HENRIK IBSEN. The Great Norwegian Writer Wan 70 Years Old the Other Pny. Ibsen clubs and various other literary .end dramatic organizations the world over recently celebrated the 70th birth day), of Ileurik Ibsen, the great Nor wegian writer. Few foreign men of letters have attracted- such universal attention as this retiring and frequently almost Inaccessible Norwegian writer. Of his works much Is known; of his personality, little. Ibs'en was born In the little town of Sklea, in a mountainous region of Nor wayand hls:early- life was passed, un der restrictions that were far from hav ing a tendency to develop the latent gen ius of the boy. Ills education was re ceived In a private school -under the conduct of two theological students, and later in the university of Christi ana. Vhile at college, and even before, he had done considerable writing,: and his plays were so well received that, at the cipse of his college career, he was engaged as. dramatic manager of 'the principal theater of the country. He continued here until the Danes got Into trouble with the Prussians in 1804, Then he became disgusted at his own countrymen for not Joining the Danes and began to write caustic epigrams criticising the spirit of the Norwegian masses. His railings accomplished nothing, but he himself became so dis gusted that he left the country and remained In Home and Dresden about twenty-five' years. He wrote ' many books,'- and for each there was "always a ready sale. His writings have been translated into several languages, and when It becomes known that Ibsen has a new book coming there Is a great stir among all classes of people, and the wonder is what the book is to be about. This Is a secret that Is withheld even from the members of his own family. In his home life Ibsen is a bundle of peculiarities. He has a wife and son, who Is a doctor of philosophy, and la Tnarrled into one of the most distin guished families In the country. His home Is bright and cheerful. His study Is a cosy little corner, stored with a col- Honor this morning, or all the days In the year, for, sure, didn't I drame last night that Her Ladyship gave me a pound of tay and Yer Honor gave me a pound of tobacco!" "But, my good woman," said the general, "do you not know that dreams always go by the rules of contrary?" "Do they so, plase Yer Honor?" re: Joined the old woman. "Then It must be Yer Honor that will give me the tay and Her Ladyship that will give me the tobacco." Chicago News. EMBRYONIC TORNADO, at Slnirfclar Phenomenon Witnessed ' '.and Near New Orleans. A singular phenomenon recently met, the eyes of the good burghers of New Orleans,, La. Some excitedly called out that It was a cyclone, others called it a waterspout, and still others dubbed It whirlwind and tornado. Whatever It k IIBNRIK I118EK. i? '-ws;-. a TUB WONDEKFUL CLOUD. y brother Jirn.'ta'j 19 eegimeov, at) bc Syj (je'j oio'dpwo To f i-ftf ' 5oon m soldiers ever skAiy tfcel lon He's got a. jaif jaji Ifne a. b'lkerrjAtj.too firy soldier arW) S4Q' ... , .. ...... He 5&yj .yHI slw .folks wf)f W CAO'av "He tfjignj it -il be Tag . i "- 'CAase sVs, AlrAKl,.! gaeu.- - An- 50, uy QijQyne was ArcryiQ- 50 , . . Wfjen Jirrj uid 1$X flrjless . .. .. curu ; She'd WAnf to have a cowam for a si) .- .t HeJ be to,o Anfight-, TI)At se&rned- ji jl" like so j?;ne vet woo la gef rforje Bsu erica ai) cried Ail Qion.-. : lection of well-selected and well-mark ed books, afl'ordlug ample conveniences and comforts wltliln, and looking upon a imuorama of magnificent scenery without. Ho is a man of moods. If you can catch him In the humor, you can get from him readily one dny wliat 110 amount of persuasion could wring from him the next. In the throes of composition he Is absolutely Inaeees Itle. He never goes to church, and does not believe In church organizations. He thinks well of Americans, and fre quently talks of making an American tour. , A Comparison of Sea mi I linnil. The triviality of the sea compared with the land Is the theme of a recent article by John Holt. Schooling. A bucket 7-i:i miles deep and 7-H miles from sides to side would hold every drop of the ocean. This bucket could rest quite firmly on the lirltlsh Isles. To fill the bucket one would need to work 10,(1) Htenm pumps, each suck ing up 1,000 tons of sea per second, for 4'J2 years. So If any one wants to be rid of the sen, the way Is plain. Hut to get rid of the earth would be 4..rr5 times more dllllcult, requiring 2,(MX1 great guns, each firing 1,000 projectiles a sec ond, each- projectile consisting of 100, 000 tons of earth. ' At the end of 1,000 years this InuTuliino split-Ve would be all shot away. was, it was, at all events, very active and menacing for a quarter of an hour, and kept a large portion of the com munity In painful suspense until it dis appeared. The whatever-it-was ap peared dramatically over Lake Tont chartrain, darting down in a livid, sul phurous haze, and hanging down like a great blue black icicle from a heavy black pall of cloud. Although a great distance from the center of the city, it could be seen that the cloud cylinder was revolving at a terrible clip In space. For a while It hung gracefully pen dant, then by force the centrifugal ac tion began to lift at the bottom until It had assumed the shape of an enormous sickle, thrust down angrily from heaven, ready to mow away all be fore It. The next change was one of gradual dissolution, the tail curling up and then flying off at right angles to the east ward In thin black vermiculate stream ers like snakes. At one time In the process of dissolution it looked as if it were going to reform, but of a sudden gave over the idea and melted away In space, much as a cloudlet does in the blue of a summer day. As soon as the cloud had dissolved, or drawn back into the big nimbus from which it was born, heavy showers of rain fell from opposite ends of the mother cloud and soon clewed the atmosphere. ML r h tokf Jim fn if if jljey werjf Away An' cried when Jim.uit t was.a To ?rvo"w &r , we re gAn)e,'' iij lined Jin) inijiS sou Ar J ThoaqhT she wodldrirc! 0 CA ai): so bai sl)e Jbok on Ai)'crieJ'ja5T lite as tooagh, tie's 50113' Tp die dowi)-njerei. at cA yoa koow,Oe never, $Aif a word, JJtr hKft h rniWnT TX K Bar jajt soopk hds wittj JirQ.like tljij.re&l 5wd Aq weot .10 like a waIK; AO Dimeby 1 werjT oir To iry AO rQeer Tbe kid$, yoa krjow.AO'do Sometiog, Ai)' b waj WAlkig' ap irje jtreef Arj'l)e waj tryirj' foo! WHERE WATER IS SCARCE. A Disastrous Drouth la Devastating! South Africa. A most disastrous drought Is devas tating South Africa, the worst known for many generations. Stock Is perish ing In such vast numbers that farmers are being ruined wholesale. The Illus tration shows the process of boring for Douglass' Compliment to Lincoln. Fred Douglass, with nil his long ex perience, never could entirely rid him self of stage fright. "During tli'e first llfteon minutes when I front an audi ence," lie said, "my knees will knock together." Hut when he got fairly go ing this not uncommon nervousness, which all speakers have sometimes felt, would pass away. He puts Ids points well In any argument, and his elo quence was of a high order. Ills trib ute, In one sentence, to Abraham Lin coln, Is nn unsurpassed compliment. Mr. Lincoln," he said, "is the ouly white man Into whose presence I was ever ushered who did not make me feel that I was a negro." Harper's Magazine. DrcuniM. An English general and his wife, resi dent In Ireland, were constantly iks tered by n woman to whom they had been very charitable. One morning, at the usual hour when the lady was getting Into her carriage, the old worn un appeared, and began: "Agh, my lady, success to Your La dyslilp, and success to Your Honor's Hiilroad Ituildlng in Chinn. For more than a year work has been going on on fourteen miles of railroad from Shanghai to Woosung and the grading has not yet been finished. Not a tie or a rail has been laid. Only Chi nese workmen are employed. Alnnit a month or two ago the tlrst sod was turned at Hankow for the Hankow l'eklng Hallway, but Its further prose cution depends Uhu the success of .the ltelglan syndicate In Hunting a pro posed loan for Its construction. I You can uc uureu If you suffer from any of the j ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN & CO.. .1051 Market SL Est'd 1862. ' Younff men and middle J turt'U men wno are suiienng from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex j cesses in maturer years; Nervous and Physical in all its complications: Mnerniatorrhwa. Protstorrbcca, fioiiorrhwa, 4Ueet i Frequency of ITrinatlnff, eic. By a 1 combination of remedies, of great curative pow- j er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' tnat it will not only anord immediate relief DUt permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair m in his specialty IMseaHea of Sytiullla thorouKhlv enidlcal yHtpm without using Mercury EVERY MAN fil.tilvlna tn 118 Will r , ceiv our rumeat optnton 01 DiscnmpiaiDc. a 1 We will Guarantee a POSITIVE CURE In f , every cane we unaertakCt or Jorjett Une Conftuttation FREE and strictlv ortvate. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE, Treat , ment personally or ,by letter. Send for book. " iiifi I'ltiioMODiiv or Marrinirc." , free. (A valuable book for men.) , TIM IT DB. JOBDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the 1 world. Come and learn how wonderfully you t are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. CATALOGUE FREE. Cail or write. 1051 Market Street, San Francisco, Cat. O.C.&LR.R.Co YAQUINA BAY ROUTE ConiiMtltii at Y.quinn Bar wlfch the u FrauoiBPO and Yuqulna Bay steamship Company. Steamship "Farallon" galli from Yaqiitn. erery elBht aavi ifor Sn FranoisocCooilldy Port Oxford, Trluldad and Humbolt Bay. Paasenger accommodation! oniurpaiised. Shortest rotita between the Willamette Valley and California Far, from Albany or polnta west Fran.ieco: Cabin, rouud trip Bteeraw To Coo Bay and Fort Oxford: Cabin, . . . To Humbolt Bayi Cabin, ... Bound trip, good for 60 day), to Baa 115 00 6 W too 00 RIVER DIVISION. 8teameT "Albany" and "Win. M. Hoa newly furnlnhed, leave Albany daily (except Baturdayi) at 7:46 a. m., arriving at Portland lb same day at S p. m. Returning, boats leave Portland name days at 6:00 a. m., arriving at Albany at 7:45 p. m. , J. C. MAYO, Supt. Elver Division, Corvallis, Or. EDWIN STONE, Mgr.. Is your coffin; Rory of the Hills." The men who Issued the posters were hr prisoned for their offenses, but the country was placarded as daringly dur lug their Imprisonment as before. Now a copy of one of these posters Is us scarce as hen's teeth, and, though not a bit artistic, they are treasured by poster collectors as if they were print ed In letters of gold after a design by some master draughtsman. HOUSE WITH A HISTORY BORINO FOlt WATKU. water. At a little expense the Cape uovernment provides an apparatus for the use of the farming community and drilling operations are In protrreas In nearly all parts of the country. It Is generally believed that there Is abund ance of water at a depth of from fifty to a hundred feet, but the finds are few and weak. Unlike Australia there are no subterranean rivers to tap. The Iiojh! of the farmer lies In the conser vation of the rainfall, which, if not stored In dams, tjuicUly runs off Into the "slults" and "spruits," and leavs the parched earth but little refreshed. In many places the drinking supplies regularly fall short and the farmers are reduced to the thick, opaque con tents of a dam. In the remoter dis tricts the IUk'I's experience this acute ly. A lioer recently called at an En glishman's house while on a journey and asked for a drink. The English man had a good supply and gave him a sparkling draught. The IHitchinan was greatly surprised and In his kitchen "taal" expressed himself highly de lighted with such n sweet drink, as ho observed, "It had neither taste nor smell." MESSAGE THAT MEANT DEATH. Structure Which Has More than Com mon Interest for Masons. In Canton, N. Y., stands a house which has more than a common Inter est for the masons of the country. It shows, in the first place, "the royal arch," which seems to be a shape of mystic meaning to the order. And in the second place, it was built to flaunt the principles of its builder, Taul Hoyn- ton, In the faces of his enemies, the anti-Masons. Boynton came to Canton In 18P,1 and was prominently Identified with the Masonic order. About that time a cru sade against the organization started; there were pamphlets published on "Masonry Exposed" and the like. In the excitement one prominent opponent of the Masons disappeared and his comrades alleged foul play. Roynton's house was burned in the trouble that followed. lioynton forthwith built another hotwe. It is the "royal arch house," noYMTON'S HOYAI. AHCH HOUSE. Sampler l.t'J Years Old. A Searsport Ole.) man has on old time linen sampler, worked with silk, which is InscrllK'd: "Illueblll llay, July 1711(1; I'hebe Turker." The sampler Is of coarse linen, such as young ladles used to work UUO years ago. TWO VOICES. A Pouthern Volunteer, Yes, sir, I His Northern Hrother. The Fninnua " No Kent " Poster Which Luiuled Many Irishmen in Prison. Here Is a relic of a time made excit ing by "agitation" In Ireland. It Is the famous "No Kent" ister, which was one of the features of the movement of 1SS1 that landed so many ardent Irish men In prison. The National League of Ireland, the wllh Stimi'wtill, Ami fuml the light wllh Hut If I hi here t'n loll gmg to war, Mnko inn' morv gun for nit' I L didn't shrink from Shi'rumu An ho giillopt'd to the hoh; Itut If this hero Un ion Roes to war, Mnki one more gun for mol 1 was with Vm nt Mniinssiis The Imllv boys In itray; I heard I In- thimdeivr ronrln' llouml Kloncwiill Jiu'kson's way, And liuuiy a Hio this sword of mine Has lilamd tlu roiiti' for l.w; Hut If Hits "Id nation goes to wur, Make on nioro sword for mol I'm not so full o' flghtln', Nor half so full o' fun, As I was back In tin- sixth1 When 1 shouldered my old (tun; It may be that my hair Is white Sleh thluxs, you know, must he Hut If this old Culon'alu for war, Make, one more ifuu tut me! I hain't frrot my rnlslu' Nor how. In sixty-two Or thereabouts, with battle shouts 1 charged Hie boys In blue; And 1 say 1 fouht with Stonewall, And biased the way with l.ee; ltut If this old niton's In for war, Make one more guu for uie! Atluuta Coustltullou. fought Just make It two, old fellow I want to stand onee more rtenciith the old Hag with you, As In the days of yoro Our fathers stood to ireiher And fought on land and sea The battles fierce that made us A nut Ion of the frot ,H1,S I ill I" I whipped you down at Vlcksburg, You licked me at Hull Hun; On many a Held w e si niggled, When neither victory won. You wore Hie gray of Southland, 1 wore the Northern blue; I.Ike men we did our duty When screaming bullets flew. Konr vears we fought like devils, Hut' when the war was done Your hand met mine In friendly clasp, Our two hearts beat as one. And now when danger threatens, No North, no South, we know, Onei more we stand together Tu light the couiinou foe. My head, like yours. Is frosty Old age Is creeping on; Life's sun Is lower sinking, My day will soon K gone. Jtut If our country's honor Needs once again her son, I'm ready, too, old fellow So get another gun. Minneapolis Journal. 4n ii M inca-Hs taw By Order tJ f e Executive 1 M.ikasl hauAt Han 5(4. nu .V,. .v iLatV.lWt Avhich Is still standing. Along the cor nice over each arch there are charac' ters carved unknown to any but royal arch Masons. ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT; IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, Rood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place- of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. ' T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee, Charman Bros.' Block mm Go'To Klondike VftTHOUT TftKINO AUOM0 rrtnfrtr mo'dsusv; ST'f 0?5.82.TO.SO THV jypHERs Hunters WmcffesTeRfiMMtrtiTKiiCvxbB?,? evenyooay sou evawHaar. INCHESTERREPaTIKG Arms 0 imwm EAST AND SOUTH VIA TO THE -tlJ-sArS'X"-- QIVE8 THE OHOIOE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES I'rceioug Doennient. A Rood story Is told at the expense of the custodian of the foreign docu ments department of the French Na tional Library. The New York Time Is authority for the anecdote. During the visit of King Chulalong koru, of Slam, a highly prized paper that no one had been able to decipher satisfactorily, because of the mixture of Siamese and Chinese characters, waa unearthed and shown to the Siamese visitor. The King glanced at the precious paper and then laughed heartily, after which -he went on to explain that this carefully guarded and highly prized document was merely a lire Insuraneo policy drawn up fo a Chiuese company by some Siamese firm, and that his own signature, which it Imre, was such ns nil similar documents contain. It was, moreover, written by one of his secre taries detailed for that work. That document Is not so highly prized as It was. GBE&T HQRTHERH BY. VIA SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. i.i....ium SHORT LIKE. VIA SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY. The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. EipresiTralui Leave Portland Daily. South, I North. 6-.0or.H. 1 Lt Portlanrt Ar 9:30a. 6-.o2p. M. L Oregon City Lt 8:40 l.K 7:4hA.M. Ar SanFranciBCO Lt :0lir. The aboTe trains stop at all stations betweer Portland and 8alem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer son, AllanT, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harris biiru, JunuUon City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drains, aud all stations from Rosutiurg to Ashland, Inclusive. R03EBU11Q MAIL DAILY. 9:80A.M. , Lt Tortland Ar4:0P.M 6:27 A.M. Lt Oregon City I,t S:3f.s 8:U)p.m. Ar Roseburg I.v I 7: 0 M DINING CARS ON OODEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division, Between PORTLAND and CORVALLIS MAIL-TRAIN DAILYtlXCErTSDMDAY.) 7-.S0A.M. ILv Portland ArlSSOP.M U:15r.M. I Ar Corvallis Lv I 1:1)6 P. M At Albany and corvallis connect wltn tram ol Oregon Central & JSastern R. R. IPBIBS TBAIM OAILTtlXCIPTICKDAT.) KAMOl'S "XO KKXT' executive committee of which Issued and signed tills lvmarkahle document, was oppslnB lainlloiHlism by ovrclug the tenantry Into not paying rent. Such tenants as were known to Intend to defy the National League and to pay hud these "no rent" posters nailed to the doors. In the corners were certain terrifying sentences. "Your fate Is cer tain If you pay rent. Capt. Moon light," was the sentiment In one, while the other showed a coltitt bearing le ueath it the cheerlug Inscription, "This Definition f Kternity. Here Is n schoolboy's definition of eternity: "Wheu our ships all come in; when the sea gives up her dead; when l-'ather Time hangs up his scythe; when the heavens are rolled up like a scroll; when ("iiibrlel blows the ram's horn; when the solar system collapses; when we Hud the lost Charlie Koss aud the man who struck Hilly Patterson; when Johnny gets his gun; when society be comes pure; and 'after the ball Is over' then will be eternity." Xew Orleans Times-Democrat. "Cooper's works?" replied the shop man. "Yes, madam; here the the Leatherstockititf Tales.'" "I don't think I want them," replied the shop per. "Hasn't Mr. Cooper written any Golf-Stocking Tales' yet?"-llarper's Bazac OCEAN STEAMERS Oregon, Geo. W. Elder and City of Topeta Leave Portland Every 8 Days for ALASKA POINTS Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 4 Days SAN FRANCISCO. Pteimers Monthly from Tortland to Yokohama and liong Kong, in con nection t? ith the O. K. & N. For further Information call on O. R. & N. Agent, F E. DONALDSON, or address W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger, Agent, Portland, Or, POPWEI.L. CARLIIX A CO.. Gen. Acta. Kor. Pac. S. 8. Co., Portland, Or, 4:MP. M. 7 80P.M. 8:30 P. M. Lt Portland Ar8:25A.M Ar McMinnvllle Lt :S0A.M Ar Independence Lt4:60A. M Direct connection at San. Francisco wlti Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Hall Steamship Lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Balling dates on application. Rates and tickets to es'tcrn points and Europe slso JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU aud AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from E. , BOYD, Agent, Oregon City R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager, Astt. H. F. P. A Kent Portland, Or. Portland, Or. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO '3 Str. Altona Will Make Daily Trips Between OREGON CITY d PORTLAND LeaviiiK Portland for Salem and way landings at M5 a. m., and Oregon city at about 8 p. m. BO YEARS' V EXPERIENCE Trains arrive and depart from Portland as follows: Lt-sve for the Eastvia Huntington dally,S:0Opm Arrive from Kant " " " ":Aipm Leave for the East via Spokane dally, 2:ue pm Arrive from Eai " " " lu:16m TiriNTTfl-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTTV1 l gemlenieo or ladles te travel for reiponstbli eetabllslied house tu Oregon. Monthly rU au -tpeates. Position steady. Reference. Rn close self addrnsed stamped envelope. Thi Dominion. Compsoy, Dept. Y.Obieaio. - WAHT15D TRUSTW0ITHT AND ACTIVI aaUiisH or ladies la Uavel fer nspenslbls MlaAWbed house la Oreeea. Monthly MAOO asH lpemsre. Position steady. Referenee, Caclesi aifddresse4 slsmpea esvslape. TheDemluUM Tradc Marks DtSIGNS Copyrights Ac. Anron landing a ktoi and dotcriptton tnav qnlckly m certain our opt n ion fret whthr &a .nvntlnn it probably patent ahla, Cnnirnunlra- isOuinmetsTOcmnaemiai. nanaDrnaon fatenu aent fre, OMett ajjenoy fur eruiiohf patent. PatMta taa fn tbrounh Munn A Co. recalvi tpteial notice, without ctiar?e, iu Ui Scientific JImcrican. A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. I. invert rle catatton of any sotentioe Inarnal. Tertus. 13 a yu -. fnH montha, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN jCo.861'""'N8W York Braaoh O&oe, fit t Bt, WaahlUftoa, D. U