Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, May 13, 1898, Image 2

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    Oregon Gity Goarier.
A. W. CHtMIT, rnblUher.
A Complete Review of the Telegraphic.
'em of This and All For
eign Lands
The senate has passed the bill pro
viding for paail facilities in the army
The house passed the senate bill
authorizing the armv to feed the Cu
bans and the people of the island oi
A special from Madrid says the
municipal buildings at Linares have
been sacked and the crowd fired on by
soldiers. Fourteen were killed and 60
The cruiser Charleston has been
placed in commission at Valejo, Cal
She will be dispatched with supplies
for Dewey after being docked and over
Orders have been sent to Admiral
Dewey by the McCulloch from Hong
Kong to re-establish cable communion
tion. Manila is suid to be short oi
provisions and prompt relief measures
are necessary to avert Buffering.
Certain powers, it has been definitely
learned, says a London dispatch, have
again mado overtures to Great Britain,
looking to intervention in the war be
tween Spain and the United States, but
Great Britain persisted in her refusal
to take part in such a move.
The Yukon river will be open for
navigation about June 1, Bays the latest
arrival at Skagway from Dawson. His
belief is based on tho fact that unusu
allj warm weather prevails on the
Yukon. Twenty millions of Klondike
eold is expected to come out this
The LaPayetto, a Frenoh liner,
bound from Corunua, Spain, fur Havana,
was captured off the latter port bv the
gunboat Annapolis, Commander Hun
ker, while trying to run the blockade,
alter having previously been warned
off. She had on board a large number
of passengers Hnd a valuable cargo, poa
sibly containing contraband of war. It
is said in Washington that the incident
may load to complications with Franoe,
In accordance with the recommends
tion of the president, embodied in a
message cunt to congress, that body
passed a resolution of thanks to Com
modore (now admiral) Dewey, and the
oflicers and crews of the vessels of big
squadron, for tholr brilliant achieve
ment in defeating the Spanish fleet in
Manila bay, and in capturing the forti
flciUions and defenses at Cavite. A bill
was also passod promoting Dowey to
the rank of admiral.
The anti-English sentiment in Cuba
is being fostered by tho Spanish press
and it is rapidly becoming stronger.
Porto Rico is suid to be on the eve of
revolt. The inhabitants are unable
to longer endure the present situation
Tho Spanish gold premium is nearly
80 per cent and the government is try
iug to plaoe treasury bills in London
offering as much as 15 por cent, but at
present with no prospect of success.
Frederick R. Coudert, the eminent
lawyer and jurist, who represented the
United States in tho Buhring sea oom
mission, Buvt the United States may
rightfully retain the Philippine island,
Captain Kent, a BritiHb torpedo ex
pert, who has returned to Toionto,
after an examination of tho Maine
wreck gives it as his opinion that
mine laid by Spanish oflicers destroyed
tho battle-ship.
A dispatch from Kingston, Jamaica
says that Guneral Fando hus ordered
all tho garrison in eastern Cuba to con
centrato in Monzanillo, Nouvitaa
Gantamimo and Santiago do Cuba. All
other plucos have been evacuated.
Between 113,000 and $15,000 went
op in flames and smoke on the Linnton
road about three miles from Portland
Or. The property destroyed wbh M
Burollmeh's crematory ami outbulditigs:
together with 110 head of hogs. Th
Ore is supposed to have been of an in
oumliary origin,
San Francisco will at once become
IniHo of important military and nava
operations. Before many days 6,000
armed men will be encamped on the
Presidio reservation. Orders have been
reeoived to this effect by General Mor
riam, commanding the department of
California and the Columbia.
The mail bags on tho Spanish steam
pr Argonaut, which was brought in by
the Maihlehead contained a letter from
Havana under date of April 36, whie
H)ke of suffering among the poorer
classes of the population, who were en
tirely without means of suppoit. The
writer himself said he did not know
where he was to get his dinner.
Water spouts and tornadoes have
played havoc and done hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of dumago
near Van Buren, Ark. Three houses
were blown down at Rudy, anil it is re-
lrted that Winslow, a summer resor
on tho top of Boston mountain, is en
tirelv gone. The Aikansas river is 35
miles wide In places, and is now fon
inches higher than it was in 1 S U 3 ,
which was the highest on record.
Minor Xewa lima.
A Christian scientist in New Yor
has committed suicide because she win
in poor health.
Miss Martha Culver, who lives near
St. Paul, is said to have killed more
wolves than any woman in the North
west. A rope seven miles long and 4
inches in circumference, weighing
nearly 60 tons, 1ms just been made for
use in a district subway in Glasgow,
The senate has passed the postofflce
ill and a bill providing for enlistment
of 10,000 immunes in the South.
It is said Spanish spies are apparent
ly at work in this country. Evidence
as been discovered of a plot to blow
up the locks at Sault St. Marie.
Admiral Montejo, in charge of the
Spanish fleet at Manila, is reported to
have been killed by the populace after
having escaped from Cavite.
Assistant Secretary Meiklejohn has
chartered about 80 shins with a ca
pacity of 35,000 men. They are to be
used to convey troops to the Philip
pines and Cuba.
The Spanish government has 'no
money to buy war supplies, and will
therefore insist that the cortes sit con
tinuously until credits are voted. Pro
visions and especially wheat are becom
ing scarce at Madrid.
A correspondent of a London paper
aays Sagasta knows Spain s cause is
mpeless. He acknowledges the situa
tion is most grave, and again declares
that his country was forced into war by
the United States.
The entire army stationed at Chicka
mauga rark nas Deen oruerea to tne
front. The First and Tenth cavalry
go to New Orleans, the Second cavalry
to Mobile, the Third and Sixth to
Tampa. The entire body of infantry
goes to Tampa.
The torpedo-boat Winslow engaged
three Spanish gunboats oil Cardenas
bay. She disabled one, and put all
three to flight, and oame out unscathed.
Lieutenant Bernardo, Ensign Bagley
and the men of the Winslow thought
the odds of three to one fair.
It is asserted in Hong Kong that Ad
miral Dewey finds the insurgents at
the Philippines growing dangerous
He cannot control1 them, nor can he en
able the Spaniards to do so. Massa
cres are said to have occurred outside
Manila, the Insurgents killing Spanish
women and children.
Under the law Admiral Dewey and
his men have become entitled to a rich
bounty. Even if the numerical im
portance of the fleet of Admiral Mon
tejo has been overestimated, the offi
cers and men of the Asiatio squadron
will be entitled to share among them
something like $ 187, 000 bounty money.
Sir Charles Dilke, an eminent British
authority, when asked whether any
question of international law or prac
tice affected tho United States' right
to retain the Philippines, said: "None
whatever. The States will hold the
Philippines by tho right of conquest.
No power or powers will have the
slightest title to interfere."
News has been received by the navy
department that the Spanish Cape
Verde fleet has arrived at Cadiz. The
object of this move, it is believed, is
the concentration ot the entire Spanish
fleet for a bold stroke, in accordance
with the plans of the Spanish minister
of marine, as unofficially announced
from Madrid last week. The return
of the Cupe Verdes fleet to Cadiz leaves
Sampson with no Spanish fleet to fight,
except those smaller craft in Cuban
A Madrid dispatch says orders have
been sent to the governor-general of tho
Philippines to resist to the death the
attack on Manila.
A dispatch from Bahia, Brazil, an
nounces the arrival theie of the battle
ship Oregon. It is said her call at
Bahia was in accordance with instruc
tions from Washington.
The oablnethaB decided to Inaugurate
an agressive campaign against the
Spaniurds in tho Philippines and Cuba.
Five thousand troops will be sent to
Manila at once from the Paoitlc coast.
Later on Havana will be attacked from
the reir by tho Unltod States and in
surgent troops, and by the fleet in
Cable advices received from Rear
Admiral Sampson announce his arrival
off the coast of Hayti with a division
of his fleet. He will remain at the
point whore he is now located until the
department or one of tho scouts inform
him of the appearance of the Spanish
men-of-war, which sailed from St.
Vincent nine days ago.
The dons tricked Commander 'Lam
barton, says a Manila dispatch to the
New Yoik Herald. He had been sent
to take Cavite arsenal. He demanded
their surrender, but they asked for more
time. Upon their request being grant
ed thoy improved their opportunities
by fleeing to Manilla and taking with
them the Manser rifles of the fort.
Another tale of death on the Alaska
trail has been received at Victoria, B.
C. Twenty-two men were engulfed in
the waters of an icebound mountain
stream near Crater lake. Of tho party
not one life was saved. The sudden
breaking of the ice on which ti e gold
seekers were walking sent them to
their doom without a moment's warn
ing. The names of tho dead are un
known. The surgeon of the Castilla says that
in the battle of Manila the Spanish
Admiral Montejo was wounded. The
captain, chaplain and U0 others were
killed ami 60 wounded on the Castilla.
One bundled and fifty were killed and
IK) wounded on ti e Reina Cristina,
Admiral Monteio's flagship. Five were
killed and 00 wounded on the Don Juan
do Austria; four killed and 50 wounded
on the Ulloa.
Lynde Bradley, an oxpert electri
cian in Milwaukee, has perfected plans
for tho use of the X-ray on board of
war vessels and on the field.
Many oases have been discovered in
which rich New York women hired
proxies to go to Oklahoma to imperson
ate them in securing divorces.
The Railway Age predicts that the
total expenditures in new railway build
ings in 18'JS will not he less than
150,000,000, ami may well exceed
Transport Starts With
Supplies for the '
Several More Transports Will Be Sent aa
Soon aa They Can Me Loaded Major
General Nunez Returns From Cuba
Will Conduct a Vlgoroua Campaign.
Tampa, Fla., May 11. The steamer
Gussie, one of the Mallory line boats,
chartered by the government for use as
a transport, will sail for Cuba before
morning, loaded with arms, ammuni
tion and supplies furnished by the
United States government for the use
of the Cuban insurgents. A company
of 100 United States troops from the
First regiment of Infantry will accom
pany the expedition, and (fid in guard
ing the landing of the valuable cargo,
and will, if necessary, penetrate into
the interior far enough to place the
supplies in the bandso the insurgents.
The expedition will be in ohargeof Cap
tain VV. H. Dorst, General Miles' aid,
who has just returned from Cuba.
The Gussie has on board between
6,000 and 7,000 Springfield rifles,
obout 30,000 rounds of ammunition,
and several hundred boxes of provi
sions, consisting principally of canned
meats and hardtack. The utmost
seorecy is maintained regarding the
point of landing, but, in view of Cap
tain Do'St's recent landing near Ha
vana, where he communicated with
the insurgent leader, General Delgado,
it is supposed that the expedition will
be headed for a point not far from Ha
vana. The Gussie had mounted on
her forward deck a one-pounder rapid-
tire gun. It is understood, however,
that she will be met not far from Key
West by a gunboat from the blockad
ing squadron, and escorted to the desig
nated landing plaoe.
The Whitney, a sister ship of the
Gussie, which sailed for Dry Tortugas
with two companies of the Twenty-fifth
infantry, returned today. It is inti
mated that she will follow the Gussie
to Cuba as soon as the arms and sup
plies can be loaded. Before a week
has passod it is believed the insurgent
leaders will have been furnished with
arms enough for at least 15,000 men,
and, with a base of supplies established
on the coast, a vigorous campaign
against the Spanish forces will be in
augurated. Large amounts of powder
and projectiles for the blockading
squadronare now arriving here.
On Picnic island there are 13 oars
loaded with dynamite torpedoes, pow
dor and other ammunition, which will
be sont to Key West, and as many more
cars are on the wharf tracks. An extra
heavy guard has been plaoed around
the cars. Hundreds of carpenters are
at work today fitting up big transports.
It is believed now that all of the boats
here will be in readiness for loading by
Wednesday night.
Orneral Nunea Retnrna.
Washington, May 11. Major-General
Nunez, of the Cuban army, arrived
here last night on his return from land
ing a party in Cuba. This landing was
effected about two woeks ago, after con
ferenoos between Nunez, General Miles
and SenorCjuesada, the Cuban delegate,
and was for the purpose of opening up
communication with Generals Garcia
and Gomez. After a brief conference
with Mr Quesada, General Nunez left
for New York, where he will report to
President Pulma The results of his
trip are guarded with much care by the
Cuban officials here, who deem it inex
pedient to discuss what General Nunez
did. It is said, however, that his party
found no difficulty in establishing com
municiition with the Cuban command
ers in the island.
It is understood that General Nunez
will continue organizing parties of
Cubans to go to the front, and will
have command of the united Cuban
forces other than those in the field un
der Garcia and Gomez.
Ilia Troopa Are lladly In Need of Anna
and Ammunition.
New York, May 11. A commission
er sent to Gomez' camp has returned
here. Gomez tornmlly declares his
readiness to co-operate with Miles and
Sampson whenever the United State
has available the land forces necessary
to take Havana without risking many
of our soldiers.
Hunger in the field almost equals
Wevler's cemetery towns. Ten
thousand Cuban revolutionists have
died in the last four months. Gomez
own forces in Santa Clara are now liv
ing vicariously on small game. Other
portions are worse, and but 20,000
healthy soldiers remain.
There are 12,000 men in Southeast'
em Cuba; 3,000 in Santa Ciara under
Carillo, 1,500 in Matanzas under Betan
court; 1,600 in Havana under various
small leaders; 8,000 in Pinar del Rio
Pedro Diaz and Mayi Uodriauez are un
der the experienced and skillful Gomez,
and there are full 30,000 more Cubans
anxious to tight if .armed, equipped
and fed by the United States, Exam
pled by a few regular troops, the most
moderate estimate is 40,000 resolute Cu
bans, of which at least half heard bul
lets before.
Conditions of the blockaded island
beggar description.
Ameiican exports for 189'
to $1, 050.000.000.
The Spaniards at Manila Are Still
Arrogant. .
London, May 11. A dispatch to the
Daily Mail from Hong Kong says a
communication from Manila asserts
that the Spaniards are Btill arrogant
and not likely to surrender until the
city is blown to pieces. A telegraph
operator has gone with the McCullooh
to see what can be done with the cable.
The Hong Kong correspondent of the
Chronicle says the British in Manila
have forwarded a petition to Vice-Ad-miral
Seymour, commander-in-chief of
the Chinese station, for further naval
assistance, and it is anticipated that
additional ships will be sent there.
The British oonsul is working in har
mony, with the American commander,
but it is felt that the British interests
require supervision by a force suffici
ent to keep the Spaniurds and natives
in check.
There is no desire to advocate Brit
ish acquisition of the Philippines, thus
completing the chain of British posses
sions from the Straits settlements by
Borneo to this colony. It is felt that
the occupation of thd Philippines by
any other great European power would
be most dangerous to tbeir interests'.
Business at Manila is at a complete
standstill, but the Spaniards are not
likely to surrender until the city is
blown to pieces. The British inhabit
ants, however, are confident that the
trouble will soon be over.
Subatantial Recognition of His
markalile Victory.
Washington, May 11. A fitting
tribute was paid by the senate to Com
modore Dewey for the magnifioent vio-
tory he achieved in the battle of Manila
bay. The message from the president
was received recommending that a vote
of thanks be extended by congress to
Commodore Dewey and the gallant
officers and men of his command.
Without a word of debate and without
a dissenting voice, the senate agreed to
the resolution carrying into effect the
reoommendation of the president.
The senate went farther than that.
A bill was passed increasing the num
ber of rear-admirals to seven, in order
that the president might nominate
Dewey to tho highest position in the
navy within his gift, and that, too, was
passed without dissent-
In addition, a joint resolution was
unanimously agieed to, directing the
secretary of the navy to present to
Commodore Dewey a sword of honor,
and have struck, in commemoration of
the battle of Manila, a bronze medal
for each of the offioers and men who
participated in the gallant fight. The
resolution appropriates $10,000 to ena
ble the secretary to carry these provis
ions into effect.
A Second Call for Volunteera Will Be
Made Soon.
Olympia, Wash., May 11. Governor
Rogers today received the following
telegram fiom Representative Lewis,
dated Washington:
"Inform any of the Guard omitted
from present selected quota that the
secretary of war assures me new quotu
will be sought from Washington in
next call, which will be in 10 days."
The governor said should this second
call be made it must be largely filled
from companies yet to be organized.
Parties desiring cun form companies
upon a volunteer basis, and if the pres
ident makee a call for more troops they
will be selected from the companies so-
The governor is in receipt of a largo
number of requests from patriotic oiti
zens requesting appointments in tne
seivice, and from otiiers who desire to
become commissioned offioers with
power to form companies to be after
ward mustered into the national
Manr Vlctima Killed in Their EtTorta
to Secure Food.
London, May 11. The Madrid oorre
spondent of the Telegraph says: Bread
riots continue throughout Spain. The
painful monotony of the story was
broken this morning by news of victims
killed and wounded in their wild at
tempts to obtain food. InCiudad Real
and almost every town in the province
of that name there were serious disor
ders, and the outbreaks were only
quelled by the military. Now it ap
pears that the prisons are too small and
too few to contain the people arrested.
Yesterday at Linares 14,000 work
men became disorderly, and a regular
battle ensved with the municipal
guards. The rioters possessed them
selves of a quantity of firearms, and
the streets were barricaded, and they
remained so till the moment of tele
graphing. Twelve dead bodies and
many wounded still lie in the streets,
and nobody dares to remove any of
them on account of the firing, which
continues steadily.
New York, May 10. The Herald
says: Members of the Porto Rico revo
lutionary junta in this city have re
ceived advices irom the west Indies
Btating that the natives of Porto Rico
have risen at Junicas ami Balamar,
and that upon tho arrival of the United
States fleet, 70,000 men will take the
field against Spain.
Spanish Cabinet ltealgna.
Madrid, May 11. It is announced
the cabinet ministers have placed their
portfolios in the hands of Sagasta, with
a view of the probable reconstruction
of the ministry.
Tho queen regent consulted late this
afternoon with Montore Rios, president
of the senate, who advises a reconstruc
tion of the cabinet. It is increasingly
probable that the cabinet will be le
formed, with Senor Gamaza included.
after the lower house has adopted the
. indemnity bill.
Revised Story of His
Fight With the
The Spanish Fleet Was Caught With-
out Steam A Futile Attempt Waa
Made to Blow Up American Ships
With Submarine Mines.
Hong Kong, May 10. Owing to the
fact that the cable between this port
and the Philippines waa not in working
order, having been cut, it is said, some
distance from the oapital of the island,
there has been delay in obtaining a de
tailed acoount Of the battle, and the
facts in the case were only available
when the United States gunboat Hugh
McCulloch arrived here yesterday,
and even then the tremendous pressure
of business suddenly thrown upon the
cable necessarily made the entire ao
count of the engagement somewhat
Commodore Dewey's orders were to
capture or destroy tho Spanish fleet,
and never were instructions executed
in so complete a fashion. At the end
of seven hours there was absolutely
nothing left of the Spanish fleet but a
few relics. The American commander
had most skillfully arranged every de
tail of the action, and even the ap
parently most insignificant features
were carried out with perfeot punctu
ality, and on railroad time-table order.
At the end of the action Commodore
Dewey anchored his fleet in the bay
before Manila and sent a messenger to
Governor-General Augusti announcing
the inauguration of the blockade, and
adding that if a shot was fired against
his ships he would destroy every bat
tery about Manila.
The position occupied by the Span
iards, the support which their Bhips re
ceived from the land batteries, and the
big guns they had ashore, gave thetu
an enormous advantage. liieretore,
when it is considered that the Span
iards lost over 600 men in killed and
wounded, and that their naval aisenal
at Cavite was also destroyed with its
defenses, it will become apparent that
the victory of the American oommodore
is one of the most complete and wonder
ful achievements in the history of na
val warfare.
Not a man on board the American
fleet was killed; not a ship was dam
aged to any extent, and only six men
were injured slightly on board the
Baltimore. This grand achievement
is quite as much due to the generalship
of Commodore Dewey as to the fact
that the American gunners, ships and
guns are superior to any fleet anywhere.
Great credit must also be given to
the fullest extent to the officers under
Commodore Dewey, for to a man they
seconded their gallant commander in
every way possible, and thus helped
him win the laurels which are justly bis.
Commodore Dewey arrived at Subig
bay, about 30 miles north of Manila
bav, Saturday, April 80, and sent the
Baltimore and Concord to reconnoiter
the enemy. They found no Spanish
ships at the entrance of the bay, and
so Commodore Dewey decided to risk
the mines and proceed that same night
after dark into the bay of Manila,
which he did,
The .order of battle taken by the
Spaniards was with all the small craft
inside the stone and timber breakwaters
of Cavite harbor. The larger ships of
Spain cruised off Cavite and Manila.
The American fleet entered Manila
bay Saturday night with the greatest
ease. , The Spaniards had not estafr
Imbed a patrol, and there were no
searchlights at the entrance of the bay
The early hours of the morning i&
vealed the Bhips to each other, and the
Spanish flagship opened fire. Its ac
tion wastol lowed by some of the larger
Spanish warships, and then the Cavite
forts opened up, and the smaller Span
ish ships brought their guns into play.
The American suardon, which entered
the bay through the shells of the Span
iards, whioh began to strike the water
around them, moved majestically on
ward. When nearing Bakor bay, a sudden
upheaval of water a short distance
ahead of the Olympia showed that the
Spaniards had exploded a mine or a
torpedo. This was followed by a sec
ond and similar explosion. They were
both utterly unsuccessful.
The Amerioau fleet was then draw
ing nearer and nearer to tho Spaniards,
whose gunnery was very poor, the
Bhots from the Cavite batteries and
Spanish ships being equally badly
aimed, either falling short or wide of
their mark.
When the American fleet entered the
bay, coming through the Bouthem
channel between Caballo and Frile in
lots, the following was the ordor:
Flagship Olympia, Baltimore, Raleigh,
Concord, Boston, Petrel and McCul
loch. The two store ships, Nanshan
London, May 10. The Hong Kong
correspondent of the Daily Mail gives
these details:. There was an act of
treachery on the part of the Spanish
ship, which lowered her flag and then
fired at a boat's crew sent to take pos
session of her. She did not hit the
boat, but the American guns were
turned on her and tore her to pieces.
She went to the bottom with all on
board. Several vessels close inshore
behaved in the same way and shared
ber fate.
and Zeafiro, brouhf up the rear.
In that order they swept grandly be
fore the city and faced the enemy in
column line.
Though the Spaniards had opened
fire at 6,000 yards, the Americans re
served their fire nntil within 4,000
yards of the enemy, when the real bat
tle began. The Reina Cristina, Cas
tilla, Don Antonio de Ulloa, Isla de
Cuba, Isla de Luon ond Mindanao
were in line of battle outside of Cavite
at that time, with their four gunboats
and the torpedo-boats inside the har
bor. The American shins passed back
ward and forward six times, across the
front of the Spaniards, pouring in
upon the latter a perfect hail of shot
and shell. Every Amorican shot
seemed to tell, while almost every
Spanish shot missed the mark.
After having thus scattered demor
alization among the Spanish fleet anJ
batteries, the American fleet retired
for breakfast, and incidentally a coun
cil of war was held on board the
By this time the Spanish ships were
in a desperate condition. The flag
ship Reina Cristina was riddled with
shot and Bhell, one of her steam pipes
had burst, and she was believed to be
on fire. The Castilla was certainly on
Are, and soon after the fire became
worse and worse, until they were
burned to the wator's edge.
The Don Ulloa made a most magnifi
cent display of bravery. When her
commander found she was so torn by
American shells that ho could not keep
afloat, he nailed her colois to her mast
and sank with all hands fighting to the
last. She was completely riddled, and
her upper deck had been swept clear
by the awful fire of the American
guns, but the Spaniards, though their
vessel was sinking beneatli them, con
tinued working her guns on her lower
decK until she sank beneath the waters.
During the engagement a Spanish
torpedo-boat crept along the shore and
around the offing in an attempt to at
tack the American storeships, but Bhe
was promptly discovered. She was
driven ashore and was actually blown,
to pieces.
The Mindanao had meanwhile been
run ashore to save her from sinking,
and the Spanish small craft had
sought shelter from the steel storm be
hind the breakwater.
The battle, which was started at
about 5 A. M., and adjourned at 8:30
A. M., was resumed about noon, when
Commodore Dewey started in to put
the finishing touches on his furious
work. There was not much fight left
in the Spaniards by that time. At 3
P. M. the Petrel and Concord had
shot the Cavite batteries into silence.
leaving them heaps ot ruins and float
ing the white flag.
She Spanish gunboats were then
scuttled, the arsenal was on fire, and
the explosion of a Spanish magazine;
caused further mortality to the bpan
ish defenders on shore. .
On the water the burning, sunken
or destroyed Spanish vessels could be
seen, while only the cruiser Baltimore
had suffered in any way from the fire
of the enemy. A shot which struck
her exploded Eome ammunition near
one of her guns and slightly injured a
dozen of the crew.
Shots passed dangerously close to
Commodore Dewey, but little or no
damage was done on board the flagship.
On the other hand, about 160 men
are said to have been killod on board
the Spanish flagship, which was to
tally destroyed. Admiral Montejo,
the Spanish admiral, transferred his
flag to the Isla de Cuba when his ship
oaught fire,' but the latter was also de
stroyed in due course of time. The
Reina Cristina lost her captain, a lieu
tenant, her chaplain, and a midship
man by one shot which struck her
bridge. About 100 men were killed
and 60 wounded on board the Castilla.
Indeed, some estimates plaoe the num
ber of Spanish wounded during tho en
gagement at over 1,000 men.
The Olympia was struck five Jtimes
about her upper works, and a whale
boat of the Raleigh was smashed.
Although the Krupp guns on the es
planade of Manila were fired continu
ally during the engagement,. Commo
dore Dewey did not reply to them, and
the battery afterwards hoisted a white
flag in token of sui render
The terms of the capitulation were
still unsettled when the McCulloch
left Manila, but it was said Commo
dore Dewey feared rioting upon the
part of the insurgents if he attempted
a bombardment of the remaining forti
fications at Manila.
The forts at the entrance of the hay
were dismantled Wednesday after they
had capitulated.
It is said the commodore ordered the
cable to be cut, because the Spaniards
refused to permit him to use it pend
ing the complete surrender of the city.
It is understood that the Spanish
ships did not get under steam until
after the alarm was given.
It is said, that the Spanish com
mander informed the goerner-general
that it was advisable to surrender in
the interest of humanity, as it was im
possible to resist successfully, but that
he and his men were willing enough to
fight and die. Even when the Spanish
flagship was shot half away, her' com
mander, though wounded, refused to
leave the bridge till the ship was
burning and sinking, her Btem shat
tered by a shell and her steam pipe
As yet, there are no further details.
After the day's fighting had ceased
Commodore 'Dewey sent an ultimatum
to the city battery, ordering it to cease
firing or be would bombard it. The
Petrel chased a gunboat up the river
Pasig, and the Spanish captain came
in a boat to negotiate conditions of sur
render. The American captain re
plied: "Unconditional surrender, or fight."
To this, the Spaniard answered:!
"We are willing to fight. Please
allow us to send for ammunition, be
cause our stores is exhausted."