OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. Entered in 0.-o.?'nOltypi)itoftti;eaocond -class matte 8DB9(;RIPTfON RATES. l no 75 2") Tf onldlti advance, per. vent , Six months i'urcu months' trial The date opposite your address on the paper dunotes Ihe time to which youhave paid. PATRONIZE HOME IKDtTSTRY. OREGON CITY, JUNE 24, 1898. Binder twine going up and whtat go ing down. But we'll have prosperity bve and bye . The Oregonian points out that, but for the immense republican vote in Multnomah Kincaid and Lyman would have been elected. And the Multnomah vole is what moves the republican party to oppose registration. " The gold standard newspapers of the world announced that the Oregon election knelled the death of silver coin age, and at once the wheat market of the world collapsed. Verily, wheat and silver go together. Roseburg Review. Ahtwk Kkwkll, the late silver candi date for vice president, is too old to be accepted as a soldier, but he has made the United States a present of a Any ship to use in (he war against Spain. The silver men cannot be excelled in patriotic devotion to their country. Roseburg Review. Duuino the campaign the Oregonian offered $10,000 reward to any one that would prove that free coinage would not cheapen labor, etc. Sidney Dell made the proof and demanded the reward, but the Oregonian refused to pay and now Mr. Doll has brought suit to collect the same, and the question will be decided in the courts of Multnomah county. Sheriff Qrace Resigns. On Wednesday a special term of the county court was held, and G. YV. Grace's resignation as sheriff was ac cepted, and J. J. Cooke, pheriff elect, was appointed to till the unexpired term. Sheriff Oooke at once assumed the duties of the office, and has ap pointed J. E.Jack, of Marquam, his chief deputy. J. Y . Grout w ill remain in the office for a few days in order lo jiv.i the new officers an insight into the de ails. Mr. Grace, who was compli mented for Id efficiency by the court, left Portland Wednesday night on the B'eamehip Excelsior, hound for hawson (!,ty, by way of St. Mieha Is He took ahing about a ton of provision, and will look after his interests, ul ready es tablished on the Yukon. His brothers-in-law, the Faircloiighs, took in a lot of merchandise, a few months ago, and Mr. (jrace may conclude to engage in busi ness there. The other new county officials will not assume their official duties until Jnly 5th, as the Fourth occurs on the first Monday. The term of office of the pres ent assessor does not expire until Janu ary 1st, 1809. Matters Matrimonial. Heinz-Adaih G. A. Heinz, of the Harding grocery and bakery in this city, was married to MUs Eva Adair, at the residence of the bride's parents, at Noble, Marion county, Wednesday, June 22, Kev. V. O. Kantner, of the I'irst Congregational church, of Salem, officiating. The bride is a sister of Miss E G.Adair, of this ciiy, a member of the firm of Heinz & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Heinz will reside in Oregon City. Spknckr-Lovkai. Miss Maud Loveal, of Redding, Calif., formerly of this city, was married Suivliiy, June 19, to Charles U. Spencer, of this city, at tbe residence of Charles Drew, Rev. Gilnian Parker officiating. The ceremony took place in the presence f a few invited guests. Mr and Mrs. Spencer are living in one of the H. L Kelly houses. Miss Ruie O. Mcndenhall and Charles A. Wintermutte were married at Justice Schubel's office Monday, July 20th the latter officiating. Mr. V intermutte is a paper maker in the Willamette mill-, and the bride is a popular Clackamas county young lady. Miss Dottie M. Bill and A. C. Brown, of l'arkplace, were married Wednesday. The marriage of Miss Edith Conn, of Astoria, and V blarrw, of this city, is announced to take piace at the foi mer's home next Tuesday. September 1st, 1898. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Board of'Directors. S. M. McCown', District Cle rk Dated &t Oregon City, Juno 17th, 1898 S'J MMARY. They are feeding raisins to horses in Fre3no and the change from barley is both successful as to the horses and profitable to the man. Twelve pounds of raisins is equal to twenty pounds of barley and raisins are only worth $20 a ton againBt $10 more . for barley. So far as heard the animals have made no protest against the change of diet. That is nearly as had as burning corn for coal in Kansas. Sacramento News. The vote cast ot the late election was quite Bhort, and did not exceed that thrown for supreme judge in June, 1890 85.000. This is a falling off of over 10.000 as compared with the vote of Mc Kinley and Bryan. That there was much BDathv on the Cth Inst, is evi denced by the very large number of stav-at-homes. The republicans turned out en masse and cast almost, a solid vote for their nominees. Had the war with Spain not completely overwhelmed the financial and other economic questions there would have boen a decidedly dif ferent result. . Is Massachusetts the saving bank deposits average $200 per head of the whole population. This is largely due to the futilities for depositing small saviiiL'S. These are absent in other states, and it is estimated hy Edward Atkinson that if postal savings banks were established, in twenty years the average deposits in the United i'tate might be $100 per capita, an aggregate sum ot $7 500,000,000. Mr. Atkinson does not say so, but this immense sum would have to be invested and would be sufficient to accomplish the nationaliza tion of railroads; telegiaphs and other p.ihlic services. In the Mills. Pure fruit fl.i vored ice cream soda at Prior's. , Get your fruit jars and jellv tumblers jtit Harris' grocery. For best groceries at cheapest price go o Marr& Aiuir. Big reduction on children's wash hats I and bonnets at the Racket Store. i Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy & Busch. The pioneer meat market 'of C. Al bright continues to serve its customers well and always keeps a large amount of fresh meats on hand. Last year's patterns of wall paper at reduced price. Five and lOu notion counters. At Bellomy & Busch. F. I. Andrews, the market gardener, has always on hand a large amount of first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider and cider vinegar. Give him a trial. Kenworthy's restaurant and con fectionery is now opened and ready to serve first-class meals on short notice. Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Oram's old stand. The most reliable goods at lowest hving cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at CouuiEii office. Nottingham lace curtains, balance o! lot just received. Will close out at the same old price. Oregon City Auction House. Try Kenworthy's icecream. Ice cream and cake 15 cents a dish or two for 25c. Ice cream or ice cream soda 10c. Just received, 100 rolls of fine mat ting. Oail at once and get choice of patterns. Oregon Oity Auction House. All our bicycles have the nev depart ure brakes, just the thing for riding in ttiia county. Charman & Co., agents for Columbia bicycles. F. I. Andrews, the gardener, as usual as the first voung radishes and onions of the season, besides other early vegetable. An OldSoldier His Story of What Hood's Sar saparilla Has Done Whole Family Greatly Helped by This Medicine. "I am an old run down soldier, my whole system being out of order and my right side partially paralyzed. I have tried various remedies and realized only temporary relief. I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills, and have derived more real benefit from them than anything I have tried. My wife has been greatly helped by Hood's Sarsapa rilla. She was all run down and her system much out of order. My two little boys recovered quickly from the effects of diphtheria by taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla, which rid them of troublesome sores and symptoms of the croup. They are now well and hearty." W. F. Burnett, Starkey, Oregon. Remember Sarsaparilla Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. rw j cure nausea, Indigestion, ilOOU S r HIS biliousness, constipation. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOR1NKYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY .... OREGON Hood's Geo. C. Bbownkli J. U. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Since the bottom has dropped out of the wheat market, but small quantities are being stored at the flouring mills in this city. However, the mills are run ning day and night to fill orders, and mere is aiieauy Hour enough in tne warehouse, to load a steamship that is expected to arrive in Portland lrom China about July 3rd. A reporter ac cepted the invitation of V. B. Wiggins, ttie book-keeper, to take a look through a portion oi the immense establishment, In the ware room were ereat piles of sacks of Hour made by these mills corded up. beattle and lacoma parties get flour ground and sacked in Oregon Oity with their own brand printed thereon. ana rortiana gets tne avertiaing boneht ot all the flour made in Oretton City. Piled tip in the warehouse are a half dozen or so of the company's own brands, among them the famous ' Pat ent, "Dayton Milts," etc.. ana in another place are huge tiers of sacks bearing Chinese hieroglyphics, and made expressly for the China trade, Many car loads of Eastern Oreeon wheat are made into flour here, 100 cars having arrived at one shipment early in me spring. It's a caution to watch Dick Long sew sacks filled with fiotii, as it comes from tne cnute in a steady stream. In an instant he has the tilled sack unfastened from the chuie, another one in its place and with two or three deft motions witl sail-needle and twine, the sack is on the truck ready for market. School flatters. In his annual report General Agent Henry Peterson cf the Industrial Aid Society of Boston said: "Since lhS3, or the date of the doprosMou in business, the ranks of tlio unemployed are kept full, and apparently little ptogress is made in diminishing their numbers. In former years it was customary for manu facturers to retain during the entire year a very huge proportion of their help, but lately it is becoming more and mora the custom to employ a large force for cer tain months in the year and than entire ly close their factories, throwing out of employment for two or three months a proportion of their operatives." Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Publio and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Aqencv of Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of TitlH Marin Drawing ol Legal Documents a Specialty unice on east side of Mum street Between fith and 7m PIONEER DRUG STORE IFYGU WANT DRUGS 03 MEDICINES .... GO TO GEO. A. HARDING & CO. t.Willametts Building, Opposite Commercial Bank,,. Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. Your patronage soliceted. WE FIT YJ r :: With shoe in conformity or your ideas. There are at many preferences for shapes in shoes as there are for other wearable articles. Thee are few shapes or sizes, styles or prices that can not be found in our stock. Come in and give us your idea. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE HARRIS' GROCERY... Fresh Stock of Fiist-Cliiss Depot for II AY and FEED THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON Tub law passed by the legislature of Washington declaring that a contract to pay in gold coin should not bo spoeiflcally enforced by the courts, but tho debt might bo "paid in and fully satisfied with any kind of lawtul money or cur rency of the United States" lias been declared unconstitutional by the jsupremo court of that state. The court decided that It was an attempt to legislate on a aubioet belonging exclusively to the federal government and that "a stlpu lution in a note or mortgago that the debt shall be paid only in gold coin of the present standard value, and that the decree aud judgment thereon shall to provide is valid." The closing exorcises of the Clackamas school were held Iridav alternoon. very interesting program a presented and diplomas were issued to the follow ing graduating class: George Cramer Harry raililock, hthel Mather, Ague Mather, t race Robinson, liertlia Tal hert, Ilcrleit Clark, Cora Thomson Alter tho exercises Mr. and .Mrs. C. T Clark entf vtiiiiied the members of the graduating class at their homo, wIuto an excellent supper was served. Mr M. S. Stuichler was principal of the Clackamas school, and Miss Claia Oi'mner, teacher of tho primary depart ment. IVth will probably be re engaged for auothei year. W.Young, who has been teaching tl e Drown school near New Era for several months past, closed the term last Fri day. A very interesting program was presented, and a new Hag was raised on the SO foot Hag Bluff. Many visitors and patronB oi the school were present on this occasion, and Mr. Young is to be congratulated on the success that has attended his etlorts. Tho Caneniah school closod Friday afternoon. The two very bright gradu ates from this school were Misses Anna and Edith Smith. Millard Hiatt has been principal, and Miss llattie Bray teacher of the primary department for the.past year, and nave given satisfaction. On Saturday Superintendent Stark" weathor issued diplomas to Eva Scotti is i ay uuver ana William L,ehman graduates of the Muwaukio school. Willard Austen closed a nine months' school in Logan district No. 4 last Fri day, and will have a vacation until the last ol October. Albright is never "just out" of the kind of meat you want as he knows what his customers desire and keeps a full stock on hand and you don't need to take "what's left." A high grade warranted sewing ma chine sells for $25 on easy payments at Bellomy & Busch. D.E. Kenworthv at the East Side Ry office serves meals or oysters at all tim es He also keeps a hue ot confectionery fruits and cigars. Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you want anything in the fresh vegetable line. . Our 130 wheels have the automatic brake: vou can go down any hill. unarman x uo., agents ior Columbia Bicycles. Try Prier's ice cream and ice cream soda, pure fruit flavors. Fruits, nuts and confectionery of all kinds. Leather belts, all colors, also a nice variety, of belt fasteners, at tne Kacaei o tore. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a tun line ot feed and hay. Uooda delivered to pu parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets G. II. Young's second hand store can furnish you with furniture, Btoves, hard ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what same would cost new and they are just as good and will last as long. Give him a trial. AVhon in Portland be sure and call at tho Royal restaurant where you can get the best loc meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Win. Bohlander, proprietor. The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents. A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept. 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and retu'ii via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents, Tickets now on sale at railroad depot, Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. in., and 3:3o p. in , and arrives lrom Port land at 9:23 h. in. and 6:52 p.m. Save time by using tho quicker route. M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people ol llrvnil f'.itv anri ui.inllv tir..w.t..l ...... ... paid lo Caurrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: JO to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. OREGON CU'Y T . . OHEQON J. VV. WELCH DENTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Opposite P. O. Orboom City, Gri 0. II. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be al Court House on each Saturday ana on regular session uays oi County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1885 j THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans m do. Bills liseounled. Makes co lectionR. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the unuea states ana i-.urope ana on tiong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open froro 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. C.LATOCRKTTK, FRED J. MEYER, President Casai.r Mrs. Sladen & Miss Edith WLshart, Milliners. Sometimes a tire is a lienelit, we found it so. although it might have been worse, as we had insurance. Our Mil linery Department Is now fitted up very tastefully and we invite everybody to come and see us. we .are constantly eettintr in new goods, and can furnish anybody witn a smtauie nat or oonnet, up to date and lasinonaoio. BIDS WANTED. A YOUNG ROMAN We can assure all who Invest $10 in a Victor, 181(8, Model 35 bicycle, that they are getting their money a worth, and that a greater amount of service aud sat isfaction cannot bo found iu any other bicycle on the market at an equal price Uurmoister & Andresen. Notice is hereby given that the board ot school directors ol scnool district No. 02 of Clackamas county. Oregon, will receive sealed bids at the residence of the school clerk on Seventh street, in Oregon City, Oregon, up to the hour of 7 o'clock p. in. on Wednesday the 6th day of July, I8K8, for the sale and lelivery to the district of 120 cords of good, sound, four foot fir wood, which has been cut from largo live standing uiuoerauci tnoronguiy seasoned, said wood to be first-class In all respects, and suitable for use in the furnaces of the school buildings. Seventy cords of said wood to be delivered at the Barclay school building on Twelfth street and tuty cords at the hastham school build ing on Seventh street. The whole of e.ud wood to be delivered on or before The Romans were the epicures of all the ages and gathered from sea, earth ami air the dainty or substantial pro ducts of a luxuriant age for the delecta tionof the palate. The average Ameri can youth is young Roman in appetite and if his motner or wife wants to find good things to feed him, she will see A. ROBERTSON The Orocer LARGE AND GOOD.... Bread made and baked with the same care that would be given in your own house is a specialty of ours. We use pure flour of fine quality, insist on perfect :. cleanliness in all the stages ' of mixing, baking, etc. We have a fine line of groceries here for your selection. The figures on these are also very small. HEINZ &. CO. Opposite Postoffice IF WOMEN VOTED- L, And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority "Patent Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all groceries. ..GO lG. H. BESTOW FOR BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST IlAJiKINU HOUSE IN THE CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00 XUKPLUS f!0,Si0.00 President, ice-president Cashier, C'HAS. II. ClUFUED OtO. A. HARDIS9 E. O. Caufixld A Ooneral Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. ( Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Hade on Available Securitv Exchange Bought and 4uld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the worm. - Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San Franoisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LW.iHr cmii paioan EEB OFFERED for FIRST-ULASS GOODS. Shop Opposite ConfrreiiHtlonal Ulnivcl-, Main Street, Oreeon City, Ore. Dr. A. A. Barr Hare Your Eyes Examined Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Consultation Free For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop liis wagon as it goea by. Bargains H. ST AIGHT, DEALSR IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE of CHARMAN & 30N A full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.