- jjyjfc j,j,5ii O mi u,i "y'WWff.1-'11' Siliousness IsusbU by toryMl'bver.hwh preveuts diges lion and permits food to ferment and putrify In the stomach'.' 'Then iotfo'W dizziness, headache. City L dges Visit Fal s Ci y. msomina, nervousness, and, it not relieved, bilious fever or blood ittlxoning. Hood's J DIM. Oinolutn- th afomaMi roiise the liver, cure headiche, dirzltwss. con. ttlpation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by nil tlni'jriKU. The only Fills to take with UooJ s tjarsapanila. Si J . ' c ! I k w . Fire Woi 13 WANTK1) - TK rw trenlk'ox-ii i 1 l -'"tnlil!lnfl f- '' ifli iidiircHHt"! x hi i-l Cuiui uny, Ihjn Y Hit c Plumltiii. R ; V h n.l ! InXC I '"II I ill- Valu day evening lust will long be re-.' UiHuiHTwi by iieaily 100 in.-in i -ra oi the ortierirom ill s city, wiio mailt a visit.' ui tails C'iiy li.i' - tiregou City, f he. fleiiui) r Sarah Dixon hu-l been char leietl Y r the trip. All techy lotleys weie reiiresei te.i.aiM Alt. Talair No 33, i.ntiiViliii. The Kalis I ily lodge twui , Win. .was reached at new U o'clock, trd j at) Ham as order was brough out of the contusion occasioned by such a Ittrjee ad-luii-Mon lo be lodge room stieuchniak ili m hh legun. I'net -iraiiil Master t-tlein leing tli hri-t ualleU fur. is retnar 8 were dnecieu mainly lo th j it lr . Vi-ii conditions of the order, with esnecuil reieieti e to ibe vtry leaing 'htuige in mint' lueuilmi-H ol that lodge i i iv.' o iht' t iasstu'i d i hiii. biami ; t mtle Icetiv follouel, with remarks ' a'ltai Hletist)c of llie brother, parncil larl Irater al. Then came, . J. Alar (hull, lit! of I egret- of hqilahl fame, lio pul all in a snitling moo i, also ex .n hm'iI miiC.i mi i-laction wilh i lie work ol tht.Jorder Then came Reader t f Fidel lit. uingt-rt ol Tabors. Dye ol rail iiy, lierd er ami ste.veUB of Industry, loicmi ol U fkanuiH, besides, several ol hn whose names we did not take. I'm o coil versions were reported, thai oi ' tot her S evens, who had opposed the . t'l.,cciiie i pi n from the very tirs . be cl.iiinv that 4 it neeniH to wm k nil ihl ," 'aitl eo. K. Uahff. recorder t-.tl s ity !l- (l;e, win hif been "On the mourners' ! : i i t:h lor mine time. ' Hie on It r biicint'M was 'hen cluing -d, ,1.0 an al i n ante oi handtt icleH. ihu . e-l eVi-r iervei. were lheli paseil hmiiii d luliowed by a great variety au l t x.'ellent quality of eke, and on toji of lids whc leinonaile, a kintl th it wan juct rulil Hint no Hlitk either. Then llioce I ha nm ke cinoked a. I lloct! that oitln'l riim ke tut cmoked, und it was im iiy iliirk. too. A cidt- hi jjiee an then put on, wi u v. ol 1'iills l..tv in ehare. llie ieverl it)i e t'Ountiea to.ln'iir frominow 8tan')f a 6527,,, Kollowinn is the vote by counties as fa,n a- reiurne l: .. . Ji ft Mw y, Donald ' i ' , boii, Uii. ... 974 m 'tAl,; - 1.545 . oiin. y . . . Hal?'e,r, , . CrooK . . ." . . . ClalHop ' : oluuiblii":'1' 'Jiliiaai: ., harney ..", Malheur ! ' Vs-' Mormw' -"j-" Muliiiiimah Sherman..,. .... . Umaiil.a ' Uiii-'ii' ' Wallowa . ; Wasco ,, Total :, tno"f ' 1:!.i,.;i 4i4 427 5Htt "I'!': "' '430 :v..i.tM6 475 1,019 ..i:.lv"ijM-': - 550' . ,12ti0 435 v i 410 4.895 241 1274 V.b'8 '.475 .: 777 12,417 iliptrict ver R. 19 074 FIRST niH KKT In the firHt t! inrei"nional Thomas H. Tonijue's phi ality M. Veateh was ledueeo hve votes ye ter tlay by a change made in the vote of Yamhill county by the official count. He new has 217H to the good. There are two counties Curry an I Lake yet to be heard from. Following is the vole as far as counted : County Hen ton .. Clackamas. Tongue, Rep. 958 l.KIKi 8l3 'Vilnon i lid -tinml Garnb 3tn i: inert MY. tiN leinglrom this ciiv. expreced . Hoik r . , . I M 1 Till.. Wine BOi Elejuin S. C'.OI tl reti. n tiu (here and for awhile H liHiki ' ''hough he would have to be bri.ugbi bo e in h blanket Sunday Was il it 1 1 1 )i on and llie meeliiiK was Ifien dost d a d Hrotber Marshall con It rietl lusde ree, on about OH appli ants. I -nit I ve- weie siiid, (be start for home niatle.rt- clung t eelly a liltlealer 1 t.'.lotk ('onipeiisiiiion is found in ailt'eper fra teinal ( eiing and a deanr nndt-rBtand-ing iif the Kivler, These visits inigln be exieii'led lo i-everiil poinis of easy ac cts:roin Ibis eilv wilh proli to the r ler I'ortl ind A. O. U. W. Reporter. Samam ha at Sarat ga, In a New Dress. it i ' ti mi ii'i-i ' l all .t t i'm funny hi I C 'hi I'ur Tr. Li OR ON at the i)R. b ok . ta " W iu lie O i y it i h -i n rly u 1 i i o .'. lo lilt I m o in H hillit li . , . ... i. Stitsli i t i-.leoialeil rlliae wis umi ocbi is, ii ' & I'' ., "i N' Yo k, - a II, line- t'lili'lt Hilvi-rMsiiiu ill H sen-8 ftl'i' H col-l'itl lilt- lii lioioiisl t In p l. e I 25 is ll woo d nw in slianL't' il i b y en aid mil I nnulijn,,i ii-m. II i an m,i Iv biol si-Oei s, or llie lil lisle i-ilio-i'l GEE rTgoTd'aND G RE ED. "-anoo t 1 1 at itra eloii pun niliii en il ii r ' and ltiboi Mew in i. n h res N t i re. i'iiMhiI Willi oi t xb 1 1 1 a ititr fun.' For I eil I y slloM'iiMi'ii ai llie I Hi ll snlil, II is said, bv Ibe ll-Mlnl II ' HH (Ht'i'l'l J' been i xqil'si ebi'le t'loiii bound h l! niibi iiltf.- 0 a mi-s" t OOH . . Currv Douglas 1 ,155 Jae. son . . .1 247 Josephine 774 Klamath 438 I ake Lane l,63'i Lincoln 429 Linn 1.53D Ma ion. . 3 19 . 1250 Tillamook . 591 Washington 1.750 Yamhill 1580 Totals Veatch, Union 79 l. 9 929 1,338 1,216 8'0 323 1 602 1 ,-57 2 449 1 144 294 1 134 1,349 17 027 i Morrow--13. L. Freeland, republican i Multnomah J. 0. Bayer, rep ; S. 0. Beach, rep.; S. Farrell, n p. j George H. Hill, rep. i Peter Hohkirk, rep. ; R. K. Miioily.'r'ep,''; George T. Myers, rep.; 1,170 !j. Thorburn Koss. repi; JolrtrT. Whal 146 ,,.t,i;,.on , 744 ' i" oaT Polk PTvYf. Greirsr; fus- ;'J;Stnrnp,fus. 841 . Bhirman ana Ayascu J. V. ilvtioa, rep. ; Albert H. Roberta, republican. . Tillamook lapd Yambill j...vV. Max well, republican, v .Um'atijlaLi.K B.-Reeder, rop.; J. E. Smith, rep. ; J.. K. Wilson, republican. . Union" D. AMcAHiste'r, dem. ; F.S. Stanley, republican' "' Wallowa Peter Fordney, fusion. Washiiigiob Abner. Briggs, rep.; G. W. Marsh, rep, ; J. R. C. Thompson, republican, '..' Yamhill 0. Butt, rep. ; E. F. Lam Bon, republican. Cute',' i Buckle' ricaSaivtt Tub ' R whT W Atit WjlM'TiVr'Nl I Br'iispp, Si roi; Uire'riii S'al' Fever SVires'.' Tetter,' C'l'fd Hands, Chilblainfi.' ('ornfi. and tiil'ni 1 Ernttlions. and- iiositively-t cure- P lei 1 .1 or no pay required. It in gimiMiite. ii u giv perfect hhiisihi'IIoii r in-.;' linded Puce 25 eeitlg per bo sale bv Cliarin;n & Co For y .' - I ' 's .III lit-- ftYEW'S:l"8ALE' ilv. ('In uH l onrt of ihu Stnteof Oregon, for ' For 0vr Flftv vears An Old and Well Tiiied Rembdy Mrs: AVinslow's- Sootliitig Syino has been ited for over flftv vear by mil lions of mot hers for iheir children while teething, with perfect Hiieeess i eooiheb the child, softens Ihe , gums allays all pain cines winl colic and is the. best remedy for DiHirlasa.' Is pleasant tothetaste. Poldby iiU!gits in every pan of the W'oihl. Twt niv five cents a bottle. Its vslut is in ralcnlable Be sure and ssk tor Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Svnip. m - 'l-.e nc lullel I hid, , KESSLER, TM. nM on urnicd neclKllxt. of W. Louis. ll Known by his Inni rosldcnce and stio. nnfiilly nraetles In tills elty, continue lo iimfMfiilly trrat all kinds of ohroulo and rlvmc dlaeniu Drr IPDT ATWrUT fortne poor who call '.titiD 1 KbAl HltlNl in persou at the office very nflenionn 'liUUlJ haV 0U.1W Hiiipltts.Berohila.Byph. lino Talma Tumors. Tellers. Et-ieiiia and tlirr Impurities of tha blcsid tlitirotiRlily ruillcttli'il, lenvlnc Hi system In a cuung, Mire and hrHllltfurstata "5TJl?TTW ft TTCTUf trested by an old Oermsn allbUUlllllulu rem wit. This reinetly wits rt'iuiileil to Dr. KeiweW by a friend In -lerlln. It has never lulled. 11 Tl QnrjrQ Winers, Cancers, ete., treated, no ihU UUlitjl) tllirereno bow long arTected. CIDNEY. AND URINARY COMPLMNTS. lainftil, tlllllotiTt, tooirtqtient, milky or bltusiv cflne. uiiHlunil dlsohsrgtis, oRraiully trout pd, files, riiennistlsra and neuralgia treated by Hir new remeules. Take a clrnr Isittle at bedtime and urinate a llie buttle, set utile and look at It In the nornlnn, If it Is clnutly, oi has a cloudy set. 'linn lu II, you have some klduey or bladder llneaiiH. removed In twenty-four hours 8e worms Id wludow at of- i Utoa&ieel lnn(. 3DrTlI OTIUITO Wsmeet persons every jKLfilll day whose breath smells olwtl 11 Is dlsgusilnir. This comes from C arrh ol either Ibe noa or sU,mach Oo and ie esanilned. It ean be eured before lbs tasal bones becomes Involved. MIlUHMrU lr yonaratmubledwtthnlRhl (UUnU Bill It emlsitiins,eihausllngdraliia, 4nilt, bashfulnesa, avers on to society, iupldneas. detMndenoy, loas of energy, ain 'Itlnn and self-cnuOdenoe. which deprive you J your manhood and auohitoly until ynu or study, business or oiarrlaire If you are Ibus afflicted vnu may know the oau Oo sad lie treated. VTTintP Ifirn UrUthera ar thousands IllllJLb'AuLU ALU of yon troubled with vttk, achuiK liauaa and kidneys; frequent, alntul urinal Ion and sediment la ulni Im Mcney of weakuses of sesnal onraus, and other unmistakable slf aa of aeneous debility and prenialur decay, Many die of this OnVully, Irnoranl of the eausa The most keilnab raaea of thai aharaeier treated. 0DTVlVPiaaaea Oie, Ooaorrttea, la liUI U I U tanjaUaaa Ulaohartf. atrletnrea, Veakueaa of Ontaaa, lyahtlta. Bydrvoel larlaoeek ana kindred IniuhUa tnaUd. CoiuurutJoa fnt to AH. Orrici lluuu. From 9 A. il. to 8 P. M. Call or address J. Henri Kessler M. D. At St Unto DUpooaarw, 4 j lam mmm vaairirVk TnaaTr. fOBTUJini Oregon has Declared for the Gold Standard, Gold .Bonds and National Banka. "As I'orlirtlid il"!1 mi k net! (begun " Porilniil gatethe republican slate Iick- et fully 5000 inaj irttv lt'e retiims indicate tnul (his majoriti will be mig tueiiteil lather than dei reasi'd outiile of the diy. Oiiu kaiiuts coiuiiy gave an increa-ed republican niaj rily over the November vote fir McKinhy. Takin f im-oni-pleie returns fr in the "late, this count , however, Iihs held up Hgainat the re publican landslide U-lter than any other county exi-ept Douglas, in wlm-li couii'v we Iihvp niade a pbeiioniii't'l tain. In Union county, where ibe pupulists refused to uniie with ibe tb moerats on rouiily litket, we ar.- badly beaten, while the democrats win half the couuiy ticket. The populists eleeleil about half the county ticket there two years ago and their oliuers electeu uiaile a mag nificent record. But, evidently-, the people do not appreciate the fact thai our people wherever In oltlce have made efficient tdlicers and have kept everv promise. Geer's plurality over King is 0227. Dubur's plurality over Kincaid is about 7000. Aekermun leads Lyman by 6479. The vote by counties follows; Governor Oounty Geer Rep Baker ...1.148 Benton 986 Oluckamas 1,944 Clatsop 1565 Columbia 682 Ooog 908 Crook 252 Curry Douglas 1,213 Gilliam 463 Grant 600 Harney Jackson 1,326 Josephine... 795 Klamath. Lake Lane Lincoln Linn Malheur Marion Morrow Multnomah Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla,..,,.,, Union Wallowa Washington.... Wasco Yamhill........ Total t Wt I a Obbooi. 439 1,695 439 1.434 '.''.'..'.V.3,216 471 10,079 taaai 82 477 591 1,316 1,567 , 525 1,641 1,205 , 1,646 King Union 1.375 845 1,646 8' 5 405 952 184 1.878 308 4;i0 1 229 831 353 1,662 351 1,488 2,713 436 4,483 1,166 285 312 1,657 1,415 574 1,146 860 1,398 30,578 39,805 . . CKCOND DISTRICT Malcolm A. Moody's, majority in tba econd congressional district, . with . ,.19.203 The Legl,...tiir Republicans will bat eover 40 majoriiy on joint ballot. Returns recei vet I yes terday, while they changed llie person nel of IIih letfislaiivH assembly, did not materially affect the pariy strength, fioin present, indications tbep 'iiical conn lexion of the l gislatllie will be: Republic , senate, 24; house, 44; to tal, 68. Fiisioinsis, senate, 8; house, 14; to al, 17. Democrats, senate, .2; lion e, 1; total 3. Populist, senate, 1 ; doubt ful, rfioose, 1. The combined anti-repuh-lii-an an I il "iihtfiil voe is 22, making toe republican majority pn joint ballot 16. Complete returns may make further changes Uiotan and Mor ow are running a close iat:e for Ibe joint setialorship from Momiw, Grant ami llatney. tiowaii Ins 100 majority i'i Grant, and Mor'ow 115 iu Motrow. 'Ibe vote of Haiti, y county will decide ibe contest. : ; . SellHte. liaUer and Malheur William Smith, fusi hi t 11' ntnn and Lincoln John D. Duly, republican , : Uiackamas George C. Brownell, re ptiblicaii. i CI u-k imas ami Marion L. L. Porter, republican. Clatsop 0. W. Fulton, republican. Columbia, WaHliington und Tillamook ti. W, Patterson, leprublicaii. Cro k, Klaniatli and Lake B. Daly, di'iiiociat. Douglas A. W, Reed, tepiiblican Gdliain, Sherman and Wasco K. B. Diinir, tleiiiiN-iat, Grant, Harney and Morrow J. W, M oi row, fu-i'iii. Jackson 1 Cameron, republican. Lane I. D. Dtivt-r, rep. ; W. Kuyken- tlall, repuhiican. Linn P. R. Kelly,-republican; Clem, fusion. Marion L. J Adams, ep. ; N. II. Loouey, republican. Multnomah George W. Bates, ,vp. ; J. Haevltino, rep. ; Donald Muckcy, rep. i Ben Selling, rep. anil taxpayers' league; Joseph Simon, republican. Polk B. F, Mulkey, republican. Sherman and Wasco John Michell, republican. Umatilla and Union T. C. Taylor, republican. Umatilla George W. Proebstcl, rep. Union and Wallowa Justus Wade, populist. - Washington E. W. Haines, rep. Yamhill W, A. Howe, republican. Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Samuel Hughes, republican. House, Baker V. E. Grace, fusion. Benton R. J. Nichols, republican, Benton and Lincoln G. E. Davis, rep, Clackamas Alex, Thompson, rep.; J. L. Kruse, rep.; George Knight, fusion. Clatsop Johan Young, rep.; 0. J. Curtis, republican. Columbia J. E. Hall, republican. Coos George P. Topping, republican. Coos and Curry J. Huntley, repub. Crook J. N. Williamson, republican. Douglas Conn, fus.; Wilson, fus.; Wonacott, fusion. Gilliam 8. G. Hawson, republican. Grant and Haruey R. N. DoumllT, rep., or George D. Hagey, fusions Jackson E. V. Carter, rep. ; Z. Cam eron, fusion ; Matthew Stewart, rep. Josephine James W. Virtue, fusion Klamath and Lake W. A. Eaasingill, republican. Lane F. M. Brattain, rep. ; Ivan Mc Queen, rep. ; W. II. Weatherspoon, rep. Linn Jones, fusion; Palmer, fusion J Whitney, fusion. Malheur J. R. Blackaby, fusion. Marion W. L. Cummings, rep.; E H. Flagg, rep. ; A. Lewis, rep.; J. Wi Mc-Culloch, rep. ; John EcOourt, rep. . By counties the result epitomized is as follows: Raker mall pluralities for fusion slate and congressional candidates County offices divided. Benton Pluralities for republican state and congressional . candidates Unionists elect clerk, sheriff, treasuier and assessor. ClatBdp- Heavy pluralities for repub lican state and congressional candidates. Coos Pluralities for fusiou state anil congressional candidates. County of fices divided. Columbia Pluralities for republican slate and congressional candidates. Re publicans elect all county officers except ing shei iff' Crook Clean sweep for republicans Curry Union ticket ebcted. Douglas Fusionists make a clean sweep of stale, congressional and county offl-es. Gilliam Republican pluralities for state and congressional candidates ex cept sheriff. v.rant Republicans make a clean sweep. Jackson Small pluralities for Geer and Tongue. Republicans elect most of county ticket. ' Josephine Fusionists make a clean sweep. Tlamath Pluralities for republican state and congressional candidates. County offices divided. Lane Pluralities for Geer and Veach. County offices divided, two republicans ami one union elected to legislature. Lincoln Pluralities for republican state and congressional candidates. Linn Small pluralities for King and Veatch. County offices divided. 'Marion Pluralities for republican state and congressional candidates. Re publicans elect entire county ticket ex cept sheriff. Miillnn r -Complete union victory. Morrow Pluralities for republican state and congressional candidates. County offices divided. Sherman Republicans make a clean sweep. Tillamook Republicans make a clean sweep. Union Pluralities for republican state and co g:essionuls tickets. County of fices divided. Utnati'.lii Union slate ticket elected. County olfices divided. Wallowa Moody and Geer have plu ralities. Populist county ticket elected. Wasc Pluralities for reptili an, Btate conitres-ional and countv tickets. Washington Pluralities for r publi can, state and congressional ticket. County offices divided. Yamhill Pluralities for republican state, congressional ami county tickets. Delicate Children They do not complain of anything in particular. They eat enough, but keep thin and Eale. Theyappear fairly well, ut have no strength. You cannot say they are really sick, and so you call them delicate. , What can be done for them ? Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been giving for a quarter of a cen tury. Give, them Scon's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phosphites. It has most re markable nourishing power. It gives color to the blood. It brings strength to the mus cles. It adds power to the nerves. It means robust health and vigor. Even deli cate infants rapidly gain in S flesh if given a small amount 5 v three or four times each day. Ihi- p inly of 4!li&'kiiiuii F. Kftbll.-f,: l'-. - , ' . ,-; I.'l:ltl(r,t . - - .-V. . . .-. : t. P. W.ukln.' !. rt W i.tklns.O-car Wat kins.-. John .Walk a,' Fyd V- Htki'iH, B'WHi t'iiinH. J- . I.',iiUI;' .1. .i'tiiiti, -.aiii-Jiltii9iiti, F rm II Vttim, SilnRS'B ivaan Kher Witt Inn, Aimie Wwkin,'J. A. tjult. untl Kfcli'ircl .l,hti'n,'. . . . - .-Defend i nie. State tif or gun, Cuirtyut Clark antHQ' wt. v . VTkiVtf mo v irlicMi-vT as f ti-f HDtl rtti i xt-cutl'in. tin v iwued out of nndir the a, l ,.f tin- nbi.yo. . iit il ,i oMrt In ilief HtioV .htltletl CHUwe, to liie" tiltly' dij-ei leil Vmii llHtt-3 tin am h tiny of Vy WW Uir'ii jixtgnu nt renile' i d mid int r it In wtid ntiiii on, Tlu-.'jnil it'iv of May, l-IW in f"v.ir nf K-i R cleo r: p Ii tiff anti sgalnat J. I w iitkl is. d fttibiaHt f r tha anm of 35, wilh Inti n al tliai-c n at Hi- rate M It) r f nt. p aunum fr.nii ih 2nd d . i.i) M y.lSdS, und tie fuilhut aniii of SfiO us rtiiiiriii v1 fc lii if t''e fiiri -r sum f $&", wto and dMiUrti-m nU. a'litl tit t tha d f-i'd nt. .1. t it-x. wni f . m iW sild J. P. W iklns th" sum i f Sill) 511 wlih I . ti n at ih non at iht- rate i f Hi per1 ti-nt i'sr inniini lri.ni Vnd day ef May ' 18(18. i.d Ih , further aunt f fc!ft nttoiiii y f . 'id tie fur tlrr sum ef !l eosis anil dil'Urn-m at-, and tle.o atief nd up-ti tliN wilt, c mmnnilliig in to ni k-sa e ef tlia folluvinit: di'w-r'bpd n-al prepirty. situate In ihe County of i ilai kara Slate ef O ro te ti. t' -wit: U' telitn iiK nt 'i pliit 'i0 f"' t gnat of thi B'Mithea.st eonit r tf V. L. ('. ef h. 11. i ' l.atoiiti'itn N jig In si kl toWDBlilp 8 soiitl, lang' 2riot, tuntiliig tin noe i tilth On il grei a lo mlniit" w it 15 1 1 cIimihb, lli nee i as. tl.tlo ellfiiiiM to west Iili of 'inn! f.'rmsr'y own, d by J. II. Rennsr, ilisnc anutli 2 d Rr'-a 4iS " minima west II Ink-, ilu nee a. u h OOdcgra IS Dilutees rn- i'?,T8 rh il to o urn y read. Hi n-a 1 a'eiig the c uniy mM a nil, T! d nr(w wat7,'.'0 ch ina t" tha place of begiouiinr, e, titamlng 10 i cnaof lani I N w, Th r fore, by vlnu ef a id ax mtlen, jnilsin nt iTilsrand d or ml in 0 niptlancs with llie C' Diniiinda nf aaid wrli, I ti f'1, on 8TUKn.AY, .IflNK i'llh, M8, nt the hour of 1 e'cloi k p in , ill tin- trout d"erof lie C- uiey l ouit tlnie-e in ile-i try of On g n City, in R" id - t.unt. Hiltl Stute, a-'ll nt ptlliill- aurtf' n, subj ot to r. d nj'll- n, to the hlgln'-t Iiiil-ler. f r .. s geld n in. r i-h In h oirl. all tie- rglit lit'e ana lilt r: 81 whi h the within nionitl il fi mlm la ut llh i-tif th'-m h tl on the il to nf tie m itg ge h r Ii tir ille hud In tir telle' ebeti ih a.t ilieo real er p rty r any fart than nf. te aaiinf) ant I.I i xecu i n.JiidKfn nt iinhr. d Ciue, inti'i-eat, t'eaiaiiiid all arurniiig ,-eats. 1 o. w or rt, ' rhi-iilf f lackiimna Conuty, Oregon. ' Dated Oregon t Ily, Or., Mi.y 2ii 18 m: m . ,A . ., . i... i 50c. ana at.oo j ail aruvgiaia. m ft SCOTT & BOWnE, Chemiau, New York. J BARGAINS. For particulars apply at Coubiek c.fBee, Oregon City. OCfin A four-room house and lot In Oregon UJUUi lty; good lnt'Htlon with flue view of river: yniiiig trees and shrubs; place Cost over StitO. OOftfl An elght niom house and two large lOUllot in lower part of lireg 11 t'lly ((ireen Point), ham: good hearing orchard: or will trade for smaller place and taka dinereiiC in caih. 011AATwo good houses and Int; house- is nted; V'wvncar paper null - iregentJIiy or sen on invaiimeiii plan. If you have anything to trade nra-ll It will pay you tone tl description to that oukibk. No 1 hargea unless sale or trade ia made. VA17l DPTPP - 80-aire farm, nboiit LIUUA rnllIJ2U mil,-! aoutheaal of Ilia litlemse, ut h barg ii 1! tttlj perfect ; also ttvo lots, one 111 South Oregon Gay ami the other in dreg' ill Ity proper; title perfect. 'II this property tmiat be-oltl. Terms easy! a-d lime ret-a, Antinie that wanta to buy will flud It to lis tuleresl to luveatlgute lllli. Program of the I). of II. Program for Miss Cora eller's enter tainment to be given under the auspices ol Myrtle Lodge, U ol 11. Peredetlli. Pilots Story. (ir induia at the Masquerade. St. Peter al toe (iaie. Who is that Old Jay? Home Sweet Home. She would be a Mason. Aunt ihiM fuls visit 10 a sick friend. Itriar Hoses. Trouble in the Amen Oorner. The Uvii Flower liirl. To be given at Willamette hall morrow evening. , to- Mrs. Sladen & Miss Edith Wlshart, Milliners. . Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OKKtitIN DITY. OKKtiON, On the Stree between the Bridge and tht Oeoot oi. iibl anil atnitle rnra Aiid saddle htirit s s wavannhand at the lowest rates, md a 't rr. also eoiinefteil with Ihi harn for loose stock An information regarding any klnrt ni wt oromntl attendee to to ettet or person HHUHKS Itlll OHT OH MI I' WANTVIl rRt sTWtTH Y AND ACTIVE mo ih men or birth slo travel for respousthle .iiitilisht-il house in on g.'ii. Monthly it'A and xii"ites Position teailv. Reference. Knelose elf a'I'lr ate'l stHinied envelope. The Dominion nuipnii. I'eil. , t'nifago, bUAKUIAN'S SALE. N' tlce Is h relo given. 1.1. a' ia imrsuiiiioe of im onler if lie t'oimly Oniirl of the I'eiinly of ' I ck raas iturt st'.teof - n'uon duly ina leiind entered mi tl.e -Mill day ot M y, 'S!i8. 1 tt III Irnra. to rt after Saumlny. .lithe 2.iti. t its al thi- hour nf hi o'oloek of sHid (tut, i-nee d In sell at prl-vne-nle tin the irt nnses. t-. Hie liighesi. and best bidder, fort sab In Inu :; -iiLjeei to o iiHr nintjnii of sal 1 I'linly onrt, tlie follnwlng ilt'ierlbeil rent eatHl", to wil: l ilts nilllllleteii th'6' live tfllHIld six (ft), 111 block numbered tiiie-hiindi'ri d iiU'l-hve (105), in Oregon Oitv, l tick mi I ninnv, t gen. .inn, , -Til till', fitinr tliiii of Jmhusti. Stuart, Minor. Dated May lift, 18U8. 1 SHERIFF'S SALE Ia the 'Ircnu I'ourl of the Htnte of Otegon, for the Ootuily of Cluckaimt. I'omineroial Hunk oi in 11 t:itv, . . Plalmiff, vs. Henry Honklna iieieiMiHi". ; Staleof Oregon, (N'lintv of ookintias, as, BY VIR'IK tiF A Jt'liuMKNI' (iltliBI and dei rec and an enec ti n, duly lsu- rt out' of and under theaeiil of the itb iveentlt'i ooitrkl li the above eniiib d cause, to me duly ilinoita and daled tie 18 b rtay if,Mav, His, tiou a jie'emeni remieteil unrt eu'eiert 111 smrt c- urt on lbe26.h da of April, ls s, fu favor ol Com nter lnl Bank of Oregon City. pl linlff, and against H' nry llniikin-, rtefeml int. f r tl.e -lira of M7A.00 u II ' int ret'h re m ..t .herate ..f 1(1 n-f rent per annum from I h 2ft h d o ol tprll tH'Sf, and farthers on -f 5n, us nito ii"v-j fee, uml tho furthe- sum of 1' . cost- t-nil ol-lnir-eineiits. und the coats of ami apeiiiliis w rn; eomnutriding n'S? toinrtKe sate of the lollowlu: ile-er tied real prop erly, situ ite in iheeoiinty m CI lekimna and l.ti. ,11 Onnilin liLU'lt- Will trade i Rainga ntrt of I 'te I.. Il o. l.iMnrette II f.. C. lying ill section 4, township K sonib, range S east, begi' ning at a point in the west bnntiflarr 01 sairt claini south IA niintit' s enai St. S3 chains from the northwest cone r ef s-od cbnm, thence iiortli 88 degrees east 'Jfl.86 chain , thi n' f south 26 degrees 80 minutes v e-l ft.lh huins 10 a st ne, thence south 45 1'et-rci s cast t.2" chains, thetics aou'h 88degreea west 18 1)3 chi'liia tulle west line ef said eUlm. theiici nor'ti 1." nihoites. west 5.4S chains Iracng the west lioiiurtary 10 the place nf beglnniiiy, ccninliilnu HI ;icrts, more or le a. t Now tnep fore, by virtue nf said execution, Jiidgineitt onler and' decree, autl ill 1 nniliauca with the c mmand'i'f saldwrh, I will tut HATURDAY June 25lh, 18118. at the hour of 1 n'cl. ck p. 111 ,s ibe front door of the count curt lmiw , I 1 the city of O egon City ill Said (ton 11 1 v an 1 state, sell aijliblit aiietton, subject to rcdt niiitl' n. m the l'tli-tl di i it r t'nited states gold c m, cash in hand, ail ihs rlt'hl. iltle apt1 Ipieien w I " b tin withn t m4 difendamro'cit of tl tm hart o 1 . ia eo the mollgHge ht'ien. 1.1 s t ct i."il tli nltnil.i 1 OV0 described real 1 inpeily 1 r 1 1 ) ) an II t n nl. lo sail Iv aslrt t xi cti'iof. Jtn'pni ni ttret ttcrta lntereat, coat- and all ar.' rim g 1 1 tf. (i.V.(IRA( hher'ft of i la kanias Comity, uregoil. Dated Oregon City, Oregon. Maj ituth, lb'JS. tOUNTY THE- URKrt'S NO'ICK I HAVB no IN MY HND9 FUNDd appllciih e lo the pavmcnt nf all warrants endorsed prior to November 1st, 1894. Interest will cease on the above warrants tier the date of this notice. JACOB SHADE, Treasurer nf Clackamas County, Or egon Dated this 1st day nf June. 18. Sometimes a tire is a benefit, we found it so, although it might have been worse, as we bad insurance. Uur Mil linerv Department is now fitted up very tastefully and we invite everybody to come and see us. vve are constantly getting in new goods, and can fu'iiish anybody with a suitable hat or bonnet, up to date and fashionable. NO CURE NO PAY. That Is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTKLKS8 CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It Is simply iron and quinine In are asteleas form. Children love it. Adults prefer at a bitter, nauseating Tonics. Prloe 50c For sale by C. ti. Huntley. DrarorisL Edncata VourRowla With Cansrtti Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c If C.C.C fail, drug tfit refund money EUPORiun of Fine Millinery AND HAIR GOODS Larffe Assortment of Latest Desigas of Trimmed Bats. Trimming Done to SiUifacUon. Ostrkh Feathers Dyed and Curled. n.Kid Gloves Cleaned. . Hair , Work In All Its Brushes Done with Neat , ' seas and' Dispatch. DECKER, 2)0 FIRST .STRUT, - PORTLAND, OB SHERIFFS 8LE. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for .he i on ut- of Clackamas 1. Hanllug, i lllennncier, nans a, to., F. KechuiT, tru-toe, F. j . Ktttinga, Plain; Iff, vs. Thomas Garn'tt, i nomas Garrett. Jr., Schuyler L. Usher. L N. Jones, Kllen (janell, Rielianl Garrett.Nellle B. Gar rult.C. W. llt riinn., 0. 8. i ermanand Henry Mi" y, Ella Ourret, llt-futulMiita. uiete nf Oreaon. tJouiitv of Clackamas. . as BY VIRI'lIK Or A JUtHiMEKT UBUEB, .tecree and an exeeution, duly Issued oat ol and under the seal of the above entitled court. in o,u ihnve entitled cause, to me dulv directed and dated the 1st day of June, 1898, upon a judgment, rendered and entered in saiti con non me oa aay of Mhv. 185W, In favor of plaintttts lor lat costs, IU: 2nd, r-IOD attorney's fees; 8d, Judgment, SliV.'iO with lutsieai at iu per ceui. per anntira allies May .Hd.lMM. 4th, Judgment, tt6.ftl), with interest at 10 tier cent, since May 3d, 1898; 5ih, iiidgroent, 184.50,with interest at 10 per sent, per annum suit aiey w,ld,.uiuukuiciuui smiii with Interest al iu per cent, per annum atnoe u.vlil. lH'W and asainst defendants, and the costs of aud upon this writ, commanding me to make sale ot tn following aesennea real prop erty situate in the Couuiy of Clackamas, State of Oregon, lo wit: . , , , ,. . , The north is seres nf the south half of the D. L. n, of Thomas Garrett and wlfa situated In Inwaahlp 6 south, range t east W. M., and lot S of rectum M, same township and range, containing 20.S8 acres . . ... Also a promissory note of t&50 against J. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, lodgment Older and decree, and ia compliance wilh the commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, JULY 2d 189a, tthahnne nf ana o'clock. P. St. at the front diair of the Coumy Court Houae in the City of Oregon City, tu said t.'oaaty and State, sell at nubile auction, subject to redemption, to the Vohet hirt'ter lor I . M. gold coin, cash In band. it th riaht. title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, bad an the date of the mortgafe herein or since bad In ar to the above deecrioea pn pertyor any pan ihctwi to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, de cree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. v. . uHjtta - Sheriff of Clackamas Connty, Oregon. . DateoVUnsBM City, Or , June id. 1W. (T A AKI4ll',l,RU'r'lnnra' SHERIFF'S' SALE ON EXECUTION In the clrci.lt court of the state of Oregon, for the couuiy of t'lackainaD. Daniel M. Trnlliuter, 1 Plainllfl', VB. Juliette F. Tmliinger i lien mlmt. J State of Oregon, cunlv of i luckamas. ss. BY VIRTUK Of A JiJUitahM ORDER, decree and an execution, duly issued nut of aud under the seal nt the above entitled court, in tht anove entitled cause, lo me duly dip oied and dated the 5th day of May, 1SU8. upon a Judg ment rend' r, il and entered In said courl on the 20 h day nf Man h, 18U7, in favor of JulUtte F. T'ulllliger, lUdnrtanl, and against Daniel M. Trullinger, plaintiff, for the sum of 36 10, and the Costa nf and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property nfaaid defendant, snd If Mitticleni could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said plalntllt on am) alter the date ot said Judg.oent to satisfy said luin of S36.10 and also the costs upon this said writ. Now therefore, by virtus of said execution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, bcirg in. able to find any peiaonal property of said defendant's, I did on the bth day of May, 1898, duly levy upon the following described real properly of said plaintiff, situate and being in the connty of Clackamas, and state of Oregon, to-wit: Luis one (1), two (2) and three (S) of section three (:f) township three (3) south of range three (3) east of the Willamette Merid ian, snd I will, on Saturday, the 11th day of June, 1898, t the hour of 1 o clock p. in., at Ihs front door of the county court house In tha city of Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redumption, ithe highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, sll the right, title and Interest which the within named plaintiff or either of them, had on the dale of said Judgment or since had in or to the aotiveoesonoea real property or any psrtthereol, to satisfy said Judgment order, decree, Interest, cost! and accruing costs. ti. W. GRACE, 8heritT of Clacksms County, Oregon Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, May tub, 1898. OFFICIAL WAR BOOK by Congressman James Rankin Young. Alt about War with Spain, the Navy .all defenses, Bst tleahips, etc. Portraita and biographies of Dewey and all prominent officers. Nearly 600 pages. Massive volume Msrvelously cheap. Best sue thonhip. only authentic, oflicial book (x en enea not necessary. Any body ran sell h. La dies as successful as gentlemen. We are the largest subscription book Arm fa America. Write us. Fifty pewiM are employed In oar corses- Kndenee department alone, to serve yon. our ok is Just out. Get ageucy now and be first in the Belt. Large 60 cents. War Map la, colore free with book or ontat. Other valuable aram iums. Tremendous seller. Biggest money maker ever known. Most liberal lanns guaranteed. Agents makim) 17.00 to r.0t per day. Twentv days credit givsa. Freight paid. Fall book sent prepaid tecgents, 11.44. 8 plead id sample outfit tree lor nine S-cent stamps to nay nostam. alea. tion this paper. MONROE SOOK CO., Dep't , Cklc.gt, IIL Children Cry for 11 Cccti:IaV r I luieV area Fleeter