A DASH TO CUBA Transports are Char tered to Take the Army Across. . WAS IT A SPANIARD? MAY LAND AT MATANZAS Regular Troop Now on the Way, to Tampa Object la to Strike a tie cislve Blow Before the Rainy Season Sets In Work in War Department. Washington, April 80. A rather striking signification of the invasion of Cuba was made today in the charter ing of eight large steamers, of an aver age capacity of about 2,000 tons, and able to carry from 500 to 1,000 passen gers each. These are to be used as transports for the conveyance of the first military expedition to Cuba. The names of the boats are the Olivette and the Flordia, of the Plant line, now in the Gulf; the Southern Pacific Com pany's steamer Aranzas; the New York & Texas Company's vessels Comal, now at New York, and Alamo, now en route to the Gulf, and three fine Bhips of the Boston Merchants' & MarineiB' line, in Baltimore, the Allegheny, Berkshire and the Decatur Miller. The price paid for those vessels is from $10,000 to $15,000 for the 80 days for which they are chartered. They will be taken charge of by the quartermaster depart ment at the earliest possible moment General Shatter, in command of the troops now concentrated at New Or leans, has been in consultation with the officials today as to the execution of plans of campaign, but the orders given him oannot be made public The president and cabinet will con aider the large number of applications that have been made for the appoint ment to the posts of major-general and brigadier-general, and there is some ex puctation that he will be able to nomi nate a few of these officers soon. ' General Fitzhush Lee arrived hers today, after a 10 days' visit to Vir cinia. With him came Miss Cisneros. the young Cuban girl resoued from Ca banas, who has been the guest of Mies Lee. The general shared the keen pub lic interest in the report of the shelling of Matanzas. He has visited that city frequently, and was familiar with the lay of the land and defenses. He said the batteries were antiquated and were no lonirer able to offer any forniidabls resistance. Every endeavor is being put forward by the war department to organize the volunteer armv and increase the regu lar armv to its full strength. Muster ing-rolls of tho companies of the volun teer army have been prepared in the war department and sent to the offi cers who have been detailed to form allv induct the state troops Into the service of the government. With few modifications they are the same as those used in the lute war. The question of arms and equip tnents for the volunteer army is now receiving the attention of the ordnance department and the quatermaster-gen ral's department. As soon as infor mation is received as to the exact nurn ber of arms needed for the volunteers, thev will be shipped to their state rendezvous for distribution. The three independent regiments of cavalrv authorized by the volunteer army act, and which are to be com posed exclusively of frontiersmen, are to bo known as tlie mrst, becona ana Third regiments of United States vol unteer cavalry. They are to be com posed of 12 troops each. Off for the Front. Chickamauga National Park, Ga., April 80. The two companies of the Ninth (oolored) oavalry, which arrived in .Chattanooga late wis aiternoon, were Btopped after having Btarted to Chickamauga, and switched into the Western & Atlantio yards. Orders are said to have been received to have the troops proceed as rapidly as possible to Tampa, Flo., to which point the troops from Mobile have also been ordered, and they will leave before morning. It is currently reported that the com panies of the Ninth regiment now in camp here will be shipped at once to Tampa, as well as the Twenty-fourth infuntry (colored). Officers of the Ninth have been making every prepar ation for departure. Another Letter Held I' p. Washington, April 80. The post office department lias information of another letter being held up because it contained treasonable matter. The postmaster at Santa Cruz reported that a letter to Senor Sagastn, Spain, had been mailed there, and, under direc tion of Assistant Postmaster-General Tynan its contents were examined. It was mailed by a woman who gave an address whete an answer would reach her, and contains information in regard to the fortifications of San Francisco, where guns are located, eto. The let ter will be referred to the war department. Buncling Attempt Made to , Blow TJp ' Torpedo Boats ' ' ' Portland, Or., May 2. A bungling attempt to Bet fire to' the shop or fright en the workmen on torpedo-boats 12 . and 13 was made under the wharf of, the Wolff & Zwicker iron works about 11 o.'clock last night. 5', While nothing could be learned of the perpetrator, a ...Spaniard or a Mexi can who was seen hanging about the place all day and who had, bean several times ordered, away is 'suspected by the police." " '" ' '' ( . The late workmen, wno were jusi quitting the building, were startled, as the whistle blew, by a dull report ap parently just below the wharf on which the torpedo-bpats are building, wnion shook the structure to Its foundation. The Madison-street bridge night watch man also heard the detonation and saw a blinding flash directly under the tor pedo-boats. " X Three of the workmen seized lanterns and hurried beneath the wharf. Just as they reached the ground, a second report, like that of a shotgun or re volver, was heard, and they saw a light flash for an instant, but that was all Groping about by the dim light of their ... A- . lanterns, tney were unauio io mm any thine which could have made an ex plosion, and they finally decided to abandon the quest till daybreak. The Spaniard whom the police sus pect of having set off the explosion, either with the deliberate purpose of blowing up the torpedo-boats or set ting fire to the building, or thinking to terrify the contractors, had been slink ing about the place all day. Whatever was the purpose of the man who set on ine expiosiun, w failed to do any more harm than to set the town agog, for the wharf and boats were unscathed. FORT BOM BARDED New York, Puritan and Cincinnati Fire on : - Matanzas" ; SPANISH RETURNED THE FIRE ALLEGED GERMAN NOTE. TO GUARD THE COLUMBIA. Be Sta- Rumor That She Will Not Permit the Bombardment of Manila. Madrid, May 2. A great impression has been produced here by a rumor that the German government has is sued a note declaring that it will not oppose the landing of troops in the Philippines but will not permit a. bom bardment, owing to the important uer man mercantile interests in all the towns of the island. Germany s omision to declare neutrality is heia to be the cause of the rumor. Japan has requested permission for Japanese naval offloers to watch the operations in the Philippines from the Spanish headquarters. The United States fleet is not expect ed to reach Manila until Tuesday. The Spanish fleet has been divided in two. It will be reinforced by a large auxil iary cruiser. According to dispatches Irom Ma nila, the Vos Espanola describes the tHirt of Manila as impregnable, ine uaner also savs that the forts of Mata ton, Sud Malatea, l'astei, jMirunas anu St. Lucia Pilar bristle with guns, chiefly. Krupps. PORTUGAL'S NEUTRALITY. Proclamation Officially Announced in I In Lisbon. Lisbon, Mav 2. The official gazette today publishes the neutrality decree of Portugal in the war between bpain and the United States. It is similar to the deoree issued at tho outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war, and contains the following six ar ticles: First Forbidding the equipment of privateers in Portuguese waters. Second Forbidding the entry of privateers into Portuguese waters. Third Permitting belligerents to make a short stay in Portuguese ports. Fourth Defining legitimate trade as regards the belligerents and forbidding trading in goods considered contraband of war. Fifth Warning Portuguese and for eigners in Portugal against actions contrary to the security of the state. Sixth Refusing protection to any infringers of the decree. COST OF THE WAR. Great Damage' Done to thej-Fprtluea- tlons of the Cuban Port-Belleved Thee Whs' Also Lobs 'of Life No Damage Done to American Warship. :. On Board the Flagship New York, off Matanzas, April 29. The New York, the Puritan and the Cincinnati bom barded the forts at the mouth.of Matan zas harbor this -afternoon. There were no casualties on our Bide, but it is be lieved that the hail of iron- which pounded in the forts must have oaused loss of life to the Spaniards, though nothing is known definitely., The engagement commenced at 12:57 and ceased at 1:15. The object of the attack was to prevent the completion of the earthworks at Punta Gorda. A battery on the eastward arm of the bay opened fire on the flagship, and this was also shelled. Ahont 12 8-inch sheila were -fired from the eastern forts, but all fell short. , About five or six. light shells 'were fired from the half-completed battery. Two of these whizzed over the New York, and the others fell short. The ships left the bay for the open sea, the objeot of discovering the whereabouts of the batteries having been accom plished. In the neighborhood of 800 shots were put on land from the three vessels from a range of from 4,000 to 7,000 yards. Eear-Admiral Sampson, when asked if he. was satisfied with the result, said: ' "Yes, I am. I expected to be." The half -completed Spanish earth works and battery were apparently blown up by the shells. All the ships engaged Bhowed ex cellent markmanship throughout the engagement, and when they were firing at the shortest range, nearly every shell took effect. The forts which were bombardod were on a low-lying point, and were considered merely earthworks. They did not make a good target, yet when the big buns were fired at the shortest range, portions of the forts could be seen flying in the air at every shot. The flagship returned to Havana, and the Puritan and Cincinnati were left on the Matanzas station. Auxiliary Naval Vessel Will - tioned at the Mouth. , Washington, April 80. It is the in tention of the navy depaitment to have one auxiliary naval vessel stationed'at the fnonth of the Columbia river for its protection, or in case of necessity. The probab lities are that one of the' mer chant vessels which have , been negoti ated for on the coast will be- used ' for' this purpose, or. some vessel that can1 be readily obtained on the. . Columbia. She will probably,., be arraed-'with- isix pounders and rapid-fire guns. The Or egon naval reserve' "will probably be mustered in for servioe ''as her crew, as it is desired that men . fajniliar, with the river and Pacific Northwest be in command or in' position to render ser vice on board the cruiser. A LINER CAPTURED The Little.Tender Man grove Takes - the ! . , . Big'Panama;" loaded: avrrii : PROVISIONS MINES IN THE COLUMBIA. Governor- Xord Officially Notified of Their Existence;' ' " ' Salem, Or., April 80. Governor Lord, today reoeived from Adjutant General Corbin,. at Washington, the following telegram: "The seoretary of war -requires me to inform you, in reply to your tele gram of the 22d inst. instructions have been sent to engineer officers to. plant mines in rivers and harbors. Regula tions for navigation of friendly vessels have been approved and published by the secretary of war." The governor desires that all persons concerned take notice of the facts in the telegram. READY FOR THE SIEGE Captain ; Everett's Threat to Sink, the Spaniard Brought It to a Stop The Panama Carried Two ISS-Founders, But 'Did Not Use Thein'' ' WEEKLY MARKET , LETTER. Full of Department Not Informed. Washington, April 29. So far as could be learned, . the officials of the administration were not notified of the bombardment of Matanzas yesterday afternoon. The navy department keeps a telegraph office open in the building all night and a confidential offloial re mains at the dapartment all night to translate the inessaues as received. There was considerable business done over the wires till the early morning hours, but none of the dispatches were sent either to the White House or to the secretary of the navy. BOMBARDMENT OF HAVANA. Porto Rico Warehouses Are Provisions. St. Thomas, West Indies, April 80, Porto Rico advices received here to day say that four Spanish gunboats are at San Juan de Porto Rioo. They are being painted black or possibly dark gray. Martial law has been pioclaimed in Porto Rico, and it is being enforoed in a tyrannical manner. Crowds of peo ple are loaving for the interior, and the capital is almost deserted by the civil ian population. The military are most aotively en gaged in preparing for defense. Thirty torpedoes have been planted in the channel. In addition, an old steam ship has been sunk across the harbor entrance, the buoys in the channel have been altered and from Monday last, after the news of the blockade of Havana reached there, accompanied by a report that the Cuban capital had been bombarded, all lights were order' ed extinguished at night. The French residents, when these advices left San Juan, were seeking refuge in the French cruiser Admiral Rigault de Qenuilly. An Amerioan sugar estate, it is an' nounced, was plundered after the re. oeipt of the news of the declaration of war between Spain and the United States. The British consul at San Juan, who has charge of American in terests, has cabled to his government reauestine that a British warship be sent to that port. Spanish steamers landed at Maiguez, 70 miles from San Juan, Tuesday, quantity of arms and ammunition, and there was a similar landing of supplies at San Juan Tuesday. Besides this about 50,000 tons of provisions were landed at San Juan Sunday last. The warehouses ot Porto Rioo are reported to be full of provisions, and the Span ish authorities say they can stand seige of two months. All their coast lights have now been ordered to be extinguished. Gov- FRANCE IS NEUTRAL. Official Notice 'Has Keen Received the Proclamation. Suspected Spanish Spy. Laredo, Tex., April 30. When the G-eat Northern mail train anived this evening a stranger on the train was ar rested by an officer from Fort Mcintosh, and from what could be learned he is thought to be a Spanish spy, who has been under surveilance all the way from New York. He was bound for Mexico. The prisoner is at the post, but nothing further of a definite nature could be learned tonight. Sum Needed for Additional Army Expenses. Washington, Miiy 2. The secretary of the tieasury today received from the secretary of war estimates of defi ciencies in appropriations for the ex penses of the war for the remaining two quarters of the present fiscal year, aggregating 834,019,087. In his let ter, Secretary Alger says that the acts of congress approved April 22 and 20, 1808, authorizing the enrollment ot a volunteer army and plaoing the regular army on a war footing, will necessitate this increase for the organization, sup nnrt and maintenance of the new forces. This estimate, which will be trans, milted to congrecs, is entirely indo' pendent of 'the allotments made by the president to the war department out of the $50,000,000. This will indioate that up to July 1 next (two months) the increased expenditures on account of the war will be approximately $90,- 000,000. The Spanish government officials are bewildered at the attitude of Great Britain. They believe the government and people of Great Britain bold divergent opinions, and that the official acts of Great Britain are due to a secret compact with the United States. Washington, May 2. Secretary Al ger this morning issued a most sweep ing order directed to all bureau chiefs of the war department and all officers on special duty, from highest to low est, instructing them, under no cir cumstances, to give information to the press on any subject connected with the war. A similar order already ex ists in the navy department. Not the Present Purpose of the ernment. Washington. April 29. The war sit uation is substantially this: The blockading squadron remains passive before Havana, with no present purpose of bombarding or of drawing the fire of the shore batteries. The strategic purpose of an effective block ade of the Cuban coast is being accom plished to the entire satisfaction of the authorities here. There is no indica tion that a part of the fleet will be withdrawn for the purpose of affording additional protection to North Atlantic ports. No word had come to the department up to the close of office hours of the ar rival of the Montserrat at Cienfugos. The officials are inclined to believe that if she has gotten into port she did so before the blockade of Cienfugos had begun. The very faot that the Madrid offi cials have rather ostentatiously de clared that the Spanish fleet has sailed j to bombard the cities on the North At I lantic coast is taken as a certain indi cation at the navy department of the utter improbability of such a movement. If this were contemplated, the Spanish officials would be tlie very last to make their purpose public The navy department, as yet, lias made no arrangements for the care of prisoners taken by our warships, but the legal officers of the department think they should be sent to Boston naval prison. by Manila, May 2. The government has forbidden the use of cipher dis patches. The state department posted a notice today, stating it had been officially ad vised of the issuance of neutrality or ders by Italy, the Netherlands, Switzer land, Norway and Sweden, Russia and Colombia. It is supposed also that official notice of Great Britain's and France's neutrality will be received by tomorrow. Including France and Great Britain, four of the six great powers of Europe, have declared their neutrality Great Britain, Italy, France and Russia. Washington, April 80. The French embassy today received a cablegram from Paris announcing that a decree of neutrality between the United States and Spain has been issued, and that detailed copy will be forwarded mail. On receipt of the dispatch, tl: Frenoh ambassador, M. Cambon, wrote to the State department informing it of Franoe's neutrality. The cable notice is brief, stating only that the decree follows the treaty of Paris of 1856. The state department has also been informed that Mexico, Argentine Re public, Coreu and Belgium have pro claimed neutrality. Coroa's neutral ity is considered important, owing to her proximity to the Philippines. The state department has heard nothing from Germany, but this causes no apprehension, owing to the strong assurances Germany has given that she will observe strict neutrality between the belligerents. This assurance was conveyed to Ambassador White, and is looked upon as practically equivalent to a foimal declaration of neutrality. Germany, Austria and Portugal are the last of the important Euroiiean nations to declare their attitude. Powder Works Destroyed." Easton, Pa., April 80. The town of Dover, in Morris county, N. J., and the country within a radius of 20 miles was startled this afternoon by a series of ternfio explosions, the flrHt of which occurred at 2:10 o'clock. The explo sion occurred in the Atlantic Powder Company's works, and the plant is now a mass ot ruins, six wormnn were killed and four others were seriously injured, some probably fatally. Tho remains of the dead have not been re covered. They are: Alfred Rarick, William Stumpf, Casper Ray, David Scheer, William Haycock, Elias A ber. All the killed were married and left families. ' Key West, April 28. The lighthouse tender Mangrove puffed - proudly intp Key West harbor this morning with the riohest prize of the war thus far. The captive was the Panama, Captain Que vedo, a big trans-Atlantic liner, and an auxiliary cruiser of the Spanish navy, which ha3 been plying of late between New York and Havana. She had 29 passengers, including three women, one Frenchman and one Mexican, and a crew of 72. As the Panama carried two 12-pounder8, she could easily have annihilated the little Mangrove, and as the latter came into the harbor with her prize, there was not a craft that did not salute her. The Mangrove, under' Lieutenant Commander William H. Everett, was cruising along the .Cuban coast, navi gated by Ensign Palmer, Bhortly before 6 o'clock last evening, about 20 miles north of Havana. At 9:45 she sighted the Panama. When the latter came within range, a snoi irom one ui wio Mangrove's 2-pounders was sent across er bows, but the Spaniard ignored the challenge and went on. Another shot fo'lowed without tesult, but the wan- grove was drawing nearer me stranger, who calmlv prooeeded on her course, apparently without any intention of running away. When the third shot was nred, trie Mangrove was within 100 yards of the Panama, and Lieutenant-Commander Everett shouted to the deck officer that f she did not surrender he would sink n, . 1 111 ., i : . ler. rue Mangrove s unicorn nuiuii that they expected the enemy's Im pounders" to open on them in response to the threat, but the bpaniard prompt ly came to. 1 . Ensign Dayton, the senior omcer ot the Mangrove, boarded the prize. The battleship Indiana had seen the capture, and meanwhile drew up to the Man crove. giving her a lusty cheer. Lieu tenant-Commander Everett reported to Captain Taylor, of the battle-ship, and the latter put a prize crew aboard the captive. They then prooeeded to the flagship, where a formal report was made, and Rear-Admiral Sampson ordered Lieutenant-Commander Everett to convoy the prize to Key West. The Panama is of about 2,800 tons, and her passengers were mainly Span ish refugees fleeing from JNew YorK ana other points to Havana. The Panama carried a valuable cargo of general mer chandise, including a large quantity of corn. Mncn of it was meant to pro vision the Spaniards in Cuba, and the cargo, with the ship itself, undoubtedly makes the richest prize thus far taken. Under the regulations, however, the battle-Bhip Indiana will share in the prize-money, as she waa.in sight when the capture was made. The entire fleet have been on the lookout for the Panama for several days, as she was due at Havana yester day or today. If the pace set by the vessels of the North Atlantic squadron in the taking of prizes be long maintained, Spain's merchant marine is destined to need reconstructing from the ground up be fore the war closes. During the five duvs since hostilities opened, 11 prizes have been brought in. and there is a prospect that several other Spanish vessels now in Gulf waters will also be captured. The gunboat Newport brought in the Sp'inish sloop Paquette and the Spanish schooner Pireno. Cuban coastiug ves sels, captured off Havana this morning These captures, following upon the Mangrove's clover achievement, have roused the people here to a high pitch nf enthusiasm. Trade Conditions In the Leading Cltie of the World:. Reported by Downing, Hopkins & Co., Inc., ..-..( ..f 'IVo.lu nrnlurn. Til t .714 umbel 01 Commerce building, Portland, Oregon.) Great aotivity. in wheat last week was caused "by the remarkable advance in all foreign markets. If the ilispano American war continues, the price -of wheat, will goliigber at.Chioago, but it now "seemS ' tiiat- ' peace means lower prices, for the lollowing reasons: Eu rope has been advancing.' very largely, fearing a blockade of our ports and a famine at home unless, their . require ments could be largely wet "by-American shipments, and - large purchases have been made for , foreign account at the advanced prioeS' on aooount of the fear ef a w;ar, witfvSpain.. The enpr mou8 export demand J,i,as not advanced our home markets largely, but has com pelled every Hue of shorts to cover, leavlng.the market ' jri just' the shape for a serious break. " ' The Minneapolis market Record says: "After a long spell of s dullness, in the flour market business picked up in very good shape the past week. Sales, with two excep tions, were larger than for any one week since the beginning of the crop . . i - ii: year, one local company aione senium nearly 200,000 barrels. The demand from" abroad; for . both patents, and dears, was in excess of production and all was for quick shipment. Indica tions are that stocks on the other side of the Atlantic are pretty well oleanetl up and buyers over there are, in oonBe quence, in a hurry to replenish them. Sales of patents lor domestio account have been heavy to buyers east of Chi- . .1 t . 11 cage. Stocks are rattier low an over the country." Not for years has ine Northwest been as short of wheat as now. Country stocks have reached a very low point, there being probably less than 2,000,000 bushels held at this time bv country houses, only a very Kmall portion of which is contract wheat. This explains why tho Minneapolis wheat market has advanoed over 20 cents in one week. The wheat to fill oontracts is not in sight. Out of the small oountry supply must go the wheat for oountry milling, with no new wheat to come for grinding until September. New York, April 28. Agents of the captured Spanish gteamer Panama say tho vessel and cargo are valued at over $250,000. , FAMINE IN HAVANA. The t'ltv's NiimilT of Heef Has Olven Out All Prices Have Advanced, New York, April 28. A correspond ent of the World sends the following Cuban advices via Key West: Havana is completely out of beef, al though large shipments are expected from Mexico. All necessaries of life have gone up to prices never heard of, and if Home thing is not done at once, many will perish of hunger.. Families of means have stored large supplies of stores in their houses. All Cuban families leaving are urged to stay, the offer being that they will be respected and protected, Blanco has issued orders to arm all men, and the order is being obeyed, and even boys of 14 years are being taken in. Large numbers of Cubans have joined the insurgents around Havana. Olympia, April 29. Tho, supreme court has affirmed judgment in the case of the state, respondent, vs. Johnny Tommy and Charlie Moses, Indians, appellants, charged with murder In the first degree, committed in Skagit coun ty, May 5, last year. Waterville, Wash., , April 28. "Uncle Jimmy" Walters, 87 years age, whs killed by a bull two days ago, but the fact was not known until today. It was discovered that the bull had broken through a fence and overtaken Mr. Walters and crushed him to death, breaking several ribs on each side of bis backbone. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 92 98c; Val lev and Bluestem, 9596o per buBliel. Flour Best grades, $4.90; graham, $4.85; superfine, $2.75 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 45c; choice gray. 48 44c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $25; brewing, $28 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $19 per ton; mid dlings, $25; shorts, $19. Hay Timothy, $1213; clover4. $11 12; Oregon wild hay, $9 10 per ton. Eggs Oregon, llo per dozon. Butter Fancy creamery, 85 40c; fair to good, 8085o; dairy, 25800 per roll. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 o; Young America, 1314o. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 per dozen; heriB, $4 00; springs, $d4; geese, $6.507.00; ducks, $0.00 0.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1214C per pound. Potutoes Uregon unrhanKS, ouiguo per sack; sweets, $1.752 per cental. Onions Oregon, $1.70a.uu po sack. Hops 512s'o per pound for new orop; 18U0 crop, 4(1500. Wool Valley, 14iuc per pound; Eastern. Oregon, 812o; mohair, 25c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton, 0sc; spring lambs, 10c per lb. Hobs Gross, choice heavy, f4.2o; light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed, $5.000.25 per 100 pounds. Beef-Gross, top steers, $3.60 4.00; cows, $2.508.25; dressed beef. Y 7o per pound. Veal Largo, 654c; small, 6(3 6o per pound. Seattle Market. Potatoes Yakimas, $11 12 per ton? natives, $8 10; sweets, 2 c per pound; box of 00 pounds, $1.76. Butter Fancy native orcamery, brick, 23c; ranoh, 10 12c; dairy, 18c; Iowa fancy oreamery, 21o. Cheese Native Washington, 12 13c; Eastern cheese, 12 c. Eggs Fresh ranch, 16o; California ranch, 14u. Meats Choice dressed beef steers, 8c; cows, 77c; mutton, 8c; pork, 7c; veal, small, 8c. Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hons, 15 10c; dressed, 18c; turkeys, live, 14c; dressed, 17 18c. Fresh Fish Halibut, 67c; steel heads, 78c; enlmon trout, 910c; floituderB and solo, 84o; torn cod, 4c; ling cod, 45o; rock cod, 6c; smelt, 8 5c; herring, 4a. Olympia oysters, per sack, $33.25. Corn Vbole,$23.DO;cracked,per ton, $24; feed meul, $24 per ton. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20; whole, $25. Flour Patents, per barrel, $5.00 6.45; straights, $1.75; California brands, $0.00; Dakota brands, $5.00 $5.75; buckwheat flour, $0.50. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $10; shorts, per ton, $1718. Feed Chopped feed, $21 22 per ton; middlings, per ton, $18 id; oil cuke meal, pur ton, $35. Hay Puget Sound, new, per ton, $10 13; Eastern Washington timothy, $17; alfalfa, $11; struw, $7. Oats Choice, per ton, $28 30. Wheat Feed wheat, per ton, $24. San Francisco Market. Wool Southern count lambs, 7 8c; San Joaquin, 78c; Northern, 11 12c per lb. Millstuffs Middlings, $23 28.60; California bran, $21.00 21.50 per ton. Oi.ions Silverskins. $2.00 2.50 pet cental. Butter Fancy creamery, 10o; do seconds, 18.H,c; fancy dairy, 18c; good to choice, 17 17!j0 per pound. Potatoes-Early Rose, 86 40c. Eggs Store, lli12o; ranoh, 12 I 13o.