UNCLE-SAM-" NO WrTHENTffi GEN. r.ntMnSnWJ:fe J J IJ . W f f M ' ' I REAL BROWNIESJN AMERICA. Mr conn - try! V oT the, 3ce' Und it II- bcr . 1j, A a V You can i be cured t If yon suffer from any of the ills of men, come to ' the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., 1051 Market SI Est'd 1852. Tonng men and middle Btred men who are suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Debility .ImpolencT, Lost 9Iunhood in all its complications; Spermatorrhoea, Prostatorrhcea, Oonorrhaen, Ulrnt, Freurncy of ITrluatlna;, etc By a combination of remedies', of great curative pow er, the Doctor .has so arranged his treatment that It will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but Is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty D laeascs of Men. ' Srphl 1 1 thoroughly eradicated franj the yRtfm without using Mereur , :i EVERY MAN applying to ns win. re ceive our hmest opinion of bl9 complaint. . - We Kill Guarantee a POSITIVECURE in every cote we undertake, or JorJciX One Thousand Dollars, . Consultation FREE and strictly private.; CHARGES VERY SEASONABLE. Treat ment personally r by letter. - Send for book, " The fhiloBophjr of Marriage,'' tree. (A valuable book for men.) 1 VISIT DB. JOBDAN-S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens CATALOGUE FREE. Call or write. . 1061 Market Street, San Francisco, Cat. 0;C:&E:r.r:Gu YAQtTINA BAY HOXTT23 Connecting at Taquina Bay with the Ban ! Francisco anil Yoqulna Buy Steamship Company. Stieamsliip Farallon" Satis from Yaqnina every eight days i for Sail Francisco, Coos ilay Port Oilord, Trinidad and Humbolt Bay. . ' Passenger actioBirnodatlons unsurpassed ' sWrtcet route between the 'Willamette Valley and California, ..,.. Fare from Albany or point west to B iranoisco; . " Cabin, rouud trip ' Steerage ' " - - : ' " To Coot Bay and, Port Oxford! 'Cabin, '.'' To Humbolt Bay: . . Cabin,' .!.: .:? '. ." Bound trip," good for 60 daya. ' ; .; . RIVER DIVISION, . i l Steamers "Albany" and "Win. M. Hnae; newlv furnished, leave Albany daily (except Saturdays) at 7:45 a. m., arriving at Portlaud the same day at 5 p. m, .- - , 4 Returning, boats leave Portland same days, at 8:00 a. m., arriving at Albany at 7:45 p. m. J. C. MAYO, Sunt. River Division, Corvailis, Or. - EDWIN STONE, Mgr., (15 00 eon 6 00 8 09 Enter West Point to Train as a Hold lev for Uncle Pom. . Through the appointment of Tresl Oent McKlnluy Ulysses S. Grnnt. son of Col. Fred Grant and grandson of the famous Union General and Chief Executive of tho United States, will en ter West Point. Before his death, in 1885, Ucn. Grant framed a petition, directed to tho President of the United States, asking for this favor, and later Gea. Sherman, as a matter of courtesy, Indorsed it. ; " Young Ulysses, now in his sixteenth year, will not bo of age to enter West Point until June, 1SH0. Before enter ing the famous institution he-'will de vote a tfood deal, of tho Intervening time to scientific study In Columbia College. lie Is now a sturdy lad and measures 5 feet and 11 Indies In height, with a quite certain prospect of reaching be yond six feet when lie puts on the uni form of a West point cadet. lie is now two Incites taller than his father and four Indies taller than his famous grandfather. Ills other bodily meas urements are In good proportion to his stature, aud he gives every promise of developing a physique far above the jOJOCOOWOOi Of (he . I sing i , Iui1 Vre my fa -Iber's died. Land of (he ySi . gririn )trMe,Fira every maun tain sW Let, free-dom ring. It was tills continual persecution of the Quakers, in the west of England particularly, that at length moved the council to emphatically Interfere on their iK-hnlf. In Novemlwr, 1(557. a remonstrance, signed by flvo Friends, was presented to the council, specially complaining of the persecutions at Ex eter; and Henry Lawrence, the presi dent of tlK council, nt once forwarded a letter to tho Justices of tho peace, not only in Devon, but other counties, dealing with tho matter. Xotes and Queries. n.vsi s , fii'AT in. suddenly he slipped from the arms that held hlra and bouuded away and killed himself. When, through the Intervention of a physician In the crowd, the whipping of Hanson was Interrupted at the sev enteenth of the sixty lashes he was sen tenced to receive, he was given his clothes and a square meal, and then, with placards bearing the inscription, "Thief, pass him along," tied to his bads and breast, was escorted by a committee of miners down tho snow covered road to Iyea. ordinary. He has proven himself the possessor of more than usual mental abilities of a boy of his age, is very Ktudlous, stands high In his class in the New York school which he attends, und shows marked proficiency, partic ularly In nctiuliing languages. He manifested an early fondness for the military by Joining the cadet corps of Troop A, National Guards, when but 12 years old. Wnrne.l Gould of tho ("oat. Paul Gore, now clerk at tho Audito rium Annex, was room clerk at the Urn nil Pacific for several years. He tells a story In connection with Jay Gould's first visit to Chicago. Mr. Gould had registered at the Grand Pa cific, and was standing In the lobby with his hands in his coat pockets, look ing like a countryman in town. The little millionaire approached J. P. Vldal, wlio was clerk Ut the house, and modestly asked him what would be the best 'way for lilin to go to Lincoln Park. "Yldil, not knowing who Gould was, gave 1)1 in the necessary Instruction as to street cars, etc. Gould heard him through and then said: "But could I not go In a carriage?" "Yes, you can; but it Is a little ex pensive," said Vldal. "Well, us this Is my first visit, I thtnlt 1 will try to stand the expense." "All right, but to whom shall I charge the carriage?" asked the clerk. "To Jav Gould," came the quiet an swer. Ylslal almost fell to tho tloor, but Gould got the carriage. Chicago Times-Herald. Iiah for Thieves -tn A I antra. 'Rome weeks ago a Yukon outfit that had Imui packed from Dym to Sheep Camp by a party on tho way to the In terior of the Klondike country was stolen. A "committee" of miners such being tho ominous term by which that sort of gathering Is designated in the new country tracked the thieves to the summit of Chllkoot l"ass, where the lost property was recovered. Iater the "commltte-" captured two men and brought thorn back to camp for trial. They gave tho names of William Wel lington and Edward Hanson. Throe of the "committee" favored lynching Wellington and Hanson, but they finally consented to a compromise on sixty lushes for Mich of the two cap tives. This was accordingly undertaken. Wellington had been "formally" sen tenced nnd was under an escort to the hut where he had been confined, when Artltlclal Ilcanty Laws. During the reign of Charles II. In En glnnd, laws with regard to artificial aids to beauty were very strict It Is interesting to note this curious act of Parliament which was passed In the year ItSTu: "That all women, of what ever ngo, rank, profession or degree, whether virgins, maids or widows, that shall, after the passing of this act, impose upon and betray Into matri mony any of his Majesty's male sub jects, by Rcenta, iwluts, cosmetics, washes, artltlclal teeth, false hair, Span ish wool, Iron stays, hoops, htgh-heoled shoes or bolstered hips, shall incur the penalty of the laws now In force against witchcraft, sorcery and .such like misdemeanors, and that the mar riage, upon conviction, shall stand null and void." Exolorer Sullivan Finds a Tribe of Pigmies on Orinoco River. Eben J. Sullivan, a South American explorer, claims to have discovered a race of living brownies near the head waters of the Orinoco River In the wilds of Surinam, In describing his find, Mr. Sullivan says: "The queer child people are about four feet in height Their skin from head to foot Is a brilliant reddish brown, translucent in effect Their legs are like plpestems, scarcely the size of a child s arm, while their arms are ridiculously small and thin, and their stomachs are big, out of all proportion to the body, nnd distended back as well as front Their faces are flat and flabby liko those of Palmer Cox's brownies. "I think they number 10,000 to 15,- 000. They are nomadic, moving over thousands of square miles. It was pure ly by accident that I came upon some of their roving bands. A traveler might have to search for months in the same region In order to find any of them. All those that 1 saw were rn different Darts of Surinam. . "In measuring these little folk I found none over four feet and eight inches. and the women were much shorter. They use the style of headdress so com mon among African tribes that of shaping many designs by mixing mud with their hair: both men and women .in tiita. Clothlmr in their village Is worn only by adults, and then seldom more than a cloth over the loins. But they bedeck themselves with many brass and copper ornaments. They have tribal marks that sometimes cover tile entire body nnd head. These ore made by slits in the 6kln. "They live In little houses called mas sougos, of mud or woven dried grass, entered bv crawling on the hands and knees. I went Into one and It seemed like a' child's playhouse. There were oueer little Images, Idols, fetich gods set up all about They roprescntea ani mals mostly and there were many ugly specimens of clay pottery. There were little fetich doctors in clay and many other things of the sort suggesting most denrnved. superstitious ideas. They are, I believe, all pagans, though some of them seem to hare an Idea of a su preme spirit of power." Some women are passing fair some others are past. and ARMY AND NAVY COMMANDERS WHO WILL INVADG CUBA. pRki.6El1,t5)PPrt6tR. BfflG.GErrvVADP. Tampa div. liiaUer-r Hutu. There has Ikvu told In various works the persecution to which, In common wealth times, George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends, nnd his fel low Quakers wore subjected becouse of their refusal to remove their huts In the presence of tho civil magistrate; but the Maine for this would seem to have lulu upon the local Justices rather ttliau the central power. Cromwell per Velved Unit It was easier for stupid or Jealous magistrates to send junkers to prison for this refusal than to get itheiii out ngaln, for Fox and his friends Iliad almost to be Implored to leave the Jails into which they considered thein iselves to have been unjustly thrust. . . Jill .teCy?3 A V Tl ( iC-r l! &r$3 1 J ;V tWWMitAfisj Cm r 68 Brook soutw ogKGrOy eiTT ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AN0 PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT; IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, Rood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from.$ioo to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. .. T. L. CIURMAN, Trustee, Charman Bros.' Block rONX rcT'To. Klondike ,1 (V kqb2J? SO They . ftNCffSSreit AMMUWTlOltrvaEDB? ' ' CWRYBOff SOLO EVERYWHCRS m Oi irD 0 D TO THE GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES It's a Heroic Wooing. The native states of Central India still abound with Khonds, nnd it Is interest ing to see that "wife capturing" is still In vogue among those who represent tho first Inhabitants of this land. Tho father in quest of wife to his son, or the himself, hunts a deer or some came and starts with a pot ot iriu tr the other party, and In tho course of the day he manages to settle for a wife, and then there Is feasting nml drinking. In tho course of which terms are settled. The young man Is to serve the girl's father for a fixed number of months, assist him in clearing the Jungle and in cultivation, hunting game for food, and In gathering honey. After this period, on a certain day, the young man has to try to carry off his bride, ami then follows a hunt after the.man and a sound thrashing. If the man is able to withstand the blows and survive tho ordenl then his prize is given to him, or If the man is able to escape uncaugnt to the precincts of his villago custom forbids further pursuit, and the triura- nhnnt man has the nrizo,--:uaaras Times. Berlin Libraries, The Berlin libraries all told contain more than 2,000,000 volumes. The Roy al library, of course. Is In the lead with more than 1.000,000, and growing at tne rate of 20,000 per annum; the university now has 100,000 volumes; that of the statistical bureau 140,000; the War Academy has 00,000 volumes; that or the general staff 70,000; of the Court of Chambers 73,000; that of the Technical Hich School, 00,000. There are also a number of smaller once. GREAT VIA SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. SHORT USE. VIA SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY, OCEAN STEAMERS Oregon, Geo. Elder and City oi Topcfca Leave Portland Every 5 Days for ALASKA POINTS Ooean Suamera Leave Portland Every 4 Daya FOB SAN FRANCISCO. Ptctmers Monthly from Portland to Yokohama ana lions none, in con nection with the O. R. & N. For furtbet Information call on 0. K. & N. Agent, F E. DOSALDSON, or address W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger, Agent, Portland, Or. nnmvpit. fAni.TTT. A rn Gen. Agta. Nor. Pac 8. S. (X, Portland, Or. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC (JO. Eiprcss Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. I North. OOf.M. ILv Portland Ar 9:80a. Mr.u. Li OreonClty Lv 8:40a. Aik.H. I Ar 8au Kranoisoo Lv :00r. x Th ahove trains stOD at all stations betweer Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer son, Albany, Tangent, sneaos, naisey, HRrris- burK, Junction City, Irving, Kngene, (Jresweii, Cottage Grove, uralnx, and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, Inclusive. KOSEBL'UG MAIL DAILY. 9:30a.m. , Lv Portland Ar I 4.E0P.M 6:27 a.m. Lv Oregon Oily Lv 8:36 P.M 8.20 p. m. I Ar RoBeburg Lv I 7: 0 at DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division, Between PORTLAND and CORVALLIS MA1LTRA1N DAIMTIEXCEPTSCNDAY.) 7:80 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar5:50P.M 12:15 P.M. I Ar Corvailis l,vl.wi". 11 At Albanv and Corvailis connect with train of pregon Central & Kustern R. R. EXPRESS TBAIM DAILY 1EXCEPTSTJMDAT.) 4:50 P.M. I Lv Portland Ar 8:25 A. M 7.80P.M. Ar McMlnnvllle It WA.M 8:30 P.M. Ar ludependeuce Lv 1 4:6u A. M Direct connection at San Franclsfo wlih Occidental and Oriental and Pacific 11 ail Rlenmiliip Lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application. Rates and tickets to eastern points and Europe also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from E. E. BOVD, Agent, Oregon City R. E0EHLER, C. H. MARKHAM. Manager, Asst. ' F. A P. Agent Portland, Or. Portland, Or. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO'S Str. Altona Will Make Dally Trips Between OREGON CITY m PORTLAND Leavtn Portland for Salem and way landings at 6 45 a- m., and Oregon City at about 3 p. in. Snld the married mnn who Mtios to be Rvmivitiilzod for: "My wife Is never haiw unless she lias a plevnnce.' "How hairy sue must bo!" said th orctty girl, and then the married mnn grew strangely silent Cincinnati En quirer. The middle aisle of a church Is often used as a bridal path. Trains arrive and depart from Portland a follows: Leave for the East via Huntington dally,8:00 pm A rrtre from taut " " " 7;J0pra Leave for the East via, Epokane dally, 2:oo pm Axrivs fxum East " " ' 10:15 am WASTED TRUSTWORTHY AWD ACTIVI tniUroo or ladlas M travel for rtsponstbli established houe lu Oregon. Monthly 169 u nanus. Position swadt. Referenoa, tn close self addressed stamped envelop. posttsioa Comntey, Dept. Y. Chicago. Thi AlV7Jtn TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVI atUm.Q ar ladles U travel for rwvtnslMs HUl&bed bouse la OrfB. Monthly 164 M aari speaaes. Peslllen steady. RetereDea, Bad allSSlrMi-4 tlimpf4 aralupe. TkeueaUulu Cvaipafiy, Part. Y, C&loa. J 'rrmV COPYRIQHTS C Anron fndlnf t skt?trh and dMdint1rn muf (pilekly iucrtatn our opinion free whthr aa fiTmton ( probsbly p&tenuble. ' Communirft tioni nrlcUy oonfldontlal. Handbook on Piteuts Mni freo. Oldest aaanoy for soruiirjf paientt. Patanu tkn toroucb Muno & Co. recall tjMetai notice, without cbanra, lu Ui Scientific Jlmcrican. A kantfjomfllT UlnMratM wklr. Lamest cli cutaUon of any tctfintiAc JournaL Tran, 13 a raar; roor montua, u cwia uyaii rtewiaeaian. raar ; fnor mo MtiRH I P i SetBroscwsT siiwivii va vvi iiwiT i Snook Offloa, CM F Bt, Wash tn (too, D.