Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, May 27, 1898, Image 4

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If paid In advance, per year
ftl r months
Three mouths' trial
MMfka Aata nnnnsit.A rour address on the
paper doaoles I he time to which you hate paid.
OREGON OITY, MAY 27, 1898.
Of Populists
Democrats and Silver
PorOoTernorW. Kino, or naner.
For Cong..M. First Dlstrlct-R. M. Veatoh.o!
tar'8ertry of Btate-H. R. Kincaip.of lane..
ForSta's Trea-urcr-J. 0. Booth, of Jow-phlnr.
wi.Zv:.. . l.huW a. Rammm. of Yamhill.
Kor Allornay uenerwrj. "
, For State Printer CHaB. A. frecH, of Claeka-
T'r Superintendent of Publlo Intractlon-H.
8. Liman, of Clalsop.
For Judge, Fifth Dlstriet-W. D. Habe, of
Fot otatriet Altomey-Go. Nolasd, of Clatsop.
For Mernbsr of State Board of Kquallntlqp-
For Joint Senator. Marion and. Clackamas H.
' L. Babklei, of Marlon. ' '
' atoktSmr- TJrSin, of Mllwaukle.
v mopreAentatlvea 0F.OR0S Om.I, of Mol'llsi
Orobob Knioht, of Cauby; Jamkb Coon, of 0s-
WCt Jndiw-W. Vr, MYgRS, of. Maple Larie.l
Sheriff J. J. COOK It, of Oregon City.
Clerk Elmbb Dixon, of Biy. ,.'.
RMjorder-AUKKBD U'bi.ijno of MHraukl.
TreamireiJAOOB Shaok, of Oregon city.
Assessor Lucasa Stout, of Clarkes.
, Sohool Supt.-H. O. stabkwbathkb, of Mil-
Surveyor A. Todd, of Keedy. ' ''
Coron.r-DB.M C.8THitKi,Ai D,of Oregon nty.
County Commlssloner-WM. J. Croat n of Cur-
' wkinct.
No 1. Justice; Clyde Evans of Tualatin. Con
tank, Fran It Ooaaet ol Tualatin . :
No. 2. Justice, (no nomination). Constable, H.
WNo.8eh'r"t,.e."A'gK. Ho.comb of Ciackam9.:
Tib City.
Conn table. T. R. UwrvWoe of Ow City. . :. p
HQ ft, justice, : ah. N Wuiteof Canty. , Con-
No 7. Jostlee. W. W. Jesse "f Barlow.
, Con-
itabla, F. M. Matthews' Harlow
No. S. Justice, . II. itbyul Molulla.
No . Justice, Roit eolmebi'l of Carus. Con.
table, John Heine of Mulbio.
NoV 10. Jus'lce, R. Kiuh-'lnrd of Highland.
Constable, J. U. Myers of HtVliUmd. . .
No 11. Justice, .1. A. Randolph of Viola,
Countable, Win K.mdle of SprliiKwalBr ,
No U Jamie. II. nr.-llliaiipt of Dunmacm.
Constable, Win. Buekiaan of Damascus.
No. 14. Jutlc. F Icith of (iHrge. Constable,
A. 0. Burnett ul Uenrge.
Union County Platform.
Resolved, That the peopl "a. democrat mid
liver republican p.rtics Clackamas cunly
i.i.. i ..u ,ii rullv mid huiirlllv re
affirm and endorse the platform of the people's,
dem -, oral and silver rvpuiiliean prtie as J-
opted at Portland by tuo rtccuv
tlons. . . . .. ,,
Renolved. That the tnlKriil'iry cn oi
trlet atuii ney should be substituted by each
county having its own enmity attorney, at a
moderatu salarv, whoso duly II h..ll be to pro
tent all County Interests, lneluUing all prost-cu-
"'Itosolvort, riutt wo drmnnd such changes in
our laws asaie necessary to provide for prnclnol
organ Uallou, giving eauli pieelnet power to elw
Its own assessor, roud supervisor, iiwl nil local
ollleers. , . , ...
Resolved, That we view wl'h alarm the pou
Htantly inoroasliig expenditure of the county
oourt, and demand wore cuivful and ecoimiul
Oitl administration In that office.
Wa pledge our candidate to do all In their
power to amend uur law llxlng tbo m iry of
county ollli ers In Clacknmas county so that the
yearly salaries shall be: For sheriff, elMO; eounly
ilerk,S0 i: recorder, 7(W; treasurer, tsX': county
Judge, (WKijsuperliilniidunlot public IiiMiih lion.
ITAli coitntv kiirvuynr, -. Tins iiuieudim-nt to
be referred to th voters of Clsekimas -oi lily
tint later than the animal school election in
Maroli, 1S1S.I, to take effect as soon as II l ap
proved by tho lnajorlt) of tluaw voiliig.
Thk advocates of the dnion party nre
open and above hoard in their' tight.
Oanby Independent (republ cau. )
T .
Ackehman says he U not cundi4ate
of the American Book triiBt, but he. is
very busy irying to prove their hooks
the best and the uheupest. '
A fakmkr now gets nearly one half
for his prunes that ho 'did' under the
Wilson tariff law. That's tough, hut
then sugar has gone up. Journal. ,
Now that the soldiers have gone 'to
the war and taken their arms with them,
many girls are wearing military belts
around their waists. Ontario News.
A vote for the Union ticket is one for
retrenchment and reform and against
the gold standard, the trusts and ovory
thing inimical to the best wishes of the
people. Let this not be forgot ten .
T. T. Gekr in his speeches sneers at
the "shivering fusionist farmers." Me
might just as well have included in his
sneer the laboring man, who is in many
Instances shivering as a result of the
gold standard.
The Oregonlan refuses to print ono of
Hon. R. M. Yeatch's speeches, even at
advertising rates. We don't wonder.
The gold Blandard leaders would soon be
without followers it such speeches were
l.1 I 1,11 il... v.,.,nftlr l
Whilk Uome was burning, N'cro
fiddled i and now when the country is in
the perils of war, fMark is mounted
astride the Stock Ti kor, and Sphinx
Grover amuses his obesity by angling
for mud cat in the placid waters on
Lake Erie.
It has been estimated that tho Ameri
can Book Company makes a profit of
about l-'O.OOO a year Hbovo the usual
profit on the same amount of business
f thr atatea wln.re no contract exists.
The publio it is said pays 20 to 40 per
cont more for books than they ought to.
Mr. Ackermaii is one of the men who
voted the contract on the state, and is
the choice of the company in the coming
election . Trof . I.yman is opposed to re
newing the contract which will soon expire,
Gaob says a popular loan will be a
failure. He will make it) a failure, so as
to enrich his banking fraternity, if con
gress is false enough to. make it a fail
ure, so as to enrich his banking fratern
ity, if congress is false , enough to its
duty to authorize the issuance of $600,
000,000 in bonds.
, F. X. Schoonmakeb, of Chicago, is
registered at the Portland. He . is a
sound money speaker. Portland Tele
gram, (rep ) .
"Sound" money speakers are the only
kind of orators that can .'afford to stop
at the Hotel Pbrtland.-rRoseburg Re-'
Don't let your personal feeling on
your friendship prevent vou from pur
suing an honorable course. Vote the
union ticket straight. Every vote for a
union candidate," from cotiBtaGle 'up,
will add strength to the great cause of
free silver and the rights of the common
people in the election of 1900 . ...
, Thk lying assertion maje by the un-'
scrupulous campaign editKr of the En-
ternriie are unworthy ttf dotice and are
known to be such by'ih'e citizens of this
county. The republican bosses of Q'ack
mas county must be in bad shape-1.
hire an' -out-of town prevaricator jvhen''
they have such an unenviable repiitatfofi"
iti uiab lino biiofuwivos,.
' I . ... .
t.T. T. Gkbb' ii bppfrsed to elecling'
United States senators byTa directVote
of the- people t 'at least he is on . record
as voting against the same in 1889, when
he was a member pf the JecislalureV.
The Tecord also shows that he 'voted
against a registration law j,he obiept pf
n nag bu cvcill. lisuu Mb BlttljuljUf,
Both of these measures .woujd.; carry: al
most unanimous if left to a vote df; the
.people. ' : r f;
.At opening' of county t'ampaign
Messrs. Brownell. and' U' Ben agreed to
to joititly,,disc.uB8. the poiticul issues. at
seveivdifferont datus in the county "be
sides the joint discission in Oregon
City. 'The joint 'djebators, .wt;r.. adveiv
tiaed ai d as yet Mr. Hrownell lins failed
toriieet Mi'i U'Uo'i siiice his .'discussion
iu Oregon City, cluiiiiinji he was unable,
to do soon uccount of sickness. At Mo
lalla on tf.e 19th he, was 1 tilled to appear
with Air.; U'Ren but .-instead, went to
SunnyHiik), in . f e .othur side of the
souutyi and spoke. Mr. Brownell has
yet one more date to fill with .Mi.U'Reti
Will h do it, of- is he ul'raij? ,
Tub claim is setup that Silver eoinage
would result in making Silver mine
owners rich Iwyond tlioiireauis of ava
rice, and tile advocates of' the British,
gold- i-tandard' that make thi . claim ve"
liemently protest that the free, coinage
can add nothing to the value" of silverj
How the do' il 'then, is iree coinage to
enrich tho silver ,in tne owners so enor-'
mously ? Die fact is, the ' scarce - money
propaganda are only consistent in their
iuoonsistenries. Hence it is, that they
so persistently decline joint discussion
ot the money question Their whole
contention is tupportaldy only by fttlbe
hoods and false pretense.
TtiKKK never1 yet-was a cause so
wicked that advocates rjoulJ Hot be
hired in Its behalf. '. The gold standard
republican prty, as a party, now slanj
.fully .committed to perpetrate lite-exclusion
ol' silver us one oi Vhu full money
metals. Hie ohly reason .now .given for
it, is that silver is (oo cheap,' it is a "dis
honest ' dollar,", a "hfty-eetit doliarj"
With a secretary of the treasury '''urging
on congress legislation to more perma
nently tlx up'n u.t he single gold stan
dard. and a predihnit Hjvinvas a Bel-'
shaier banquet of, w..York million. J
aires (to their great delight) that it was
the trui policy to always pay the pred
itorsiu ti e Uearrsi doilartj," there can 'be
no retreat, and the bat le of 19, 0 will stie
no dtxlging on that question. - - . ,.f i
Tits Enterprise along with the Ore -
gonian seems to have . a' great spite at
the Hon. If M. Yeatch, and well they
should. - He is one of the cleanest and
i" s " .
best men iu Oregon ,and able too. Where
he goes he makes friends, with the host
he already has! You cannot tool the peo
ple every time, and they are gojng to
vote for a man they can trust and lie
will be elected in this district by 2000
votes over Mr. Tongue, the slanderous,
asserting of such" dirty political sheets
to the contrary, notwithstanding-.
Wm.J. Ourrin, the uuion candidate
for county commissioner, is a native of
"" lavuiB cuiub. lo uregon Wltil
his parents in 1873, and is now 47 years
old. Hois a farmer and tuck-raiH.'r.
and possesses the necessary qualifica
tion for a good commissioner. He has
been taught the utmost economy from
liin youth, having eminatel from a
trust worthy and high-minded family,
which could not be excelled in this
county. He has tilled various positions
ol trust; among these he lias tilled the
otlice of justice of the jieace for six years
to the entire satisfaction of his inaii.
tuents, avoiding as nearly as possible tha
.'.... on ine county.
. VV J 0urnu 18 ttu ho,u8t. ""'i
i,i)i.. ,,.,( Kill. .,( ,
painaaking citisen, and a man everv
inch ol him just what this overwhelm
iimly Indebted county needs to help to
save it from bankmpUy. The voters
of his section of the country will give to
him almost a solid vote, regardless of
party, for this important of important
o'lleo for Clackamas county.
; .. JCJNG WILL DO IT. : '
The union party in Washington has
lowered taxes, brought warrants to par,
stopped intereert.cut off unconstitutional
appropriations and relieved the homes of
the poorer people from taxation.
Tha,t is the cause Hon. Will R. King
represents in the Oregon campaign.
Governor Rogers vetoed half a million
dollars of appropriations that were in
violation of the constitution. King will
do the same if such bills are passed.
That is King's record. . Hft believes in
a constitutional government and will
keep, the pledges of th union platform
in this Tcspect. Kirig Is a young man,
but he's got a-backbone's like a steel
railroad tisri' "' ' . v ?
yn & third tev'-ab6sb.-
Wlten'the " Father of OurJ Country,"
the honored, reveredCalmcflt worshipped)
George Washington, after, two, terms as
president of .the United States, volun
tarily retired to private life .despite the
protests of friends, whjo insisted that he
was the only man capable of filling that
position, he seta grand and enduring
example to A nverioan. patriotism in
every :walk of lhi in esampla 'that no
patriot will forget; long as our present
democratic Jqrm'.l pi ,.jpyernraent shall
Uftdurp. ..tj.,'' HI"- -
"There is an unwritten', though none
the less binding law in Hnia glorious
Uhioa'r which' say thut fik'-Wfiu shall
twi,(J succeed-.hiiHiseU' Jinoifllce. . There
hae,.' Deen: exceptions, , we admit, but
they are only brought about by peculiar
circumstances and are of unusual occur-
rencA;so the rule holds good under all
ordinary conditions. '
Cbntmencf ment Exercises.
Following is the program for the com
mencement exercises of the Oregon City
Hitch School, to be neid at bhivelv shall
on Friday, May 27tb, at 7:45 p, m. :
Piano Solo 'Tannhauser March" (Wagner
Llit) Miss Beatrice Barlow
Essay "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow"
. . i...... ..,.u...... .....Mary Lnrena Lazelle
Essay "The North American Indian"
....,...Burse L. Reddlck
Qeartet.i ........Class of '98
, Illssea Maria Pratt and Ivy Roake. Messrs.
Charles Bliihra and William 8hively.
Essay' -Iuiilau Legends"..........-
:.. Octavia Vlolelte Hermann
Vocal Solo "The Old House by the Lindens"
' -ty Belle Roake
Essav "Hiawatha" William Benton Shlvely
Quartet "Polish Song" (Chopin).-
, Ladies' Quartet
Mrs. W. B. Wlgglus. Miss imogene Hard
ing, Mrs. R. K. Charman. Miss Mtt
l)riier Whistling obligato by W. 11.
H. Burkhsrdt. .
Rceltatlnn "Introduction to Sung of Hla-
' watha" ...Maude Ethel Noble
ReeiiHttoil Khe Peace Pine' .'.
.Eva Mnnrlte Mnelinke
t'lolin 8oli"Nooturne In O Maior '. (Loiilai
.....Miss Mattle Draper
Recitation "Hiawatna s unttanoon
Clara Alberta Holinslrom
Quartet "Bren7.es of the Nlisht"
Oresou Clly 1 a He.' Qoartel
Mr.. Clark uanong, mrs. J. n. mrteaier,
Miss Ora Spanitler, Mrs. Chas. Cautield.
Reotthtion "Hiawatha's Wooing" I,
,...A.Kmnra Angelenri Alllsoit
Pnntomimisti -Hiawatha, John Knapp;
MlniieliHha, Berthaootts Arrowmakur.
. Thomas Myers. .
Quartet" Mill uehalia".
Mrs. W. B. Wiggins. Mrs. E. K. Chariuan,
Mr. C. Roak, Mr. (i. H. Bestow.
Recllatlon "The Famine" .'.
Palsy Myrtle Buchanan
I'aiilnroiniists tllawatha, John Knapn;
Minnehaha. Bertha Soottt Nogomls, Iva
Harrington: Rokadawin, Chas. lll'jhnli
Ahkosewiii, Harry Shaner.
Vooal Soltf " Death of Minliahalia"..........
Maria Catherine Pratt
Recitation "Hiawatha's Depa-ture"
......Bessie M. Wood
Quartet "In May" (Paiknrl ..Udlea' Qu-trtet
Mrs. W. B. Wiggins, Miss Imognne Hard
, liur. Mrs. E. K. Charniau, Mts Millie
Draper u
Class Adtlreas ..'t.........;.'.
Presentation of DIpluiT-tts..,........,.; .-. .
W. K. Crll. M. U., Ch.'in Board Director-.
Vooal Solo Silected......' . ...Miss Kale Ward
dmis8icit 25 , cents, The' Proceeds
will go towards l ite library 1i.tni). There
will be. ho reserved, seats except for.
members of family; of .the .graduating
class. . - :-. -
, "' . . m . e
'UhA"unr1 knl.nulj it Al',!t,lru(, fl T. -a
Mention; ' at the Racket .Store;
. "... ' . .1
Mr..: SUden & Mlasl Fdlth Wl.ahart. i
. Bometimes ' a fiw' is a benefit,
found It so, altliotiylrit might have been
worse1, "as we had ihnuranee.1 "Our Mil
linry Department is now fitted up very
tastefully .and we Invite everybody to
come'and see ns.; We are constantly
gutting1 in new goods, and. can furnish
anybody with a suitable hat or bonnet,
up to date and fashionable.' '
1 Special notice I , , , , V j
During my absence I have placed in
,denlal ce,- Dr. W. T
iiiyon, wnom i ,can recommena to my
friends and the public in general, as a
skillful and reliable dentist
, L. L, VtCKKSS,,
' FoR Runt Three fine rooms in a quiet
place in Ureen Point near car lioe,
furnished or - unfurnished. ' In
quire at Courier office or A K. Doolittlo
at residence. ' . . " ' '
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr A Muir.
We offer ten splendid lines of
boys' Washable Sailors at the
Low Price of.
a Suit. These are actually worth
$1.50 and $2.00. See them and
be convinced.
Cor. Third and Morrison Streets,
I'ortlnnd, Oregon.
I motmo
Sam . ,
Says .
This Is
tt will.
Purify and
Vitalize Your. Blood. Overcome That
Tired Feeling.' i. Get -'. bottle of
Hood's ; SarsapaHlla atid begin to
take it TODAY, and realize the great
good It Is sure to do you.
Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists.
Commercial, Real Estate and PtObate Law
Speclaltie ". ; ,
Office In Cominerttal B'ahl Building
OREGON' OftY j-tivf.f.Vi fjREQON
Gio. C. Baowtrau- -
J. U. Campbbll
CauBeld Building
Oregon City,.Qre.
THOS. F. RYAN : ;u
Notary Pabllo and Real Estate Broker
Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade
Drawing of Legal Doomneuts a Specialty
umce on east side of Main street
Between 8th and 7th
(Hospital and Private Experience.)
Offers his professional ssrvtces to the people of
Oregon Cily and vicinity. -Special attention
paid to Catitrrh and Chronic diseases.
Best ol references given.
Office iu Willamette Building.
Office hours 10 1 1 1'i . m., 4 to 6 p. m.
Opposite F. O. Oregon City, Cbb
0. H. ISOM,
Civil Engineer &. Deputy County Surveyor
Will be at Court House on each Saturday
ana ou regular session aays or
County Court
(Established 186S ) "
Parcels Pellvertd to All Parts of th City
CAPITAL. J 100,000 ;
Loan made. Bill tUaounted. Makes Co
lections. .Bny.and sells exchange on .11 potuU
In the United States and Kurope and on Hotig
aong. ueposits received aupiectiocnecg
Bank open from (A.M. to 4 P. M
. President Casuier
oi.dsSt avSKiNd nous ik'
' paid vp ca pital, tso.im.od
President. '
Vice president
Caaa. H fr iurttgp
(tan a. HaRnts
K. tt. UOtstaLD
S tiSneral Bauklng Business Transacted
Deposits Received Subject lo Check.
Approved Bills and Notes Discounted,
' County and CUT Warrants bought, , ; .
Loans Made on Available Bocurttv . 1 , -'
Exchange Bought and -told..
Collections Made Promptly.
: Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the
World. ,
Telegraphic Kxchange Sold on Portland, 8a a
Francisco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
XI I UU nana awm " --t-:-,
Willamette Building, OpPoslte Commercial Bank j
Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicinel are
strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality,; ;
Your patronage soliceted. : , . v.'.' f
I ' ' "' i- V.r''-V i.:v'.B'.3l,-:iS
I Depot for HAY and FEED ; ' ! Willifttetie filofct, Oregrjh 'criy1
XlwlllZi Vli:havepu'rahake''tllerGrocerv
and Bakery' bf:.Gibson & Lindsey,- and will; continue
"', to keep a first-class line of '. ,
Old Established Bakery, opposite l'ostoffice3
Oregon City, orecon. .''.';"'- X'.TxL
bv the
'.' it...:: : ,J... .
Bicycles With Wines
The nearest approach to flying yet attained. Tfie WMrts'whfi perlfect
l and the makers who produced the t Painless Bicycle are public bene-
factors. No noise: No breaks. No
parts. No attentton necessary. "You, buy the wheel-the Colombia
Chainless dwS tlio rest ' Not an hour of time taken to keep t he Ohainless
in order for ayear More durable.. More handsome in appearance. ' Lege
expensive "in the end " Absolutely satisfactory , under all conditions of
use. 1 he Uj) nmbia ( hainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of
America Boldest and most modern and complete bhycle factory. "You
See them everywhere.". They are .
Columbia, t'haln Wheels 7fl.on
Columbia Tandems 1SS.00
Hartford.. ..'... ' (10.00
Vedettes ... .... 3S.00 40.00
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper your
rooms and paint your
house and
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape a
very low prices. Leave
orders at paint stcre, near
S. P.depot
wrpmniNfis f
TO...... ,. ', A
t' i?
'";i; ' Shoe$ choose the best. There
I - is no .'reason ... why, you
should take inferior goods
. when you' ,v havei our
wide range of Stock and
Styles to select frotr. We
offeriyouf the best makes of
" - shoes at the best prices'! Com
lortabl'e,'1 liealthful snoes at
- ;.' prices that astonish, please
. .4'. and convince, etc. f
".- .!.' -"".
K(tf a :30Jlf"'l
1':. t''
And an election wits held!', to decide
which is the best flour to buy what a
rousing majority -.. . r . . -i
"Patent,, Flbur...
P Ft
V ade in. Oregon City
Co.; and Sfild -bv' al'l
.':,- : t' ) vfee."
friction ennamf
.T"ck-Mn'a..,. i.r.. , .
Jill W omens.
Neeoiid hand Wheels. .
.. 3S.S0
S0.00 to $50.00
AN & CO,
Cut-rate Druggists Agents.
Go to...
Up-to-Date Pictures
Mill Feed, Lime, Cement
ani Laud Plaster.