Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, May 20, 1898, Image 1

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    Cltv Library
,16th YEAR.
NO 1
L ; , , , , , , , T,
Should be kept out in the fresh air
as much as possible. It frets them
to be kept continually indoors. No
excuse for not supplying baby with
a new BABY CARRIAGE when
the prices are so low and we give you
all the time you want in which to
pay for them.
Our '98 Baby Carriages ""are
' The Houaefuriilsliers,
A Reference to Their Records in the
Oregon State Legislature. .
A full line of -
Dry Goods,
Clothing, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Furnishings, Etc.
Dr. A. A. Barr
Have Your Eyes Examined
Scientific Optician, formerly
of Minneapolis, has charge of
the Optical Department for
A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa
Jeweler. 293 Morrison St,
Portland, Oregon.
Consultation Free
..OO TO...
Shop Opposite ComcreSHtlonal Clmroh. Main Street. Oregon City, Ore.
, The GkbhakiA Market
Is the cheapest place in the city
to buy t t t t t
Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City.
F. J. Ohteriioltz, Props. t t
I J. G. MACK & CO.
I 88 Third Street - Portland, Oregon
Life insurance cultivates habits.
Life insurance lightens the load of care.
Life insurance keeps the wolf from the door.
Life insurance gives response to the rich man.
Life insurance gives courage to the poor man.
Life insurance certifies to a man's affectionate regard for his family.
Life insurance places the window above the need of marrying for a home
Life insurance adds to a man's years by freeing him from apprehen-
L:feinsurance heightens the esteem in which wife and children hold
a man.
of Springfield, Massachusetts. -
H. C. COLTON, Manager
Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of Commerce,
House Joint resolution No. 2, resolv
ing that i lie sense of the Legislative As
sembly be that the commissioners of the
World's tuir prohibit the sale of intox
icating liquors on the fair grounds dur
ing the continuance of the fair, came up
before the House on Jan. 19, 1891, and a
vote being taken, Mr. Geer, then speaker
of the House, voter against the reno
tion. (See House Journal, 1891, page 70.
Senate Bill 1N6. 1, a bill to repeal an
act to create and establish a hoard of
railroad Commissioners, the bill having
passed the Senate, cunie up in the House
n February 19, 1891, and on motion to
indefinitely postpone the bill, the ayes
and noes being called. Mr. Geer voted
to indefinitely postpone the bill to abol
ish the railroad commission act. (See
House Journa , 1861, page 844.)
Senate Bill No. 123, a bill to reduce
the price of swamp land to $1.00 per
acre, having passed the Senate, came up
in the House on Feb. 20, 1891, and a vote
being taken, Mr. Geer voied against the
bill (.-See House Journal 1891, nage832.
Senate Bill 157, a bill to exempt earn
ings of debtor within thirty days, passed
the senate and came up in the House on
Feb. 20, 1891, and a vote being taken
Mr. Geer voted against the bill. (See
ournal, 1891, page 945.)
House Bill 2T6, a bm to regulute ex
cessive freight rates on the Oregon Rail
way & Mavigai ion Company lines, via
the pass of the Columbia river, through
the Cascade Mountains, came up in the
House on Feb. 17, 1891; a vote being
taken Mr. Geer voted against the bill.
(See House Journal, 1891, page 705.)
Record of Mr. T. T. Geer, as a mem
ber of the House in 1893 :
House Bill 108, an act to repeal an act
to create and establish a board of rail
road commissioners, etc., come up in the
House Feb. 8, 1893; a vote being taken
Mr. Geer voted against the repeal. Mr.
King voting for the repeal. (See House
Journal, 18!)3, page 515.)
House Bill 60. to establish a state
Mining Bureau came up in the House
on Feb 1, 1893, a vote heiug takenMr Geer
voted against the mil, Mr. King being
absent; when in 1895 a ttitniliar bill was
introduced, Mr King being present,
voted for it. (See llouje Journal, 1893,
page 314.)
House Bill No. 364, a bill for the relief
of Wallowa county, to reimburse the
county for over paid taexs to the State,
came up in the House on Feb. 14, 1893;
vote being taken Mr. Geer voted
against it, and Mr. King voting for the
lull, (see House Journal 1893, page
923.) '
Senate Bill 192, to provide for the
erection and construction, of a branch
insane Asylum in Eastern Oregon, hav
ing passed the Senate, came up in the
House on Feb. 17, 1893 ; a vote being
taken Mr. Geer voted against the bill,
Mr. King voting for the bill. ' (See
House Journal 1893, page 949. . '
Senate Bill No. 27, a bill to regulate
the amount to be paid for a policy of In
surance, having passed the .Senate, came
up in the Mouse on feb. 17, lb'JS; a vote
being taken Mr. Geer voted against the
bill, Mr. King voting for the bill: (See
House Journal 1893, page 945,
House Bill No. 204, a bill to create the
county of Blaine out of the county of
Benton, came up in the House on f eb.
15, 1893; a vote being taken Mr. Geer
voted fcr the bill, Mr. King voting
against it. (See House Journal 1889,
page 863.
Mr. Geer's record in 1889;
In 1889 a resolution was introduced in
the House to favor theelectionof United
States Senators by a direct vote of the
people; Mr. Geer voted against the res
olution. (See House Journal 18S9,
page 159.
1889 a bill was introduced creating a
board of railway commissioners. Mr.
Geer supported this measure. (See
Houe Journal 1889, page 179.
A Bill was Introduced in the House in
1889 providing for the exemption of
homesteads from attachment; Mr. Geer
voted against this bill. (See House
Journal, 1889, page 688.
In 1889 a registration amendment was
proposed to the constitution of the State
of Oregon for the purpose of preventing
frauds at elections; Mr. Geer voted
against this propoM'ion. (Sue House
Journal, 1889, page 2511.
In 1893 Mr. King was a member of
the Houh with Mr. Geer, but not a
member in 188!) or 1891. Mr. Geer was
not a member in 189'). For this reason
we give the record of Mr. King on bills
voted on by Mr. Geer in the year 1893
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr A. Muir.
nisrepresentation of the Interests
of the Peop'e of the First District.
Reasons Why He Shnu d Not be
Re-Elected. Falureto At
tend to His Duties.
An examination of the Record shows
that np to the Kith of Anril there were
87 roll calls during the 65th congress in
the house of representatives, out of
which be was absent 26 times, failing
to do his duty or dodging the responsi
bility. Tiue to his English instincts he voted
to Sllow pelagic sealing in the waters of
the Pacific, thereby continuing the des
truction ofjthejseals. (See Cong. Record,
page 225 )
He also voted January 11, 1898, to
cut (iff debate and railroad through a hill
under consideration involvi ng $21,562,
425.65 (sen Record, page 556).
He voted to make the producers and
miners of gold in Oregon pay the cost of
transportation to the mints from the as
say offices thereby putting an additional
burden on an important industry in his
state (See page 584 of Cong. Record.)
Qn January 21, 1898. (see page 900 of
the Record) he voted again, insisting on
the above exaction.
He voted in favor of an extravagent
monument in the little town of Dtnville,
III ; involving a half million dollars of
expense, atw time when the most rigid
economy is necessary, and the burdens
I of the people are exceedingly Ereat.
There is no evidence in his record that
he has attempted to do anything of like
character fur the people of'his district or
liia state. (See page 590 of the Rec ird .)
On January 19. 1898. he voted in favor
of a point of order which denied recog
nition to suffering Cuba, snd that war
existed. iSee page 816 of the Record )
If fur representative of the first district
had done his duty in favor of the recog
nition of the belligerency of Cuba and
b vote and speech used his influence in
that direction it is possible that the de
ttruclion of our sailors in the harbor of
Havana miuhthave been avoided.
On January 20, 1898 (see Cong Rec
ord, page 8t4), he voted again to helo
defeat another resolution under consid
eration, recognizing the belligerency of
the Cuban peop'e.'
On January 28,1898. when the propo
sition to appropriate 288,000 to the
Meihodist Book agents was under con
sideration,, he dodged the quostioq by
not voting. (See Cong. Record, page
He voted in favor of paying the United
States bonds in gold, thus adding to the
profits of the bondholder and increasing
the burdens of those engaged in agricul
tnral and every other produc ng inter
est. .(See Cong. Record, page 1372 )
'lie voted to unseat A.T. Plowman, who
hd.l lurality of 2,305 votes, thus din
fr&nt'hrViot 10,312 voters in the fourth
congressional dixtrict of Alabama, when
he held his own seat in congress by the
narrow martin of 59 votes.
He dodged voting when the bankrupt
cy bill was under consideration a
measure which would give relief to
honest debtors in hit) state. (See Cong
Record, psge 2170.)
On March 3, 1898, he voted for a meas
ure tending to injure and limit the circu
lation of country newspapers, thus af
fecting the interests of the great mass of
people, and limiting their opportunities
for cheap reading matter. (See Cong,
record, page 2738.)
lie voted to authorize the merging of
street railways in the District of Colum-1
ma, thus giving corporations therlgit
and opt on unity to increase their capi
tal, and still further water their stuck
(See Cong. Record, page 2838).
On April 4, 1898, he voted to give the
Ptnns' lvania railroad monopoly in the
United States, control of tiie cab
st nice in the entire district of Colum
bia, thus interfering with the rights of
individuals already engaged in that
work. (See Cong Record, pa;?e 39J9 )
On Aprd 5. 1898, he voted to make a
gift of $330,(100 of the people's money
to a ship building firm, while the ship
builders of Ins own state are neglected.
(See Cong. Record, page 3955.)
He again voted against the recognition
of Cuba, and also against taking action
on the disaster to the Maine. (See Oong.
Record, page 4196.)
tin April ', 18!)8, he voted to seat a
gold democrat as a representative, and
at temped to turn out of lin seat the reg
ular deti.ocrnt who, was elected hv i
clear majority. The scheme failed be-1
cause a !mge number of republicans
would not allow such injustice to be
done. (See 0' lig. Record, 4578 )
On April 28, 1898, lie voed to all iw
railroad companies in the Indian Terri
t ly, to merge, and to lease other lines,
thus giving ilu ralroal c iiii.inies in
that section an opporluniiy to increase
and water their capital stock am! add to
the burdens of those who are compelled
to use the railroads in marketing their
agricultural products.
In lad, the record of this representa
tive is nnequaled by an in the Unite I
States, ami the slate of Oregon mint
do tier duty on election day to prevont
his return to tne 5 itii 0 ingreis, if the
interests "I the people would be pro
tected. Certified from the Record.
I show inquestionable genius, posse-ses
I a rre and true artistic temperment,
ana a ciiarming personality, an intusion
of which is found in all her work The .
prog' am to be rendered is as follows : j
Part I. j
1 Piano, "Patriotic Medley ' 1
Mrs Gabrielle Walton j
3 Description Reading, "Keemin's ;
Charge" .' Lathrop.
Miss June Maury.
3 Songa,
(a) "The flight Wind"..
Words by Eugene Field
(b) "The Muphhaha Family." j
Lolita and Stanley Lamb. i
("The Little Lambkins.)
4 Description Reading. "How Sal
vator Won" . . Ella V heeler Wilcox
Miss Maury.
5 Songs and Dances,
(a) "Honey, Does You Love You' Man"
( b) "There's A Lock On The Chicken
Coop Door." . ....
The Lambkins.
6 Songs in costume,"The Gold-Fish"
from -'The GeiB'a."
Miss Maury.
: Part II.
Piano, "Minuet La Antique," O . 14 ..
, Paderewskie
Mrs. Gabrielle Walton
2. A Sketch, "Interna'ional Siory". ,.
Mr. Chas. Lamb.
3 Readings in a Minor Strain
(a) " Ma Barque d' Amour."
(b) "Fete"
(c) " Words On The Sand."
Miss Maury.
4 Juvenile Songs,
"Menden The Old Umbrella"
The Lambkins.
5 A Ballad, "Venetian Boat Song"..
Miss Maury.
Song, "Yankee Doodle"
The Lambkins.
7 Patriotic Readings ,
(a) "A Song of Liberty"
(b) "NotA Word To Say "
Miss Maury.
8 The concluding number will be
' The Star Spangled Banner ", sung by
Mies Maury and Solita and Stanley
Lamb. After the second vo'sethe audi
ence is requested to join in the chorus.
It will be an evening spent with poet
ry, humor, pathos, song, sentiment an I
patriotism and should prove a rare treat.
Tickets are on, sale at stores displaying
photographs and by the ladies Aid So
ciety at 25 cents and 35 cents for re
served seats.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
tv ifll
Absolutely Pure
sovat sakiim ramn m.. Ntwvom.
Messes. W. S. U'Ren, J. J. Oooke
and James Coon will speak at the places
and times given on the loft of the
column marKud "A" and Mesrs!
W. W. Myers, !eo. Ogle and GeQrge
Knight, will speak at the places and
times on the ruht marked "11." Joint
discussions between U'Ren and Brown
ell are expected at the places marked
"J. l." All meetings are for 7:30 p. m.
unltss otherwise stated. Other candi
dates and speakers will be with each
party from time to time.
A Date It.
lKaverOiwk Sit 3pm May 2 p. ni. . HiKhlnnd
Mink School UuUHtt Mty 21 .Canyon Creek
Iiiian, J. I), . Mav 23 . Oswego
Viols Mny24 Stafford Kch'l H.
Maole Lime Mav 2;Y . .... Pleasant Hill
Miifkshurn Mav 2 , Fro Honcl Sc'l 11
Union Hull M,iy 27 I'liloii Huh'l H
Brown School II 2pin M iv 2s
Lelanc) School House. M iy 28 Burlow
MilwuukiB, J. 1) tiny 80 ...Mllwaukk!
Willamette Mav 81 Loiran
HhIcoihIi School II ..liine 1 . ... SprlngWHicr
KedlaiHlti lime 2 Georga
Chirkcs , June 8 C'uniiiHvilie
Oregon City. .. June 4 Oroxon
School Reports.
Following Is the report for sohool Dlst. No. 16'
Besvor Creek, fo- the term ending May , '8:
Total No. of pill Hi enrolled 40, general average
attendance 81, average No. belonging 86. Those
who were neither absent nor tardy during the
month are:-Dora Hngbes, Arta Kirk, Haude
Daniels, Lena Ptuilcmau, Lawrence and Willie
Ruonulcbj WilUe Hermann. Otto Fischer,', Christ
Schwsrts and David B. Thomas. Visitors pretent
during the Konth were: Joe Fischer, Henry and
Staben, Mr. Floyd Kirk, director, Mr. Karl Studs,
man, director, Supt. Starkweather, Lydia Etlwsrdt
and Nettle Btudeman. ' We respectfully Invite sll
persons to visit our school and notice our pmgrsns.
Robkbi Qinthir, Teacher,
The candidates of the republican par
ty and other speakers will address the
voters of the several precincts of Clacka
mas county on the following dates,meet
ings to begin at 7 :3ti p. m.
The members ot the central commit
tee of the several precincts will make
the necessary arrangements to secure
proper places to hold the meetings and
tq advertise vhe same.
May 21 Bandy
Mav 28 ... Canbjr
May 21 .. . .i.Currinsvil
. ,; .May.'R ... .....Cherry vlllff
.... Mav 2ft t Gcoriro
, ;..Ma27 Oartield
Mav 28 .... ..... Oswmto
..... Mas t,.-.Av.W!lsonviP
, ....MnySl Maple Lane-
,. .tuna 1 .
rtv J una jh : . . : ;-, . w.u . sse
..... rfitiivo ...apriiiKwacBi
Oregon City June 4.
By orderof the republican county cen
tral committee.
J, O. Bradlby, Chairman. ....
'.' ', A. S Drkhskb, 1st Secretary.
' G. B. Dimick, 2d Secretary.
Soda Springs . .
Marquam ....
Monitor Mills
Maoksbura ..
EaKleCraek ..
Pamascia . t
Mil wan It to ,,
Pleasant Mil'
New Era
Cor. Front and Taylor Sts.,
largest and Best Stock of...
Agricultural mplements
...In the Northwest
The Romans were the epicures of all
the ages and gathered from sea, earth
and air the dainty or substantial pro
ducts of a luxuriant age for the delecta
tionof the palate. The average Ameri
can youth is young Roman in appetite
and if bis mother or wife wants to find
good things to feed him, she will see
A Patriotic Evening
An occasion long to be remembered by
the residents of Oregon City, will be the
patriotic entertainment that is to lie
given for the benefit of a war fund, un
der the auspices of the Congregational
Ladies Aid Society, at Shively's Opera
house, next Tuesday evening, May 24th.
Besides the interest in the cause for
which this entertainment is announced
and which should strongly appeal to all
Classen the nroeram to be presented
is one deretving the highest appreciation, '
and gives an opportunity for the fullest j
enjoyment. It will be devoted to dra-1
matic, musical and patriotic selections.
The entertainers will prove quite n
charming as the entertainment, all hav
ing won many laurels for their clever
work. The "little Lambs," Stanley
and Lolita, one of the most winsome
and lovable little ones imaginable. They
never fail to please and endear them
selves to their audience.
MUs Maury, whose dramatic reading 1