Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, May 06, 1898, Image 2

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    Oregon City Goorier.
A. W. OHtMII, -Publisher.
A Complete Review of the Telegraphle
Newi of ThU and All For
eign Lands.
The senate has adopted the confer
ence report on the naval appropriation
The harbor defense plans of San
Francisoo are said to be in the hands of
the Spanish.
A New York Journal dispatch says
the government is preparing to seize
several small islands in the South At
lantic as a bases of supplies.
Blanco, in his report of the Matanzas
bombardment says the French and
English consuls have entered protests
on the ground that no previous notice
was given.
It ia announced that extraordinary
naval and military activity is displayed
throughout France. All the ships re
cently mobilized are kept in fighting
trim. The reserves expect to be called
out. ,
- It was officially announced at Madrid
that the fortifications of Matanzas have
not suffered, in spite of 800 shells fired
by the American fleet, and that not one
man was killed or wounded thereby.
The stories of tho bombardment received
from the United States are received
with shouts of derision.
Spanish mail has been ordered confis
cated by tho postoffiee department. In
the first batch received at the dead let
ter office, the discovery of numerous
contraband letters,some of which are of
tgreat importance to the naval and mil
taiy authoritins, has demonstrated that
tiie order is not only justified, but a
wise precaution.
A proclamation has been issued by
the autonomist government at Havana.
Spanish adherents in Cuba are urged to
resist the American invasion. The
war is olassed as an unholy one. The
Amorioan campaign is denounced as
being one of aggression and the United
States government is accused of sailing
tinder palpaby false colors.
News has reached San Francisco of a
terriule explosion of powilor that was
being oarried by pack train to Colonel
Dan Burns' Candolaria mine in Mexico.
The pack train was unusually largo. It
consisted of over 110 mules and the
attendants numbered some 40 Mexicans.
A part of the freight consisted of am
munition, caps and boxes of powder. It
is said that 218 boxes of powder and
20,000 caps exploded with such force
that 15 men and 60 mules were killed.
Lead and sugar are advancing rapidly
in London owing to the war.
Secretary Alger lias submitted esti
mates of $34,000,000 to covor addition
al army expenses to July 1. This will
be included in the general deficiency
The committee on military affairs
has favorably roportod the administra
tion bill suspending important laws
governing the quartermaster's depart
ment in the army.
Tho emergency war measure was
passed in the house on the 28th by
unanimous consent. It repeals the
limitations upon the purchase of quar
termaster's supplies during the existing
war with Spain.
Minister Clayton communicated to
the foreign department of the govern
ment at Mexico the resolution of the
American congress declaring war with
pain. Minister Mariscal, of the for
eign department, replied, assuring the
American minister on the authority of
President Diaz, that Mexico will main
tain the strictest neutrality.
Oriental advices received by atoamor
in Vancouver, B. C, toll of a shocking
massacre which occurred near Tuipoh,
China, at the house of one Yang Kin
sluing. A party of over 20 robbers
entered the house and murdered Yang,
his wife, his mother and children and
servants, 15 persons in all, who resist
ed them in their attempt to loot the
house and attack tho daughters. When
the raiders had butchered all the In
mates they sot the house on tire.
The largo packing-houses of the At
lantic Powder Company, near Dover,
N. J., containing high explosives for
tho United States government were
blown up and two men are known to
have been killed. Several are missing
and a number were injured. The ex
plosion is believed to have been the
work of Spanish spies, ' Suspicious
characters had been seen around tho
buildings for Buveral days.
Tho huge Spanish steamer Ouido,
bound from Coiuunn for Havana with
a largo cargo of provisions and money
for the Spanish troops, was captured by
the United States monitor Terror. The
capture took place 10 miles off Car
donas, after a desperate chase, (hiring
which the monitor Terror ami tho gun
boat Much ias Bred several shots, almost
blowing the Spaniard's pilot house into
the water. One man in the pilot house
was seriously injured. It is estimated
that with her cargo she is worth nearly
Minor Newt Items.
A newly discovered spot on the sun
visible now, is said to be 30,000 miles
in diameter.
The sale of salt is a government mo
nopoly in China, which yields a yearly
revenue of 11,000,000.
Jews have become farmers in Maine
in such numbers as to be recognized at
a factor in trailing.
The contributions to the James Km
fell Lowell memorial fund in Boston
now amount to (22,078.
A London dispatch says England has
advised Spaintto yield, saying that re
sistance of the American demands at
Manila is worse than useless.
Deficiency estimates of $10,000,000
for the purchase of supplies for the
Asiatic squadron have been prepared
for submission to congress.
Report that the Spanish fleet was
completely destroyed is confirmed in a
dispatch received by the New York
Herald direct from Manila.
Secretary Long says Commodore
Dewey's gallantry will be recognized,
and that he will be made acting ad
miral and later nominated rear-admiral.
Fearing an attack upon the seaports
of the North Atlantic coast by Spanish
men-of-war now on their way to West
ern wators, Secretary Alger has taken
steps to further improve the seacoast
William Astor Chanler, a New York
millionaire, is to fight for the freedom
of C uba. He will head an expedition
of wealthy New Yorkers and join the
army of General Gomez, paying the ex
penses of the expedition himself.
A dispatch has been received in
Washington from New York saying
that a Wall street news agenoy pub
lishes under date of Hong Kong a dis
patch declaring that Manila has fallen,
and that the Stars and Stripes float
over the Philippines.
The government will take steps at
once to supply Dewey's fleet with pro
visions and other supplies, including
ammunition and coal, and to this end
will dispatch at the earliest possible
moment a sufficient number of ships to
supply amply all possible needs of the
Asiatic squadron.
The British ambassador at Washing
ton, Sir Julian Paunoefote, is to be re
called. He will be succeeded by Sir
Thomas II. Sanderson, permanent un-dor-seoretary
of state for the foreign
affairs and one of the most prominent
officials in the British service.
It is stated in Madrid by those re
sponsible for naval movements that it
has been determined to avoid tho iso
lated combats on equal terms with a
superior enemy, and that they now in
tend to throw the whole united naval
strength of Spuin into one supreme
effort to crush the American squadron
in Cuban waters.
The cabinet has decided to await the
report of Commodore Dewey and then
send him the number of troops neces
sary to enforce oontrol of the Philip,
pines. For these purposes the Pacific
slope troopships will be used, and it is
expected that at least 5,000 will be en
route within 10 days. There does not
seem to be any doubt as to the govern
ment's purpose to hold the islands
pending a final settlement with Spain,
when they will be used as collateral to
secure payment to the United States of
a war indemnity.
The Spanish ad mini of the Philip
pines acknowledges that his fleet has
been completely demolished.
It is claimed at Madrid that no Span
ish warships surrendered, and that a
majority of them perished. The Span
ish loss is estimated at 400 men killod.
A Hong Kong dispatch says the bom
bardmont of Manila has begun. The
inhabitants Are fleeing to the country.
The operators in the cable station in
the midst of the forts have fled to save
their lives. Cable communication is
A speoiul to the Chicago Daily News
from Washington saysi The president
and cabinet have received information
that tho Spanish govornor-general of
the Philippines has Bent a flag of truce
to Commodore Dewoy. This act is
interpreted to mean tho capitulation of
tho Spanish forces.
A terrible Btorm passed over South
Dakota and Iowa. South Dakota re
ports a death list of 18, and a property
loss of $100,000. In Northwest Iowa,
the towns of Pringhar, Hartley and
Curlew were badly wrecked, Hartley
being almost completely destroyed.
Several people in that section are re
ported killed. The town of Macedonia,
near Council Blntfs, is badly wrecked,
but no loss of life is reported there.
i Governor Lord, of Oregon, has desig
nated the following us field officers of
the regiment of volunteers raised in re
sponse to the presidential call for
troops: Commander Colonel O. Sum
mers, of Portland; lioutenant-oolonol
George O. Yoran, of Eugene; Bonior
major C. U. Gantenbein, of Port
land; second major P. G. Kastwiok,
of Portland; third major Percy Willis,
of Salem; chaplain W. S. Gilbert, ol
Details of the battle of Manila havo
been received at the British colonial
office. lhoy came in two cable messages.
The first dispatch announced that the
American fleet entered Manila harbor
at daybreak, stationing itself opposite
the city. Tho foits opened fire on the
American ships, whereupon they shifted
their position to Cavite, Manila bay,
engaging in a fierce fight against both
the forts and the Spanish fleet. The
engagement here lasted two hours, and
resulted in the annihilation of the
Spanish fleet. This dispatch adds that
the American ships withdrew to their
magazine vessel in the center of the
roads tor the purpose of coaling. One
American vessel, name not mentioned,
is suid to have boon disabled.
At Uouhaix, one of the socialist
strongholds of France, the 11,000 pub
lio school children receive free food and
clothing at the exHnse of the town.
The late Mrs. Julia W, James, of
Boston, left nearly all her estate, val
ued at f.)42,0tit), to the Museum of Fine
Arts and the Institute of Technology.
Corea's first railway, 25 miles in
length, is being constructed by Amer
ican contractors. It is to extend from
Chemulpo, on the Yellow tea, to
Suoul, the capital.
Civil Authorities Call
on Military for
Celebration of Murat's Victims Observed
, The Manila Disaster Uppermost In
the Publlo Mind Formation of a
National Ministry Possible.
London, May 4. The Madrid corre
spondent of the Standard, telegraphing
at midnight, says:
Senor Aguilera, the civil governor of '
Madrid, has just posted on the walls of
the home office the customary procla
mation, intimating that the civil
authorities consider that the circum
stances justify the handing over to the
military authorities the mission of
keeping order. Lieutenant-Goneral
Caban, captain-general of Madrid, has
assumed charge, and the first military
patrols have just appeared in the Puerto
de Sol. The measure is taken in conse
quence of the attitude of certain po
litical parties. The whole garrison is
roady in barracks.
At 2 A. M. a mob tried to break into
the Apollo theater to hold a manifesta
tion. The' police prevented their do
ing so, but many windows were broken
before they dipersed.
Tribute to Murut'g Victims.
Madrid, May 4. The celebrations in
honor of the Spanish officers, Ruiz,
Daolz and Volardez, the victims of
Murat's massacre, have proceeded to
day as usual, in spite of the bad news
from the Philippines. A fine proces
sion was headed by the civic guards, 13
abreast, followed by the orphans, the
Madrid charities, veterans, municipal
functionaries and officials and others.
Several regiments of troops brought up
the rear. The streets were packed, but
there was no outward display of sorrow.
In political oircles, however, im
portant developments are hourly ex
pected. Senor Romero y Robledo
(leader of the Weylerite party) will in
terpellate the government in congress,
tomorrow, on the events at Manila, and
the Carlists and republicans will par
ticipate in the debate, which is expect
ed to have 'important results. It is
asserted that the burning of the Roina
Cristina was due to American petro
leum bombs, and that a number of
thatched huts belonging to natives were
set on fire in the same way.
The procession passed off amid glo
rious Bunshine, but there were no patri
otic speeohes. The minds of the people
were too full of the disaster to think
of anything but avenging the surprise
at Manila hay. Senor Aguilera, the
civil governor at Madrid, did not take
part in the procession. All his energies
were required to watch closely popular
feeling, which is certain to explode and
to require a propitiatory scapegoat.
After the bullfight tonight, very sen
sational news may be expected.
Madrid, May 4. The mob tonight
tried to break in the Apollo theater
and hold a demonstration. The police
prevented the attempt from being suc
cessful, but the crowd broke all the
windows before they were dispersed.
Immediately on the declaration of mar
tial law, large number of police and
civil guards occupied the prinoipal
streets. The Puerto del Sol is held, by
a squadron of the Princess hussars,
while hussars dismounted, are in the
Pontejas square, near the telegraph
office. The Princess hussars are a fine
sight, their white uniforms gleaming in
a bright moonlight, as they sit on
horseback immovable, in close order,
in the court of the Puerto del Sol, while
the patrol of civil guards are mechan
ically moving through the square,
which is nearly deserted.
Protectorate Wanted.
New York, May 4. According to a
World cablegram from Singapore, the
policy of General Aguinaldo, a leader
of the Philippines insurgents, after the
islands have been captured, embraces
the independence of the islands, exter
nal affairs to bo controlled under Amer
ican and European advisors. Tem
porarily, at least, tho insurgents desire
an American protectorate on the same
linos as that proposed for Cuba. The
scheme Inoludos free trade to the world,
safeguards against an influx of Chinese
aliens, the complete reformation of the
corrupt judiciary, free press and pnb'io
utterance, religious toleration, removal
of restrictions on enterprise, building
of railways, and general encouragement
of investment in the country.
The Spaniards have committed a
massacre on tho defenseless population
of Ceuba city, which was almost de
stroyed. Dewey's Instructions.
Washington, May 4. Commodore
Dewey's instructions permit him to
bombard Manila if necessary to take
possession of the islands, but he will
not do so unless the city's hat bor troops
operate offensively against him.
Chicago, April 29. The lines of the
Western Passenger Association met to
day to consider the rates to be made for
the transportation of troops to the
front. No definite action was taken,
as all tho roads in the association were
not represented, but they will be given
a chance to vote on the proposition.
The rate is to be two cents inr mile tot
transportation of troops of all sorts, no
matter whether they are state troops or
have been mustered into service of the
The Entire Business District Destroyed
by Fire.
North port, Wash., May 4, North
port is in ruins. Of the entire business
district nothing remains but ashes.
More than 40 buildings went up in
smoke this morning, causing a loss of
about $100,000. Dozens of people are
homeless today, and scores are penni
less. Of all the buildings on the flat,
but two are left standing the Spokane
& Northern depot and Kendrick's store
Late last night, some careless smokor
threw' the stub of a lighted cigarette on
the carpet in a little tailor shop behind
Madden & Riley's saloon on Fourth
avenue. Fire caught and smouldered.
At 4 o'clock this morning flames shot
up through the roof of the building.
Ten minutes later a little crowd of ex
cited men were struggling desperately
to cheok a roaring fire that licked up
dry buildings as if they were tinder
boxes' For three hours the fire raged.
Despairing of every other remedy, a
gang of men started blowing up build
ings that connected the business district
with the rest of the town. Blast after
after blast threw them down in frag
ments, mowing a wide path of ruin.
The flames swept up to the edge of the
ruins, licked up the first timbers, crept
part way across, then died down.
Northport what "was left of Northport
was saved.
Great Enthusiasm on the Flying Squad
ron Over Dewey's Coup.
On Board the Flagship Brooklyn, off
Fort Monroe, May 4. Before the
newspaper boy brought the special edi
tions with news of the battle of Manila
on board this morning, those who slept
until 8 o'clock were awakened by the
sharp reports of guns. With the ex
ception of the morning and evening
guns, always expected, any explosion
creates excitement now, and this was
the case today until it was learned that
the steamer Scorpion was firing a salute.
The salute was returned, and then came
the newspapers containing the press
dispatches of Dewey's victory. From
stoker to commodore, every man in the
squardon knew of the victory within an
hour. Officers and men went at routine
work with enthusiasm. Knots of those
off duty discussed the meager details,
and nearly everybody said; "I told
you so."
Commodore Schley refused to dis
cuss the matter, except to say, "It was
what was to be expected from Dewey."
As the most definite news of Dewey's
sucooss came there was great jubilation.
The Brooklyn was the first ship tooarry
Commodore Dewey's flag, and, these
messages were sent:
"To Dewey: The Brookly, which
first flew vour flag, glories in your vic
"To Dewey: The flying squadron
says to the Asiatic squadron: Bully,
boys! Congratulations. SCHLEY."
It was with great difficulty that the
men could be restrained from outbursts
of enthusiasm when the bulletins were
posted forward, and Commodore Schley
said that if the official news was as
good as the press dispatches, he would
let the men veil themselves hoarse.
Senate's Quick Action on the War De
ficiency Kill.
Washington, May 4. Several war
measures were passed by the senate to
day, and notwitstanding their import
ance, not one elicited the slightest de
bate. Probably the most important
measure passed was the emeigency war
deficit bill carrying $35,720,945. Not
more than 10 minutes were consumed
in passing it, that time boing occupied
in reading the measure.
Hawley, chairman of the military
affairs committee, secured the passage
of a bill providing for the enlistment
of a volunteer brigade of engineers, and
of 10,000 men in the South, who are
immune to yellow fever, these enlist
ments to be in addition to those pro
vided for in the president's call for
125,000 men. The men will enlist
"for the war."
House Proceedings.
Washington, May 4. The passage
of the emergency war bill was the fea
ture of today's action by the house.
The naval appropriation bill with the
senate amendment providing for the
payment of offloers of the navy for the
use of their inventions by the govern
ment stricken out, was reported from
the conference and passed. It now goes
to the president.
Report Partly Confirmed.
Washington, May 4. When asked
if the army was preparing for an inva
sion of Cuba at an early date, Secre
tary of War Alger replied:
"We are preparing for immediate
aotion, and we try to keep so prepared,
but plans made today may of necessity
have to be changed tomorrow, and that
is why we are compelled to keep such
absolute silence."
Hot Engagement Hcported.
London, May 4. A dispatch from
Hong Kong to the Daily Mail says:
Commodore Dewey's fioet is off Corre
gidor island, hotly engaged with the
forts there. Electrical experiments
show that the cable has been cut at or
neur Manila.
Last year suicides in the United
States numbered 6,600.
Culonel Grant Sworn In.
New York, May 4. Colonel Fred
Grant has boon sworn in at brigade
headquarters, Brooklyn, as commander
of the "Fighting Fourteenth" regi
ment, by Brigadier General James Me
Leor. Havana, May 4. It is reported at
the palace that an engagement between
the Spanish troops and insurgents has
taken place at Puerto Principe, the in
surgents losing 13, among them two
Met With Heavy Loss
at the Philippine
. Islands.
Three Spanish Cruisers Destroyed Only
News Comes Through Madrid and Is
Colored American Ships Succeeded'
In Landing Their Wounded.
Madrid, May 3. Advices from
Manila say that the American suuad
ron, under Commodore Dewey, ap
peared off the bay of Manila at 5
o'clock this morning and opened a
strong cannonade against the Spanish
squadron an J forts protecting the har
bor. The Spanish second-class cruiser
Don Juan de Austria, was severely
damaged and her commander was
killed. Another Spanish vessel was
burned. The American squadron re
tired, having also sustained severe
A second naval engagement followed,
in which the American squadron again
Buffered considerable loss and the
Spanish warships Mindanao and Ulloa
were slightly damaged. During this
engagement the Cavite forts maintained
a steadier and stronger fire upon the
American squadron than in the first
Admiral Bormejo, the minister of
marine, has expressed himself as highly
pleased with the heroism of the Spanish
marines, and has telegraphed congratu
lations to Admiral Mor tejo and the
valorous crews of the Spanish squadron
under fire of superior warships.
The Official Report.
The following is the text of the offi
cial dispatch from the governor-general
of the Philippines to the minister of
war, General Correa, as to the engage
ment off Manila:
"Last night, the batteries at the en
trance to the forts announced the arrival
of the enemy, forcing a passage under
the obscurity of the night. At day
break the enemy took up positions,
opening with a strong fire against Fort
Cavite and Tardeual. Our fleet en
gaged the enemy in a brilliant combat,
protected by the Cavite and Manila
forts. They obliged the enemy, with
heavy loss, to maneuver repeatedly.
"At 9 o'clock tho Americans took
refuge behind the foreign merchant
shipping on the east side of the bay.
Our fleet, considering the enemy's
superiority, naturally Buffered a severe
loss. The Reina Cristina is on fire, and
another ship, believed to be the Don
Juan de Austria, was blown up. There
was considerable loss of life. Captain
Cadareze, commanding the Reina Cris
tina, is among the killed. I cannot
now give further details. Tne spirit of
the army, navy and volunteers is ex
cellent." When the United States fleet arrived
at Subic, at 4 o'olock yesterday after
noon. Commodore Dewey sent soouting
vessels to examine these waters for the
enemy, and immediately sailed in the
direction of Manila.
Notwithstanding the severe damage
the Spanish ships suffered, naval offi
cers here consider that the future oper
ations by the American squadron will
be conducted under great difficulty,
owing to their having no base where
they could repair or coal, or obtain
fiesh supplies of ammunition.
Another account says the Mindanao
and Ulloa were severely damaged in
the second engagement.
Muttering In Madrid.
The town is greatly excited by the
serious news from the Philippines, and
there is an immense crowd gathering
in the Salle de Savilla. The civil
guards on horsebaok were called out to
preserve order, and all precautions have
been taken. There is much muttering,
but up to the present, nothing more
serious has occurred.
Late official telegrams say Admiral
Montejo has transferred his flag to the
cruiser Isle of Cuba, from the oruiser
Reina Cristina, whioh is completely
burned. According to official tele
grams, the Spanish oruiser Caetilla
was also burned.
The other ships retired from the com
bat, 8omo being sunk to avoid their
falling into the enemy's hands.
The second engagement was appar
ently begun by the Americans after
landing their wounded on the west side
of the bay.
A cabinet minister speaks of "serious
but honorable losses."
That Is About All the Dispatches Make
London, May 8. While it is quite
clear that the Spanish squadron has
suffered a crushing defeat, the dis
patches do not leave clear the interest
ing question whether the American
squadron has suffered damage.
Probably, therefore, the United
States squadron will be obliged to make
for San Francisco, as the entrance to
Manila bay was heavily mined with
Commodore Dewey displayed great
pluck and daring in making for the
inner harbor. According to private
advices received from Madrid, the Uni
ted States cruisers Olympia, Raleigh
and two other other vessels, the names
of which are not given, entered the har
bor. No dispatches give details as to
ths vessels engaged, on either side.
The Probable Effect of Dewey's Victory
at Manila.
Washington, May 3. Washington is
rejoicing tonight. Not since the dark
days of a third of a century ago have
the people of this city been so pro
foundly moved by war news as they
were this evening.
The firBt battle of the Hispano
Amerlcan war has been fought and vic
tory lies with Admiral Deweey's squad
ron under the Stars and Shipes. That
was enough to set the people of Wash
ington almost in a frenzy of enthu
siastic rejoicing.
For days, they, in common with the
people throughout the country, .have
been waiting news from the Philip
pines, as everything pointed to a battle
at Manila that might be a decisive con
flict of the war. When the news came,
indicating a great victory for the
American squadron, ihe enthusiasm of
the people was let loose, and the
streets of the citv have rung with
cheers throughout the night.
The first news of the battle received!
in Washington came in a brief cable
gram to the press from Madrid about S
o'clock this evening. As the night
wore on, the cable oontinued to sing
the news of victory tor the squadron of
Admiral Dewey, and the interest grew
into tremendous excitement.
As bulletin after bulletin was posted
in front of the newspaper offices, each
successive one conveying information,
more gratifying than its predecessors,
the crowds in the streets became up
roarious. Good, as well as bad news.
spread rapidly, and by 10 o'clock, the
streets were crowded with people, all
discuseing the one exciting topic of the
hour. Hundreds gathered in front of
the bulletin boards, and evry scintilla
of news and it was all glorious was.
received with enthusiastic cheers.
While viotory had been expeoted,.
the news of it, coming, as it did come,
from Spanish sources, gave a vent to
thej patriotism of the people, which
has been pent up for days. It was a
spontaneous outburst of patriotic feel-,
ing that scarcely knew no bounds. Ad
miral Dewey's name was on every lip,,
and his praises were sung in the re
joicings of the people.
The absence of any statement of spe
cific injury to the American vessels ir
the Madrid advioes was constured as
convincing indication that they had.
not suffered appreciable injury and
this was especially pleasing to the
students of the news.
Not only was the preservation of the
American ships and men considered in
itself a happy outcome, but was com
mented upon as indicating clearly that
Admiral Dewey and his aaBooiate offi
cers and the men under their command
had discharged spendidly their several
duties in directing and executing the
In this connection it was no in ted out
as little less than marvelous that the
American squardon escaped without
severe injury, because, notwithstanding
the disparity in the naval forces, the
Spanish fleet, assisted by the shore
batteries, should have been able to
effect severe damage before it was de
stroyed. Its failure to do so was ex
plicable only upon the hypothesis ol
perfect and swift work by the American
squadron. May End the War.
An opinion freely expressed tonight
by naval officers is that the very de
cisive victory of Admiral Dewey's fleet
will mean probably an early end of the
war without further naval battles of
importanoe. The American fleet, it is
suggested, is now supreme in the watere
of Spain's Pacific possession, and indi
cations point strongly toward the wrest
ing of the Philippines from their con
trol. It is said that only bv acceding
to our demands in Cuba could this loss
possibly be averted. Spain, it is
argued, is confronted with a situation
which promises naught save disaster in
case he elects to force more fighting.
, The superiority of the American fleet
has been demonstrated in the Pacific,
ami the same it is oontended would be
inevitable in the Atlantic in case the
clash comes.
From whatever point of view it is
considered, the policy of more fighting
on the part of Spain promises nothing
but more Spanish misfortune. Navy
officers think this view must prevail
with the Spanish government, and be
lieve an end of the war, on the basis
of Cuban independence, is to follow
soon, and that, too, without further
notable opportunity for the American
navy to prove its power and distin
guish itself.
It is regarded by some as likely that
the decisive victory gained by Admiral
Dewey's squadron may open the eyes
of Spain to the seriousness of the con
flict upon which she has entered.
In official circles it is regarded as al
most certain that results of a most
serious nature will oonfront the Sagasta
cabinet within Spain's own borders.
It is said that the Spanish people have
been led to believe that their navy was
invincible, and the bitter disappoint
ment over the first engagement of the
war is likely to precipitate internal dis
sension, if not revolution.
Probable Result of the Victory.
Another result of Admiral Dewey'a
victory, it is thought, may be action on
the part of the powers of Europe to in
duce Spain to abandon what is regard
ed as a hopeless contest.
In the dispatches from Madrid, the
statement was made that Admiral
Dewey effected a landing on the west
side of Manila bay for the men of his
fleet who were wounded in the engage
ments. As soon as the junction of the
American and insurgent forces the
one at sea and the other on land is
effected, a demand is likely to be made
for the surrender of the city, and, in
the event of refusal, a combined attack
will be made on it.