Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, May 27, 1898, Image 7

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t T-.l.
Sam ii-
This Is :
It will
Your Appetite,
Purify and
Vitalize Your Blood, Overcome That
Tlred Feeling. Get a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparllla and begin to
take It TODAY, and realize the great
good It to sure W do you.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
U America's Greatest Medicine, All dnifrglsts.
Warehouse Fired, by: a Meteor.
An extraordinary accident is reported
from Austria. Someextensive ware
houses were destroyed by fire lately at
Flume, the result, as was believed, of a
stroke of lightning. It is now reported
that in clearing the debris a great
meteoric stone, weighing four tons,
was discovered imbedded in a deep pit
among the ruins, and the experts' have
decided that the premises were set on
fire by the glowing stone.
Careful measurements prove that the
average curvature of the earth ia 0.99
inches to the statute mile.
The policy of this conntry regarding forefg n
complications seems likely to remain conserva
tive. The Monroe doctrine, according to the
declaration of our leading politicians, will be
(sustained, but patli nee and prudence in olllcial
quarters will restrain the exuberance of public
opinion. The wisest and mont prudent coarse
for the rheumatic and the malarious ,is to use
Hosletter's Stomach Bitters, which also cures
kiduey complaint and dyspepsia. .
It is estimated that 400,000 larks
re sold yearly for food at the Leaden
hall market, London. 1
ceivlne; large Invoices of the celebrated Stough-
tun wagons. These are superior to any ever put
' upon tills market. Before buying a wagon cull
and examine, or write for catalogue.: Address
foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon.
The time required for Niagara to cut
its gorge baa been variously estimated
t 7,000 to 35,000 years.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker, 4228
Kegeut Sq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec, 8, '9a.
The elephant does not smell with
his trunk. His olfactory ' nerves are,
contained in a single nostril, whioh ia
in the roof of the mouth, near the front.
, , ... 1 ...
The barking of a dog on. the earth
can be distinctly heard by a ballonist
at an elevation of lour miles.
The Roentgen rays can
A powder to be shaken into ihe shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, "try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cook Siw feet anil
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Believes corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest aud ooiufort-' Ten thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it lotat. Hold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent
bv mail for 25c iu stamps. Trial package
FREK. Address Alien & Olmsted, Le
Roy, New York.
The prefix "O" before so many of the
names of Iiisb families is an abbrevia
tion of the word "ogha," meaning
grandchild. : 1 ' '
in your pocket, if you buy
Schillings Best baking pow
der, and use only one heap
ing teaspoonful to a quart of
flour. ',
PicTo "
Portland to Chicago Without Change
Quick Time.
I nton Depots
Personally Conducted Excursions.
Baa-g-aa-e Checked to Destination,
Low Hate.
Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and
International Exposition held in Ginaua,
.Nebraska. June Co November.
Write undersigned for rates, time tables and
other lniormation pertaining to Colon Pacing
k. a.
R. V. BAXTER, Gen. Agent,
138 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Plain or with Cotter. The best needle In the mar.
kvt. feed by all sack sewers. For sale by all gen
eral merchandise stores, or by
tCO Market Street, Sao Francisco, CsL
I I Bast Cousk Syne. Tame Wood, Cat I I
I J In tuna Sold by dmggiata. ' I I
if t I Ultras sjc. yw . y n ... i .., , . ... j a.i i j , , .1 m-
This Ia Uncle Sam's Standing Order
to the Nav of the United States.
"Shoot on the downward roll." That
Is the standing order to the nary of the
United States. The American practice,
both in the army and navy, has always
been to shoot low, and always to save
ammunition until It was possible to use
it effectively. In the navy the tradition
to shoot low has crystallized into a
standing rule, unwritten indeed, but
none the less religiously observed, and
Its wisdom has been proved on more
than one occasion of great Importance.
The precise form of this unwritten
naval rule is to "wait for the down
ward roll." This is the converse of the
maxim obtaining In the British navy
that it 1s best to take advantage of the
AMtmtAn .style
"upward roll,H which has been .ob
served almost from the beginning of
naval fighting by the gunners on En
glish ships, and to whlcb much of the
power of England's "wooden walls" to
defend the Island was attributed in the
days when England, and not the United
States, was at war with Spain.
Necessarily the deck of a vessel at
sea offers a much less satisfactory plat
form from which to shoot than the sol
Id foundation provided In a land fort,
since, even when the ocean Is calmest,
the vessel must constantly roll from
side to side. . Theoretically, the best
time to fire would be at the moment
between trolls, when the deck of the
ship Is perfectly level and -in' a general
way it may be said that an attempt Is
made to do the shooting at that Instant
It Is practically impossible, however, tn
fire luTariably when the decks are horl
ontaL No matter how careful the gun
ner, the piece is almost always exploded
Just before or Just after the proper in
stant ' . , ; .
It was noted by the sea fighters in
the revolution that projectiles from
guns fired when the ship was hpeling
from the enemy In the upward roll
were hurled higher In the air than was
Intended, and that well-aimed shots
were thus often sent harmlessly over
head, or, at best took effect only, in
the rigging instead of the hull of the
mi s ;0v' . .-5. .!-. y.a 1
j TJ ENEATH bis country's starry flag,
' Where thousands stood before.
. .TTCJJltreu U Uglll LIU ,Iie. BUU1I Uag
1 "",v"jr ?'i
Garbed In his uniform oi' blue.
Ready to answer "Here."' 1 .
A man and soldier .tlrrougU and through, : j
He stands, the' volunteer;1! . ,i;,.iH ' . "
tfj -ti.
,,. (.1
'Tls not the Joy of clashing arms
That calls him to the fray,'-"
'Tls not the love of war'B alarms K
That bids him haste away; , ' '
For him there's pain find grief and woe.
A wife a mother's tear, ' .
But loud his duty calls, and lot
He comes, the volunteer.
O, mighty nation, proud and greats
Of strength he Is a tower!
Behold him, warlike and elate.
In this, your darkest hour. '
For you be llvei for you he'll die.
And sell his life blood dear, :
And glory's gates will open on high
To greet the volunteer.
enemy, where they would do most dam
age. On the other hand, it was ob
served that shots fired when the vessel
was heeling toward the enemy on the
downward roll, though frequently strik
ing lower than was intended by the
marksman, almost invariably took ef
fect A Monkey's Accomplishment.
No creature but man has ever made
use of fire. An African traveler, In
deed, has told a story of apes nia&log
a thieving raid on a camp of nattves
and carrying torches to light their way,
but this story lacks proof and Is not ac
cepted as true by zoologists.
There Is, however, in the Philadel
phia zoological garden a monkey who
has learned to scratch matches per
fectly well. This accomplishment he
is willing to exhibit on any occasion.
lie has learned to hold the match by its
middle part sj that Ms fingers are not
burned by bolng toj neap the flame,
and so that .the match will not break
by being held, too near the other end.
This fact involves another that he
Is aware wjilch end has the sulphur
and does not attempt to scratch the nn
smlpMuredend. He has furthermore
learned that a rough surface Is better
to scratch the maiteh on than a smooth
one, and. his care in looking for a rough
place Is' very diverting.
But with all this intelligence the
monkey has no notion of kindling' an1
other Are with the one that he .Aas
caused by the friction of the mtftch.
lie simply le the match burn out, and
if- he ligliits, another does it forv' the
pleasure of seelnsJt burn. ' 4" .
; This,, monkey's keepers and; the men
of science, who are exijerinie8rting,.wlth
hls intelligence hope W 'mmurdcate
to him eventually an idea of fire mak
ing and using, but from the' thomrtit
tliey succeed, in doing ed If ,ithiey.vex
do succeed it will be .necessary ' to
k'eePiiaa&'he out of,;hreahr.,jr .m
.( i"t ist .,v
; Mrs. Barton-t-What a cold' creature
that. MrsL Clammlsh is .!' Mrs, Hemlng
r-Yes, but it's hereditary! - Her' father
iiihuu ms iunuue )n me reirigerator
business. Cleveland Leader, ' -
i rt ..' ii.;y.
SissHil n?reicWMrAf.r
1 imfnmmsft i&ni"?.
jl niessasiJi uai.Msi.flMlliioil.;to,
of IJBllSk,;i2ii4;jflKptdt thatiwrstl!
: tion that floated in
ssl pliiai JftiMaail!y
, .u'.tha fateful titan
togfM&y & 1S9S.
' To' the :?lanflSfrian
. put ,,iittie
Tq.s the
na val man the small
' signal ' fi'a g s-' , a s
" shown in" the " pic
ture read from top
to V bottpin, . 'as all
naval signals are
reatj, represent.. ' tne
following combina
of letters: R, Jf, Q;
Q, K, II; B, U. VJ.
With the aid of the
code ,lHK)k the.com
,bin(itlgn of ..letters,
spells out the- na
tion's slogan:. . "Re
member the Maine.'
There Is always' 8
battle ' cry 5, of som
sort displayed at tht
mast of the' fiagshii
iof the commander oi
the fleet . when u.
squardron goes into action. It has beer,
the custom ever since the adoption ol
marine flag signals for suddenly com
municating intelligence to distant ob
Jects at sea. And signals have .been
employed for many years, their origin
being Indeed lost in remote antiquity.
During the day flags are used fot
signals. The first code used in the
United States navy was almost precise
ly similar to the code In use about the
same time by the British. There were
twenty-six flags, one for each letter,
and a number of pennants for special
and defining systems. There was no
fixed code dictionary, and beyond a few
general signals each Commander made
up his own combinations.' About 1810
a code dictionary was Issued,
A new code was adopted in 1840,
known the Rogers code. In this nine
square flags and fiver pennants were
used, with a dictionary with 13,402
combinations. Rogers' code was modi
fled in 1801 to a system having twolve
square, flags and nine pennants, there
being ten numbered flags, three repeat
ing pennants and two ' square and sh
pennants as defining signals. The dic
tionary was reduced to contain 0,01
signals. In 1800 this system was still
further elaborated by the addition ol
eight defining flags and pennants, : At
the same time the signal book' was re
modeled. Tactical signals' were separ
ated from the general 6lgnal book, and
the latter divided Into alphabetical,
compass, word, geographical and gen
eral classifications. , :
Aside from the flag signals there are
two other codtjs, one for usq during
fogs and the OtheF'at Hight "During a
fog the signals are made by means ol
the steam whistles, the code consisting
of long and short blasts, arranged some
what after the fashion of the dots and
dashes In the Morse telegraphic alpha
How sijtranBer'jtiot 'apd'Kept'ap'o'"o3i
'' "Im looUln' fon,:Jp.bwl':m.,p, gotf ,
fellektittii)t'il work ehvtihVul, ..., uf .n.
1 ThisWiiflie longuagMn which an hoi.
proached the, h(,ia1Wcr.flrni,
we(hflve nvtidgjopr WGA).
rouoda!uC..y2 ::,rv-rA j ',-,.
' 4ftkV 4u:hekpU!H vWmeif(iiWs;lltec
liwhy1.' i)tuple- Mdskm'ndithbt
facefd abcmfroBd'itUMieliito cdfieat' tU
iMmUi&'w '" ih. :rX
'1 l&TOW'OSWftf.'K
: "I JieenTlW-c-," he said;!'
JflSM-ff? leP.t ftP M
Tl Pr6i)rletd& 'beiig);buiv,..'d)il, not
Irecthe: rlouvl
-Ioi'Uili(g.Iajifi .tJlAlipW; m,hbtf
for hlru yet, asked him to coiubnagnhi
This t!m'enke(niade n-round trip ol
kboht half ju mjflcr alirf ag'airi'iffopped in,
offeruyui's1 Slfrvlces'asUwljfn"flre., '
' '"lersis'ftnr5, jnd 'looks. lon&V'1' saM
api wWi.ne poiiid dor':; ';
i"Mlgh.t:gl,ve vhlp acliMcew--?pUepJl3
sume-ioi our iiniKrtti)ie affOUlrt.
Iaughethe bookkeeper; "llerfith kind
ojT a nint4 keep pegging' wiiy-, :autl
even' eVeditors' can be'wl9rn"wit.v ' '
jJakd,8'Kven Home otihq worst bRT
account flint'!could be hitit,t np''.'aiiq'
tn rted out' 'ttv mnklncr thrH- nt flfl
. -a r,''l'iW!T'''l
eslls; on-ho qajiig.mnn on the ame dii;
he began to make an JiuprQwIon, and
the firm Is now getting a. good deal ol
money tbahad.lpng; since been charget
PMkffvU- :t -. 'i .
' 0 ) j ,. -V; 1 7 -,. .
' of Newsboys,; ,,
!Tl! 4Ulguient comes from ; the pis
trlet Icourt-at the, national Capital that
the sale of newspaper on the streets to
a legitimate business, and that news
boys have; a right to enter street cart
and sell newspapers to passengers pro
vided they beliave thimiselves and
leave, the car when tlwilr businins is
finished. One-newsboy was forcibly
ejected froto a' car In Washington some
time ago and bad a leg crunbed by a car
running on the other track. He bai
Just o1jtalnet an award of $5,000 dam
ages from a jury , under matructions to
the above effect' by the Judge. f '
he Is very frigid in her manner,"
remarked Willie .Washington.," "Per
haps," was" the reply, "btit. she bas a
heart of gold." "So I have been In
formed. ,Bot I am tired of trying to
cross t conversational Chilkoot Pass Ir
order U reach It." Washington 8Ut
L de brsi-difry?', r'-Re- i
; i If wSs thfslinuioiil-T
1 ir
Jl! v,couvev8
I ..ipeaniiig. .
I HI .
Ma 1
f " f;"!!;.. V.J'., f f'-
Ijpfl t7s:el?efjp anarhantillas,
fepMfliniule an smuggled bitters, -
i t.ptid 01 rmsins.and Of fritters,
and 8ahcho,i:' '
"LJin-iof AVerler and Blanco,
Lanift of' bull fights and pesetas,
liwidf dusky sehdritas," ' '
Sfan'd'bf niahiiers stiff and haughty,
Land of Isabella naughty; ;., .
Land of Boa Mil and Hamil,
Don't ypa bear your Unole Sam'l? .
!::. ,, ;. "Git!"
-! .; Cleveland Plain Dealer.
f i
J. J : '
I As far as calculations can decide the
temperature of comets is believed to be
3,000 times fiercer than that of xedhot
iron. ' .. , . ' ,
Wis ere asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of tiie word " C ASTORIA," and
" FITCHEK'SCASTOaiA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyonnla, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and docs now bear the
tac-slmile signature.of CHA& H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This ia the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA which has been used in the homes
Of the mothers of America for over thirty years,
took Careful; at the wrapper and see that it la
thd kind yo have atwaja bought, and has the
signature of CH AS. . H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one, has authority from me to use
my oame except The Centaur Company of which
Choa K. Fletcher is President.
March &, 1S97. ' 6AM OEL PITCHER, U4X
'U the weight of die body be divided
into 11 parts eight of these parts will
be pure pater. ;. - ,
CIT Permanently Cured.
No fits or nervousnes
Of Dr. KUiie'R f)pn&t.
ill" after Brat day's use of Dr.
Nerve Restorer. 8end Cor FKKK 8S. OO trial
bottle and Ueatlse. DR. B. II. KLtUJS. Ltd.. m
Aica street, PUUadelpula, Fa,
There are several varieties of fish
that cannot Swim. In every instance
they are deep sea dwellers, and crawl
about the rocks, using their tails and
fins as legs.
Stats or Onto, Cm ov Toledo, I m
Lucas County. 1 -
FBANk J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior parter of the firm oi F. 3. Cheney & Co.,
doing business In the City oi Toledo, Oountv
mr,A n,nU.onl ,V.n ...t .111
the snra oi UNK HuNUKED DoLLAkS (or each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be oured
by the use ol Hall's Uatarkh Cuke.
! Sworn to Detore me aud subscribed in mv
presence, this Sth day of December, A, D. 1SU6.
liii , Kotary Public
Hall's Catarrn Cure Is taken Internally and acts
directly on tlie blood and mucous snriaces of
the system. Send far testimonials, free.
F. 1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by drugguita, 76c.
. Hall's Family Fills are the best.
, Among the Phoenicians, the wearing
of earrings was a badge of servitude, the
same custom obtaining with the He
Is due not only to the Originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig 8vrtjp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the Importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
. by. the, California Fig Smup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
, assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
' tle T-h high standing of the Cau
PORNIA. FlQ Stkvp Co. with the medi
cal profession; and the satisfaction
fhich the genuine Syrup of Figs has
gin' to millions of families, makes
the" name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedv. It ia
far in advance of all other laxatives, ,
a? j. avw vu hid murreys, nver ana
Jbweh without irritating or weaken-
W. them, and it does not gripe nor
It nauseate. Xn nrrior tr o-pt. it lionnflMal
T, Z-L'. ? " -
eircis, piease remember the name of
tbyCompany .. , ... 'r.
LOUliVlLU!. Kjr. MEW VOItK, K.t
William Rnfus King, the Union nominee
. IT II Jl Ia. 4
j 11 1 v i 1 - . . .1 1
ana u truiy a sen-niaue man. uaving tarvea on way, unainexj ana alone, throu
nd privations of lift until his strong mentality. Individuality, honesty of pun
devotion to principle have inspired the confidence and neuect of all, and marked htm
a (arless, sole sod Intelligent leader ol nten.
:v . -T-; '. '; -V
' Owmg to modern methods 6f livrng',
not one woman in a thousand ap
proaches this perfectly natural change
without. experiencing a train of very
annoying and sometimes painful symp
toms. i -. .
Those dreadful hot flashes, sending'
the blood surging to the heart until It
seems ready to
burst, and the
faint feeling
that follows,
with chills, aa
if the heart
were going to
stop for
good, are
of a dan
gerous nervous trouble. The serves are crjr
ing out for assistance. ' The cry should
be heeded in time. Lydla E. Fink
ham's Vegetable Compound was pre
pared to meet the needs of woman's
system at this trying period of her life.
Mrs. - Della Watson, 534 West 6th
St, Cincinnati, Ohio, says: , '
'I have been using Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound for some
time during the change of life and It
has been a saviour of life unto me.
I can cheerfully recommend it to all wo
men, and I know it will give permanent
relief. I would be glad to relate my ex
perience to any sufferer."
Best Reputation.
Best Paint for Dealer or Consumer.
Color Cards Sent Fm,
Cleveland Oil & Paint Mfg. Co..
if ths working; capital
of Immunity, He who
Iosps Uittt is wrecked
Indeed. Isyonrheultti
foiling you, your am
bition, victor, ylUUty
wasting sway t
When others fall cos
For the sceedv. sails and
remanent curs of alt
li,li,l (llNeaneR. even
Nervous, Clironlo and
In their most angruvalc.1 forma. There is no man
In the world who has elftoted so many permanent
oures In both Men and Women of troubles whlck
ouier pnysicnus or acmiowleujjea ability hadgivea
upas hopelBHS an thin eminent siwclallst.
MCUVKIM HEHILITY aud all Its attending
allmeuts, of YOUNH, MIDDIJC-AOKD and OLD
MEN. Theawfnl elTecti of mirlected or Improp
erly treated cases, ouushifr drains, weakness of
body aud brain, dlulneu, (hiring memory, lack of
energy and confidence, pains in back, loins and
kidneys, and many other mntresslng symptoms,
niiilttlngone for study, buntness or enjoyment of
life. DrRatclllle can cure you, no matter who or
what has failed.
WEAK MEN. He restores Inst vigor and vU
tallty to weak men. Organs of the body whlck
have been weakened through disease, overwork,
excesses or Indiscretions are restored to full power,
strength and vigor through utaowu successful ays
tem of treatment.
VARICOCELE, hydrocele, swelling and ten
derness of the glands trented with unlading success.
HFKCIAL ItlNEASES, InAammatloD, dls
charges, etc.. whteh If neglected or Improperly'
treated, break down the sysuui, cause kidney aud
bladder diseases, ere. I
DISEASES OK WOMEN. Prompt and es
pertal atlenllon given to all their many ailments.
WHITE ll'you are aware of any trouble. DO
NOT DEI,AT. CalloDPr.Rawlltletoday. Ifyoa
Cannot call, write him, His valuable book free te
all sufferers. CONM01.TATIUN 4'HKttaQd confi
dential at office or by letter.
NK1IVOI S HEHILITY and all Itsattendlnj
Is h Wrong?
Get., It Right
Keep It Right
Moore's Hevealed Ilcmedj will do It. Three. :
doses will in site you ioei better. Get it Irom
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, of
trom.8tawart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle,
Make money by succeiful
speculation In Chicago. We
buy aud sell wheat on mar.
gins. Fortunes hi. k..
made on a small beginning by trading In in.
tures. Write lor Inll partlqulars. . Rest ol re,
erenee given, goveral years' eiperienoeon the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge oi the business. Send tor our Ires refer,
enoe book. DOWNING, I10PKIN8 & Co..
Chicago Uoard ol Trsde Brokers. Offices in
Portland, Oregon aud Seattle, Wash.
M. F. X. V. .'.
So. IS, '9.
WHEN writlnr
aentlou this
to advertisers pi.
paper, ,
for Governor of Oregon, il 33 jrean of eg