REALTY TRANSERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. 8 M ' ! t J -l-nii:s a mI, i . of w W, nee 12,6 8 U tn J -tnll;, i.i Ml, 'I : fUK) u Mum to T Maun, id 'i I' 117.06 i, mk-20.8 -. 3 -. H W 8 M -r (ii.v sheriff) l'dis iii S ti laniiou cnn: .... i' II ti de lo A li Pica- 'I 6 " , ,rAHi wo LO Field" I". 1'' 'aul On n 'luttii: '" 0 Kvhii t K A hvnus o Miir litli'ld. 14.84 a, I' Wl. ii ..;1 h Runmi-scr, to 1 W .Wo., r. tone I :''llt 5W. W f & Al mi to .1 r fry, I Jl A K r In N I. Welch, ' i. him j, "&7. blk fi. I- 8 I Boyl s tn J .-iHinp . . if s, -! t I' i. Leintwi'is 1 1 al t . K ' i'i ChII.iIi ii elm, ta lol 1- 1 ' 1 ' v i - ol8, ' - 'j if nli l 12. ii , I '. li i Diillnliuii C" .1 I -'ii elm: Jl J M"i.iu -lirni : ,,iy 8 lit rim; g ehii; also V, G.'.iO acres i i, V ii.luu elm :, lol 3, bin 11, .. i ... 3 4, i ik 12, 1111 -iVaH, SCC 8 I Is blk 10, W 1 I I 12, iIU I. Ilailona; ;,. V l.'li c in, ui0 I ::iCC; flfl. i of w l.i,BH' 12 il'uli lit ii, trai t In I i 4 i, ' or i it , s r x, 0 r 87 a, A J lia'.v I- Kt.imlinwr. 40 a. Consti pal Causes fulfy hall Ur." sickness In the world. It retains the digested fond .too long in the bowels mid nroduces biliousuess, torpid liver, lndl- C4ds gestlon, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, In somnia, etc. Hood's Fills mirficnnstlDation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. 26c. All druggists Prepared by 0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. the only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparffla, Pills COUNTY COURT. Cominued from hut week. Petition for change in voting place in Cheiryville- precinct 'not allowed as it was loo late. Thirty days' ex entionof time granted on Collection of taxes. Aid lor Mrs 1,. I', ( lark reduced to $."), to lake effect June 1st. Aid lor Airs. Ii. M. Hemming, Mary Duff, .Mrs. (jrindstaff and Mrs. Debauer discontinue.!. Aid lor .Mrs. Rui.yon reduced to $8 al tr J uue 1st Mid ot Morris & Olds for renewal of piling under i-hipley bridge on Tualatin accepted ut $12: lor piling and renewing wmg tlauib. Uierk ordered to advertise for bids for Deep Creek bridge same to he 1151eit long and Howe truss; . ids to be accompanied by a cerulied check for $100. KOAD FUND APPORTIONMENT. The following apportionment of road fund was mad-; and .11 road money used during March and Apui by the diner- ent Ulsliicls to be ueducteu lrom their apportionment. Supervisors not to use over CO per cent ol apportionment lthout orders lrom the court: il Abernelby. , t 800 00 23 Borlow 40il 00 18 lieaverOreck,70uvounteer 1800 00 5 boring.... 175 00 U Bull liun 70 00 17 i an by 650 00 15 Caiiemah 2o0 00 20 I anyon Creek low 00 0 Cascades, $14t 0 volunteer, to be pr vided F. C. GADKE. Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wilson 4 Cooke's Old Stand OREGON CITY, OREGON. Gambrinus Cold Storag( Griessen & Hallwyer, Prop. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON CITY OREGON 8 I 3 4 10 0 12 25 14 27 19 1 li 10 30 30 32 37 8 33 31 29 2B 13 35 20 22 37 38 Cherry villa .... 150 00 Clackamas 800 oo Damascus ' 800 0u Eagle Creek 350 00 Garfield 100 00 beorge 76 00 Harding 225 00 Macksburg 3.i0 00 Maple Lane 00u 00 To The Point. Oregon City Ore., May 16, '08 I understand that Mr, Hurt Kelly of the Oregon City Bink has been "out speech-makintf for the republicans. It Hi-eins Brother Ifplly is hard up for somelb'n to do. Ho Imslived in Cluk Hinao county mostly since the. old vt pellets can remember, but was never known in the darkest days nf his own parly to rai'ne lts voire in the advocw v of its principles, While Mr. Kelly is a golii stHiidard man which U has a p-r I feet right to be. Tlie renubMcan snnif doing business in Clackamas county ha no use for Mr. Kelly further than to use him as a toil for his v )t.e and infbtenim. Kec.illect how the convention used Or E. A. 8inimer. a gold man for coroner, be was turned down for a man that does not live near the county seat yes, the leaders of that oulflt are willinu to take all they can get, and give nothing in return. A gold democrat isa fine fellow a long as the gang can pull him. bnl if he wants a little skinny office, hat is a 'hnss" of another c il'ir. And to i, Culonel Dye is out on the campaign ; the gang have lots of use for him. The "Mark Hanna of Kaele Creek'' gave him such a nice little roasting in" the convention (?) for having the impudence to bring in his little ticket of delegates to the state convention. Colonel, you miiHtn t he so impudent. Let these fel lows that are manipulating the repub Means machine so completely fight their own batile, for this one is the last they will have to fight. They will be burried nut of sight on the 6th of June and in iwo years from now the Brownell machine can't muster a corporal's guard. ViixPoi-ULl. Attention. The ladies and gentlemen of Oregon Oi'y are earnestly reques'ed to attend a mass meeting to be held in Wein'iard's Mall on Monday, Mav 23, at 7:30 p. m.. for the purpose of co-operating with Meade Corps Auxiliary, in their work for the defenders of our flag, that part "f the New Army of the R- public which represents this place at the front. The work awaits us, and the invitation is ex tended to yon; come, let our zeal be as great as those who labored in the same spirit in the early 60's. Committee. GliNUKAL OKUK1H. Maiquaui 600 0; Milk (.reek... 225 00 BOLTON DAihY CHAS. CATTA, Ptprletor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any i part of the city. Try Bolton Dairy and h Convncul- W. H, YOUNG'S Livery & Teed table Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON ffir-Job Printing at the ifW Courier Office. DR. Milwaukie 1000 00 Needy 426 00 New Era 000 00 Oregon City Oswego 1000 00 : leaBantHill 400 00 Stivers 75 00 Sodii Springs 125 00 bpringwater 100 00 Tualatin . . 300 00 I Union 195 00 Upper Molalla 300 tin Viola 175 00 WestOiegon City 1600 Ot) Butte Creek 225 00 Highland 150 00 Part Upper Molalla 75 00 Oswego No 2 3(i0 00 Sandy lOo 00 15,C!)0 BII.LB ALLOWED. KESSLER, Thin old one armed peolallst, nfHt. Loula, -li known by lilt long resilience and mv .. "dully liriM'tlce In tlili city, continue lo ...... I'ssfully trust all kinds of clironlo and ivhUi dlneaiiei TP PI? TDrATlUrrUT for the poor who call ! IlLli InMllllJiril lu person at the oftloe . 11 i y ufltiriioou BLOOD AND 1 1 us '-Tallin, Tumor. TuClflrs, lioi.'inn mid Min r tuiiiurllles of the blond tlioroimlily iHillruti'il, limvtnff tli iydtuin tu a Mrung, l r.. mid lioiiltlifui slide. t'UrnMAiPKJlIf treated by an old German finuUlUllllijlU remiHlT, This roumdy whs .i'i.KiniiBd to Dr. Keneler by a frleud tu Dirlln. lttiai nevor fulled. flTTl CflDrC! I'h, Cancers, etc., treated, nc ULU uUllLu ilur. roiuie how long atlvctml. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. 1 11 1 1 1 ml, dlillouU, too, milky or bloouv irine, uimlurul diHoliHrgtis, candidly treated, I'iIi-h, rniMinisllmu and neuralgia treated by D Penman pauper 6 M K Shipley, wood and bridge. .. 1 ticneyman, UeHart &Co... . .. il Cnnitiiin-rt in kupplemtnt. 1 m 1 n Mullno Henry J. SooU,,the ston k oper, has sold out bis stock of goods and moved to Oregon City . The Multno creamery owned by Abramt Si Schroder, Is ruunlnn full blast. Our old friend Jack Carlisle, Is at the helm, and will soon send for Ills family to come here to reside. Howard flouring mill is running on full time again, The quality of flour made at this mill Is too we'l known to need any mention from us. Mrs. Grant Thayer and children are on a visit to friends In Portland this week. Mr. Thayer aUo went down on his wheel for a day only. Mr. F. M. Manning has opened a new store, and will be glad to ice new friends at well as old ones. Charley Foyntun has moved In one of How. ard's homes and rented some land f rum How aril. Oco. Raugh and wife are visiting t Mr. Mid vi') ' this week They are residing in Tacoma. Children's I ay will be observed at the Urange ball the second Saturday in June. All members in good standing are Invited lo bring their ehll. dren and friends, MpKsrs. Randall, Ryan and Dlmli-k were out soliciting votes a few nights since. Juke Crltzcr has lcftM iCord's mill and moved on his farm. Joan Pcnlson has liwn making considerable linpniv inenlH in the n ails around here lately. but there Is still plenty of room for Improve. iniMit. August KrloKon, who liahecn on the sick list fur Rome time, Is improving. (Irmit Thayer, while riding on his wheel to Porlluuil on Batiirdny limt, met with unite severe accident, breaking his arm, besides Severn oilier tirulsca which will give him a lay oft'fi some lime. Mav id. Mavim.1. Take a clear bottle at bedtime and urinate in I lie but lie. aet aside and look at It in the .Homing. If it Is cloudy, o has a cloudy set. II1111 In it, you have sum klduey or bludder 'llM'IIM!, m)U Wflrjllf removed In twenty-four hours 1 Hi UIUll Hce worms in window al of tie li to ;u ivel long. fOUNG MEN SDrHTlI CTIWIf"! W meet persons everv UUJjliin OlllllVO day whose lirenili smella m Imd It la dlsgnalliig. Tills ciiiues lrom t'a !, r Ii ol either the nose or atomacli. U11 and V. examined. It oan be cured before the iHHiil iMinea neooinea luvulveu. If you are troubled with nlghl emlsidtiua, eiliaustlnit driuiis. 4ml. lea, tiiiahlulneaa. aversion to siiclely. lupidiicHfl, desHiidenoy, lots of energy, am ."ii Inn mid scU-confldence. whloli deprive you I your niaiihnod and absolutely unlit you kir klmly, business or marriage It you are ili'in uiltleted you may kuow 111 cause Uo ami lie treated. S11PDLE-AGED mSVW hi'jIi, nulling backs and kidneys; frequent, I'l.lnlid uiinatloii and aedlment In uilne 1 1 sit -joieiicy or weakliest of seiual organs, and o her unmistakable algna of nervous debllliy ami premature decay, Many die of tills iiitllculty, Ignorant of the cause. The most disi mute ciues of IhU character treated. PDIViTP disease, Gleet, Oonorrhea, In rpil ulu BaniaUona-XHsohargea, Htrloturoa Weukueis of Organs, Byphllla, Hydrocele Varicocele and kludred troutilea treaMd, CotuulUtlon Fret to All. Offick IIotjbj: From 9 A. M. to 8 P.M. Call or address J. Henri Kessler M. D. At St Louis Dispensary. nil ttftl YAMHIU STRCKT. POETLA.ND. .... ObKQOM OASTOniA. Bean the 4 1 he Kind You Have Always Bought Advice to Consumptives There are three great reme dies that every person with weak lungs, or with consump tion itself, should understand. These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages ; and many of those more advanced. It is only the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies ? ' Fresh air, proper food and Scoirs Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phosphites. Be afraid of draughts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not forget that Scott's Emulsion is the oldest, the most thoroughly tested and the highest en dorsed of all remedies' for weak throats, weak lungs and consumption in all its stages. yx. and Si oo; ttl oruggUts. SCOTT A BOW MB, Chemists, New York. Jloney. Proverbs XX.. 10 ''Divers weight and measures, hoth of them are alike, abomination to the Lnril. Ver. 17 Bread of deceit is sweet to a man, but afterwards hia mouth shall be filled with gravel. The a b c of the money question n that theone uniform standard or measure of value, the bimetallic, which had been n use for centuries, has been changed bv the banking fraternities and their allies and two distinct varying or diverse measures substituted in place thereof. Hie same legislation has made the silver, and the gold standard, each con trolling its own sphere of prioes the world over. Silver controls values for the workers at less than haif rates and for the money loaner, tax eatr, fixe I nconie man and trusts at double or gold values. The mint report shows that silver never began even to depreciate until its mintage, or iree use as money, was stopped in 1873 in the TJ. S. and then in France. This is what McKinley characterized as "stopping the resulat ing medium, which made money dear. and decreased the value of everything else" Divers measures have been made by stopping the coinage of silver. You can only regulate the value of money, the one by the other by the free coinage of both gold and si'ver. The bread of deceit." wi.tch the bankers now find sweet, by telling the people that prices are natural and tan nut be controlled by legislation, that silver money is used more largely than ever, and therefore demand instead of being curtailed has been exi' n led; -'that its immense overproduction is the Cane of its being depreciate 1, and a whole budget ot line tnlamom lies to hood wink the pe p'e, will only tu n to bitter g ill, to gravel in the mouth, when their (ehemesare fully understood. .The worker, especially the farmers. Rells at silver priced, not in Mexico, but here in the U. 8. '"What avg the gold bug with v heat at a dollar " Yns.with wheat at a dollar. Scarcely in a life time have we had such a combination of circumstances favoring the price of American wheat and under like circum stances it never l.efore would have been less than $2 per bushel. The great sup- cout tries, Kussia and Argentina ad none to sell and India in a perfect famine had to buy One dollar is not half price for sui'h conditions on a bimetallic bat i . But we hay i since 3 been aecutsomed to such an era of low- prices that we are apt to look on dollar w heat as a godsend and led to parrot "hitth wheat and cheap stiver." Wait until the world has a normal supply atain, then lookout foryonr gold standard confidence prices Farmers havehave bad 4 jeirs of silver values in produce ami In t lie values of lands, which we get the products, in prices of cereals., w heat, corn, wool, cotton, frui 8 , eic. and though prices have varied ac cording to supply and demand, tiny have varied on a silver basis. We sold our surplus to Europe laat year for 800 million, on a biuietall'c basis they would ha''e been 1000 millions so we lost half. Our home trade is over 2D timt s our fureiun trade, so we lost in In itio values about ItiOO millions, ty I'tivitig two standards ot value instead of e old bimeta I'c money rates. A St i ei.dous sum to luso year by year. t'ailisu'g proplucy has been already partially pioved. This scheme means wore of misery to the human race than all the wars, pestilence and famine that ev r ocn re I. Vi ti for the gold standard, farmers.and y.m vole to incie s- lie misery to your- Ives and your children, w niie you are tiint to make millionaires at a iapi'ly i creasing ratio. Vole for the union party and bimetal- li-m ami yon vote to unmask and destroy lie 1111 st iiiHidinn ami treacherous scheme of class agiat dizenvnt ever Mated on an enduring people and living prosperity and happiness to the great masses and yourowu homes. ARliCS. Headquarters .Meade Post, No. 2, De partment of the Oregon, G. A. R. Oregon City. May 18, 1898. The Com imuuler of Meade Pust issues the follow- ng general orders lor the iiifoimation and guidance of the Post and i lie puhl c i i relation to the memorial services to be oliserved on the 27th, 29th and 30th of May : 1. All members of the (i. A. li. and W. li. C. who can be uresent. are re quested to assemble at Willamene hall, on Friday, Mav 27th, at 12:3) for the oi visiting St. .John's school. and the public school at P.irkplace. 11. Un bniiiiay, Mav 2l)ih, the Post will meet at Willamette hall it 10 a. 111.. and accompanied by Meadu Relief Corps, will march to the Congregational chinch, where the Memorial ne vices will be conducted by Rev. T. W. Butler 111. On Monday. Mav 30t,h. the children and citizens geneiallv, are re quested to assemble at Willamette hall attfa, m., bringing donations of fl iw ers for decor ting the graves of our de ceased comrades. .Short addresses will he held at that time, consisting of brief addresses to the children The parade win be tormed u ider the direction oi Ueorge A. H irding, marshal 01 the Day, ana will move promptly at 10 o'clock to Shively's hall, where appropriate exer cises consisting ot the ritual service ut the h. A. R. and VV. K. C, music ora tion by Comrade C. E. Cline, of Port land; an address to the unknown dead, by Kev. 11. Uherg, fier which the col uuin will move to the cemetery, when the graves of our departed comrades will be decorated with proper ceremonies IV. All old soldiers and sailors not members of the Grand Armv are cor di.dly invited to unite with us in all the ol ssrvances i f ibis inemotial occasion V. It is earnestly requested that pla ces of business be closed during the ex. ercisesof Memorial Day, and that all gooc citizens joiu with us in rendering a tribute of respect to the comrades who have passed to the "Grand Array be yond." By order of E. W. MIDLAM, Post Commander. 0. A. WILLIAMS, Adjutant. Sash ribbon all colors, double faced or black Batin ribbon, at the Racket Store. II waiaii iaaaaaai WSF.SJ LVege table Preparationfor As -similating HieFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morptiine nor Mineral. TiOT NAHCOTIC. ... J& afOldJk-SMEEWKBEB jOx.Sam JtoJulU Safo -Jinist Seed ppenmit -JA CwtonakSein Him Seed (lanfied Sum Anerfecf Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Fevensh ness ondLoss OF SLEEP. lacSiatile Signature of HEW "YORK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean The Kind You Have Always Bought. cni THC eCNTAUM OOM.ANV. NEW YORK OITV. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fur the County of Clackamas. William Barlow, 1 Plaintiff, I Wiltielmine Koeliler, Defendant J ' A Sure Thins; for You. A transaction in which you' cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head ache, furred tongue, fever, piles anda thousand other ills are caused by coc stlpation and sluggish liver. Oascarets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day ; 10c, 25c, fit) Sample and booklet free. All druggist SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION In the olrciiit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Daniel M. Trullinger, 1 Flainltrl, . I vs. V Juliette F. Trullinger Defendant J Slnto nf Orciron. cuiinlv of CiarkHrn&s. 8S. 1Y VIRTUE OF I A JUDUMENf ORDEB, -"decree ana an execution, duly Issued out ui and under the seal nt the above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly dlrvoted anil dated the 5th day of May, lsas, upon a juila; ment rendured and entered ill said oourt on the 20lh day of March, 18U7, ill favor ol Juliette F. Trullinger, defendant, and against Daniel M, Trullinger, plaintiff, for the sum of 36 10, and the c ists of and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property nf said defendant, and if sultioieiit could not be found, then out cf the rval property belonging to said plaintiff on and after the date ot said Judg.nent lo satisfy said sum of fit!. 10 and also Hie costs upon this mid writ. Now therefore, by virtu of said execution, judgment order anil decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to ft nd anv peisonal property of said defendant's, 1 did on tile tllll day ot May, lH'.ia, duly levy upon Hie following described real properly of vatil nliilntilt'. situate and being in the county of I Clai kamas, and stale of Oregon, to-wll: Lots ono (l), two ('.!) and Uiree (8; of section three (:t) twiiship three (it) south of range t .ree (:) east of the Willamette Merid l.m.anrt I will, uii Suliirdnv, the llth day of i J ine. 1H9H. t the hour of 1 o'clock p. m iu the front door of the county court house in the city ol Oregon City, In siid county ami state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for I'. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all t ie r L'lit. title ami inierest, wiucn mo witiiin named plaintiff or cither of them, had on ihe date of said judgment or since had in or to the above described real properly or any pirtlhcreol, to satisfy said judgment order, decree, interest, costs anil accruing cosls. O.W, GRAPH, Sheriff of IMiicViiius County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City. Oregon, May Uih, IK'.is. Htate of Oregon, Couutv of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER AND decree and an execution duly Issued out of an under the seal of the above entitled court, in the auove entitled cause, to me duly directed ant' dated the 8rd day of May, 189s, iu favor of Wil liam Barlow, plaintiff, and agaiust Wiltielmine Koehler, defendant, for ihe sum of $953. 21, to gether with interest on J80K.66 of said sum at rate of 10 per oent. per annum from May 3rd, 1898; for the sum of $80, attorney's fees, and the further sum o' $15, costs and disbursements and the costs of and upon this writ; commanding me to make sale oi tne loiiowmg uescrioeu rem property situate in the county of Clackamas and Mate of Oregon, to-wit: . , .All of block A in the First Addition 'to Barlow, according to the maps and plats of said addition now ou tile iu the ollloe of the recorder of. said county. . . . . .. i . Now therefore, by virtue nf .said execution Judgment order and deoiee aiid in compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will ou SATURDAY, JUNK 4TH, 1898, ' al the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the oounty court house, in the oity of Oregon City, said county and state, sell al public auotion subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for United States goidcoln, cash iu hand, all the r.ght, title and iuterest which the within named defendant had on the date of the mortgage h ireln oi since had in or to the above described r jal property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and accruing cosls. .. . . O. W.GRaCK, Siieriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, May 3rd, 1398. To Dure Constipation Forever, Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 2oc. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggista refund money. tfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I SOME PAPERS GIVE ALL THE NEWS PART OF THE TIME, AND SOME PAPERS 1 GIVE PART OF THE NEWS I ALL OF THE TIME. THE CALL 1 IS THE ONLY PAPER I , THAT GIVES I ! ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME I SUBSCRIPTION PRICK INCLUDING FOSTAGl E Daily Call, Including Sunday 12 mo $6 00 s S " " , " 6 " 8 00 S ! . " ' 8 " in i S " " " ' '' l-i" 65 s 8unday Call . . 12 ' 1 60 S ; Weekly " 12 " 1 50 S " . ' . ... " .75 : I Sunday and Weekly Call 12 " 2 60 I Delivered by carrier, every day, 66c. mo. . W, 8. LEAKE; MNot. I UlllillllllllllHMIIIIIHIMIIIMIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIP CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THK STATE OF Oregon, for Ihe County of Clackamas, sitting in probale, April term, 1898. In the matter of the guardliiisnip of James G. Stuart, a minor. This mailer coming belore the court on the pe tition ol the guardian, (or license to sell the lol lowing described real estate, to wit: Lota num bered three (3), five (5) and six (6) in block cum bered one hundred and rive (105), iu Oregon City. Oregon. And it appearing to the court beneficial to Ihe ward that said real estate should be sold. Il In therefore ordered that the 23lh day of Mav, lHDK.'at the hour cf ten o'clock a. in. of said day, at ihe olUce of the county Judge of Clackamas coiintv, state of Oregon, is set as the time and pi ice for hearing said petition, at which time ami place the next of km oi said ward aud all persons Interested in said esiute are directed to be present ami show cause, if any there be, why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate, it is further ordered that a copy of this order bo published al least three successive weeks in Uib Oregon City Courier, a newspaper Circulated In Clackamas county, iregon. Dated this aiu day of April, 1H98. Aitest; OOKtlON K. HAYES, Ki.meh Dixon, Clerk, County Judge. Iiy K. u. uo ji'ES, uepuiy. Kedland. The rain of .Saturday was a help to the grain and garden. The basket social nt Stricklin's school house, wits a grand success. The houe was crowded to its fullest capacity, and the baskets went like hot cakes. Old glory will Boon be Hying over the school. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sprague, a nine-pound boy. on the 14th. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Linn, who have been visiting friends and relatives in Portland, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey, of Molalla.were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.Linn, Monday and Tuesday. May IB, Tickler For Sale Cheap. 100 feet of Js, I and 2 inch water pipes with pump. Call at Meat Mar ket, corner 7th and Center street, Oregon City. SHERIFF'S SALE. . In the Circuit Conrl. of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Dail Lyons, Plaintiff, I vs. I M. II. Flanniman, Kate Hawaii, C'ara 1. Moley, Charles Lngus, ailiuiinstratoi of Ihe j Ksiate oi Julius Leans, lie- ceased, aud Isaac Knrr, I ucieiitiamg. j State o' Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. V V1IUTK OF A JUDGMENT OKPKR. decree ard an execution, iiiuy issue mil oi and under the seal of Ihe above emliled court, in theabove entitled caue. lo inedut' directed and dnled the ."ith day of May, ls'.ig. npou a jiuK-mi'iit rendered and euierml in said court on Ihe LI'lli day of April, 1898, ill favor of Dan Lyons, plaintiff, ami against M. II. Flauuagan, Kale Hannagan, Clam E. Morey, Charles Logus, administrator o Ihe e-ute of Julius Liigtia, deceased, ami Isaao Farr. defendants fur Ihe sum nl ill I 50. Willi in'eresl nt Ihe rate of lo per cent, per annum from the s.ith davof April, 1898, and the further sum of IliO as attorney's lee. and the further sum of HO, cost and disburse ments, and Hi ousts of and upon this writ, com manding me tu make wile of the following des crlbed real iiropenv siluate in the county of Clackamas, slateoflirejiiii. lo wil; The Ira tioiial f of Ihe south ea-t ouarter of section (31 three and river lol 4 of section two aud river hit 1 of section ten and river lot 5 of seeLon eleven, all in township three south of range one east of the Willamette Merlnlau, containing 5i.t'iS acres. Now, therefore, tiv virtue of sa d execution, Judg ment order and deciee, and ill compliance Willi Die commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, JUNE 4lli, 1S98, at the hour ot 3:30 o'clock P. M.. at lh front door of the County Court House in Ihe city of Oregon City, tn said county and state, sell at public auction, anbjoclto redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title .n,l li.tcreat which the within named defendants or either of llieni. had on the date of Ihe mortgage herein or silica Had in or lo in aoove oeacrioen real nrooertv or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and a,, .truing cos... SherltTol Clackamas County, Oregon. J EMPORIUM OF Fine Millinery AND HAIR GOODS Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed Hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled. Kid Gloves Cleaned. x Hatr Work in All Its Branohes Done with Kent nesB and Dispatch. R. BECKER, 520 FIR8T STREET, - - PORTLAND, OR. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly DUO and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON," On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses a, ways on hand at the lowest rates, Hnd a com also connected with the barn for loose stock Anv Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or persoD. HORSES BOUGHT OK SOLD SHERIFF'S SALE. Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Mary Mailer, rinintiff. I vs James Undoes, Lucy Hmlges, Henry brum. F.lla and Llbliia A. Pates, Defendants. utMin nf Oretron. Conntv of ClHCkamas. ss. BV VIRIUK OF A JUPtlMKSl' ORDER and decree and an execution, duly Issued oul of and under the seal of lliealioveenlltled conn. In Ihe above entitled cause, lo me duly directed and dated Ilia l'.i.h dnyof April, lstis, upon a judgment rendered and entered 111 said court on ihelsith dnv of April, lsns, iu favor of Mary Mailer, plaintiff, and against .lames Hodges and l.ucv Hodges, defendant, fur the sum of7U0.1 Willi Interest thereon at rate of IU per cent, per annum from said llith day of April, l8i!8, and the further sum nf 75, attornev's fees, and the fur ther sum of a41,coala and disbursements, and the cost of and upon this writ; commanding me to make sale of the following described real prop, ertv, situate In the county of Clackamas aud state of Oregon, to wit: netrlmilua. on theweel .iiii, j Month of mime 1 rai of Willamette Merid ian, al the half mile slake; Iheliee south 80 rods: inenceeast lUUrm!".; thenc north SOiodsi thence west ian rods to ihe place of beginning, contain ing: 80 acres inoro or less. Now tneref.ire, bv virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and ill compliance with the 0 .uiinaniis in rani writ, i union SATURDAY, MAY 21st, 189V at the hour of 1 o'clock p. ni at the front door of the foamy court house, In the city of Oregon City said county and stale, sell at public auction.snb leel to redemption, lo the nignest Dinner, uir i United Slates gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants of any ol thtm had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to ihe above described real properly or any part thereof, lo sail fv said execution, Judgment order, decree iuterest, costs, aud all accruing costs. u. W.GRACK. Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon. April lain, isus. 11 For First-Class BREAD and P ATRY Go to . F. HENN1NQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes by. WANTF.D TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE genllemenorladlcstotravel for responsible tslablished house in Oregon. Monthly f05 and ihewe.'tsidc0fsec'i.in23,lntown-Uxpent'S. Position steady. Reference. Enclose mpany, Dept. Y, Chicago. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, May &lh, 188S. OASVOnXA. San tea A 1B Yoo HawAlways B0U!lt BiffnaUra 11 KindYoa Ha Wwars Fire Works AT THE BAZAAR Next to Postoffice f