OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. n ter el I n J rogo d 01 ty pos tofflce aBgecoud-clags matte SUBSCRIPTION. RATES. I f oald in advance, vet year . .. 1 50 Six mouths 75 Three monthfe' trial 'to sDsVTho date opposite your address on the paper denotes me time to woicn you nave paia. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, MAY 20, 1898. UNION TICKET OI Populists, Democrats and Silver Republicans. STATE. Vnr Onvnrnnr W. B Kind, of Baker. For Congress, First District R. M. Viatoh, of Lane. For Secretary of State H. R. KmcAiD.of Lane. Forsta'e Treasurer j. u. booth, or josppaine, Vnr SiiDremeJudire W. A. Ramsey, of Yamhill For Attorney General J. L. Stoky, of Wasco. Dor state rrinier i.has. a. ritcu, 01 cincua- DIM. For Superintendent of Public Instruction H. 8. Liman, oi uiauop. DISTRICT. For Judge, Fifth District W. D. Habis, of Washington. For District Attornev Geo. Noland. of Clntsoo. For Member of State Board of Equalization WH. Barlow, or Ulaesamas. ....... For Joint Senator, Marlon and Clackamas H. L. Babklet, of Marion. comity. .. flUto Senator W. S. TJ'Reh, of Mllwankle. RepresenUtlTes Gioboe Ogi,e, of Molalla; Okoboe Knight, of Cauby; Jambs' Coon, of Os wego. County Judge W- W. Myers, of Maple Lane. Sheriff J. J. Cooke, of Oregon City. i Clerk Ei-mirOixom, of Ely. Recorder A lkbk l LuaLUNO, of Mllwankle. Treasurei Jaooh Shadk, of Oregon City. Asessor-"LoCE!H Stout, of Clarkes. 8ch00l Supt. H. 0. STARKWEATHER, of Mil- waukie. ' . Surveyor A. Todd, of Needy. torouer Db. M C.Stricklaud, of Oregon City. County Commissioner WH. J. Cousin of Our rlnmille. PBECIKCT. - No. t. Justice, Clyde Evans of Tualatin.' Cen table, Frank Uosser olTualatln. No. 2. Justice, (no nomination). Constable, H. W. Koehlerof (Jewego. No. Jt Malice, A. JL4Iuttwnb of Clackamas. Constable, VV. li-Jobnson of Clackamas. No. 4. Justice, C. Schuebel of Oregon City. Constable. T. S. Lawrence oi Oregon City. No. 6. Justice, Chas. N. Walteof Canby. Con JaMe. Joseph Shall of Csnby. No. 7. Justice. W. W. Jpsse of Barlow. Con attable, F. M. Matthews ft Barlow No. 8. Justice, n. I). Kbyol Molnlla. , 0, nstnble. Wm. Kverhart of Molalla. No. . Justice, Kobt Schuebi'l of Cams. Con table, John I'elne of Miillno. No. 10. Jus lce, R. Rmlierlnrd of Highland. Constable, J. D. Myersof lllshlund. No. 11. Justlc", J. A. Randolph of Viola. Constable, Win Knndle of Springwater No. 12. Justice. H. Hreithaupl of Damascus. Constable, Win. lluckmanof Damascus. Ho. 14. Justice, F Rath of George. Constable, JL. D. Burnett of Ucorge. Union County Platform. Resolved, That the peopl ', democrat and ttver republican parlies of Clackamas county assembled in convention, fully and heartily re JSrm and endorse the platform of the people's, deimornt snd sliver republican parties as ad 1 teil at Portland by the recent slate couven lions. Resolved. That the migratory system of dis trict attorney should be substituted by each county having Its own county attorney, at a moderate salary, whose duty it shall be to pro tect all county Interests, Including all prosecu tions. Resolved, That we demand such changes In our laws as are necessary to provide for precinct oriraiilHiliiu. irlvlnir each nreclnct power to eleel Its own assessor, road supervisor, and all local 5lllcers. , , Resolved, That wo view wllh alarm the con stantly Increasing expenditure of the county court, and demand more oireful and ecouoml il eilinlniiilriilloii in that olllce. We pledge our candidates to do all In their power to amend our law fixing the talary of 'Ountv offlcars In Clackamas county so that the yearly 'salaries shall be: For sberlll', jUHKI; county clerk, vhuo: recorder, Im'i treasurer, w; umimy 1ih1i;,( isisit superintendent of nubile Instruction, 4720s county surveyor, . Tins amendment to fee rclerred to the voters of ClackamsB county suit later than the annual school electiou in March, IH!W, to take efl'cct as soon as It is ap (ixored by the majority of those voting. If Prof. 11. S. Strange thinks he can lie elected county school superintendent ly using Brownell tactics he is mistaken. IViim itiiis issue I he Coubikh begins its 16th year Wo predict the paper will continue to work for reform and for the common people for unthor 15 yearH. Herbwt L. Heath, of McMinnville, seditw -uf the Telephone Register, the .first UJn bimt'tullio paper in Oregon, baa gone to tite front as captain of Go. A, O.N.tj. Diru-rr S!)ori:'Co-Be Max Schulpiua isactwigas billposter for the republi cans and Tie e-l)eputy Assessor J. G Torter is trying to carry the town for the republlcai a. Tub republicans are making a great liowl because the interest on warrants will cost the state about $30,000. How about the $300,000. that was saved by Saving no session in legislature? In voting do not forgot that C.Schuebel is candidate for justice of Oregon City jirecinct and T. S. Lawience for con stable on the union ti ket. They are both capable and deserving and will be elected. l L Charley Fulton of Astoria, wants his man Dunbar elected secretary of state so that his brother, Dr. Fulton, can lie ap pointed superintendent of the asylum. There's nothing selllsh in politics. In dependent. Tiiekk has been a decided slump in tlio price of wheat in the Kast, which was forced up to nearly $2 a bushel in tho New York and Chicago markets by the gamblers. It is now quoted at $1.40 and will probably go lower. It is claimed that this is the land ot the free and the home of the brave ; yet look at the conditions I The masses are industrial slaves and money is in the hands of the few. From my seat in the senate during the tariff debate I saw the .dusks ot chairmen ot com mittees crowded wilti telegrams from corporations de manding not requesting that they be cared for. No telegrams came from the .farmers or merchants they are not rep resented in congress 1 Senator Tillman. The success of the Union ticket means everything to the people retrenchment and reform, salutary lenielation, the re peal of vicious laws and the t-bolition of useless commissions. It should be elected by a majority that cannot be counted out or its meaning mistaken. Some newspapers claim we ought to annex the Hawaiian Islands because Americans have $30,000,000 invested there. Well, if that is good logic, the United States ought to be annexed to England because the British have over $15,030,000,000 invested here. Brick layer's Journal. r "Farmer Geer," is what the republi cans call their candidate for governor. What is the matter with "Farmer King?" HeownB a fine farm three miles from Ontario, Oregon, and has devoted more time to farming than Mr. Geer because he has not been so busy looking for a soft official snap. Review, Tins can never be a government by the people so long as it is run by politi cians. The one thing to: do, the one thing that must be done, is to neutral ize the effect of the professional politi cian. There is only one way in which it can be done, and that is through the initiative and refrendum. Living Iss ues. ' . Many of our republican ' exchanges are trying to make political capital for their party by circulating reports that the majority of the soldiers are republi cans. 1 here is no baser lie ever told, and there is no baser method employed by a political party than in telling such a lie. They forget, however, to tell their readers that Dewey is a democrat. The Salem Independent remarks : "One of jEsop'e fables says, that a farmer was building a fence to protect his chickens when a fox came up to him and said :' why waste time on that fence? Why don't you go about your plowing and leave the chickens to us?, We foxes understand the Jnisiness.' That isjust what there- publicans want the farmer to do today with the offices, state and county. Oh, yes; they understand it. " . FOR SUPREME JUDGE. Of the union refoi m candidate for su preme judge, it has teen well said by an exchange, "Judge Wm. M, Ramsey is a gentleman of pcholarly attainments, a lawyer of ability, possessing a well trained legal mind, with a clear and vig orous command of the English language. He would take high rank upon the bench, and would enrich the adjudication of our supreme court by his decisions. The judge is of a retiring disposition but en joys tho.friendship and esteem of all who know him. The citizen who castsa vote for Judge Ramsey can assure himself that he has done a good day's work in bi half of the state of Oregon. WALDO'S DEFEAT IN '86 In 188(5, when Joseph Simon was chairman of the republican state central committee he caused the defeat of John B. Waldo for supremo judge by an act of treachery. The Oregonian at the time stated "Simony in English law is the sale of a benefit, in Oregon politics it is the sale of a party." It is a noteworthy fact that T. T. Geer was the one leading republican in the state who rushed into print in defei ce of Mr. Simon puplish n a long letter in the Salem Statesman. To those who think that Mr. Goer is not he Simon tuw candidate this fact should be an eye opener. Then the Marion county delegation to the recent republi can state convention voted solidly for the seating of the Simon delegation. And it is notorious that the Marion county members were but mouthpieces for T. T. Geer. If you want a man for governor free from all rings, thoroughly self-reliant and an honest vote for Will R. King of Bakercounty. OFF TO THE SEAT OF WAR. Oregon City Volunteers Bid Farewell To Their Homes. At least 3000 neonle withered at the depot Monday evening to greet the Ore gon City contingent of Company I, and the other Boldiers, and wish them God speed on their long trip to the seat of war in tne riullipine Islands. Mead Tost, G. A. R., the Womens' Relief Corps, tl e Young Ladies A. Y. L. I.Cluh, and everybody elsf was out to the de lot in holiday attire. The crowd was so densely packed, that many poople were unable to get within hpeaking dis tance ot the soldiers during their brief stop here. When the tlrst train carry ing the soldiers reached the depot, the pent-up enthusiasm burst forth in patri otic cheers, guns were tired and when the train pulled out it left in a blase of nlory Illuminated with red flre. Dain tily tilled I ti nch baskets were handed to the soldiers, aud boquets of the choicest (lowers were fairly showered upon them. It was an occasion long to be remem beredmany of them were possibly leaving home for the last time, not knowing what the future holds in store for them, but were bravely willing to risk the consequences, to defend the I stars and stripes and the honor of the na tion. lien the train pulled out more than one pair of feminine eyes turned away dimmed with tears, and silently uttered a heartfelt prayer that all might be well. During the three davs preceding the departure of the Oregon City volunteers from Camp McKinley, they tot k advan tage of the opportunity to make a fare well visit to their respective homes. Oregon City will have no cause to feel ashamed of her volunteers, who have gone to the front. They will not flinch from duty in the hour of need. The Womens' Relief Sanitary Corps made about 100 surgical bands for Com pany I, besides a number of other arti cles useful in bachelor camp life. While this organization is made up of the members of Muml li 1 U.f rVima iti. -,,!, . . . v. w . j,.,, nuiK is separate, also iliutin,.f Imm that r.i ti, Emergency Corps in Portland. It is the ...o liiirutiuu oi me lauies comprising the Sanitary Corps to enlarge their scope of work by taking in auxiliary members, both ladies and gentlemen. This pla was tutlined at a meeting held at Wi' lamette hall Tuesday alternoon. and the work of the society will be pushed as long as Company I are in the service of their country. The Young Ladies A. Y. L. I. Club are taking an active interest in the Oregon City volunteers, and made about forty surgical bandages and other articles for Company I. The club holds itself in readiness to do anything possible for the comfort of the soldiers, whenever their services are needed. They prepared and donated two boxes of delicacies to the company Monday evening. ' When Company I passed through Or egon City Monday evening, about $225 was handed Captain Pickens, to be used for the volunteers in case, of an emergency. The members of the Wil lamette Club donated $150 of this amount, and the remainder was raised by Mrs. W. Carey Johnson and other". Company I also received $100 from the Emergency Corps of Portland. It is said that the private in Com ptnyl, who failed to pass because his heart Wag InputAil nn tha nrv..r o!,U aid not belong to the Oregon C.ty con tingent. The young lady, who pe s laded a ol- nnteer to Cllt riff four hruaa knilnn. f- - - -J "UVVUIILI ll I,1J his coat at the depot Monday evenin-, o imi, one i-ouiu retain mem as souve nirs, needs two more to complete her toi let. The latest fad among the young la dies is to secure six buttons from the C9at of a soldier turn nf u.lil, h a,. used to ornament hat pins and the other our are worn as iinn cun Duitons. The Unfortunate soldier. hntrnvAr haa tn ana, on new buttons before he appears on pa- ue, or lace tne alternative ot going to the guard house. . - M o - ,uj jnoocu on ex cellent examination at Camp McKinley, but Mrs. Willey pleaded so earnestly for him to remain, that he decided not vu tu io me iront. M. T). Pllillina. wlm waa frptn,vl ,r tain of Compiny F at Albany, but now first lientemnt ot Oomnanv I, at. one time resided in Oregon City, and is a brother of Mrs. C. H. CauhVld. , Fre 1 Price went to the front as a pri vate in Company 11. Some of the volunteers on the train Monday evening wanted to exchange brass buttons for kisses with some of tl e girls, but they wouldn't tra le that wav, besides they couldn't reach up td' the car windows. ' Following is a list of the Oregon City mem hers of Co. It Leonard L. Pickens, captain. -' W. A. Huntley, second lieutenant. Sergeants J U Campbell, first ser geant; jaraes w Monatt, J tl liiaclc, Ar thur Gantenbein. . Corporals Erastus A Smith, Lewis Bntcheldor. . Privates Waldo F Adams, August J crauy, ueorge u Bruce. U L,Uason, Ma son Craft, Jack Cornfield. John B Fin- ley, Rudolph Gantenbein. Charles E Hickman. Claude D Hoffman, Miles Holden, Arthur Holden, A E Howell. Joseph U Harding, Joseph II Harvev. George l.ee Harding, Hans Hansen, Frederick llargreave, Tim R Herring, John F Henlev. H K Jones, Frederick Kishl, M F Belter, A S Kleinsmith, Mas Kasseling wm It l-ogus, U E Long newer, Oscar B Lamnson. Maurice H Myers, Christian Muralt, jr. Theodore i aimer, iviwin u flier arianil, lieorge N Mc 'ausland, Timothy MoMullin. David McArthur.Rea Norris, Fielding L r.;i. . i .. . P . roinut'xier, u Kowianu, Isaac fursitul, I u u. i . . ii . ii ' senior i oiuiLii u no ueorge a waioron. The balance of tho company is from Albany and Portland. Fielding S. Kelly went ns bitallioa adjutant at tached to Co. 1), and James Rititoul as sergeant major. J.D.Humphrey joined Co. A. Fancy flower baskets for graduating exercises at the Racket Store. For Rent Three fine rooms in a quiet place in Green Point near car line, furnished or nnfurnis'ed. In quire at Courii-r office or A. R. Doolittle at residence. Hats and bonnets for children nice selection, at the Racket Store. Miss Kate Ward will sing in the en tertainment that is to be given at Snive l's Tuesday, May 24, lor the WarFnnd. Laces (or dainty drexs trimmings at the Racket More. Mrs. Sladen & Miss Edith Wishart Milliners. Sometimes a fire is a benefit, we found it so, although it might have been worse, as we had insurance. Our Mil linery Department is now fitted up very tiistefully and we invite everybody to come and see us. We are constantly getting in new goods, and can furnish anybody with a suitable hat or bonnet, up io date and fashionable. 1 TCire' Washable Suits- We offer ten splendid lines of boys' Washable Sailors at the Low Price of. 85c X a Suit. These are actually worth 2 $1.50 and $2.00. See them be convinced. A. B. STEINBACH & CO. Cor. Third and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. Says: (IjT Or This is lif"'lO7 America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood, Overcome That Tiredi Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and begin to take It TODAY, and realize the great good it is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law . Specialties Office la Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY , . T OREGON Geo. C. Bbowniu i, U. Campbku. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW ; Caufleld Balldlng Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance aqbhcy or Claceamai COUNTY Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing oi Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7tli OREGON CITY, . . OREGON 31. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private ExDerieuoe.) ' Often his professional nervices to the people ot lc viij auu vicinity, special attention paid Hi Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office nours: 10 to 18 a. in., 4 to 0 p. m. OKEUON CUT .... OKKUON J. W. WELCH DEyTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Oppomti P. o. . Okeqos City, Obi C. H. ISOM,. , Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday and on regular session days of County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865) TUB PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills liscoiinled. Hakes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received aubfectlo check. Bank open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, FRKD J. MEYKR, President Casnltr BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BASKING HOU8K IN THI CITY 1 PAID DP CAPITAL, $SO,000.00 . SURPLUS tM&O.OO President, Vice-president Cashier, Cms. H. CiCFLUD Oio. A. Hardim K. O. Cauhkld K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notei Dlsconntod. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Securitv Exchange Bought and lold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part ot the World. Telegraphio Eiohange Sold on Portland, Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. 8au and 1011 IU r -v PIONEER DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT DHUSS OR MEDICINES GO TO , ' GEO. A. HARDING &C0. .c.Willamette Building, OpPosite Commercial BankL Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. Your patronage soliceted. HARRIS' GROCERY Fresh Stock of First-Class Depot for HAT Hud FEED New Firm Heinz & Co. have purchase the Grocery and Bakery of Gibson & Lindsey, and will continue to keep a first-class line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES BREAD AND pastry Old Established Bakery, opposite Postoffice. Oregon City, Oregon. IF WOMEN VOTED .Bicycles With Wings... The nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect ed and the makers who produced the Chainlesa Bicycle are public bene factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving parts. No attention necessary. "You buy the wheel the Columbia thainless does the rest "" Not an hour of time taken to keep the Ohainless in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appearance Less expensive in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modern and complete bicycle factory. "You see them everywhere." They are STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Columbia, 'hln Wheels $ 75.00 Columbia Tandems 12A.OO Hartfiirds 60.00 Vedettes .. $35.00 40.00 Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape a very low prices. Leave orders at paint store, near S. P.depot HEN YOU SELECT.... Shoes choose the best. There is no reason why you should take inferior goods when you have our wide range of Stock and Styles to select from. We offer you the best makes of shoes at the best prices. Com fortable, healthful shoes at prices that astonish, please and convince, etc. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE- THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority -f -f . ' "Patent" Flour..v Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all groceries. Jill Uomens 3.. Second-hand Wheels 20.00 to $50.00 CHA MAN & CO, Cut-rate Druggists, Agents. Go to... DAVIDS N'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures H. STRAIGHT, DIALS 1 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. ., .: , j