Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, May 27, 1898, Image 8

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    BMrnt It Blood. J
Clean Wood means a clean akin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets Candy
Cathartic clean yur blood and keep it
clean, by Btirrinif up the lazy liver and
chiving all impurities from the body.
Begin to-day to banish pimpled, boils,
blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilioi-H complexion by takiiitf Cacareta.
beauty for ten cents. All druggiats,
atinucion iartro ii 2'tt 30o
Buoklen'fc Arnica Salve.
The Best Halve in the world for Cats,
Bruises, cWew, Ulcira, Salt Rheum.
Fever Sores. Totter, Oapped
Haipda, ChilblainB, Orns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is gnaianteed to
Bive Derfect satialatHlori or money re
nnded Price 25 rents per bo
sale tiv Cliarnmn & Co.
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges
tion and permits food to ferment and putrif y la
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
Insomlna, nervousness, and,
If hot relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood's
Fills stimulate the stomach,
rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.
The only Fills to take with Hood's Sursauarilla.
' P. C. GADKE,
Plumbing and Tinning.
.JoUiinir, of AM Kinds
Wilson Cooke's
Old Hlnnd . . .
0 KWiON,
Oarnbrirus Cold
Storage .
Griesscn & Ihillwyer, Props.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Klogimt Family Rooms,
CHAS. CAtTA. pioprlilor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
o-iven; delivered to any
part of tli e city.
Try r.olioii 1'uliy nnd lie Coiiyncul
& FcpcJ
Cor. M;iin and 4h St.
:rSJob Prhtina at the
courier 0ice.
This old on armed neoleJIst, of St. Louis,
well known by his long realdenoe and auo
WMfiilly practice In this oily, continue to
successfully treat all kinds of ohronlo and
private diHUN
iiiuu iiiuiiiuluiw in
i parson at the ofiioe
every afternoon
llin OTTVT Plseaaea, Sores, Rpots,
AMU oMfl HmDles.8cn.lula.oVBh.
I Flmples,8crlula,8,vph
a. Tetters. Kosenia and
In lo lalnta, Tuiuore. Tetters, Eosema and
ytier laapurttlea of the blood thoroughly
eradicated, leaving the system in a tiroug,
ure and healthfufstata,
old German
uuuuiumiuiu 1
vrrMiiled to Dr.
, remedy. This remedy wai
eaeuted to Dr. Kesaeler by a friend la
berllo. Ithaa never tailed.
fll Tl OnDFQ ulcere, Oanoeri , etc., treated, n
UhlJ UUllIiO dltroreooe bow long affected.
poliiful, difficult, loo Irtquent, milky or tiloooy
Diine, u natural ditobarge, carefully treated,
itlna, riieuinatlim aof aeuralgi treated by
our new remedies.
Take a clear bottle at bedtlma and urinate
In the bottle, let aalde and look at It In the
morning. If it II cloudy, of hai cloudy ent
UIuk In It, you have euiue aiUue or bladder
T 1 DU WflDW removed In twenty-four hours
1JU U n UlllU worms In window at of.
tee 16 to .16 leel long.
DDT ITU CTIWl'O We meet persons every
DilLjUH 0llrln.u day wIiom breath metis
bud It lii diHgunUng. Thl cornea from Civ
Imrli ol either the note or stomach. On and
be examined. It can be cured before the
lamil boiixi becomes Involved.
rnnWf WrW lf y aratronWed with nlRlit
iUUnU III hit emlmdoni,ehaiistlngdralni,
itmilr, baHhfulneu, aversion to toclKty,
itii piil hem, deepondenoy, lom of energy, am
Ml Ion and neU-ooiittdeiioe, which deprive you
-l your uianhood and absolutely unnt you
ftrnu(ly, bml ueai or marriage lf you are
lliu aitlleled you may know the caui Uo
nit be Irvateu,
viTinir iprn unr ("" re thomiamii
lill'LILXj-flUIiLI Rha ot you troubled with
wnik, Holnng bauke and klilneyi; frequent,
pnlnliil urination and sediment In mlnu; lui
gotenry or weakueu of (exual organa, and
hi her unmistakable eigne of nervou debility
ml premature' decay, Many die of Ihi
diltlrulty, Ignorant of the cause. The moat
nbai luate oaaet of this cbaraowr trealcd.
PDIViTU diseases. Oleet, Oonorrhea. In
fill I 111 D aaniaUona.I)lMhargea, Strlciun..
Weuknt-m of Orgene, Syphilis, Hydrocele
Varicocele and kludred troubles treated.
Consultation Free to All.
Officb Ilouaa: From 9 A. M. to
8 P. M. Call or address
J. Henri Kessler M. D.
At St. Louis Dispensary.
, 8301 yamhill street
Portland.-.. Okkuus
Mr. Qeer Devious Method.
Mr. T. T. Geer wilt be made to realize
in the end that his go-it-alone campaign
in quest of governorship on a basis of
sophistical false pretense roust recoil
upon his own devoted head
Hib whole stock-in-trade on the stump
is assertion, which method he fancied he
could safely employ in the absence of
any posaiDinty t riot the other side may
ne snown to tne same audmncea. We
will enumerate a few of the absurdities
he propagates.
He arraigns the popu-lists, democrats
and silver repnulicans as repudiatorg
lor aemanaiiid a return to the constitttu-
I lonal coinage of both gold and silver
hut dure not. specjij her ein. And, then
be seems ntterly oblivious to the fact
'hat his arraignment includes himself,
Wm. MrKinley,
TheniH" H. Tongue,
C. W. Fulton.
in the cateijoiv of "dishonest reoudia
torn" since thev have all, until recently.
Deen shouting anthems to free coinage,
He doea not omi in his addresses to
remind-the people that free annum will
I luce them in company wit h Mexico ! but
omiiB 10 state mat Mexico is more pros
perous man any gold standard country
he can name; that thousands uponthon-
anosoi working ieon bo from the U
.8. to find steady employment at better
wages than ihey can get here. He
iiwells upon a low scale of wages down
Here tut conceals the fact that it is
peon wages that nre low; that the same
Hashes i f woikers get no more in New
Mexico and tinder the gold standard than
tl ey gel in old M. x'en. Ho is careful
noi to siaie that the credit of Mexico,
lands iiiiinenmireablv auperior to
ttUlt Of . "
Pittugal, '
Egypt, '
i n 1 iiid,
il gold standard countries, as to be
hopelessly ( n ol.any line of comparison.
r i i 'instance, the iimitls of
Spain are qno.teil at 34 cents; of-
rortngal ,,
Turkey ,,
I- t'vpi . ,
In fact we should
., 15
.; oo
have to
train our
tn i'- i xpii t-H. a minus quantity in oi-U-r
to quote Turkish and Egyptian se
curities, while the hords of
Mexico tiring 105 cents on the dollar.
gain Mr (nee r soars away into the
rt alms of spat e to depict in fervid, florid
phi.iHo, the great prosperity iiich hac
settled down upon all of us since Mc-
Kinley opened the "mills instead of the
mints !" .
Put just look at the facts!
The industrial centers in a ferment
f strikes.
Mini downs and lock nuts and large
mid ci nil cuts in vagesfiom Maine to
California, from the lakes at the north to
1 he gull' at the south !
Ami then he crows facetious and se-
, ere ty limit-rn the American tanner.
He repeats again and again that he him-
si I! is a lain or; mat lie and his boy di
all I he vv'iik on the farm, which is prom
pi siiive that theto is precious little work
di re on lliat larm, since he himself lias
within the last four yeara, made font
irips ilcwnand across ihe state, woiking
his j;iw to prove what a
Shilt e-,
lot the average of farmers aro. Yet if
he has, at ai.y lime or at any place, stated
the v.holu linlli ahoul that farm of his,
ue have not I en id ol il. And one truth
he lag g udiously concealed, is, that that
faun groans under a large gold standar
Alter all, however, mortgages are
deemed, by Mr OVer's party, "evi
dtnees of prosperity !"
And, finally, Mr. Goer winds up with
alectuieto pops., deins. and silver re
publicans, beseeching, imploring them,
10 cease the agitation of the money ques
tion ; he says, "let well enough alone,
you i"o disturbing the business inter
his apparently the correct tiling for
ihe ludianappolm "Monetary (Jommia
sion" t i hold HsconclaveB and prepare
measures to nut the country nrmly on
he British gold standard; for Mr. Mc-
Kinlev to send a special message touon
giesa commending its work; for Mr.
dagu to raise a dismal, insistent calam
tty howl for "currency reform," and for
neanuftir. fllcKinley to attend leasts
and banquets appointed by the bankers
and trusts at Mew York, to Imbibe "cur
rency reform inspiration" All this
does not disturb "the business inter
eatg " Why don't those fellows "let well
enougn aiouer
Your doctor knows all about
foods and medicines.
The next time you see him.
I Just ask him what he thinks
scon's Emulsion
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo-
phosphites. We are willing
1 to trust in his answer.
Tor twenty-live years doo-
tors have prescribed our
Emulsion for paleness, weak
1 ness, nervous exhaustion, and ,
for all diseases that cause
1 loss in flesh.
Its creamy oolor and its
pleasant taste make it es
pecially useful for thin and
1 delloate children.
No other preparation of cod-
, liver oil is like it. Don't lose
time and risk your health by
taking something unknown
and untried. Keep In mind
has stood the test . for a
quarter of a century.
oc and fi.oo; all drurirlita.
SCOTT 4 BOW Kb, ChtmUti, Ntw York.
Bean tli 1 1 Kind Von haw Always Boujtit
Tht StatMman nd CWar Barklay.
The Statesman's attack on Hon. H.
L. parkrey ia a black and villanous
slander btt' the private character oi a
christian gentleman. As be ia a candi
date for joint senator for Marion and
Clackamas, why don't the Statefman
attack Dit pumic record r f or the aim
pie reason that be hag an unimpeach
able record aa a faithfnl legislator and
menu 01 me people. saiem Journal.
Gannon Koland, the nominee on the
Union ticket for the office of prosecuting
attorney of the Fifth judicial district, is
a resident of this city. He wag born at
Creiwell, Lane county, Oregon, on Octo
ber, 24, 1867, and is a ton of Captain P.
C. Noland, who came to this coast dur
ing the California gold excitement and
wno served aa captain 01 a company
during me Kogue Kiver Indian war.
Mr. Noland entered the Oregon Uni
versity at its opening in 1876 and gradu
ated trom tnere with high bonoig. He
commenced the. practice of law in 1883
at Prineville, where he remained for one
year and removed to this city where he
has since made bis home. In 1884 Mr
Noland was appointed city attorney by;
the Astoria city council and he was twice
re-elected by the votes of the people,
serving in that -official capacity for Ave
and one-half consecutive years. His un-
.' I.I !l 1 - 1 . . 1 J
oieuiieneu recoru ior integrity anu uevo-
tion to duty won him the confidence and
support of nil parties and bis official
record will go far toward securing his
success in the present campaign. As an
attorney Mr. Noland has an enviable
reputation, as- a man and a citiz-ui his
character stands unreproached. Quiet
and unassuming, kind and courteous in
his manner, he makes many friends and
no enemies. If elected in the coming
contest his well disciplined mind.
honesty of purpose and attention to
duty cannot hut reflect, credit upon
himself, the oluce and Ins constituents.
Astoria Budget.
For District Judge. .
Hon. William D. Hare, of HilUboro,
is the Union candidate for district, judge
of this district against T. A. McBride,
the present incumbent. Mr. Iiaie was
horn in West Virginia in 1838, but spent
his boyhood days in Ohio, removing to
Oregon in 1853. He helped to organize
the republican party in this state and
was elected presidential elector when
Harrison was elected the first time. He
was also nominated as presidential elec
tor for Harrison the second time but
declined the nomination, stating in his
declination that he was no longer in
harmony with the republican party,
it having abandoned the principles of
Abraham Lincoln. During that can
vass he supported General Weaver for
the presidency. '
Mr. Hare was county clerk ol Wash
ington county for 6 years and was the
people s party candidate for U. e. Sen-
ator in '95. He Is an honored member
f the Oregon state bar, and an able
rttorney, a pleasing and forcible orator
and a man whose character is above re
proach. The only thine that can be
said about him not to hiscredit is that
Thos. II. Tongue, who now missrepre-
sents his district in Congress, studied
law under him.
The election of Judge Hare would in
sure a souud.economical administration.
The taxpayers of the district would not
be burdened to keep up a lot of hangers-
on durring court, or drag court along,
dav after day, with from 2 to 3 hour
sessions at a cost of $500 per day, as is
too often the case. Ihe interests ot the
district demand the retirement of Mc
Bride and the election of Hon. William
D. Hare.
Educate Your Howl With t'anoareta
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
torever. 10c, 25c. If C.C.C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
Two Mllllona a Year.
When people buy, try.ind buy again.
it nieann they're satisfied. The people
it the United Slates are now buyinu
Cascarets Candy Oitthartic at the rate of
two million boxes a year antl it will be
three million before New Years. It
means merit proved, that Cascarets are
the moat delightful bowel regulator for
everybody the year round. All drug
gists 10, 25, 50o a box, cure guaranteed.
For Over Fifty Years
An Old and Well-Tbibd Remedy
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been ued for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cuies wind colic, and is
the best remedy (or Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
Hew to Look Good.
Good looks fcre really more than skin
deep, depending entiiely on a healthy
rendition of all the vital organs. If the
liver he inactive, you have a bullous
look : if you stomach be disordered, you
have a dyspeptic look ; if ynur kidneys
be afl'ected, yon have a pinched loiik.
Hecure good health and you will surely
have good looks "Electric Bitters" i
a good Alternative and Tonic. Acts
directly on the stomach, liver and
kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures
pimples, blotches and boils, and gives
a good complexion. Every bottle guar
anteed. Sold at Chartnan A Co.'s drug
stole. 50c per bottle.
An Enterprising Druggist,
There are few men mora wide awake
nnd enterprising than Cliarmati & Co ,
who apare no pain to secure the beat of
eve ywliiiiK in their line tor their many
customers. They now have the valuable
agency (or Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. Couitha and Colds. Thia
ia the wonderful remedy that is pioduo
ing such a luror all over the country Sv
ita mat y atartlina cttref . It absolutely
curea Athma, Uronchitia, lloaraenvas
and all afleciionb of the Throat, Cheat
and Luny.8. Call at above drtu store and
ttet a trial bottle ftee or a regular size for
60 i-etita and $1. Guaranteed to cure or
price refunded.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo
or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists
refund money. .
Men Are Judged by wnat they do. 80
U Hood's barsparilla, and its great cur-g
have given it a good name everywhere.
It is the One True Blood Puriner and
Great Nerve Tonks." ,
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, billiousness.
25c. . ... .
For that tired feeling you must enrich
and purify your blood. Hood's Sarsa
is the medicine you need.
A Sure Tliuic for Yon.
A transaction in which you cannot lose
is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head
ache, furred tongue, fever, piles anda
thousand other ills are caused by coc-
stlpation and sluggish liver. Cascarets
Candy Cathartic,, the wonderful new
liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are
hv all druggists guaranteed to cure or
money retundeu. U. u J. are a sure
thing. Try a box' to-day ; 10c. 25c, 50
Sample and booklet free. Al 1 druttgisl
Bears the 9 TOU HavB Always Bought
In the Circuit rourt of the Stale of Oiegon
for the County of Clackamas
Commercial Bank ol Ore"on City 1
Plaintiir I
' ' vs. .
Heury Hopkins
Defendant. J
stite of Oresnn. Coiintv of Olnckamai, si.
D and decree and an execntinn, duly tsmed out
of and under the seal, of the above entitle'! court.
In the aliove entitled cnu&e, to me (Inly directed
and dated the Muh dav of Mav, IS'.ih, upon
jndcinenl. rendered and entered in said nnirt on
the'Mh dav of April, 1W8, in favor of Com
mer.'lal Bank of Oreso" t'ily. pl'iinlitf and
acalnst Henry Hopkiii'-, e end ml. ter ih"um
of 675.IX) with int. rift ih i a ho t o 10 pei
I'fnt nor nnnnin from theUfnhda-- "t April, ih'.im
and further sum ot S0, as altoniejN fen, and the
further Mim of lt, eost snd dislmremenls, and
tiie ensl s of and npon this writ: (omimiiKlIng me
to make sale of the following deser'bi'd real prop
erty, situate in the county of Cliickamns and
state of Oregon, h -wit:
Belli a prt of the h. I) C. Ln'ouretto n. Ij. C.
IjiiiKin seelion 4, township il ponih, ranee i
east, beirli'ning at a point in the west lioiindnrv
ot suirt claim south 15 minutes east 82. 3 chains
from Hie norlhwest corner of said chum, thence
north H8 rteirrees east. 20.3S chain', thence sonlli
2(i decrees 80 minutes west 6.1ft chains lo a stone,
thence south 45 denrees e,ist 1.2ftelmlns, thence
south S8 d"(rrees west 1H ICS chains to the west
line of said claim, tlienee nor'li 1ft minutes, west
fi.48 chain traetint the wi'st boundary to the
place of beninninis containitm 1U acres, more or
Now theref lire, by virtue of said excoution.
juilu nieut onier and decree, and in compliance
with the onmmandsof said writ, I will on
SATURDAY .June-Sftlh, W.
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., n1 the front door "f
the counlv court house, in the city of Oregon City
in snid couiuy and slate, sell at juihlie nuetion
suh'ect to reiieniplioll, to the liii:l.ri I iili!i r,f t
United states irold coin, cusii in imod, all -I be
richt. title nn' Interest which the within mimed
defendatilf o' it ft1 of the in had on h date O'' the
morli-'Mife herein or since had in oi to ihe above
described real l roperlv or tiny part thereof, p
sati -fy said execution, jmlpni' ii t i nur. titciei
interest, costs and all acernint: costv,
(). W. (.'BACK
Kheriit of Clackamas County. Oregon.
Dated Oregon Ci'y, Orei'on, Mav 2Dlli, 1XW.
In llift rirruit Court of the State of Oregon, fur
the ' onnty ot Llurkanms.
K. lfei'liucr, ")
, riaintitr, I
V8. I
J. P. Wutkins. Albert Wntklns.Oscnr I
Watkiii8, John Hiklii!i,. floyd
Watkim, Bsie Poln, J. Pnlan,
J. Pohin, Anni' Johnson, Frtuni(?
H"van. Silns K. n 'Vhih, K"lhpr K.
W'atHnn, Annie Wiltkill", J. A. Cox, I
and Hk-liarU JolniMin,
llffcndtlnts, )
State of OreRon, County of (JlafknmaB,
decree nnd an execution, duly taxued out of and
undt-r the seal of Ihe nliove entitl d vourt, In th.
al ot entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 2Gtli day of May. mm, nnou ajminment render
ed nnd entered In Baid court on the '2ri dny of May,
lh'JH, ill favor of K. Hechiier. plHintltf, and nBalut
J. P. Watkins. defonilant. f ir the Bum of !' :i5.
with interest thereon at the mte of 10 er cint. wr
annum from the 2nd dny ol M iy.lSHN. anil the timber
sum of f0, as attorney's fee nnd the furt'ier
sum of costs and disbursements, and that the
it "fendant. .1, A. Cox, recover from Ihe snlrt .1. P
Watkins the sum of with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per oent per annum from ?nri
day of May 1NSI8, nnd the further
turn of (25 attorney fees, and the fur
ther sunvTof 3, costs anil disimrsi'niont". nnd
the costs of and upon this writ, ('"miiiiinding me m
make sale 01 tne lollowinn; ai'HcrlDeu ral property
situate in tne ijoumy oi ihikiuiihs, state of On
mu. to-wlt:
Beginning at t point 20 feet east of 'he southeast
corner of D. L. 0. of L. D. C. Latouretto No. 8!) in
said township 3 south, range 2 east, running thenoe
i.ortb 00 decrees 15 minutes west 15.11 chains, therce
eas, o.ik) cnaius to west siue oi lanu rormerly owned
by J, 1). Kenner, thence south 62 denrees. 4o
minutes, west 11 links, thence south 00 degrees, 15
minutes, east 12,78 chaius to county road, thence
along the county road south 72 degrees, west 7.20
chains to ths place of beginning, containing 10
acres Ul mini
Now. Therefore, br virtue of said ereentlnn
judgment order and decree, and In compliance with
tne commands oi snm writ, i win, on
SATURDAY, JUHE 25th, 1898,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p m .at the front' door o
the County Court House in the City of Oregon City,
in said County anil State, sell at public auction,
subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, fur
U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all ths right, title and
Interest which the within named defendants or
either of them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above described real
property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execu
tion, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of tilackamns County, Oregon.
Put d Oregon CHy, Or., May 2t, 1898.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas.
Daniel M. TrullliiRer, 1
Juliette F. Trnllinger
UofeiKlant. I
State of Oregon, ooiinty of Clackamas, ss.
decree and an execution, duly Issued out oi
and under the seal ot the above entitled court.
In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed
nil dated the 5lh day of May, 18UX, upon a Judg
ment rendered and entered in said oourt on the
'.Mill day ot March, 1897, in favor of Juliette F.
Trulltnger, defendant, and against Daniel M.
Trulltnjjer, plaintiff, for the sum of ad. 10, aad the
coats of and upon this writ, commanding me
out nf the personal property of said defendant,
and if suftioient could not be found, then out of
Ihe real proper.'r belongina to said plaluiitt on
and after the date of said judguient to satisfy
said sum of 16.10 and also the costs upon this said
Sow therefor, by virtue, of said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and In compliance
Willi the commands of said writ, bcil g ouaiile
to It tid any iciMiial ptvpetiyof said defendant's,
1 did ou the 6th day of May, IKtt, duly levy upon
the following described real properly of saiil
nlaintilf.' situate and bvinsr in the i-ountv nf
Clackauian, and stsie of Oregon, to-wll: lts one
(1), two yi) ami uiree a oi section three ()
township three (if) south or range
three l-i) east ot the Willamette Mt-rid-
I Imii. and I will, on 8.liirilav. Him 11th ,Uv of
j June, INK, at the ao ir of 1 o'clock p. m at the
Iront aoor oi tue oouuiy court house in the
City ol Oregon lily, In stidcoiimy and state, sell
atiiuiuio anciion, suwecito reitumntion. toihi-
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash iu hand,
all the right, title and Interest which thewilhiii
ii anicd plni mill or either ot them, had on the
date of said Judgment or since had iu or to the
above described nal nrutiertv or anv tvtri ihnwii
to aatisly said Judgment onlur, dei'ree, interest.
costs auu accruing ousts.
I.. W. If HACK,
Shertiror t liickams County, Urcgon
iiaie l, urcgon Liiy, urcgou, .uuy.uui, isus,
AVegetablcPrcparationfor As
similating thefood and Regula
ting theStomachs andBowels of
ness andRestContains neither
OpiurrT,Morphinc nor Mineral.
Jhmpim Smi"
jinist Seed .
Peppermint -
lihrm Sad -.
Clanhtd Sugar .
f4vywt tlurm
' ADCtfectKcmGdy forConsttpa-
tioit, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions ,r evensn
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
SHUtUi'f'6 SALtfi.'.
In the O'rcuit Court of the ftate if Oregon,
for Ihe i.'ouuty of Cl:ickatuas.
William Barlow, 1
Plaintiff, i
vs. '
Willielinine Koehlcr, I
l'uli iiUnnt. J
late of ()reon, Coinitv ot Clnekumns, ss.
jY VlR'l'l'K UFA Ji;i),lllONT OKI'EK AND
l'ileeri'0 and an execiuinn dulv issued out of mi
under the seal ol the above eniillid court, in ti.e
ii'OviM'tititkiil cause, lo me diily directed am
luted the ili'd dav of Miiv.lsns.iu fnvm of VVil-
Imin lliirlow, plnlnllff, and ngaiust Wilhelniine
ivoeti cr.iicieiKiaiii, ior ine sum ot y.io.i. &u to-
m'ther Willi nitetol on S0H.iiti of snid stun al rate
i ID per (n ut. per iiiinuni ii-uui May ot'ii, lor
tho miiu of fKU, uttornuy s fees, and the further
uiu o' $15, cots and (iisiniraeineiusimn tne costs
ii and upon tins writ: conniiuiidin me lo make
;ale of Hie following described real property
innate In Ihe county of Cluckumas anil siatu ol
Oregon, to-wit:
Ail nf block A in tne nrst Addition to Hariovr,
iK-Lorditiii; to the maps and pl.its of said addition
now on tile in tne oiuoe oi ine reoiuer oi satu
Now therefore, bv virttio of said execution
judgment order and dec.iee anil iu coinpliuiice
with UK) coiumuiius oi said writ, i will on
al the hour of 1 o'clock p. ni. at the front door ol
the ooiinty court, house, in the city of Oregon
City, said county and state, sell al public auction
subject lo redemption, to the highest bidder, for
United -titles gold coin, cash m Hand, all the
right, title and interest which thu within named
deieiiduut had on the date of the mortgage
herein oi since had in or to the above described
real urouertv or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest,
costs and accruing cosis.
SnerlfFof Clackamas Uoun y, Origon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon. Mav Hid.
In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Dan Lyons, 1
Plaintiff, I
vs. I
M. H. Flannagan, Kate Flint
na inn. Ciara K. Moiey, Charles V
bogus, admin Islritur of the
Estate oi Julius bogus, De
ceased, and Isaac Furr,
S ate o' Oregon, County of Clackamas, ssi
A decree al d an execution, duly Issue out of
and tinder the seal of the above entitled court, iu
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 5lh day of May, lsilg. upon a Judgment
rendered and entered in said oouri on the 2Jth day
of April, lbltt, In favor of Dan Lyons, plaintiff',
and against H. H. Flannagan, Kate
Klannaguu, Clara E. Morey, Charles
Logos, administrator of the eute of Julius
Logus, deceased, and Isaac Farr, defendants for the
sum of S441 60, with Interest therou at the rate of
lo per cent, per annum from the 129th day of April,
1898, and the further sum of $6 1 as attorneys
lee. and the further sum of 110, cost aud disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make saleofthe following des
cribed real properly situate in the county of
Clackamas, s'aleof Ore?on, to wit: The fra'tlollal
south half of the soutn eat quarter of section (3)
three aud river lot of section two and river lot
lo( section ten and river lot IS of section eleven,
all in lownship throe south ol range one east of
the Willamette Meridian, containing 67.68 acres.
Now, therefore, by virtue of sa d execution, Judg
ment order and dec tee, and in compliance wltn
the comma ills of said writ, I will, on
SATURDAY, JUKE 4'.h. 1898,
at tne hour of 8:30 o'clock P. M.. at the front door
of the County Conrl House In the city of Oregon
City, in said county an 1 state, sell at public auction,
subject lo redemption, to the highest bidder, for
U. . gold coin, casta In hand, ah the right, title
and interest which the within named deieudants
or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage
tiMi-fin nr ulncn had In nr to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, I'udgment order, decree, ll.teiest, costs
and all accruing costs.
1. IV. UtlAUC
Sherilt'of Clacaamas County, Oregon
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon. Mav 5th. 1898.
Nmtce la herchv riven, that in pursuance of
an order of the County Court of the i ounty of
Clackamas and Male of etregou, duly maoeann
entered on the ttlh dav ol May, 1KW, 1 will Irom
and alter Saturday, June 25th, 189D at the hour
of IU o'clock of said day, proceed lo sell at pri
vate sale on tne premiaes, to tne uigne-i ami
best bidder, for cash in hand; subjeci lo o mllr
matlou ol aaiit ( ounty Court, the following
described real estate, to ail:
Lots numbered three (), nve (0) ann six to,
In block numbered oiie-hundered-and-rlve (10&),
in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon.
" .inn X JTIT1UT
Guanlian of James U. Stuait, Minor.
Dated May 2S, 1898,
h- Conirressnian James Kaukin loung. A'l
about War Willi Xpaiii.the Navy.all defelle, Hal-1
tlehips, etc Portraits and biographies of Dewey
' 1 1
, TacSiile Signature of "M
and all prominent omcers. nearly owi uageci
Massive volume. Marveiousiy cneapi re au
thorship. Only authentic, olticial botk. Kx en
ence uot necessary. Any body can fell it. In
dies as successful as gentlemen. We are the
largest subscription book nriu in America, n me
ns. Kiftv persons are employed In our corres
idcuce denarlinent a one. to serve you. uur
k is lust out. et agency now and l hrst in
the Held. Large 60 cents. War Map in color
free with book or outnt. Other valuable prem
i.ona TMn.a.,I..I1 Mallne HI WAt mnllPV 111 flkl
ever known. Most liberal terms guaianteeo.
Agenis niaatnf (T.tvto rJ8uu per aay. iweiuy
davscreillt given. Kreigbt paid. Full book set t
prepaid lo agents, 11.45. Splendid sample outfit
tree for nine i-oenl stamps lo pay postage. Men
Hon Hits paper.
MONROE BOOK CO., Dep't M, Chicago, til.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind Yod Have
Always Bought
jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim urn mini: .
ALL THE NEWS ' . " '
the call
f ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME 1
Dally Call, including Sunday 12 mo $6 00
" " " 6 " 800
1 50
1 50
1 50
2 50
Sunday Call
Weekly "
? Sunday and Weekly Call 12
ueuverea Dy carrier, every aay, ooc. mo. :
W. S. LEAKE, Manager.
Fine Millinery
Largo Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed
Hats. Trimming Done to S itisfaction.
Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled.
Kid Gloves Cleaned.
Hair Work In All Ita Branohes Done with Neat
ness and Dispatch.
gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible,
established house in Oregon. Monthly S6S and
expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street betwsen the BrldM Mdtk
Depot. '; 1
Double and single rigs and saddle horses a
ways on hand at tho lowest rates, and a eorra
iIbo connected with the barn for loose stock
Any Information regarding any kind o( stock
oromptlr attended to by letter or person,,
For First-Class
Go to
Seventh St. Bakery
stop his wagon
as it goes by.
gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible
.stabllshed houi-e in Oregon. Monthly SM and
.xpenses. Position steady. Reference. Inclose
lt-addressed stamped envelope. ,lne Iwolnioa
'mpany. Dept. Y, Chicaao.
Bears the i t
Signature A An
iw The
IVa You Have
fcys Bought.
AT uur-
. ,
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