OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. gnteredin Oregon CltjrpoBtofflce as second-class matte SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid In advance, re) year Six months Tliree mouth' trial 180 75 ...... 8 The date oDDoalte your address on the paper dono'es the time to which you have paid PATR3NIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, MAY 13, 1898. UNION TICKET Of Populists, Democrats and Silver Republicans. . STATE. ,. . ' , For Governor W. E. Knto. of Baker. ' For Congiasa, Flrrt CUtrlct-R. M. Viatch, of H'or Hocretary of KUte H. B. KmcAn.of tane, ForSta'e TreBHirer-J. O. Boom, of Jowphlne. For Supreme Judge W. A. rUMsT,of Yamhill. For Altonmv G.-nernl 1. L. BtokY, ol Wasco. For State Printer Chab. A. Iituh. of Clwka- """or Siiperliuenrlont of Public Instructlon-H. 8. LtmaM, of Clataop. OI8TBIOT. For Judae, Fifth Dlntrlcl-W. D. Uaeb, of Washington. For District Attorney Go. Noiand, of (Jutsop. For Member of State Hoard of Equalization Wi. Barlow, of Clackamas. For Joint Senator, Marlnu and Clackamas II L. Babkley, of Marion. . coumy. . State Senator-W. H. U'Kmi, of Mllwaukie, Representatives OKnauK Oni.r, of Molalla; Gkokue Kniuht, of llaul; James Coon, of Os- W0ou'ntv Jtldne-'W. W. Myek. of Maple Lane. Bhwiff J.J. CooKK.of Oregou City. Clerk--El.Mliiw,of Ely. Heoorder A lkkkd Ujiu.ino. of MIlwanMo. Trenaurei Jacob SMi)K, of Oregon Oily. Assessor-I.OCME IWoUT, of ( lames. School Snpt.-, . 8TAKKW1ATI1EK, ol Mil- waukle. ' ' Surveyor A. Toou, of Needy. ',..ri u i: KTKicKLA.iD.ofOrenonrlty. County Couuiiir--W,- J- t-'"""" ' Uur- tnwvme. , TBECINCT. i No. 1. ittllce, Cl)d" r.viius ol Tualatin. Con .,.!.. ir.u.il ll..uu.tr III Tllsllitin. Hn.'i. Jastke, (no noinlnaiiiin), Coi.stuble, H. W. Koehlernf Oswego ' No. 8. 'usiice, A K. Hnlcnnib of Clackamas Constable. W. U Johnson of Clackamas. No. 4. Justice, C. Scliuobel of Oregon City. Constable. T. S. Lawrence of Or-g-ti City. No 6. Jiisilce, rl as. N Waits of Canity. Con stable. Joseph Shnll ol Csnby. ' No 7 JuVtlee, W. W. Ji-sse of Barlow. Con table, F. M. Matthews "f Barlow No. H Justice, O.I) Kbyol Molalla. .0. nstuble, Wm. Kverbartof Molulla. No 9. Justice, Koht dchuebel of Carus. Con stKiile, John Halne of Mnllim ., ',, , No. 10. Jusih-e, K. Rutherford of Highland, Constable, J. D. tayersof Hishbinil. ,o. 11. Justice, j. a. iiaiiuuiM ui Constable, Win Handle of Uprlngwater No li Justice. II. Hreltliaupl of Damascus. Constable, Win. Buckinan of Damascus. No. 14. Justice, V Hath of (ieorge. Constable, A. 1). Burnett of Oeorge. Union County Platform. Resolved, That the feopl 's. domoerut and silver repulillcHU pirtles of lackaiuas eounly Assembled In convention, fully 'l heartily re alllrm and endorse the platform of the people s, 6m. crat and silver republican parlies as ad opted at Portland by the recent state couveii " Resolved. That the migratory system of (lit trii't attorney should be substituted by each county having us own county attorney, at a moderate salarv, whose duly It shall be to pro- tjcit all cunty Interests, including all prosecu- Resolved, That we demand such changes In our laws as are necessary to provide for pieeluot organization, giving each preelhcl power to elect it own assessor, road supervisor, and all local "solved, That we view with alarm tho con stantly Increasing expenditure of the county court, and demand more oireful and economi cal administration In that oHioe. We pledge our randldales to do all In llietr power to amend our law fixing Ihe salary of countv olllrers in Cliicksmas ovunty so llml the j early "sHlartes shall be: For sherllV, hH : county clerk, tmi : recorder, 7(t tnasurer, WI0: county Judge, M0; supiTlnlemlenl of publie Instriii lion. Titt: countv survevor, -. Tins ninundmiiit to ,e relerred to llie vters of Clackiuiiia county nut later than the annual wlmnl elccltmi In Maroh, 1KIW, to lake effect as soon as Ills ap proved bv the majority of those vollug. Lkt Oregon set the example by elect ing tho entire union reform ticket. Pun, Mkthuiun got it in the nook. The state treasurer's ollUa was so foul that even thu republicans c.ille-1 for a cleaning out. If L. L.l'ortor thinks he can bo elected joint senator by heaping abuse on his opponent, a ministor.iu hia dirty she it, he is mistaken. Evkky candidate on the Union ticket 1 fills the Jefforsonian test of honesty and capability. The pooplo should see .!iut all of them are elected. Job Simon is having his middle-of-the-road Commoner distributed broadcast throughout Clackamas county. A. J. Kellogg, of Oregon City, is representing tho sheet. A votb for the union ticket Is one for retrenchment and reform and against tho gold standard, tho trusts ami every thing inimical to tho best interests of the people. Let this not bo forgotten, i 1 Nation Chairman Murk A. Hamia re fuses to pond any money or speakers to to Oregon for the camimign, thinking the state is already lout to tho republi cans and it would bo throwing money away. Tub walk out of the dozen middle-of tho-roud populists tit Portlond is not a cirtniinstaui'o coiupiue i nun mo w.iov, out tho Mitchell and Kllis men will give tho Joe Simon ticket in June. Vale Ad- i .1... it. vocatt. Tim Enterprise "says that a man that would reduce his salary to got into ollico would steal B.vrup olf a blind nun's pan cake," and then publishes tho statot ment ot 11 candidate agreeing to do that very thing. Tub low ami unprincipled campaign editor of the Enterprise wastes nearly all his editorial page in calling the Herald and Courier names. Why don't he do something for the republican co in bination ticket Instead. Ho does not hurt our feelingi and we like to see him pocketing Porter's money, as it is not often he catches such a sucker If the war tax measure, as passed by the House, containing a $5(10,000,000 bond proposition, is not knocked out in the senate, we fear ihe banking clique will have gained the point they have sought so long, to substitute bank rule for government rule. ' Thb people of Oreaon might as well elect M. Edwards.manager of the Amer ican Book Company, as Prof. Ackerman superintendent of public inistruction. Mr. Ackeiman is Mr. Edward's proxy, which will be revoked after election in case of success. Portland Dispatch. Makk Hanna has secured a -big coal contract from MeKinley at a dollar a ton more than o:her dealers offered to furnish the' same quality of coal. A million tons will net Mark a million' dol lars over what is h fair price, for the coal. St. Helens News. Max Kamsby was-sent as delegate to congressional convention and instructed to support Hermann, but he voted for Tongue and is now enjoying his promised reward, a federal, position in Portland. After election he can spend all his time there as ihe people of Clackamas'connty are not going to elect a third termer with a government job to office. One republican precinct chairman is complaining because he has not received some of republican campaign fund and claims he cannot carry his precinct un less he has money for beer, etc. This man put up his own money last election and was paid in promises and he' will probably lo so again although he says he will not. ' This republican candidal and their steering committee might properly be called a lawyers' brigade. The lawyers on the district and county ticket are.T. A. MoBride, T.J. Cleeton, L L.Porter, Geo. 0. Brownell. Lawyers A; S. Dres ser and G. B. Dimick are secretaries of county cotniriittee and, are .attempting to steer the combination ticket through. The fellow that says that Geo. W. Mc Bride is not trying to be re-elected U. S, senator and is not in "cahoots" with Mitchell must be pretty blind. L. L' Porter, the Mitchell-Mc Bride candidate for joint senator for Marion' and Clacka counties, is a man well in hand. Sena tor Gesner was turned down by the AliteheH-Melirido manugers and this young lawyer,, of Oregon City; put in his place. Gesner had too much back bone. Salem Journal. .Do yoti want all the government pap. er money retire I and interest bearing bonds issued in their stead? Do you want the banks to issue paper money for you( to do business on? lio you want these batiks to receive a'riew lease'tof life for fifty yejtrs to con,, and have the power to 'compel you" to use their '.'wild '''it", paper money in the transaction ol your bu-iness? Do you want the gold stan dard forevur fastened on this country? If so, vote the g. o p. ticket. "Til k proceeding of the present legis lature fullv demonstrates the strength of one nuiu -that matt is Joo Simon. The republican party is Joe Simon, and Joo Simon Is the republican pirty. The time will come that there will be such a revolution anion; the people of Oregon that the republican p.tity in Ore gon will be bulled out of siht if this one-man power continues." Ore hian, Feburaiy 8lh, 1891. No tluOrj' nian is supporting Mr. Simon. What caused the change? Wm. Haklow, the well-known pioneer of CMatkanias county, was in the city Tuesday lust. Mr. Harlow is an enthu siastic supporter of the fusion ticket in Oregon this year. He says U'Ken will easily defeat lliownell for tho state sen ate and piedictsiho election of the en tire Clackamas county ticket. Mr. B ir low is a silver republican and was ono of tho first in tho statu to declare for the restoration of the white mjt.it to its time honoied position as a free and equal companion of gold at the ratio of 10 to 1. Sitlein Independent M. Poktkb is the candidate for joint senator whopropjaestjdeie.it lUrkley. His plan is to induce tho middlo-roa.l-ers to unite for him. lie claims they are ull right inl'lackamas, but it is very dillictilt to locate a single ono in Marion. The program is to have tho right men in tacit community secretly work up the boys, and poison their minds against his opponent. This is to he done by all manner of pledges and promises. Tho question arises, how will Mr. Poner "work"' the middle roaders where there are none? Why .1........'. 1... .......... i... . .i . uni'nu t uu i-i uui ueioro me people ami advocate some principles ii he's got any? Salem Journal. Why doestheDinglcy-liage combination propose legislation to convert the L'nited States into a gold oligarchy and the peo ple into serfs just at this time? Ueeause they desire to utilize tho patriotism of tho country and win in tho excitement, while the attention of the country is di rected to the war, what could not be done in time of nem-n. ti,. understand that j their gamo can. not bo played while the people are looking on, just as well as the gambling sharp who deals marked cards or plays with loaded dice does that his scheme must fail unless he can divert the atten tion of his victims from the tricks ho plays. Mb. T.T. Geeb the candidate for gov ernor spoke at Toledo in Lincoln county on May 2. We understand that they advertised that there w(as to be a joint discussion between Mr. Geer and Mr. King, the opposing nominee. This was done to draw a large crowd and' was successful. The Oregonian stated that Mr. Geer ex pressed his regrets that Mr. King was never invited to attend such meeting either directly or indirectly, He had challenged Mr. Geer for joint discussion which Mr. Geer refused. Mr. Geer in a private letter to one of his republican friends stated that he would not object to dividing time with Mr.Kingat any of his appointed places for speaking, but no notice was ever extended to either the Union Campaign Committee or Mr. King to this -effect either by letter or Otherwise. These are the tactics adopted by the repubbtican party for the pur pose of drawing a crowd and mislead ing the people as to the true situation of the facts. They were never known to conduct a campaign in a fair and hon orable manner and indications are they never wi 11 be known to do so. : Go it alone? Certainly. Let the demo crats apd populists who favor a union of all forces opposed to gold bugism have a separate ticket.. Let the middle-of-the roaders have another ticket , the single tax advocates another, and those who favor socialism still another. This Will make it dead easy for the republicans to carry the elections, retire the green backs, provide for payment of govern nent bonds in gold only, issue $800,000, 000 in new gold bonds, build up a great bank trust with control of all paper money in circulation and completely en trench the gold gambler in power. While the separate reform forced 'are fighting among themselves the republi can minority'will have no difficulty in firmly riveting the chains of industrial slavery upon the limbs of the common people. What a glorious prospect for humanity. ..What . magnificent patriot ism. If the platform be all right on the one or more great issues and yet does not embrace every detail of reform which you favor, then denounce your brother reformer as a, traitor, spoilsman, an of fice seeker and stay from the polls er vote a republican ticket outright to give vent to your injured feelings. This pro gramme will make gold standard poli ticians so happy, say the Vancouver Register. PLATFORM OP THE nKifOCR.iTS, " ' l UrUljlX I S A n l S L VEK REPUBLIC A A'iS. First. They are unalterably opposed to gold mono-metalism. Second. They demand the immediate restoration of bimetalism at the present ratio' by the independent action of this country Third. They oppose the retirement of the greenbacks. Fourth. They oppose the issue, of pa per money by national banks Fifth. They oppose the issue of inter est bearinu: bonds. Sixth. They favor the income lax as a means of raising ptrt of the revenue necessary to administer the federal gov eminent. Seventh. They favor the abolition of trusts. Eighth. They are opposed to govern ment by injunction. Ninth. They are in favor of arbitra tion as means of settling disputes bj tween labor and capital. Tihownkix has missed three of .hia tliitt'8 for joint debates with U'Ren. Is he afraid? The steering committee say he is sick, and the election has some thing to do with it. As a matter of principle you cannot refuse to vote the union reform ticket in Clackamas county. If you refuse it puis politics above principle. Vote 'er straight. Lectures on Switzerland. L. II. McMahan.of Salem, who recent ly returned from Switzerland, will deliver fiee lectures in this county on the following dates. His subjects are, !D The Initiative and Referendum in Practical Operation in Switzerland J (2) State Affairs in Oregon : At Clackamas 7:30 p. m. May 12 Macksburg 13 Maple Lane 14 Damascus Hi Sandy 17 Milwaukee .,.... 18 New Era 19 Cnnbv ... 20 Elliot's Prairie 21 Boys' Washable Suits We offer ten splendid lines of boys' Washable Sailors at the Low Price of. 85c a Suit. These are actually worth $1.50 and $2.00. See them and be convinced. A. B. STEINBACH & CO. Cor. Third and Morrison Streets, rortlnml, Oregon. Strong, steady nerves Are needed for success Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely, Upon the blood. Pure, rich, nourishing Blood feeds the nerves And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Because it makes ; ' The blood rich and , Pure, giving it powef " To feed the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures nervousness, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh, scrofula, ; And all forms of Impure blood. Q. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOKMEY AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office to Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY - - - . OREGON Geo. C. Bhownem J. U. Cahpbeli BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Balldlng Oregon City, Oie THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker if" '"'""county p ulackamas Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialtj ontce on east side ot Main street Between bill and 7tn OREGON Ciry, , . . OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of paid to tJabm h and Chronic diseases. Best of references u-iven. Office iu Wtllamwtte Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to op. p. in OREGON CITY . . - OREGON J. W. WELCH DENTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Opposite P. o. - . Ongaox city, Ore 0. ii. isom, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will ! at Court House on each Saturday ana on regular session uays or County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1805 ) TIIK PIONKEIt EXPKKSSMAN AMD I) It A V MAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of tho City OREGON CITY .... OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f WO, 000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans inarle. Bills tiseoiiuted. Makes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all point In the United States and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C. LATOURETTE, H18D J. MEYER, President Oashhr BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOU8R IN TBI CITY PAID VP CAPITAL, $S0,0OO.0O SURPLUS f!0,S50.00 President, Vice-president Cashier, CHAI. H. CtUFMBD Gio. A. Hakdi.nD E. O. Cadhild K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Hade on Available Security Exchange Bought and 4nld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of the World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on PortlaaJ, 8n Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit. vWJi' ft u- PIONEER DRUG STORE ; IF YOU WANT DRUGS OR MEDICINES ''' ....GO TO I GLm ft HARDING & CO. t Willamette Building, OpPoslte Commercial BankjL Their prices are'the lowest and their drugs and medicines are V strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. Your patronage soliceted. HARRIS' GROCERY... Fresh Stock of . .: First-Class. , Depot for HAT and FEED New Firm Heinz & Co. have purchase the Grocery . and. Bakery of Gibson & Lindsey, and will continue,- to keep a first-class line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES BREAD AND pactpv - Old Established Bakery, opposite Postoffice. ' 1 ' : ' Oregon City, Oregon. IF WOMEN voted: ...Bicycles With Wings... The nearest approach to flying ed and the makers who produced factors. No noise. No broaks. No parts. No attention necessary. "You buy the wheel the Columbia Ohainless does the rest " Not an hour of time taken to keep the Chainless In order for a year. More durable; More handsome in appearance. Less expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modern and cotnolete bicvele factorv. "Ynn see them everywhere." They are STANDARD Cnliimliin riinln Wheels Til. OO Columbia Tandems 145.00 II art funis 50.00 Yrtletlt-s .. US. 00 40.00 CHARM Now G0 ,0- KThrxiMEt , DAVIDSON'S IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your CjVLLEJ.'Y" rooms and paint your house and Up-to-Date Pictures Murrow - IS THE MAN to do H. STRAIGHT, the painting and papering dealse : in a first-class shape a GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS very low prices. Leave Mill Feed, Lime, Cement orders at paint store, near , . , T., s. p.dePot and Land faster. HEN YOU SELECT.... Shoes choose the best. There I V is no reason i why you j should take inferior goods; . when you have our; wide range of Stock andj Styles to select from. We offer you the best makes of i shoes at the best prices. Com-' fortable, healthful shoes at.' prices that astonish, please J ' and convince, etc. ( KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE- THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City 9 lSFftjVx? ,'. And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority -f "Patent" Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City ,by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all groceries. yet attained The experts who perfect- the Ohainless Bicycle are publio bene friction caused bv exposed drivine OF THE WORLD. Jiick-Men'a $30.00 Jill Wniiintl 34.50 Second hum) Wheels IS'JO.OO to $50.00 AN & CO , Cut-rate Druggists, Agents. $ .! 1