Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, June 17, 1898, Image 7

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Speaking In Liverpool two rears ago, h
the Armenians.
Famous Bcelment'a Second March
Through Baltimore.
Times change and men change with
them. This truth Is recalled, by the
reception accorded the Sixth Massa
chusetts Eeglment In Baltimore while
on Its way to the encaouijment in Falls
Church, Va,, to aid In crushing Spain.
This greeting was splendid In concep
tion and carrying out and reflects great
credit upon the Baltlmoreaus who left
nothing undone that could contrllTute
to the glorification of the Bay State
soldiery while within the confines of
Maryland's great city. In marked con
trast to this was the reception given to
the same regiment In the same city on j
April in, lstii, while oo Its way to
Washington. Then the command was
set upon by a mob numbering tlxn
sands, and before the regiment cut Its
way through the infuriated multitude
five soldiers were killed and twenty
four wounded. The number of dead
and wounded In the assaulting column
was never correctly ascertained, but
from the most authentic sources nt
least thirty were killed and more than
100 wounded. The fight was desperate
for more than ft mile and the volleys of
the soldiers were given wtth the mu
zles of their guns within a few feet of
those wno disputed their passage. This
assault made the regiment famous, as
it was the first blood shed in the civil
The commander, Edward P. Jones,
scented an uprising In January, 1801,
and bad his companies, chiefly from
boston, ready weeks before the firing
on Port Sumter. As soon as President
Lincoln Issued the call for 75,000 men
Jones had the Sixth In motion and had
the honor of leading the first regiment
down Broadway, New York, for the
seat of war. The New Yorkers gave
the troops an uproarious welcome. As
soon as It was learned they were to
go through Baltimore the people of
that city became very Indignant and
proposed to forcibly prevent It At
Philadelphia the frowning attitude of
the Monumental City was communi
cated to the soldiers en route, whose
good time was suddenly lnternrpted by
the order to load their guns with ball
cartridge. This meant an ugly recep
tion. .
The troops arrived In the hostile city
In a crowded station filled with angry
men who hurled execrations at tle ar
riving soldiery. Finding this did not
provokea quarrel, as the Sixth emerged
Into the street a fusilade was begun,
and soon the air was filled wtth flying
missiles hurled at the Invaders. Sev
end were struck and then the regiment
turned and faced Its assailants. This
did not deter the unorganized foe and
the command was given to fire. When
the smoke lifted several of the dead
and dying rioters were stretched on the
ground and a panic-stricken mob was
bunting a place of safety. A running
fight was kept up until the regiment
reached the depot on the other side of
the city, when it was found that five
of the members had been shot to death
and many wounded. The ride to Wash
ington was without Interruption. The
bodies of the dead soldiers were con
veyed to their homes and a great fu
neral procession took place In Boston.
A noble monument to their memory la
erected on one of the main streets In
Worcester, where most of the killed
were from.
Th assault embittered the Balti-
e denounced the TutkIsu crusade against
moreana and led to a general arming
of the men and boys, wtoo threatened to
massacre any Northern troops that
should attempt the march through
their city. The public mind became so
Inflamed that the Mayor pleaded with
President Lincoln to withhold his as
sent to having any more regiments
pass through, as It might lead to the
destruction of the city.
The order was secured and Washing
ton, for some time after, was reached
by Northern regiments going around
by way of Annapolis and avoiding Bal
timore. It was several weeks before
Baltimore cooled dorvn sufficiently to
permit Union soldiers to march unmo
lested through her streets.
Long ago Boston and Baltimore made
up for this scrimmage and have been
the best friends since, and It was at
the request of the Marylanders that the
Sixth Eeglment, equipped for servioe
against a foreign foe, be invited to
tread the streets where her march was
so rudely disturbed thirty -seven years
ago. The Invitation was promptly ac
cepted by GoL Woodward and his men.
When the regiment arrived there It rivet
with a magnificent welcome. For four
hours thousands hung around the
Mount Royal station awaiting the sol
utres. When they did arrive 20,000 peo
ple were massed In the square and a
great shout went up as the Boston boys
left the train. A delegation of 200 of
the leading citizens beaded by Mayor
Malster met the troops. The Mayor In
words touching and tender addressed
the Sixth, and bade them God -speed on
their Journey, and then presented a
floral shield In the shape of a large bas
ket of choice flowers. Across the face of
the floral shield was the inscription In
violets: "Maryland and Massachusetts,"
On streamers extending from the Ixtsket
were the Inscriptions: "Baltimore wel
comes the Sixth Massachusetts;"
"Flowers, Not Bullets f "God Bless
You and Bring You Safely Home,"
"Maryland Honors Massachusetts, May
21. 1S98." OoL Woodward made an elo
quent address for the visitors, and as
he concluded three cheers and a tiger
were given for the Sixth which could
have been heard a mile away.
Derivation of the Word Klondike.
"The River Trip to the Klondike" Is
the title of an article by John Sidney
Webb In the Century. Mr. Webb says:
"From Dawson the trail to the mines
leads over a steep hill to the creek
made so famous by its tributaries; for
there Is not a single mine on the prin
cipal stream, which In the miners'
slang Is called Klondike, And yet this
stream does In reality liear a charac
teristic name given It by the Indians,
which is utterly murdered by this
pronunciation, now so common.
"The Indians name " the creeks
throughout the country from some
characteristic hi connection with the
stream Itself; and as this one Is so
swift that In order to set their salmon
traps or nets they were obliged to use
a hammer to drive the stakes to an
chor them, the creek was named by
them Hammer Creek, or, In their lan
guage, phonetically, Troan Dlk. The
spelling Klondike means absolutely
nothing, but has been accepted, so I
learn, by the Board of Geographical
Namea of the United States."
Active and Passive.
Mrs. WallaceYou could make a llv
Ing easily enough, If yon would only
Perry Patettle Yes'm, but you see,
most of the time Pm bein' tried Instead
of tryin'. Cincinnati Enquirer.
An Atchison man has concluded to
rtay at borne, and continue the war
with bis wife.
The General'! Wife la au Ideal Con
sort for a Soldier.
Mrs. Nelson A. Miles, wife of thi
commander of the United States army,
Is one of the most attractive and hos
pitable women In Washington, and
deeply interested In every move that Is
made by the American army. She has
always taken an Interest In fighting
since she has been a soldier's wife.
Years ago when the general was only
Col. Miles, in command of the Presidio
In San Francisco, he and Mrs. Miles
were called the handsomest couple In
the army." Mrs. Miles has not lost
much of that charm that made her the
goddess of every young fellow from
West Point in her young days In Cali
fornia. She was Mary Sherman before
her marriage. Her father was Judge
Sherman, a brother of the Senator and
the General. Her hair is dark and
abundant her eyes are a grayish blue
and her manners are winning. She Is
as kind and attentive to the wife of a
second lieutenant as to the wife of a
brigadier general, and that la why 6he
has ever been popular, no matter where
stationed. Mrs, Miles accompanied the
General on his trip to Europe lust year.
She accompanied him, too on some of
his expeditions against the Indians,
and was often within sound of the
Whirligig that Has Baffled Scientists
of International Hepute.
Fold a piece of paper as shown In the
cut and balance It on a needle forced
Into a cork. If you place your opeD
right hand by the side of the apparatus,
with the palm as near to the paper as
can be without actually touching it,
and with the fingers slightly curved In
ward, the vane, after one or two prelim
inary wriggles, will begin to revolve:
slowly from right to left If the left
hand be employed in the same way it
will, on the contrary, move from left to
right The vane will continue to re
volve thus foT a greater or less length
of time, when It will again oscillate and
finally stop. Plenty of explanations
have been given to account for the mo
tlon, but none Is as all satisfactory. It
is a puzzle that has baffled scientists of
International repute. What makes the
whirligig go?
Reformed by a New Pavement.
Bill Smith lives tar beyond King's
highway. He has lived In that sec
tion since the time It was composed
of cornfields and cow pastures. For
thirty years he has been a habitual
drunkard. '
Bill Smith quit drinking Intoxicating
liouors recently. At first nobody no
ticed his reform. Finally, everybody
became surprised when they stopped
to think that Bill Smith had been so
ber for many weeks, and was attend
ing strictly to business, just as if he
had never toyed with a bottle In all his
"What's the matter with old Bill
Smith? Has he reformed? He has
been sober for a month now," said one
citizen to another the other day.
"Don't you know what's the matter?
Bill Smith had to quit drinking," re
plied the second citizen.
"Did the doctors tell him he had to
quit?" asked the first citizen.
"No. Thirty years ago, and up to
the last year, Bill Smtb could get
drunk and roll In the soft mud any
where west of King's highway; but re
cently granitoid sidewalks were put
down In his locality, and Smith went
home drunk live nights in succession,
and each night he had a new bump the
size of a hen's egg on his head. Bill
else he would have butted out bis
Smith simply had to quit drinking,
brains on these granitoid sidewalks.
St Louis Globe-Democrat
Strong Minded.
"Your wife Is somewhat strong
mlrfded, Isn't she, Llttlejotin V
"Strong-minded? A furniture polish
peddler came here yesterday, and in
five minutes' talk she sold him some
polish he had made herself." Detroit
Free Preaa.
Without the Fi'st You Can
not Have thn Lact i
Without the ttrst you cannot have the Inst
Hood's iarsnnarillu irives both. Iteeutlv
tones and strengthens the stomach and
gives digestive yover. creates an anpetite,
and invigorates the whole system. It
strengthens the nerves and gives sweet, re
freshing sleep.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. il ; six for S3.
HnnH'c Dlllf are the best after-dinner
J pills, aid digestion. 25c. !
Easy Work for the Iceboat.
A new type of iceboat constructed on
a novel principle has just been launch
ed in England. One propeller is ar
ranged aft in the usual manner, and
another, though smaller one, is located
at the bow of the buat. This propel
ler, by giving to the water under the
ice high sternward velocity, and thus
creating a partial vacuum, deprives
the ice of its support and reduces its
resistance to crushing, so that the ad
vancing how of the vessel, which is ar
ranged with suitable overhang, cuts
its way into the uueuppnrted ice with
out experiencing either the shock or
resistance to -which former types of
the ice breakers were constantly ex
posed. The v.essei was constructed for
the government of Finland, and will
be employed to maintain the port of
Hango in naviyable conditiou during
the winter seaeon.
A powder to be shakes into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, 'trv
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tiie feet anil
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Kelieves corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it tmlnv. Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 2.rc. Sent
by mail for S9c in stamps. Trial packaue
FKEK. Address Allen S. Olmsted, La
Rpy, New York.
Au Unpopular Cruiser.
The Topeka, originally the Diog
enes, of England, is being- made into a
fighting ship at the Brooklyn navy
yard. She is not very popular -with the
officers and men, aocording to Tlie New
York Press. Jack's old propensity for
naming things himself hasn't let the
Topeka go by, and he's dubbed her the
"Tapioca," and says she isn't a pud
ding either! But the Tapioca she's
known as at the yard umong both men
and officers, and is is always called
so except when they're speaking of her
CIT e Vermanmtly Cured. Ko fltsor nervousnee
r 1 1 t alter ttrst clay's use of Dr. Kllue's Ureal
Nerve Restorer. Send for STB.IC Wa.ou trial
Dottle aud treatise, DR. R. H, pi.ryv jj-Vi
Arcu street, Vliiladelyhia, Fa.
Electric Exercise.
Electricity has been applied to a new
muscular exeroiser, an elastic cord be
ing fastened on the wall with a ring in
the center to which short rods carrying
metal grips are attached, the cunent
being admitted through both rods to
the hands, or one wire can be attached
to a foot plate to exercise the lower
ceiving large Invoices of 1 he celebrated Stoug-h-tun
waifoim. Tlie.se ure superior lu any ever put
upon this market. Before buying a wagon call
aud examine, or write for cutulogne, Addreaa
foot of Morrisou street, Poriluuri. Oregon.
Improved Lightering Iliirge.
A New York man has designed a
new lightering barge, which has rigid
oranes on the deuk, on which carriages
are placed to support the hoisting pul
leys, which are provided with means
(or raising merchandise and grain.
I never used so quick a cure a Piso's
Cure for Consumption. J. 1). Palmer,
Box 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25, 1805.
We cannot see the sun itself, we see
only the cloud or vapor shell that cov
ers it like a mantle of a Weiabach
Relieved of Periodic Pain and Backache.
"Before uoing Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, my health was
being gradually undermined. I suf
fered untold arjony from painful men
struation, backache, pain on top of my
head, and ovarian trouble. The com
pound entirely cured me. I.Ir.s.
Georoib Wass, 023 Bank St., Cincin
nati, 0.
" For years I had suffered with pain
ful menstruation every month. One
day a little book of Mrs. Pinkham's
was thrown into my house, and I
sat rljlit down and read it. I then
got some of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and Liver P1113. I
can heartily say that to-day I feci like
a new woman ; my monthly suffering
Is a thing ot the past. I shall always
praise the Vegetable Compound for
what it has done for me. Mns. Mab
oaret A.NDEr.soK, 3C3 Lisbon St,
Lewlston, Me,
"Lydia E. jnkham's Vegetable Com
pound, has a.-cd mo of painful men
struation and backache. The agony
I suffered during menstruation nearly
drove me wild. Now this is all over,
thanks to Mrs, Pinkham's medicine and
advice." Mrs. Cabbie V. Williams,
South Mills, N. a
The great volume of testimony
proves conclusively that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la a
safe, sure, and almost infallible rem
edy in cases of irregularity, suppressed,
excessive, or painful monthly periods.
Make money by lucceilul
Iiecaiaiioti in Chicago. We
buy aud noil wneat ou mar
gnu. Fortune! have heen
made on a small beginning by tradiuij In In.
turei. Write lor full uarticulan. hrut of r.i.
erence given. Several yean' ex perteuce on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know,
ledge ol tbe business. Send for uor iree refer
ence boos. DOWSING, HOPKINS Co.,
Chirsiro hoard of Trade Broker. Ofhcei In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wanh.
LUM1& Wrttnt ill iiSi IklLk.
Beat Couh Syrup, f uvea Good. UM I
in tlma. Sold tjy rtruggimt.
Belief In Cnlndry Hoars.
Common as is the superstition that
Friday is the most unlucky of days,
and 18 of numbers, t'he belief in un
lucky hours is equally widespread on
the European continent and in the
East. Gainbetta was so firmly con
vinced that certain hours of the day
are lucky and others unlucky that he
won5d never commence any important
undertaking or start on an important
journey without consulting a famous (
reader ot . cuius ns to the auspioious f
hour, ami President J?aure, who was
prudent enough to select a lucky hour
for starting on his recent journey to
Russia, is said to share Uambetta's au-'
perstition. President Carnot was less
credulous, and selected an unlucky
hour for starting on the journey to
Lyons, where he was assassinated by
Caserio. The supeistition is so cotu
nion in Paris that cards tastefully em
bellished and containing a list of
"hours to be avoided" are extensively
If confidence can be felt tn the opinion of i
military and naval officers in high places at
the seat of government, such Is the vast extent
or our sea coast to blockade it effectually, :
even if our navy and sea coast defenses could ,
offer no attenuate resistance, stems to be inv
possible, when a blockade of the bowels
exists, relieve constipation with. ...Hostetter's
Stomach Hitters, which oonqners ' dvspepsia,
malaria, rheumatism and kidney trouble.
Persons residing in the District of
Columbia have no vote there, .but they
may vote in the state in which they
claim a legal residence.
Tire Rhind manuscript now in the
British museum is the oldest intelligi
ble mathematical work extant that
has ever been deciphered.
Statu or Ohio, City o? toledo,
Lucas County. I
Frank J. Chkney makes oath that be ts the
senior jiarter of the linn oi F. J. Cheney A Co.,
aoniK uusinoss in tne uttv oi loieuo, i;ounty
and ttate aforesaid, and that said firm will pav
the sum ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarkh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this 6th day pf December, A. D. 1880.
I "beal I A- W- aLEA80N
Hall's Catarrh Core fs taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surtaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free.
V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by rtrti(r(rists,-7jc,
Hall's Family fills are the best.
Ts the working capital
of huruanlt;
:v. He who
loses that is wrecked
Indeed. 19 your hiJtli
falling you, your am
bition, vlRor, vitality
wasting away t
When otben fMl on
For the speedy, safe and permanent core of all
Nervous, Chronic, mid Special diseases, evun
In their most aggravated forms. There is no uiuu
lu the world who baa elfected oo many permanent
cures In both Men and Women nf trtmblin u-hleh
other phystcaus of ucknowledgea ability bad giveu
up as hopeless as tbia eminent specialist.
NEUVOirs DEBILITY and all Its attending
ailment, of YOL'NO, MIDDLE-AGED and OLD
11 KN. The awful effect of ueglected or Improp
erly treated coses, oauslng drams, weakuess of
body and brain, dlulnesa, falling memory, lack of
energy and confidence, pains in back, lolna and
kidneys, aud many oilier distressing syniptmus,
unuttlng one for study, hunlness or enjoymeut of
Ufa DrKatrtloe can cure yon, no matter who or
what has failed.
WEAK lU EN. He restores lost vigor and vi
tality to weak men. Organs of the body which
iiave been weakened through dispose, overwork,
excesses or liidlscretions are restored tofull power,
strength and vigor through lilsuwu successful sys
tem of treatment.
VARICOCELE, hydrocele. swelling and ten
derness of the glands treated wltn unfailing success.
Bt'ECIAL mSKlSES. Inflummation, dis
charges, etc.j which, If neglected cr Improperly
treated, break down the system, cause kidney aud
bladder disease, etc
pecial attention given to all their many ailmeats.
WKITK If yon are aware of any trouble. DO
NOT DELAY. Call on Dr. Ratclllfe today. Ifyou
cannot call, write him. Ills valuable hook free tu
all aulferera, CONSULTATION FKEK and cxinti
dential at olflce or by letter.
E. M. RATCUFFE, 10 First In. SEITTl!, WISH
la it Wrong;
Get It Right.
Keep it RiRht
Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it. Throe
doses will mate you feol better. Get It from
your druggist ot any wholesale drag house, or
fcom Stowart it Holmes Drug Co.. Seattle.
Ml I MCI M KSmedlm'"
Plaid or with Cutter. The best needle In tire mar
ket. I'sed by all sack sewers. For sale by all av.
oral mtirchaiidise stores, or by
ffi Market Street, Han Francisco, CaL
..Great Removal Sale..
Draws immense crowds and fa bringing in mail orders at a rate that hat neces
sitated the employment of a largely increased clerical force.
Half a million dollars' worth of goods MUST be sold before w move into our
new store, and only
...Greatly Reduced Prices...
on the entire stock can brine about this result.
All mail orders filled at Removal Sale Prices.
o o a, n v Cor
Hoitt'a School, at Burlingame. Cal., still
maiu tains its position in the front ranks of
the schools on the Pacific coast.- , It has
just closed the most successful year in its
history and graduated ten yo'ung men.
Nowhere are boys better tanght or better
cared for in every respect. San Francisco
Cttlt May Srth. ' ,
In 1748 the habitual users of the
English did not number morejthan 80,-
uuu.ooo; in ism their number was es
timated at 110,000,000.
Established 1780.
Portland to Chicago Without Change
Quirk Time.
I nlon Depots.
1'erHonnlly Condnoted Exerrrslona.
liiigguge Ohevkml to Destination.
I.ow flutes.
Direct linn to Tranx-MlasUslppI and
Iiiteruutloiiul Exposition held In Omaha,
Nebraska, .lune to November,
Write undersigned for rates, time tables and
other inloruiatiou pertaining to Union I'acitla
R. V. BAXTER, Gen. Agent,
135 Third 8U, I'ortlttnd, Oregon.
M. P. N. t.
No. tS, '98.
HEN writing to ajdrartlaers pleas
mention tuia pajior.
We lead and originate
fashions In.
Secd Mnd stark s
g celebrated for more &
A than a century as a
I A fS delicious, nutritious, "J?
1 K ' lsSB and flesh-forminii 2
fgffiCSl beverage, has our 3
fill g
' M pPja on th non of every jf
ia ffil! tMfl package,, and, our g
, IM j W trade-mark.-LaBelle $
& K?U 'li Chocolatiere,"on the "O"
& Dorchester, Mass. 3
soJt3c3t3 $'34$$'3ai3t3i3!5a
ISSmv pM'tss ' uVV,A
fiTl 'a7 10 C0T mo" ,0"
I S "M Teilw 1 '"d toYl
1 1 a tin! longer tba any ini to B ft V
I " m lb world undo forfeit oi I
I I . .. . ,i,mIT