Beauty In Blond. Clean blond means a clean skin. No Vieauty without it. Caacareta Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by Btirrinii up the lazy liver and driving all imouritien from the body. Begin to-day to banirih oimplns, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly lilioos complexion by takine Cm-carets, beauty fur ten cents. All druggists, atisf action guatantred. llic, 20c, 5Ufc Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve Tub Best Salvbhi the world for Cuts, I'.r'iines, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, l ever Sores, Totter, . Cuapped Hands, Chillilains, Corns, and all Skin Kruotions. and positively cures Piles. r no pay required. It is guuianteed to icivn perfect satisfaction or money re invled. Price 25 cents ppr bn ale by CharnHn & Co. For Children Cry for Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, hull- gestion, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, In somnia, etc. Hood's Pills cure constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. 2lc. All druggists Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla, F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wll on & Cooke's Old Stand OREfiON OTTY, OKKUON Gambrinus Cold Storage Griessen & Hallwyer, Props. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON CITY - OREGON BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try liolton Dally and be Convnced' V. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable , Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON flp&TJob Printing at the df8 Courier Office. n D KESSLl:R, 11 old on armed peelnllHl, of St Louis minwn by his long residence ninl ue- nlly practice In thin city, continue lo 1 . .fully trial all kinds of chronic Hut! 1 ie diseases 1 rlP TDrATMrMT forth poor who cull . lllLJilluljlu lu persou at the ntllce I llfttifhOOU '. Tl AXTT1 0Vlr 'senses, Sores. '.!, A,LI ftHU UluW l,liiMle,H. ro( 1 till hi h. Tumors. Tellers, Ki'fni y 11 ul r Impurities of the blond thoroughly . I iil' il, leaving thu ysti'iu In a mi mix, I ' Hid healthful state. 1 "TIMATIOM treated by an old thriiiim I 1I.UI1IMI1M1I remedy. This remedy was 1 -1. 11 ihI Ui llr. Kcsscler by a friend In 1 'in It bus never failed. I ' "1 flBFI! t'h'eri, Caneera, ete., ti'ea'i'd, 111 1 ' . V UfillO 'inference how long infected. i .SKY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. ml, illilli ult, tooir(iiieiit, mllK.vur liioo. v e mini oral discharges, careiully fronted, ' -. rncnmatlsru and neuralgia treated by 'iiw roniculfg. 1 .g, u H"rr bottle at bedtime and urlniite 1 in- bottle, act aside and I00R at It In the "i.nm. It it la cloudy, of has a cloudy set- ' in It, you liave aoiue kidney or bladder ..., ",? WflPM removed In twenty-four hours 1 i !i HUtUll Hi'e worms In window at of. 1 I . to.;.i ret long. ni' Til QTINUxl We mort persona every 1 I Mil ijl llltto duy whose breath smolia .m 11 ik disgusting. This vomea from t'u- I ri 'it her I ho nose or Momiioli Hound v nit I. It. can be cured before the 1 -i t hones becomes Involved. ' '' vp 11 ft ir you aie troubled with nlghi 1 IHI lllljll emissions, ex liauatlngilniuis, i.i.i. s, iiashiulncKs, avers 011 to aochty, .1 . ..,nu ss. ticiondeoey, loss of encruy, hio I'Hl iind si'll'onltdeoee, whleli d priv you 1 y. ur ninnliooil and Hba lutrly 11 1 III mi I rsn.ilv, biiHlocsa or niurrlii:',i'- If you uir 1.1 i-iiitlii ti d you may know the cau 1.0 v d 'e ' rented. 0 l.IPDLE-AGED MEN ot you iroiihlcil hiio iv. m'hiog backs ami kUlnevs; tt"iu'ht, li id ui'iontloo and edliuent lu ir iuc ; no iM.iy or wcakncsK ol aexuul orgnos, mid i iiniiiiHlnUable aigna of nervous di lnll' i. i ii'initiurc decay. Many die ol nn l . iiliy, Ignorant of the ruuse The uiokI male ciim'H of thla charHcler treuti d 'jiyirlip dlaeaaea. Oleet, Oonorrliea. In . '11 1 ill U Hnniallona. iMaclmrgea, .sirlciurca . rakiii'M of Organa, Syphilis, llydroeel i ir.ciHM-le and kliu-d trouldea treated. Consultation Free to Alt. oiTiiic IIouus: From 9 A. M. to 8 P.M. Call or address I.Henri Kessler Al. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, . YAMHILL STREET fOKTLAND. . OkKIION Pills OUR CANDIDATES. A. Luelling, who is renominated on the Union ticket for the office of County Recorder, which he now fills, came to Orego't with his parents in 1847, and attended tlie first school taught at Mil wankie in 1849 and 1830. lie removed to Washington county in 1854, and voted for Fremont in 1856, and for Lincoln in 18;0, in California. Mr. Luelling re turned to Washington county in 1802, and was a republican until 1884, but always an independent voter in local elections. In 1874, wlie'n the Indepen dent movement swept over Oregon, he was elected County Clerk of Washing ton Co. and re-elected in 1876, in which position he gave general satisfaction. In 1886 Mr. Luelling affiliated with the prohibition party, and does yet believe in the principle w hen decided by a ma jority of the voters. Mr. Luelliiig was one of the first to call especial attention to J. W. Sulli van's work on Direct LegUlation, read portions of the book to the Alliance and Grange, urging the principle as being in ine with Lincoln republicanism and Jeffersonian democracy. In 1802, when the financial question became prominent, he helped to organize the People's party, and ban been an untiring worker lor its principles ever since. He bus tiiken a prominent part in the parly councils; was among tliose who urged the volun tary reduction of salaries of county olli fairs, and practiced it when he wa elected recorder in 1896. Mr. Luclling's record shows that he has all hiB life been an active and in dependent reformer. J. J. Cook, Union candiilnte for Sher iff, wflB born in Damascus, ClaokHinas connly, where lie lived until the afe of nineteen, when he moved to Oregon City to learn the blacksmith trade, which he followed about five years. He then engaged in the livery business with Cooke Bros., for seven years. He was then in the grocery business for a year with the firm of Mav & Cooke, and has been in the hardware business with R, D. Wilson, under the firm name of Wilson & Cooke for the past five years, Mr. (Jooke lias been successful in business, despite the hard times, and he is the man to conduct the business of the sheriff's office for the people of Clackamas county on the same princi pies and just as cheaply and successfully as Mr. Grace has done for the past two years. Harvey G. Starkweather, the Union candidate for County School Superin. dent, is a native born resident of Clacks. mas county, and a son of one of the honored pioneer families. He received his eirly education In the district school and began teaching in the public schools of this county in 1887. In 1894 he was marriod to Miss Alice M. Eisley, daugh ter of Hon. J. 8. Rinley. In 1896 he waa elected County School Superintend. cut, although be did not geek the honor of a nomination at his party conven tion. His administration luis been marked by a strictly non-partisan pol icy, and he has labored incessantly to build up and advance the schools and the cause of education in Clackamas county. He was instrumental in rais ing the per cental of the school levy in Clackamas county by a mandamus suit brought in Clatsop county, which com pelled the county court to increase the levy tor eciiooi purposes. This move has proved of incalculable benefit to the schools in this section, and bus had a tendency to keep up the levy in oilier counties. Although true to his party principles, he does not devote bis time to talking politics, or batching political schemes, but devotes his entire encr tries to educational work. He is deserv ediy popular with teachers as well as school officers and patrons, irrespective of party affiliations. A. Todd, of Needy precinct, was born and educated in England, taking what Is known there as the university degree and later took a professional course at an engineering school in Edinburgh He migrated from England to New Zealand where be was employed by that government on mining and road sur veying. He came to Oregon 15 years ago and engaged in arming. While improving his home he found it neces sary to secure work at times at bis for mer profession and, besides acting at one time lu the capacity ol deputy U. S surveyor, has done a great deal i f sur veying for private parties. He did most of the woik in laying out the towns of Woodburn and Hubbard. Mr. Todd availed himself of full citizenship, is an honest, upright citizenand thoroughly competent to (ill the ollice for which he has been nominated. While he was not present at the con volition and had no thought of receiving the nomination and is full v aware that it is not an ollice of profit, yet, he m cepts, and if elected agrees to fill the position to the best of his ability. l.ucleno Stout, w ho has been tetiomi niiietJ for the ollico of county assessor was a farmer and school teacher from Chirks. Mr. Stout is 119 years of age, and w as born in Clackamas county. His first nomination came to him unex pectedly and unsought, and he has filled the difficult (his it ion to which he was chosen faithfully and well. He ad mits that he has made some mistakes during his first year and is being gov erned this year by the experience inci- dental to the work. In the matter of salary, he. in common with his people's party colleagues, did not wait for the legislature to reduce his compensation, but has only drawn the salary proposed by the platform up'n which he was elected. His office for his term thus far shows a saving to the county of over $1500. The voters of Clackamas county will not make a mistake by re-electing Luciene Stout. Jacob Shade, who has been renomi nated for the oflice of county treasurer is a pioneer reformer who need no in troduction lo the voters of Clackamas. No man doubts his honesty and integ rity. He lias filled his office faithfully thus far and w ill be reelected by a hand some majority. Elmer Dixon has filled the office of County Clerk in a manner creditable alike to his party and himself and its one of the most popular men in Clackamas county. Mr. Dixon has the ability and peculiar fitness for the position and the voters of the county will mako no mis take if they return him next June by the same splendid majority lie received at their hands two years ago. W, W. Myers, our candidate for Coun ty Judge, has a large acquaintance. At present be lives on bis farm at Maple Lane. For a number of years he was in business in Oregon City where he won the appellation, "Honest Bill lnyers. ivir. mvers is vears ot aire. was born in Missouri and moved to this county in '56. Mr. Myers is a success ful man, has the courage of his convic tions and the back-hone which is essen tial in the qualifications of a man for this important office. A better selection could not have been made. With the county court in the control of the union ists the debt-making policy of previous republican county courts will be revers ed and the burden of taxation reduced. Vote for Honest Bill Myers. W. J. Currin, of Currinsville, our candidate or Commissioner, is a success ful farmer and a man who stands well among all who know him. His loca tion is also in his favor. He is a cousin of George Currin, who was a prominent candidate before the republican conven tion for county assessor. Our candidate for Coroner, Dr. M. C. Strickland of this city, is a practicing physician ; a man possessing all of the qualifications for the office, and the fact of his being located at the county seat and in easy communication with all parts of the county should and will ap peal to the good judgment of the voters. One of the iniportant duties of this of ficer is the the Berving of papers in certain civil cases over the sheriff and the coroner should be a resident of the county seat. Vote for Dr. Strickland. Hood View Mr. Cad Her is quite dangerously 111, OrHiidpa Zumwall la considerably tinnroved since his recent illiusn. Mrs. ('has. Kpler la able to be around again, orandmii Keely Is home aaain to her manv friends after a brief lllucrs at the U. C. Hospital. The Xlissca Jlarv and Amelia Boeberir of Tort land are vieitiiiK relatives ill Wilsonvlile. Mr. and Mrs. Touze e iitnrtained quite a ii'imber of guesta Saturday and Sunday. (irnnilpa Looney who had his leg br iken some time axo Is nut Imnrovinx very raiddly. Mrs. Winnie ItisBel of Cauby is vlsitiim with hor aunts, the Mrs. bishop and Frank Seelys. Fred Ilneherg and bride were guests at his old hoaie Saturday ami Sunday, The birthday party Riven by Mr. and Mrs Illshop Heely, Thursday evening in honor of their oldest aon, Charles'p.Vlst hirlhduv, was a grand success in every respect, there being about three Kcore and ten guests present, and all en Joyed the gamei ami inusle lor several hours and then were invited lo a tino supper prepared by the able hands of Mrs Scely assisted by others, where all dl I Justice, and dr ' Ur.'d it oiw of the llnest lepasls they had buen servid to in many a day, wlslilng more of our young men might be '21 soon. Mr. and Mrs. Okear Larson rendered some fine instrumental music on Hie organ and violin, as also did Mrs. Winnie Hissel, Mr. Oscar Larson, Mrs. bettle lODne, Mr. Ferry Sharp and Maude ami Charles Seely sang "Wuinana' Kights.' with the organ aceompilment. Miss Maude, sang solo , and Ihen the Wilsonvlile choir sang several songs assisted hv Miss M able on theoigau. Mr, Charles Heely is one of Wlllsonvllle's most prosperous and energetic young men and weli worthy ol all the honors of such an occasion. May 0th. Ansa. Barton. Kverybody is In fashion, all having the measles There Is going to be a new stnre at Uarton soou. Our school Is progressing finely under the man. agement of Prof, Slirock. He Is the right man in tha right (dace. Mr K. 11. Hurghardt spent Saturday ami Sunday at Currinsville. Mr. J. C, l.ang of Woodburn was to see L. C. Metger on business last week. The weather Is tine hut we need some rain. The mill at thla place is running every day with plenty of wheat. Mays. i i uss. You Can't Get Rested Because that lired d eling is not the re suit of exettioii. It is due to the un healthy condition of your blood. This vital fluid should give nourish ment to every orgar, nerve ami nius i'U. But it cannot do this unless it is rich and pure. That is what you want lo cure that tired feeling pure, rich blood, lliod's Sarsaparilla will help you "get rested." It will give you pure, rich blood, giveyou vigor and vit ality and brace you up so that you may feel well all through the coming sum mer. If you have never tried llood's Sarsaparilla, do so now, and tee bow it and vitalizes your whole ay stem. Tlie tiirater im'luuYa tlie lens. Howl's SaiHapnrillti cures scrofula, ami may be (li'lH'tult'il uh n lo cine boils nul pini pica. Seekers After Cold know Ibey may be tli-appoiiiien, but seekers after health take llooil's Sarsaparilla with the ut most confidence that it will do them wonderlul spoil. Hood's Pill are the only pills to take with Hood's t-arsapaiilla. 1 Rediand News There was a barn raising at Mr. MoshetV farm lait Saturday. There were 17 pres.-nt and the bai n went up In a Jifl'y. Very near all of rur ritiztris if our place spent Saturdny in Oregon City watching the war move. There Is some talk of organizing a brass bund here in the near future. There will bn a basket soulal atStrlcklln school house on M-iy 13th. Everybody cordially invited to attend. . Muy 3d. Tickler. Schiol Rep.rts. Following is the report of tl e school taught in District No 2, KUint Prairie, for the month ending May C: Number of days taught 19 J4, total number of days attendance 477 H, days absence 77, num ber of pupils enroled 32, average number belonging 28, average daily attendance 24, cases of lardine-'S 7. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month are Edith, Birdie and Milo Blair, Etta and Lester Stanton, Henry Koehler Mary Renner, Nettie Barber, Edna Stanton and Zella Coldran. Aletha M. Phelns, Teacher. The following is the report of school, District No. 2, for the month beginning Apr. 4th and end ing Apr, .29: Number of pupils enrolled, 12 Those whose were neither absent nor tardy were Hester Linn, Jay Mosher, Charlie Mosher and Alva Sprague. Visitors: Ida Y ung, Minnie Ev ans, Agnes Belhaw, Oswold Behymer, Wallace Bolshaw, Mary Kamuscher, Cassie and Oia Wll. cox, Lena Specs, Miss Kormeyer, ami F, E. Mur doch Battle Wilcox, Tfaehcr. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should ho supplied wilh every mean!1 possible for ils relief. It is wilh pleasure we publish the follow, ing: " This is to ceittl'v that I was a ter rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated b some of the besi physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell our -druir gist recommended Electric Bitters ; and alter taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. I take pleasure in recomiuenil ing trietn to anv person sutfaiioi fr on this terrible malady, f am gra'efnllv yours, M. A. Houartv, Lexington, Ky." Sold by Charinan & Co. Druggists. (locate Your Hon 1 With Caacarets Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c. 25c. If C.C.U. fail, diug- gists refund money. Two Millions a Year. When pe ple buy, try.nnd boy again, it means they're satisfied. Tho people of the United States are now buyinu Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate ol two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Years. It means merit proved, that Casoarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for eveiybody the year round. All drug gists 10, 25, 50o a box, cure guaranteed. For Over Fifty years An Oi.d and Well-Tkikd Remedy. Mrs. W'inslow's Soothing Syrup has been ned for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect Buccess it soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup,' and take no other kind. The Thrice-a-week N. Y. World and the Oregon City Uoukiek for $2 per year. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION In the oirc nit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Daniel M. Trnlllnger, 1 Planum, I vs. J- Juliette i. rruiii'iger t Defendant. J State of Oretfun, counlv of Cbirktnnas ss. I)V VIKTItK OK A .IClMMliNf ORDER, -'decree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal ot the ahove cuntrVd court, in the above eolilled ceuse, to me duly directed and dated the nth day of May, lsiiH. upon a Judg ment rendered and entered in said court on the 20 h day of March, 1S'.I7, in favor of Juliette K. Trullmger, defeii'lnnl, and amiinst Daniel M. Trullinger, plaintiff, for the sum of 3ii 111, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out of tlie personal property of said defendant, and If sulliclcnt could not b" found, then out id the real property belonging to said plalulill on and alter the date ot said judgment lo satisfy said sum of Uti.lU and also the c ists upon this said writ. Now therefor', by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and hi compliance with the commands of sal I writ, being unalile to tlnd any peisonul property of said defendant's, 1 did on the nth day uf May, IS IS, duly levy upon the following described real properly of said plalntill, situate and being lu the county of Cluekaiuas, and state of Dreuon, to-wil: hots' one (1), two (2) and three (3) of section three (:l) township three (a) smith of range three east of the Willamette Merid ian, and I will, on Sutarday, the lllh day of June, mim, t the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., at tho front door of the oouuty eouit house in the city ot Oregon City, In still county and state, sell at public auction, subject to rtdeinplion, lo I he highest bidder, for U. 8. gold com, casli lu hand, all the rigid, title and Interest winch the within named plalntill' or cither of them, had on the date of said Judgment or since had hi or to the above described real properly or any part thwreol, to satisfy said judgment order, decree, Interest, cosu sud accruing costs. fi.W. GRACK, Rherltfof Clackams County, Oregon. Pated, Oregon City. Oregon, May Dili, ls.W. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tlie uuiiity oi iiacKamiis, Dan Lyons, riaintiir, vs. M II. KlaniititiMn, Kate l-'lai). iiavan, Clara h. M.'iey, I liaries y Logos, adialuistr'ttoi oi the i Ksiate ol Julius bogus, lie- I I ceased, and laac Ksrr, I Defendants. J State ol Oregon, County of Clackamas, s, HY Vlltli'K UK A Jt'DliMKNT OKDKH, decree aid an execution, duly Issue out ot' and under the seal of the abovu entitled court. In Iheabove entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the olh day of May, lslis., upon a judgment rendered and entered tu said court on Die '.tnii dav of April, 1SJS, m favor of Dan Lyons, plalntill', and against M. II. Flauuagau, Kato Klannagan, ('lain K. Morey, Charles Loans, admlubtiauir of Ihe estate of Julius Logos, deeeaswl. ami Isaac Karr, del'eudsnts for the sum uf Mil M, with Interest theron at the rate of 1" per cent, per annum from the '.".Hh day of April, INKS, ami the further sum of ti as attorney's tee. and the further sum of till, cost ami disburse uieiils, mid the costs of anil niton this writ, com manding me to make sate of the following des cribed real property situate In the county of Clackamas, wit: The fra tionat south half of (he south eal quarter of section t;) three and river lot 4 of section two and river lot 1 of section ten and river lot (1 of section eleven, all in township three south ot rungs one mst of Ilia. Willamette Meri-llan, containing a".6.M acres. Now, therefore, bv virtue of sa d execution, judg ment order and decree, and in cnmpLance with the commands of said writ, I will, on S.lTl'RDAY, JCNE 4lh, 1.M1S, at tne hour of 3:'I0 o'clock I. M.. at the front door of the Connly Court House in the city of Oregon my. in aaio couniy annsuie, sell at punilc auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for 1'. t. gold coin, cash In hand, all the riitht. title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of thein. had on the date of the mortgage herein or since hail In or lo the above descritxni real property or any prt thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, cosu and all accruing coats. 0 XV. GRACE, rherlrt'of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Orcijoit City, OrVgon, May 5th, lM. ! I I I $j2mrJ I i it wwjt hi fifi ii ;i a ''""i""1 ' AVegetablePreparationfor As similating theFoodandRegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DigcsUon,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morptiine nor Mineral. UOT NARCOTIC. Scape afOldHrSmVUPSKnER Pumpkin Seed' Jlx.Scnna JiotkdU Suite -Slnise Seed Jtypemiint -Jii Carbonate Sofa f linn Seed -Itarified Sugar tiihyrven- Ftmvn Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, sour aiuuiacii.uiuiiiiuca Worms .Convulsions Jeverish nqss andLosS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW VOILK. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. William Barlow, 1 Plaintiff, I vs. Wlllielmine Koehler, Defendant. J State of Oregon, Couutv of Clackamas, rs. BY V1K1UK OK A JUDiiMKNT ORDER AND decree and an execution duly issued nut of an under the seal of the above enthltd court, In the aoove entitled cause, to ine duly directed am' dated the 3rd day of May, 18'JS, in favoi of Wil liam liarlow, plalntill', and against Wilhelmlne Koehler, defendant, fur the sum of 96.l. 21, to gether with interest uu SHliK.tiH 0f said sum at rate of 10 per cent, per annum Irom May 3rd, 1WIB; lor the sum of W, attorney a fees, ami the further sum o' fto, co.-,ts and disbursements and the costs ot ami upon thla writ; commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate in the county of Clackamas and state of Oregon, to-wn: All of block A in the First Addition to Barlow, according to the maps and plata of said addition now on tile in the otlioe of the recorder of said county. Now therefore, by virtue of said execution Judgment order and deciee and in compliance Willi the commands of said writ, 1 will on SATURDAY, JUNK 4th, 1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the county court house, in ine city ot uregnn City, said county and state, aell at public auction subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for uniteii .itates goia com, csn in nana, an me rialit. title and interest which the within named defendant had on the date of the mortgage herein ol since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, lo satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and accruing costs. U V. UKACK, SiierilTof Clarkumas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon Cily, Oregon, May 3rd, 118. To Cure Constlpatiou Forever, Take Casoaiets (Jamly Cathartic. 10c or 2oe. If C. U. C. fuil tnttire, tlruugisis return! innnuv. CITATION. IN THE COl STY OOl llT OF THK STATE OF Oregon, for the County ol Clackamas, silting ill probate, April term, IS 8. In tlie matter of the guardianship of James G. Sluari, a minor. This mailer coming bclore tho court on the pe tition ot the guardian, for license to sell the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: Lots num bered three (3). five (S) and six (t) in block I um bered one hundred and Hve (loo), in Oregon Lily, iiregon. And It nppearlug to the court bcnetlcial to the ard Unit said real estate should be Bold. It Is therefore ordered that tho 2."lli day of Mav, l.M, at tlie hour cf ten o'clock a. in. of said day, al the office of the county judge of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, is set as the time and place for hearing said peiiliou, at which time ami dace the next of kin ol said ward and all persons interested in said estate are directed to be present and show cause, if any there be, why license should not lie granted for the sale of said rml estate, it Is further ordered that a copy uf this order be published at least three successive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a newspaper circulated lu Clackamas connly, )regon. Dated this -Ot.i day of April, 1898. Attest: (iO:ON K. HAYF.S, Ki.mkb Dixon, Clerk, County Judge, by K. 11, to jI'sr, Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Couuiy of Clackamas. Mary Mailer, 1 Plaintiff. I vs James Ibalges, Lucy Hedges, J- Henry brum, Ella Uru-h mid I Ibliia A. bates, I Dcftiidants. J State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. By vi k 1 r k ok a jrin.MKxr oitinsit and de ree und an exec itinn, dulv Issued out of and under the seal of ilie above entitled court, in the ahove ciiiithd cause, to me duly directed and dated Ihe bnh day of April, Ism, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on iher.ith day of April, law, in lavor 01 Mary Mailer, plaintiff, anil sgiunst .lames Hialges and Lucy Hodges, defendau's, for the sum o'7Uu.2l w liti Interest thereon at rate of 10 per cent, per annum from said l'Jth day of April, lsim, and the further sum of ;.", attorney's fees, and the fur ther sum of 911, costs slid disbursements, and the cost of and .lpoti tills writ; commanding me to niaae sale of tlie following described real prop, erty, situate lu the county ot Clackamas and state ot Oregon, lo wit: Beginning on the west aid. ofsec'i"n23 Intown hip 4 south of langu 1 cast of Willamette Merid ian, at Ihe half mile slake: thence south SO rods; in.'iiee east WO rods; tlienoj north sOiods; thence west HH) rods to the place of beginning, contain ing SO acres more or less. Now therefore, by virtue of said execution. juiUmciit order and decree, and In compliance with the c.iinuiandsof said writ, 1 will on SA TV KDAY, M AY Jlst, lS'.D. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. 111., al the front door of the countv court house. In Ihe city of Oregon City said countv and stale, sell at public auction. sub Joel In redemption, lo the highest bidder, for I lilted States gold coin, cash ill hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants of any of tin in had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had 111 or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to sail fv said execution. Judgment order, decree Interest, costs and all accruing cost. x H. XV. ORACH, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon. April lath, ls'.w. OASTOIIXA. Bears ths j4 1 n hm m nm iwi ihe Kind You Haw Always Bouglit EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. em For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiMiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiii mil ilium I SOME PAPERS GIVE f ALL THE NEWS PART OF THE TIME, AND SOME PAPERS I GIVE PART OF THE NEWS I I ALL OF THE TIME. I THE CALL) IS THE ONLY PAPER THAT GIVES I ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME ! j ; SUBSCRIPTION PRICE INCLUDINO POSTAGE ; S Dally Call, including Sunday 12 mo J6 00 : ; i i. i 6 ' 8 00 S . I " " " " 8 " 1 U) I " " " " 1 " 65 : : Sunday Call 12 " 1 ;X1 s s Weekly " 12 " 1 Ml s S " " 6 " 71 5 S Sunday and Weekly Call 12 " 2 CU ; S Delivered by carrier, every day, 65c. mo. : W. 3. LEAKE, Manaqir. .1 'IIIIMIIIIOMIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIII IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIir EMPORIUM OF Fine Millinery AND HAIR GOODS Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed Hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled. Kid Gloves Cleaned. Hulr XVork In All Its Branches Done with Vest ness and Dispatch. R. BECKER, 520 FIRST STREET, - PORTLAND, OR. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly ftl5 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y', Chicago. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horaei k ways on hand at the lowest rates, and a com also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person, HORSES BOCOHT OB SOLD For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to F. HENNINGS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes hy. WANTKD TRl'STXX'ORTH Y AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible stablished house In Oregon. Monthly etiA and xpctiscs. Position steady. Reference. Knelose tlf addressed stamped envelope. The Dcnduiou nip any, Dept. Y, Chicago. Weak Ken Made Vigorous KM" WXT 9$3Sr WSStfT What PEFFEB'S NERVIGOR Did! It acts powerfully and qnlckly. Cures when all others fan. Youns men regain lost manhood: old men recover youthful vigor. Absolutely Guar anteed to Cor Nervousness, Lost Vitality, lm potency. Nightly I missions. Lost Poser, either sex, Fulling Memory, Wasting Dis eases, and alt efectt cf telf-abuee or nateet and In.ii-crflinn Wards oil Insanity and consumption. Doox let druggist Impose a worthless substitute on you becanse tt yields a greater profit. Insist on hav ing PKIf FKBVS N IfcRVlGOK, or send for It Can ri carried In vest pocket, t repaid, plain v-apper, I per box, or O for f 5. with A W ritten (iuar ntoeo('nreor Hefund Money. Fsniphlelfree fi-FFLU MfcDlCAL ASS'N, thlcagu. 111. I Bears the fir k w- The njf Kind Ay You Have Always Bought. For Sale by C arman k Co. J