-CV I 4 r$ 'ir .'fBHJ-sM.fB.;,,.i if".'-'. I-IWje asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man TEACHERS CONOREOATE. A Very Interesting Meeting Held At Canby Saturday. InloodS ENDEAVORERS flEET. The Canby Christian Endeavor Con vention a Success. said: " You never know you have taken a pill till It Is all over." 260. C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. Pills Now IS-THE TIME to clean house and rtpaper your rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape a very low prices. Leave orders at paint st re, near S. P.depot F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wilson Cooke's OldStuuU OREGON CITY, OREGON. Gambrinus Cold Storage Griessen & Hallwyer, Props. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON CITY OREGON BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Dally and be Conviined- W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON fflr-Job Printing at the uonrier umce. Mm Mb DR. KESSLER, ' Thta nht one armed peelnllsl, ofM. boms, welt Known by lilt long residence iiml mo riwifnllv practice In thta city, conllnii" u. miooc-iiiilly treat all kinds or chronic unO lulviile disease FREE TREATMENT 'X every niiei noon niseiisos, Sore", 8pnt, IM111 pli. H..rolnlii, S h a. rencm, iw-k'-iiih ii- dlnr Impurities of the blood thnrougu irndlcntod, leaving thn system In a slrou nitre and lieHlllilufitute. mintm mTOlIT treated by an old Oerniun fin fill 111 UllJlll remedy. This 10111e.lv wio prcsi-iiled to Dr. Kessoler by a (lieiid li Iterltn. It hint never (ailed. nifl OnDPO t'lceri, Cancers, etc., treated, in: Uuil OUUDO dilic'reni hnw long ntrocieii 3L00D AND SKIN KS Hud 'I Ml III H. Tlllllllia. 'IV KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLMNIS pninitil, illilleuli. Inn imiueiit, mil h y r ln . y urine, omit un-l dlsehnrgoa. eari-mlly treat d riles, rlieiiiiiitlsiu and neuralgia treated b our new remedies. Tnke it cl-sr bottle at bedtime and urinate in llio buttle, act aside and looK III M I" 1 1" t ion 1 1 iiur. II II is cloudy, of h a eloinl.v t mug In It, you have some kidney or bliuUI 'lifetime, TKIIP flrnrnil removed III twenty-four hour Iftib. WUrilUMi- worm hi window al ol lii I 1 lo. 1.1 eel long. Drrjrnil OrPIXTtfP We meet persons cyen Dhliftlll MlNlU) day whose brent h .ni l' to I'. 11I 11 is ili-giisiing. This conic from it Imri' 01 either lh" none or stomach tin and S' eMiiiiliied. It can lie cured before lie innl hones becomes Involved. 'flllW MTM ,f you ie troubled with night lUUlNlI 111 Oil emissions, cliiiiiailiigiliini' iiml li , OiixIiIiiIiicks, avers on to society, ttui.illicss lctionilonov. loss ol ener:.V, nlii Mlloe iiml BelU'oulldenee, which d priv von I your iiiiinhood and absolutely until ni lor 1.: mix . Iniaiocas or niurrlitjto- II yon no 1 Ii ni'l ! . il you may know the emit to. and hiM rented. M1PDLE-AGED MEN !S.."rT..!fc".;b tai nk. iicliinii bucks and klilm-yi; liviie-.t pnliihd urination iiml aedlment in ii-lne , Im I olein-y or weakneNR of aexual ortuin, n n i her 11 11 mint a k 11 hie a ikii of nervoun ih lull v unit leiiintilie OecHy. abiliy die ol int.. ihllli'iilly, iKiiiiranl of the eHiiae Tlie inuii nhsilniite cusca o( thta charaner tn'tited nrjllj IIIIP (tiaaaea fllecl, (lonnrrheu l.i 1 nil ill U tliiiiiBlliina. Klwhaiitea. SI ilet u i . WcukiieM of Orcaiin, Hyphllla, llydrneele VarictK'ele and kindred tniublea inHtel. Consultation Free to All. Offick Hour: From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or address J.Henri Kessler AID. " ' .At St. Louis Dispensary, . jCL. saoi YAMHILL STRCCT. Port' vmv Ohfuos There was a very pood attendance at tlie regular nionlhly meeting of the I Olnckumns Cor.nty Teael ers' AsBOoia I tion. held at Oantiy Ihh Saturday. Su perintendent Starkweather presided, and MifH Kannie li. Porter, seereturv, I wan in attendance First on the p'0 I gram was a patriotic selection by the ' pnpi'g of the Canliy noliool, which was well received. Robert One favored the Hffociatiiin Willi newral peleti ions on the violin, whil Ceorire Knight played several cornet polos. The efforts of faith gentlemen were thoroughly appreciated i Prof. P. L. Uoleman.of Canby-. pre sented "Siencerian Penma' sliip." Mr. Coleman is partial to the Spencerian i method, and said that he lielieved that there was but one iv tural movement, anil that whs the linger movement He illiiHtnited his plan of instructing a class , in penmanship in a very interes'ing : wav.mid thought that children could be best taught how to write bv means of the Spencerian system. His plan was to first develop the movement, and then tench the pupils how to ex cute it prop- i erlv. ounty Superintendent II. S. I.y-1 man, of lalsop county , endorsed Mr.' (Jolt-man's ideas, while Prof. H. h. 1 Strange, of Oregon tity, advocated the vertical system, and thought it the best fur fioor writers. Other teachers, who took part in the discussion were Messrs. j Young, Anson, liintlier. lMoorv,, liyatt and Miss Fnntiie Port' r. I "Aiore Civil (iovernment in Our! "cIiooIb." was the topic assigned Miss Este.Un Blacken, but as she was not ; present Superintendent Starkweather I took up the siibjei t, and said that this : was a very necessary lirancli 10 he tnugnt 1 in cur schools, and that every boy and I girl shoi Id be ahle to tell all about their ! government. Profs. Gilbert and Strange, both made earnest appeals lor more thorough education along this line, Supt. Lyman, also. made some pertinent remarks on the subject. A splendid dinner was served at the Oauhy hotel, by the enterprising busi nesss men of 1 anhy. At the beginning of the afternoon session, Superintendent Starkweather called Prof. Strange to the chair, while lie presented "Teachers' Examina tions." Supt. Starkweather said that he would nit attempt to cover all the ground covered by this topic, but he wt'S much dissatisfied with the present school law. 1 0 said that alter a teacher passed an examination before the county board, they must pass an ex animation before the board of direcors of a school district, which was 'he most impoitant of all examinations. He seriously objected to the plan of Normal and other schools in this state issuing life diplomas as teachers, to graduates, who hud never had any experience in teaching ; that there weie 43 educational institutions in the state of Oregon, who were authorized to issue life diplomas to their graduates to the detriment of other teachers, although he favored one good normal and training school in the state. Mr. Starkweather, also favored a unilorm metliod 01 examinations an over the slate. Piof. 11. S. Strange said this matter was regulatad by law and and that lie wanted college education and college education endorsed, hut spoke of the many impracticable ques tions sent out by boards ot examiners lie bell ved that it would have been proper to have ask- d a committee of ed ucatiirs to draw up a series ot school laws, but would leave the matter for future educaiional committees. Oluis. llansen.of Wilsonville, told in a humer us way of the injustice done, experi enced teachers by reason of so many teachers' diplomas being issued to col lege giaduales. Miss Olive A. Luelling, of the V est Oregon City school stated thiitbhe was a graduate of the Normal school at Moninoiilli, and with other teachers had worked her way through school by teaching, which gave them both theoretical and practical experi ence. And, liesiili's the experience in the training school for a short time was worth three times to the le cher, the same period of experience 111 a country school. Mrs. Wilson ol the Portland st hoois, w ho was educated in the East, was an ardent supporter ot .Normal schools, hut thought one good instill lion in a state of that kind was enough Shirley Buck favored a middle ground in the discussion. Superintendent Lyman, of Clatsop county, who is also the Union candidate for suoennteiiiient ot public instruction. made u very interest ng short address, in which he coinplim 11 ted the work ol Supt. Starkweather and the Clackamas County Teachers' Association in general He told How superintendent Stark weather had brought to successful issue a suit in Clackamas county, which raised 1 he per cell l ol the school tax levy, and the result ol llns very suit had tend to raise the percentage ot school taxes in other counties. He also favored bet ter books than we now have George Knight, of Canby, made a very t flc-ctivo talk 111 lavor ol teaching civil government in the schoob. A vole 1 f thanks was extended to the business men and citizens of Canby for (lie exceileii' entertainment. The following teaclii-i s and members of the Association were present: Supt Staikweather, Miss Fannie I). Purler Robert liuither, Prod Mi-indl, A 1- Knight, Corwin Fisher ( nnbv; ShirU-v Ittu k. FlizaU-lli llhg, Hubbard; Han nah Peter, Aurora : Mrs. Matilda Krnkcs Logan ; l.lgiva Mullnn, Mihvaukie Olive A. Lm-lling, Nellie Younger, 11 S. Gibson, II. S. Stiange, Millard Hv att, K. 11. Gahbert, Oregon t ily ; Ada uantuiii, Mono; Aietiui riieips, r. 1. Coleman, Herlha Sumner. L L. Moore Howard Lccles, , lames Kocker, Mrs.S Helen, Robert Coo. Canhv. I harl I lansen, Wilsonville, AY. E Young, New Em; Mrs. Wilson, Portland;,!, lv. Gil I't-rt, I'uion Hall; Clnis. 1 rittenden Monte Cristo; L'lsie Taylor, Marejihun The first semi-annual convention of the Clackamas County Christian En deavor Union, held at 1 anby lust Satur day and Sunday, proved to lie a very profitable and interesting gathering. The convention was held in the neat ed ifice of the Christian church, and the Canby people entertained the visiting delegation in a most hospitable way. The Friday evening session was a regu lar Endeavor prayer meeting conducted by William liissell. of Canby. At this meeting a reception committee, con sisting of Mrs. E. II. Carbon. Veba and Vesta Knight, Mabel Knight, Emma Evans, (Jrace Hampton and Esther Knight. At the Saturday morning session Mrs. E II. Carlton", of Canby, led the praise service. The address of welcome was made by William liissell. of Canby, and was responded to by George Kan dall, of New Era. These exercises were followed by President ;i. H. Bestow's address, and the secretary's and treas ure 's reports and reports of commit tees and societies The president's ad dress and the various reports received, i-dicated that the societies were in a fairly prosperous condition. A short business session was h-ld. and the mat ter f changing the time and p'aee of holding the semi-annual and an'.nal conventions was generally discussed The delegat s. who reside in the iioun try, were opposed to holding conven tions durirg seeling time as it made it almost impossible for them to attend. Dr. Putler gave notice that he would in trod uce a resolution at the next meet ing to change the days of holding the conventions. Although there was a pretty goo! at tendance of people at the convention. but few of 'hose on the program were I reived. Margaret E Buirgy vs C E and Agate Peterson, judgment foi $1002.25. G ,VV Grace vs F I) Wimlo and Clacka mas Co, $53.75 cost allowed plaintiff. J W Ashford et al vs D W Smith, dis missed. Court adjourned on Wednesday till July 9-h. Patriotic Church Services. Special patrloiic serviee-i We-re, held at the. M. K. church Sunday evenintr. Boquets of choice fb wers were tas'dy arranged in fp nt of the pulpit stand ami the platform and will were decorated ith lings and hnntin, and the pastor, instead of the customary white choker, wme a nerk'in 01 rtd. white ft'id bin, Mrs. F, F. While presided at the organ, and the well trained choir discoursed excellent music. The memher-i of Meade Post and the Women's Relief Corps were present in a body, and .the lh u was crowded to its utmost ca paciiy. Rev. Oberg, the pastor, said: Evety age has its great periods, and read the fnllitwunr from tin bi.k of Isaiah :" Tinst ye in the Lord forever ; for in the Lord .lehoviah is eveilasting s'rengih. The way of the just is no 1 rightoom.'' Words fitting especially j for the presen' . j Col. R. A. Milller, who was the first speaker said: Our native bind tonight means mure .for us tonight than it has ' for many loriii yeais. Native Imd, eie Kurds that are dear lo the citizens of j every dime. The speaker said: There jaie different kinds id' patriotism ; Ihe I patridii,-m of toe mi vag' ,hoi the patriot isn. f the civilized Christian. Our I National .honor rests on the National J guard, Who left our city Saturday, and our 11 ig is sale ill their hands, h 1 'i as error exists, so will war exist He paid a compliment to the veterans sit ting in the audience. After Od. Mil ler's address was concluded, Mrs. Oberg sung a patriotic solo which was well re hHrniHimmiitiimn i I , ii iiiiiMiilimi iini.. M.ni,i.,nTini'. I ifm.i. ijr present. During the afternoon Levi Johnson, general secretary of the Ore gon City Y. M. 0. A., ma-le a most ex cellent talk on the faithfulness of C. E. officers and its effect. He said that of tentimes many young people could be induced to join the Endeavor society and the church if the matter was only mentioned to them. He pointed out many ways in which O. E. officers could accomplish much good by being faith ful to their trust. On the whole, his short address was practical and inter esting. Miss Eunice Donaldson of Oregon City, presented the duties of the look out commit'ee in a way that showed her thorough appreciation of the sub ject. She made many valuable sugges tions and hints thi.t were listened to with close attention by the Endeavorers present,' In speaking of the duties of the social committee, Mrs. E. H. Carlton, thought that every member of the society should consider themselves members of the so cial committee, and thus do effective work in the cause. She also, spoke of the important work that could be ac complished by this committee. Other members took an active part in the disousBh ns that can e up, which intensified the interest of the conven tion. Dr. T. W. Putler's lecture closed the work of the convention He wei t over in a general way the work of the con If you are not feeling well, why don't you lake Hood's Sarsaparilla? It will vention, and among other things eiiid: j pnrifv and enrich your blood and do you We are foolishly backward in the work we have espoused. Some young people will talk well anywhere else than a' an Endeavor meeting We need tact. W hue it will not do to talk to some poo- ale, others require a great deal of talk ing. There are four b i that make a church go: Grit, giace, gumption and ild, and a lack of go is a drawback to Endeavorers.' Mrs. Carlton of Canby, Miss Wise of Milwaukie. and Miss Donah'son, o' Or egon City, were appointed a committee on place of meeting. A delegation Irom Wilsonville, who were delayed on Hie road, arrived in time for the very impressive consecra tion services. George C. lirownell was the next speaker introduced. He said that this was the best country on the f ice of the globe, and was bu ll mi the lines ot tin man jn lice to all people. Spain ihioiigh all its history has never ad vanced one thought ot liberty. Des purism cannot live in the face ol the American fhg. Hu spoke of thedisn ter that betel the Maine.and said we love our chiblrin, but there are times when we should take them up and spank tliem. We should take Spain up and spank her. For every dron of blood lh it is sh d, thn American flag goes up one notch h gher. North and South America shoulifbe one great republic so said Henry Clay The Bervices closed by Ihe congregation singing America. Patriotic services were also held at the Baptist church, and the paslor, Rev ling it delivered a sermon 0.1 th necessityof war. Vegetable Preparationfor As similating theroodandRegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigesUon,CkeTful nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morptiine nor Mineral. Hot Narcotic. Have ofGldnrSAMUELPITCHES Pumpkin Sad' sllx.Scnna Seed Itypermint -JJi Carbonate Soda f iamSeed -Clarified Sugnr Apcrfcci Remedy forConstipa lion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convutsions.Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature cf MEW VoilK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have ght Bears the Signature LXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. I Always Boo I Bears the I Signatnr 1 SfW U You Have I Always Bought. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEWVORKOlTY. Kducate Yourlt wU With Cabarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c. 25c. If CO. C. fail, drug gists refund money. The Thrice-a-week N. Y. World and the Oregon City Coukier for $2 per year. CIRCl'IT COURT. April Term Adojmed Until June. Tuesday ltnni til' Fhi Committee. To the citizens who so (lenenui'lv tolitributed towaid the petvluise of Hit Hag pivM-nted hi Company F . we sol mil the follow ing report : Amount t'dleiied if-ltl ,Vi " paid for Hag lid 75 " tar fine of t-ommitu-e lo purchase Hag 1 00 Total t ush lianslctrt-d to sanilaty it lief fund for Co. F 8 SO M. A. Thomas, M. I-:. Hamilton, Jknmk Ii. IIakiuno, Flag Coin. Meade W. U. Corps. The greater part of Thursday was ta ken up with the divo-ce suit of l'ickard vs l'ickard. the testimony is volumi nous and the end is not vet. 0wege Commercial Bank vs Ed Du- pni, et al ; Mason, Khrman & Co. sub stituted as defendants George J. Currin, administrator, vs Henry Warheim ; sale confirmed. Dan Lyons vs M. H. Flanagan et al ; judgment and decree of foreclosure. Lee Shnitz vs .lames Shaw, et ar, judgment for $5,000 and decree of fore-" closure. Karl Stndeman, et al, vs J. J. Card et al ; title quieted. Kate A Hansbrovs II, H. Hansbroj decree of divorce on the plea of deser tion, and plaintiff awarded the custody of minor cli Id, Ruth. In the matter of the assignment of the Oregon it y Door & Sash Company, C 0. T. Vt illiani8, the assignee, was or dered to sell the property. W. Ii. lluildleson vs N. V. JUaddocK, et nl ; defendants given nntil June Oth, to hie answer. Mary S Stubbo vs Milton Stinuley, et nl ', plaintiff given t obsession of lathis. Hiram Straight vs Mary Straight; de cree of divorce for the plaintiff on the plea of cruel and inhuman treatment. Ilulola vs Francis; defendant given unt'l June 0th to tile bill of exceptions, K.iehel liyl.ind vs I. II. P.ylun I ; de cree of divorce and plaintiff given cus tody of minor children until lurther or der of the court. Walter Wyland's b.iil bond declared forfeited. A E. Liitoun-tte vs C. W. N. Taylor, et al ; sheriff s sa'e continued. K Uu'liner vs J. Watkins, et al ; judgment for $150, and tleciee ot fore closure. F M l'ickard vs 1 en ra K Tii-kard divorce granltd. I Harding et al vs Thos Garret et al titles united. Smvth ; Rau'l'dl vs I V A J Shaw; judgment for $089. J S Mitchell et al vs W Koehler; at tachment released. Win l arlow vs W Koehler, judgment for $ HUS. 27. .1 FlUiiiisvsF I Edwards et al ; dis missed. 1 1' Leifh'weis vs I L Clarke et al, judg ment for $21M4. A K tailouretto trustee vs W W II Samson et al judgment for $2217. G J Currin, adm, vs Fred and L Stiiike, judgment for $1210.50. Gen Lazelle et al vs J W May et al, sheriffs deed ordered. wonderful good Bs Sure You Are Right and then go a head. Be sure you get Hood's Sarsaps rilla and you may confident exp-ct it will purity your blood and give you ap pelitilo ami strength. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. ' The regular quarterly teachers' exam ination for Clackamas County wil lie held at the court house in Oregon Cily, com nienciiig Wednesday, May Uth, at the hour of one o'clock p. in- II. G Starkweather, School Supt Dated April 20. 1808. Two Millions a Year. When pe ple buy, trv.ind buy again, it means they're satisfied. Thn people of ihe United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate ot two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Years. It means merit proved, tha t Cascareis are the most delightful bowel regulator for eveiyhodv the year round. All drug gists 10, 25, pOc a box, cure guaranteed. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit C.iuri of the State of Oregon, for Hie County of Clackamas. William Barlow, ) Plaintiff, I vs. ! Wilhelmina Kot-liler, Defendant J Slate of Oreiron, Comity of Ctnekaman, R. Y VIKl'UK OF A JUDiiMKNT ORDER AND -Dilticrueattil an execution doty isRiied out of an under the se.il ol tho above emhl d court, in tile aeove entitled cause, to me duly directed all' dated tut 3rd day o( May, 189.1, in fuvni of Wil liam Barlow, plaint ff, and against Wilhelmme Koeliler,deleiidiint, for ihi- sum of 'Jo.(. 2., to gether with interest ou OHiiS.bU of said sum at rate of 10 per cent, per milium irum May 3rd, !!; lor tlie sum ol itfHO, attorney 8 fees, and the further sum o- 15, costs ami disbursements ami the eosls ot arid upon tins writ; foinnittiidtug me lo make sale of the following described real properly situate in the county of (Jlaultauias ana stale of Ur.'Kon, lO'Wil: All of block A in the First Addition to Barlow, according tn the maps and plats of said audition now nil tile lu the omoe of tue recorder of said oouuty. Now therefore, by virtue of said execution udgmeui order anil ileen-e and lu compliance Willi tile commands of faid writ, 1 will ou , SATURDAY, JUNK 4th, lbW, at the hor.r of lo'eloi k p. in. at the front door of the county court house, iu the oily of Oregon City, said county uud state, sell al public auction subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for United .itutei gold Coin, c-tsli tn hand, all the null!, title and interest which the within named deKiiiltillt had on tlie date of the mortgage herein 01 Biuce had in or to the above described real propeity or any part thereof, lo satisfy said execudoii, judgment order, Oecree, interest, eosts and accruing costs. G W.GBACi-', Sin rlffof Ula, kanws County, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oiegou, May 3rd. Kilts, jMiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiK i SOME PAPERS GIVE 1 ALL THE NEWS i I PART OF THE TIME, , 1 AND SOME PAPERS I GIVE PART OF THE NEWS I ALL OF THE TIME. I THE CALL I IS THE ONLY PAPER 1 THAT GIVES ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME 1 To Cure Constipation forever. Take Cascaieis Candy Cathartic. 10c or 2oc. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists ret uud money. IN THE COUNTY OOUKT OF Or For Over Fifty Vears An Ot.n and Well-Tiued Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It sooibes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. CITATION. i THK STATE OF Oreiron. for die County of Clackamas, silting 111 probate, April term, 18"8. lu the matter ol the guurilUuship of James G. Stuart, a minor. This matter coming before the court on tho pe tition of the itiiar'llau, for license to sell the ml lowing deMjrlbcl real estate, to wit: Lots num bered three (8). five (5) and six (li) ill block i um bered one hundred and live (105), In Oregon I ily. iregon. Audit pneariug to the court beneficial to the Rrd that snid real estale should be sold. It is therefore ordered that the 'A"lli day of Slav, 1WI8. al Ihe hour cf tell o'clock a- I". ' nid day, at the office of the county judge of Clackamas I'ountv. stale of Oregon, is set as the time and nUeo 'fnr heurliiffsaiii uelitiou. at which lime and jiaee t.-ie ne.i m am "i a-o w.i nti-restcd In said esiate are directed to be present and show cause, If any there he, why license should not be granted fur Ihe sale of said real estale. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published at least tnree successive weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a newspaper circulated In Clackamas county, 'regon. Dated this ait. i day or April, i'.'. llest: GORDON Hi. HAYES, Ki.mbb Dixon, Clerk, County Judge. Ily K. II. Co .PER, deputy . SHERIFF'S SALE. 5 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE INCLCDINO POSTAGE ; s Dally Call, including Sunday 12 mo S6 00 : S " " " 6 " 8 00 ; . i. a " l so : s i " ( r E Sunday Call 12 ' 1 60 5 Weekly " . 12 " 1 60 S " " 6 " 75 : S Sunday and Weekly Call 12 " 2 60 s s Delivered by carrier, every day, 65c. mo. s 1 W. S. LEAKE, Manager. "IIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII.IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIP EMPORIUM OF Fine Millinery AND HAIR COODS Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed Huts. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled. Kid Gloves Cleaned, Hair Work in All Its Branches Done with Neat n ess and Dispatch. R. BECKER, ;20 FIRST STREET, - - PORTLAND, OR. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIvS gentlemen orlHdies to travel for responsible, established house In Oregon. Monthly tii5 and expenses. Position steady Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chioago. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OB EGON , On the Street between the Bridge and the Oepot. Double mid single rigs and saddle hore ways on hand at the lowest rates, tnd a corn also connected with the bam for loose itoek Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or persoD. HORSES BOTOHT OB SOLD SHERIFF'S SALE. In tlie Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Dun Lyons, 1 riaintlir, I vs. I M H. Flannausii, Kate Finn-1 mean, Clara fcl M uey, Charles y Logos, aihiiinisir'Uui ol the I rsinlt- ol Julius liiigus, iii- ei'iisL'd, and I-aac Fiirr, I Hcii'iiiianrs. ) State o! Oregon, County of Cluckiuriio, ss. Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT OROER, decree aid an execution, duly issue out ol and iinitei the seal of the above enlitled court, l tiieabove entitled cauie. to me duly ilirecleil una ilslcd tlie Alii Cay of May, ls',18. upon a judgment reiiiitred and eniereil iu said court ou ihe 2Uib day ol April, INK in favor oi Dan Lyons, planitill, a-.id against M. 11. Flannagun, Kate l-lauimgaii, Claia K. Miin-y, Charles Logos, almliiistiator of Ihe e-tiie of Julius Loglls, ileeea-rit. ami sa' Karr. di't'i'lld-llts forllie sum ot Mil rsj, wiili iti'eresi thoroti at the rale of 111 per cent, per a ilium Irom the illili day of April, 1S-.IS, and the further sum m ii i as attorney's lee uud Ihe lurlln-r sum ol 110, cost and dibur-e-nteiiia, and I lie costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of tlie lollowiug lies eiii'e'l oiil property situate ill the county of Clar'kiuiiH-i, stioi'ufiiii-goii.io wil: Tlie Ira tumid soinli half ol tlie nittili ea-l quarter of section l.i) three and rherlot-tof section two and rivet lot i ot sei-li'ill ten and river lot 5 of seet.oll eleven, nil ill township Uln-e south ot range one east 01 the Wiliiiitu-iie Meriii HU containing fi" 08 iiires. Now. thi'lelore, hv virtue of sa d execution, judg ment order and iiccee, and in cniuphalict' Willi tile eommainis of mi d writ, I will, on SATURDAY, JUNK tth. IS, t tne hour of 8: 0 o'clncs V. M.. at the front door I of tlie t'oiuiiy Court lleiise In ihe city ul Oregon City, in sui I county Hid slate, sell al public auction, suhjeet lo reileirpt'iou, im the hUhl bidder, tor U. S. gold coin, m omul, L rh redit. title and li.teresi hiclilne v itlon nam" t deenidauta or either ot them, a ct iu the date ol the mortgage herein or since hall in oi to the above' -verified real properly or any purt Ihereofi lo saiirfv said e.cciition. nlguiulot ier, decree inter, costs ami all accruing oei. I (j W . i :HA0F, I Shi'ii;t ii C m sm County. JDreJon. Dated, Oregon City, Orvg.-a. Mny .lib, 1 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County ot Clackamas. Mary Mader, 1 FliilnhlT. I vs James Hodges, Lucy Hodges, Henry brush, Ella truh and . Llbbia A. Hates, Defendants. J utata nf On-ffrtii Conntv of clack Kin as ss. :. ..I., 1 1-ii. ' i l- e niirivo B VIKIl'l'. "r " uii"ii... and decree and nil exec dh n, duly issued out of and under the seal of tlie above emit led court, in the above eiilith d cause, to me duly directed and dated the Will day of April. Km, upon a judgment rendered and entered lu said court on ihe huh riiiv of April, ls8, in favor of .Mary Mader. libdiitllT, and against lames Hodges and L tcv (lodges, defendauis, for the sum ols"0u.21 Willi interei t ihereuu at rale of lu per cent, per annum from said 19th day of April, 18118, and Ihe further sniii ol 7o, attorney's tees, and the fur ther sum of 41, eosls and disbursemeuls, and llie cost of and .ipoii Ibis writ; eomuiiindiiig me to muse sule ot the following described real prop, erly, slluate in the county ot Clackamas and slate ot ilregon, to wit: Beginning on the wcidsiiL of si cl"iiJ3 tn town ship 4 tmiiiri of range I can of Willamette Merid ian, al the half mile slake; thence south 80 rods: ineiieeenst IbOro.ls; theuo , north stlimls: lhenee wes' Kill rods 1 1 the place ot hegininug, contain ing 8tl acres more or less. ..... Now InereMre, ny vinue o jti.lgtiieiil order and decree, and in coiiiphanee wilh the c 'Uiniiiii'N of saldwrii.l will on SArURIAY.MY2lst, lS'.is. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in , at the rout door ..' Die eoiiiuv court house, in the city of Oregon City' said eiinutv and stale, sell at public auetion.siib ;.-cl to redemption, to the highest bidder, for Uniled states gold c m, cash in hand, ail the right, litleand interest which the within mimed d. f.'iidants of any of Ituni had on the dure ol tli mortgage herein or since had in or to the ah ov described real roperly or any part thereof. tfl sail dv said execution, jii'lgni- nt order, decree interest, costs aud all accruing costs. I. W. ORACK. Shcrittof Clackamas County. Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon. April nun, urh-. For Flint-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to . F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as ii goes by. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentleiiionnrbiitiestolrave! (or responsible .stublished house in ilregon. Monthly SaS and xpeiises. Position steady. Reference. Enclose It aildresseil stamped envelope. The Dominion mpany. Dept. V, Chicago. Weak Ben Hade Vigorous jftj- --V ntx? aaf tS'SW trMt What FEFFER'S NERVIGOB Dili! It acts powerfully and nctetly s-,4 CASTOIIIA. Tk. tt.mA U Ux. Iltunu DrtttfTlt o m 1 v- A m 1110 M1IU IUU Hrt' Cures when all orhers fail. Young men regain lost manhood: old m.n r.nv,r vniif I1O1I vijsir. A lixr.1 ntl v i.iinr. I Hnteed to CurA eirvonsneaa. Lost vitality. imiioteiicy, Mcni ly i misaiona, i.osr rower, either bci, ("ailing Memory, WnatinB l)ia eaaea, rind all if ecu of $ilf-abue or rxcttirl and in ii-crftlon Wards olt lni-anltyand conmniittcn. Ii .u'kiet druggirt inijaise a worthless substitute en vou because it vrelns a greater prolit. Insist on hav ing HKU'EtfSM'nVKiOK.orsendforit Cnn he carried In vest pocket. Prepaid, pluio wrapper, $1 ier Iwx. or U for .", with A Written l.nar-niitcetoCu'-corltclimd Money, hi-mphlet free ft'FUIt Mi-1)1CAL Ass'.S, Chicnico, 111. For S.ile by I farnnm i Co. ' --w " j-y -i IIIMIIMH