PIONEER DRUG STORE 11 OFFICIAL RETURNS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY ELECTION, JUNE 6, 1898 IF YOU WANT DRUGS OR MEDICINES CANDIDATES. .GO TO ... . I. . ruusufl . V To be Celebrated at Oregon City Best Oratorical Talent Giand Chorus Band of 30 Pieces Foot Races Bicycle Races Horse Races Boat Races Swimming Races Log Rolling Firemen's Tournament Indian War Dance Numerous Costly Prizes Grand Illumin ation Falls Full Particulars next week Fob Govkhnor II M Clinton T T (Jeer Will R Kilift John U Luce . It Secretary ok Statu H C Davis. F I Dunbar... II It Kincnid. Ira Wakelield TllEAHURER J O Booth chn H Moore. .las K Sears R V Moses Votaw V Suit. Schools J H Ackerman K B EEmerick 1' J E Hosmer R P H 8 Lyman U State Printer Chas A Flton. u I) L Grace R P W II Leeds R TB Melton lei P Supreme Jddoe T P Hackleman .. f) Frank A Moore... R W M Ramsay U Attorney General D R N Blackburn. .HI C J Bright. ... , P J L 8tory U CONOBESS J L Hill RF LH Penerson r Thos II Tongue. ...H R M Veatoh U Circuit Judos W 1) Hare U Thos A McBrlde R Proskcutino Att'y ThosJCIceton R Geo Noland U B'n Equalization Wm Barlow V WmH Smith. . ...R Joint Senator H L Harkley V L L Porter R Senator Geo C Rmwnell.. . R Clias Moral R I1 W W Marrs P W S U'lten U REPRESENTATIVES .las Coon Geo Knight Geo Ogle John Denison . . Alex Thomson K J L Kruse R1 Geo H Btown P Wm S ltunyau 1' C A Wllley I1 W F Kirk K P Commissioner W J Currln I W F Herman .1 hiclmnl Morton. R Jm M Poo R P JUIKSK W W Mvers V ThnsFRvan R 1 I) Surface P SlIKIIII'E J J Cooke r Wm Goiihould P A .1 KelluKg R I 8 M Ruinnby 11 Adolph Asrhofr. R Klmcr Dixim ... U K M Mortimore P Recokiieii A Luelllnir II1 Tom P Kaudall R A J Ware 1 AS ESHOR G L Crook P B G Cosiier BP I. Stout IT 11 Williams R Treasurer A B MiiKiuam .... R Iaao Prliidle .... P Jacob Shade ..... I' Surveyor K M Miller.. P Ernest P Rands R A Todd U Suhoo sura J W May P H B Strange.. R II G Starkweather. .1'! CORONEB I H A Dedman . J B Forbes P . M c StricklHlirt U, It 16 40 hi 2 17 ! :m i 76 ; a & ts a ?! 55 o c c o n w r- v a h . "a t S ? i 3 II52&8-S&II? g s ' 3 :, i r 9. 9. 9. Z ? ' S ? x : j r f ! I 5 5 ! S ? 5 ! h I ft i ? IB 2 1 11 1 2 10 8 8 2 3 0 2 0 1 0 1 fi 100 I 58 87 211 ln: 73 5-1 169 211 55 96- 08 27 25 10 44 SO 19 S7 2101 3t9 I ISO fir. 51 62 50- 4S 82 81 08 42 !U UK 111 1 48 14 '22 52 1772 1 4 5 3,-6 4 2 4 3 1 4 1 0 2 2 1 1 3 6 1'H 14 1 2'' 10 0 1 10 64140001007 103 7 SI " 80 21 100 60 4s 157 197 50 95 06 23 20 16 42 80 21 81 2052 221 7 1411 92 52 68 62 54 811 93 62 41 33 41 19 1 40 14 21 54 1SS1 14 44 662 7 63411221126 1M 9 135 88 52 56 58 51 87 SO 65 40 29 37 19 1 50 13 20 52 1730 8 53 87 21 100 69 50 155 212 66 97 65 27 27 16 42 30 19 79 2091 S55 . 2 8 8 4 5 5 5 12 11 4 7 3 1 22 1 2 4 8 208 04 11 12 00 -9 8J0400. 00017 0 8 60 85 20 103 68 54 158 201 54 91 60 25 28 16 37 30 20 85 2037 255 0 8 2 2 11 2 1 10 S2471008006 132 1 5 44 684 9 10 7 10 2012 8128 1S4 '9 136 95 53 62 61 46 86 80 64 35 29 89 19 1 50 14 22 48 1782 10 130 95 50 02 59 52 147 144 70 43 31 37 19 1 48 14 27 72 2001 191 24 13 531 2 41620122117 146 !8 54 80 20 98 65 49 107 143 45 87 64 25 26 16 42 29 17 60 1810 0 6 8 3 12 0 0 6 84241000016 102 06 21 13 019 8216000011 11 108 !8 56 90 21 102 67 52 151 190 52 96 65 24 26 16 43 28 19 79 2039 180 it 132 93 54 64 69 49 92 92 68 41 80 38 20 2 49 15 25 55 1859 !6 57 89 21 100 61 48 150 188 65 92 67 24 27 16 43 29 19 74 2008 180 07 12 12 1,1 7 6814101001 10 118 3 130 92 51 61 62 52 89 91 59 40 27 38 19 2 47 15 24 58 1828 24 22 228 4 9 8 8 1 0 1 2 8 1 1 5 117 06 4 1 11 1 2 8 48031000009 111 !6 58 86 20 102 65 51 148 198 53 91 70 21 26 16 43 31 21 7S 2C08 207 H 129 92 62 62 59 46 94 84 62 87 28 40 19 1 47 12 24 61 1801 6 132 88 59 68 56 52 84 95 64 45 35 S6 17 1 50 15 22 65 1828 !7 57 88 18 105 69 52 166 195 66 90 66 24 28 17 40 30 22 86 2079 251 !7 57 87 23 108 67 51 148 193 49 86 64 21 25 16 40 29 20 78 1991 168 5 130 87 54 60 62 61 94 87 64 39 35 34 20 2 48 14 22 54 1823 18 130 91 58 64 53 45 98 107 60 39 32 39 20 1 48 12 22 55 1830 14 58 89 20 107 71 66 139 173 48 85 68 20 25 17 41 32 18 76 2028 198 14 140 101 56 75 72 52 96 106 70 44 33 40 22 I 48 19 26 57 2036 79 !4 59 85 20 101 66 52 149 187 47 92 64 24 25 15 42 20 16 80 1967 !3 48 79 15 79 61 44 161 191 46 92 56 23 24 15 40 28 16 83 1909 206 3 1 8 2 6 10 7 7 9 17 16 16 4 1 1 8 9 1 2 7 250 0 13 9 3 14 4 6 11 16 9 4 11 8 0 0 2 0 8 12 202 52 131 93 56 77 59 44 77 79 58 31 32 35 20 1 39 15 24 44 1706 56 121 87 48 63 65 48 85 75 58 56 29 31 15 1 40 17 23 46 1670 i3 134 9-2 54 08 63 46 95 92 61 41 34 38 19 1 40 1 8 24 5s 1849 22 M 135 6 2 58 60 43 85 79 61 37 31 31 17 1 41 18 24 50 1738 27 62 78 28 88 61 51 130 172 53 69 69 22 25 13 42 25 15 59 1828 29 67 88 18 107 69 67 154 189 59 85 66 26 27 16 47 27 19 78 1975 137 26 48 78 16 94 58 63 141 184 50 87 59 22 25 13 49 26 15 65 1862 192 37 41 944 10 95350012027 135 0 4 8 2 14 2 1 12 7 8 8 7 1 1 0 0 0 1 7 125 0 4 2 0 13 2 0 13 10 3 1 6 1 1 0 0 0 2 9 124 12 18 648 7 10 6621811017 162 61 144 92 57 67 63 48 95 99 67 45 32 46 18 1 50 17 26 52 1876 0 7 2 1 9 3 3 10 8 8 1 7 0 1 1 0 0 1 9 114 27 48 8() 23 115 63 52 145 185 49 iO 04 16 28 16 39 27 18 75 1942 66 23 12 332 3 42712122116 158 66 142 101 59 58 64 49 79 97 Pfl 53 34 37 24 2 50 13 30 50 1948 ' 20 65 86 IS 109 66 55 176 203 53 88 65 26 25 15 42 32 15 81 2061 113 03 01 12 10 4 84140000009 80 66 120 94 56 68 74 67 120 142 71 40 31 41 18 1 48 14 26 67 2069 287 1 3 1 1 10 1 1 11 6 8 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 116 82 22 610 5 82611121224 117 23 77 90 20 99 59 44 118 153 60 97 64 21 29 16 44 28 16 60 1832 37 49 82 21 96 66 54 111 163 40 88 66 20 26 18 55 31 16 60 1921 50 130 97 52 75 60 48 104 127 76 47 32 41 20 2 34 14 29 72 1090 71 16 2 8 11 1 0 9 14141000007 99 62 131 93 58 99 63 48 09 75 52 40 29 38 20 2 51 13 25 54 1841 28 64 88 20 77 61 51 180 218 65 98 & 23 26 16 37 31 18 78 2073 232 0410 802 8 2203000011 10 81 1 5 1 1 10 2 0 11 6 4 1 6 3 0 0 0 1 1 9 115 ' 26 21 434 4 58710221004 130 b8 133 94 63 60 62 45 81 95 64 89 81 80 IS 1 48 14 28 50 1819 81 49 87 19 101 60 52 151 188 47 91 61 20 26 16 41 30 17 70 1938 120 26 60 86 18 100 65 46 128 158 50 87 65 24 28 15 42 80 21 60 1859 04 51 13 10 6 88460001118 11H 64 131 91 56 07 61 66 117 128 66 45 HO 40 20 8 47 14 23 69 2023 164 1 5 1 2 16 2 1 10 788410001 1 11 139 27 57 88 24 107 (11 51 104 208 56 94 67 24 26 16 43 30 20 71 2078 818 61 130 91 50 58 62 49 77 73 58 39 80 88 19 2 49 14 23 54 1765 04 12 6 1 2 8 45280000 8 0b 106 34 56 88 19 79 67 51 159 198 64 77 66 28 26 16 40 28 19 77 2016 116 54 136 94 54 96 57 49 88 6 62 57 30 41 21 2 62 14 25 57 1900 S3 49 89 23 96 68 54 106 153 45 93 67 17 26 16 45 31 18 63 1879 0 4 8 1 17 0 0 11 10 5 O A 1 0 0 1 1 1 11 131 67 141 92 61 66 58 48 138 130 69 43 29 44 21 2 44 13 24 64 1991 112 GEO. A. HARDING & GO. ....Willamette Building, Opposite Commercial Bank j. Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. - Your patronage soliceted. WE FIT YOU :ii With shoe in conformity or your ideas. There are at many preferences for shapes in shoes as there are for other wearable articles. The e are few shapes or sizes, styles or prices that can not be found in our stock. Come in and give us your idea. KRAUSSE BROS SHOE STORE HARRIS' GROCERY... Fresh Stock of , First-Class Depot for HAT and FEED THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City OREGON CITY COURIER By A.W.CHENEY. 0 1 ty postoflloe as s)0 ond -olaii matte SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If naldln advance, per year 1 j SIX months ?J Ttiree mouths' trial t107The date opposite your address on the paper donotea I he time to which you hare paid . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, JUNE 17, 1898. Mu. Simon and BrowneU will both bo members of the senate next winter. We mention this in the interest of Salem liotel and boarding house people. Thore will be scenes in the chamber at the north end of the capitol worth coming hero urn! staying to see. Sulom Statesman. Tub republican party of Oregon hns declared squarely for the gold standard. This means an end of MitchoUism, and shifty, tricky statesmanship generally, that is what it should moan. But that does not settlo the money question. The gold standard ; like slavery, will destroy itself. No trust or syndicate system will will stand. the meanest, most contemptible and I Q I most dangerous plutocrat, though nit Q wOlOICl worth a dollar. The Single Standard. Editor Courier We hear a great deal said nowadays about a gold stan dard, a silver standard and a double standard. Why not enlarge on the stan dard business and discuss a wheat Stan dtrd.a potato standard, a corn standard or a cotton standard. All of those pro ducts are commodities including gold and silver and why either should be chosen a standurd to 'the exclusion of all the other is not quite clear to one who looks at this question from an unprejudiced standpoint. All economists and all the legal fra ternity admit that our standard or net value is the dollar which is tixed by law at 100 cents, and a ten-year-old school boy ought to know the price of dollars (not commodities) will be governed by the demand for dollars and the number of dollars available to supply the de mand. X X, BIDS WANTED. ITok. John Wanamaker, expostmaster Renoral, says: "I heartily approve of the idea of giving the people a ote on corrupt legislation. The movement to secure for the people direct and im mediate control over legislation shall Siave my support. I trust such a move anient will receive the thoughtful atten tion of all who would improve our political and industrial condition. I am willing to trust public questions to the intelligence and conscience of the peo ple. " 'Tun word "plutocrat" does not neceS' Sivrily unean a rich man. It is Btrange fact that a vast majority of plutocrats are poor men financially as well as morally poor while many wealthy peo' pie are the most genuine of democrats A plutocrat la one who looks upon wealth as a warrant of respectability and twith the right of industrial and political authority, ami of government of, by and for the rich. The toadies to wealth, the 4-aterers to monopoly government, and the blind, unthinking partisan who Totes and works for the party with s j-ecord adverse to the popular intorest is Notice is hcroby given thnt the board of school directors of school district No. 02 of Clackamas county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids at the residence of the school clerk on Seventh street, in Oregon City, Oregon, up to the hour of 7 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday the 6th day of July. 1808, for the sale and delivery to the district of 120 cords of good, sound, four foot fir wood, which has been cut from large live standing timber and thoroughly seasoned. Said wood to be first-class in all respects, and suitable for use in the furnaces of the school buildings. Seventy cords of said wood to be delivered at the Barclay school building on Twelfth street and fifty cords at the Eastham school build ing on Seventh street. The whole of uiiu woou w De aenvereu on or Detore September 1st, 1898. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Board of Directors. S. M. MoCows, District Clerk. Dated at Oregon City, June 17th, 18US. His Story of What Hood's Sar saparilla Has Done Whole Family Greatly Helped by This Medicine. , "I am an old run down soldier, my whole system being out of order and my right side partially paralyzed. I have tried various remedies and realized only temporary relief. I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparllla and Hood's Pills, and have derived more real benefit from them than anything I have tried. My wife has been greatly helped by Hood's Sarsapa rllla. She was all run down and her system much out of order. My two little boys recovered quickly from the effects of diphtheria by taking Hood's Sarsapa rllla, which rid them of troublesome sores and symptoms of the croup. They are now well and hearty." W. F. Burnett, Btarkey, Oregon, Remember Hood's 1 parilla Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. DMlc cure nausf'a' Indigestion, 11UUU S rUlS biliousness, constipation. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties OOlce in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY .... OREGON Geo. C. Bbowniu J. u. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBLEL 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building - Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LauDiNo Insurance Agency or Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade Drawing of Legal Doouments a Specialty Office on east aide of Main street Between 6th and 7th LARGE AND GOOD.... Bread made and baked with the same care that would be given in your own house is a specialty of ours. We use pure flour of fine . quality, insist on perfect cleanliness in all the stages of mixing, baking, etc. We have a fine line of groceries here for your selection. The figures on these are also very small. HEINZ & CO. Opposite Postoffice IF WOMEN VOTED- OREGON CITY, OREGON , And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority "Patent" Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all groceries. .:; TO - G. H. BESTOW FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PBICE? EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Church, Mala Street, Oregon City, Ore. A YOUNG ROMAN BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING BOUSI IN THE CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000.00 SURPLUS iVB0.W President, Vice-president Cashier, Chas. H. Caufliid Geo. a. Hardin K. O. Cauheld Elliott Prairie School. Following is the report of the school taught in District No. 2, Elliott Prairie, for the month ending June 3. Number of days taught, 19; number o( dava at tendance, 40os4; days absence, -M.i; number of pupils enrolled, 2ti; average daily attendance, 21 i average number belonging, 24; cases of tardiness, 2. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month are: Edith, Birdie and Milo Blair; Zella Coldran, Etta and Lester Stanton ; Nettie Barber, llonry and Freddie Koehler, Willie Jvenagy, Mary and Tim Kenner. Ai.ktiia M. Pheli's, Teacher. A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Hade on Available Security Exchange Bought and Sold. Collection! Made Promptly. Drafts Bold Available In Any Part of the World. Telegraphto Exchange Sold on Portland, Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Tim Deposits. 31, C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private Experienoe.) Offers his professional services to the people of , Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office iu Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m,, 4 to 6 p. m. OREGON CITY .... OREGON J. W. WELCH DENTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Opposite P. O. Or too City, Csi No other preparation has ever done so many people so much good as Hood's Sarsaparillu, America's Greatest Medicine. For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to C. F. HENNINOS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes by. 0. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer L Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday and on regular aesslon days of County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865 j THE riONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans .made. Bills disoonnled. Makeseo lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. D.C.LATOCRETTE, FRED J. MEYER, Presideut Caa hie The Romans were the epicures of all the ages and gathered from sea, earth and air the dainty or substantial pro ducts of a luxuriaut age for the delecta tionof the palate. The average Ameri can youth is young Roman in appetite and if his mother or wife wants to find good things to feed him, she will see A. ROBERTSON The Qrocer Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape a very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures H. STAIGHT, dealse in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. BARGAINS. For particulars apply at Coubiee office, Oregon city, $500TA 'ouM?oni house and lot In Oregon WUUWCity; good location with fine view of river: ronnir trees mil hmh.. i. .... S900. ' r u,cr $800rA eteht-room house and two large i it , "ivnaiu, ui win iraue for smaller place and take difference In cash. $1100Two'lfood ho"w" and lot: hoee rented VAAWnearDanermill nnumnr'ii.. .m a . or sell en installment plao. " ' If yon have anything to trade or sell It will pay you to send description to the Courier. No charges unless sale or trade is made. YOUR PRICED" f-0 f,rm' bo,it " Vi2U m,ie, southeast of the ;""'""""T' 5 "n"i: uu perfect; also two lots, one In South Oregon City and the other in Oregon City proper; title perfect All this property must be sold. Terms easy: hard time prices Anyone that wants to buy will find It to his interest to investigate this. 3 A C K i. c1? a5?, Rhw atis m relieved kby Dr, MiUs' Nerve Piaster