QON CITY COURIER. 18th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1898. NO -jr JUL rff FRETFUL YOUNGSTERS Should be kept out in the fresh air aa much as possible. It frets them to be kept continually indoors. No excuse for not supplying "baby with a new BABY CARRIAGE when the prices are so low and we give you all the time you want in which to pay for them. L. Mb t. u.u gar j Our '98 beauties. Baby Carriages aro BELLOriY & BUSCH The IIouNefuriilrtliers, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Bargains In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE of CHARMAN& S0N ; A full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. J Dr. A. A. Barr Have Your Eyes Examined Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293" Morrison " St., Portland, Oregon. Consultation Free TO-:-G. H. BESTOW-" .fob- DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDINC MATERIAL. Li.vair c.viu patuai kveu offered for first-olass goods. Shop Opposite ConKreicatixnal CliuvcK Main ttreet, Oregon City, Ore. . The Geiihakia Market Is the cheapest place in the city to buy t t t t t r FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. F. J. Ostkkiioltz, Props. t t t OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, SHADES CARPETS- "rrfl J. G. MACK & CO. Portland, Oregon 88 Third Street t WHAT LIFE INSURANCE DOES. COUNTY COURT. Proceedings of Regular Hay Term Bills Allowed. Petition of P A Baker for a resnrvey of a portion of the Oregon City and Pavton road granted and G W Prosser John Darling and L A Shipley appointed viewers and owing to a faience and in anility of county surveyor H H Jolin-on was appointed to survey. Petition of F T Coiless et al for a county road rejected on account of d -fective description. Petition of C Holmstrora, supervisor of road district No li, for a resnrvey of part of Forsythe road grimed uno W II Smith Capt Apperson and John Straight appointed viewers andE.P Kands sur veyor. Fence in road in district No 24 or dered removed. Petition of 0 Lewthwaite et al for a county road dismissed, county to pay viewers. Matter of VVra Phillip's taxes, being sold on double assessment. Mr. Marley granted rebate and Phillip's receipt to hold ko id. Subscription list of donation work and petition for money, on Forsythe road granted and $50 allowed. ' Petition of J L Vosburg et al for a county road granted and L P ium power, T S Mann and JN Harrington appointed viewers and H H Johnson surveyor owing to absence and inability of county surveyor. ' Petition of W H Mattoon et al for a county road granted and T C Jubb, hrank Collins and A H Wheeler to view and If H Johnson to survey. Petition of B FLinn et al fora county road granted and Wm Mattoon, Gus Schuebel and Henry Hornshuh appoint ed to view and H H Johnson to smvey. Subscription list of donation work and petition for' money in district N 24 granted and $45 allowed. Supervisor notified to grade road from New Era toCanbv on telephone line. Bids of Smyth & Howard for crushed rock for Willamette Falls road at $1.25 per cubic yard accepted. Aiu for Chas Cut' ing ordered discon tinued from May 1st and for D H Tuttle from May 4th. Subscription list of donation work and petition lur money in district No 23 granted and $4:.50 allowed. Resignation of J M Tracoy as road stl per visor in road district No 12 accepted and Olem Clark appointed to fill va cancy. . i Road supervisors ordered to give bonds in lum equal to amount apportioned bo as lo indemnity the county in case the apportionment is overdrawn. V Resignation of O Rands, judge of elec tion in Oregon City No 8, accepted and J L Swafford appointed to fill vacancy & Aid for Mrs Root from indigent soldier fund ordered discontinued May 1st. House rent of Mrs. Runy n discon tinued from May 1st. Aid of $") per month granted Mrs, Ti tus from June 1st, payble to H Straight, Tax rebate for '91 taxes on 8 of sw l4 lotsb' & 7 of sec 30, ti 4 s, r 1 e. granted. Poll tax rebate of W E Owens granted, the same to be deducted from bill due Baker couniy. .Matter of change in J R Lewis road, which was not surveyed last month on account of change in ihe deputy sur veyor. H H Johnson appointed to sur vey. Supervisor Erb ordered to spend $25 on grading Schuch's m 11 road. Application of John Jones for increase of aid to $12 granted, to commence June 1st. Allow ance for aid of Lin Jones reduced from $t0 to $15 after June 1st. Resignation of Eu Bates Jr, as judge of election in Garfield precinct, accepted and Ed Bates sr , appointed. Pauper bill from Baker county cut to $1.50 per day and poll lax deducted. subscription list of donation work and request for money in district No 19 granted and $100 allowed. J N Harrington appointed inspector to receive crushed rock on Willamette Falls road. Receipts of clerk and recorder f I April, $342.85 and 197.7o respectively. Ulerk ordered to advertise for olds lor bridge on New Era and Waldron road. BILLS ALLOWED. L M Herron, sheriff's acct $ 3 00 R Frey tag, pauper acct 6 00 Geo Rillin.locating gr, v 1 pit. . . . 2 50 Mr Hoag, cutting timber in road. 8 00 H A Wefater, State r J Volkera 2 00 WL Johnson " " " " 3 00 G 15 Dimick ... " ' " " 5 Oil Honeyman De Htrt & Co, road bidge. 27 50 Oailton & Rosenkran 3 73 R LRuBsell, pauper ' 6 00 (4 B Pimick inquest H Parritt. . 8 60 Part W illiams, pauper H 00 Geo B Rate &0",road'and bridge 104 20 W II Savage, sheriff 1 50 Mrs J Shadle, ir ct.... 75 Life insurance lifts mortgages. Life insurance educates orphans. Life insurance preserves the family. t ;fn inenranre hnilHs a barrier to the almshouse. Life insurance enables a man to live up to his income. Life insurance supports the credit of the business man. Life insurance lays the foundations of home and independence. Li fa insutance encourages the mariage of prudent men and women. Hfe insurance keeps embarrassed estates out of the receivers' hands. "INDICTATOR." INSURE IN A GOOD COMPANY THERE ARE NONE BETTER THAN TJE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Springfield, Massachusetts. H. C. COLTON, Meager Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON F L Mintie, road and bridge.... 3 00 C Schuebel, state vs D P Earp . 4 95 C E Burns, " 3 15 G B Dimick " 5 00 Courier, stationery 6 uo Wilson & Cooke, court house . . 3 75 " " road and bridge. 15 05 W A Huntley, stationery 52 76 Bellomy & Busch, court house.. 2 7 A Mather, pauper 10 CO F T Bralow, " 22 85 W F Hubbard, " 2 50 Red Front 5 00 A S Dresser, county 15 00 D L Paine, insane. 5 00 G B Dimick, dist atty 5 00 Chas Holcomb, road and bridge 2 00 Herald, stationery 7 n0 Herald, printintr 27 75 P Nehren, road and bridge .... 3 00 '' board prisoners 14 2H L Stout, assessor 64 80 Ida Stout ' 48 00 H Siraight, pauper 19 85 O C hospital " 69 (iO L Winesett " 16 00 Bessie Groiit.sheriff 6 00 T B Hankins.sheriff . ... 4150 Ina Chase, clerk 2 0' Lindsey & Son, road and bridge. 7 28 W H Young, commissioners 6 00 0 H Isom. sheriff 29-75 D W Smith, clerk 31 50 1 Selling, pauper 7 0U Mrs L Winesett, pauper 20 00 Austen' and Weston Co 379 00 Circuit court witnesses IM Wilson, atite vs Lescor. .. . 3 0) 0 L Rodarmell " 3 00 Max Webster, 3 00 Frank L Weber, state vs Walker . 4 46 $13 40 Grand jury witnesses E Riggs 5 fO F C Klingler 5 00 Josephine Smith 4 6:) fit Hall 6 6H JCCHall 5 20 J J Kranse 3 80 Hiram Piatt 3 00 W S Ewing 3 00 T W Baker 6 00 John Roberts M Templeton L M Herron. . . 600 6 00 5 OP 58 20 Jurorb circuit court E H Burgliard, grand.. .'. ..... 10 20 J A Talbert 9 00 GCBoyland 9 20 Wm Stone , 9 60 J R Williams 8 2' F J Walkley '.' 16 40 Geo Lazelle 8 80 A L Larkins, petit..- 4 80 A H Wing 5 20 Gotfred Wallace 7 00 Wm Backner 7 20 Geo Loekerly 9 20 M Groshov o 80 4 60 7 i0 9 00 5 80 5 6:1 5 20 7 4'" 8 60 Wrn Davis Jofn Eri Hans Paulsen Louis I' link . John Schreive J L Matlock.. N Nelson . . . S D Coleman. . O Oasca Iv 5 60 Enos Cahill 5 10 II J Thomas 6 00 Wm Bird 8 00 W II Counsell 5 61 Otto Oleson 2 41 John Shadol 10 -'() H Henrin 10 01) W VV Porter .... 2 40 A ,T Kellojg . . 2 20 K Morris 2 40 RT Beattie 2 20 Geo Boylan. 2 20 r A Ely 2 20 Chas Noblitt... 2 20 T Hardestv. ..." 2 20 Ernest Rands 2 20 Bills laid over Oharman & Son, pauper 46 05 Nmytn Howard, road & bridge 150 00 isms cut down claimed allowed E A Sominer, inquest . , .$10 00 $ 5 00 .1 Dawson, pauper 2 00 2 MI Glass & Prudhomme 14 00 Wm Kaiser, county 11 60 P A Baker, county 12 00 0 E Burns, reform school 14 00 Glass & Prudhomme, sty. 32 40 BILLS NOT ALLOWED. Chas Noblitt, inquest Continued next week. 12 00 10 0 1 10 00 13 00 25 90 ..7 00 UNION CANDIDATES MEETINGS. Messes. W. S. U'Ren, J. J. Cooke and James Coon will speak at the places and times given on the left of the column marked "A" and Messrs W. W. Myers, Geo. Ogle and George Knight, will speak at the places and times on the right marked Joint discussions between U'Ren and Brown ell are expected at the places marked "J. P." All meetings are for 7:30 p. m. unless otherwise stated. Other candi dates and speakers will be with each party from time to time. A. Date Panby May 12 Suunysiile May 1:1 . . , Pnrkplaco Nav 14 ... Needy Miiy 1H IMnv 17, ... Murqusm .T. I) . . Muv 17 ... BtaviT l.nke Soh'l H Mnv IS.. .. MoIhIIh, J. D.,2 p. 111., Mny 11) . . Mulinn Mnv 20 . . Bt-uverCreek .UH 2pm Muy 21 2 p, Mink School House. May 21 Lotjan, J, 1) JVlav 2H ... Viola . ,. Slay 24 Maple Lane May 2.V Marksburt? May 2U Union Hall May 27 Brown fccliool H 2pinMay 2 Lelnitri School House Mar 2S Milwaukie, J. U Jlnv 80 Wiilnmetie - May 8 Holcomh School II. ..June 1 lU'dlands June 2 l'lnrki'8 June 8 Oregon Cily June 4 B. riaekanias Mackshurg . Maplo Lane ... ... . i)t,nia:UH ..: Murines . .. ... Sandy ... Chorryville Kajtle Creek Garltelrf 111. ...IliK'hland . .Canyon Creek . . Oswego Stafford keh'l II. ... l'lensant Hill Frog I'ond Se'l II I'liien hi'h'l 11 . .. . . Harlow Mllwankle . ... Logan Sprintswater Oeorgo I'urrinsvllle Oregon REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES' MEETINGS The candidates of the republican par ty and other speakers will address the voters of the several precincts of Clacka mas county on the following dates, meet ings lo begin at 7:3ll p. ni. The members of the central commit tee of the several precincts will make the necessary arrangements to secure proper places to hold the meetings and to advertise ihe same. Sprlimwater May 14 . Tualltin May Hi . Clarke May 17 Highland May 1. unnyside Wilswiville .. Needy Mulluo Molalla .. ... Soda Springs . Marquani ... Monitor Mills Macksbnrg . Kagle Creek . . DamasteiB . . . Milwaukie ., I'leasant Hill Now Kra May W .1 ay20 . May 21... . May 2:1 .. .May 21 . May Jo . May 2(i Stafford Urown H. li. Beaver Creek Vio a Cla 'kamas .... lJamaieus . .. . Sandy Can by . .Currlnsvil e ...Cherry villa di'tirgo Probate Court. Charles W. Risley, administrator of the estate of Henry Naas, reported hav ing received $0939.23, and disbursed 6807.24, and sta ed he had on hand a balance ol 131.9U which he jwas ordered to turn over to the estate. : Christian Heiser, administrator of the estate of Curl Heiser, made his final report, and was discharged. F. O. Klingler, guardian of Ella Calla han, was ordered to close up the affairs of the estate and turn them over to Mrs, Oallahan.ehe having attained her. major ity. Gustuv A. Schuebel was discharged as administrator of the estate of R ,v t Schuebel. James M. Tracey, sr., was discharge 1 as administrator of the estate of A. T. Plowman All the prnpmty at issue was willed to Triim ,n Muhityro and wife. The final report on the estate of John Anderson was male and the executor discharged. Charles Cltirson administrator of the esta e of W. li. ( layson. filed his report showing receipts amounting to $5000. The com t ordered the claims nail, the balance on hand to h applied on the commission of the administrator. Tuns d'.iy, June 7, was set for the final hear ing of the case. Rosa Neibert, administratrix of Con rad Neibert, fi ed final report and June 2d set as date for final settlement. H. W. Slnwwas appointed guardian of M. Giffo-d, an insane man, and G. J. Trullinger, Frank Miller and Peter El mer were appraisers of the estate . In the matter of the Sarah McC 10 es tate, the sale of real estate was con firmed. , The administrator of the estate of Ed ward L. Eastham was discharged. NO CURE NO PAY. That Is the way all r'ru;lst sell GROVE'S TA8TKI.K9S CHI IX TOMC for Malaria, Chills ml Fever, It Is simply Iron i nd quinine in ro asteless form. Children lor it. Adults prefer al bitter, nauseating Ton cs. Prlo 60o. For sale by C. (1. Huntley. Unuvist. .May 27 fiartielrt Osweuo Wllsnvile Maple Lane . Iigati Spring wuiei Mav 2S May .'0. May 31 Julie 1 June 2 June 3. Oregon City June 4. By order of the republican county cen tral committee. J. C. Bradlf-y, Chairman. A.S Dkkbser, 1st Secretary. G. B. Pimick, 2d Secretary. A Sure Tliiuic for You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thinu, Rdiousness, sick head pel e, fnrtcd tongue, fever, piles anda thousand "other ills are caused by coc.j silpalion and sluggish liter" Uascarets Cindy Cathartic, the wonderful new iiver stimulant and intestinal tonic are I'V all druirists guaranteed to cure or money refundeit. C. O. C are a sure th ing. Tiy a box to-day ; 10c, 26c, f0 Sample and booklet free. Alldiuigbt For best gr Jceries at cheapest price go to Marr A luir. Royal nuke the food pun, wholenm nd delicious. . 111. FQYDIi Absolutely Puro own baking pownm en. , Mtw vom. Hi A YOUNG R03IAN Cor. Front and Taylor Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. Largest and Best Stock of... Agricultural Implements ...In the Northwest I The Romans were the epicures of all the ages and gathered from sea, earth and air the dainty or substantial pro ducts of a luxuriant age for the delecta tionof the palate. The average Ameri can youth is young Roman in appetite and if Ids mother or wife wants to rind good things to feed him, she will see A. ROBERTSON The Orocer Consistency of Oregonlan. It seems from a recent editorial in the Oregonian that Scott and his lieuten ants have gotten the worst of it by ad mitting articles having a bearing on the money question. This must be rather humiliating to the Oregonian readers if it is not to the editorial staff of that pi per. It is a well known fact that there is no better talent on the Pacific coast than is employed on the Oregonian and a back down at this time, after admitting that the money ejuettion was the over shadow ing issue is rather insignificant. It conies with very bad grace for the great daily after boasting of its fairness, its unswerving loyalty, its lofty and pa triotic devotion to our matchless repub lic, to close its columns, ling down the curtain ami declare that war is the is sue and that trie gold standard is to be forced on our people without asking their conseni or the consent of anv other people on earth. Is this what the peo ple voted for at the last election when Wm. McKinley was e!ected president, and is it true as etated by Ex-Judge Harlan of The Dalles "that the republi can party of today is the party of imper ialism." The real gist of the whole matter and the course which led ihe Oregonian to adopt such a course is that the great daily has been so unmercifully whipped by the silverists and thefiatists that i s Wall street masters have called a halt. The writerof this sai l (when Uoswell G Hoar met the little giant Harvey and j failed so completely that even the Ore gonian was led to remark that there was ! no one except Carlisle who was capable of discussing the money question) that it was useless for ordinary mortals like the Oregonian editor to try. POPOCKAT. Ml DRILLS HARROWS FEED CUTTERS GRADING TOOLS ETC. SEEDERS PLOWS FEED MILLS HARNESS ETC. BUGGIES WAGONS SPRAY PUMPS ENGINES ETC. Pure fruit flavored ice cream soda at frier's. LOW PRICES LOW PRICES