CLACKANAS COUNTY OFFICIAL RETUKNS OF JUNE ELECTION, 1898 F. 6. The lateness of the hour oh which the canvasing board gave out the official returns made it impo-sible for ua to dorrect PIONEER DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT EHUGS OR UEDICINES - '.; -i. , ' '" ':: '' . 1 ' GO TO GEO. A HARDING & C0. .t.Willamette BuiltHag, Opposite Commercial Bankj Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are . strickly pure, fresh andof the best quality. ' . Your patronage soliceted typographical errors, but there are lew if any errors in the fable. The totals are rorrect, . s O I Q s CANDIDATES. o Fob Governor H M Clinton H TTOeer B Will B Kliie U John ! Luce R H Skcrktabv ofStatk U C Davis F I Dunbar ... . R HRKinoxid. U Ira Wakefield... BH TBZASITRER J Booth V Chas 8 Moore.... B J hi K Sears Rf Moses Votawr . SUPT. 8CHOI1LS J H Ac term an R BEEmeric k P J E Hosmer ...K H 8 Lyman.. I'l BTATK rBINTER Chas A Fitch . D I, Grace R H W H Leeds H TBMcDimlel .... Supreme Jodqb T P Ha kleman . Frank A Moore .. W M Ramsay Attorney Uk.nebal It R N Rlaekburn..R CJRrlirht JLntory U COXQBESS J L Hill RP L H Pederson H Ihos H Tongue B M VeitUih . , . . U CIHCWT JUl OS WD Hare t Tho A McBride B I'E"BKC UTINO ATT Y Thus J Cleeton. Geo Nnland . . . U! B'D EOUALIZATION Wm Harlnw TJ Wm H Smith. , .. R JOINT SENATOR H I, Uarklcy t L L Poner K Senator Geo C Rrnwnell. Chas Moran R Pi W W Marrs. . W 8 U-Ren U . REPBK8EKTA1IVKS Jus Coon ..... TJ Geo Knlitht Hi GeoOite. JulinDenison R Alex Thomson h 1 L Krus" ... R Geo H Hi own Wm 8 Riinyan 1 C A Wlllev. P WFMrk R H COMMISSIONER W J Currl T W F Herman. . Richard Morton. Rl ' Jum M Poo B JuwiE W W Mvera. I Thus F Hum. . K II) Huifaoo.. .. HMKRIKK ' JJOonke T Wm Oo(lbould..:;...P , A J Kell(...-....B H . HMRamaby,. R f LERK Adolph Asehoft. R liner Dixon ... U , . KM Mortlmore ' 'Recorder ' A LuelliliK...;:...':....l' M JjIRjm P Randall V. ,., A J Ware 1 "' AH F.SSOR " ., (. I.Or.Hik. ..... ,.....P BHB..W ...Rl i.p out.:. r . v : Kll WC'J.iKM....... H A It M.iiiiinih .,.".'11 Inaae 'Prhidlr ... 1 Jui i.l. Siiada t, Bi'avEYoR KM Miller..,' . r 11 Ernest H Rands... ...R y ti ma, !'J I': ATlKld I Bl'H' 0 SlIlT ' -.' J W May i.. r H " Kranxe.. I U G iikweather.l Coionkb 1 H A Deil in an ...' i , J 8 Kiirb-h I . . ti-.vfci nt ' UrtLUUN UIIY UUUKItK By A. W. CHENEY. go Ulty pjitoJloaaiidound -clau matte SUBSCRIPTION RATES. It puld I n advanco, per year 1 50 Hi mouths 75 Threw moiuha' trial .. ... 24 paper Jonoles I ho time to which you hate paid. PATRONIZE HOUR INUDoTRT OREGON CITY, JUNE, 10, 1898. THE ELK1Tl')V The republicans ou a gold standard platform have carried the entire sta e ti 'kct and electnd both conxrehRinan. Thuy hIso carried number of the counties and haven majority of the next legiHlature. The union forces through'Mit the a to to and this county made a nullum Duht aultiHt great oddB and republican boodle. In 1 his county tin union forces nut the best offices, having eKic ed Oooke sheriff, Dixon clurk, Knilit renrene at tive, Strickland coroner, Shada treasurer. The republicans ehictod Urovrnull senatoi.Thomsdn and Krusu repMnouta tives Ryan Judtte, Ritndall rucurdtT, Ranl88iirvoyor,8truiv,'tiip'riutondtmt, 1Vi!li,IIIIH .BUilUBn. lit..! Kf....H sionor. Uarkley curr'uid thin ttounty f'r a.. 1... - 1 .1 ...... joiiiii onimvor ami inn vnui in .1urMi1 will make it close but probably P rti-r will be olocted. TO TUE vsioy Forces. The result of the political contest juxt ended in Clackamas county indicates that a gullxnt fight was made by the Union forces against the common enemy, two of the pr ncipul 0 likes as well as others falling to the share of the allied forces. In comparison with otiv r counties In Oregon the Union fo ces of Clackamas county are to lie congMU' latod on the great tlghi made. On the main issues of the campaign our politi cal opponents were fouuht to a stand- still and it was only through reso t to pm'sonal attacks that they were able to win by slight margin on part of their county ticket. The great issues More the American people tor which the Union forvee contended are still unset tied. Government in behalf of the peo ple Is the battle wo have waged and will continue to wage and to which our forces stand pledd. Out of this union a O i 5 p 3. 3 B " S S ? I 9 . ! : : i : 8 17 34 61 10 18 37 II 9 6 0 8 11 31 56 09 14 41 71 9 6 5 10 35 68 34 56 98 11 .1 6 1 2 7 30 54 89 4 4 11 9 8 6 '6 88 78 17 47 78 a 6 6 31 48 88 8 1 10 2 4 8 31 66 100 20 41 78 29 65 97 2 4 10 23 41 78 11 7 8 8 4 9 28 54 Ml 15 38 75 23 46 74 31 57 91 32 67 95 21 S3 76 23 46 68 29 63 102 21 51 84 33 46 95 31 53 95 7 11 6 4 4 10 10 36 6 13 86 66 21 4b Kl 18 44 64 27 48 82 33 55 97 23 61 84 8 8 11 3 1 8 2 8 9 9 6 4 9 43 73 1 8 8 27 51 89 20 7 7 n 29 79 32 76 (8 5 O 6 16 49 94 5 2 9 7 10 ,3 ,39. i 7? 80 V 89 20 54 81 6 4 6 24 28 76 72 Oi 1 4 2 3 7 8 7 6 1 16 .83 72 29 60 9:1 98 44 90 2 8 9 !)5 78 2 8 12 31 65 90 1 21 29 76 8 4 8 81 62i 98 : 21 38 68 SI 50 18 8 6 4 21 46 .VI 1 I 6 I 17 1 1 :19 42138 61 31 8 0 63 28 40 38 3 1 8 1 4 314 e i 72:61 28 67 1 39 .34 1! 6 634 32 : 24 of forces we' predict shall come a union of sentiment that in time . will bind the American people into closer bonds .of! sympathy, to the end, that this shall be, "a government of the people, for the people and by the people," as the Fathers of the Republic intended. Hknhy Th E BEN, Co. Chairman Peoples Party. Kobkrt A. Miller, C'o.Obainnan Democratic Party, S. W Morgan, Co.Chm.Silver Ropulican Party. Wisst nger-Bonnett-Wt ddlng. Mia H nti lliiunulan 1 1. Wisenn r . bulb of M l' a iici., ver- 'iitmodai 1 1 retideui'i Hi" 1 ! 1 ,i;i'vnn, f , im.l Mr-, .1. U. I! hi i.', 111 8 11, vV.'J'ia. -. Iiyii i'iu. Pie i!'Mniiiyn (mniH.I liy II v. T W lliiller, nf ihi t; '.y miii irw.iii. n y ,! imin 1 i e ni.tuvi'i f 1 e t'a u'l , mi I hi II a. 111. Mi', ni l M . Wivifiu .!i'i 1 if I'iO'iiih j on their va t livltini C 1I11 tli)U,w ihih I tll y Will rviiMHi f ir a week I'pnu ! tnt'ir rntnut t ley will ncii j ih'ir wu cuitKk'" w neii Ii t4 ,il-eily h ien fu tilnlied and preo-ired ih ir reo -p i m I lie ln i'.e in helil in lliu luu'v8t enli-C'ii : ani'iinf 11 :i"Si if frieu Is 111 CiaCKU u.i' couii'y, w h liave kmiwu her h nee early ellildlio d, wlid-i tlie jrrnni, Osa SYlHrM'lltfMt, !H p B'lll RtlT Hlld till filler' pt'iHing )''iil'itf iiieii'liHiil of Milwankie. C rcult Court. Ibiiln convened the ad if eiriMlit e mr T'llli I iy t..,',,,', ,,' imirniii, wit'i tin ns lal Hllenilniee o e. uri ntlii'eis pnwit Th" oid jury h'liu in a'tiMid'iiic- U f, ,1. S i 1 lie, hii I 1m i 1 be nm'd 10 drc fr.'ii h n it 1 I'OceMHary h trv a ease bv jury trill. This diien away with tne expense of kee ini! H s'ainlinK jury during; ihx en-tin- ii'iin. TIip fidlowinij raes we'e disponed of: Pnoifio lii'p irt 0 miMHny . VV B 8liively ; jiiilituieiii tor LSI 17 imh etc., umi ailached ir ipeny ordered mil I. Minnie M. II tin v L. H im: decree ! f r?t ih plaintiff given the permiKidim to resume her manlen name, Minnie Mi Kjii. Aecirdiua' t tnec mi. liiinl the Hainx' were married in Jann aiy, ISStt, and in May of the aame year, the (lel'enitant deaerted plai itiff, and Iins hi nee faI'd t stipp irt tier. Oregon City vs. i'ltt'kama-i C'innty; mandate from auureine court urderinit that judgment be ntered in the mailer of suit 01 Oreirnn t'iiv aitainut Olacka mas county, for 60 per cent of county Mad fuuda C'lllecied within the inline cipaliy The following is the sub stance of the order made bv . Judge McBride. On motion of C I), and D. C. Latourette, attorneys tor said plain tifl, no objection being made, it is therefore considered and adjudged that the plaintiff have and recover from defendants, the sum of $3300.15. "? f K K ? J 9 t : : C I O I 2 I 1 3 i $ I i a. 1 I 5 IT f i Mi i 1 ! 1 i r f f n 5 2 1 11 1 2 I0 ' 8 8 2 i's 0 58 87 2.1 105 78 54 169 -Jit V 9ri 6S 27 136 95 51 62 56 48 82 81 68 42 31 38 4 58 6 4 2 4 81410 4 1 2 10 0 1 10 6 4 1 4 0 63 90 21 100 6fl 48 157 197 .V. 95 23 140 92 62 68 62 54 86 SH 62 4 ' 83 41 4 f 6 2 7.6 8 4 1 1 135 88 52 66 58 61 87 80 M 40 29 37 63 87 21 US aw 60 155 212 56 97 65 27 18 8 4 5 6 6 12 11 4 7 3 1 I 4 1 1 12 0 p 9 3 1 0 4 ,0 I 50 85 20 MM 68 54 158 201 54 91 66 25 8 2 2 11 2 I 10 " 2 4 7 1 6 44 63 4 6 10 7 10 20 I 136 95 53 62 61 46 86 80 64 35 29 39 I 180 95 60 62 69 52 147 144 70 43 31 37 1 2 5 S 1 2 1B20 I 54 86 '.'0 98 65 49 107 143 45 87 64 25 16 8 8 12 0 0 6 8 4 2 4 1 16 2 1 11 0 1 9 8 2 1 5 0 I 86 90 21 10? 67 52 151 If 52 9 65 24 ' 132 93 51 64 59 49 92 92' 113 41 80 8 67 89 21 100 61 48 150 188 55 92 67 24 17 1 2 12 1 1 7 ' 6 8 1 4 1 I 130 92 51 61 62 52 89 91 69 40 27 38 ! 4 2 2 2 2 8 4 9 8 8 1 0 16 4 1 II 1 2 8 4.8031 I 5x 85 20 102 61 31 148 103 5:1 91 70 21 I 129 92 62 62 59 16 94 84 62 87 28 40 I 132 88 .59 6S 56 52 84 95. 64 46 35 86 '57 88 18 10 ) 69 52 166 195 56 90 66 24 ' 7 87 23 108 67 M 146 103 49 86 61 21 i 130 87 54 60 62 61 94 87 61 39 85 M I 130 91 58 H 58 45 96 107 60 '19 32 58 89 20 107 71 50 139 173. 48 & 68 20 140 101 56 1 75 72 52 96 106 7li H 81 40 59 sfi 20 101 66 62 49 187 47 '."2 64 24 I 48 79 15 79 el 44 161 191 46 92 5H 23 I 8 2 6 10 4 7 9 17 15 l 4 1 I 18 9 8 14 7 H 11 16 9 4 H 8 ! 131 93 56 77 59 44 77 79 58 31 32 35 i 121 87 48 03 IK 85 . 75 50 29 31 : 134 92 54 68 6:1 46 95 92 6 ' 41 34 3X l:t6 98 2 58 60 13 5 79 (11 ;i7 si 8t 52 78 28 88 M 51 131) 172 58 6" 59 22 67 -H I 107 69 57 151 189 69 5- , !! 48 7(1 16 94 58 18 141 184 60 a f t! 7 41 94 4 10 9 5 360 '4 8 2 14 2 1 12 7 8 S 7 1 4 2 0 18 2 0 18 10 8 ' 1 & 1 2 1 8 6 4 8 7 10 6 "ft '2 1 144 92 57 67 03 48 95 99 67 45 :'2 46 7 2 1 9 8 3 In H 8 17 0 48 89 23 115 68 52 145 185 49 .If 64 15 3 1 2 8 8 2 8 4 2 7 1 2 142 101 59 58 64 49 79 , 95 rg 63 :'4 37 , 55 86 18 109 66 5. 176 203 53 88 65 26 8 0 1 12 l o 4 8 4 1 4 0 120 94 .56 68 74. 57 126 14'i 71 40 31 41 8 1 1 10 1 1 11 6 8 O 7 0 2 2 6 1 O 6 ft 11 : 77, 90 20 , 99 59 44 118. J&J 50 97 64 21 49 82 21 '96 66 54 141 168 40 88 66 Q ' . 97, 52 .75 60 kt V .t 76 47 32. 41 6 2 8 11 .1 ,0 , 9 ,1 4! 1 4 1 131 93 53 99 63 .48 9 75 52 40 29 88 : 64 ' 88 20 -77 .61' 51, 18' "21H 6j 98 69 25 1 4 VI 0 ; 8 ::0 ' 2 1-jrSl ; 2( . 0 .5; i 1 'io'i'Jor'ii 'h. -.i.a ! '5 2 1 4 8 '4 1 8, ,j7 " 1 I 183 94 U" 60 62 4 . 8t tiM) M 31 38 . 49 87 l'J 101 60 52 151 ,188 '47 91 1 20 i 60 86 18 100 65 46' 128. 1W !. '8T;tfV 24 14 5 1 IS 1 0 ' 6 T i I X)H t I 131 91 66 67 81 56 117 128 66 45 .0 40 - ). ' '' ;i' ic.n ' i is t 2 16 .. 1 ,i, ;.a s "s 1 I 67 16 24 107 61 '51 164 208 56 . 94 67 24 I 130 91 60 68 2 49 77 Fli 58: 30 36 ) 4 12 6 V 2 '8 '"'' 6 B 0 I 56 88 19 , 79, 67 51, 159, 163, 54 77 66 ! I 136 94 54 96 7 49 88 W 92 67 30 41 .... .. ,) I 89 ,89 23 - 96 68 54 106 15S 46 98 65 17 14 8 1 17 0 0 U ,10 ,6 ,1 i 6: 1 7141 92 51 '66 58 48 1. 130 Bo 43 2 44 68 66 23 Uncle Sam Says This Is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood, Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good it Is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America' Greatest Medicine. All druggists. BANK OF OREGON CITY OI.DK8T BAtiKINO HOD8I IN TBI. CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, $10,000.00 SUHPLVS fiOO.OO President, Vice-president Cashier, Chas. H.ctorLiKD Gio. A. HabdijiS K. G. Caufuld t General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. ' Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. CnuntT and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available 8ecurilv Kwhnnge Roughtand 4iild. Collections Made Promptly. , drafts Sold Available In Any Part oi the Vorld relugraphlcKxchangeSoldon Portland, Baa Francisco, Ohlcago and New York, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY So to C. F. HENMNOS . Seventh St. Bakery w stop his wagon . . as it goes by. . wm "V:' i,-'' .1..' ..:: j' . 3 , I ' f ' ' I- i- .1 , f hrlF 1 O 1 6 108 41 30 10 87 .161 48 14 22 62 1772 113 6 141 - 1 0 0 7 103 42 so l- at 2"52 49 14 21 .54 1881 1 I 2 6 164 " 50 18 20 52 1736 42 80 19 79 2091 1 2 4 8 208 . 0 0 1 7 90 37 SO ?0 6 2037 8 0 0 6 201 S 1 2 8 184 50 14 22 46 1782 18 14 27 72 01 2 1 i 7 146 42 29 17 60 1810 0 0 1 6 '02 0 I I II 108 ' 48 2 19 ?.i 127 49 16 25 55 1859 43 29 19 74 1988 0 0 I 10 118 47 15 24 58 1788 8 1 I 6 137 ' 0 0 0 9 111 43 31 21 7': 2T08 47 12 24 51 lnl 50 15 22 56 1804 40 80 22 86 2070 40 "9 20 78 1891 48 14 32 64 1774 48 ,1V 22 55 1"0 41 3: 18 76 1872 4K 1!' 26 57 2"36 42 20 16 811 1907 40 2' l 83 1919 9 1 2 7 250 2 1 8 12 202 39 i: !4 44 1706 40 17 ' 41. 1HH7 45 lh '4 5 1849 41 If 24 60 17:w 42 2' 15 128 47 27 19 78 1976 ID -i! 15 61 1862 2 0 2 7 135 0 0 1 . 7 125 0 0 2 9 124 1 0 I 7 162 &i 17 28 52 176 0 0 I 9 114 39 27 18 75 142 2 1 I (i 158 50 13 30 50 1948 42 8? 15 Bl 2048 0 0 0 9 80 48 14 26 67 2009 ' 0 0 1 U 116' 1 i 1 2 8 417,:,:, ;. 44 28 16, 60 1832 55 81 16 .60 1921 34 14 29 72 1990, 0 0 0 7 W ;-i fi .'.' .;:' 51 18 25 61 1841 37 31 18 78 20TI' ' '' 0,,1 .1 10 ..hi- .; 01 1 9 115 . 1 . 0, II 4 130 48, 14 21 66 tl9:. 41 30 17 70 1939 42 36' 21 60 1859'A 'fl. J.: 1 . v 1M -47 14 ,23 9 2023 0 1 I 11 139 " ' 43 30 20 71 2078 49 U 28 54 1765 ' t ;v( .'! 0 8 O h 105 . '. - 40 28 19 77 2018 " ' 52 14 25 67 1900 '' 45 31 18 68 1879 1 1 ,1 11 131 i 44 .IS 21 64 1991 ; . ,,, 20 '-. 1 ..'1 : '. , i U. L. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW . Commercial, Real Estate and Probate taw 1 ' 'Specialties' - : Offlee la Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY "T . . OREGON Geo. C. BoowrNiu . J. u. Camfbsu BROWNELL &CAMPBLEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cauflold Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broksr LKADIN8 iNSUaANCI AOIMCV OF Clackamm County Money to Loan. Abxtrauta of Title Hade Drawing oi Legal DooumeiitB a Specialty Office n east aide of Main street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, - . OREGON M.C STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers hl professional services to the people ol Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid lo Catarrh and Chronio diseases. Best ol references given. Office tn Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 n 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. OREGON CITY .... OREGON J. W. WELCH DENTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Oprosrra P. O. . Oaaooa City, Obb C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer &, Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday and on regular session days of t'ounty'ourt C. N. GREENMAN , (Established 186S ) TBI I'lONEER KXl-KESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY r , OBEGON COMMERCIAL BANK ;OF OREGON CITY , , CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills Itsoounted. Makes co lections. Bnys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Hone ,Konf. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from I A. M. to 4 P. M. ; D.G.LATOrJRlTTK, FRED J. MEYER, President Cashier HARRIS' ' GROCERY Fresh Stock of First-class - 1 Depot for HAT and FEED ! ".'; ff ' V :1. ;f..1 -.. : r. ' '- , ... IF WOMEN VOTED- groct nes. ...Bicycles With Wings... The nearest approach to flying yet attained. ,The experts who perfect ed and the tinkers who produced the -hainless Bicycle are public bene factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving parts. No attention necessary. "You1 buy the wheel the Columbia Chatnless does the rest " Not an hour ol time taken to keep the Ohainless in order for a year More durable. More handsome in appearance. Less expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of use. The Columbia I'hainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modern and complete mjycle factory; "You see them everywhere." They are STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Columbia t'hxln Wheels t Tit. OO Columbia TaaUems lSlt.o narimrus OH. llll Vedettes $35.00 40.00 Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class chape a very low . prices. ; Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. WE FIT YOUR FEET" With shoes in conformity to your ideas. There , are a many preferences for shapes in shoes as there are for other wearable articles. There are 'few shapes or sizes, styles or prices that can not be found- in our stock. Come in and give us your idea. KRAUSSE BROS SHOE STORE- THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City LARGE AND GOOD.... Bread made and baked with the same care that would be given in your cwn House is a specialty of ours. We use pure flour of fine quality, insist on perfect 1 - cleanliness in all the stages of mixing, baking, etc v ' :We fiave a fine line of grot'e, ri; here fb1 your selection.' " The,, figures on .. . these are alsc? very small. HEINZ & CG. Opposite ' Posh ffict 1 l".'' .JJ l;.;lj i'y.,:, . .. i. .. ........ . ' . I-'II I' IV ' .-, 1..!. V.Hi. ;'Hi V. I 'if .!, ''i' J,i3 !.vri ci s.x .i.s;rt utii.' ?i , And, an , election was hejd ti decide - which is the best flour to buy what a ' - rousing majority "Pa tent" Flour... ".Hi. . .t ' ' . Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co:, and sold by all I Jrk-Mn' $30.00 I Jill Women Berond-haud Whiela.".'.'."'.!." S'iO OO to $30.00 CHARMAN & CO, Cut-rate Druggists, Agents. Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures H. ST AiGHT, DIALla IK GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement, and Land Plaster.