Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, June 03, 1898, Image 7

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Dewey, the Hero of Manila, Has Seen
Hard Service.
Ill bis sixty-one years of life Admiral
George. Dewey, the hero of Manila,
has seen a preat deal of red hot fight
ing, lie was born among the green hills
of Vermont ami received his aiipoint
meitf to the Naval Academy at the age
of 17. When he graduated In 1838 he
went with the steam frigate Wabash
on a cruise In Mediterranean waters.
When Fort Sunnier was tired uion
Dewey was promoted from ensign to
lieutenant and assigned to the steam
sloop Mississippi, which was to take
part In the fierce fighting of the West
Gulf squadron. The Mississippi was a
side wheeler of seventeen guns, and
wns commanded by Commander Mel
nncthon Smith. The West Gulf squad
ron went at owe to the Mississippi
River to force Its way up. The "His
tory of Our Navy"-thus describes the
sort of things the men on the Missis
sippi experienced when they preceded
Fairagut up past New Orleans:
"The Pensacola and the Mississippi
steamed slowly, with their black liulls
at regular intervals sheeting the a!r
with lurid fire as they replied to, the
forts. Abreast of St. Philip, where the
Confederate fire was hottest, they drew
in so close that the gunners afloat and
thowe ashore heartily cursed each cklwr
. n3 they worked."
; The Mississippi was with the sqiiad
I , i again when It ran down past New
" . leans on the way back, fair targets
r nineteen big guns at close rang.
The hardest fight that the Mississippi
ever was In was the one that ended
her. The fleet was trying to nm by
Port Hudson with its powerful batter
ies. None of the squadron got by. The
Mississippi ran aground In the fog and
smoke and stuck hard and fast. In
thirty minutes she was shot full , of
holes. Her crew climbed Into boats on
the side oposite the forts, and. afer
setting her on fire, made for the other
side of the river under a withering riile
fire. Upon this occasion Lieut. Dewy
stuck to his guns until the last and b,e
did not quit the ship until all others hat 1
left. Admiral Porter singled him out
for special praise.
In July, 18(3, Dewey was on the gun
boats that engaged the Confederates
bolow DotraMsonvillo. In 1904 lie was
attached to the North At hint Ic block
ading squadron, assigned to the steam
gunboat Agawam. The Agawum was
one of tlie great cresetnit of warships,
big and little, that plumped shot Into
Fort Fleher In December, 1864,. and
January, 1S155. Dowey received his coin
mlsslo nas lieutenant oonunondcr on
March 3, 1S115, and served for two years
on the European squadron, first ou.tlw
steamer ICearsarge and then on the
frigate Colorado, the flagship. In 1SUS
he was assigned to duty at the Naval
Academy. In 1S70 he received his first
command, that of the Narragansett,
which was employed on special service
until 1875.
The Pacific survey of 1S72-T3 was tn
tnrsted to him. After two years as
lighthouse Inspector and five as secre-
tary of the Lighthouse Board he was
put In command of the Juniata on the
Asiatic squadron In 18S2. In Septem
ber, 1884, he was promoted to be a cap
tain and placed In command of the
Dolphin, then brand ww, and one of
the four vessels to which the name
"white squadron" won first given. From
18S3 to 1888 he was the commander of
tire Pensacola, the flagship of the Eu
ropean squadron. In 1SS8 his energy
and ability to complete matters of de
tail was recognized by making his chief
of the bureaa of equipment and recruit
ing, which carried wDth tt the rank of
In May, 1893, he took another turn on
duty as a member of the Lighthouse
Board. He was made an actual com
modore on Feb. 2i, 1891, and was at
about that time put at the bead of the
Important Board of Inspection and Sur
vey. He was transferred to the com
mand of the Asiatic squadron Jan. 1,
Hallway pools may be prohibited by
law, but the stock will continue to I
watered Just the same.
No dress
wearer is.
is immodest utiles the
Invented by the Chinese) Perfected bj
Japanese, Named by Portuguese.
Frank U. Vlzetelly, in "A Chat Abouv
China" In the Woman's Home Com
panion, writes iuterstlngly of the Intro
duction of fine porcelain into Europe:
"The word porcelain, as applied to
china pottery, originated in Japan dur
lug the thirteenth century. The Chi'
nosu, the pioneers in the art of porce
lain manufacture, began to make it
nearly two centuries before the Chris
tian era, and so careful were they to
guard the secret of the art that nearly
fifteen centuries lapsed before their
neighbors, the Japanese, got any in
kllng a It But once in their posses
sion, the wily Japanese lost no time to
profit by their knowledge. The few
Intrepid navigators of those days
brought samples of both Chinese and
Japanese ware to Europe, but not until
early In the sixteenth century did a
trade In It of any extent take place.
Among the early importers were Portn
guese traders who had settled on the
Japanese coast, and to them, it is claim
ed, we owe the word porcelain, derived
from the Portuguese parcelhina, or
sucking pig. When the Portuguese
traders fiust saw pieces of Japanese
ware they were struck with its translu
cence, which somewhat resembled that
of the cowry shell. The cowry shell,
in turn, resembled In shape a small
sucking pig, or porcellona; hence our
'porcelain.' '
Development of the Transvaal.
In 1892 the main trunk line from
Cape Town was pushed forward from
Its then northern terminus to Johannes
burg. The distance from Cape Town
to Johannesburg by mil Is 1,013 miles.
In 1S94 the road was completed from
Delagoa Bay, a port In Iortugucse ter.
rltory on the southeast coast of Africa,
to Johannesburg a distance of 377
miles. The third road reached Johan
nesburg a year later, from Durban, a
port tn the British colony of Natal dis
tant 4.S3 miles.
From 23,000 ounces of gold In 1S87,
the anuual output has risen to 3,000,000
ounces In 1S07, giving the Transvaal
the second place in the world's gold
production. There is no doubt that the
present output of the country will rap
idly increase; and probably wlithln a
few years, notwithstanding the Increas
ed output of other countries, the
Transvaal will rank first as a gold pro
ducer. The town of Johannesburg may be
taken as a good index of the wonder
ful expansion of the gold-mining Indus
try of the district. From a few huts In
1880, It has developed Into a town un
excelled. If Indeed equaled, In the Im
posing character of its buildings by
any of the enterprising mining towns in
Western America. Indeed, Johannes
burg has but little of the aspect of an
American mining camp. Ia Its general
appearance It reminds an American
more of -Spokane or Salt Lake City.
John Hays Hammond, In tho Engineer
ing Magazine.
Pretty Japanese Custom.
At the birth of a Jajwinese baby a troe
is planted, which must remain untouch
ed till the marriage of the child. When
that hour arrives the tree Is cut down
and a skilled cabinetmaker transforms
the wood Into furniture, which Is al
ways cherished by the young couple as
the most beautiful of the ornaments In
the house.
Tom Do you believe that marriage,
as a rule, Is a failure? Jack Judging
from my own experience, I believe It
Is. Tom Why, I didn't know that yon
had ever been married. Jack That's
Just It I failed to marry. Chicago
The sherry cobbler is not in the shoe
maker class.
What You Get!
When Yon liny Medicine In a MatU r of
Great Importance. ,:l
Do you get the liicdidne that has cured
thousands of others who were afiiicted like
youT Do you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla,'
mid only Hood's? If you dp, you may
take it tor scrofula, salt rheum, dyspejrsia,
loss of appetite, rheumatism, cutarrn, with
the utmost tfontidence it will do you good.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. 1 ; six for p.
Kow's Pills euro all liver ills. 25 cents.
Earliest Known Cuban.
These facts are from an old Scotch
paper published in 1843: ... .
"The inhabitants - of the larger
islands of the West Indies, St. Do
mingo. Cuba and" Porto Rico were in
dolent but mild in disposition, fojiil of
dancing aim otner games, governed dt
kings called caciques, They had an
established priesthood, believed in tho
existence of a deity and a future state
of .rewards and punishments. These
simple people showed great kindness
to Columbus and his companions while
visiting their islands,: and observing
the Spaniards' love lor gold gave them
all they possessed. '' -f w '' '
"A remarkable speech lias been pre
served which an old man, a native of
CAba ' addressed to ' Columbus when
presenting him with a basket of fruit.
The speech shows the quiet disposition
of the people and their profound vener
ation for their white visitors."
Pat "An' phat will yez do with ycr
money at your ditlvT" Mike "Oi'll
lave it to me children." Pat "But
pupposiu' yez niver hev iny?" Mike
"Thin it'll go to me grandchildren. "
Tit-Bits. . ' "
FIT? romnehtfCareiO o flta or nwvcronrwi
I li oiler lirst day's use of Dr. Kline's un-at
Norve Kcatorer. Bend tor FK1.I0 8.00 trial
bottle and treatise. IJR, H. IX, KLiSK, Ltd., W
Aruli street, Fuiludclniila, l'a.
If dry ropes are soaked for' four
days, in a bath containing 20 grains
of sulphate of oop) er to a quart of wa
ter, they will be preserved ' for a con
siderable time from the " attacks of
animal parasites and rot. f
The Klondyke :
baking powder is Schillings
Best baking powder.' It
keeps and does its.. . work
everywhere. ' a -
Forestalling Things.
Amateur Actor But, deah boy, do
you think the villain's part suited to
we? The manager Capitally t It
won't matter when you're hissed.
New York Evening Journal. ,
cuivlite lnrite involc&i of tiie celebrated Stouten-
ton wafton. These tire anterior to tny ever put
mvon till market. Hefure bnylnK a wtutnn cull
mid exumlne. or write for cuutlogne. Addres
loot or Morrison nreet, rorutuid, Oregon.
The hydra fusca, a sort of polypus,
mav be turned inside out like a glove,
and will continue to live and eat as
heartily as ever.
n n wi f- v v' ' my" viuw vr
excellence in manufacture.
Absolutely Pure,
Ms Less Tfian CUE CENT a Ccn..
Be sure tint you get the Genuine Article, H
made it DORCHESTER, MASS. by
Established 178a
In die working capital
or humwiU. Hewho
li'3 tliAt U wrecked
Indeed, in our health
railing rue, yonr am
bition, rigor, vttaUljr
waatlng avay T
When others 111 oor
For the speedy, late ami rwrmanMit core of all
Kervoua, Chronla au(t ('ovii.ldlsoiuea, even
in their most aggravated formi, There ia no man
In the world who han effected iq many permanent
eurea In baih Men and Wom n of trouble wnluh
other phyileana orneknowleilged ability hud given
up ua hopelen an thin emlnci.i tiieclallst.
NERVOUS DEBIMTY and all IM attending
hmKula, of VOl'Nii, MIDULK-AOED and OLD
MkN. Theawfnl eflme of neglected or Improp
erly treated cea, cuualng tlralna, weakneaa of
bolyaodhrttln,dliilnea, tailing memory, lack of
energy and conHdence, paina In back, loins and
kldnys, and many other dUtreMlng symptomn,
linlltllng one for study, bUHlneas or enjoyment of
life. l)r Batclllfecanoureyuu, uo matter who or
what has failed.
WEAK MEN. He restores lost rltror and Tl
tallty to week men. Organs of the body which
have been weakened through disease, overwork,
eicenies or Indiscretions are restoreil tofullimwer,
strength and vigor through his own suocesaful sys
tem of treatment.
VAKICOCEI.K, hydrocele, swelling and ten
dernew of the glands treated with nntalllrig suorss.
hl'ECIAL KISKASKS. Inflainmation, dis
charges, eto.. which, If neglected or Improperly
treated, break down lbs system, cause kidney and
bladder diseases, etc,
IMNEASKS OP WOMEN. Prompt and es
pecial attention given to all their many aliments.
WHITE If you areawareof any trouble. DO
NOT DK1-A.Y. Call on prltatclllfetoday. If you
cannot call, write him. Ills valuable hoot free to
all sufferers. CONHULTATIOW FUEii and confi
dential at offlos or by letter.
E. M. RATCLIFFE, Til Flnl in. CITTlf . tin
Best Cough Brmp. Tastes
tn time. Hold by druggists.
$y mi
Csa 1
The odes of some poets are, rather
The wedding tour is often the calm
before the etoirm.
People who have advice to give are
neyer Btingy with it.
Popular songs are often so popular
that they become unpopular.-
When it comes to jealousy and crow
ing a man is superior to a rooster.
. A war artist is always suocesaful,
even though his battles are drawn.
A jolly good fellow is hardly ever
classed synonymously ' with a first
class financier. ' ,
When a man boasts of having money
to burn ho will soon have ashes to
throw away. . . ''
" Only a small . portion of the world
loves a lever; the rest of it considers
him a chump... ,
A bachelor as a mle is the acme of
sollishness, and happy is the woman
that fails to get him. - 1
Every man intends to have his own
way after marriage, but sometimes his
wife relieves him of a false impression.
Chicago News. " - ,
' Few great cities of America are odea utttelv
provided with clwss of such a size and so
prominent location as to indicate the time
over wine tnetrotioliwn districts. But it li
high time to chock kulncv and bladder com
plaint inanltcsred to tho snfTercr by iiiaotlvttv
of the orsans afteoted. llostetter's Stomach
Hitters remedies this sa lt diej dyspepsia,
rheums tism, constipation, biliouBiiess ana
. Solved. .,
. "Has your wife ever, threatened to
loave you and go back to her mothor?"
'"So." ."Ah! Thon she is master of
the house,"
A nowder to be filmlcon into tho Rhnp.
At thi3 season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have' smarting feet or tight shoes, trv
Allon'g Foot-Ease. It oools the feet anil
makes walking ettsy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and
(rives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes-
tiinotnals of wires. Try.it tola. Sold by
all drUL'"ists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent
by mail for '2,ic in stamps. Trial package
FKEK. Adtlress Allen 8. Olihswd, Le
T X- X- 1. ...... " ' ,
UUJ, BCff 1U1SA . ' ' '
. : .. r- ' . 1
The. fllnnhnnt Anna not. small with
his trunk. His hlfuctorv nerves are
oontained in fl single' nostril, which is
in the roof of the mouth, near tie front.
. Per Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
In the protstunt cemetery of Caen,
tnrrounded with ewe and cvpress trees.
shere is a tomb which has just been re
stored. The stanu bears these words:
"In memory ot Bonn Bnmimel, who
departed tills life on tiie 20th of March,
1840. aged 03 years. " The tomb con
tains the remains of the noted favorite
of George IV, .
In Northern China one of the prin
cipal occupations is raising dogs for.
their fur, which is fine and dense and
much need for clothing. They cost
only 40 cents apiece.
Editor "One of my fair Bnbscribers
wants to know how to change' the color
of her hair." Callor ".What would
you sayf Editor "I should siivise
her to niarry some nice young man to
reform him. "Puck.
8tte or Ohio, City oy toi.euo, j
Ll'CAS CofNTY. j'
Fkauk J. ( HT..NKY inalres oath that he' Is the
senior patter ol the llrm of K. J. ( iienkv A Co.,
ilciitiK business in the City of Tolwio, County
and state a ori Halil, ani that S'lirt firm will pav
the sum 01 ONE Tll'MiliKD IKILI.AILS for each
and every ease of Catarrh tlutt ennuot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Ci're.
Sworn to boforo m mid subscribed in inv
presence, this 6th day of Jieeem her, A, I). !!,
j Seal j
. , A'otnry JibHe
Hall's Catarrh Crrre Is taken Internally and act
directly ou the blood and mucous snrfacos uf
tliesyatetu. Hend for testimonials, free. .
V. 1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Fold bv rtruKgivU, 7.V.
Hall's Family I'll is are the best.
In Germany peroxide of hydrogen is
said to be mixed with various drinks in
order to give them, the mellow flavor
of age,
I shall recommend riso'sOnrq for Con
sumption fur and wide. Mrs. Mulliiran,
I'lunistead, Kent, England, Nov.- 8, luitf.
..Great Removal Sale..
A Half-Million Dollar sStock to Be
Closed Out.
Work will soon be completed' on our new five-story bolWlng; we
are to occupy, and as we intend to place only new good$ upon its
shelves our present immense stock must be promptly disposed of.
We have
To such an extent that It is to the interests of everyone to buy now.
All mail orders filled at Removal Sale Prices.
"Writtaff to Mrs. Plnkham, "
Says: I have been usinsr your Veire-
table Cosnpound and find that It does
all that it Is recommended to do. I
have been a sufferer for the last four
years with -womb f
trouble, weak egTcS
bach and excre- if' -f
tions. I was hard- 7 ' I
ly able to do my
household duties,
and while about
my work was so
nemras that
I was miser-1
able. I had
also given
nn In rli-R
pair, when I : yf,,
C ar I
was pcTEtiadcd to try Lydta E. Pink
ham's Vegctablo Compotind. and to
day, I am feeling like a new woman.
Mrs, Ella. McGaevt, Noebe Eoad
Station, Cincinnati, 0.
Lydla E. rbjktuirrfa Ltvcr rills
work la unison with tho Compound, .
and are; a Bure cure lor constipation
bikI rick -headache.-1 Mrs. Pinkham's
Sanative Wash la frequently found of
great vnluo for local application. Cor
respondence Is freely solicited by tho
Lydia B. Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., end the strictest confidence as
sured. All drugprists sell tho Pink
ham's remedies. The Vegetable Com
pound in three forms Liquid, PUlSi
and Lozenges.
Two thousand two hundred tralni
leave London ordinarily every 94 hours.
Portland to Chicago Without Changa
llloil llf'IMltS.
Personally ('undnotpll Eimr'slons.
ltuftirauo 1 lioeltml to lostiiuitloit.
Low l;iitcs.
Dlreot lino to Trima-STIsslsslppI and
Intornutiouol Kxiut.ition liolil lit uuialia,
Nebraska, .Juno to Novcnihor,
Write undersigned for rates, time tables and
other Information pertaining to Union 1'acilia
U. li.
R. 'W. BAXTER, Gen, Agent,
103 Third 8U, 1'ortluiMl, Oregon,
... riAirtrFACTxraED BY ..i
WILL .4 FiSDK UW 112
PI1U11 or with Cuttor. Tho best needl In the mar
kt't. ; Vswl hy all saelc Wwi-rn. jtt salo by all aau
era! nuirchandlso stores, or by , ,
IC Market Street, Han Francisco, Cat
Right. I
Keep It RiRhti
Moore's lUrrealfxl Hoinody will do it Thraai
doses will make you fool better. Get It from'
our druggist or any wholesale drug house, of
from Stewart it Holmes Drug Co., Seattle, ., .
Make money by uccesfntf
spoeulatlon In Chicago. W
buy and sell wheat on mar
ffins. PortuiMi hay Im.im'
made on a small bealnnlni br traitinrin t.
tuna. Write for full particulars. Host ol r.
eretico glvcu. Hevcral years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thofounh know'
ledge of the business. Bend for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKLN8 4 Co..
Chicago Hoard of Trade Brokers. OBlcei la
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
K. V. N. U.
io, S3, '98.
HEN writing to adveTtlssrs pleas
inentlou mis paper.
fpSf& " Pnooiitss wir luaiygA
Si & 10 COTCr lnot sartace f"
JmlLi ff l'b grratw body and oVVv
I jPf B ram tonget than sny'lcad in
8 tb vAjrld unoet a (orttU at H ,,.l