Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, June 10, 1898, Image 7

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1 . -
Journey Equal to More than Half the
Distance Around the Earth -Beset
by Gravo Dangers, but Va Always
Beady for Trouble.
First to Honnd the Horn.' v
... When the Oregon started on her un-
, paralleled cruise of 13,000 miles and
steamed through the Golden Gate, fir
ling. her salute of good-hy to the flag.,
i. that floats over the Presidio on March
19, Capt Charles E. Clark and his crew
were as much in Ignorance of her ultl
1 mate destination as the rest of the
'.' world. Captain Clark was told to make
" Callao his first stopping place. The
big vessel, with its tremendous load of
guns and protecting turrets, ran Into
a heavy sea before it had got ou of
Bight of California's promontories.
The captain's orders did not provide
for a return. The ship's prow had
been headed for the coast of Peru and
the course was never changed in spite
'( of protracted bad 'weather. While
many tons of steel were pounding on
; the Pacific the men who direct the
game of war and use the warships as
so many pieces at chess were debating
" what disposition should be made of the
. redoubtable floating battery. ' To
"Fightlug Bob" Evanjj was left the dis
position of the big ship.' "Dewey, with
the Olympia, can lick the entire Span
ish Asiatic squadron," was Evans esti
mate, and the destination of the Ore
gon was settled. "' .
Great anxiety was felt for the "pride
of the navy" when April 1 came and
Bhe had not been sighted off the coast
of Peru, as expected, but on April 8 the
bold lines of the battleship were de
scribed, off Callao. She had fought a
long battle with the elements, but had
come out victorious without a mark.
The Oregon coaled at Callao and there
Captain Clark received a sealed packet
containing his orders. When the ship
had headed about and steered into, the
open sea, Captain Clark communicated
the story of the Maine's report and Its
reception by the American people to
bis men, In addition to the route of
their . excursion around Cape Horn.
Officers and crew exercised the great
est precaution, when war with Spain
promised to become the sequel to the
Maine disaster. The ship was given a
coat of iron gray and her searchlight
wept the horizon for hostile sails. The
progress of the vessel southward after
leaving Callao was atteuded by great
danger owing to storms, and for that
reason the Oregon coaled In the Straits
of Magellan instead of attempting to
enter the harbor of Valparaiso. When
the joint resolution of Congress de
clared the Cuban people should be free
and that Spanish sovereignty was at
an end on the Western continent, Cap
tain Clark was only twenty-four hours
behind schedule time. The Oregon was
the first warship in history to round
that storm-swept point.
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On the Lookout for Trouble.
Captain Clark was warned by cable
of the dangers that lay lrrbU path and
answered that he was ready to engage
the entire Spanish fleet If bis; superiors
o desired. A brief summary, of the
Joint resolutions were Writ .him for the
entertainment of hs, men. ..'together
with a "tip" that a declaration of war
and actual hostilities) would be forth
esmlng. When the Oregon Jurned.tnto
the Atlantic Ocean she was "Joined by
the'gunboat' Marietta,' which had left
San Diego several days after the Ore
gon.' Together they steamed north
ward. Captain Clark and the com
mander of the Marietta learned of the
events that had transpired while they
were speeding from the Straits of Ma
gellan. . War had been declared April
25, and the crews of both boats set up
o mighty cheer when they received the
news of the capture of Spanish vessels '
off the coast of Cuba.
Spain's crack' toriedo boat, the Tem
erario, made a bluff at the Oregon, but
Immediately sluhk away Into the Bay
of Montevideo and hid behind a penin
sular when she got within observation
distance of Uncle Sam's mighty sea
fighter, The least inclination of the
Temerarlo to disrespect the friendly
character of the harbor would "have
resulted In the sinking of the Spaniard
under five tons of steel projectiles Into
the waters of the bay. Two days after
the American vessels arrived at Rk de
Janeiro the Temararlo -arrived. Bra
zilian officials, however, were active
and said they would prevent any clash
between the representatives of the two
governments. News of the magnifi
cent victory of Dewey's fleet reached
the Americans In Rio de Janeiro. With
in the harbor of Brazil's capital the Or
egon and Marietta were joined by the
dynamite cruiser Buffalo, recently pur
chased from that government
Orders came from the Navy Depart
ment to proceed, and the fleet of three
vessels steamed out of the harbor of
Rio de Janeiro May 4. They were ln
structed to stop at every cable port en
route and receive Instructions.
Oregon Putlt in the West.
All the material for the construction
and armament of the Oregon came
from the far Western States. The Iron
mines of California, Oregon, Washing
ton, Nevada, Colorado, and New Mex
ico supplied the crude metal which was
afterward converted Into steel for the
hull, great strips of armor and ponder
ous castings for the guns. The big bat
tleship was built by the Union Iron
Works, San Francisco. On her trial
trip an average of -10.79 knots was
maintained and 11,111 horsepower was
developed, 2,111 In excess of the con
tract ., .
In s!ie the Oregon is only surpassed
by one ship In the navy the Iowa.
The displacement of the Paciflc-born
monster Is 10,283 tons. The excess
weight .'of the Iowa comet from her
higH decks, which are supposed to
make her more seaworthy. When the
Oregon was constructed she was In
.tended, for coast service, her designers
never " thinking of a reeord-breakiDg
cruise equal to more than half thi dis
tance around the earth's surface. The
Oregon is supplied with' Bunkers that
give her a coal capacity of 1,594 tons.
This enables her to steam -4,500 miles
without recoaling. The Oregon's com
plement of men numbers 473. Her
armor Is divided as follows: - Belt, 18
inches; deck, 2 Inches; barbettes, 17
Inches; turrets, 15 inches; casements,
G Indies. The main battery of the Ore
gon consists' of four 13-inch, eight 8
inch and four slow-flre G-inch guns.
This outfit Is not surpassed by any bat
tleship in the world. The supplement
ary rapid-fire battery consists of twen
ty 6-pounders, six 1-pounders, four
Gatlings, two field guns and three tor
pedo tubes. .
Vnoient Methods of Signaling.
The fabulous honor of being the first
Inventor of the art of signaling is be
stowed by certain classical writers up
on the Ingenious Pnlamedes. This hero
may have Introduced Improvements in
detail, but It Is certain that long be
fore tlie time of the Trojan war the
Egyptians and Assyrians, if not the
Chinese and other nations of remote
antiquity of whom monumental rec
ords alone remain to us had developed
regular methods of signaling by lire,
smokes flags, etc.
The great wall, built by the Chinese
ages ago, and 1,500 miles long, is stud
ded with towers. Between these sig
nals were Interchanged when troops
had to be collected in order to resist at
tack at any point threatened by the
Tartars or "outer barbarians." Bv
Maj. Boucheraeder and others It has
been considered that the huge tower of
Babel was erected for similar as well
as for a number of different purposes.
That Is to say, for the siguallng not
necessarily of any particular words or
sentences, but of expected events, Im
perial decrees, military orders and oth
er aiatters Intended to be understood
through conventional signals, whether
of lights, flags, semaphores or other de
vices, by all the motley host of nation
alities and languages of which the
Chaldean empire was composed. Corn
hill. The Lion of St. Mark.
The great lion of St. Mark Is about
to be restored to the doges' ancient pi 1
aces in Venice. This was the lion
erected by Andrea Grlttl, who became
doge In 1523, 'and who, in the fifteen
years of his , rule, restored to his city
all the possessions she held before the
league of Cambral. Grlttl died in 1538,
having won a threefold glory as pa
triot, soldier and statesman. He left
behind him as his monument the fa
mous high-relief figure of the lion,
which adorned the middle gallery of
the doges' palace on Its best side. The
lion, stood at a height of twenty-three
meters from the ground; its paw on the
open gospel and the doge kneeling In
prayer by lta side, and where it remain
ed until the break-up of the oligarchy
and the vandalism of democratic Ven
ice swept it away. In May, 1S!K5, the
Italian ministry of fine arts undertook
the work of its restoration, and out of
a large number of competing sculptors
Signor Irbano Bota-sso wns chosen to
give the lion back to Venice. His work
a majestic lion and the doge in his
robes of state kneeling by Its side is
now complete, and will adorn the an
cient palace of tho doges In a few
weeks. Philadelphia Bulletin.
World's Great Cities.
According to the latest authority on
population the great cities of the world
are, in the order of their size;' as fol
lows: London, with a population of
4.231,431; New York (Greater), 3.200,
000; Paris, 2.447.U5I;..Berlin, 1,077,351;
Canton, l.WXi.flOO; "Vteuna,,.; 1.3(14,548;
Tokio, Japan J.,214.113; Philadelphia,
1,142,053; Chicago, 1,000,850; St.,Peter
burg, 1,035,431), and
1 Peklni i,(MXJ0.
; --r'
Very 8hocklft tyrim. vJf
"Ain't that new drama tehtrjnjuiSlls
"Ain't It! The Idea of thatA!jhnnd
some villain getting -that -dar little
heroine Into ;that dark room ajjd then
not even 'attempting to ' kiss ber.k
What has become of the old-faahloo,.
od, tpy;who bad his nose held, and Ujwk,
castor oUT i ... . ,
Works Every Day
.-...r ' 1
Hood's Sa saparllla Has Cured a
Severe Stomach Trouble.
"I suffered from a; severe itbmach
trouble.. I could nut keepunything on my
stonmch. I began taking Hood's Sarsa
parilla and it cured me. I cun now eat
almost anything I wish and my health is
good... Hood's Sarsaparilla has enabled
me to worir. every day." S.J. Ferguson,
Monroe, Or. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for 15.
Hood's Pills core indigestion! biliousness.
, , Carborundum in Canada.
The Carborundum Company, of. Ni
agara Falls, N.. Y., has made all' ar
rangements for the- manufacture of
their product in tho Dominion of Can
ada at an early date. They have pur
chased a plot of land in Niagara Falls,
Out., and wiM at once, commenoe the
erection of a factory, the contract for it
laving been awarded. They have also
made a contract with the Canadian
Niagara Falls Power Company for a
block of eleotrical power to opernte the
furnace.. In addition to .the property
purchased they have taken an option
on" additional land,- in order that they
may enlarge their plant should they
see the necessity of so doing.
The standard of the Celestial Emoire is a verv
queer looking affair. It represents the most
grotesque of green dragoons on a yellow ground.
The latter is suggestive not only of the national
complexion, but also of that of a sufferer from
Biliousness. To remove the unbecoming tint
from the complexion, use Hostetter's Btomach
Hitters, which will' speedily regulate your
liver, prevent malaria, and remedy dyspepsia,
nervousness, rheumatism and. kidney coin
plaint. Keeps Milk Pure.
A Swede has patented an ; apparatus
to assist in keeping milk pure, whioh
consists of two tubes with flaring tops
to be attached to the arms in milking,
to carry the milk into the lower endB
of the tubes connecting a covered pail,
thus decreasing the size of the openings
exposed to a minimum.
Another Toe Clip.
A New Yorker has patented a toe
clip, in which a curved plate is pivoted
on an axis parallel to the pedal axis
and a short distance above and beyond
the latter, so that when the foot is
pushed into the pedal one portion of the
plate catches the toe and the opposite
end presses against the instep.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have binartiiiK feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Koot-Kuse. It cools the feet anil
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Believes corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comfort , Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Trv it torfa. Sold bv
all druj-'gists and shoe stores for 25c. .Kent
bv mail for 2oc in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen & Olmated, Le
Roy, isew York.
For Workmen's Lunches.
A recently patented wrapper in Eng
land is especially suitable for carrying
workmen's meal". It is made of water
proof material, and is shaped with a
rigid piece in the conter. The ; flaps
are secured by buttons or hooks and
eyes. When not in use it can be folded
into small space, a strap forms the
The Klondyke
baking powder is Schillings
Best baking powder. It
keeps and does its work
everywhere. a
Very young children are not sensitive
to pain to any great extent. Dr.
Denger calculates that sensibility is sel
dom clearly shown in less than four or
five weeks after birth, and before that
time infants do not shed tears.
I believe Piso's Cure is the only medi
cine that will cure consumption. Anna
n. woss, vviinanisport, ra., Nov. ii, ua.
A New Lifeboat.
A' French inventor' has designed a
new lifeboat, which has a weighted
keel extending low enough from the
bottom of the boat to prevent its over
turning, while air-tigiit compartments
are placed in the ends and sides which
will keep it from sinking when full of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
The leaf of a oreeping moss found In
the West Indies, known as the "life
plant," is absolutely indestructible by
any means exdept immersion in boiling
Water or the application of red hot iron.
Mane money by succesfifd,
fiecuiauon in Chicago. We
cmy auu aeu wueai on mar-
Kins. Fortunes have been
or.adt on a small tx-iiinnius by trading In f i
lures. Wrltetorfull narticulars. Beat of r
ere nee given, -Several years' experience on the'
Chicago Board 'of Trade, and a thorouxh know-
legjte oi tnebninpss. Bend tor our tree refer
CMcsffo DoarcV of Trade Brokers. Offices Ia
Portland. OretOn and Seattle. It'uh. .
n'i ..'.i.W, i .
8111 rwrr rii't spring eyi crain
" . V." BAG NEEDLES.......
rfala drWlfb'Cfher. "The best needle In the mar
kei. V led tijr I mif sepem. For sale hj all gen-
u...iuuuiwt Bi?rea, or oj
,NWi 'yhht'k riNCK co.,
-i ' i .miVk4 Btreet, Francisco. CaL
L 2 id liee1 wwjie aruvfitu. f 1
4!T:;cuilH:: j
..... Extracting Copper. .
The interesting "wet process" of ex
tracting copper from pyrites, in use
near' Antwerp, is described in a . paper
read before the Association of Grad
uates of the Ghent Technical School
by L. Breda. From this it . appears
lhat the ore, ootitainiu? from three to
four per cent of copper, is roasted,
crushed and roasted with salt. The
chlorinated ore in quantities cf twenty
five tons is twice waBhed with some
660 gallons of water, then with the
waste liquor from the precipitating
tanks, then with dilute warm sulphurio
acid, and finally with warm water.
The washed ore at last contains only
0.2 per cent of copper. The liquor is
run into tanks, and the copper is pre
cipitated by scrap iron. The some
what remarkable statement is made
that by this means the amount
of copper left in the waste liquor
does not exceed 1.4 gram per gallon.
Exportation of Lumber.
The exports of lumber from this
country have been rapidly increasing
during the past two. years, and espec
ially was there a notable inorease last
year over the record lor the vear be
fore. In 1896 the value of lumber ex- j
ports from this country was $33,000,-1
000, while last year there was an in-1
orease of more than 20 per cent, tho :
total being, upward of $40,000,000
worth of lumber. In 1805 the value i
was about $30,000,000, and for several j
years previous to that year the value
was about the same. In 1860 it was
ceiving large invoice of the celebrated Stough
ton wagons. These are superior to any ever put
' upon thla market. Before buying a wagon call
and examine, or write for catalogue. Address
foot of Morrison street, Portlund, Oregon.
Life of a Wutermwln.
The life of a cast iron water main is
stated, in a report recently made to the
Melbsrne, Australia city engineer, to
average about thirty years. When
taken up after forty years of service the
iron is generally worthless, even for
scrap. Mild stool pipes last about as
long, but the oost of jointing and lay
ing, as well as the cost of the pipes
themselves, is considerably less for
steel than for cast-iron.
State or Ohio, city of Toledo,
Lucas County. j
Frank J. Cheney mates oath that he Is the
senior garter of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co.,
doing business in the Citv of Toleuo, County j
and Slate aforesaid, and thnt suid firm will pav
the tmn ul ONE HUNDUM) DOLLARS for eai ii
and every case of Catarrh thin cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catahkh Cukk.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In mv
presence, this Mx day of Beoember, A, I). 18S(S.
JVotnru Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts
directly ou the blood and mucous surlaces of
the system, fiend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bv druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
An Envelope Addresser.
An English patent Is for an automa
tic envelope addresser. The machine
has a series of stencil plates with dif
ferent names on them and whioh are
fed one at a time against an ink roll
er with the envelope pressed against it
by anothei roller to print the address.
CITe PermancnUy Cured. No fits or nervousnes
r 1 1 0 after lirat day's use of Dr. Kline's ureat
Nerve llestorer. Send for FHtK W4.00 trliil
bottle and treatise. DR. R. U, k't.iTa f ti
AruU street, Philadelphia, fa.
New Lacing Hook.
A new lacing hook has been de
signed for shoos which has an eyelet
stamped into the leather, with a hook
hinged on ono side which shuts and
holds the lace as soon as the latter is
drawn tight, all the hooks opening at
once when the knot at the top is untied.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Svrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance .of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the Califohnia Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Svkup Co, with the niedl
cal profession, . and the . satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy, , It is ,
far in advance of all other laxatives, '
as it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does sot gripe nor
nauseate. I n order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company .',.,
Sirs. Joseph Peterson, Warren, Pa.
';. ' I have suffered with womb troubla
over Hf teen years. I had inflammation,
enlargement, and displacement of thd
womb. i '
" The doctor wanted me to take treat
ments, but I had just begun taking
Mra. Pinkham'sgjf
Compound, ai
my husband
said I had.
better wait i
much good"
that would
do me. I
was so sick
when I began -with
her medi
cine, I could
hardly be on my
feet. I had the
backache con
stantly, alsoheadache, and wassodizzy.
I could not walk around, and I could not
lie down, for then my heart would beat
so fast I would feel as though I was
smothering. I hod to sit up in bed
nights in order to breathe. I was so
weak I could not do anything. I have
cow taken several bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
used three packages of Sanative Wash,
and can say I am perfectly cured. I do
not think I could have lived long if Mrs.
Pinkham's medicine had not helped tue."
Is the working capital
of liunntiiltv. lie who
loses that is wrecked
Indved. Is your health
fulling you, your am
bition, viKor, vitality
wasting away t
When others full oon.
nsrmnnent cure of all
HnM.diil dlHpaAi.li. nvan
For the speedy, safe and
Nervous, Chronic mid
in thoir most aggravated forms. There ia no man
In the world who has erferled so many permanent
cures lu both Men and Women of troubles which
other phyaicaus of acknowledged ability had given
upas boneless as this ciulnent a)ierlaliet.
INEKVOI S HKIill.II V and a 1 tn attend ne
allineuts,of VOCKU, M1PULK-AHED and OLD
MKN. The awful effect of npirlix'tpd or Imnrmi-
erly treated caea, cuuslng drains, weakness of
body and brain, ulcxlneas, fulling memory, lack of
energy aud confidence, pains In hack, loins and
kidneys, and many other difttreaMng svmptnius,
untitling one foraiudy, Imslness or enjoyment of
life. Dr Hutcl ille can cure you, no matter who or '
what has failed.
WEAK MEN. He restores lost vigor and vi
tality to weak men. Organs uf the body which
have been weakened through disease, overwork,
excesses or indiscretions are restored to full power,
strength and vigor through Ulsown successful sys
tem of treatment.
VARICOCELE, hydrocele, swelling and ten
derness of the glunds treated with unlading suocees.
Hl'KCIAL DISEASE, Inflammation, dis
charges, etc.. which, if neglected or Improperly
treated, break down the system, cause kidney and
bladder disputes, etc.
D1HE AMKH OF WOMEN. Prompt and ee
peclal attention given to all their many allmeuta.
WHITE I r you are awure of any trouble. DO
NOT DKl.AY. Call on Pr.Ratdltfetnilav. Ifyou
cannot ou'l. write him. His valuable book free to
all sufferers. CONSULTATION Jf'KltK uud confi
dential at office or by letter.
E. M. RATCLIFFE, 7!3 First in. IIirfLE, IISI
Portland to Chicago Without Change
Quirk Time.
I nlon Depot.
I'ersiMially Conducted Eienralnni.
lillggnge Checked tu Destination
I.nw Kates.
Direct line to Trans-Mississippi end
Interunttoiinl Exposition held in Omaha,
Nebraska, June to November.
Write undersigned for rates, time tables and
other information pertaining to I nlon I'aoiuo
' R. V, BAXTER, Gen. Agent, '
134 Third St., l'ortliilid, Oregon.
Is it WruuK?
Get it Right
Keep It Right
Moore's Revealed Itemed will do It. Three
doses will make you leel better. Get It Iroa
four druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
torn Stewart & Uoimes Drug Co., Seattle.
Kj T. H. V-
No. tt, '.
tVBEM writing to
advertisers please
1 V mention this
paper. .
PRINTER.... "',
We lead a ad originate
fashions in eta
Second sad Stark Sts.
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,&ft; Ed i MM