NEW THIS WEEK HANDSOME PARASOLS and SUN UMBKKLLA8, all samples, no two alike; alio children's parasols. LATEST SCOTCH TARTAN PLAID MSLK HOSIERY for ladles and child ren: high novelties, 60s. pair; Roman stripes, 25c and 85c. ' LADIES SILK MITTS In Uce and taffeta, l&c,-20c and 115c; . V;;'.'."i:.'.'-' ' BICYCLE GLOVES, cool and flexible, with gauntiet tops, 66c, 83c and $1.00 per pair. . BICYCLE SUMMER CORSETS. Correct for riding, 26c, 40c and 50c. GRADUATING MATERIALS, in French organdies and real swtss; pure white and pearl, l'c , 20c, 25c and 3&c yard. Kew things in btlts, ringed sashes and scarfs, etc. ' .. Ladles' summer Tts, 5c, 16c, 20c and 26c. ., Sprim lhoulder capes and separate skirts: best values e-er shown here in under skirt. i National tri-color and flag ribbons flags and bunting. Home prices. McAllen & McDonnell Th ExelMly Dry 6od House, .of the 'Worthiest... COR. THIRD AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, RE. TRADING STAMPS? YES! " -k'"- ':' ' '',.;. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. .t ' Born, at Oars's, May 19 th i to Mr. and Mrs. -D. F.- Faust, son. o ..... . Mia Laura Otinyerfii of Clatskanie, if viaiting her sister, Miss Mary Oonyers'. Noblitt's stable will run hacks to and from the cemetery on Decoration day for the convenience of the public. Miss Stella Dawson, of Woodbum, who has been visiting her brother., John Dawson, returned home Thursday. . Miss Ida Paine, who has been visiting Miss Cora Miitson, of Woodbnrn, re turned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawtell,' Miss Saw (ell and Arthur C. Lewis, of Molality were in Oregon City Wednesday. Oountv Clerk Dixon issued a marriage license Monday to Anna Iverson and O. 8. Chase, both of bandy. Ednrin Ogle came down from Mar- quam Friday, to hear Will R. King and J. R. Sovereign talk at Shively's hall. Julius Lippett. a prominent merchant of Colfax, WaBh., is visiting Mrs. M. Selling and family. Mrs. Singer, accompanied by-her daughter, Mrs.M. Messamore, of Port land, were in Oregon City, Thursday. Judge W. S. Orowell, of Jacksonville, addressed a good sized audience at Us wego Wednesday night. Miss Jennie ''Beatie, who has been teaching in the Pendleton schools for the past year, returned home Thursday morning. ,, , W. G. Beattie, who recently arrived home from Eugene, where he nas been attending the siate university, will fill a position at Meacham station on the O. R. N line, between Pendleton and La Grande. Miss Josephine Chase, who has been living wiih her aunt, Vlrs. R. D. Wilson for the past two years, left yesterday for her home at Colfax, Wash. Miss Julia E.'Dotey, a nurse, who has hpun atavin; at. the residence of T. F. kind of meat you want as tie knows ,1 Cowing for the past two weeks, returned vdiat his customer desire and keeps a to Portland Sal urd ry last. LOCAL SUMMARY. Pure fruit flavored ice cream soda at Priert. -- The pioneer meat market of C. Al bright continues to" serve its customers well and always keeps a large amount Of fresh meits on hand. " Last year's patterns of wall paper at reduced prices. Five and 10c notion counters. At Bellow? & Busch. F. I. Andrews, the market gardener. Has always on nana a large muuuui, vi first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider and cider vinegar. Give him a trial. Kenworthy's restaurant and con fectionery is now opened and ready to serve first-class meals on short notice. Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Oram a old stand. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery tore of Marr & Muir. ' J ustice court blanks 10 ceum per uuzcu at Courier office. We are the leaders over all others in stylish millinery and popular prices. Oelio Goldsmith. Nottingham lace curtains, balance, o lot fust received. Will close out at the same old price. Oregon City Auction HoilKH. , , T . and take 15 oents a dish or two for Sioc, Ice cream or ice cream soda 10c. , .In nr. nwnived ' 100 rolls of fine mat a.ino. flail at once and get choice of patterns. Oregon City Auction House All our bicvcles have the nev depart ure brakes, just the thing for riding in this countv. Charman & Co., agents for Columbia bicycles We are leaders for stylish millinery at popular prices. Celta Goldsmith. F. I. Andrews, the gardener, as usual Iihs the first young radishes and onions of the season, oesioes oilier eariy vege table. Alhrhrht is never "iust out" of the c - . full stock on hand and you don't need to take "what's left." A high grade warranted sewing ma chine sells for $25 on easy payments at Bellomy Sc Busch. D. E. Kenworthy at the East Side Ry . ...fiw.u aurM meals fr nvsters at all times He also keeps a line of confectionery fruits and cigars. ; Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you want anything in the fresh vegetable line. Our 130 wheels have the automatic! brake ; you can go down any hill. Charman A Co.t agents for Columbia Bicycles. Trv Prier's ice cream and ice cream (run navors. rruiia, uuw Miss Vera Caufield has accepted a posi tion as typewriter and assistant liook keeper in a. prominent Seattle business establishment, and left for the scene of her future labors last Saturday. . anila mire and conleCticnery of all kinds. Dan Winians has. added to his stock ot davs under treatment for his eyes. vrnenries and provisions a full line of ! eyesight has been restored, and An attemp't will be made to reorgan ize the Oregon City Band, and if the business men display the required liber ality in their support,., .they intend . to give open air concerts, twice a week'. ' Gerald M. KellHer. of this city and his niece. Miss Minnie Kelliher.of Port land, spent Sunday with Brother Vlc'ibr of the Oatholic Acadamy of Vancouver, and also Visited Miss OlaraJSilver, at that place. !: r .';,- " -, ' 8.0 Dillman, ol tVi city, has returned from S.t Vincent hospital at Portland, here he bas been lor the last thirty His Mr. W. H. Evans, the Canby tdruggist, was in Oregon City Moftfta-y. . Mrs. Dan Lyons 'wtHrned Batu,rday frd'm a visit to friends at Molaila.' . ,,t ; , Kobert Oasseday.'of varus, vaa.-aj visitor in Oregon Uity Wednesday. Miss Minnie Harringtoir;bf Highland, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E.' F. Storjr, Charles MeserVe, of Columbia county, was in Oregon. City for a couple of days this week; ; ' " Miss Pauline Campbell,. of Portland, was . visiting friends' in Oregon City during the week. : : , f .J V George ; Harrington,, book-keeper for Wiley B. Allen, at Portland, visited rel atives here' last Sunday.'''' 'J - Miss Nettie Chase "titi (or 'Portland u.. .:n .. ? yiccKs viBiiiiiK reiauve. . . s.Wrs AVJones and Mrs..J. ,W. Wood ward, of Cams, were visiting Mrs. E.H Cooper during the week. V''-- ; :, ;.' v,i WrDl Hartil1 of Hlls"bor-d. the nnioh candidate! 'for circuilf fudge of this dis trict, was in 0regon.Qity.:tu8(tay. ri V Mrs. ;LVB; McFarlaiid and Dtori.yf Gradon left Monday to visit relatives in T..l.:. . t t 1 ''' (VHHiiingiuii ciyjiy ior. a lewciays. ( D-.'; O. MisAfee.' a 'prominent grand army veteran" trf' PleasaHtHdme? is 'iki the city receiving medical treatment. "'' Wtti-Hi'M HayeVnd' Ms Glo'; Herren spent Tuesday at the Jennings1 Mrtri; the gvjfesft"o1 'rrt?AbernethS!-" ' Miss Annie Alldredge left for Lincoln, Oregon,' Wednesday, where she will fiflit with hermother4er'sVfew days.;,,.' A. M. Crawford, a Rosebnns attorney and formerly receiver of the land . olfiee at that place, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Babcock, of Salem, accompanied by' ;her daughter. Miss GraceWas visit ing her brother, W. E. Pratt, Saturday. Mrs acol. Shadev wife jof Countv Tfea'surer Shade, left Friday for Bureau county, Illinois, to yisitTier.qldpst Bon, who is seriously ifl'.'" " - , Miss Helen Eastliam. who lias been attending school at New Ydra'CitysJias returned and will spend her vacation at the Morev f arm , near Oswegoi k ; "t ' Howard .Eccles, who. has been ;teacher of the Riverside school near faulty, for the past year,' completed his- work last Saturdayhand bas gone toPortlund.1'-' . P. L. Oole'rnan.of Canby, i,-now:tea6h.M ing the .Macksburg school.O. E. Xlenier;' the former teacher having given up his position to go to the iPhi.l'ipine jlslandfl with the Oregon volunt- ers. ' ' ' . There will lie no services at the Pres byterian churqh Sunday morning on ac count of the memorial services at the Congregational church The usual ser vices, however, will'be held in the even ing. ' : : S. F. Sharp, one of the leading f ir-, mers of the Stafford neighborhood, whs in Oregon oity Saturday, lie reports Hn unusual large acreage of wheat, 'which givi'8 premise of an abundant yieldand states that the. fruit prospects; .wure never better. , . A wild eved tvpo caused the name of Miss Mabray MeOown to be ppfftted,, Irom the list of Ulacisamiis countylappli- cants, who were grunted teachers' cer tihcates. .Mies Slut own passed a very creditable examination for a third grade ceriiucate. , . . :,. County Superintendent Starkweather has made arrangements for "the nori h' hound overland S. P. tram to let oft all teachers and others at the Harmony croxsing, who desire to attend the meet ing of the Clackamas Teachers' agsocia tiou Saturday ; ' Snntlay pvening the 20th the Castor of the Haotist c'ur h will speak on the Duties of Citizenship at Home its well as in the War. The importance of the. work of those who remain at home will be contrasted.' with the duties of those, who have gone lohe war. On Monday Christopher Bluhra, native i'f Canada, went to the court house , .and . reiKiunced , all alle gi.tnce .to .me ..uueen .ot n-nauti 1 and Ireland, and secured his final oitiseB ship Green " Get your fruit jars and jelly tumblers at Harris grocery. . ,,, ,v s : -. Mr. .W; iT.; Lyota, witeof Dr. Lyon,; the dentist, spent a portion of the week in, 0;regon City, and will remove here in a few days. -' '.t';'" I'V-j'-t - .' vi v i General Beeoe, of ; the Oregon National Guard, will address the people in -the '; Methodist chinch on Sunday evening, at the monthly patriotic meet ing. . A cordial welcometo all to attend. We can assure all who invest $40""In"a Victor,: 1898, Model 35 bicycle, that they ft re,, getting their money's worth, and that a greater amount of iirvice and sa -isfactloh cannot he foun t in anv other bicycle on the market at an equal price. Burini8ter $ Andresen. ' ; Miss Florence Morey sang at the Mar quam Grand Wednesday night at the benefit given for .the Boys and Girl's Aid' Society. Miss Morey is said to have .made a decided hit at Weinhaid's hall Saturday night in the May chorus, aiid responded several-timet to encores. v'S.;ftllmanrmeriy 6f this county, but now;a resident of Columbia county, wa8i,in;tth 'City in the early part of the ,vWW '. ueputy y fiite'a States surveyor ,apd, was here as li'n1 Wpyft wftness' iri ' a case Iw'f ore the land office' in reference to sorire boundary JiWaV l'sss a tit. '!'"'t ' ... 1 A-5tpletdid prtfgratn ia ieirtg prepared for-.rikha .-iklaifliamas'VGouniy Sunday jhfLjenyon vrhjch will convene in thisttitv Ttiiirsdav eveninir. June 'Jth. aridMinnuing',ahtii Friday ' evening, june 1uv.11. xwiegaieB lruui every, pun- dy sclioot;iriClackms eouhty , are ex- pjin.attondance,; Mr. and MrswSamifel Madddck. (nee Mm 1 Bessie Biles,) of Seaside, ,Or who have been" the guests of Mrs. F. L. Cochrati, returned to their home, Thurs day moTBitig, ThiS'is Mr. Maddock's nrst visit JUx Oregon Uity; and) be was very much impressed with ) Countv Clerk Dixon has arranged the official, ballot, ior the various precincts Uiackmas county, aoci me same is ir in theWfiBif '61 tne printer. In the precincts where all three of the parties made:.:flowinati0ha fptHustioes .of the peace and constables, -there will be 90 names oo'the ballot, and the voter can take.iiis choice".:" t it,,J. ..-.v Mies Hat'tle E.'Da'vi and H. A. Web ster, both et Clackamas, were married at-the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and i rs.r. i . uavis, Tuesday, May ztn, Rev H.. W. Young, of Portland, otfici- atinir "Mr. 'Wet'ster is I ustice of the peace Of Olackahias precinct, bat ma ( m . : ' t . VS':. aw HiutE.o.iu uregou vity. fhe"J rjantetaf '"'David the Shepherd Uov,!' that was advertised to have taken place on Wednesday this week, but was postponed' .011 account of other enter tainments in town, will be given on Wednesday evening, June 1, beginning promptly at 8 o'clock. There will be a arge ujooiiugm river excursion irum I'ortland to attend the Cantata. Prof. Zihu's orchestra will be one of the fea tures; i?f the evening. ' ." ' Morning service in the Baptist church at lo's30 conducted hi the pastor .Rev. ivi L. .Rugg. ' Theme of sermonj-"The .ilissioil ui 11m viiurcu in me wonu a Progress." , In the evening at8.45the service willi be of a memorial character' with special music of a patri tic nature. Subject of the evening sermon "The Duties of the Oitizen Patriot Oompared with those of the Soldier." Everyone invited. - ' ;: KLONDIKE SUPPLIES If you are going to Klondike or only thinking about it. We invite you to call and inspect our IMMENSE STOCK , We have an entire floor i do feet by 75 devoted . ' .exclusively to Klondike supplies, including Blankets, Rubber Qoods, Mackinaw Clothing, Shoes, Tents, Fur Caps, Groceries & Proyisioiiis, , of all kinds, at; Lb WEST' PiES. Ve pack . and deliver everything free orichargel at the , u wharves either at Portland, Tacoma or Seattle. MOYFJi CLOTHING CO.,:; Sand for Klondike Catalogut ?ree BEN 5BLUNQ, Manager Georee E. Howeit!" formerly' of this I hands of the officers; Chief Burns has city, has been awarded 11000 by Judge'" .hl possesion somft under clothes, feed and hay. Goods delivered to all 1 1 iliman is the happiest man in town . . . ' . I in-nAa Gattanlk I .. .... pans 01 me cuy inf, and Center streets , ,G. H. . Young's second hand store can furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what . aame would cost new and they are just as good and will last as long. Give him i a trial. ' ' '"' ' " '.' '' .; : ; When hi Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaurant where you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First etreet, corner of Madison. Wm. r Bohlander, proprietor. 1 The Club tonsorial parlors. P. G.. Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents. A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept. 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland , and return via ooumeru Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Ti bt now on sale at Tailroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a.m.. and 3:35 p. m , and arrives from Port land at 9 3 a. m. and 6:52 p. m. Save time by UBing the quicker route Miss Vina Card and Grant II. L a, both of Clarkes, were -married at the residence of Mrs. L 'tie Huffman in this city last Sunday at 2 p-tm:; Rev. A. J. Ware officiating. Only a few immedi ate friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Lee will reside near Crarkes.. , Mr. and Mrs. H. C'. Stevens, and daughter, Miss Mertie, who went to New York a few weeks ago, to visit rela tives, have been heard from. Mrs. Stevens wrote to Mrs. Dr Norris this week that they were in Washington, D. C, and had heard Talmage speak and visited the national cemetery. At the First Congregational church next Sunday at 10:30 a. m., Dr. T. W. Butler will preach the memorial sermon for Meade Post, U. A. it. At Hp m. the subject will be " Ideal Womanhood." Good music and ihe public are cordially welcomed. There will be services at Park place at 3 p. ra. Sunday af'ernoon, conducted by Dr. Butler. $iani. aim aeuurwK ni unar uiucea lip papers upon the affidavits' C. N reenmah' aiid'J.' W. 'Grout.. ',: ' Dr. E. A. Sqihlner; was mamed' to Miss Sara Sackett, of New York, in San Francisco, May 10th. Dr. and MVS. Sommer returned to Oregon Oity -last Friday evening, and. are at home in the dwelling formerly occupied by Ecfc W1II1H1118 ana family on Water street.. ' Mrs. G".1' W.' Grace cave a deliilitfui' tea to a ofher lady friends last; Friday' afternoon v Among those preseht were Mrs. A'. J. Monigomery, Mrs. Gor don E. Hayes, Mrs. Chas. A. Fikh, Mrs- Jw O. Zinser, Mrs. E. F. Story, Mrs. I). FvMay and Miss Minnie Harring ton . ;'-. ; H, 'Ihe Willamette Falls school closed laflt-Friday'afternoon, with an interest irtg'Orogram bf exercises, Frank Baker graduated' from the school, with creditur file honors. The teachers for the pst year,' Wuo have successfully conducted this school are Prof.' U.S. Strange, prin cipal, and MiSs Ella Bo-ehlke, assistant. We Carry in Stock a Large Line of SOLID GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER and NICKEL WATCHES With Waltham and Elgin Movements HIGHEST GRADE AT LOWEST PRICES Burmcistcr & Andrcscn, THE OREGON CITY JEWELRRS County school superintendent issued diplomas Wednesday to the following graduates of the Harmony school: Elizabeth Blakney, Julia Spooner, Edith Karr, Frank Hall, Chat les Conn sell, Edwin Spooner and Leena Rusk. These certificate are signed by the principal of the school, the board of di rectors and clerk, and the county board of examiners, C. K. Quinn.of Marquam, was in Ore gon City Saturday, and brought in a large cayote scalp, for which he receiv d a bounty warrant for Mr. Quinn was recently offered $2 a piece for his lambs, and a cayote came along and captured one of the fattest of the Hock He fired at the cavote at long range,and shot off his hind feet, and it was soon caught by the dogs. A very interesting game of basket ball was played Friday evening at the Ar mory hull, between the Springwater team and the Y. M. C. A. team of Ore gon City. The members of the Spring water team who made good points were H.J R. DuBois, captain, M. F. Shannon an.i IS. K.Hmith. The mem tiers of the Y. M. C. A team who made excellent plays were George Case, captain, Nick Uumphiey and Will Peters. The score stood 14 to 9 in favor of the Y. M. C. A. team at the end of the last half. r Laces for di inty drees trimmings at the Racket Store. The Young Ladies A Y. L. I Club of Oregon City is assisting the Red Cross Society of ban fran Cisco In mating the 3000 'bandages, which have been prom ised 'the 'government for the soldiers The Club completed their share of the Work - -when they .met at the home' of 'Mrs. T. A Pope Wednesday evening, and forwarded the completed bandages to the Ked t r s (society in Sah JfrahciiicO Thursday night. "iFo'ty five' pupjisi,wh6 have passed a satisfactory examination in the 8th or grammar grade,' will be' presented ith certificates at the Barclay school build ing this (Friday) alternoon ' at . one o'clock. These lortidcales wi'l admit I be holders talhe graduating class next tear.' At 9 a m , Mrs. P F. Morey will present the basthatn school with an elegant pojrtraLy of the late Edward aasiuaiu. County Judge Hayes received official notit-e . Friday , f mm Superintendent Paine of the state insane asylum, stating t'.iat, M rs, : Elixabeth Boese, committed iron Clackamas xounty March? Hi, was released May 17. on a si months' leave of 4 absence. .. Mrs. Boese U aq elderly JCa.Ulail lau livuiij i(vai a-'aiiiasa..a4-1 attempted suicide alraut March 14. by lumping Into a neighbor's wall, and a day or two atej, vyas. sent to the insane asylum ' v' John Green. ' Max Suhnlpius and T. M. Miller are being puslied by their re-' spective friends ior the' position of night poirceiuan in mio iiper ocy-uni nircnt district 1 Mr. iireen is evidently several ' blocks ahead of his com petitors in the race, and the mayor and the city council will evidently look upon his candidacy with, favor .1 Many resi dents on the hilt have long agitated the appointment, pf a night watchman in that portion of the city, and it is now believed that the mayor will appoint one. The patriotic citizens of Eagle Creek will celebrate the 'Fourth of July in grand style, and the exercises will lie held in the school house park. O. II. Dye and G.B. Dimick will be theoraors. and the program will include vocal and instrumental music, horse and bicycle racing. , A prize will be given to the most graceful horse back riders, lady and gentleman. Other features of the day will be a sack race, egg race, three legged race and a fat man's race, and there will be dancing in the afternoon and evening.' The committee having the celebrationin charge are A. D. Bur nett and H.F.Gibson, which insures its success. James Ward lias returned from Dyea, where he has been for several months, and brings some news of what the Oregon City colonv are doing. Fairdough, Heckart, Collins, Batdorf, Cox, Tucker and Eastman are all at the lakes, waiting for the ice to break np. Harry Allen has purchased Lou "ooli'.tlc's bunk house at Dyea, and the latter is now at Seattle. letters received from O. A. M uir and C. P. Scroggins at Lake Ben nett state that ihe ice it breaking, and they expect to continue on their journey soon. They saw two men, two horses and two mules breuk through the ice, and all were drowned except the mules. F. F. White, who left Oregon City a few weeks ago, is now on his way over Cbil koot pass. Shattuck. of Portland, on account of in juries received in an accident last April, while riding on a car of the Oity k Sub urban Railway Company. He received an injury to his foot, a scalp wound and injury to bis lumbar region. The com pany offered to compromise matters but lie concluded to carry the matter to the courts He sued for $6,000 and was awarded $1,000. The Clackamas County Teachers As sociation will hold their regular month ly meeting at Harmony Saturday. Prof. J. H. Ackerman is expected to be pres ent, and the following numbers have been arranged for the program: A vocal duet by Missess Hattie Monroe and Nellie Younger; "Methods of Teaching Physiology," by Miss Jennie Rowen ; "Public School Graduates," by E. M. Ward; selection by the Milwankie quartet, Mrs; Ida Starkweather Derry. Miss Rose Scott, S. E. Hunter and Fred Rogers. " Responsibility of Teach ers." by A. W. McLaughlin ; guitar solo, Miss Aura D. Thompson: ''Measure ments," Miss Gertrude Finley, followed by a general text book discussion The members of the McLotighlin Chautauqua circle held the last meeting of the reading course for the year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. hi. K Charman, Monday evening. As a supplement to the Btudy of Medieval Europe, just com pleted, the Italian renaissance was dis cussed with the achievements and re vival and growth of architecture, sculp ture and painting of that period. Misses Laura Beatie and Addle Clark gave some interesting sketches 01 the great artists, Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.. Frofessor J. V. Zinser, the leader gave a brief resume of some historical data and conditions o government during the middle ages and the beginning of the reformation. A vote of thanks was unanimously ex pressed to Mrs. 0. II. Caufield and Mrs. E. E. Charman ' for entertaining the circle at their homes, during the past year, and o Professor' J . C Zinser for his painstaking work as leader. Mrs. (i. M. I've, the former leader was pres ent at this meeting, and took an active interest in the discussions. pillow slips. , towels,' etc., that were found in the possession of Fred Johnson when he was arrested at Wright's Springs, that were likely taken from some clothes line in or near Oregon City. Neither Scott, Johnson or Mar have yet given bonds, and ft is prohat le that complaints will lie loJgd against them for complicity in other robberies. Excursion Date Changed. The date of the excursion of the Con grcgational church which has been an nounced for July 4th, : has in deference to the request of the committee for a local celebration, been changed, and it is now planned to have the excursion sometime between June 15th and 25th, the exact dale to be announed later. , A lot ot the stolen goodB found in Tom Scott's mountain cabin, aud in the pos session of Chief of Police Burns, have been identified by the owners. Some carpenter tools were indentified by J. E. Dowd and ,n. Harper, of Woodbnin, last Friday, but there are a few tools left that have not yet been identified by their owners. M. Butala, a Mount Angel merchant was in the city Saturday, and identified the clothing, pants, shoes and jewelry, which were found cached in Scott's cabin, and says there are more articles missing. He brought down the brace and bit used in breaking into the store, which the burg lars lef'liehind, and left the same in the Will Celebrate tile f ourth. The American eagle will scream, now dor Mill burn, the lulls will be illumi nated wiih colored ft e. and the pent-up patriotism of Oregon Ci y's people will give vent to itself on the Fourth of July. A celebration is assured beyond a doubt. T. L. Charman and .1. G. Pillbury. who were appointed a sub-eommitU'e by the city council committee to solicit funds lo defray the expimses of a celebration renorteii satisfactory encnnruiment at ' the committee meedngheld at the coun cil chamber Weilneslnv night. Mayor Caufield presided, and tho following committees were appointed: Soliciting and Finance T. L. Ohar mn, J. G. Pilsbury, E. G. Caufield. Music A. 8. Dresner, Mrs. J. II. Strickler, Geo. F. Hurton. Arrangements and Program E. E. Charman. E.J. McKittrick, F.T. Grif fith. -v ! . ..- Sports J. P. Lovett, W. H.Howell, Dr. E. A- Sommer H. E. Harris Speakers and Reader Dr W. E. Carll. U. D. Latouretle, H..L. Kelly, Advertising Bruce Curry', R. Koer-ner.O-G. Huntley. ' ' ' " Parade Charles Albright, G. A. Har ding, R. D. Wilson, . . ... . ' Decorations J. C. Rhoades, Mrs. T. M. Miller, Mrs. T. W.Fouts, Mrs M. M. Charman, P. Nehren. , A meeting of ithe committees -will lie held at thtt-tiouncl! chamber , this (Fri day) evening, to make further arrangements. Fancy' flower baskets for graduating exercises -' at. the Racket Store, Leather belts, all colors, , alro a nice variety, of bell fastener)), , at the Racket Store. NO CURE-NO PAY. - Thai Is Ihe way all dmgirlKts ll OROVE'g Ts.HTKI.KttS CHlU TONIC lor Malaria, Chills and Kever. It Is simply Iron and qiiinina In are aslKlaas form. Cbildrra tova a. Adults prsler at a bitter, nanwaiiug) Tmtra, t'rioa Mo. For sale by C. . Unntlcy. Prunist. SPECIAL SALE $10.00 Men's Suits LOOK LIKE MADE TO 0RDEH SUITS THAT COST $25.00 ALL MEW STYLES Iain 131ack,Brown Check?, mixtun r Black worsted all of them strictly wool Boys Suits $2.50 Youths Suits - - - if 4.50 "FAMOUS" Portland's Largest Clothing House ' ''',