LIBERATORS OF SPANISH AMERICA. Scrofula Ears and Eyes Were Affected Little Ctrl the victim. "Mv little pivl had verv bad scrofula trouble, which affected her "ears and eyes and caused her great suffering. I got a Dottle ot llooa b sursupariiia ana sue oe gan taking it. The sores soon healed, and after the use of two bottles she was cured. Mbs. IIowabd Pope, Alpha, Or. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for o. ANEW name, tlint of Gomez, may be ttdded to tie list of brave Spanish-Americans who have liberated their country from the Spanish yoke. His name will be well worthy ot a place beside those of Bolivar, O'Higglns, Sucre, Iiklal go and Toussuint, who preceded him by nearly a century in the resistance of Spanish oppression and the freeing of Americans from the burdensome yoke. It is nearly ninety years Binee the beginning of the series of revolution's that, when Cuba and Torto Rico are freed, will have resulted in the abolition of Spanish rule In the western hemisphere. The brave Argentinians under Sun Murtin began the conflict in 1S09, and the Mexicans followed a few months later. Both were unsuccessful at the beginning, .but suddenly all South America broke out In one bhiae of revolution thut was not to be finally extinguished until Spain hud been driven from the continent. The natives welcomed the chance to secure thoir freedom. When once the torch of liberty had been lighted so great a fire was kindled that it could not be exttngiiislied. These revolutions were popular uprisings. The rich had no sympathy with them. The lund-ownlug and governing class, the army and navy, the few wlio profited by the sufferings of the many, had no sympathy with the uprisings. The insurgents were an undisciplined rabble, whose volunteer leaders were forced to create an army from poor material and with no arms or equipments. At first they were organized in scattered bands that attacked the fortifications of the Spanish army. Little by little they were welded Into a compact army by the genius of their leaders. These leaders revealed great ability, and to the people of South America their names ore as dear ns is that of Wash ington to us of North America,. Some of them distinguished themselves so greatly as to make their fame world-wide. Such was O'Higgins in Ohili, Bolivar in Venezuela and Central America, Sucre in Bolivia and Peru, Hidalgo in Mexico and Sun Martin In Argentina. They sacrificed nruch for the cause. Several were men of large private fortunes who gave all that they possessed as a sacrifice ou the altar of liberty. Born rich, O'Higgina, Bolivar and Sucre died poor. They risked their lives a's well as their money, and thonsamla of other men, now forgotten, died that their courfrry inrftht be free. Their republics were just as ungrateful as all republics are traditionally. Hidalgo woa killed by the Spanish. iThe other great men had a worse fate, being traduced ami vilified by their compatriots who, at first profusely grateful, afterward yielded to the jealousy of rival lenders. It was not until after their death that their compatriots appreciated their greatness. Prob ably the same fate Is in store for Gomez, Hood's PillBCnre indigestion, biliousness. Cows With Ear Rings. ' A cow is the last creature one would expect to see with ear-rings, yet every cow in Beligum must wear; them now. The director-general ol agriculture has issued a regulation that all animals of the bovine epecies are to wear ear rings aa soon as they have attained the age of three months. Breeders are obliged to keep an exact account of the animals raised by them and the ring on which is engraved a number is fast ened in the animal's ear-to prevent the substitution of one animal for another, Bells In Jerusalem. Turks and Jews, as well as , Chris tians.according to The Kolnecliie Volks zeituug, have been nmoh excited by the sound of the three bells of the new Protestant Church in Jerusalem. For several centuries the nse of bells by the Christians in Palestine, or elsewhere within the Ottoman Empire, had been prohibited by the Oreat Turk; who has conceded it now, however, to his friend mid ally,, the Evangelical German Kai ser. In the' Theatre tie la, Turquie, published in 1688. - it is said, "The Turks hate bells, as a symbol of Chris tianity, and do not permit even the Christians to use them. Only in a few remote mountain convents, oi in lonely islands, where there are no resident Mohammedians, is the use of a bell tolerated." BAILORS AND THEIR GRIEVANCES. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. HOITT-S SCHOOL, Durlingamc, Cal., accredited and limited to SO bovs. The location and surround ings, together with the almost perfect cli mate aud careful attention to mental, moral and physical training, easily places Iloitt's among the foremopt schools for bovs on the Coast. 8. F. Chronicle. Eighth year begins August 9. Iba O. Hoitt, Ph! D., 1'rincipal. It 18 announced that Italian experi ments on vegetable life with Roentgen rays have shown that the effect ia identical with that of sunlight. The grievances of Bailors examined by the authorities in ports oi entry, where the seamen belong, often turn out to be Imaginary or itrixiUr exaggerated. But there are plenty of cruel and conscienoeless skip, perswho abuse their crews. Violence Is al ways objectionable, and pointedly so when It is exerted upon an unfortunate-liver, stomanh or bowels by dosing with rtraMio purgatives wh'lch weaken the intestines. Use ilostetter's Stomach Hitters. A powder to be shaken into the shoes, At this season vour feet feel swollen, ner vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting ieet or tignt snoes, irv Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes timonials of cures. Try it todav. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent bv mail for 25c iu stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Alleu 8. Olmsted, Le Koy, New York. "You May Fire When Heady, Grldley "You may Are when ready,Gridley." That phrase of Commodore Dewey's, as the Olympia steaming slowly, was getting the range of her guns on the Spanish fleet, is likely to be long quo ted and widely remembered. Surely, says The Criterion, it breathes cool ness, care, confidence in the face of an enormous and pressing responsibil ity. Compare it with the thunder it instantly wakened, the tremendous for ces it let loose, the terrible destruction that followed, and you will find it the most typical Americanism of the quarter-century. Mark, too, its politeness, as well aa its touch of comradeship. WAGONS IMPROVED. Torpedo-Carrying Ualloou. A Virginian has designed a torpedo carrying balloon whioh has the explos ive suspended by a numbor of cords, with a guide rope to assist in holding it until it leaches the right current of air to carry it toward the enemy, when a second cord is pulled which ignites a slow fuse to drop the torpedo at the proper place. ' Beware of Ointment! for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ami completely aerauge tne wnoie sys tem when entering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the dumago they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mamuacmred by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon tue blood ana mucous surfaces oi tne system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally, and made in Toledo, Onlo, by i 3. Cheney & Co. Testl- inontais tree Sold by Druggists, price 75e. per bottle. Hall's Family PillB are the best. INSECT FOES IN CUBA. They of Are Knmerous and Many Them Are Dangerous; Soldiers In Cuba will have many pests to contend against The mos quito is more frequent In Cula than In New Jersey at the holght of the sea son. It Is also a more venomous In sect The nearer you go to the equator the more potent the mosquito becomes. The Cuban mosquito is to the New Jer sey lusect as a flrst-clnss fighting bull to a yearling calf. Those who have camped out In Texas -will have a modi fled Idea of what to expect In the Cu ban mosquito. The worst post of ail Is the Cuban fly. This is a black insect, smaller than the common house fly and resembling the black fly of northern woods. It comes In myriads, buzzes about your also plies his numerous nimble feet on Cuban soiL When he walks across your flesh you feel as If many red-hot needles had been thrust Into you and lie leaves a trail of venom behind. There is a sufficiency of snakes fn Cuba rattlers, moccasins and others. The commonest snake Is called the moja. Is Tilxmt ten feet long and venomous, but not ferocious. A DARING ESCAPE. Convict Ride to Freedom on the Belt of a Fly Wheel. The most daring and remarkable prison escape on record was that of Frank Steadmau from San Queutln, Cal. Stoadman was a burglar by pro fession and a machinist by Inclination. While In San Quentln prison he was put to work, with other convicts. In the fRPICn ' s ' OF spalr, but Steudman's was of a differ ent caliber. Ills plans were tlie out growth of steadfast optimism. lie never ceased to scheme, as he never ceased to hope for liberty. One day there came to him, as If by Inspiration, the thought that the big belt might be the means of carrying The new improved Btoughton wagons stand the racket. Two car loads have just arrived.' It-pavS to have the -best. Write for tree catalogue. JOHN POOLE, sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Or. A Chicago paper complains that $180,000,000 worth of real estate in that city is held by absentee landlords. Piso'g cure for consumution is onr only medicine for coughs anil colds. Mrs. C. tieltz, 43U 8tn ave., Denver, vjoi., ssov. b,ud. The Peruvian Central railroad covers a distance of ten miles at an elevation only about 2,000 feet . lower than the summit of the highest mountain in Switzerland. MEADMAN'S riAMN'O ESCAPE. SOME CUBA'S INSECT eyes and bites savagely. In the uelgh .borhood of woods it Is present in Buch terrible swarms that It Is Impossible to sleep without some preparation smear ed on hands and face. There Is also the Jejene, or Cuban flea, which is extreme ly unpleasant and even dangerouB,be cause it seeks to enter the eyes during sleep. Horses and cattle suffer terri bly from the attacks of the Jejene oh their eyelids. Cuba also harbors the chigoe, or Jig gar flea. The female of this Insect hits t habit of burrowing Into human flesh and there laying an enormous mass of eggs. The wounds made by this Insect, If neglected, will produce a dangerous ulceration. As they attack by prefer ence the big toe, they are apt to cause lameness. The scorpion Is another Cuban product This reptile has twelve feet and Is from five to six Inches long. It terminates in a long tall, which con tains the sting. This causes a severe wound, possibly a fatal one to a man In Ill-health. He who entertains a scor pion unawares will know what it Is to hart a thankless child. The centipede engine-room. It was here that an Idea came Into his brain that for absolute daring and fearlessness was typical of the man. He had noticed that every evening at the time the men working In the engine room were lined up to be marched away the machinery was stopped at exactly the same moment He had observed as well that a window lead lng to an adjacent roof was not far from the top of the big driving belt of the engine. From that roof It was possible to reach the outer wall of the prison.. Beyond the wall was freedom, Apparently the window was beyond all possibility of being reached. No ladder was to be obtained. Had such a thing been even standing In place against the wall, to break from the line and scale It with catlike dexterity, although the work of but a few sec onds, he well knew would be futile. possibly fatal. Bullets travel faster than legs, and the guards were not bad shots. But desperate deeds demand desperate means. Some minds may work with an Ingenuity " born of de li lm to his goal. He found that It was Impossible to count the revolutions of the driving wheel, but there were lac lugs Iu the broad belt which he was able to distinguish as a sort of blur as It passed a given point. For days and days he counted, and In his cell at night he spent his time In calculations. He discovered the exact number of revolutions the wheel mnde per ralU' ute. He learned nlso, by constant ob servation, Just how ninny times the belt went round after the engine was shut down. One evening when the line had been formed as usual at the close of the day's work, and as the big wheel be gan to lose Its momentum, suddenly a convict sprang from the line, leaped to the belt with outstretched arms grappling both edges of the broad leather. He had calculated well the strength that would be required, for the terrific wrench did not loosen his grasp. Outward and upward he swung until he reached the topmost point of the circumference. The nicety of his calculation had reaped Its rewnrd. The belt stopped. He leaped to his feet, sprang through the window, and was gone before convicts or guards had re covered from their astonishment He caught up a guard's coat and hat, dropped from the wall, and got away In the dusk of the evening. His des perate escape did not profit him. He was recaptured and sunt back to San Quentln. The Head C'aqn"r. Jacob Schontag, for forty years head of the claque at the Vluena Opera House, Is dead. He knew all the operas of the repertory by heart knew the strong and weak points of all the art ists, and held a rehearsal of his subor dinates In the afternoon before the production of an opera, when he drilled them on the parts of a production where their work was to be put In He watched them during the perform ance from a seat that commanded a view of the whole house, but never ap plauded himself, save In desperate cases.'1 ; .I,., if ' The Ice cream season was invented for spoony lovers. A LIVIM WITNESS. lire. Hoffman Describes How She Wrote to MrB. Pinkham for Advioe, and 13 Now Well. rr ze I wry A A ourios fact has been noted by Aro tic travelers snow when at a very low temperature absorbs moisture and dries garments. tITC Permanently Cured. No fltsor norvousnes I II alter first dav'a use of Dr. Kline'i ureut. Nerve Kestorer. Send for FKKK Ws.oti trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. If, ILLIN.E, Ltd., two aiuu street, ruuuueipma, ru. ffV' I'll ' Dear Mrs. Pineii am: Before using your Vegetablo Compound I was great sufferer. I have been sick for months, was troubled with severe pain ia both sides of abdomen, sore feeling in lower part of bow- els, also suffered with dizziness, headache, and could not sleep. I wrote you a letter describ- . ing my case and asking your advice. You replied tell ing me just what to do. I followed your direc tions, and cannot praise your medicine enough for what It has done for me. Many thanks to you for your advice. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has cured me, and I will recom mend It to my friends. Mrs. Flokencb E. Hoffman, S13 Roland St, Canton, O. The condition described by Mrs Hoff man will appeal to many women, yet lots of sick women struggle on with their daily tasks disregarding the urgent warnings until overtaken by actual collapse. The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi ence In treating female ills Is unparal leled, for years she worked side by Bide with Mrs. Lydia 41 Pinkham. and for sometimes past has bad sole charge of the correspondence department of her great business, treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. Good Health I the working capital nf luimnnltv. ttnwlifi loses that is wreolcea indeed. Is yonr health fuillntc yon, your am bition, vljror, vitality wasting away r When others lari con sult. . . DOCTOR RATCLIFFE, For the greedy, safe and rrmanent cm re of all Nervoru, Chronic and Special diseases, even In their most aggravated forms, There Is no man In the world who httB effected bo many permanent euros in both Men and Women of troubles which other phyBtcans of acknowledged ability had given upas nopeiess as mis eminent specialist. NKHYOVS DKBHJTV and all Its attpndlm aliments, of VOUNO, MIDDLE-AUED Olid OLD MEN. The awful effects of neglected or Improp erly treated cases, causing drains, weakness of body and brainy dlzr.lness, falling memory, lack of energy and confidence, pains In back, loins and kidneys, and many other distressing symptoms, untitling one for study, buslines or enlovment ol life. UrBatcllffecau cure you, no matter who or wnat una ruiien. UR4K M Ktt. He restore lost vigor and vi tality to weak nien. . Orgmis of the body which have been weakened inrougn disease, overworn, excesses or Indiscretions arc restored to full power. strength and vigor through his own successful sys tem oi treatment. V4i;i('(K'KI.It. hydrocele. swelling and ten denies of the glands treated with untalllng suocess, SPECIAL HIHKASKS, Intluraruatlon, dis charges, etc., which, if nfglecled or Improperly treated, break down the sriu-m, cauBe kidney aud hlmlilpr rtlHefutfA. ettv DISEASES OK WOMEN. Promptande peclal attention given to all their many ailments. 1VHITK 1 1' you are aware of any trouble. 10 NOT DUl.AY. CallonPr.Hatcltlietoday. Ifyoit cannot call, write him. Ills vaniatiii nook tree ti ail sulTerera. CONHULTATION J-'HEK and confi dential at office or by letter. E. M. RATCLIFFE, TO FInt In., JHTTII, WtSI nun i tm m n spring eye grain hill unui iaiio BAG NEEDLES Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar ket. Used by ull sack Bewers. For sole by all gen eral merchandise stores, or by WILt & FINCK CO., K Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Svrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fiq Svrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes 1 the name of the Company a guaranty , of the excellence ot Its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial' effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FU AN CISCO, Oak LoriSTILI.E. Kj. N EW YOKE. N. T. 1 'KtAND Oil PAIN! MAKl1" tIRTLAND, O" 101181 IBS coPS ti Mm 8 PICTOW UNION PACIFIG R..fl. THE THROUGH CAR LINE YOUR LIVER Is it Wrotig? Get it Right. Keep it Right. Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It. Three doses will make you (eel better. Get It from yonr druwrtst or any wholesale drug house , or from Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. PULUIAX PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Chicago Without Change M. P. N. C. No. SO, '68. WHEAT Make money by mcceslut speculation in (JliicaKo. VSe buy and sell wheat on mar Kins. Fortune bare been tr.ade on a small beginning by trading In fu tures. Write for lull particulars, best ol r erence given. Several rears' experience on tb Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know ledge of the business. Send lor onr free refer ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash. A GOLDEN DISCOVERY. . THE "ROYAL" HAIR RE8T0RATIYE. Gray balr restored to its natural color and youthful beauty in 4 to 9 weeks. Stops hair falling out and prevents baldness. Causes luxuriant growth of glossy balr In youth or age. Equally successful with both aexea. It Dever (alls. Try it. Sold in bottles at 60c and II. Sesit In covered packages to any address Dbon receipt of price. Address MRS. B. KALLOW3, . IM'i Washington street, Portland, Or. MORPHINE COCA INK Stopped atone i r .... .u . r , is- ui.i.. Ill 1n. uurrMAii, wi jsautua mug, viiii.nflu,il OPIUM III iI7ALlV: WnUfc AU (LSI fallS. lough syrup, tmus uooa. vm r j 7UEN writing' to advertisers please II 1 mention this paper. Quick Time. I nloii Depots. Personally ('iindncted Expnrslnni, ItuKiriiKe Cheeked to Destination. l.iiw Itntes, , ... Dtreer line tn TrAna-MinsUsipiil ana Iiileriiatiitnnl Exposition held iu Omaha, Nebraska, ,1une to November. Write undersigned lor rate, time tables and other inlorniailoti pertaining to Union Paottlfj K. a, R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent, 133 Third SU, Portland, Oregon, nori'itm nnostl mo oajmsj in a II P "iniiw.nojt rqj 1 iP1id m jo "net .Jjsuns m P1 pu "1 noa juitomu eqi im 1 dn 09 dn oy' dn uo'lfr tMsojri jioits ,siujni mojj is(ri ,iiijii raojj nmn .leu'H'i dn J4 moji tioo ,sIPT dti " tnojj JMUiri ,iMI'"'I dn ok" I'" " uiuij sesiuiiito ,sup'i 'jve.u f.uajtmur) pus sjBino .ltmirrrlW 'svnx.8 ''I'l'.WWllS '".wapa.-j .wtpirT jo niuoa x.oois mi r it.MianiM yjonjo iihw imrni x9mhjij aqi injnp jsaoio rt jo mmqajnd unua till nssi aq u Wsv infasu 1 V 'IISIA mo.( iofua (n no. -joti jo Xnq not jaqieq 'II . sn M iiiIlJ0j ili4 uatlM "stwud pui ui;tidi.),p A8 m pJq sni ua-ijo os unii sujanvd pus j.(ih 1SD03 eqi uo aimid u a,oi( spooa .i)iivp puv aoii(VA loq ql MOqt a yi 'niusJd laaud ujaima nra.u s.iuvjui pu s.uaapim;) '.soipnq lunpuiH ojois ;uouiiJudoa oj American Type Founders 11 Company EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER.... We lead aod originate fashions in.... TYPE Cor. Second and Stark Sts. ...PORTLAND, OREGON