6 -0REQON CITY COURIER. 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1898. NO. 6 1000. m Mr Must be strictly pure WHITE, grown, and have painted in neat two inch black letters on either side the following words: "Have your fire insurance written by an agent who has had years of experence in writing policies and who represent only the largest and best companies in the world." F. E. DONALDSON, Agent OREGON CITY, OREGON Bicycles With Wings... The nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect ed and the makers who produced the Chainless Bicycle are public bene factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving parts. No attention necessary. "You buy the wheel the Columbia Chainless does the rest " Not an hour of time taken to keep the Chainless in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appearance. Less expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modern and complete bicycle factory. "You see them everywhere." They are STANDARD OF Columbia lhaln Wheel! $ 7R.00 I rnlnmhm Tandems 125.00 I Hartfnrda BO. OO Vedettes (35.00 40.00 Insure Your THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL of Springfield, Massachusetts. (Incorporated 1851) BECAUSE all of its policies are written under the famous NON-FORFITING LAWS OF MASSA CHUSETTS, which are the best of any state in the Union. The law provides that your policy cannot become forfeit or void for non-payment of premium after two full annual premiums are paid, and it fixes the amount of paid-up insurance or cash that you shall receive on any subsequent anniversary. Do not take life insurance until you see what the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company will do for you. For rates and specimen policy, also a copy of the law, call on or address H. C. CO LTON, Manager Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of Commerce, PORTAND, OREGON FRETFUL YOUNGSTERS Should be kept out in the fresh air as much as possible. It frets them to be kept continually indoors. No excuse for not supplying baby(, with a new BABY CARR1AQE when the prices are so low arid we give you all the time you want in which to pay for them. Our '98 Baby Carriages are beauties. BELLOnY & BUSCM Tlie HuusefurbUlien, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE THE WORLD. Jnck-Mn' Jill Wnmeni. ....$30.00 .... 33.50 Second-hand Wheeln. 10.00 to $50.00 CHARMAN & CO , Cut-rate Druggists, Agents. Life in tlie LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Royal make the food pure, wholeMma and oalicioM. mi FOVDER Absolutely Pure aovt bkihi powom eo., ncwvohk. COUNTY COURT. Ollkiul Proceedings of the Regular June Session. BILLS ALLOWED. (Continued from last week.) . C D Rnnvan, court reporter $10 00 T W Fouts, baliff 9 00 T M Miller, " 9 00 TJ Cleeton, dist atty 82 50 Carll & Sommer, Co physician. . . 04 00 1 he following additional sums were apportioned road districts: Dist No 31 $ 50 00 " " 20 130 00 " " 8 50 00 " " 6 ....1800 00 Report of clerk and recorder on fees collected for May approved ; clerk's tol- lections, $135 25 ; recorder's, $191 15. Per diem and mileage of commission ers allowed as follows : F Jaegar, 10 days and 12 miles... $31 20 S t Marks 9 days and 20 miles. . . 29 00 ROAD ACCOUNTS The following road bills were allowed for May work : Koad District No 1 La boron Price Ful ler, Milwaukie, Outfield, Risley and Sec tion Line roads: H Hoselv $ 5 25 R S McLaughlin 12 50 Chas Faukhatmer 3 00 Walter Hagenberger 24 Oil Geo Wise 12 00 Wm Karr 3 01 E Jones 15 00 H Daniels 21 00 O N Battin 18 00 VV H Counsell and team 20 25 Paul Spooner 9 00 C G MUlard 7 50 Wm WT&e 24 75 Mary Giffoid 18 75 W H Counsell.. 32 00 Total . .. .$225 50 District No 2 Labor on Zinser road : J B Cramer $33 00 R G Cramer 10 50 Geo Smith 4 50 Cliff Lewthwaite 6 00 J F Robinson 75 T Roots 3 00 W Imel 1 i.O P DeShields 6 00 M C Thompson 1 60 Walt Wilson 15 00 F Foster 75 J W Zinser 7 50 Wm Zinser 4 88 C Held 13 12 Fred Singer 4 88 C H Mall, bridge work 1 50 Wm Herr 23 25 H C Ulrick 15 75 Wm Beebe 7 88 G Harting 17 62 F 0 Strickrott 10 12 Frederick Zinser 12 75 Ben Herr 7 87 Geo Gathney 5 25 t u Zinser 4 5 J B Cramer, fuse 60 00 J Zeek 3 85 Total District No 4 H FCurrin T Bowfn R H Currin. Jhr Stone Wilber Wade A Shankland Gus Wilcnx and team. F J Harkenrider R A Looney Ed Noble G J Currin $225 50 . . 29 00 ... 9 00 . . 10 50 .. 9 00 .. 10 60 .. 7 50 .. 18 00 .. 6 00 .. 7 60 .. 3 00 .. 4 60 Total $114 50 DiHtric tNo 6 W H Counsell 10 20 W 8 Payne, repairing 1 60 R Jonsrud 3 65 J H Wewer, lumber 420 77 T Konecke 2 25 Geo Beebe 12 00 H Beebe ; 9 00 J H Revenue ... 40 00 J F Erickson, bridge 3 00 G Jonsrud 0 00 Ned Nelson 4 60 B Nelson 3 00 Total $452 62 District No 7 .las O'Dell 8 00 E D Hievers 3 00 John Sievers 8 25 V Taborden 7 60 A Aschon" 3 75 O Aschoff 2 50 3 00 Total $32 50 District No 8 ' C Harris 2 25 U S Endersby , 5 25 F J Walkley 6 00 U Enersby 8 25 C Harris 4 60 Total $26 25 District No 11 Labor on Clackamas and Kercham Mill road : WH Smith $28 50 8Eby 21 00 C Smith 7 JO Geo Himler ; 12 00 Epb Feraurion.. ................ 10 60 A Engberg n 60 Ed Thayer 13 50 John Shafer 9 75 A Asmus 12 75 J Holcomb 13 75 LD Mumpower 5 0(1 0 A Kolstrom. 36 00 J A Jones, lumber 9 60 J E Arleue, repairs 4 55 Total $199 85 District No. 14 JL Swafford.. .,......$36 00 L A Forbes 7 50 LNCollett 7 60 I Shelly , 24 00 I Shelly 16 00 O Knitzman. 13 50 DAFoibas 6 00 Geo PneHter 6 00 H Hennei 6 75 Fred Hemic! 6 75 J LewiB 45;) O Shelly 12 75 J Price 3 00 N W Richards 10 50 , Geo Gibbs 12 00 hd Titng 75 A Mautz , 75 Total $174 25 District No 15 R H Labor $24 70 W B Lawton . ...... 13 50 F M Thompson 4 28 Mat Hamilton 23 55 R W Porter 4 51) Jos Howell 1 50 Geo Lazell 6 00 A Warner 17 55 W SieverB 11 55 Total $107 13 District No 16 Labor on New Era and Canhy and New Era and Oregon City and Parrot Creek hill : WS Rider $18 00 Geo Blanchard 4 50 T Bonghfman 4 50 C McCormack 9 00 Geo Randall 3 00 C W Rider.. 12 00 J L Waldron 1 50 W Randall 3 00 F M Blanchard 6 00 W Scheer 6 00 I Penman 6 00 EGeilbrick 1 50 Geo Christ 1 60 J Burgoyne 4 50 T M Blanchard 3 00 T Chinn . ; 4 50 J CCritzpr 4 50 W N Gregorv. 7 50 Geo Rider..'. 7 50 Burt McArtlmr 4 50 Ed Waldron 3 00 J A Newbury.... 1 50 Total $117 00 District No 17 I F Devoe .....$ 2 25 Wm Biasell... 14 62 J Bur.eyv 11.63 JTice 7 12 F Fisher..; 4 50 H Smith 1 50 F H Renoad 4 87 HCBuicker 10 50 A Knight 3 00 G Gurley 5 63 P Rushey 4 88 O Cloey 4 13 Iran Wheeler 3 75 J Shindler 2 63 A'dk ins Bros., 8 67 Total $89 67 District 19 Labor on Meadow Brook and Oregon City and Clarkes and Oregon City roads: K M Manning $ 9 75 Wm Wallace 3 00 Mike Mulvey 9 75 Fred Enrickson 3 00 August Enrickson..... 7 50 C Daniels .- 3 00 Will Moore 6 00 Robert 8chuebel 4 50 E Paine 3 00 F Howard 1 60 J Mnlvany 3 00 II Brings 3 00 H D Looney 6 (10 F Miller 14 25 Chas. Deen 24 00 B G Cosper 3 00 Geo Rodgers 3 00 John Dennison 23 00 E Cummings -11 25 Frank Paine 3 00 Jack Knotts 2 25 . District 23 Labor on Marks Prairie and Meridian roads and Rock Creek hill : Ed Graves ; $13 00 Carl Potman 1 00 R E Casto 1 50 J 8 Owinga 1 00 CIKilimer 3 00 G W Owings 3 00 J J Taylor 8 62 J F M'ichtman 6 00 FCanvau 7 60 W 8 Buchanan 6 00 Claud Reid 2 25 Fred Bachert 1 62 J as Fisher 2 27 Chris KroBt 2 27 John Gohra 2 50 Aug Dalman... 1 75 F H Hilton 150 8 L Miller 16 15 G W N Taylor 5 62 J H Sutherland 6 25 Sol Bachert 6 20 M Bachert 14 40 J J Millar 6(0 W J Miller 30 00 Toial $146 80 District 25 Labor on Oregon City, SiWerton, Canby and Molalla roadi: G W Scramlin $ 3 00 J W Smith 10 60 J Weismandel 24 75 Chas Morris 6 00 Chas Reynolds 3 00 W H White 6 00 LE Look 3 00 L Look 1 50 Chas Gilbrich 2 60 W Riggs 4 60 Lane Gribble 6 00 Geo Resselning 6 00 A L Hartle 3 00 Ed Morris 3 00 Frank Palmer 3 00 JobnBarth 1 60 Coal Warnack 6 00 Frank Kraxberger 4 60 Geo Hanoi.,, 9 00 4 Men's Business Suits In Fancy Patterns and Plain Colors $7.50 and $9.35 Boy's Youth's Suits Made Exactly Like Our Mens Snlts and up to $15 These bright new goods are displayed in our windows. LOOK AT THEM A. B. STEINBACH & CO. Cor. First ami Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON JONES LEVER This celebrated binder has gained an enviable reputation in the last three years in Oregon. It represents lever power as applied to bind ing grain. It will run lighter, last longer and bind tighter than any other binder in the market. The Jones Chain Drive foot lift Mower has no back lash, runs light and is very durable. Will cut heavy grass with ease. I also carry a full line of Hay Rakes, Tedders, Hay Tools, Advance Threshers and Traction Engines, John Deere Plows, as well as a full line of Agricultural Implements and Vehicles. CALL AND SEE ME BEFORE BUYING EDWARD HUGHES Cor. Front and Taylor Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. A Big Clothing Sensation ' We are showing extraordinary values in Men's and Youth's Suns for Summer. Special prices that means low ones have been tried to some of our nobbust suits in order to clear them out. Every garment is new, rightly made, and fully guaranteed. $4.35 $5.75 $6.50 I BINDER fmS . . Continued on 81b page-