CITY OREGON CITY, OREGONFRIDAY, JUIn lOUl YEAH. NO. 1 GOO. OREGON COURIER. FRETFUL YOUNGSTERS Should be kept out in the fresh air as much as possible. It frets them to be kept continually indoors. No excuse for not supplying baby with a new BABY CARRIAGE when the prices are so low and we give you all the time you want in which to pay for them. Our '98 Baby Carriages are beauties. BELLOflY & BUSCH The Housefurnishers, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Bargains. I In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE of CHARM AN & SON A fall line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. J Dr. A. A. Barr Have Your Eyes Examined Scientific Optician,' formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler.s&jM orrison St, Portland, Oregon. Consultation Free ...Bicycles With Wings... The nearest approach to flying yet attained. ed and the makers who produced the Chainless Bicycle fminra. Nn noise. No breaks. No friction caused by . No attention Darts Chainless does the rest in order for a year. The experts who perfect- are public bene exposed driving necessary. "Xou Duy tne wneei tne uoiumoia Not an hour ot time taken to Keep tne unainiesa More durable. More handsome in appearance. Less omfinRivft "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions ol use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the grt reatest achievement of icycle factory. "You $30.00 .. 3. 50 America's oldest and most modern and complete see them everywhere." I hey are, ' STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Columbia Chain Wheel 75.00 I Jack-Men's Colombia Tandem. M5.00 JlH-Wome.... ...... Kttei';:::::".:.:::.i35;oo 40:00 1 .oo ts.oo CHARM AN & CO , Cut-rate Druggists, Agents. WHAT LIFE INSURANCE DOES ..... Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. if mm FOVDEH Absolutely Pure HOVAL BAKINO POWDER SO., NFWVORK. No 6 C N Wait, union, 25 majority; Gilbert S Randall, rep, 3 majority. No 7 W W Jesse, union, 10 majority ; Frank Mathews, union, 38 majority. No 80 D Eby, union, 5 majority; constable, William Uverhart, union, 276 majority. N- 9 Wm Grissenthvaite. rep, 32 majority; John Evans, rep, 34 majority. No 10 R Rutherford, union, 85 ma jority; J D Meyers, nnion, 42 majority. No 11 J A Randolph, union, 57, ma jority; Win Kattdle union, 93 majority, No 12 H lireitlmupt, unian, 25 ma jority; Williom Bueknian, union, 157 majority. No 13 TG Jontrud, rep, 12!) majority ; Gilbert Jontrud, rep, 115 majority. No 14 H F Gibson, rep, 1 majority; A D Burnett, union, 33 majority. Seven union candidates for justices of the peace were elected, and six repub-Leans. School Apportments. COnnENCEflENT EXERCISES. Bright Class of Nine Graduate althe Parkplace School. The scene in the big auditorium, at Gladstone park last Friday evening, re minded one of the routine days at the Chautauqua assembly. The closing ex ercises of the Parkplace school was the- magnet that drew the immense crowd, an excursion train ot six trolley cars, having crried the Oregon City visitors to the park. The large platform was tastily ornamented with evergreens, bunting, flags and flowers, and the flower girls and little "Uncle Sams," who delivered the floral offerings to the graduates, were arrayed in stars and stripes, former graduating classes ot the Parkplace school always acquitted themselves creditably ; the class of '98 did exceptionally well. They are an un- 1 1 - t 1 I 1 3 usual origin mas3 ui young peupio uiiu a credit to Parkplace. The personell of the class is Carl L. Butt, Kate E. Smith, Daisy E. Rivers, Pearl Margaret Himler, Frederick G. Thayer, Florence E. Patty, Maude E. Brown, Mary Fran cis Huerth and Clark Haynes Williams. Excellent music was furnished by the Oregon City orchestra, led by "J. J. Cooke; the invocation was offered by Rev.T. W. Butler; Carl L. Butt de livered an oration on "The Landmarks of History;" KateTE. Smith's oration was on the "Poetic Realities of Nature ;" "Long Live the Republic," was the ti tle of Daisy J. River's oration, and Pearl Margaret Himler read an essay on "Woman's Influence in the Moral World." J. W. Loderand A. S. Dres ser sang a duet.which was well received . Frederick G. Thayer's essay was "Curi osity;" Florence E. Patty recited "Lasca;" Maud E. Brown's oration was "Launched, but Whether Bound;" Mary Frances Huerth recited an origi nal poem, "Our Graduation Day," and the title of Clark Haynes Williams' valedictory was "The Saxon Grit." While all the essays and orations were very good, the last two were of exception al merit. Col. R. A Miller delivered the class address, and the diplomas were presented by the chairman of the board, Capt. J. T. Apperson. This ends Prof. J. W. Gray's sixth year, as principal of the Parkplace school. The other teachers are Miss Estelle Bracken, Miss Harriette Dodson and Miss Margaret Williams. . The clans colors were red, white and blue, and the class motto was "Now We Try a Boundless Sea." County School Superintendent Stark weather has made the following ap portionment of school funds for the various districts of Clackamas county at the rate of $2 per capita for every child of school age. An apportionment of $50 per district was made in April, and before the end of the vear another ap portionment of something over $1.25 per scholar will be made. The number of district, name and postofhee address of clerk, number of pupils and amount ap portioned to each district is gi"en : Dist. Clerk's Name and P. 0. Justices and Constables. 67 Life insurance cultivates habits. Life insurance lightens the load of care. Life insurance keeps the wolf from the door. Life insurance gives response to the rich man. Life insurance gives courage to the poor man. t ;r insurance certifies to a man's affectionate regard for his family. nlaces the window above the need of marry ing for a home Life insurance adds to a man's years by freeing him from apprehen sion. Life insurance heightens the esteem in which wife and children hold a man. INSURE 1NT A tOOD COMPANY THERE ARE NONE BETTER THAN THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Springfield, Massachusetts. H. C. CO LTON nager Rooms, 2-i Chamber of Commerce, PORTAND, OREGON Following is the official vote for justices 66 and constables of the different districts in Clackamas county : 58 District No. 1 Pleasant Hill, Tualatin 59 and Union Justice, P A Baker 115, 60 Clyde Evsns 110. Constable, John 61 Bchieve 107, frank GoBser 111. ' No. 2 Osweuo J C Haines, 8fi. Con stable, Isaac Austin 65, Henry Koehler 71. No. 3 Clackamas, Milwaukie J A Cook 21, A E Holoomb 133, H A Web ster 183. Constable, Willis Imel 175, W L Johnson 112, Frank Mullan 40. No. 4 Abernethy, Canemah, Oregon City, Maple Lane, West Oregon City U T Hickman 478. J 8 McUnmb 31), U Schuebel 630. Constable, H A Carey, 36, T 8 Lawrence 417, M F McCown.6.38 No. 6 CanLy, Ne Era Justice, U N Waile 149, J L Waldron 124. Con stable, GilbectS Randall 131, J H Schull 128. No 7 Barlow, Macksburg. Needy- Justice. W W Jesse 147. B F Smith 142. Constable, rrank Alathew 173, U t Zeigler 33. Scattering 2. No 8 Molalla, Marquam.Springwater Justice, 0 D Eby 273, E M Hartman 144. Constable, William Everhart 27U, scattering 7. No 9 Beaver Ureek. Milk (Jreek Justice. William Grisenthwaita 108 Robert Pchuebel, 76; constable John Evans 105, J inn Paine 71. No 10 Canyon Creek, Highland Justice, It Butherford 85: constable, J D Mevers 72. J New kirk 30. iSo 11 Harding, spnngwater. vioia -Justice. John. O BaruMdt 67. J Randolph 124 ; constable, Wm Kandle 133. John J Wallace 39. No 12 Borings, Damascus Justice II Breithanpt 133, M W Gardner 88 constable, Wm Buckman 133, Arthur Hall 2. No 13 Cascades and Cherryville Justice, T G Jonsrud 129; constable Gilbert Jonsrnil 115. No 14 Eagle Creek, Garfield and Geoige Justice, Hugh Githena 101, II F Gibson 102; constabla, A D Burnett 115, J E Burnett 82. Following is list of the justices of the peace and constables elected with their political complexion and majorities, who will serve for the next two years No 1 P A Baker, republican, 5 ma jority ; Frank Gosser, union, 4 majority. No 2 J C Haines, republican, 86 ma jority ; Henry Koehler, union, 6 ma. jority. No 3 II A Webster, rep. 29 majority ; Willis Imel, rep, 23 majoiily. N 4 C Schuebel, union.l 15 majority ; M F McCown, rep, 185 majority. Chil. Miss E Mullan, Mllwaukie 140 N Blair, Hubbard 62 W A Hedges, Oregon City 133 F 8 Hutohius, Parkplace 71 J A Ridings, Marquam 66 T B Donaldson, Needy 53 0 f Currin, Currlusvllle SO Chad Tracy, Logan 60 E F Capps, Clackamas 45 A Engle, Molalla 18 Mrs M Frey, Meadow Brook 48 , H Falmateer, Garfield ,60 I i J Walkley, Salmon ' 16 ' J A Randolph, Viola 51 Heury Hugbea, Beaver Creek 74 J T Drake, Marquam 69 A D Burnett, Eagle Creek 63 ' J G Koehler, Canby 78 T G Jonsrud, Kelso 60 J J Gibson, Macksburg 97 George Speet, Oregon City 25 G H Robbing, Monitor 80 F Wagner, Wilsonville 72 WIB Cornett, 8prlngwater 84 Victor Dickey, Molalla 19 F M Osburn, Damascus 60 N W Richards, Oregon City 8t Dora Thiessen, Mllwaukie 60 Frank Jaggar, Carus 74 J A Dyers, Stone 48 8 C Young, Damascus 52 H W Gard, Claikes 63 MMNoraMiller.HlgBlaml 78 1 D Taylor, Oregon City !!;i0 0 W Robbins, Molalla 110 Mrs Etta Hannagen, Liberal 25 M Loug, Oswego ' 39 J K Grlbble, Aurora fil J P Forrester, Eagle Creek 46 Peter Cook, Needy 83 F Polivka, Staflbrd 89 J W Bitty, Cherryville 80 W B Law ton, Oregon City 86 S E Card, Powells Valley 82 E K Andre, Bnllnin 40 Robt Jonsrud, Kelso 47 C B Hall, Oswego 249 Geo Howard, Oregon City 846 GB Wise, Mllwaukie 107 H F Gibson, Eagle Creek 89 E Thayer, Oregon City 45 Jacob Deshazer, Flrwood 27 Mrs L P Williams, Clark 28 A M Vinyard, Canby 46 E E Judd, Molalla 45 B F Boyles, Wilholt 15 J 0 Schmidt, Georgo 45 E VV Hammett, Klwool 41 J F Waohtman, Hubbard 48 I A Mlley, WllionvlllD . 85 J L Vosburg. Oregon City 47 r.2 Mrs 8 M MoCown, Oregon City 1211 H A Waldron, New Era 58 E P Dedman, Clackamas 112 H J Thomas, Wilholt 47 B D Alexander, Marmot 62 H lderhoff, Starlord 44 J A English. Currlnsville 43 44 T-,Jj l (411 ill 0 71 72 73 74 75 78 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 81 ) 80 87 88 89 DO 91 92 9) 91 95 (Kl 97 US 99 UK) 101 102 103 Kit lOi 100 10 15 23 26 80 34 63 57 62 70 73 83 Mrs Julia J Rider, Oregon City 3! W W Myers, Oregon City 23 M C Gilliam, Sunnyslde 92 W K Bonney, Colton 40 Geo H Browu, New Era 70 L H Cochran, Needy 62 W M Stone. Redland 54 A Anderson, Monitor 66 J W Hllleary, Damascus 67 O B Taylor, Dodge 81 J J Miller, Aurora 19 EmllGucnther, Shubel 117 L P Burns, Canby W Alison Baker, Graeme 47 CPagh, Dover 20 E L Trulllnger, Union Mills 4t F Blum, Ely 43 VL Mack, Canby 12s 8 M Cook, Wilholt 10 8 o Huffman, Garfield 12 S J Landon, Barton 80 A Uayhurst. Carus 21 DKauffraan, Needy 30 LBYoder, Needy 36 O II Wright, Liberal 63 0 W Rlchey, Logan 42 J T Grace, Clarks 37 N Chrlstenscn, New Era 40 C A Hovlf, Barlow 45 1 V Trullinger, Union Mills 20 H C Llrich. Lents 4s A P Todd, Sherwood 40 Mrs Julia Mueller, Clarke 26 E W Paine, Mulino 80 A V Davis, Marquam 20 C C Miller, Garfield Otto F Olson, Wlllameltd 70 ' Mrs M L Wtlinot, Fulton 41 JOIKT liIOTRICTS. MrsJAStephetn, Orient 49 J L Kruse, Stafford 41 J no Olson, Sycamore 27 Henry A Snyder, Aurora 8 Ir A W Vincent, Tualatin 9 W f Young, Sherwood 18 J S Hoffman, Sherwood U Jos Bramhall, Bullrnn 81 K A M Cone, Butterllle 14 R Maycock, Buttevllle &5 E Cole, Willsbnrg 28 T S Mile, Scott's Mills U F L Rugg, Gresham 87 Aint. 20 00 124 00 260 00 142 00 112 00 106 00 180 00 120 00 90 00 86 00 96 00 120 00 32 00 102 00 148 00 138 O'J 126 00 166 00 120 00 191 00 50 00 60 00, 144 00 ! 168 00 88 00 100 00 16S 00 120 00 148 00 96 00 104 00 106 00 150 00 460 00 220 00 50 00 78 00 102 00 92 00 186 00 178 00 60 (Kl 172 00 64 00 80 03 94 00 498 00 692 00 214 00 78 00 90 00 54 00 48 00 92 00 90 00 80 00 90 00 83 00 06 00 70 00 94 CO 2422 00 , 116 00 ; 224 00 94 00 104 00 88 00 86 00 72 00 46 00 181 00 80 00 140 00 104 00 108 00 132 00 134 00 62 00 3 00 234 00 J34 00 94 00 40 00 82 00 86 00 256 00 20 00 24 00 60 00 48 00 60 00 72 00 104 Oil 84 00 74 00 A Bii Clothing ensation We are showing extraordinary values in Men's and Youth's Suits for Summer. Special prices that means low ones have been tried to some of our nobbust suits in order to clear them out. Every garment is new, rightly made, and fully guaranteed. Men's Business Suits tv In Fancy Patterns and Plata Colors ' $7.50 and $9.35 Boy's Youth's Suits v ' Blads Exactly Like Onr Mens Suits $4.35 $5.75 $6.50 and up to $15 These bright new goods are displayed in onr windows. LOOK AT THEM A. B. STEINBAGH & CO. Cor First and Morrison Sts. JONES 1EVER BINDER .:'! f5C 92 on 90 00 40 00 96 00 98 00 62 00 60 00 40 00 16 00 no oo 8 2 00 8 00 82 00 54 00 18 00 18 00 86 00 44 00 62 00 28 00 70 00 66 00 22 00 74 00 This celebrated binder has gained an enviable reputation in the last three years in Oregon. It represents lever power as applied to bind ing grain. It will run lighter, last longer and bind tighter than any other binder in the market. The Jones Chain Drive foot lift Mower has no back lash, runs light and is very durable. Will cut heavy grass with ease. I also carry a full line of Hay Rakes, Tedders, Hay Tools, Advance Threshers and Traction Engines, John Deere Plows, as well as a full line of Agricultural Imolements and Vehicles. CALL AND SEE ME BEFORE BUYING EDWARD HUGHES Cor. Front and Taylor Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON.