees east 1.25 chains, thence south 88 degrees west 18 93 chains to the west line of said claim, thence north 15 minutes, west 6.48 ohalns tracing the west boundary to the filace of beginning, containing 10 acres, more or ets. Now therefore, by virtue of said exeeutlon, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the oommanda of said writ, I twill on SATURDAY, June 25th, 1898. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the countv Court house, In the city of Oregon City In said county and state, sell at publie auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for United Slates gjold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants of eitlxr of them had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to shiI fy said execution, judgment order, decree Interest, costs and all accruing costs. O. W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas Countv. Oreeon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, May 26th, 1898. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orecron. for the Countv of Clackamas. ! Harding, l lttenhoeler, Haas A Co.,1 r . tiecnner, trustee, r. J . Killings, flttintifft, VI. Thomas Garrett, Thomas Garrett, Jr-., ouuuyier L,. usner, li. in. jones, ,nen Uarrett, Richard Garrett, Nellie B. Gar- relt,C. vv. Herman, C. S. Herman and Henry Miley, Ella Garret, Defendants. Slate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUK OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court.ln the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 1st day of June, 1898, upon a judgmtnt, rendered and entered in said court on the8d day of May. 1898, in favor of plaintiffs for 1st cost. 10: 2nd, $200 attorney's fees; 8d, judgment, $125.50. with Interest at 10 per ceut. per annum since May 3d.lt.98; 4lh, judgment, 336.60. with interest at 10 per cent, since May 3d, 1898; 6th, judgment, 184.50,wlth interest at 10 per cent, per annum since May 3d,1898; th,judgment of $330.10, with Interest at 10 per cent, per annum since May 8d, 1898. and against defendants, and Ihe costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to mako sale of the following described real prop erty situate in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: The north 18 acres of the south half of the D. h. O. of Thomas Garrett and wife situated In township 5 south, range 1 east W. M and lot 8 of secuou h, same townsnip and range, containing 20.88 acres Also a promissory note of $42.50 against J. Jones. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment older and decree, aud In compliance with the aommands of said writ, 1 will, on SATURDAY, JULY 2d. 1898, at the hour of one o'clock, P. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, tu said County and 8tate, sell at pnbllo auction, subject to redemption, to the iiiKurai uiuuer, lor u. h. goia coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendant or either of them, had on the dale of the mortgage beteln or since had In or to the above described property or any part thereof to satisfy said execution, judgment order, de cree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Or., June 2d. 1898. Clearance Sale Trimmed Hats $1.50 up Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed Hat. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich Feather Dyed and Cnrled. ' Kid Glove Cleaned. Hair Work to All It Branch. Done with Neat nes and Dispatch. R. BECKER, 220 IIRST ST FEET, -.- . PORTLAND, OR -