OREGON CITY COURIER - By A. W. CHENEY. Cntercdf n Oregon Oity postorBceassecond-clasH matte SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paidln advance, per .rear 1 f0 Six monti 75 Three munirik' trial 25 The dale ODDnaite votir address on the gaper dono ea the time to which you time paid PA.TBINIZB HOME INDUSTRY. CBEGCK OITY, MAY 6, 1898. UNION TICKET Of Populists, Democrats and Silver - . Republicans. , STATE. For Governor W. R- Kino, of Baker. For Congress, Flrrt District K. M. Vtoh, of Lane. . Kor Secretary of rttite-H. R. Kincao, of I.ane. Forta Treasurer J. 0. BoorH, of Jo, phlne. For SnpromeJiidne W. A. Kamsei, of Yamhill. For Attorney General I. L. Story, of Wasco. For Suite Printer Ohab. A. rrtt'H, of Claeka- '"fuV Superlnrfndent of Public Instruction H. 8. Ltman, of Clatsop. district. For Judge, Fifth District W. ' D. Ham, of WaahliiKton. ' For District Attorney Geo. Noland, of Clatsop. For Member of Htate Board of Equalization W. Baklow, pf Claeluinan. For Joint Senator. Murlun and Clackamas II. L. Harklkt, of Marion. cowry. ' Statu Senator W. H. IJ'RKN, of Jlilwaukle. RuproKentatiTes GeoKor Oolk, of Molalla; Okohue Knkiht, of Canby; James Coon, of Ob- County Jud(?e W.. W. Myers, of Maple Lane. Sheriff J. J. tUmKb. of Oregon City.; Olrtrk Elmer Uixok, of Ely. . Recorder A i.KREi) Uiku.ino of Milwaiikle. . Treasurei Jacob 8h he, of Oregon Jtljf. Afses8or Lucenk Moirr, of t'larkes. hohool Slipt. H. 0. STARKWEATHER, of Mil- wauklM. Surveyor A. Tono, of Needy. coroner Db. M C. Stkicki.a B,nt Oregon City. County Commissloner-WM. J. Cubin of Our Tliievilie. PBRCINC. No. 1. Justice, Clyde Kvans ol Tualatin. Oen 4talile. Frank (Josser olTuaialln. No. 2. Justice, (no nouiiualion). Constable, ti. W. Koehleruf 0wet(o No. 8. usilee, A K. Holcomb of Clackamas. Conalablp. W. Ij. Johnson of Clackamas. No. 4. Justice, C. Schueucl of Oregon City. Consiable. T H.,Lawrenoe ot Or-K'm city. nii 6. Justice, CI as. N WHite of Canliy. Con stHble. Joseiib Mmll ol Cnby. No 7 Justice, V. W. Jesse of Barlow. Con Stub 0, F. M. Matthews f Bar! w N0.8 Justice, O.D. Kl,y ot MolaHe. C.mstiible, Win. Kv rliart of Molalla. No. Justice, Robt Hchuebel of Corus. Con atalile, .lohnPaiiieof M11II110 , , No. 111. Jusiiee, R. Rtitherlord of Highland. Constable, J. 1). MyVrsnf Ilnilibiiid. o. 11. .Iitticf, .1. A. Randolph of Viola. Constable, Win Kundle of Sprlngwater No 12 Justice. II. HreitlmiiMt of Damascus. Coiwtalilo, Win. Htn-kmaii of Damascus. No. 14. Justice, V Kalh of tieorge. Consiable, A. D. liurnclt ol George. Union County Platform. Resolved', That the P'ojil '" democrat and allvur republican pirlles of Claekuiuns ciiunly asinbled in cotiveiiilon, fully and heartily rn alllrm and endorse the platform of the people's, dc in oral and silver repulilieaii parties as ad opted at Portland by tlio recent state couve.11 tjous. Resolved. That the nilgriitory system of dis trict attorney should be snbstltiitecl by each coutitv hating us own comity attorney, at a moilcratu salarv, wliOMi duly ilslmll lie to pro tect all cuuty interests, including all prosecu tions. Resolved, That we demand such changes in our laws asaie necessary to provide for precinol orifaiilnalimi, giving each precinel power In elect its own assessor, road supervisor, and ull Incut officer. , , , .solved, That we view wl'h alarm the con Itantlv Increasing expenditure or the co.iiuy court, and demand more c ireltil and economi cal administration In thai olflce. We pledge our candidates In do all In their powir to amend our law fixing the salary of eoiintv ollii er in Clackamas enmity so that the ve.uly 'salaries shall be: Kor sheriff, 10m; county clers, HUi: recorder, 700; tnasiirer, WaKJ: county Indue, N"ti! siipcirlntundiMitoi' public instrin tiou, tM county surveyor, . Tins niiiBiulnieiit to lie relerred to the voters of Clack iiuhs county not later Ihan the annual school election In Maroh, in, to take ell'eet as soon as it is ap proved bv the majority of those voting. We are the best political mud tdinger in this neck of tho woods-Brownell's I mported editor. V. X.Sciioti.MAKKK, ot New Jersey was billed to speak lit Weinliard's luill 011 Monday evening but he arrived late mid found no crowd mid the leptiblicans do declared the meet inn off. Tai.l Timothy UeershowB good judo ment in refusing to debate political issues of the day with Will U. King, tho union candidate for governor. Mr. (jeer's ramb ling, abusive Bpeeches would not com pare favorably with his opponent's logical addresses. John II. Mitciiki.i., Tom Tongue, T.J. Geor and Charlie Fulton taught the re publicans of Oregon to believe In the free coinage of Bilvur, and now pretend to be surprised because many of these tame votes won't bow down to the golden calf of Mark and Mack. The only genuine, uncompromising middle ol-lho-road party in tho state o( Oregon at present is tho big union party. It is growing and expanding ho rapidly tjiat it is in fact taking about ull the road. Tho people are with the union movement by a big majority. Hoselmrg lteview. James (.'.. l'daiuo, that greatest of all republican statesman, said in a speech in tho senate : li therefore, silver has been demonetiz ed, 1 am in f.tvor ol remineti.ing it. If ils coinage has been pioliibited. I am in favor ot having it resumed. If it has been restricted, 1 am in lavor of having it enlarged. Tun democrats, populists and silver republicans in congress are right in op posing the bond provision of tho war revenue bill. Why issue interest-bearing bonds until the money in tho tieas. ury, amounting to over $:,20,000,000, is used up? Tho war should not bo used as an excuse for nefarious treasury looting schemes, and Hcproeuntativu ltailey was right, when, in opening tho debate in the house, he declared that his parly would support tho president in the vigor i.rosecution of the war, but would oppose steps which would see in unwise! and unjust, no urgeu an income tax, a tax on bank deposits and the coinage of the soignlorago in the place of a bond issue. F. L. Poindexter has left the Enter prise editorial force and joined ihe army. He says he could not stand the" 'work ''of the scoundrel politician that runs the aforesaid sheet Judge Hewett, who has decided that the middle-of-the-roaders are the genu ine populists, is lam self a candidate on on the republican ticket and therefore a great worshiper of middle-of-the-roaders. How small some men can be ! Rose burg Review. Thb goldites will now see that prices will be raised by war instead of by free coinage. Undoubtedly they prefer to have it brought about by the sacrifice of life and property than by. the peace ful methods adopted by the fathers of the republic and now advocated by bi metalists. ... In another column appears the report of the middle-of-the-road populists mass convention of 14 members in which the prime mover, framer of pla'form and chief spokesman was A. J. Kellogg, a lieutenant of Brownell and Porter. He is a comparative stranger in these parts and has heen seen in frequent consulta tion with Brownell of late A recent dispatch from Eastern Ore gon states the wool market is in a very bad shape, and very unsatisfactory to the growers. This is rea'ly too bad. It as thought by a great, many that the Dingley tariff on wool would enhance the price on the raw material and re duce the price of the manufactured pro duct, but the indications are that the reverse is the case. In the senate of the last legislature Hon. Will R. King introduced the only resolution memorializing congress in be half of of the freedom and independence of Cuba, and asking for intervention by our government. There were only four votes against the resolutions these four being republicans, says the Salem Jour nal. Had the decisive action advocated therein been taken there would now be no occasion for the injunction : "Remem ber the Maine." UNION CANDIDATES MEETINGS. Messes. W. S. U'Ren, J. J. Cooke and James Coon will speak at the places and times given on the left of the column marked "A" and Messrs W. W, Myers, Geo. Ogle and George Knight, will speak at the places 11 tit I times on the right marked "it," Joint discusei'.ns between U'Ren and Brown ell are expected at the places marked "J. 1." All meetings are for 7:30 p. m. unless otherwise stated. Other candi dates and sp akers will be with each party irom nine 10 nine. A. Ilato Sprlngwater Mav 6 . Highland Mav 7 , t)wego .1. I) Mav !l . siiiilnrd, Orange Hall Mav 10 . Wllsmivllle J. I) Mav 11 I 1111 by May 1 Siininslde May 1:1 . I'aiknlace Mav 14 B. . M11I1110 ... Union Hall . Brown H II Beaver Creek Viola . ... Clackamas .. Macksburg .. Made Ijine Needy . . Maniuain J. D . May 1 .. Damascus May 17 Saudv Heaver Lake Sch'l II May IS Cherryville molalla, j. v.,i p. m., May 1!) . Eagle Creek Miilino Mav '20 Uarlield Beaver Creek S, II. May il, 2 p. 111. Mink School House May 21 Highland I ogati, J, 1) Alav'JS ... . Oswego Viola May 21 Stafford Sch'l II. Mai.lelane Mav 25 Pleasant Hill ll.icksburg May 211 ,.Frog I'ond Sc'l II Union Hall . May 27 In ion n,.' h Maud School House M iy 28 llnrlow Mllwuiikia, J. D, ... Mav.SU Milwaiikle Willamette . . . Mav 31 . Logan lUlcoinb School II. . JuiiH I Sprlngwater ll'llanda I line '2 1:... .-.. darken June 8 1'nrrlnsiriliu Oregon City June 4 Oregon Congressman Veatch's Dates. Hon. R. M. Yentch.donini rat ttim,lu'a ... ,.v..., a and silver republican parties candidate for the liist coiiL'ressiiinol iliuirb.i .,.,.1 lieorgo Noland, candidate for the ollice of district attorney for tho 5th judicial district, accompanied part of the time by .1. J Cooke, our candidate for sheriff, will address the electors ami citizens of wuckamas county in the precincts as At Frog Pond school house, Tualatin precinct, a o'clock p. ni. May ilth. At Canbv, 7:30 p. m. May SHh. At Molalla, 1 o'clock p. 111 . Mav 10th. At Highland, K. of 11. hall, 7:30 p. ra. May 10th. At Hpringwater, 1 p. m. Mav 11th. At Kagle Creek, 7:30 p. m. May 11th. Local precinct committemon will make all necessary arrangements for said meetings. Messrs. Miller and Fitch. Col. R. A. Miller and Editor Pitch of the Oregon City Herald will address the citizens of bigan ami vicinity nt Orange Hall, Saturday evening, May 7th, meet ing will begin promptly at 8 p. ni. Everybody including the ladies, in vited. REPUBLICAN CA .OIDATfcS' MEETINGS Tin en nil itliittia nf tli.i eoculdt...... , , " ; - -i'"'"".io our- ty and other speakers will address the win-in ipi mu pcvciui iti uciucis Ol l.ai'ka inns COIllltV oil tlio hillmciiur ,l,n.,u nigs 10 begin at 7 ;3ii p. m. liiememtiers ot the central commit tee of tho several precincts will make the necessary arrangements to secure proper places to hold tho meetings and to advertise the same. Park Place Maple l.ane Mink S. II. ... Mav 9 Mav In .. Mav 11 ... Muv I'J ...Mav 1:1 . Mav i; . . . Mav 111 .. May 17 ... .Mav K Mav ill ... av -M .. May SI. . . Mav :! Mulliio ...Soda spring Neetly . .... Harlow luli.ti SiiiiHird Itmwn s. II. .. Heaver frevk Vl t'blrkaillas Dainiiseii ... Saudv Lelnml . 11 Keillaml . Sprlngwatel Tua I it III ... Clarke ... Highland , .-iilnujsule. Wilsuiiville Neoilv Mulliio ..Canbv la".!l Currliisvii". s l ..prlngs May .a iVrrvvillo Mntiui Mav at ii,,,rj Monitor Hills Mav ... . .;' ,1 Mlmr Mav as ""oIwAio EauM'iwk .May Ml. .v VUnvli. Iiaillasc'is May SI Maul. Laua Milwaukl Juii. 1 "pwutie I'lwwiit Hill J1111M " " i.,.' Oregon City June4. .'.'.'.'.'.., Hy onlorof the republican county wn. trttl committco. J. 0. Rkaplky, Chairman. A. 8 Drksskr, 1st Sjccrt'tury. U. B. 1'i.MiiK, 2J Secretary. Pitcher's Castorla. LOCAL SUMMARY. '98 Victor Bicycle for $40 at Burmeis ter & Andresen's. Fancy ribbons in the latest plaids and mo re, all colors at the Racket Store. . The pioneer meat market of C Al bright continues to serve ia customers well and always keeps a large amount ui iresn meats on nana. , Last year's patterns of wall paper at reduced prices. Five and 10c notion counters. At Bellorny & Busch. s -i F. I. Andrews, the market gardener, nas always on nana a large amount of tirst-claBS apples, vegetables, pure cider and cider vinegar. Oive him a trial. Kenworthy's restaurant and con fectionery is now opened and ready to serve first-class meals on short notice. Oysters a specialty.. Wheek'r'4 Oram's old stand. ..... , , , The Victors have a reputation that will bear investigation. .-i . - The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocety store of Marr & Muir. Have you seen the new self cleaning sprocket wheel on the '98 Victors? No other wheel has this improvement.1' ! We are the leaders overall others in stylish millinery and popular prices. Celia Goldsmith. ' Nottingham lace curtains, balance 0 lot just received. Will close out at the same old price. Oregon City Auction House. For sale A Durand organ, nearly new. Cash or time. Call at Auction House. Just received, 100 rolls of fine' mat ting. Call at once and get choice of patterns. Oregon Oity Auction House. All our bicycles have the nev depart ure brakes, just the thing for riding in tnis county. Charman & Co., agentB for Columbia bicyoles. Our $30 wheels have the automatic brake ; you can go down any hill. Charman & Co., agents for Columbia Bicycles. '98 Victors at cut prices at Burmeister & Andresen's. We are leaders for stylish millinery at popular prices. Celia Goldsmith. The Victor straight line sprocket is an imptovement which makes it possi ble to obtain the full driving efficiency of the chain in the worst conditions of road atid weather F. I. Andrews, the gardener, as usual h '8 the first young radishes and onions of the season, besides other early vege table. , Albright is never "just out" of the kind of meat you want as lie knows what his customers desire and keens a full stock on hand and vou don't need to take "what's left." A high grade warranted sewing ma chine sells for $25 on easy payments at Bellorny & Busch. D E. Kenworthy at the East Side Ry oflice serves meals or oysters at all times He also keeps a line of confectionery fruits and cigars. Dan Willians has added tohis stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to sll parts of the city free. Corner Seventh ami Center streets '98 Victors at cut prices at Burmeister & Andresen's. G. H. Young's second hand store can furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what same would cost new and they are just as good and will last as long. Give him a trial. Justice court blanks 15centsperdozen at CouitiEitottice. Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you want anything in the fresh vegetable line. When in Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaur nt where you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 rirst street, corner of .Ma lison. Mrs. Win. Boh lander, proprietress. The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents. A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept. 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland anil retu'n via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., ami 3 :35 p. 111 , and arrives from Port land at 9:23 a. in. and 6:52 p. ra. Save time by using the quicker route. firs. Sladen's nilllnery Parlors. When you are in want of a new hat or bonnet or anything in the way of mil linery, call in and see us. You will get courteous treatment. We liava trimmed hats from $1 to $10 and to suit everybody OASTOIXIA.. Baan tb Ids Kind You Have Always Bortt OAS TO XIX A.. Bear tb I ion Have Alwnys Bought oignatnra of I Jioys Washable Suits we oiler ten splendid lines of j M- boys' Washable Sailors at the - P 7 4 ' Y " 4h' Low Trice of. , A ?3 85c a Suit. These are actually worth $1.50 and $2.00. See them and be convinced. A. B. STE1NBACH & CO. Cor. Third and MorrUnn Street, l'ortlaml, Oregon. Strong, steady nerves Are needed for success Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely, Upon the blood. Pure, rich, nourishing Blood feeds the nerves . And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is ' Hood's Sarsaparilla, Because it makes . The blood rich and Pure, giving it power ; To feed the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures nervousness, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh, scrofula, And all forms of Impure blood. C.J D. & JL. C. LATOURETTE A'lTOKJNKYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Speualiies Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY - 7 . . OREGON Geo. C. Bbownili J. u. 0amibu. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTOHMCVs LAW Caufleld Building - - Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Aokkcy op Clackamas COUNI'V Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Urawuig of Legal Uoouinei.ts a Specialti Office on east side of Main street Belweeu tkli and 7m OREGON CSl-Y, - . OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private fcxperieuce.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catimh and Chronic diseases. Best ol references given. Ollice 111 Willamette Building. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. in., 4 to ti p. m. OREGON CITY OKISGON J. W. WELCH DENTIST WILLAMETTK BLOCK Opposite P. O. - Oukoom City, Ob (J. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday and on regular session days of Comity Court C. N. GREENMAN Established 1805 ) THE riONKEB EXCKKSSMAN AND UltAt MAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY , CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Jills liscouiued. Makes en lections. Buys and sells exchange on all poinla in the United states and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, President RBD J. MEYER, Casnttr BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOC8E IN THB CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS fSOJSO.OO President, Vice-president Cashier, Char. h. caufliid Geo. a. Habdins K. Q. Cadfiild K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Secnrilv Exchange Bought and 4old. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of the n onu. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Sau Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Tims Deposits. v.; Siwr. tW iff i a i vf..f PIONEER DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT DRUGS OR MEDICINES GO TO GEO. A. HARDING & CO. jWillarnette Building, OpPosite Commercial Bank Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. . Your patronage soliceted. al " G. H. DOORS, WINDOWS. MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PBICE9 EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Vlinreh, Main (street, Oregon City, Ore. HARRIS' GROCERY.. Fresh Stock of First-Clnss Depot for HAY and FEED New Firm... Heinz & Co. have purchase the Grocery and Bakery of Gibson & Lindsey, and will continue to keep a first-class line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES BREAD AND pastry Old Established Bakery, opposite Postoffice. Oregon City, Oregon. IF WOMEN .Bicycles With Wings... The nearest approacli to flying j . -r , , , Ail a y.. ...... ..U .....no.o nnu (iiuiutcu hid liuiiiieHs oicycie are puiiiio bene . u ..,v... .iu luuiuii unuBBti oy exposed unvin puns. io anenuon necessary, "ion. tiuy the wheel the Colum unainiess does the rest " iNot an hour of t in oruer lor year, more (inrat)ie. fore Handsome in appearance Less expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of use. The Columbia C'hainless stands totiay as the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modern and coinnlcta IoVvpIm f,,,.,,,.,, i.v 1 ,t mi oxrv iiicui everywuure. iiiey are They are STANDARD fnlmiilila Chnln AV heels $ 7K.00 rolitmuia Taniioma l'J..00 llHi tl.inU no no Veilettea $35.00 40.00 H. STRAIGHT, DIALSR IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. WHEN TOD SELECT.... Shoes choose the best. There is no' reason why you should take, inferior goods when you have our wide range of Stock and Styles to select from. We offer you the best makes of shoes at the best prices. Com fortable, healthful shoes at prices that astonish, please and convince, etc. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE - BESTOW' FOB- THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority -f- "Patent" Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all yet attained. The experts who perfect- liia lniHt.nkpM tn k nun (K.. ni,,.:..i.. .. . : " v lJ vuaiiucBO J ivu OF THE WORLD. J frk-Mcn'a lill Womrtia. ... Sc onilliaml Wheel,." . '10 OO .. 32. SO J0.OO to 50.00 CHARMAN & CO , Cat-rate Druggists, Agents. Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures M4