Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, May 27, 1898, Image 1

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    City Urary . , ,. '' ' . '
16th YEAR.
NO 2
Should be kept out in the fresh air
as much as possible. It frets them
to be kept continually indoors. No
excuse for not supplying baby with
a new BABY CARRIAGE when
the prices are so low and we give you
all the time you want in which to
pay for them.
Our '98 Baby Carriages are
The Housefurnlsliers,
A fell line o!
Dry Goods,
Clothing, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Furnishings, Etc.
Dr. A. A. Barr
Have Your Eyes Exam hied
Scientific Optician, formerly
of Minneapolis, has charge of
tht; Optical Depaitment for
NT. WlilGHT, the Iowa'
Jeweler,1 293 Morrison St.,
oi tiatui, Oregon.
Consultation Free
2 ; De-A.B.
Headquarters Meade. Post, No,
partment of the Oregon, G.
Oregon City. May 18,1898. The Com
inander of Meade Post issues the follow
ing general orders for the information
and guidance of the Post and the public
in relation to the memorial services to
be observed on the 27th, 29th and 30th
of May:
I. All members of the G. A. R. and
W. R. 0. who can be present, are re
qnested to assemble at Willamette hall,
on Friday, May 27th, at 12:30 for the
purpose of visiting St. John's school,
and the public school at Parkplace.
II. On Sunday, May 29th, the Post
will meet at Willamette hall at 10 a. m.,
and accompanied by Meade Relief
Corps, will march to the Congregational
church, where the Memorial services
will bo conducted by Rev. T. W. Butler.
III. On Monday, May 30th, the
children and citizens generally, are re
quested to assemble at Willamette hall
at 9 a. m,, bringing donations of flow
ers for decon ting the graves of our tie
ceased comrades. Short addresses will
he held at that time, consisting; of brief
a Ureases to the childreu Tie parade
will be formed under toe direction5
George A. Harding, marshal of the Day
and will move promptly rtt. 10 o'clock to
Shively's hall, where appropriate exer
cises consisting of the liuial serviieif
theG. A. R. and W. R. C, music oia
'ion by (.i nm.de C. K. Clii e, of Fort
hind; iii w'driK to l ui km n dead
by Rev. II. Olierg, fier which the col
ninn will move tu the ccmeteiy, when
the (.him s of our departed comrades will
ledtcoiaitd wi.h proper ceremonies.
IV. All old soldivrs and sailors not
members of the Grand Army.arii cor
dially invited to unite with us in all the
observances of this memorial occasion.
V. Il is earnestly .requested that pla
ces of buMiies he closed during the ex
ercises of Memorial Day, and that all
gooe citizens joiu with us in rendering a
tribute of respect to the comrades who
have passed to the "Grand Army be
yond." Hy order of E. W. MIDLAM,
Post Commander.
C. A. WILLIAMS, Adjutant.
y-G" -- G. H. EESTOW"
Shop Oppo.lte ConicreeKtiiinal Clinrofc. Main ftreet, Oregon City, Ore.
The Germama Market
Is the cheapest place in the city
to buy t t t t t
Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. I .
F. J. OSTBBHOLTZ, PrOp8. t t t
. i
J. G. MACK & CO.
88 Third Street - Portland, Oregon
Life insurance cultivates habits.
Life insurance lightens the load of care.
Life insurance keeps the wolf from the door.
Lifc insurance gives response to the rich man.
Life insurance gives courage to the poor man.
Life insurance certifies to a man's affectionate regard for his family.
Life insurance places the window above the need of marrying for a home
Life insurance adds to a man's years by freeing him from apprehen-
Lifehisurance heightens the esteem in which wife and children hold
a man.
oi Springfield, Massachusetts.
H. C, CO LTON Manager
Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of Commerce,
Oheqos City, May 20, 1808.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed grand marshal on 1 he occasion
of the parade and ceremonies to lie held
in this city Decoration Day, Monday,
May o0, 18118, promulgates the following
orders foi general information.
I Headquarters w ill be established
on Main street corner of Fifth street.
II. L. J. Mckittrick is hereby ap-,
pointed chief of staff. The following
gentlemen' have been appointed aids!
Fred Metzner, Franklin -Griffith, who
will report mounted to the chief of staff
promptly 'at 10 a. m.
III. The order of march and assign
ment in column of the different organi
zations taking part in the parade is as
follows: Oregon Oi'yBand; Co. F, O.
N. G. ; Meade Corps No. 18, W. R. C. ;
Meade Post No. 2, G. A. It.; Volunteer
Firemen; United Workmen ;' Woodmen
of the World ; School c ildren of the
different schools, and citizens in carri
ages. . ' -
IV. The column will form on Main
street facing south, head of column
resting on Fifth street, and the several
organizations taking . part - as above
stated are requested to be in place by 10
a. m., as the column will move promptly
at 10:15 a. m..
V. Children of the public schools of
the city and suburbs and St. John's
schools are requested to bring flowers..
VI. The line of march will be from
Fifth street to Imperial Mills, counter
march to 10th street, thence to Seventh
up Seventh to Shively's hall were ap
propriate ceremonies will be held after
which the column will again form and
march to the cemetery v .
' ' By order of a j .
E: J, McKittihck, Chief of Staff.
For Patriotism and Charity,,.,
' . " ' '" ' y ii! r.;i;:s . s ,-- 4 -. f
Meade- Corps VolUiilee-?Auxllhtry,
who have been doing excellent work for
the members of Upmpany I, in proid-
wgthem with .comforts and conveni
ence! for the battlefield, held an open
maatinc a i W uinVia ' a 1-111 1 VfiMH
uiwuss.g it viiiuniu q nan i'lujiua;
night, and perfected a permanent or
ganization to remain ib active existence
until the close of the Spanish war. The
meeting opened with an anthem by the
congregational choir,1 and was followed
with prayer by Rev. Harold Oberg.
The president of Meade Relief Corps,
Mrs. bditli uiouse, stated the objects of
the organization, and said -that a com
mittee consisting of Mrs. F. L. Cochran,
Mr- T. W. Fouts, Mrs. T..W. Sullivan,
Mrs. M. M. lharman and Mrs. S. M
McOown had prepared a consntution
and by-laws for the government of the
auxiliary, which was read and adopted
Mrs Cochran also spoke of the objects.
oi. the w omens Keuel uorps, and ex
plained wherein the work of the volun
teer auxiliary was distinct from that of
the relief corps. .Numerous ladies and
gentlemen signed the membership r )
and paid the lniation fee ot zo cents.
The officers of the relief corps, will also
serve in the same capacity in the volun
teer auxiliary, and ihe active work of
the organization will be carried on
through committees appointed from
both the relief corps and the auxiliary.
The next meeting will be held at Wil
lamette hall on the third Monday n
June. The monthly dues of the auxilu
ary were placed 10 cents per member,
and in addition to supplying the needs
of Company I, or other volunteers that
may go to the war from this section, the
welfare of the volunteers' families will
be looked after. After the prelimina
ries were arranged, short and stirring
patriotic addresses were made by Father
Hillebrand, Mayor Caufield, H. L.
Kelly, T. W. Sullivan and R. Koerner.
A complimentary telegram was also or
dered sent to Company I at Ihe Presidio,
San Francisco, in time to reach them
before their departure for the I'hilKpine
island. , .
Messes. W. S. TJ'Ren, J. J. Cooke
and James Coon will speak at the places
and times given on the left of the
column marked "A" and Messrs
W. W. Myers, Geo. Ogle and George
Knight, will speak at the places and
times on the right marked "B." Joint
discussions between U'Ren and Brown
ell are expected at the places marked
"J . D." All meetings are for 7 :30 p. m.
unless otherwise stated. Other candi
dates and speakers will be with each
party from time to time.
A. Date B.
Brown 6ehool H,2pmMav 28 '
Leland School House. Mny 28 Barlow
Milwankie. J. D Mav sn miioomihi.
"Willumetle May 31 Loean
Holcomb School H. . .June 1 Springwater
Rerilands .... June 2. George
Clarkes . ..June 8 Currlnavllle
Suoy June 4 Orcxon City
Col. Robt. A. Miller and T. B. Han
kins will address the citizens at Maple
Lane on the 27th at 8 p. m; Wilson
vi le, ihe 28th at 1.30 p. m; Barlow,
2th at 8 p. m ; Needy, 30th at 8 p. m !
Marquam, June 1st at 8 p. m ; Mulino,
June 2d at 8 p. m. ,
Cyclone Davis, of Texas, and J. L
Story, candidate for attorney general,
will address the citizens of Oregon City
and vicinity, at Shivelv's hall on Friday,
June 3d, at 2 p. m.
Hon. Mortimer Whitehead, of New
Jersey, past grand lecturer of national
grange, will address the citizens of
Needy and vicinity on Thursday, June
2d, at 2 p.m.
,Hon. H.L. Barkley will address the
citizens of Eagle Creek and vicinity on
Wednesday June 1st, at 2 p. m. J of
Highland and vicinity on Wednesday at
7 p. m. He will be at Wright's Spiings
on Thursday, June 2d at 2 p. in.
'Messrs. U'Ren, Cooke and Coon will
speak at New Era at 2 p.m. the 28th
instead of at Brown school house. In
theeveningof the same day they will
speak at Brown schoolhouse instead of
Leland schoolhouse. On June 4th, at 2
p. m they will be at Sandy instead of
Oregon City.
The joint discussion at Milwaukie be
tween U'Hen and Brownell is changed
from May 30th to Thursday, June 2d, at
7:30 p. m. There will be no meeting at
Milwaukie May 30th.
Messrs. U'Ren, Cook and Coon will
not be at Holcomb school house on June
1st, B8 advertised. They will be at Red
lands, Wednesday. June 1. instead of
Juno 2d, and at Sandy at 2 p. m. Satur
day, June 4th.
Mr. C. A. Fitch will addre.-s Ihe meet
ing at Clarkes, Friday, June .3d, at
7 :30 p. m.
The above changes except the meeting
at Sandy, are necessary, because Mr.
Brownell could not be at Milwaukie on
the 30tli inst. as originally advertised.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
J Hazel wood to CF 3uchman, 30 a.
sec 9. 2 s,3e; $800.
O W Jones et al L E flibbard, lot 3.
blk 11, Windsor; fiO.
T E & 8 M Linn to J O Linn, 66.66 a.
G B Linn et al to J O Linn, 66 00 a,
J B Child-elm
J O Linn etal to T E Linn, 66 66 a,
J B Childs elm ;J1.
L Becker et al (by sheriff) to H F
Mnrpby 21.33 a, G & K Brock elm ; $55
G J Trullintjer (by sheriff) to W
Pochin et d, lfO r, in R Msttron elm,
also 320 a, O Mat toon elm ; $3874.25.
F Otis to E A Boeckman, swJ4 sec 11,
3 s. 1 w;$2600.
O E F Lee to Jens Nelson, 15 a, sec 31.
5 s, le;$70.
E W & S M Cornell to 0 M Pnrker,
blk 12, Oswego heights see 9, 2 s, le;
P & A DeShields to G Habeilach,
of i a, sc 10,2 s, 2e, $35..
ChasMeCann et al to 8 J MrOann.l
a.L Whiicombclm, also lot l.hlkl.Seil
wood Add; $1.
S J ware to 0 E & M M Baty, sec 20, 2
s, 6 e ; $250.
A week's showers has pnven very
beneficial to the crops. Some whertt had
begun o born but from present indua-
'tions.it will come out all tmht yet.
O'd Mr. iSchatz is once again able to
be about the yard,
'jMcob Schalz is but slowly improving.
John Moser's house is fast Hearing
completion John and bride will move
into it as soon as it is finished.
What, do you think of a cslt that
weighed 9(1 pounds when not a day old ?
At Mr. Unites' place thev have one that
tipped the beam at that figure.
The Stafford and Oswego hoodlums
are trving to gain nororiely by gluing
up prize fights at forks of some of the
principal thoroughfares, but owinu to
Ihe belter judgement of some of the
better class the rowdie s were dispersed.
It is reported that Mike Gros i to I e
married on the first of next month. We
hope the report is true
Royal makes the feHl pun,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
The candidates of the republican par
ty and other speakers will address the
voters of the several precincts of Clacka
mas county on the following dutof, meet
ings to begin at 7 :3 n. m.
The members of the central commit
tee of the several precincts will make
the necessary arrangements to secure
proper places to hold' thu meetings and
to advertise ihe same. ,
Miu-kslntrir .
Kaule ( 'rc'k .!
Plfusanl Utll
Now Km ....
Oreijnn City .
.Miiv 2".
Mv M).
.May SI
. Jump 1
, Juno 2
. June 8..
..June 4,
. AVilsonvilie
. Staple Lane
. ... !,osruu
By orderot thosTepublicau county cen
tral committee.
J. 0. Rkaiuky, Chairman.
A.S Dhkbskk, 1st Secretary.
U. B. Di.MicK, 2d Secretary.
v f,. Fraternal Notes.
Atthejegular meeiing of Willamette
Falls Camp, No. 148, Woodmen of the
World held Tuesday evening, the follow
ing new officers were elected: E. H.
Oooper, consul commander ; J.W. No
ble, advisor lieutenant; A. R. Doolitle,
escort ; E. J. Lankin, W ; J. Shadle, S ;
I. D. Taylor, M. The following were
elected delegates to the district conven
tion, which meets in this city June 15:
E. H. Cooper, E. J. Maple. J. K. Morris,
Grant Olds, 8. 8. Walker, L. Stout, I.
D. Taylor, J. W. Noble, Otto F. Olsen ;
alternates, A. R. Doolittle, F. Betzel, J.
W. Boatman.Oi Schuebel, Elmer Dixon,
O W. DeaVer, C, A. Frost, J, J. Thomp.
son and E. J. Lankins. Memorial ser
vices and unveiling ot monuments will
be held Sunday, June 6th.
About 00 representatives of Portland
A. O. U. W. lodges will pay Falls City
lodge a viBit Saturday night.
Volunteer Notes.
Mrs. Carl Kinsey has been quite siclt
but we hone lor her speedy recovery,
Mrs. N. Carother and funiily il
leave in a few davs for Montana wlici
her h usband is IocuhhI.
Martin & Bradley are miikng snmu re
pairs on the Draper dwelling. ' , ;,
Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Painter, Into
McMinnville, are located at Canemah.
County polties jrn b:rinning to liven
iip rtini iiu! .ippmacii oi tnfi en 'ru ,ii,i
ol ' W
Tl-.e Honun' were He epicures of all
the ages aivl uatherud from sea. earth
and air yha dainty 'or substantial pio-
The republicans are very scarce and ducts of av luxuriant ago for the dolevta-.
those that are found in that corruptive
parly are thosfe who expect at some fu
ture time to be up for olline. Almost
every voter in this precinct declares
himself union.
May 25th Pkoohkh.
tionof the pala'e. The average Ameri
can youth is young Roman in appetite
and if his mother or wifo wants to find
good things to feed him, she will see
The Grocer
Captain Pickens and all the officers
and privates of Company I, are -now on
the broad expanse of the facinc ocean,
bound (or the l'hilinpine islands. The
Oregon troops boarded the transports
from the Presidio at Sao Franciico Tues
day, and the long sea voyage was begun
Wednesday, company 1 was assigned
along with two other companies to the
steamship Sydney. The- Oregon regi.
ment is under command or colonel Sum
mers, and comprises 1020 men distri
buted among 12 regiments. Every loan,
woman and child in Oregon City feels a
just and patriotic pride in the personal!
of Company I, and are fully confident
that they, will acquit themselves with
valor on the field pi battle.
On Tuesday morning the Volunteer
Auxiliary Relief Corps and the Young
Ladies A. Y. L, I. Club, sent compli
mentary telegrams to the Oregon volun
teers at the Presidic, wishing them God
speed, etc., on their trip across the
ocean. .
One member of Company 1, Edmond
Cvrus, of Albany, was left In San Fran
cisco convalescing, after an attack of
measles. He will rejoin hU company,
however, in the Philliuine islands as
soon as he recovers.
A second call has been made for vol
nnteers by the President, and those out
ideof the Nit.ioul G iiH vrill ra giytf.i
an o pinunity to enlist this time.
Cor. Front and Taylor Sts.,
Probate Gourt.
W. E. Carll, executor of the estate of
Sarah McCue, deceased, has filed his
final account.
Richard Milke and wife were granted
a petition to adopt Gussie Agnes Iver
son, a minor, by convent of the Oregon
Children's Home Society, Its legal guar
dian. The court ordered that her name
be hereafter changed to Ruth Albertine
In tha matter of the estate of Josiah
Franklin, deceased, 8, R. Taylor, the
administrator, was ordered to sell the
personal property at private sale.
In the matter of tne estate of Philip
Moore, deceased, the final report of
C. B Smith, administrator, was con
firmed. In the matter of the estate of Jane
E. Buck, dtceastd, adminUtrstu, tiled
his final report.
Largest and Best Stock of...
...In the Northwest