RAILROAD THROUGH THE FARM. There's that black aboniornation, that big locomotive there, It'g smoke-toll like a pirut flag, n-warin' through the air; An' I must sot twelve times a day, an' never raise my arm, An' see thct gret black monster go a- snortin' through my farm. My father's farm, my gran1sirs farm I come of Pilgrim stock M J great-great-great-great-grnndsir's farm -uy back to Plymouth Rock: Way back In the sixteen hundreds it was In our family name. An' no man dared to trespass till that tootin' railroad came. I sez, "You can't go through this farm, you hear It flat an' plain T An' then they blabbed about th right of "eminnnt domain." ' -i "Who's Bmluunt Domain T sea I; "I want you folks to see Thet on this farm there ain't no man so eminuut ez me." An'Gw'en their gangs begun to dig I went out with a gun, An' they nwned me off to prison till their wretel)ed work wuz done. "If I can't purtect my farm," sea I, "w'y, then. It's my idee : ,' You'd better shot off callin' this the coun try of the free.' " There, there, ye hear It toot agin an' break the peaceful calm, 1 tell ye, you black monster, you've do business ou my farm! An' men ride by In stovepipe hats,1 an' women loll tn Bilk,' . , An' lookln' In my barnyard, say, "See thet old codger milk!" Git off my farm, you stuck-up doods, who set in there au' grin, , I own this farm,1 railroad an all, an' 1 will fence It in! Ding-ding, toot-toot, you black o!' fiend, you'll Dud w'en you come back, An' oT. rail fence, without no bars, built straight across the track. 'An then you Btnck-up doods Inside, you Pullman upper crust. Will know this codger'll hold his farm an' let the railroad bust. iYou'U find this railroad all fenced In 'twon't do no good to talk If you want to git to Boston, w'y Jost take yer Inlgs an' walk. Sam Walter Fos3, DANGEROUS WOMAN. HAT a splendid figure that Judy hits; I wish we could get a glimpse of her face. If It match' es her form, she must bo a superb ly beautiful worn an," I remarked to Tom Poole, my detective friend, "She Is prob ably plain enough lu features," re ap o n (led Poole. "Women are not given to hide their faces so completely when they are worth looking at Uut, as you say, I should like a look at hers, for special reasons." "Ah! And pray what are they?" "Well, knowing that you cau be trust ed, I will tell you. Complaints of rob beries of passengers' luggage from rail way platforms have beeu so frequent of late that I havo beeu detailed for the special duty of capturing' the thieves, Aud from Inquiries I have made. I have reason to believe that one of those thieves Is n woman." When we turned hack she hail disap peared. Poole peeped into the ladies waiting rooms, but Bhe had evidently left the station. "I verily believe that woman 'siiot ted' me, In spite of my get-up," said the detectivo lu a vexed tone. "I must try another role." Several weeks passed, and Toole had not Been the lady. I had twitted him with his want of success lu Identifying the handsome lady wlththo luggage rob beries, and he tools my boater very coolly. A few evenings afterword I was at Euston, seeing off a friend who hod been Staying with mo for a few days. The train had Just left, and I was go ing awuy by the uiulu entrance, whou a housom drove up at full speed, and lis occupant, a toll young lady, got quickly out." "You're too late, miss; the Scotch ex press has gone," said a porter. "0, heavens, what shall I do?" And the lady covered her face with her hwds Hud sobtted bitterly. "Can I be of any service to you?" I asked. She raised her veil and looked at tne with what I thought were the loveliest, most glorious eyes I had ever seen eyes lurge, melting and of a beautiful blue. "I will trust you, sir, for I like your face. I started from Paris liwt ulght, sir, en route for Edinburgh. At Dover this ovenlng I discovered that I had lost my purse, but as I was booked through, and hnd my route tleket In my glove, that would not have mattered much If 1 had caught the train that has Just gone. I am a stranger tn Lon don, aud I hove no money. What am I to do? The cabman tMk pity on nie Ot Victoria and brought me here." "Come with nu My landlady will put you up; she Is a good soul, and has two daughters of her own. Do not hes itate; I cannot think ot your going to a hotel." I handed her tuto the hansom, on the top of which were two largo leather trunks, aud handsomely reinuperated the generous cabman on our arrival at iny lodgings In Kensington. My landlady and her daughters re ceived their unexpected guest with ev ery aprn'oronce of cordiality. During upper Miss Evelyn Dalrymple, as elie Btyled herself, briefly narrated her his tory, telling us that she was an orphan, bad beeu compaulon to a hidy living la Paris, but that, not liking that city, she was going to Edinburg In a similar ca-packy. No reply came to the telegram we sent, and Miss Dalrymple seemed In no hurry to go away. And. Sarah Cribble, the younger of the two girls, would not be friendly to the stranger, notwkb-' standing her mother's remonstrances. Her gentleness Is nothing but art. mother; her amiability Is assumed. You are blind to her real character; she Is a compound of cunning and selfishness," said Sarah. The rustle of a dress outside the door caught Sarah's sharp ears, and sudden ly opening the door, she found Miss Dalrymple standing there. With a flash of withering scorn Sarah confront- eded her, t "Is It necessary to stand with your ear to the keyhole, listening to our cou- ersatlon?" she asked. "Surely you cannot mean It, Miss Sarah? You do not know what cruel things you are saying! But I will leave; have no wish to create discord be tween a mother and daughter." After her departure I learned that she. had sold her traveling trunks 1 to Mrs. Gribble, on the excuse that they were far too large for her small waro- robe, which she took away In a glad stone bag. I resolved never again to play the knight errant In such a fash Ion to strange damsels In distress. . Would you like to see bow the mem bers of the 'swell mob' enjoy? them selves?" asked Tom Poole one evening some two months after my adventure 1th the blueeyed orphan. "There Is a ball and supper to-night to raise funds for the defense of that scoundrel Bat son, who nearly killed .one of our men hen caught committing a burglary, as you will remember." The Janitor at the door demurred at first, and mildly declared that we had no right of entrance, the affair going on upstairs being quite a' private one, but Tom Poole declared that If any fur ther delay took place In opening the door be would raid the place. That threat was effectual, for possibly some of the gayly dressed men and1 ttouimi had property In their possession for which they would have found It diffi cult to account. Do you see any one you recognizor- he whispered. . "No," I replied, puzzled, "The lady whose figure you admired at St. Pancras," be went on; "see, there she Is, with her face turned to tho girl behind her." . I looked In the direction Indicated, and was more puzzled than ever. Tho girl possessed the splendid form of the veiled lady we had seen at St, Patt erns, and her hair was of the reddy gold that was so much affected some time ago by the ladles; In all other re spects she was exactly like Miss Evelyn Dalrymple, the glorious blue eyes, es pecially. ' But Evelyn's hair was dark brown when I took her home with me to Mrs, Grlbble's, hence my bewilderment. But as tile girl turned In our direction, and I had a clear view of her face, my doubts vanished. Sarah Gribble had been right; the orphan was a fraud. Rather more than a year ofterward I hapiM)od to be at the central station, Manchester, seeing a chum off to South Wales by the 10:30 express. The train hnd Jun-t gone when a cab dashed up, and u lady alighted. It needed only a glance to satisfy me that Evelyn Dal rymple had again turned up, and evi dently In her old character, for on the all were two trunks and a large port- uumtMiu. Before she could fix upon a train that would enable her to get away with her lxxty, I had hurriedly told a railway constable what I knew of tho lady, and she was arrested. At the sessions a string of convictions were proved against her, and the ap- leallug gltmees of her beautiful blue eyes were powerless to Induce the re corder to "give her another chance." You are a dangerous woman, and. B'X-lety must be rid of you for a consid erable period. Ten years' penal servi tude." ,J uocr Flatting diatom. A fvw years ugo tho flshwmcn of rrosttm, LaucaNhlre, used to go fish ing ou Sundiiy, the same ns on other tliiys. A clcrgynmu ot llm towu preach ed ngalnst Hubbath dusocrutlou, and prayed that they might catch no fish. And they did not! Uut they found out how to make his prayers of uo avail. The fishermen usotl to make a Uttlo etllgy of the parson In nigs, and put the email "guy" up their chimneys. White his reverence was slowly smok ed and consumed, tire fish bit like ev erything! The fishermen of the Isle of Man always feel Bnfe from storm and disaster if tlMsy have a dead wren on hoard. TlK-y haw a tradition that at one time au evil spirit haunted the her ring pack aud was ulways attended by storms. Tlie spirit assumed many forms, and at last It took Uw shape of a wren and flew awiy. Since then If they have a dead wren with them they feel certain that all will bo safe and snug. i : On the Norfolk coast they think that fleas and tlsh come together. An old fisherman uer Cromer was heard to say: "Times Is that you might look In my flannel shirt and so scarce a ttoa. OJid then there ntu't but a few herrings; but times there are when my shirt's ollvo with 'em, and then there's sartln to be a sight o' flsh.H Flannel-shlrted anglers, please note! . How Thejr WIH Fiht. "Do you think any of those warlike editors will flgltt In case we haw wnf with Spalnr "You can bet all you're worth they wllW-flght shy of the recruiting offices." A Dlwterohler, "lie said he would kill himself If I wouldn't marry hliu." "Welir "U didn't do It; the mean thing!" mm fllmmM -B ill I i It I ri usiiKK mm mm THE STOKER A HERO. On Men-of-War There Is No Position ! More Trying than Uis. ! Stripped to the waists perspiring In the terrible heat of the furnaces, the stoker never knows how the battle. Is going, whether, his ship will be blown Into the-air or sent to the bottom, as he throws the coal Into the fiery maw of the furnace. ' ' Among the heroes on a- battleship none have so onerous a position and none more dangerous than the men who tend the furnaces and pass the coaL However the conflict above him may range, the stoker hears only Its distant murmur and feels only the shock as the shells Impact themselves against the steel sides and the great guns recoil from the thousand pounds of steel and powder hurled at the enemy. Perhaps a chance shot may pierce the J.0 Inches of armor that guard the en gines and boilers and the rushing water may' drown him as he vainly seeks to escape. Perhaps the 50 tons of ex plosives In the magazines may be reached by a projectile from the en emy's guns and he may be blown tb pieces In the steel cell where he Is at work. . . At any time tho crisis may come, and; small chance Is there for him to catch on the floating spar or wreckage. In such cases the stoke-hole always proves the coflin of the men who feed the furnaces and lend the Initial assist ance towards making tho war vessel a' thing of life. The stoke-hole In a battleship Is sit uated far below the water line at a point almost amidships. A long, grimy rooxn It is, hemmed In by steel wails BTOEEItS AT WORK, and coal bunkers, with a score of fiery furnace doors that send out gleaming rays of light into the apartment, the only light that the room ever receives, It has no windows and no doors. In the ceiling above great ventilators pierce the steel. Currents of cool air take the place of that sucked In by the furnaces. Tho room Is filled with a sickening heat that only the experienced stoker can stand. In this room the stoker works, and works bard. The duties are so severe that he Is rarely required to work a shift of more than four hours. A line of coal passers constantly moves, each man trundling a barrow of coal Into tho Btoke-holc, and as It Is dumped on the floor the stoker, armed with a long shovel, jerks the chain that opens the door; seizes a shovelful of fuel and dashes It Into the great bed of glow ing, roaring flame, where It Is licked up almost before the stoker, with half shlelded face, can close the door. Each stoker has on alloted number of furnace dors to take care of, ac cording to the size of the ship and the capacity of Its boilers. He has scarce ly a moment's rest during his shift and when he Is not throwing coal Into the glowing ovens of flame ho wields a rako In the burning fuel, and nicety of ex- perlenee keep the great furnace at an even heat. The steam gauge over his head Is watched aud every fluctuation noted. The assistant engineer, M ho su perintends the work of stoker, Is con stantly on the alert. The life of a bat tleship may often depend on a proper handling by the engineer. If one of the furnaces Is disabled by a chance shot, no harm may result, but If more are disabled tho ship may be at the ene my's mercy. In spite of thou hard duties the stok HLCrh f -'IS :-.V!--.i. CHARITY. I lh-v-v- ers are healthy, strong and vigorous men. The Intense heat In which they work tans their skin, a dark brown. They are fairly well paid and have many liberties.". They are Idle more or less when the vessel Is In port and little steam Is kept up. When the battle begins the men In the stoke-hole ore able to tell only that the ship has gone Into action. They hear the roar of the batteries as they are fired and feel the shock of the shell as It bursts on the armored sides; but the terrible anxiety of a half day's con flict Is greater to them than to the men who work the guns or direct the ship's movements. As the battle goes on there are many who win praise for bravery tn action, but to the stoker there Is only to ton on In the furious heat, each one doing his smarf share. He helps to win by keep ing his Integral part of the engine of war In working order, at the direction of the commander. The Use of the Great Toe. The negroes of the West Indies us the great toe constantly hi climbing. Several years ago, while spending some time at one of the famous resorts In Jamaica, I had an opportunity to ob serve the skill with which the black women, who do a great part of the menial labor, carried stone, mortar and other building materials on their heads to the top of the flve-6tory tower to a part of the hotel not then flnlslied. Much of the unerring accuracy with which they, (women and girls) chased each other up and down the long lad ders, with heavy loads skillfully poised on their woolly pates, was due to the firmness with which they grasped each rung of the ladders with the great toe. The' did not place the ball or the hol low of the foot on the rang, but the groove at the juncture of the great toe with the body of the foot, and they held fast by making the back of the other toes afford the other gripping surface. In much the same way the Abyssinian native cavalry grasp the stirrup. And I have seen a one-armed Santo Domlngan black, astride the near ox In a wheel yoke, guiding a lead mule with a rein held between his great and second toes, while his only arm was devoted to cracking his teamster't whip. Overland Monthly. "No Repentance In the Grave," A Scotch divine entered the church yard one day while the sexton was bus ily employed, neck deep In a grave. throwing up soil and bones to make room fur a dead parishioner. "Well, Saunders," said the minister, 'that te a work well calculated to make an old man like you thoughtful. wonder you do not reixait of your evil ways and make resolves while so se riously occupied about another's grave to live a better life and prepare for your own. The olu man, resting him self upon the edge of his spade, calmly replied, "I thought, sir, ye kent that there Is no repentance In the grave." On Dangerous Gronnd. Dick I am convinced now that the funny men are right wlien they say a woman can't understand a joke. Tom Why, what's happened? Dick I called on Mrs. Dartlelgh that sprightly little widow, you know last night and Just In a Joking way pro posed to her. Tom ies? Dick Well, It looks now as If I will have to furnish a very elaborate dia gram to get her to see through it Cleveland Leader. Horse Brains. An East Hebron (Maine) horse proves his wit In tills wise: Two nights in suc cession the nag slipped his headstall off and pushed an Inner door of the stable open ami slid the outer railroad door with his teeth and went Into the field and helped himself to grass. He was doteoted ty tho prints of his teeth on the cross-bars of the door. More than a fair profit Is realized on the articles sold at a church fair. Bolls are not considered fashionable. but they are always swell affairs. A horse will live twenty-five days without food, merely drinking water, HEfJ!becuCred If yon suffer from any of th ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1061 Market St Est d 1862. 1 Young men and middle i mretf men who are suffering I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Iebiiii.r,imioiney ,s.oai iuunmiuu j in all its complications; Hperinatorrhuea, Proturrbeu, Cloiiorrlieea, Olret, i Freautncy of rrlnnlluB, etc. By a I combination of remedies, of great curative pow- . er, the Doctor has so arranged bis treatment i that it will not only afford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair i and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent ' i in nis specialty jineatiN m itirii. , Svphille thoroughly eradicated from tne avstom n'lthm. t Iiahi0 V, , X. W. 11 li JTIAJ UppiVlHK U) US Will iw - i celve our hanett opinion of his complaint, t 1 We will Guarantee a P0SIT1 VECURE in I , every cose we undertake, or forfeit One xnouHunu vousra. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat ment personally or by letter. Send for book. ' Tlie FhllosoDhy of Ilarrlasre." free. (A valuable book for men.) , VISIT I) It. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wondertully you I are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. VATALOUUJS f unis, call or writs. 1051 Market Street. San Francisco. Cat ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND T is all within one mile of the nected by an improved plank 1 - 4 view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school, adjoining., , With, all the advantages of the city, and but a 15 minutes walk to to the.business houses, makes this a very : desirable place of residence and bound .to grow in ' popularity. ' " "- Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy niorithly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. I. CIUBM AN,, Trustee, DcN'r r 1) "'fLl iro atr Vrtroour.'flwir Alono I :? It-, WES . v. m . v r vi --vj-. .rKor2-fcJ Slim jINERSAfHUNTERS - FAVfi WlTF-- JIIV IV WfNCfESTR AMMUNITION? USED B? -. ' iS.B?5s;'j WINCHESTERMTIHGRMSQ gggT TO THE GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN II. SHORT LIKE. VIA SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY, VIA SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. OCEAN STEAMERS Oregon, Geo. W. Elder and City ol Topeka Leave Portland Every i Days for ALASKA POINTS Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 4 Days TOR SAN FRANCISCO. Pteamers Monthly from Portland to lokohauia and iiong Kong, in con nection with the 0. K. & For further information call on 0. R. Si N. Agent. F E. DONALDSON, or address W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger, Agent, Portland, Or, rODWELL. CARLO. I. A CO.. Gen. Agts. Nor. F-. 8. 8. Co., Portland, Or. Trains arrive and depart from Portland as follows: Leave (or the East via Huntington dally ,8:00 pm Arrive from Ea.t " " " 7:2Upm Lvave for the East via Spokane daily, 2:'uo pm Arrive from East ' 10:15 am WANTED -TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTU'I geiiiltmen or ladles t travel for responsibli slablished bourn lu Oreion. Monthly 6i au( eipenses. Position steady. Reference. En close self addressed stamped envelope. Thi Dominion t'ompioy, Dept. Y.Chicago. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVI tntleroMi or ladies to travtl for rMpenslbls staBlM.ed house la Oreton. Mooihlr 8M0O sh xpeesn. Position steady. Referense, SneUe . self -addressed stamped earelope. TkeDessiiitoi Coapujr, Dept. Y, ChloafO. 0.C.& ERR. Co YAQUINA BAY KOITTIC Contifotlng at Taqiiinn Bay with the San i'raticiacn aud Yaquina Buy Steamship Company. Steamship "Farallon" Sails from Yoqulna every eight days for San Frnnrtsro. t'ons Bay Port Oxford, Trinidad aud Uuinboit Bay. Tassenger accommodations tinsurpaesed. Shortest route between the Willamette Valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to San Francisco: Cabin, rouud trip , Steerage . TO Coos Day and Port Oxford: Cabin, ToHumboltBay: Cabin, - (15 00 i W 6 00 8 00 Eouud trip, good for 60 days. RIVER DIVISION. SttMHBOTS "Albany" and "Wm. M. Boag.' newly furnished, leave Albany daily (except Balurdays) At 7:45 a. in-, arriving at Portland the game day at 6 p. m. ; Returning, boats leave Portland same days at 6:U0 a. m. , arriving at Albany at 7 :45 p. m . J. C. MATO. Supi Elver Division, , Corvailis, Or. EDWIN STONE, Mgr . PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT; center of the city and is con road. Healthy location, fine Charman Bros.' Block mn Kh.!' Trig wm EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC (JO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South North. 6:00 P.M. 6:52 p. M. 7.4J.A.M. Lv Portland Ar Lv Oregon City Lv Ar Ban Francisco Lv 9:.S0A.M 6:40 A. M 8:00 p. M ' The above trains stop at all stations betweep Portland and Salem, Turner, Marlon. Jeffer son, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harris- Dure, junction city, Irving, uugene, (Jresweii, Cottage Grove, Drains, and all stations from Roscburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSEBURQ MAIL DAILY. 9:30a.M. , Lv Portland Ar4:30P.M 6:27 a.m. Lv Oregon City Lv 8:36 p.M 8:20 p.m. I Ar Roseburg Lv I 7: 0 M DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division, Between PORTLAND and COBVALLI8 . KAILTRAIHDAILYUXCBPTSONDAY.) 7:30 A. M. I Lv Portland Ar I 5:60 P. M. 11:55 A. M. Ar Corvallis Lv 1 1:20 P.M. At Albany and Corvaliis connect with train of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. XPR8S8 TBAIM DAILT(IXCEPTaTJHOAT.) . 4:nOP, M. I Lv Portland Ar8:25A.M 7.30P.M. Ar McMlnnvllle Lv S-.50A.M 8:30 P. M. Ar Independence Lv4:60A. M Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates, J17 first-class, and til second-class, Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to eastern points and Europe also JAPAN. CUINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from E. E. BOYD, Agent, Oregon City R. EOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager, Asst. F. A P. Agent Portland, Or. Portland, Or. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO-'S Str. Altona Will Make Daily Trips Between OREGON CITY no PORTLAND Leaving Portland for Salem and way landings at 6:45 a. m., and Oregou City at about 3 p. m. BO YEARS' . EXPERIENCE Trade Marks . OtSISNS CoPYRiaprra Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description may qntcklT ascertain our oprnlon free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Commtmlca Uons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest aganoy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn Co. reeelv Ipeetai aotica, without coartre, in the Scientific flntericait A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. Largest rb Tarn, a a . Tear : roar montna. IL XC0 36Brort,.fj6WlfQli Offlos, XTBL, Washmstan, D.C. Id by all newsdealer. Braock t I r mm i i sj 1