Oregon City Goofier. A. W. OKKKXT, rnblUher. OREGON CITY OREGON DOINGS OF THE WEEK A Complete Review of the Telegraphic; Newt of This and All For eign Lands The North German Gazette of Berlin nays it learns the insurgents of tbe Philippine islands have secured all the arm s stored at Cavite arsenals. A Madrid dispatch says it is reported that a strong military expedition is be ing organized at Cadiz and that it will shortly proceed to the Philippine islands escorted by the Cadiz fleet The war department's plans for an immediate Invasion of Cuba have been materially changed by the news cJ the presence of the Spanish fleet in West Indian waters. It will delay the move ment for a time. . The Spanish fleet sighted off Mar tinique is said to have consisted of five large warships and two torpedo-boats. Tbe American squadron near San Juan includes Sampson's six strongest warships, the New York, Iowa, Cin cinnati, Indiana, Detroit and May flower. The transport steamer Gussie, which left Key West with a big expedition for Cuba Wednesday night, had a lively engagement with the Spanish at Cabanas, province of Pinar del Bio, but succeeded in accomplishing her mission. The Gussie carried 7,000 rifles and a large amount of ammunition for the Cubans. A later report says the Cu bans failed to meet the Gussie, and she did not affect a landing. Chaos reigns at Nuevitas, Cuba. Every boat in tbe harbor has been jammed into the narrow channel to be sunk at tbe first sign of attack. Two thousand soldiers guard the entranoe, 13 miles from the city. The Spanish commander told the starving citizens to go into the country, as he could not feed them. Many soldiers are joining the insurgents to get food. Condi tons at Puerto Principe are still worse. A Washington special says: A big surprise awaits tbe Spanish admiral if he sails for Martinique. There he is apt to find a new squadron, composed of the Oregon, Marietta, Buffalo, Nich theroy, Montgomery, Yale and St Louis. An order has been sent to Ad miral Sampson to effect a Junction with Captain Clark and then remain near Martinique. Under orders the Oregon , hag been making rapid time since she left Bahia. The whereabouts of the Spanish Cape Verde fleet has at last been definitely ascertained. Secretary Long has re ceived advices from Martinique, Wind ward islands, that it had been sighted to the westward of that island. Upon receipt of this information Long imme diately ordered Commodore Schley, at Hampton roads, to put to Bea with the flying squadron. It is believed that the squadron has been sent in pursuit of the Spanish fleet The end of the severed Manila cable in said to be on board an American war vessel. The Spanish "official" version of the bombardment of San Juan is that tin American fleet was gloriously beaten back. Germany has Intimated to the United States, it is said in London, that she expects to have a voice in the disposi tion of the Philippine islands. A boarding-house burned in Chicago and three of the inmates lost their lives, while four other were injured. A number of narrow escapes are re ported. A Washington correspondent Bays that Admiral Dewey has had Instruc tions sent him from Washington order ing the immediate destruction of all Spanish warships and fortifications at the Philippines. Spain is overrun with plottors, Weylorites, Carlists and Republicans re each striving to raise a revolt. Their latest so he me is to obstruct pro cedure in parliament, so that the people will be in an explosive mood when the next Spanish reverse shall occur. Four of the mon killed on the Wins low were laid at rest in the city ceme tery at Key West. Thoy were buried in the shallow lime rock, Bide by side with the graves of the victims of the Maine. The body of Ensign Bugle was sent home for interment There is a suspicion in Washington that Freuohnion wore behind the guns t Cardenas Wednesday. It is said they shot too well for Spaniards. An inquiry is probable, and if the suspicion proves to be well grounded, complica tions may ensue between the United States and France over the incident. A column of 5,000 Spaniards started for Moron, Cuba, carrying a flag of truce. When fired upon by the insur gents, the commander sent word that he was no longer making war upon the Cubans, but was going to the const to fight the Americans. Genetal Lope replied: "Spain cannot fight the United States without fighting us, Their war is ours." Then he again opened fire, The Spaniards lost U00 men iu four days' march to the sea. Minor Nirt Items. The entire gang of train robbers who held up the Santa Fee train near Oro Grand, Cat., has been lodged in jail. On the Yukon, at a distance of from 700 to 800 miles from the sea, there are many points where the river is 30 miles wide. Col. William Ayers, who died at his residence in Philadelphia, enjoved the distinction of . having been the first union prisoner who was exchanged dui iug the rebellion. LATER vNEWS. A force of telegraphers is to accom pany the Manila expedition. Crispi, tbe Italian statesman, says England's motives in seeking an alli ance are purely selfish. As a result of General Merritt's pro test that regulars instead of volunteers were needed ior the Philippine expedi tion, three regiments of troops now at Tampa will likely be sent to Manila. The Cubans are joining the Spanish army. Insurgent sympathizers have received instructions not to resist Blanco's conscription order, and Blanco's army thus is being filled with Spain 8 enemies. Andrew Carnegie, in an interview, says war is likely to be quickly ended, and that peace will be in sight within ten days. Permanent retention of Jthe Philippines he does not think advisable for prudential reasons. The Spanish1 people have a new objeot of wrath. England is execrated upon all sides and by all classes at Madrid, and the feeling against Britishers is in tense. Chamberlain's alliance speech is the cause of the outburst. Don Ignaclo de la Torre, son-in-law of President Diaz, of Mexico, is touring the United States. It is understood that the object of the visit is to impress on the people of the United States that Mexico is in sympathy with this coun try during the present war with Spain. Preparations for the relief expedition to be sent to the Philippines are being hurried in both the military and navy departments, says the Madrid corre spondent of the New York World. Five battalions, each 1.S0U men, under eight officers, are assembled at Cadiz, Barce lona and Valencia, all ready, or will be ready for embarkation this weok.J A dispatch from Havana is to the effoot that an American war vessel en gaged in removing torpedoes at Cardenas was blown up, and that the entire crew perished. The report is confirmed at Madrid in a dispatch from Havana which says a naval boat has been blown np off Cardenas, resulting in the loss of 170 lives. The United States fleet officers off Havana harbor have not heard of it. Evidence that a meeting between the Spanish Cape VerdeB squadron and that of Sampson or Schley, possiblyjboth, is imminent is contained in a special dispatch.- from . Washington, which an nounces that Spain's fleet in the Carib bean sea is to be mot by, a United States squadron. Preparations are be ing made to effect a junction of Bear Admiral Sampson's and the flying squadrons with all possible dispatch. The continued presence in Canada of Senor Polo y Bernabe, . late Spanish minister to this country, and the recent reports which reach here of his activity there in behalf of the Spanish oause, have given rise to the suggestion in Washington that it might be a proper proceeding on the part of this govern ment to direct tbe attention of the British government to the ex-minister's course, as a violation of the neutrality laws, ' Spanish prisoners are being closely guarded. Officers as well as privates are kept under surveilance at Fort Mo Pherson. Astoria celobrated the opening of the Astoria & Columbia Biver railroad by sending an excursion of 16 cars to Portland. More soldiers are needed for service. Theie is a strong probability that the president will soon issue a oall for 100, 000 additional volunteers. The war revenne bill has been called up in the senate, Allison presented it and made a staternont to the effect that the bill will produce $150,000,000 an nually. ' The New York correspondents im prisoned in Fort Cabanas in Cuba are saved. General Blanco has courteously acceded to an exchange, which will be made at once. John Leo, of Birmingham, Ala., shot three men to show that he was not afiaid of the Spaniards. He became enraged upon being twitted upon his alleged lack of courage. It is said ttie president has decided to abandon the peaceful blockade, and instead has issued oiders to bombard evory fort until Spain's guns are silenced. French officials deny the charge of violating the neutrality laws. The minister of marine declares he ha9 heard nothing of permission having been given the Spanish fleet to coal at the island of Martinque. The Spanish cabinet has resigned in a body. Sagasta is charged with the duty of organizing a new one, whose war policy is to be more vigorous. The chambers have been asked to suspend their sessions pending theBolutlon. The Inst of Oregon's quota of volun teers have departed for San Francisoo. They were given an ovation on their departure from Portland, business houses having been closed to permit employes to bid their, friends and brothers good bye. An oflloial announcement just issued by the governor of the island of St Thomas prohibits the delivery of coal to the warships of the belligerent row era without previous permission of the governor, who will determine the amount each vessel may receive and who will supervise Us delivery. The United States government has established censorship of telegrams, forbidding the transmission of code messages to or from Havana, The oldest house in Pennsylvania has been damaged by fire in Chester. It was built iu 1008 and wai long used as a tavern, and later as a playhouse. Umleigronnd London contains 8,000 miles of sewers, 84,000 miles of tele graph wires, 4,530 miles of water mains, 8,300 miles of gas pipes, all definitely fixed. NEARLY ALL IN Eighty Thousand Vol unteers at Mobil izing Points. MUSTER IS ALMOST COMPLETE Rejected Volunteer Will Receive Trans portation and Food General Merrltt Credited' With Making a Remarkable Statement. Washington, May 18. Beports re ceived by Adjutant-General Corbin up to 10 o'cock tonight indicate that 80, 000 volunteers have been mobilized in the service. Unless something unfor- seen ocours, all of the 125,000 volun teers will have been mustered into service, and be in their permanent camps or en route thereto by the end of the week. All day inquiries have been pouring in from governors of states as to whether the department would pay the expense of and allow per diem com pensation to tbe men who responded to the governor's call and were subse quently rejeoted by the examining officers. A decision has been reached that the government will pay trans portation and subsistence of all reject ed recruits, previous to their rejection, including transportation and subsist ence from the state camp to their homes. No per diem will, however, be allowed, as the men were not in the United States army. The various states will have to bear the pex diem expenses. Wants Regular Troops. New York, May 18. The Tribune today says: Major-General Wesley Merritt may not go to the Philippines in command of the troops to be sent to the assistance of. Bear-Admiral Dewey. In an interview last night General Merritt Bald: "I may not go to the Philippines at all. It is proposed to give me 15,000 men, only 1,000 of them regulars, and the rest volunteers, and those from the Northwest, who have had little oppor tunity for training and discipline.' I have asked the department for at least 4,000 regular troops, for I believe they will be required. There will be no op portunity to train the volunteer forces before they start or after they get to Manila. I want enough disciplined troops so that the whole body will be as effective as possible." "Are you going to Washington to see about this matter?" "No; I am sending an office I had conversation with Dr. Bourns; of At lanta, who is familiar with the Philip pines, and came on to see me, and he and Colonel Hughes will go to Washing ton together. The only way I could get more regulai troops would be to take them from the army now in Florida for Cuban invasion; but I feel that I do not want to go on this expedition unless I have an entirely adequate force, and at least five regiments of regular troops." The department promises to send men, but history and experience show that in such expeditions all depends upon the first force sent. How can the Charleston start if there are no men ready? General Otis may be willing to go on withont four or more regiments of regular troops and take only 1,000 trained men, with 14,000 undisciplined ones, but I am not. I do not propose to go withont a force that is suitable to my rank. I shall stay right here if I do not go to the Pbilippnes. I do not expect anything will be done in the matter nntil it is certain what I am to have for the purpose of the expedition." IHerrlam In Charge. San Francisoo, May 18. Major-Gen-eral Merriam, commanding the depart ments of California and the Columbia, arrived from Vancouver barraoks this morning, accompanied by his aid, Lieu tenant Bennett. He at once assumed charge of all arrangements for dispatch ing the troops for the Philippine islands. Seven Lives Loss In a Quebec Blase. St. Hyaointhe, Quebec, May 18. A disastrous tiro occurred here tod a v. The Materle St Joseph was burned, causing the loss of seven lives and the injury cf a number of inmates, of whom there were 200 in the institu tion, by jumping from the windows. Thore are also five persons unaccount ed for. The cause of the fire is un known. The dead are: Two boys named Boucheman, Sisters Alexandrian, Philippina and DesGagnes; Mrs. Guer tin, boarder; Mrs. Dunohann, of Fall Biver, Mass. The missing are: Maria Millette, servant; Noflette Meuncie, servant; Mrs. Berthiaume, boarder; Sisters Bouvier and Ange. Heavy Railroad Robbery. Paris, May 18. A package contain ing over 600,000 francs in securities and gold was stolen this morning from a car of the Paris, Lyons & Mediter ranean railroad. There is no clew to the thieves. Strategy Hoard's lHtttoult Problem London, May 17. It is considered in London that the Washington board of strategy has a difficult problem to solve on account of the mysterious movements of Cervera's squadron, every alleged detail of which is now re garded with the utmost suspicion. It is recognized that Spain's strategy will do her no good in the end, but also that the war will be more prolonged than was at first expected, and that the in vasion of Cuba may prove a difficult matter. BY BULLETIN ONLY. Secretary Long Curtails the Supply ol Information. Washington. May 18. An order was posted this morning, signed by Secre tary Long, relative to the publication of news emanating from the navy de partment, considerably curtailing the supply of information that has hereto fore been rather freely given out The secretary's order was directed to Cap tain Crowninshield, chief of the navi gation bureau, and he in turn gave it out by making an order in his own name, that no person connected with his bureau in any capacity should have any conversation whatever on subjects in any way pertaining to the navy with representatives of the press. As an offset, it was ordered that bulletins of such acts as have actually occurred and are proper for publication and are not connected with existing or projected movements, shall be prepared and post ed on the bulletin boaid. The sum total of the information published by the bulletin board today under this rule was a notice of the in tention to start the Philippine expedi tion, and of the permission given to some foreign neutral vessels to pass the blockade at Havana. In explanation of the issuance ot this order, the naval authorities say that some . leading American newspapers have been so far lacking in patriotism as to print plans of campaign and pro jected movements of naval ships, with the result that the war board has been obliged to completely revise its plans, in the knowledge that the Spanish had promptly taken notice of the publica tions, and were prepared to profit by them. OFFICIAL INFORMATION. 'Dewey Advised That Troops Will Soon Ue en Route. Washington, May 18. The naval de partment issued the following bulletin today, embodying such official informa tion of the day as the department re garded proper for publication: Admiral Dewey was informed that officers, men and supplies would be sent out to Manila by the City of Peking. About 1,200 troops will go. Mr. Knight, correspondent ' of the London Times, having received the neoessdry permission from the Spanish government to land at Havana, if en tering the port -by- a neutral vessel, has been granted permission by the navy department to take passage by the German steamer Polaria, whioh vessel is given permission to pass the block ade. The department hopes to make an exchange of prisoners at an early date. The British steamer Myrtle Dean has been granted permission to go to Cardenas, as was previously granted to the Norwegian vessel Folsio. The Austrian man-of-war, Empress Maria Teresa, will visit Cuban ports, LATEST FROM FRANCE. Not Anxious to Incur Our IU-WIU-Charges England With Mischief. Paris, May 18. The Journal des Debarts, in a long article today, re flects the anxiety experienced in gov ernment circles here respecting the feeling aroused in America on account of France's open sympathy with Spuin. It says: "The whole affair is a misunder standing. French opinion at the out set of the war certainly regarded the United States in the wrong, and some of the papers express this opinion in an aggressive tone. The Americans, however, Bhould not have taken the matter tragically, for of all foreigners, our natural sympathies are for the United States, and our government throughout has acted most correctly." After oharging Great Britain with being at the bottom of the misohief, and declaring that it is America's busi ness, if she decides to interfere in dis tant affairs, the article concludes: "What concerns us is that America should not, in taking up the question of international domain, start with preconceived ideas against us, and de nounce the good understanding with France which has been so useful in the past, and which is still more desirable in the future. The French nation was never really hostile to the Ameri cans, who will realize this when the present friotion has had time to disap pear." Tempting Fate. London, May 18. A dispatch to the Standard from Corunna says: The presence of the British channel squad ron at Villagarier is likely to lead to some unpleasantness. The idea of an Anglo-Americau alliance has so in- named the Spaniards that the postmen from the fleet when on shore to collect letters have been hooted and stoned Threats have been made to stop the supply of provisions to the fleet. The British consul protested to the alcalde, who explained that the popular resent ment was due to a belief in the exist ence of an alliance, and to the further impression that the fleet took wheat that properly belonged to the poor. Sherman's Son a Chaplin. Chicago, May 18. Eev. Thomas Ew ing Sherman, of the Society of Jesus, counected with St. Ignacius' church, has been appointed chaplain of the Fourth regiment, Missouri National Guard. Almost all the men of the regiment are Catholics. Father Sher man is the son of General V. T. Sher Thousands Killed In a Cyclone. London, May 18. A dispatch to tbe Standard from The Hague says: Ao cording to a private telegram from In dia, a terrible cyclone has destroyed a great part of Bima, a seaport town of the island of Sumbawa, Malay arcbi epelago. The shores of Sumbawa bay are covered with the bodies of thousands of victims. The town of Kupang, island of Timor, escaped the force of the hurricane. COT THE CABLE allant Work of Tars Under Fire of Cienfuegos. ONE KILLED, SIX WOUNDED Finished the Work In Spite of Terrible Volleys From Shore Spanish Loss Known to Have Been Heavy Forts at Harbor Entrance Reduced. Key West, May 17. Amid a perfect storm of shot from Spanish rifles and batteries, the American forces cut the cable at Cienfuegos Wednesday morn ing. Four determined boat crews, un der command of Lieutenant Winslow and Ensign Margruder from the cruiser Marblehead, and the gunboat Nash ville, put out from the ships, the coast having previously been shelled. The work of the volunteers was per ilous. The cruiser Marblehead and the gunboat Nashville and the auxiliary cruiser Windom drew np 1,000 yards from shoie with their guns manned ready for desperate duty. One cable had already been out, and the work was in progress on the other when the Spaniards in rifle pits and a battery on a point Btanding out in tbe bay opened fire. The warships poured in a thunderous volley, their guns belohing forth mas sive shells into the swarms of the ene my. The crews of the boats calmly proceeded with their desperate work, notwithstanding the fact that a num ber had fallen, and finished it, return ing to the ships through a blinding smoke and a heavy fire. One man in a Marblehead boat was killed, and six were seriously wounded; one of whom, Bobert Boltz, is now at Key West, and is expected to die before morning, a bullet having passed through the base of his brain. Harry Hendrickson, who also may die, was shot through the abdomen. More than 1,000 infantrymen on shore kept up a continuous fire, and the bul lets from the machine guns struck the warships 100 times, but did no great damage. Commander Maynard, of the Nashville, was slightly wounded by a rifle bullet, that, before striking him, passed through the arm of an ensign, whose name is unknown. Lieutonant Winslow was shot in the hand, mak ing three officers wounded in all. When the Spanish had been driven from the rifle pits, many of them took refuse in the lighthouse fortress, upon which the fire of the ships had been centered. A 4-inch shell from the Windom tore the struoture to pieces, killing many and burying others in the ruins. The Spansih loss is known to Lave been very heavy, the warships firing hundreds of shot and shell right into their midst - Following , is a list of the badly wounded: Herman " W. Kuchneizter, private marine, shot through the jaw, probably fatal; Harry Hendrickson, seaman, shot through the liver, probably fatal; Lrnest Suntenic, apprentice, fracture of right leg; John J. Doran, boats wain's mate, gunshot wound in right buttock; John Davis, gunner's mate, wound in right leg; William Levery, apprentice, wound in left leg; Bobert Boltz, seaman on the Nashville, 86' verely wounded. The remains of Eagan, who was killed in the Marblehead boat, were buried at sea. The Marblehead and Nashville used their heaviest guns, as well as their small rapid-fire guns, and hundreds of shots were thrown into the Spanish troops. On board the ships a number of men were slightly wounded. One of the cables had been cut when the Spaniards opened fire. The marines in the boats replied at once, and machine guns on the fowrard launch sent in a stieam of bullets, while heavy Bhells from the warships drove the Spaniards from their rifle pits on shore. The cable which was cut at Cien fuegos extended from that citv to San tiago do Cuba. It does not-'sever cable connection with Cuba, as there is an other line in operation between San tiago de Cuba and Kingston, Jamaica. The severed cable is owned by the Cuba Submarine Company. The one in operation to Kingston is owned by the West Indies and Panama Company. SPANISH LOSS AT MANILA Acknowledge That 300 Were Killed and 600 Wounded. i 'Madrid, May 17. A Spanish report from Manila admits that the Spanish lost S00 killed and 600 wounded when Dewey annihilated the Spanish fleet The dispatch, whioh was to El Liberal, was dated May 9. It came by special steamer to Hong Kong. It says: "The arsenal has surrendered and Cavite has been evacuated by our troops. The Spanish losses were 800 men killed and 600 wounded. Tbe enemy suffered considerably, including one officer killed on the Olympia. The Baltimore was damaged. Our shells did not burst, and all the enemy's shells burst. "Admiral Dewey has had along con ference with the foreign consuls. The Yankees took and burned our ruer cnant snips, torreguior island was betrayed. "The consulate assembly is discus sing the horrible sitnation created by hunger and misery. We are isolated by the blockade and are in fear of an immediate attack. Since the cable wai out little has happened. "The blockade continues." ADMIRAL DEWEY WAITS. Attack on Manila Has Mot Vet Been. Made. Cavite, via Hong Kong, May 17. "I am maintaining a strict blockade. I have reason to believe that the rebels are hemming in the city by land, but they have made no demonstration. There is a scarcity of provisions ia Manila. It is probable that the Span ish governor will be obliged to surren der soon. I can take Manila at any moment. The climate is hot and moist. May 12, we captured the gun boat Callao, attempting to run the blockade. We have plenty of coal. One British, one French, two German and one Japanese vessel are here ob serving. "DEWEY." Washington, May 17. The dispatch es from Hong Kong brought welcome- news today from Admiral Dewey to the president, and particularly to Sec retary Long and the naval officers who are watching the admiral's movements with so mnoh interest. While no ap prehension existed as to his security, nevertheless reassurance of Bafety is al ways pleasant. The telegrams in dicate that Dewey has lost none of the prestige gained in his memorable fight of two weeks ago, and tha,t while he re frains from taking the city of Manila, he has i practically at his mercy. The admiral expresses the belief that the rebels are hemming the city in by land, but the fact that he says explicit ly that they have made no demonstra tion seems to disprove thoroughly the published reports that they had al ready entered Manila and had begun a career of bloodshed and rapine. NO FOOD THERE. Reconcentrados Nearly All Dead ntl- ful State of Affairs. Key West, May 17. The conditions in Havana, resulting from the block ade, are being gradually brought out by information obtained from fishing smacks and other small vessels cap tured off the cons'. Affairs at Havana now appear to be worse than at any time since the Weyler regime. The fishermen who at first braved the blockade for the high price which fish brought in Havana, now run the risk, not for money; but for food. A number of these have been captured by the vessels of the blockading fleet, nearly all of them being released after having been questioned by our officers. They all unite in pioturing the state of things at Havana as being pitiful ia the extreme. The press dispatch boat Kate Spencer has accumulated all the facts obtainable along the blockading line, the last news being obtained through two captures made by tbe gunboat Machias, whioh has just returned here for the first time Bince the blockade opened, making the longest single service of any blockading vessel off Cuba. The Machias caught two fishing boats off Havana just before her return here. The Americans offered the fishermen money for part of their catch, as the fish were needed on board, but the fishermen demuried at taking money, preferring to have bread, and adding that they were desperately hungry. When questioned as to the preva lence of yellow fever at Havana, the fishermen said there was little sickness at the Cuban capital, but they added there was much starvation. The re ooncentrados, they said, are nearly all dead, or have been expelled from the oity to die in tbe suburbs. This agrees with other reports from Havana ami Matanzas to the effect that the Spanish authorities, on the departure of tho consul, seized all the supplies and ap plied them to the use of the army. The Spaniards then drove the reconoen trados into the desolated sections of the country, between the coast towns and the insurgent lines, the regions de scribed by Senator Proctor and others as being too barren and desolate to sup port grasshoppers. The insurgents themselves have beea ohary of receiving the reconcentrados, and hundreds of the latter, who had no- personal frionds in the insurgent camps, have beon left to starve be tween the lines, whioh they did. About Havana, the situation is even worse. Hundreds of reconoentrados from Los Foses, the big reconcentrado barracks in Havana, were too weak to walk out of town and fell in the streets or died in the suburbs, where flocks of vultures, "Weyler's chickens," as they are now termed in Havana, have feasted on the remains. In Matanzas, this feature of the situ ation is equally distressing. The fishermen who have been brought here are soon reconciled to capture, whioh here means food and decent treatment They say that if the block ade continues muoh longer, bread riots must follow in all the large towns, as food is reserved exclusively for the army, thus forcing many people to en list who would not otherwise do so. Finally, the fishermen say that cer tain of the most desperate of the Span iards threaten to burn Havana or blow the city up in the event of the author ities deciding to capitulate to the American forces. San Francisoo, May 17. Edouard Bemenyi, who has held royalty en ohanted and has enthralled fashionable amlierrces all over the world, fell dead this afternoon at the Orpheura theater, in this city, while playing on his violin. Engagement at Cardenas. Madrid, May 17. A dispatch from Havana says: Three American war ships have lebombarded Cardenas with shell, and have destroyed the British consulate. The Americans attempted to land men and ammunition where the cannonade was the hotest. The Spaniards, however, were drawn up on the shore and replied hotly to the American fire, inflicting severe losses to the enemy. Seven Spaniards wer wounded.