Oregon City GoarieF. A. W. OIIHH, rablllher. obegon orrr ...Oregon DOINGS OF THE WEEK A Complete Review of the Telegraphio News of This and All For eign Lands. The house has passed the bondage bill by a vote of 132 to 65. An army of 45,000 men are now encamped at Chickamauga. Impartial, the official organ of the Madrid government, reiterates that Cervera is in Santiago harbor. A Hawaiian annexation measure in the form ol an amendment to the war revenue bill has been offered in the senate. An independent railroad line between Portland and the Sound is to be bnilt At once. There is little doubt, that the Vanderbilts are back of the enterprise J. J. Ebana, who killed tw persons 'in San Diego county, eight years ago, has atoned for his brutal crime with his life. He was executed in San'Quentin prison. Preparations for getting the soldiers off on the second expedition to Manila are being carried forward with all pos sible expedition at San Francisoo.troops being rapidly equipped. While minors were working in the lied Ash vein ot Caska William colliery, about 10 miles east of Pottsville, Pa., a large body of water was struck and six men are supposed to have beon drowned. Mrs. Frank M. Pixloy, widow of the late politician and journalist, died at Jier ranch, noar Corte Madora, Marin county, California. The cause of her death was heart disoase, from which she had suffered for many years. ' The war department has chartered the steamers China and Colon, of the Pacific Mail Company, which, with the Centennial, Zealandia and Ohio, will comprise the next expedition to the Philippines. They will carry 6,000 men. ' , A novel plan to reach Corvera and destroy his fleet is offered by J. J. Hol land, the inventor of the submarine torpedo boat. He says he will go into Santiago harbor with his boat and after first destroying the mines in the harbor will blow up the Spanish fleet. The blockading squadron nnder Wat son is doing duty along the western coast of Cuba. The Madrid newspapers are urging the cutting of the Amerioan cable crossing the Atlantic, if the Cuban cables are sovored. The government is preparing to be gin active operations in Cuba, the Phil ippines and Porto Rico at once, and bring the war to an end as quickly , as possible. The dispatch boat Dandy had a olose call in a terrible storm at sea. The water gave out. Fuul also was running low and the little steamer finally made harbor just in time to avert serious disaster. Captain Concha, of the ill-fated Spanish omisor Don Junn de Austria, destroyed at the battle of Manila, says that Admiral Dewey's victory at Manila was partially diiotothedooriplt condition of Admiral Montojo's fleet. All Havana is fear stricken, and the conditions in the Cuban capitol are donor i bod as boing most distressing. Famine is Imminent. The Spanish government officials joalously guard food of all kinds, and refuse to issue to any family more thuti enough for the needs of a single day at any one time. It is how said that other nations will object to Hawaii's aiding tho United States. Such a move may lead to serious complications. Spain, it is thought likely, will demand an expla nation of Dole's government, and in case of an unsatisfactory reply will appeal to the powers of Europe for support. The war department has accoptod the services of a company of Gorman sharp shooters in tho eastern district of Brook' lyn. Tho organization is known as the independent volunteer company, ami has 200 members. When war was first declared between the United States Mild Spain the organization was amoug tho volunteers. A Madrid dispatch say's Spain is verging upon 'a revolution. Sinister signs of an impending outbreak are multiplying. The qnoen is brave and determined. She refuses to fly the M)untry, although urged by Empuror Francis Joseph of Austria to do so, News of the capture or destruction of Corvora's fleet, it is said, is sure to precipitate a civil war. Charles W. Richards, sergeant of artillery, on duty at a mortar batterv near Fort Taylor, Key West, was fired ilium by throe unknown men, whom lie says lie knows to be Spaniards.' The lire was promptly returned, but the men escaped. Richards was slightly wound ed. Ho says tho three men carried a package containing dymunttu, with which they intended to destroy the batteries. Minor Mrwi Items, More steel Is used in tho manufacture of pens than in oil tho sword and gun factories in the world. Prince Victor Emmanuel, count of Turin, nephew of the king of Italy, ar rived in Now York and will make a tour of the country. Thadduee II. Stanton, paymaster of the United States army, is tin only officer of his corps who has receivod honorary rank for gallantry in action since the war of the rebellion. LATER NEWS. Admiral Sampson's Fleet Opened Fire on the Fortification! at San tiago de Cuba. Port au Prinoe, Hayti, June 2. About 2 o'clock this afternoon, a fleet composed of 14 warships, of which the cruiser New York displayed the flag of Rear-Admiral Sampson, and a number of torpedo-boats began a bombardment with heavy guns of the forts and the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. The American fire was directed principally against the forts and the harbor. The forts of Morro castle, La Socapa and Punta Qorda suffered especially. The cannonading was very persistent and cannot have failed to be destruc tive. It lasted until 8:45 P. M. The town whioh is situated near the inner end of the harbor, escaped dam age. At 8:45 the cannonading diminished. About 3 o'clock, cannon discharges were heard at a distance (presumably at sea), continuing for sometime, when the firing oeased completely. The Spanish authorities maintain strict silenoe as to the number of vic tims, who were apparently numerous. A report is current that the Ameri can warships also engaged a fleet of Spanish battleships. Jacksonville, Fla., is likely to be made the base of operations against Porto Rico. General Lee will open headquarters there immediately. The anti-British demonstrations at Manila are intensifying. The queen's portraits are insnlted and all foreigners are preparing to take refuge at Cavito. The British battleship Renown re ports being chased by an unknown steamer while on her way from Ber muda. The nationality of the pursu ing vessel could not be learned. The secretary of war has authorized the governor of Nebraska to raise a leg iment of infantry, nnder the presi dent's second call. William J. Bryan will be oolonel of tho new regiment. Advioes from Cadiz say all the guns of both batteries and forts are being re placed by heavier guns. It is reported that the departure of Camara's fleet has been delayed by defects in the torpedo boat. In the campaign againBt the Span iards in Cuba, the army and navy will act together. No decisive blow is likely to be struck service until by either branch of the the other is ready to co- operate. According to late Manila advioes there is serious sickness on board the United States cruiser Boston. It is be lieved that fish furnished the vessel at Manila had been poisoned. The Span iards were caught trying to strengthen their defenses and forced to desist. The captain of the British steamer Laughton, who saw the Cape Verde fleet in Curacoa harbor reports the Spanish ships in fair chape, but coal was quite low with them. All the ves sels took on enough to carry them to the next port. The Vizcaya and Maria Teresa also took on largo quantities of provisions and othor supplies from lighters. As a result of the investigation the troasury department has been making nto the quostion of a tariff for the Philippines to bo levied as a military cotribution during the occupation ol the islands by tho United States forces, the administration have practically de cided to enforce the existing Spanish schedules oulv, with suon cnanges as ciroumstancea may make necessary. A strong expedition has landed at Gnanatanmo. Four hundred men, pack train and a large quantity of war supplies compose it. It is said to be the most powerful anti-Spanish expe dition ever sent to Cuba. About 800 of the men are Cubans, and the others are Americans. The pack train con sisted of 75 mules and 25 horses. The expedition carried 7,000 rifles and 2,000,000 rounds of ammunition for General Garcia. The British steamer Kestormel was oaptured by the St. Paul while trying to outer Santiago harbor with a cargo of coal for Corvera s warships, Premier Sngaeta's race is almost run, says a Madrid dispatch, and the over throw of the Spanish cabinet is ouly question of a brief time. On Doooration day tho blue and gray united in honoring the heroei of an other war, the present conflict awak ening new interest in the day. A change of front is strongly marked in Canada. The Canadians express groat friendship for the United States and Toronto churches hold spe cial alliance Services. Dewey did much for cordage men this country, and the profits in the ropnmaking industry in America will bu largely increased by our contiol of the Philippine islands. Secretary Long has omoialiy com mended Captain E. C. Clark and the oftlceis and men under his command for their excellent work in bringing th battle-ship Oregon safely to Key West, Bids are to be invited at once for the construction of three modern fighting vessels tor the navy. The new ships will all bo of the Indiana type, heav ily aruiored and formidably armed, of a maximum speed of 10 knots. All three are to be oomplotod within tw and one-half years. Schley's warships are preparing to go into the harbor of Santiago de Cub and force the squadron under Cervera to give battle, Schley's squadron consisting of six formidable ve will probably be reinforced by the ad dition of others before moving on the Spaniards, thus practically assuring victory for tf Amerioan fleet, INVASION BEGUN Military Movement on Cuba Has Been Started. TRANSPOR TS FOR 30,000 MEN Details of the Movement Are Very Closely Guarded Troops Were Pat in Motion Immediately on Receipt of Do Unite News of the Spanish Fleet. Washington, June 1. The military fnvasion of Cuba has begun. Unlese the orders of the war department have miscarried, at an early hour this morn ing tire troops that have been gather ing at the Gull ports began to break camp and march aboard the transports waiting to carry them to the enemy's territory. About 25 of these ships, the biggest and fastest that oould be obtained suitable for the purpose, had been gathered ready to receive th troops. They will accommodate about 80.000 men, for in a short voyage liku that from the Gulf ports to Cuba, it is possiblo, with safety and comfort, to carry a much largor number of men aboard ship than would be admissablo in the case of a cruise to tlie Philip pines, for instance. How many tioops started this morn ing; where they took ships, or whither they are bound are questions which the directing spirits of the campaign refuse positively to answor. They have no desire that the Spanish should have op portunity afforded them to gather forces to attack our soldiers as they land. Therefore, nothing of the de tails of this first movement can be learned. There is a suspicion that the start will be made from Tampa and Mobile, and in such case, the fleet of transports will converge at Key West to pass under convoy of the war ships which Admiral Sampson has pro vided to insure the safety of the troops during the passage across the Florida straits to protect them againBt attack at the hands of some stray Spanish cruiser or gunboat. It is probable that there will be no less than four separate military expedi tions, and that these will be landed at' four different points. Whether Porto Rico is one of those points or not, cannot be learned. Before the entire force which it is proposed to use in Cuba can be landed, the transports must make four separate voyages across the straits. Arrangements have been made to utilize the services of the in surgents to the largest possible extent. The government already has sent ex peditions to a huge, number of points on the island and landed arms for the insurgents. Most of the parties' suo- ceeded perfectly in their object, and it was said at the war department today that a sufficient number of insurgents have been armed to constitute a very effective support for tho troops as they land. RIOTING FOR BREAD. Unhappy Spain Hus Trouble Within aud Without. London, June 1. A Madrid dis- patoh says: Distress is reported in various parts of the interior, more es pecially in the the provinces of Cata lonia, where food prices have risen con siderably, and a number of working people have been thrown out of em ployment. This week several factories at Moresena, west of Barcelona, will have to be closed, as a result of which hundreds of families will be plunged into misery. The local government is endeavoring to alleviate want by opening soup kitchens. According to a dispatch from Una, riots occurred yesterday in the city of Mula owing to the scarcity of food, and especially bread. It is known that the local au thorities and a number of wealthy in dividuals have arranged to have cheap bread baked for the poor. General Miles Leaves Washington. Washington, Juno 1. Major-Gen-ernl Miles, commanding the United States army, accompanied by the mem bers of his family and his personal and official Btatt, left ut 11 o'clock tonight for Tampa. The party comprises 64 persons, occupying a special train on the Southern railway, consisting of one Pullman, one speoial car, one combina tion baggage aud day coach, and one baggage-car. General Miles will go directly to Tampa, where he will establish head quarters for the army. He. will per sonally direct the movement of the troops in the invasion of Cuba. Negotiations Concluded. Washington, June 1. The Cana dian negotiations which have been in progress for the past week were con eluded tonight when the definite agree ment was readied ior the creation ol a commission which shall consider all the subjects of controversy between the United States and Canada, and frame a treaty between the imperial govern ment and the United States lor the complete adjustment of their contro' versios. The agreement is now to be submitted to the British government for approval. A Friendly Protest. London, June 1. The British gov eminent, according to a statement of a news agency, has sent a friendly pro test to Spain with respect to the hit ter's strengthening the fortifications opposite Gibraltar. A boy six years old in Iowa swal lowed several lemon seeds. They sprouted in his stomach and nearly killed him before they were removed MERRITT IN COMMAND. Take) Formal Charge of Philippine Forces and Expedition. San Francisco, June 1. Major-General Merritt today established head quarters in the PhelaD building, in the rooms vacated by General Otis, who is now located at Camp Merritt. , This morning General Merritt issued an or der assuming command of the Philip pine expedition, and w now engaged in completing arrangements for the for warding of the second detachment of troops to Admiral Dewey's assistance. The work of preparing the steamers Zealandia, China and Colon for the re ception of troops is progressing slowly. What regiments will make up the sec ond expedition to the Philippines is agitating the men at camp greatly.. They all want to go, but as there are already over 12,000' men here and more coming, and tho second expedi- tion is to be made up of only 5,000 men, thore will be many disappointments. There are now five volunteer regi ments ready, the Colorado, California, Minnesota, Nebraska and Pennsylva nia. Every effort to get them into shape for service has been made, and in view of this aotivity to get these regiments fully equipped, it looks as if they, with the regiments now here, will constitute the major poition of the second expedition. The Red Cross Society, formed here has $32,799. Today's contributions were swelled by one of $500 sent in by C. P. Huntington. Troops for Merritt. New York, June 1. By direction of the president, formal orders have been prepared for lesue adding 8,000 men to the department of the Pacific nnder General Merritt, increasing the force to 20,000 men, saysthe Washington cor respondent of the Tribune. While Gen eral Merritt was promised a week ago that this increase would be made, if possiblo, difficulties insurmountable in character were presented,and it was only upon the success achieved by the department yesterday in securing the execution of certain contracts much earlier than anticipated that it was found possiblo to redeem the promises These related not only to transporta tion, but to arms, ammunition, uni forms and other requisite equipment. it having been feasible up to this time to secuie these essentials for only 12, 000 men. General Merritt was informed last nielli of the im proved prospects for augmenting his force, and was request ed to designate such additional volun teer regiments from the East as he do- aired for duty in the Philippines with the assurance that his wishes would be respeoted. CARGO OF COAL. The Cruiser St. Paul Secures a Klch Prize. Key West, June 1. The British steamship Restormel was captured by the oruiser St. Paul and brought into port this morning, under her own steam, bv a prize crew. She was cap tured while trying to put into Santiago with a cargo of coal. The steamer was bound from Caidiff to Porto Rico. As the Restormel came in the British flag was halfway down her mainmast Newspaper men are not permitted to approach within 100 yards of her. The Restormel was captured by the auxil iarv cruiser St. Paul, Captain Sigsbee, under the very guns of Morro castle, at Santiago de Cuba, at 6 A. M., May 25 She carried 2,400 tons of best Welch coal from Cardiff, presumably for Ad miral Cervera's fleet. The St. Pan had been lvlng off Santiago for six days, and early last Wednesday worn me, the big collier was sighted, mak ing at full speed for Santiago harbor, The St. Paul fired a blank shot, and the Restormel came to, four miles from the Santiago forts. The forts di not fire on the cruiser. A prize crew in command of Lieutenant Pattson was put on board and dispossessed the British officers, who made no protest Not a line was found among the ship' papers relative to the destination consignee of the cargo. The Restormel was headed at once for Key West She was leaking badly when captured and is still in a serious condition. The Restormel now lies in the har bor near the wharf. The British flag is flying at her stern. Marines patrol the prize and will allow no one aboard The members of the orew are not even allowed to take newspapers offered to theia from launches that come along side. Hospital Train Provided. Washington, June 1. With the con sent of Secretary Alger, Surgeon-Gen eral Sternberg has taken initial steps for securing a hospital train for the transportation of the invalid troops from the front. This train is to con aist of 10 tourist sleepers and a dining car, and is to be iu charge of corps ot medical attendants. mis rwf ? 'Ik WW , MAJ. CEIfERAI, MERRITT. SCHLEY SAAV THEM Spanish Fleet Secure in the Santiago Harbor. ECURE IN SANTIAGO BAY Believes That Cervera Will Blow Up Ills Ships Kather Than Have Them Fall Into Our Hnnds Invasion of Cuba Expected Soou. Washington. May 81. At 12:80 clock this morning the navy depart ment received a dispatch from Commo dore Schley announcing definitely that he had located Admiral Cervera's Cape Verde squadron in the bay of Santiago de Cuba. The commodore states that he has seen and recognized the vessels of the Spanish fleet. While the naval officers have been moderately certain for several days that Cervera's squadron is in the har bor of Santiago, the official announce ment from Commodore Schley was re ceived by tho officers on duty at the de partment with intense satisfaction. Assurance is now doublv sure that the Spanish fleet is bottled up and the cork is in the bottle. It is not believed that Admiral Cer vera will attempt to escnpe from the predicament in which ho now finds himself, as such a course would surely result in the destruction of his ves- eels, and the loss of many lives precious to Spain. The suggestion is made, however, that the Spanish may blow up the ships rather than have them fall into the hands of Schley, as they oertainly Will they remain in the harbor. The definiteness of Commodore Sohley's dispatch would eoem to indi COMMODOnil W. S. 8CHT.ET. In Command of tho Flylnit Sqntxlmii. cate that he had effected a landing near Santiago and made a personal in vestigation of the harbor. It would be impossible, from tho entranoe of the bay, definitely to see and recognize the Spanish vessels, hut by effecting a land ing at some point on either side of the entrance, a vantage point could be gained, from which the entire harbor it is believed, could bo examined. In all probability, Commodore Schley, or one of his trusted officers, has succeeded in performing this hazardous undertak ing in order to obtain tho valuable in formation contained in his dispatch. What effect the certainty that Cer vera is practically helpless will have on the plans with reference to the in vasion of (Juba can only be eonjeo tured. The transportation of land forces, it is thought, was delayed be cause of the uncertainty concerning the location of the Spanish squadron. If the understanding is correct, the prob ability of an early invasion of Cuba is strong. It is not unlikely that the movement of troops, which has been delayed from time to time, will begi this week, and before the end of the week, the United States forces will have obtained a substantal foothold nopn Cuban soil. Commodore Schley has not only his own squadron, but two or three vessels besides at his command, and it is not believed to be possible for the Spanish admiral to escape with his fleet. No information is obtainable as to the in tentions of Commodore Schley. Whether he will endeavor to force an entrance to the bay and seek a batUe with the Spanish squadron is not known, but such a course at present is not regarded as likely. It would be the better, in the opinion of eome na val officials, to keep Cervera and his vessels safely in the harbor, where they are absolutely as useless as they would be at the bottom of the Bea. Funds for the lteselgrd. Madrid, May 31. The minister of the colonies, minister ot finance and Senor Sagasta had a conference last night on the methods of sending the resources asked for by the governor generals of Cuba and the Philippines. General Angusti, at Manila, was au thorized to draw on the treasury, and General Blanco has received 10,000.000 pesetas. London, May 81. The Times com plains bitterly of the refusal of Spanish authorities in Cuba to release its corre spondent, Mr. Knight, who, the Times says, was sent with the approval of the Spanish authorities, and in landing fiom a small boat was only complying with the Spanish request that he come in a neutral vessel. An elephant is possessed of ruch delicate sense of smell that it can scent human being at a distance of thou sand yards. 'S Pi MX DEWEY'S CABLE. No Reported Change In the Situation aft Manila. Washington, May 31. The navy de partment this afternoon made public the following dispatch: Cavite, May 28, via Hong Kong, May 81. To the Secretary of the Na vy, Washington: No change in the situation. The blockade ' is effective. It is impossilbo for the people of Ma nila to buy provisions except rice. The captain of the Olympia (Gridley) has been condemned by the medical sur vey. He is ordered home. He leaves by the Occidental & Oriental steam Bhip from Hong Kong, May 28. Com mander Lambertson has beon appointed commander of the Olympia. DEWEY." Dewey Short of Provisions. Kong Kong.'May 81. There is abso lutely no truth in the report that the United States cruiser Baltimore, now at Manila, has been damaged by an in ternal explosion. The United States auxiliary cruiser Zafiro, which arrived here at mid-, night yesterday, reports that Dewey is) chort of provisions and ammunition. , The Havila-Manila cable, it is said, was cut by Amoricans May 23. A brush between insurgents and Spanish occurred near Cavite May 20. The entire American fleet is at Cavite. Die report that Borne of the American ships had sailed for lloilo, where the Spanish gunboat El Cano is supposed to be, is incorreot. Aguinaldo, the insurgent leader, is with the insurgents, between the Americans and Spanish. Inoendiary fires continue The priests and nuns at Manila have ' been removed from the latter place to Lagnn. All the const towns are reported to- be held by the Spanish troops The Americans are repairing the slip at Cavite. SPOILS OF WAR. Spain Said to lie Ceding Territory That Is Not Iters. Berlin, May 81. Regarding the news that Spain has agreed to oede the Philippines to Franco, it is said at the German foreign office that Germany has information that pour parleure, looking to this end, have beon proceed ing for eome time, mainly through Senor Leon y Castillo, the Spanish am bassador at Paris, and that the negotia tions have already reached a rather definite shape. Germany's answer to this is found in a semi-official communication, setting forth that Germany would protest against the cessation of the Philippine islands to France or any other single power, adding that a cession to the combined powers of Europe would be most acceptable. It is understood that the project had been dropped, at least for the present. The report of De Rio, the new Span ish minister for foreign affairs, cau tiously mentioned the negotiations with France above referred to. . GRAVE OF GLADSTONE. The Statesman's Remains Lie in West- minster Abbey. London, May 81. The Northern transept of Westminster, where Eng land's greatost dead rest, the remains of the late William Ewart Gladstone were entombed today with the cere monies of the nation he had served and WILLIAM EWATiT OLAPSTOXR. of the church he had attended. His grave is beside that of his lifelong ad versary, Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Bea- consfield), whose marble effigy look down upon it, deckod with the regalia which Gladstone had refused. The possible future kings of Great Britain walked beside the great commoners and nobility, and the learning of the state surrounded them, though the wish of the deoeased had been for simplicity. A New Mexican Train Hold-Up. Albuquerque, N. M., May 26. The south-bound passenger train on the Santa Fe railway was held up last night near Belen by two cowboy robbers. They boarded the train at Belen and made the engineer run the- train down the road three miles. They then marched the engineer and fireman to the express car, where they threw one of the safes out of the car, blowing it open with dynamite, taking consider able money. The amount secured is not known. The express messenger, Hiscock, was not molested, nor wero the passengers. The sheriffs of Valen cia and Socorro counties, with posses1 are now in pursuit. Strike Is Settled. Seattle, Wash., May 81. The Btrike on the Great Northern tunnel in the Cascades has been settled. The company will grant the demand of the strikers for an increase in wages, the increase to go into effect June 1. Sixteen Inch Gun Forged. Bethlehem, Pa., May 81. The Bethlehem Iron Company has shipped to Waterville arsenal, New York, the largest cannon forging ever turned out In America. P- ll MM