NEW THIS WEEI HVNDSOME "i PARASOLS and "MTS UMBRELLA?, all samples, no two alike; also cliildico's parasols. LATEST Hc6"'',H TaRTAN PL ID LIHLK HOSIERY fortuities and ehllit rent ...Mich wiveltli-s, 60.: pair; Roman Wipes, S and 86c. ' LAMES 8ILK M1TT8 in lace and taffeta, ' l&c, 20c uud 25c. New things In belts, fringed sashes, and scarfs, etc. .. . Ladies' summer vts, 5r,16o,V0- pd iTfc. " ' ,. Spring shoulder capes and separate skirls; best values eer shown here in nnder- National tricolor and flag ribbons; fltigs and bunting. Home prices. ... skirts. lYIcAllen & Tht Exclusive Dry Gonds House of the Northwest. COR. THIRD AND MORRISON STS., P0RrlANO, ORE. TRADING STAMPS? YES I LOCAL SUMMARY. ' Pure fruit flavored ice cream soda at Prier 8. The pioneer meat market of C Al bright continues to serve i 8 eu tomers well and always keeps a large amount of fretih meats on hand. Last year's patterns of wall paper at reduced price". Hve ami 10c notion counters.; At Bellomy & Busch. F. I. Andrews, the market gardener, has always on hand a laye amount of .first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider and cider vinegar. Give him a rial. Kenwdrthy's restaurant and con fectionery is now opened and ready to serve first-class meals on short notice. Oysters a specialty. W heeler & Oram's old stand. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the groce' y store of Marr & Muir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Coubier office. W e aie the leaders over all others in stylish millinery and popular prices. Gelia Goldsmith. , . 1 Nottingham. ce, curtains, balance of lot just received,, j jp ill close out at the same old , price. Oregori City Auction House. ' ' '' keh'wdrthy's ice cream. Icecream and cake ,15 cents a dish or two for 25c. lee ereaahor ice cream soda 10c. Jult received, 100 rolls of fine mat ting. Call at once and set choice of patterns. Oregon City Auction House x w V-AW oaK bicycles have the nev depart- ure brakes, just the thing for riding in this county. Charman & Co,,-agents for Columbia bicycles. " We are leaders for stylish millinery At popular prices. Oelia boldsmitn P. I. Andrews, the gardener, as usual has the 'first young radishes and onions ; . r, .u 1 OI ine season ueBiues uiucr can; vcga , table. . ;.. .. ':i Albright is never "just, flnt", of the kind of meat vou want as he knows what his customer desire and keeps a full stock' on hand and you don't need to take "what's left." 1 A high grade warranted .Sewing ma hine sells for $25 on easy payments at Bellomy & Busch. D. E. Kenworthy at the East Side Ry office serves meals or oysters at all tim es He also keeps a line of confectionery fruits and cigars. Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you want anything in the fresh vegetable line. . ....... Our $30, wheels have the automatic brake ; you can go down any hill. Charman & Co., agents for Columbia Bicycles... Try Prier's ice cream and ice cream soda pure fruit flavors. Fruits, nuts and con ecticnery of all kinds. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets ' - G. H. Young's second ham! store can furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard ware, etc., at less than one-fourth wiiat same would cost new and they are just as good and will last as long. Give him 'rial. When in Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaur nt where you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. .' Wm. Bohlander, proprietor. The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents. A full line of cigars and tobacco is kepi. 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and retun via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., and 3:35 p. in , and arrives from Port land at 9 :23 a.m. and 6:52 p. m. Save time by using the quicker route. We Carry in Stock a Large lne of SOLID GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER and NICKEL WATCHES With Waltham and Elgin Movements HIGHEST GRADE AT LOWEST PRICES . Burmcistor & Andre$cn, . THE OREGON CITY JBWELRRS BICYCLE GLOVES, cool and flexible, with gauntlet tops, 65c, 85c and 1. 00 per pair. BICYCL SUMMER CORSETS. Correct for riding, 2&c. 40u and 50c. GRADUATING MATERIA in French orxHiidi and resl swiss; pure while and pearl, 1 c, 20c, 25c and 35c yard. The members of the M. E. church have chartered the elegant, steamer D. F Baker for a grand r ver excursion on the 4th of July. The 8 earner will go up th Columbia river, wlier tho ex'-ur HonintH will have an opportunity of tak ing in the finest sceneries of the Pacilic coast. A stop of hours will be made at Latoure'le Falls. The rates for the excursion will l placed so low, that one of the finest excurt-ionsof a lifetime will he placed within the reach of most people. The funeral of the 14 months old child of Mr. and Mr. Savage was conducted by Rev. Dr. Butler last Saturday at 10 a. m. The pnpu'ar steamer " Harvest Queen" has been chartered for the excursion to be given by the Congregaiinnal church n Saturday, June 25th, to Mnbuomah Falls, look out for piirticu ars -next week. "Childrens dav" will be full v observed at the First Congregational church next Sabbath. The ehild'-en will furnish the mneic for the day. At the morning ser vice nanti-m will be admiiuxtered to a number of children, A grand concert exercise program will be given in the evening, with special features and beau tiful decorative exercises. Commencement Exsrjlses. The commencement exercises of the Parkplace school will be held Friday evening, and will be up to the usual ex cellence of the closing program of that school. A class, of nine bright pupils .:n - i. t . i. - , u i , win Krauume iiumi ine iiiiiii sett ui grade this week. They are Uari la. Butt, K.ate E. smith, Daisy IS Rivers. Pearl Margaret Himler, Freder ick G. Thayer, Florence E. jitty, taud E. Brown,-Mary Frances Huerth and Clark Hay nes Williams The class colors are red, whit- and blue, and the class motto is "Now We Try A Bound less Sea.'' i Music, Oregon City Orchestra. Invocation, Rev. T. VV, Butler. Organ solo, Mrs. J. E. White. Oration, "Landmarks of History" Carl L. Butt. Oration, "Poetic Realities of Nature," Orchestra Oration, "Long , Live the Republic," Daisy J. Rivera Essav, "Woman's- Influence in the Moral World, "Pearl Ma garet Himler, Duet, Mr. and Mrs. A. . Dresser ' Essay. "Curiosity," Frederick G Thayer Recitation, 'Lasca," Florence E. Patty Oration, "Launched, But Whether Bound," M-ud E. Brown. Solo, Miss Kate Ward. Original poem ' Our Graduation Day," Mary Frances Huerth. Valediciory, "The Saxon Grit," Clark Haynea Williams. Presentation of Diplomas, Oapt. J. T. Apperson. AuuresBio ciass, ui,Koot, a. Wilier, Fancy flower baskets for uraduating exercises , at the Racket Store. Leather belts, all colors, also a nice variety, of belt fasteners, ' at the Racke (Store. Hats and bonnets for children nice selection, at the Racket Store. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr & Muir. Latest Russian blouse front shirt wan s, different styles, at the Racket Store. F )R RsNT-Three fine rooms in a quiet place in Green Point near car li o, furnished or unfurnished. In quire at Courier office or A R. Doolittle at residence. We can assure all who invest $40 in a Victor, 1898, Model 35 bicycle, that they are getting their moneys worth, and that a greater amount of service and sat isfaction cannot be found in anv other bicycle on the market at an equal price Burmeister & Andresen. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. David Will, of Barlow, was in the city Tuesday .., , , ; Charles Biers, of Salem, Was visiting isrvguu wi(,y (rienug ounoay . Miss Jessamine Dutcher, or Poitland, - ; . ! . .1 . 1! T is viMiing me mioses iuunger. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Savage died in this city Friday .June 3rd. J. B. Tavlor's family have all been down with' measles but are now im proving. A. F. Chapman, a well-known resi denti'f Hubbard, was in Oregon Oity, Saturday.., Born, Monday June 6th. to Mr and Mrs. Joseph rie la Fontaine, a daughter. weighing 7jj pounds. Reei'e Daugherty, one of the promi nent citizens of Soda Springs, was in Oregon City Wednesday. Miss Ellis, of Portland, and Mr. An derson, of Chicago, were gu sts of Miss Mattie uraner last Sunday. A C. 8 ranee, who is in the citv. closed a successful vear of school at Pleasant Home last Friday. Miss Laura ('on vers returned to her home at Clatskanie Tuesday, accom panied by Miss May Wianart. Charles Goldsmith, of Portland, was visiting his sisters, the Mi-ses Gold smith, in this city last Sunday. Mrs Robert Beatie and children, of Portland, who I ave been visiting Mrs. Beatie of thW city, returned home Mon day. Ernest Hutttun, took out a lial of' goods f r his Marquara store Saturday, U. E. Young drove out the load for him. Mrs. J. M. Tracy, of Logan, left Sat urday for Yoncalla, Douglas county, where she will visit relatives for a few days. O. K. Quinn.of Marquam, brought intwoeoyote scalps Tuesday, and re ceived a warrant for $4, bounty for the same. Miss Edna Ru;g, who graduated with higti h mors a the Portland University last week, has reiurned to her home in this city. Round trip ticke's to Yaauina bav are now on f ale at the Southern Pac lie office in this city for $6; good un il Oc tober lUtti. Charles U.Wilson returned from Salem Sunday, where he had been amend ing an examination of a law class before the 8'ipierae court. ' Hon. John Kruse. of . Wilsonville. ha been very ill with heart trouble for sev eral months past) and has been unable to leave his home. . " '' , J J. Gard. one of ihe torominetit citi zens of Claikes. was a caller at this of fice Wednesday, and reports excellent prospects lor crops..; 1 , . , . , A. R. bimick closed a Successful firm of the tarquam school last Friday; and spienom program ot literary ana pa;- triutic exercises was prjesBnteil. : ; 'n The summer, ruslv oi Sundav vuitora has liegun to the falls and Oregon City, as was evidenced by the number1 of rortund people, in the city last Sunflay, i iss rfnce.W!cn of! Btoi kton'i1 Oal isviMtinir Miss Vera Pilsburyk. Miss Welch is the daughter of James Welch. and the family formerly resided in ithis cl,y- ... A;-,!.. Dr. J W.Welch has disposed of his dental basin- ss'io fr. Francis Freeman, ana returned to ins old home at silver- ton, where he Mill practice his profes Capt. John Kelly, who has been Em ployed on the Gray K gle for the bast two months, has resumed his old , place as night watchman, at the Crown paper nuns. The Presbyterian Sunday school 'will give a fine entertainment at the church on Tuesday evening, June 14th, to take the place of Hie usual children a day ex ercises on ounaay. ,. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Stevens and daughter, "iss Mertie, who have been visiting New Yorx, Washington and other baxtern points for the past two months, returned home Tuesday. ' A Maccabees picnic will be held at Zuler's park, near Ba low next Satur day, which will be participated in by ine wnw oi vvoodourn, But'evtlle Macksburg, Marquam aud Bailow. D. K. Hill and C. H. Danchy, of Parkplace, have opened a recruiting of fice for volunteers t A S. Dresner's of fice, ar-d will fo m a company as soon as a sufficient number of recruits are ob tained. The youngest son of I. D. Taylor fell off a sidewalk on the W est Side last Fri day and sustained a frac ure of his right arm, between the wrist and elbow. He is now getting along as well as could be expected Marriage licenses have been issued during he week by County Clerk Dixon 10 Kate M. Chiistian and C. L. Barrett : on 1 he 3rd Mabel T. Hannegan and John C. Williams on the 4th, and Hattie E. Bonnet and O. Wisesnger on the 6tb. Mrs. M A. (iilmer and daughter, Miss Etta, of Burroughs. Calif., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dye for the past three weeks.left Tuesday for a visit to their old home in the East. Mrs. Uilmer, who is a sis er of Mr. Dye, is highly pleased with Oregon. Miss Mabel Hanegan and John 0, Williams were married at tie residenc of ihe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hanegan, Saturday June 4th, Rev. A.J. Montgomery officiating. F'or the present they sre making their home at the Hanegan place, on Main street. Justice of the Peace B. F. 8mith of Needy, came very near meeting his dea'h last Sunday evening by an at tack from a wild buil. He was stand ing near a fence when the infuriated animal made a dive and viciously push- d him to the ground and through the fence. Mr. Smith is still suffering from injuries received in the chest and lungs. The Oregon City Band will' complete its organization next week, and has among its membership some of the best talent in the city. They have been practicing for about week, and Tues day evening, they made a decided hit by their excellent playing on the street. They serenaded the, newly elected can didates at their residences and were cordially received. v. A. Covert, of Logan, was in the cuy weduesday. H. H. Wheeler, of Canby, was in mwn eane&iay. : H. F. Currin. of Currinsville, was Oregon City visitor Wednesday i - an Henry Mlev,: the Wilsonville mer chant, was in Oregon Ci.y yesterday. , i D..N, Bridenstine and wife, of Spring water were visitors in the city' Ta -sday, Mr. and Mrs. J. F Clark are vtaitinv rela ives in Polk county for a few davs. J. AoDel. wife nnd nhildren nf Port. land were tt.e gue t of Mr. and Mrs. uhus Schwartz, 8unday. 1 Will L.Miller bo rded the Pouthern Pacific overland Mondav evenine for a hort visit to Southern Oregon. Mrs. G, C. Richen, who has been visiting relatives in Kansas for the past three months, returned home this week. Mis Helen Riees of Ornio i Citv. is the guest of Mr. an I and Mrs E. J. Swafford for a few days. Salem States man, Postmaster Horton has been ill for two or three ''ays pis', probably te resnl' of over work and close confine ment. Miss Addie Clark; one of the teachers in the Oregon City schools is spending the vacation with relatives in Polk county. The republicans of Clackamas county are making prepara'ions to celebrate their recent victories in Oregon Oity Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. R -nds went to Vancouver Thursday, to visit their son, h. vi, Kands, the occasion being his birthday. Susie Turner and Mike Gross, both of Stafford were married at the com-t house in this city Thursday, County udge Hayes officiating. The Morning Tribnne. of Portland. suspended publics' ion as soon as it was awe taine I that .loe Simon was elected senator to represent M iltnoraali county. Among the 5) applicants, who sue cessfully passed the examination for ad mission to the bar before the Bupreme court is the name of Charles U. Wilson, of th'8 city. W. P. Hawlev. superin'endent of the Crow i Paper Mills, accompanied bv Mrs. Hawlev and son, returned Wed nesday from an extended visit to the Eastern States. . Mis Jennie Gray, who has filled the position of money order and register lerk in the Oregon Uity postomce lor the past four years, retuned to her home in Portland Monday. , Mrs. Martha Blakeslee, of Chehalis, Wash., who has been visiting her parents, Mr, und Mrs. James Wilkinson, for several, weeks past, , returned home inursday afternoon. J ' X. brands, manager Of the Port land office of the American Type Found ers' Company, and A. H. Wells, a news paper man from Alton, lowa, . were plesant eallers at this office Wednesday. Ci W. Austin, of. Wilhoit Springs, was -'arraigned before Justice Schubel .pu .Bday afternoon on a charge of as saulting his neighbor, O. S Herman, With fl fenfti rail. He waived examina tiori. and mas bound! over to appear be fore the grand jury. B.', Aj Miinson, ' the genial delivery clerk at Harlow's grocery store, was mar- ned in Portland Thursday, Junewtn 1898,. to, Mrs. B. B. King, recently of Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Munson will make their home in that delightful su burb of Oregon City .Parkplace. r Henry Shelley, of 55orthern Missouri, Is visiting bis brother, James Shelley, oi Maple Lane. He stooped tn ( aliforma tor eight months on his way here, but was not very favorably impressed with that dried up Section of country. He 1b favorably impressed with uregon, and c-nsider8 the opportunities much better here for a poor man. The two brothers had not met before for 24 years. The citizens of Bolton are displaying their patriotism by erecting tall flag poles and surmounting them with the stars and stripes. These poles are raised with appropriate ceremonies, and the entile neighborhood talc 8 a hand fn the festivities Flag poles varying in length from 70 to 90 fee have been raised in front of the residences of Rob ert Greaves, Ed Johnson and Frank Vosburg. . . . Attorney Itouce1 Curry, of this city, ws married ill Pdrtlmd Wednesdy, June 8th. to Miss Mamie Harkins. 554 Fourth street. The ceremony was per formed by R v. Kellogg in the presence of a few invited relatives. Mr and Mrs. Curry have taken up their resi dence in Or gon Citv in a cottage al ready prepared for their reception, There is c msiderable activity among the volunteer firetnen. as ihe tarious coin nan lea are expected to have contest ing 'earns in the tournament to be held on the Fourth of July. Prizes will be awarded at that time to the winning teams in the races, and the firemen's tournament will he an interesting fea ture of the Fourth ol July exercises. The Fourth of July committee held a a meeting Wednesday evening, and on Thursday eveui'ig another meeting was held at the office of Hedges 4 Orithth, of the heads of sub committees and the general committee The details for the rourth of July celebration are now about completed. By nex1 week the sp rts com mittee will htve their program ready. Everything is now almo-t in reidiness for 1 routing, big Fourth of July cele bration. ki a meeting of the West Oregon City school board held Friday evening, the lot owing , teachers were reelected: Principal, Prof. T.J.Gary; teacher of the intermediate department. Airs. Norma Haines; teachers of the primary debarment. Miss Uhve A. L-ueiiing; teacher of the Bolton school. Miss Lizzie Shipley. Miss MarjorieCafield declined I a re election as teacher ot the Bolton school. - James Waters, of Wilson vile, was ar raigned be'ore JusticeSchuebel Tuesday on a charge of indecent exposure, but was discharged on motion of the prose cuting attorney, On Wednesday, Fred Wing, of Redland, was arraigned in the same court on a charge of assault, but was discharged. ; Henry Smathers, of the same place, waived examination and cave bonds to appear before tbp grand Jury. ' 500' SUIT. Wc have disposed of one-half of the men's suits which we purchased at a sacrifice, during the past ten day s, and txpect to close out the b tiante in a very short time. This is the grandest opportunity ever offered to the citizens of Oregon City, and every one should take advantage of it Positively $i2jo and $15.00 VALUKS for $8.50. This lot o.nsists of BLUE SERGES, OKAY CLAY WORSTED, and PLAIN and PLAID WORSREDS, Every one new, and none worth less than $1250. This week we have also marked down many of our BYS' AND CHILD REN'S surrs Which before the reduction were better value than could be obtained elsewhere, MOYW aOTHING CO.. The Popular-lV(c ,nothrs ben selling, Manager- Corner Third and Oak Streets. Christian Kocher, on of the leading hop growers of Clackami'8 county, was , in from Mnrks' prairie Friday, and sai l tne report tnai many hulvbi-.o ; plowed up in the spring is t 'oneiius. While a tew were ting up, oiner uems were ulanted. He says, however that only part of the hopyards give promise of yielding good er pa. Some growers think that a minute borer or insect is damaging the vines it some yards. The residence of K. McFarlan l was burned to ihe ground Sunday afternoon, and all its contents were destroyed. Mrs. McFarland was sitting In front of the building, and the children were playing around the house when it was discovered to be on fire. The flames had made such headway that it was impossible to stop their progress, and in a short time the houBe was a mass of ruins. The fire is supposed to have started In a chimney. Al Green, a well known resident of this city, died in this city last Sa'urday, June 3rd, aged 46 years and 11 months. He was formerly - empioyea in ..ine woolen mills, but had been ill for sev eral months with consumption. His funeral was conducted from the U. B. cburcivand the funeral sermon was de livered by A. J. Ware. The burial ser vices at Mountain View cemetery were conducted under the auspices of the A. ,0 U. W. 'The deceased leaves a wife and eight children. ' ' ' ' The United Wheeling Association, of Portland, la making an active effort to build a cycle path to Oregon City cost ing f IOOO". This association is made up of some 000 jyjliin. 1 n i it h w a b i-d of directors, consisting of H. H. Nor h rup, K. W Hoyt, Col. L. L. Hawkins and o hers. Committees from the or ganization are soliciting all bicycle riders to become members 01 ine associ ation. Membership dues are s 1 a year for men and 60 cents for women. This organization has already $300 on hand for this bicycle patn, ana win re-aoume their efforts to get a good patli to Ore gon City. The head office of the Southern Pa cific Railroad Company at Man Francis co are getting out monthly issues of a magazine devoted to descriptions and il lus rations of interesting points along the line of the road in California and Oregon. For the past two or three weeks the company s artists, A. Putnam and Edward J. Porteous, panoramic photogiaphers. of Lob Angeles, under ihevh'peronage 01 John f. jonei.iraver ing passenger ag-ht of the line in the Oregon division, have been taking scenic views in this state. They came Oregon City last Sunday in a npe ial car, and took a fine View of the Olacka m.. riimr under tlid railroad bridge.and spent some time in getting a good view of Oregon City and the falls. J n cumAT CATTJ ' S ATI rudAw V f n u 5 1 a d a ca d c 1 (Z l te'h U B.A m FA J Vl I iuu i I y ill iaav f rvn 1 Tin mr at nn in f i ' ill fcuuik uuuj kuxui iu unuijii ,', I 11 SUITS THAT COST $25.00 ) 1 IWW All MFW QTYIFQ i I W -- lltaWW VI, IhliW lain Black, Brown Checks, mixtur a rt . 1 i, . e .t " .1 1 1 uiacK worstea an 01 mem strictly C wool , . ... p Boys Suits - $2.50 ) J Youths Suits $4.50 ; , Another Lot of... To give away with each Boy's or Child's suit sold .Get your fruit jirs and jelly turobl-o - ai narris grocery. vu yourorlerforfr'sh strawherr'" rrta ,,i,imttH an I blickiHrries 10 K. Andrews, who will furnUh treshly pick oerres 111 q 1 niute-i t ) -tint. , w ,uu g -i ling vcita !) reuu.u ur hd his .1' k nds of berrim. It wilt be interesting to thos who ) . tend enlistin under the second call 1 volunteers, to know the app irti raetit of the troops for each state un this call will not be mud a public. K listments will be made precisely t same as they are in the regular ami' It is expected the enlistment of troti will proceed more smoothly thai would if the quota of each state v made public at this time. Un ler 1 second call, each state is called upon 1 a specified number of men, not a ape Bed number of company, batallion " regimental organizations. After a s'i Mil la n.,.i.i Ikn Minn .'I to regiments already intheservi'e be organized into new regiments, tV govenors's commissioning the offlc. . .1 who are to. commend them. The district convention of Woodmen of the Wor d will convene in this t t v Wednesday, June ntn, ana it in u pected that at least 150 delegates will u in attendance. This district inclm',. the counties of Linn, Benton, Linnu'o Polk, Yamhill, Washington, Tillamo , uoiumoia, viatsop, .uuiinoman, juan and Clackamas At this convention of Camps delegates will be elected to tend the head camp of this jurn-du tion, which meets at San Francisco Augusi. Preparations are being m'. by Willamette Falls Camp to prop-iK receive and entertain the. visiting d ga ion. who will spend a day or two w this city. Our 'ci'lzens should iti i, the hand ot welcome to these Visitcia and make them feel at home. There will be a f urce comedy attr -tion at Shively'a opera house Mon .. night. The title of this unique att tion is "The Prodigal Fa her " The pany producing the play will be tlw h t ver seen here in the piece. Lyn i Welcher who h is starred in the ' for the last three seasons, is said to one of the best character actors in le mate or farce c imu ly. Mis Ke ville, who assumes t ie lea ling f"' ' roie, is a young wurain of preposset ,, appearance an t a aeuueaiy clever ,v tress, and her decide lly clever In, I. lion of 'Sis Hopkins, the Jay Girl im Slab Hollow," is one 01 the hits o( i vaudeville stage. BartSwor aniU , lie Hooker will Introduce a novel . ture in t e 'Rt;5 na La" a coon ' dance and cake walk, which has ).-' one of the speciality hits of the pi -Feminine beauty and sh ipellness is resented in the tiersons of Fannie 'I pie, Almi G lerge, Miiinie Link, Jv, , Dokes and others, ' ' a ;